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The Wingham Advance, 1914-08-06, Page 3
TOASTED CORN FLAKES Yr�t!�l FEN? u,., TDA1D,..D.N „AAD sa. LONDON. CANADA. lietifirazzeziszA THURSDAY, AUG. 6 914 THE W I NGEA M ADVANCE r Children Cry for .Fletcher's CASTORIA N"NN'se� Naas ', y� ��;�� �� o a� ''s Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 80 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per - sonar supervision since its infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castor's], is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural 191eep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Iu Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought ...THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. ' i ya j:'dP 9'• hU. '.4%.‘}b „r,itt.. MR. FRANK TERRACE, ADDRESSING THE Good Roads Convention at Tacoma, Washington, gave the following enthusiastic testimony in favor of good roads : "I am a cabbage grower. I haul my produce to the sauerkraut factory at South Seattle.Before the road over which I travel was built, I had to get up at 4 o' clock in the morning to start on my journey. The limit of the load I could haul with a team of 1800 pound horses was 2500 pounds, and after visiting the factory I would arrive back at my home late in the evening. But look at the difference now that a permanent hard surface has been laid down. I start on my trip about 8 o'clock and need only a team weighing 1400 pounds to haul a load of 5000 pounds of cabbage, which is double my previous capacity. And, best of all, I find on my return to the house early in the afternoon, that I have finished the day's work without the horses having turned a hair.". They prevent your road taxes being spent in patching up roads that never will be good roads. They aro the cheapest kind of roads at the end of ten, fifteen or twenty -years because they practically eliminate the cost of upkeep. They enable you to haul bigger loads with less effort and less wear and tear on horses and vehicles. They increase land values, better conditions generally, and decrease the cost of living. Write for, free, Good Roads literature, and learn how good roads will benefit you. Concrete Roads Department Canada Cement Company Limited 806 Herald Building, Montreal Spread of the Truth. To the EJaar,. The light is breaking, There has been a wonderful change in medical opinion tie to the medicinal or food va- lue of alcohol in the last twenty yeasts, Twenty year's ago it was almost uni- versally used in pneumonia, diphtheria, fevers and all debilitating diseases. Now we know that instead of being a stimulant it is eedative; instead of being a food it is poisonous, and in- stead of helping a patient aver a dang- er spot, it lessons his chance of recov- ery. In my judgement, the greatest med- ical discovery in recent times is the fact that alcohol whether in the form of beer, wine or spirits, lessens the power of the body to defend itself against the germs of disease. Truth make very slowly against ig- norance and prejudice but truth al- ways prevails and when that truth permeates the public mind, we will have a healthier, happier- and more prosperous people. Some time ago I went to a hospital and investigated the amount of alco- holic liquors given her patient, and I found that the quantity was just about of that which had been given ten years ago. Recent investigations in the hospitals of old London show that there also the amount of intoxicating liquors prescribed has fallen off won- derfully. Surely the truth is spread- ing and so we take courage and do our best to hasten the glad day when the poisoning of the innocents shall cease. By the word innocents 1 mean tha babe that is poisoned before it is' born so that it is handicapped all its life with weakness of mind and body and often something worse than weakness. The young may who takes his first drink is generally innocent of the wrong he is doing himself and his country. If he knew the truth he would not touch it on any account. Tnen the hostess who 'entertains her guests with drink is generally innocent of the harm she is doing. The great creed of the people is a knowledge of the truth and we plead that everyone who knows the truth will do what he or she can to spread it. (Sad.) EH.ARNOTT, M. B., M. 0. P. S. • .fit arm Results of Normal Examinations Those from Huron County that at Stratford Normal