HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-08-06, Page 81 IIAIIII 1 ITMffMMITI ff a W1Wlluwitwuwuuu flail uuuuusuuu►uWuiu11uM110l► 1ttuu0 FEED! FEED! FEED! — WE HAVE ON HAND — Barley Molasses Meal Calf Meal Oil Cake Bran L G. Flour Shorts Wheat Oats Flax Meal And any other feeds you nes d. Don't eat bad bread, use "Quality" flour, It's the beet of all figure. Try one baking and be convinced. HOWSON & BROCI{L .BANK We pay highest prices for all kinds of grain. 7111OJ%E 46 O1 20. Bargains in Summer Goods 69c Waists 'We are offering forty Ladies' Waists, regular $1.50 and $1.25 IA white, lawns, vestings. High neck and low neck. Sale price 69c. All sizes House Dresses at 98c Regular $1.25, 1.50, and 2.00 in sizes 34 to 42, in light and dark patterns, in print and gingham mater ials, in stripesand checks Sun Shades at 87c We are offering our Sun Shades to clear at 870 while the weather is warm Men's White Duck Outing Trousers • In white duck, white flannels and grey flannels, black and white serge. This is the weather for the outing trousers. See our choice before going on your vacation. Outing Coats In lustre, plain black and dark grey. Also Blazier striped coats in black and red and blue and black Carhartt Overalls We are sole agents for Carhartts Smocks and Overalls, gloves and pants Butterick Patterns always in stock HANNA Sc CO. i 1115111111111311111 Special Lines in SWEET CAKES In this Zine we are Specialists 4 --Lines Which You should Have --4 STRAWBERRIES PINE APPLES GREEN BEANS RIPE TOMATOES PHONE 6 FAST SERVICE FREE DELIVERY Henry T. Thompson THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Successor to E. B. Hart t-------316% 1 Fresh Groceries of the 8 H1gh85$ Standard Regal Sodas 25c. per pail A full lints of Ohristies and Bean and Westlakes Biscuits and Cakes always in stock. Milverton, Exeter and other brands of Flour SEED A SPECIALTY A i. BELL Groceiir TEE WINGRAM ADVANOE Fordyce. Mr, and Mee. John Jamieson are on a few days trip to Kincardine, Mr, Daniel Martin has returned from the West and is tnuoh improved is health. Mr. James Martin is now prepared to start out with his threshing mach- ine, farmers being cutting barley and oate. A very enjoyable evening was spent dancing in William Gibbon's barn on Wednesday eveningand a large crowd was there, What is not very welcome is the army worm ; they have made their appearance on the farm of William Martip'a although we think not plenti- ful in number to do much harm it is thought, Brussels. The volunteers will go to Goderich for the annual drill on August 17. Rev. D. Wreu and family are back from a month's holiday at Belleville. .A rink of Brussels bowlers were at the Southampton tournament, but did not bring home the trophy. Rev. 1'1r. Bridge of Creemore will supply the Presbyterian Church pul- pit for the next two Sabbaths. A number of people from here took in the Sunday School excursion to the lake at Goderieh, going on the C.P.R, from 'Walton. Alex. Anderson was at Owen Sound on Friday refereeing the intermediate football game on Friday between Pres- ton and Owen Segund. Brussels F. 11 Fair directors have engaged the Kiltie Band of Clinton to supply the musical program for the coming f dr on October 1 and 2. The Civic holiday will be held on Thursday, A egu,t 13. A special excursion train wilier un to Kincardiue that day. Sorts will be on the pro- gram, This week Mr. and Mrs. Walker went to the Seo to visit Judge and BarristerMcFadden, brothers to Mrs. Walker, and former old residents of this locality. Cranbrook Methodist Church, that has been undergoing a renovation, will be reopened on Sunday, August 9, and a garden part y will be hold on the following Monday evening. The pupils cf Brussels school, who passed the Normal Entrance are—Ger- trude Deadman, W. J. Hoover, Edgar Lowry, Gladys MtQuarrie, Amy Roe, Lila`Sparling and Juneve Taylor, Mrs, J. Leckie Ieft today for Thes- salon, where she will visit her sisters and endeavor to regain her