Exams were suc- cessful as follows;— Interim Second-01ass Jean L. Armour, Wingham, Alia B. Armstrong. Brussels Effie M. Bawer, Winghanr Catharine J. Brock, Wingham Hazel S Campbell, Londesboro Elorence H. Chanting, Zurich Florence J Clark, Egmnnville Christens, P. Cowan, Goderich Bridget H. Cummins, St. Augustine Viola 0. Cut He, Wingham Elia Chesney, Seaforth (Christens, F. Dickson, Brussels Vera F. Eckmier, Jamestown Lillian J. Edgar, G.7rrie R. R. Forhee, Clit ton James M. Firileon, S•. Augustine Annie E. Geddes, Brussels Ruth E. Grenzehack. D tshwood Marguerite Haran, Seaforth Elva E. Hupper, Wroxeter W. H, Haines, Wingham Stella P. iCirke, Dungannon John E. Kelly, Goderich Haz -I M Lowry, Bt u.sels Maud C. McAllister, Elensall Florence J McKay, Seaforth INabelia E. Matheson, Goderich Jessie M. ,Menzies, Oranhr•ot k El z M Moor', Winnham W. D McLeod, Lochalsh Milton D. Oest,eieh"r, Dashwood 1.4.1r,h,-1 J. Stot hers, Dungannon GI tdys Thompson, Seaforth Ethel M. Tipping, Winghain Helen R Wil ion, Wingham Limiter Tuird•Class ira D. 0..ok, Ford wich R .bert H. Hoover, Brussels Kathlene Wiltop, Brussels. . YOUR SURPLUS. In the advertised statements of a bank you will ,read something like this: Capital $100.000 Surplus and undivided profits 60,000 Which means, of course, that in ad- dition to the paid capital employed in the business the bank has earned a 0 surplus fund available for use that serves as a sort of insurance. Surplus is earned capital. Carried as surplus it is really capital ; and increases by so mueh the resources of the bank. Every person, like the bank, should carry a considerable surplus, In addition to his working capital, which includes his physical, mental and moral resources, he should accum- ulate a fund of p energy. Because there will come It time of stress when all the powers of body. mind and spirit will be taxed to the utmost and he must perforce draw on him surplus fund. A panic tests the bank. And so the emergency tests 'the man, If the resources of the bank are available it will weather the financial storm. If when trials, difficulties, temptations, come to the man he is strong in body, mind and soul there is a surplus for the crisis he will come (inside O000OODOOODoot)oc0000i. 1�?OC©CoQE33QOoom0000noca000coo�rle`: -HANOVER PLACE, WINNIPEG the city limits, along the Sharp Boulevard and Avenue.., each side.) Study Your Investment. Because something is offered yot for little money does not necessarilyr tvalue of m +an that i a investment. . The t a it cod v an investent should be carefully figured on the return it will likely bring. If your Investment is in Town or City B -'al Estate, there will be nd profit made if the Town or city is not growing. If the Town or City is not growing or at a stand -still, property decreases, you lose. If Vete Town or City is growing and likely to grow and your property is in the growing area it advances at double the per- centage of increase of population. r in 'n 0 000 Winnipeg's a Building Permits ttmouated to $20, 00, 1912 and -to $18,650,000 in 11113. It kept right on growing during the hard times. The 'prospects for 1914 are much brighter now than they were at this time last year. Winnipeg is bound to grow, hard times or easy times. Conditions demand a great City just where 'Winnipeg 15 situated. Don,'t shut your eyes to the Investment Value of Hanover Place as it is en the line of be best Developing Residential Dis- trict now in Winnipeg. You may be offered lots elsewhere for less money but ;Andy closely -whether they are likely to increase in value, and what is the reaeon for such expected increase. Our prices aro $225.00 a lot and up according to location. Write to -day tom THE RELIANCE INVESTMENT & DEVELOPING CO. Ltd., HEAD OFFICI:a--HANOVI E, ONT. Local Agent- William Ci irrie, 'Wingham. i000000004000t of exercise, by overindulgence or lose of sleep or dissipation.; if his mind is vrc ikened by fear or worry ; if his moral sense 19 dulled, then ire must draw on hisdepleted capital. And that sort of thing with bank or with man is the beginning of the end. Lay up a Surplus. Beep the body in flue trim, keep the mind keen and eharp and serviceable, and when the work doubles and the strain comes one may go at his hard task with enthusiasm. Watch your surplus. Do not let it become depleted. As the bank iscareful to carry a 'cash re- serve, so Fhould you keep your et; eogth reserve. CLOVE APPLES. ' Spicy Odared'Ornaments That Were Once Quite Common. The manufacture of clove apples, common In the days of our grandmoth- ers, is very simple. You can take an apple, the rounder and sounder and bigger the better, and into it stick cloves as thickly as possible, with only the heads showing and forming a close continuous surface all over. Put it in a drawer or on n mantelpiece or. whatnot, and time will do the rest. The clove apple becomes dry and cu- riously hard, maintains its form per- fectly and acquires an approximation of immortality—if carefully protected, •nf course, from accidents and children. The latter, if memory serves, were wont to annoy the grandmothers of clove apple days by decapitating the cloves or, If especially mischievous, by working at one of them till it came out whole. Either achievement, when dis- covered, ns it alwaps was soon, caused indignant oratory always and "wrong stories" not infrequently. The exact purpose of the clove ap- ple, whether It was valued as a surto or as the source of .a pleasant, spicy odor, the present commentator does not remember, If he ever knew. In value, however, it ranked well up with the shells brought from foreign strands by seafaring husbands and sous, and both were about equally durable.—Naw York Times. Grand Trunk Railway System. Harvest Help Excursions August 11 and 18. Via Chicegr and Duluth from all stations in Ontario, Kingston, R-'n- ftety and wesr, $12 to 'Winnipeg plus half cent per mile beyond. First exeursiou applies to all points in Manitoba. S' Bond excursion to certain points ire S rskatchewan and Alberta and all p•sints in Manitoba, RETURNING—half cant per mile to Winnipeg, plu- $IS icon Winnipeg to destination in Eastern Canada The Grand Trunk Pacific fttilway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg — Saskatoon—E 1- rnnn' on. Full particulars n.t s,ll G T R. Ticket Ofii ins or write 0 E. Homing, 0.1' A., G.T Ry., Uuion Station, Toronto, Ont. H. B. Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent; phone 4. W. F. r3urgman, station Tikkot agent ; phone 50. EDITORIAL. Human life, and its preservation from disease, impairment of usefulnees and its lose of producing power, is the most fundamental of all subjects of conservation. Safety on the farm is as important as anywhere else. "daily accidents are caused by the careless handling of machinery or lack of proper inspection before machines are put into commis- sion, a The future well-being of Canada da de- pends on the loyal acceptance by the people of the principles which aim at the profitable and scientific develop- ment and conservation of her natural resources. seeeeperseetne Only a few years have passed since it first dawned upon a people who had revelled in plenty for a century that the richest patrimony is not proof against constant and careless waste ; that a nation of spenders must take thought for its morrow or come to poverty. s interest ini If an employer shows Isis the supplying of safety appliances and in the education of his employees in the taking of precautions to prevent accidents, it will not be long before definite results will be apparent all along the line of help from superin- tendent to apprentice, To be consistent, the man who sits back and expecte that nature will re- place the burned forest might also ex- pect the supply men and the mechanics to replace, free of cost, . that which they had supplied or produced and which, through carelessness, bad been destroyed by fire. Let us remember that the conserva- tion of our natural resources, though the greatest problem of to -day, is yet but part of another and greater pro- blem of today, is yet but part of another and greater problem—the pro• blem of national efficiency.—Ex. Presi• dent Roosevelt. Midsummer represents, resents, to most lines of industry, the period of quiet times, Good nee may be made of this season in the thorough clean up of the premises, the installing of safety appliances and the education of the staff in their use. Surprising results will thus be attained in the way of tare and accident prevention duriug the busy season following. As She Is Spoko In Lancashire. First Lancashire schoolboy from the top of a passing tramcar to a school fiend: "Quoin' tit' 'till t'neete" Second L. S.