health. She will be acecmpanied by Nurse McArthur and Mrs. 3. H. Cameron of London, Mre. Leckie's health has been poor for the past year. Dr. Fred Gilpin, who has been as- sistant sales manager of the Ford e tr bu.iness at Chicago, has been promoted to manager at Milwaukee, and has gone to bis new home. He is a son of J. J. and Mrs. Gilpin, of Brussels. St. Helens. Mr. John Joynt shipped acar load of cattle to Toronto this week, Miss Ina Switzer of Holyrood spent a few days at the home of R. J. Woods. Miss Luella Shaw spent a couple of days catling on friends around St. Helens. Miss Lizzie Sturdy of Wingham is visiting her grandfather, Mr. Hum - Miss Oneida Irwin of Wingham is spending her holidays with her uncle Mr. Hugh McCr'ostie. Mr. and Mre. D. Farrier spent Thursday at Brussels visiting the Tatters father, Mr. Lott. Mr, Jaynes Reid and daughter, Eunice of Stanley called on friends around St, Helens, Mr. John W. Reid and,son, Wilmer Stanley callt(' last week on friends around. St, Helens and vicinity. Mrs. Henry Woods attended the funeral of her uncle, Mr, Otitis. Jobb of Turnberry on Thursday last. Tae picnic held by the Women's In- stitute on Thursday last was largely attended and all report a good time, Mr. Stewart and daughter who have been visiting at Mr. John Rutherford's have returned to their home in Chicago. Messrs Jas. and Elliott Miller and Geo. Gibson accompanied by Misses Edna and Mina Woods motored to Bluevale last Sunday evening. What might have proved a very serious accident occuredto Mr. and Mrs. Ben Naylor and daughter, Leola while going to church last Sunday. The horse shied opposi'c .Mrs, Gaunts at the bridge at St. Helens and upset the buggy completely upside down with the occu,ants underneath. Ooly the horse stood still or they might have all been killed. As it was they escaped with a few bruises . and scratches, Morris Mrs. Sal. T:tynn underwent an op. oration for cancer last week. Mr. A, Smith of Detroit is visiting at A. Mchlwens, The new Gray bridge will soon be completed, Salem Mr. ani Mrs. 'Thos. Montgomery from near Belgrave tailed on friends around here one day recently. Mrs. John Hartley of"Vanleek 14111 is at present ieiting het mother, Mee, Wm. Weir and other friends. Mr. Mobona,ld and granddaughter Rata from rterir Tetevrrater visited Mr. and Mrs. Foram Blab hob week, B1`' X11. Watson & Sons shipped a consign• anent of cattle on Saturday. Mr. Thomas Sloan had a very sec• cessful barn raising on Monday. I3arrt -In Teeswater, July 31st, to Mr. and Mrs, John Veit, a daughter, Sacramental servicewas held in the Methodist Church Sunday morning. Miss Lizzie Brown of Weyburn,. Sask. is spending her vacation at her home here. Mr. Wm, Mason attended the funer- al of the late Thomas Johnston at Goderich. Rev, W. D, Turner and fan ily are spending their holidays with friends at Norval, A large number of our citizens are attending the Old Bays' Iteupion at Seaforth this week. • Mr Wm, Campbell and daughter of Toronto are visitorsat the home of Mr. James Bentley. Mr. 0. Jewitt, Mathematical teacher at Chatham Collegiate is visiting bis friends at the parsonage. Mr. Jewitt is an officer in the Chatham Regiment and has just teeeived a call to g..) to Halifax. sa The brick woek on Mr. Geo. McTag gert's now residence on Dinsley St. is almost completed. Mr. Pugh of Wingham has the brick work on the residence of the Misses Little well underway. Our Junk Man, Mr. Jake Tybe11 went to Toronto this week to take the Oath of Allegiance. Jakie would rather become a British Subject than go to fight. The Regular monthlymeeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mre. James Cat on Thursday August 6.h at 3 p m. Young mothers' meeting "the secret of .perpetual youth," Mrs. Curti,. "Child Study", Miss Lily Carr. Music by Miss Cutt and Mrs. Herb. McElroy. Ethel. - Miss P. Love is on the sick list this week, The carpenters are busy .at the school this week. Re.v. 3. and Mrs. McKelvey are hay- ing aying their holidays at present. Mra. Arnold of Paisley is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John -McDonald. Florence and Lulu McIntosh of Stratford are spending their vacation here. Ella and Walker Mitchell are holi- daying with their grandparents in Brussels. Miss J. McDonald, who has been visiting in town, returned to her home in Guell h this week. Dr. Wardlaw, who has been ill for a Imo time, has resumed his practice in his usual careful manner. Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson and children attended the funeral of the Dr's fath- er on Thursday of last week at Har- riston, D. W. Dunbar and son have placed a new self -feeder on their threshing machine which will be in good shape for the season's work that promises to be a good one. Bluevale. Mrs. John King visited Seafotth this week. Mr.. and Mrs, Robb. Leathorn visited friends at Stratford. Mr. Ed. Bruce of Toronto is at pres- ent visiting his mother. Mr. Howard Stewart and friend spent Sunday at Seafortb. Mr. Wm. Gray is calling on old friends in the village this week. " Duff and Stewart are putting up a new bridge on 1st line of Morrie. Miss Elsie and Marguerite Stewart of Acton visited relatives last week. Mr. and Mee, Ken Messrs of London spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Messer. Messrs Tbynne and Greenway arae hauling their threshing outfit and will commence threshing in a few days. Misses Clegborn week. Mr. Frank Scott and daughter, Miss Oiive spent a few days with Seaforth friends, Mr, Donal,ison and Mr. Griffiths of Toronto spent a few days this week in the village. Misses Wive Masters and G. Benson of Toronto are visiting at the home of Sas. Masters, Dr. John Couitess of Philadelphia and Miss Mabel Coultess of Toronto are visiting with their parents here, Mikes L. Polock and Mary Doidge returned t) Toronto after spending a couple cf weeks at the home of .An- drew Holmes, The monthly meeting of the Blue - vale bran,;h of the Women's Instituto will be lrc•id at the home. of Mrs. 11, Diamond ore Thursday, Aug. 13, at 2 30 p.rei. All ladies of the community are cordially invited. Belmore. Mrs. Rogers of Si. Thomas le visit- ing her mother, Mre. Lowry, sr. Miss Mabel rtitcliee is attending the Old Boys' Reunion in Stratford. Miss A. McGrogan, Toronto, who is a graduate of the Wingham Business College is holidaying here, Rev, Mr. McConnell, wife and family of Grand Rapids, Mich , are visiting Hire. Bremner, An interesting game of football wits played on Monday at Delmore between the•Glenannan and Edmore teems re - smiting in a tie, I••-1, friends at Nellie Burgess and Lia returned to Toronto this Read 1eard'e ad, ora , age 5 of this posts +WM mike Mr •/•-.RYMY'�.. W.,..#,0", Personas Me, 4, 1l, Moore was in. Dxeter lust week, Miss Alice Mann is visiting at Sew Dead). Miss Dlla Cook is holidaying in Ash- field.. Air, Frank Cody of Toronto is a visitor in town. Mies Maude Bell of Belgraye visited in town last week, Mr, Geo. 0. Manners motored to town on Tuesday. ' Mr, Nelson Underwood is visiting with friends in London. Mr, and Mrs. John Glenn Sundayrd with Kincardine friends, Mr, and Mre, Harold Deans ate visiting friends in Seaforth. Miss Hat.el Brandon is holidaying in St. Marys and Stratford. Mrs. B. 13, Walker is holidaying in London and Stratford, Mrs. Geo. Young of Toronto, was visiting for a few days in town. Miss Jane Weir of Toronto is also at home for her annual holidays. Alex. Davidson spent a few days with friends in Blyth last week, Misses Lina and Aunie Barber are visiting in London and Stratford. Miss Nellie Allen spent Sunday with Miss Minnie Lenklater of Turnberry, Mr. Wm. Jobb of Saskatoon is visit- ing his brother, Mr. T. J. Jobb of town. Mr. Lindsay Mitchell of Bank of Hamilton Staff is holidaying in Ham- ilton. 