—I1. "H:tyve pasty' "Aw root." The two, explains the Manchester Guardia n, have made a n appointment to' meet at half past G for the first show of the local picture hall, 'sbich will be faithfully keet. NMITIMIIIIIITIMITIIIIITIMITTI IIIIII1I MITIIIiMIII1IIIIItt MX Machine and -General Repair M• . Shop- 3— fawn. IMMO After giving this matter due consid ,ration and invest'• sating other towns in Ontario, some of them in the rear of • Wingliam with up-to-date repairing faculties. ase We see no reason why Wingham should not be an ideal • place, with all its industries, also a good farming centre to :,..; ▪ install a Plant for this purpose and hold all the good work • that is.b©ins Chipped out as well as draw work from other towns. ...- ..... WE HAVE SPARE?) NO E2r2"ENSE TO HAVE ; THE BEST IN MACHINERY A ND TOOLS .m ....le We are inthe Business to Stay We have•the Room. We the Ability. We have have the Time to take caro of this work. • BOILER, ENGINE ani MACHINE WORK SPECIALTY --.. w▪ et Testing boilers, steam guages and eatery valves regulated , Don't let any person test your boiler with a cold water test over the working steam pressure, it is very injurious to your boiler and a lazy way out of it. Any practical man knows 7-11 the only way is with a Hammer and Sound. Pipe Fitting, water and steam. Bicycle work and Automobile Repairing, Cream Seprators and Farm Machiuery _Repairing, Saw tium- ming and Fitting, Sharpening Knives of all kinds. I am 'not going to puff myself up as to what I know or what I don't known, only when I wrote on my Maehinical Papers in Tor- onto, Out of 1900 qucz•t'ons I secured 98 per cent in marks, so along with over 20 ears' experience with all kinds of ma- chiner, I ought to know a little. All we ask is a fair trial and we know your door will be left open foaz us. . Machine Shop and Residence ou North end of Josephine next to Mill Dam. PHONE 83: P. 0. BOX 62 Nickle Plating operated by John Maddigan over the ma- chine shop. Apple Batter Plant running every week day. E. Merkley Son M n▪ ole we, -.-. .re w.. ....3 okall �. 0.0 through. w.. 1f bis body is fI.sbhy because of lack llillillililllllllllllllilllllllllti lflllliill ltlllilllillllllillilllli t Your Job Printing done ADVANCE the Many Thousand Men Required for the Harvest In Western Canada. Approximately Fifteen Thousand Ken will be required from Ontario to help in the greet work of harvesting the Western crop, and practically. the, entire lark of transporting !hie greet armv of Harvesters to the West will fall to the lot of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Excursions from points in Ontario to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- berta will be run, and special trains operated, making the t,rip in about thirty-six houes and avoiding any s is re o tan change of ca ,F r fere, Th will be a day shorter than any other route. "Going Trip West," $12 to Winni- peg. "Return Trip East," $18 from Win niConsult C,P,R, Agents regarding particulars in connection with trans- portation west of Winnipeg. GOING. DATES August 11—From Kingston, Sharbot Lake, Renfrew and West to Azilda and Sault Ste. Marie, Ont,, to all points in Manitoba only, August 14—From East of Kingston, Sherbet Lake and Renfrew in Pro- vinces of Ontario and Quebec, to all points in Manitoba and certain pointe in Saskatchewan and Al- berta. August 21—From East of Kingeton, Sharbot Lake and Renfrew in Pro- vinces of Ontario and Quebec, to all points in Manitoba and certain in Saskatchewan and Alberta. For full particulars regarding trans- portation west of Winnipeg, etc., see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. He liveth long who liveth well , All else is life but flung away ; He liveth longest who can tell Of true things truly done each day. Then fill each hour with what will last .; Buy up the momenta that will go; The life above, when this is past, Is the ripe fruit of life below. An Ideal Vacation Trip Via Great Lakes Steamships. At this season of the year when so many are planning their vacation trip the question “Where To Go" natural- ly— e arises—What could b more de- lightful than a Great Lakes trip, where the air is pure, the sun shine and cool refreshing breezes blow? Five sailings weekly front Port Mc - Nicoll for Sault Ste. Marie, Port A• • thur and Fort William. Steamship Express haves Toronto 12 30 p.m sun - int; days, making direct connection. .If you are contemplating a trip, don't let elip your memory, Canadian Pacific Steamships make the fastest time, have the best of accomodation, and ti e table is unexcelled. Full particulars and reservations on trains and ships, at every Canadian Pacific Ticket Office. M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, C. P. R. Please Look at Your L E and unless you are Paid One Year in Advance Kindly Attend to same at Once This Means Y U Rich Indian t blended with flavory Ceylona. aaa ea "is good tea " 4QASAAOIAdAAAAAA14,AA4AAAA.I.1 e n si QUALITY OF THE FARM BUSI- NESS. The farmer may have sufficient area and grow the right kind of crops, yet not be successful, ow ing to the poor quality of his en• tire business. Poor clops that du not !`ay the cost of production and the feeding of these to nu productive live stuck 111'0 Cou mon 0110508 of failure. This characteristic of unsuccessful farming attracts much public tit tendon. Such farms are uu- aprofitable largely through igno- rance of indifference on ttie part a. of the operator, Coder good management 'they can generally be made successful, The improper orgtirrization of it large farm limits its possibili- ties just as area limits the small farm. Single crops or single live stock enterprises seldom utilize farm labor to its maximum. By having several crops there is not only better distribution of labor, but the chances of total loss from crop failures are lessened. Fortunately, corn, oats and wheat utilize the farmer's time pretty thoroughly through the growing season. In some parts of this country certain crops that need -labor only a part of the year may be so profitable that the farmer can afford to be idle the rest of the year. However, these are the exceptions. Most crops are not profitable enough to permit any such practice. Idle horses and machinery are nearly as expensive as idle men. If the working equipment can all be kept busy on paying enterprises llos j success is almost assured- •vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvy 4 4 1 1 1 8' PtG D TheArmy Worm in. Huron County • The army worn is getting close to Clinton. It has arrived at the farm of Mr, Henry Livermore on the Lon- don Road about a mile from town and commenced on a fdald of oats. A burry up call came into town and some helpers were soon out to help save the crop and destroy the pest. At the farms of Thos. Lane and Thos. Coleman, 4 miles from Bruce - field, the worms were discovered in thousands in the oat fields. They had stripped a large area completely there before being noticed, but as soon as they were found farmers gathered from miles around and notwithetand- ing that it was Sunday, ripped off their coats dug furrows, oiled trenches and roads and went at the pest with shovels. Thousands were killed and late at night the farmers were still working, The battle is continuing and the men of Huron will check the worms quickly or know the reason why. The army worm has invaded Hu- ron County, On Saturday the pest was discovered in a field of oats on the farm of Percy Monk on the Mill Road Tuckersmith and Mr. Monk lost no rime in fightiug the invader, proceed- ing at once to plow furrows around his field. Word comes from Winthrop that the farmers in that district are taking precaution by adopting the same method' Wheat is being cut throughout this section and oats a e ipenrng fast and writ be ready to cut next week, -----'�--ire- (I not to contradict and to con' tole noi to believe and take for grant- ed, but to weigh and consider." Many Doctors Eat It t 107 very orning RHEUbIATISM We don't ask you to take our word for the remarkable curative power of SOLACE in eases of rheumatism, neural- gia, headaches or other Uric Acid troubles, or the word of more than ten thousand people SOLACE has restored to • health, or the word of eighty-one doctors using SOLACE exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FREE BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists and In- dividuals. " Also SOLACE remedy for CONSTIPATIOIei (A LAXATIVE AND TONIC CONBINED) Does the work surely but pleasautly—Nature's way. No distress -no gripeing-----no sick stomach --ono weakening. The TWO rem- edies are all we snake, but they are the watest known to the medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful drugs. Neither affects the heart or stomach --but helps then). To prove the wonderful curative power of SOLACE remedies writs for FREE BOXES. State if one or both are wanted. SOLACE CO., Battle Creek, bitch., U. S. A.