'Mises Nova and Donna Kew have returned to their home at Niagara Falls. Mre. W. J. Fleuty and children of Oakville are holidaying with Mrs. 3. Fleuty. Mr. Thos. Williams, London, autoed to Wingham on Saturday in his Tud- hope, Ray nottd Eiliott and John 'Camp- bell are at Grand Bend painting brad es, Whitechurch. James McIntosh of Uelgrave visited Dan Mc.ay over Sunday. Rev, A. N, Miller stayed the week- end with friends at Lucknow, Mr, J. A. Gillespie took a tripto lfamilton last week. on business, Mrs, Joy, Leitch of Morris township was a visitor in the village last week. Mr. F. Patterson spent a few days visiting with friends in Lucknow last week, Miss Eina Rutledge of Brussels is staying with her sister, Mre. Dan McKay. Mr. Arthur Smith of Alton is spend- ing a few days with his friend, James Penrose, at the parsonage, Bear in mind that the big Sunday Schools excursion to Kincardine on Thursday the 18th bids to be a splen- did affair, Don't faii to take it in. Rev. Mr. Thynne of Palmers tton preached to large congregations morn- ing and evening on Sabbath last. His sermons were of the right sort and very acceptable. Rev, Jae. Penrose, pastor of the Methodist Church, occupied the pul- pit in the Methodist Church, Lucknow last Sunday evening and the Rev. 0, McKinley of Lucknow conducted the Sacramental services in the Methodist Church here at 3 o'clock p,m, The Choir of the Presbyteriau Church held their picnic to Blackhorse on Saturday last. There was a very large attendance of the friends of. the choir from the village and surrounding country and a most enjoyable day was spent in boating and other games. Messrs. Mills & Tipling of Wingham have large gangs of the Noble Red man and his Squaw Pappoose and Cbiekies engaged in pulling fltx, At the rate they are going the end of the week will see it all in stock. It is a splendid crop too, the whole 200 acres, The Lacrosse match at Wingham last Wednesday afternoon was attend- ed by a goodly number from here and vicinity who greatly eajoyed the game especially that part of it that sent the doughty Dufferins of Orangeville down to defeat by a handsome score of 0- 4. Mrs. Fleming and Miss Alma, Lis- towel, visited Mre. Herdsman this week, Miss Viola Isard has returned from an extended visit with Kincardine friends. Mr.gAlbert 111athewson,;;.Sarnia, has returned home after a visit with Mre, P. Fisher. Miss Alice Williams is spending her holidays with Mr, and Mra. Waller of Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Binkley and children are visiting with friends in Owen Sound. Mrs. 0, C. Poake and daughter cf Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis, Miss Martha Baird and Mr, Stanley Elliott are staying with Listowel and Attwood friends. Mrs. J. L, Bahl and daughter, Vera, of Wooster, Ohio, are guests at the home of Wm. Field. Miss Catherine Teskey of Ripley is the guest of Mrs. E. Corbett of Josephine Street. Provincial Officer Phippen left on Tuesday for, a sojourn among cld friends at Thedford. Mr. and Mrs. Strath, Saskatchewan, have teen holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McPherson. Misses Ella and Mary Mason of East Wawanosh are spending a few days with friends in Turnberry, Mr. Harold Armstrong cf Brussels was in town Saturday advertising the Sunday School excursion. Mr, Robert Weir, B. A. of Regina Collegiate Institute is holidaying under the parental roof. Mr. Horace Bennett is home from the West car a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Bennett. Mr. Peter Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Campbell are attending the 01d Boys' Reunion in Stratford.. . Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Walken and family of Sault Ste Marie, Cnt., are visitors at the home of Win, Field. Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Aberne- thy, Sask , have been visiting the latter's uncle, Mr. Wm, McPherson. Mrs. James Markley also daughter, Mrs. Pox of Seattle, Washington are visiting Mr. Wrn. Merkley of town, , Mr. Thos.. 13a11, ex -Mayor of Wing - ham, carne down from Southampton to attend the funeral of Mrs. Vanstone. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Waller and daughter of Bluevale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Williams hero, Mt. Adam Mister, who is attending Toronto T?nniversity, ie holidaying with hie parents, Councillor and M,rs, Isbister. Mr, J-thn, Quirk accompanied by Capt, Tom Robson of London visited New Ontatice Mr, Quirk visited his son in Haileybur}r. Mr. R'bert Weir, teacher .of Math. eruaties in the Collegiate at Regina is visiting with his father, Me. Robert Weir and sisters in town, Mrs, Mr. and M , W. J. Howson went to Kincardine on Saturday to spend some time at the Beach with their daughter 1frP. McKinnon of Toronto, Mt. and Mrs. Luther Robins, cf Rochester, N. Y., and Mr. O. C. Whit- ey, of Uodtrich, were visiting with Mr, and Mrs. It Campbell last week. Mr, A. 11, Musgrove, M. P, Is, ret cetved an invitation froth Hon, Jae. turf, Minister of .Agriculture, to ac• company him on a trip to the 11xperi- anental Barn at Monterth in New Ontario, Mr. Mu=grove -left for To. mato on Wednesday to j..rki the The Ladies Institute of St. Helens held a most succeseful picnic to No. 10 bridge one day last week. The event captured a very large crowd of our citizens as well as a great number from the vicinity. Ali join in saying it was a Jim dandy affair and every- body had a good time. B Company 33rd Regiment Goes to Camp at GODERICH August 17th Those wishing to join should see Col Sergt. 3. A. Mann or the commanding officer at once as only a few vacancies are left. Pay $1.15 to $1.50 per day with subsistence and clothing. N. T.' Sinclair, Capt. Scranton Coal (Not an imitation) To Mit. R. J. CANTELON, Wingham, Ont., Feb. 20, 1014 Buflalo, N.Y., July 30, 1914 Dear Sir— Replying to yours of July 20th, we mine our own coal just outside the city of Scranton. We own and operAte 9 collieries in the heart of the Scranton district and our coal is equal to any and superior to many, both in preparation and quality. We thank you for your ergniry and will be pleased to receive your orders. Yours truly, THORNE, NEAL & CO. Per T. M. Byrne Northern Sales Manager. R. J. Cantelon Office with Dominion Express Co. �CHRISTIE'Si GROCERY PHONE 59 Store opens 7 a. tn. Closes 7 p. m. . Tea Quality The quality of the tea ave sell wilt, if compared with any, conic out a big winner. 11' IS NOT a coarse large tea as many are, but has fine leaf and is Tippy variety. Tea Flavour 1 Our Teas are quite distinct in flavour, We use no cheap teas as fillers. T1IE PARTICULAR flavor is -obtained certain teas of a high. grade character very rarely used. Tea 'Strength Because of their strength they're economical. The liquor obtained - by drawing is rich and pungent, thug makea good cup of tea invigarat• ing. TRY US POR TEA �t, CASH BUYERS Should always get a discount. You are entitled to it. We give a cash discount on everything excepting Queen Quality shoes and on shoe repairing. Our cash discount amounts. to between 5 and 10 per cent. It pays to pay cash in all cases but doubly so when you get a cash dis- count. If you are a cash buyer you are not getting value for your money if you are not getting a cash discount. W. H. WILLIS CO. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE - FOR ,SHOE LADIES .w• a:7+P♦.�4 , a ',... K7i47; NESSEINESSISMENZIENNIZEMBEESSMEEMEilli Clean up of mer oods All our Lht bVeight Goods Must Vacate Men's Fine Shirts to clear. 50c We have gone through our stock and picked out all lines that are slightly soiled. There are ail sizes in the lot from 14. to 18i. except 15 and '15i, regular $i and 1.25, to clear at 5oc Gaila.rs 3 for 25C 20 doz C011als, all sizes, assorted styles, regular 15e and 20e, to clear 3 for 25c Underwear 39c Balbriggan, Merino and Porous knit Underwear, regular $1. a suit, to clear per garment 39e Children's Wash Suits Regular $2.00 and 2.25, to clear at $1.50 t" 1.50 to clear at r.15 cc I.00 to clear at 75e SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL SUMMER LINES W. A. CAMPBELL _+l The Clothier MacDonald Mock Opp. Bank cf Commerce,