HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-07-30, Page 6Specla! Prices on Sumrnor Qoods Ready-to-wear, Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear Ladies' White Waists mile in the latest styles from flue voile, sizes 31 to 40. Regular $2.50 to $4.00 Your choice $1,98 Ladies' Lawn Waists Broken lines and odd sizes, Reg. $124 and $1.50 for 98c Flowered Crepe, Cotton Voile, Null anti Mice Goth This season's nevveat dress nra- teriala in all the leading Oradea and patterns, Regular 2.o and 35o Telmer for 19c 200 yards 30 in. $lack Guaran- teed Silk, a very rich silk with fine tinier and will give excellent wear. Regular $1.25 for 98c yd Cotton, Lisle and Silk Hosiery Colors Black, White and Tan, 25o, 35e, 50o and $1,00 a pair 25 Doz. Ribbed Cotton Hose Bleak only, sizes 4ee to 10, all at 110c a pair 10 Doz. Long Silk Gloves 69c pair In White. Blank, Pink, Pale Bine sea Champagne, double tipped and full length Long Lisle Gloves 23c White, Blank and Tan, sizes 6 to 7e 25 per cent Sav- ing on Whitewearj Underwear, Draw- ' ere, Corset Covers and Night flown& vTT 'TNO A ADVANCE The Political Maxims Of Co gressman Sharp, •Admieslons are boomerangu. Saroasw is safer titan Welty. When you get then on the run, head them for hill. Down with the spoils system, down (into the pockets)! Folks will forget -it never failed yet Statesmen like any ship, arrives by tacking. Oratory is a thick ambush. Auswer t;tatistics with the broad principles of political economy. The proposals of the minority, seas- oned with oblivion, snake good plonks for our platform. Useful is the ally who says nothing; doubly useful if he take all the thee, sti#1 says nothing, Keep the business out of the record, God bless our native land TEACHER WANTED Holding second-class certificate for S. S. No. 0, Tnrnberry, duties to com- mence Sept, 1. Apply stating salary r'quired to W. S. Vanetone, Sec- Treas., Bluevale. 4 DOZEN LADIES' HORSE DRESSES Sizes 32 to 40, made from strong cotton materiels, fast colors and neatly trimmed. Regular $150 for $1.69 KING BROS. Produce Wanted . Phone 71 Agents for Standard Patterns L.-- O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0. O 0 0 O •0 '0 `0 O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O O O 0 O O 0 0 O O O O 0 0 O r<, . .. 0•••• 00m000m000000000 WOOL! 0.000' WOOL! - .V Large quantities of Wool wanted Cash or Trade We pay the Highest Cash price going A urge range of All -wool _ BLAN- KRTS, SHEETS and YARN made by the best mills. k Bring your Wool here and g z, best value for your money. • A large assortment of MENS' SUITS at 20 per cent, off' regular cash price in exchange fm s wool. Over 100 suits to select. fro. m. • o1+.'rw.Ym9r4o.imirir' ^.,rte rte^ .io.rm, Yrri�r�F.r J. A. Mills Photie 89 Win Ii int 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 O O O O O 0 0 O O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 • 0 0 O O O Canadian Natiotial Exhibition PEACE. YEA J America's Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Goverinment Exhibits by West Indies Grenadier • Guards Band d 1 Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome. Dozen Shows in Single Emir Boy Scouts'.Review Canada's Biggest Dog Show BABYLON Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Coq tinent Paintings from England., Scotland, United States and Canada Educational Exhibits Goods in Process of 'Making Athletic Sports Aero -Hydroplane rilighte Grand Water Carr/rival Creatore's 'Famous Band Score of other !Bands Dozen Band C Ancerts Daily Chesapeake r And Shannon Biggest MW way ever Peace Year Fireworks 7llc Home Circle. Ifindnees is better than politeness, and industry better than great learn+. ing. We have seen parents careful to train their little ones to say "thank you" and "excuse nm" hat forgetful tv teach them to lend a helping hand, or. do a kind act for one in need, Women should grow more devoted and men fonder after marriage if thee have the slighest idea of being happy es wives and huabaude. It is teener; sight of this fundamental truth which leads to hundreds of divorcee. Yet many a Ulan will scold ',his ;wife who would never think of breathing r, barer word to bis sweetheart, and many a wife will look glum and me- rose on her husband's return who had only seniles and words of cheer for him when he was her suitor. Houle to many women means noth• ing more than a laundry where they take their clothes to be washed and ironed ; to the man a place to eat and sleep, their evenings being largely spent at clubs or billiard belle, The old fashioned home keepers have be- come almost a lost quantity. Societies of various.kinds occupy enuch of their time. The children are sent to school at the age of six and`the mothers are at liberty to flit about until they return at noon when the lunch of food, prepared outside the home, is placed before the family and the duties until high twelve are discharg• ed, The afternoons and evenings „are given to society work, Cf course this does not apply to all homes, but theme is a general tendency to neglect the claims of the family for outside pleas. are. We have met some women, who, when asked if they keep house, blush- ingly reply "We do light housekeep- ing because we dislike boarding," If you would increase your happi- nese and prolong your life, forget your neighbor's fault, forget the slander you have heard, forget the tempta- tions, forget the fault-finding and give a little thought to the cause that pro- voked it, forget the pecularities of your friends" and only remember the good pointe that make you fond of them; forget all personal quarrels or histories that you may have heard by accident, and which, if repeated would seem a thousand times worse than they are, Biot out as far as possible the disagreable things of Iife-they will come ; but they will only grow larger when you remember them, and the constant thought of the acts of meanness, worse still, malice, will,only tend to make you more familiar with them. Obliterate everything bad from yesterday, start out with a clean sheet for today, and write upon it for sweet memory's sake only those things that are lovely and loveable. Never scold children, but soberly and quietly reprove. Do not employ shame, except in extreme cases, The suffering is acute ; it hurts self-respect in the child to reprove a child before the family ; to ridicule it, to tread down its feelings ruthlessly, is to awaken in its bosom malignant feel- ings, A child is defenceless ; he is not al- lowed to argue. He is often tried, con- demned and executed in a second, He finds himself of little use. He is put. at things he doesn't care for, an' with held from things he dn,c19 like. He is made the,.c ewtenience of grown up efeupTe and is hardly supposed to have any rights except a corner ; as it were ; he is sent hither and thither made to sit down or stand up at everybody's onvenience, but his own ; is. snubbed and catechised until he learns to dodge vovernment and elude authority, and ih en whipped for being "such a liar that. no orie can believe him." L,'tterchange of Teachers. An exl`eriment, arranged for the first time .rn the scholastic history of the Oversea..` Dominions, has been ac- complished G,v Canada and New Zea. land. who hat's exchanged a small nodi of school teachers for a year, Three Iady teach 'srs from Brandon, Llan., have gone oN'er to take servicl for a year with the Shnth Canterbur Education. Board in Nr'vv Zealand, while three from Soutl: Canterbury+ have come to teach in Cr -nada for a year. The interchange was arranged by the. 'lands Across the ti ea Club, International Peace Tattoo 10 Bening 400 Musicians Au; .29 1914 Sept. 14 TORONTO ORONTO Amow01.1ISMI.M.....mmonammili Imam". O O O 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 O O O O 0 M .. .. ,- . - w w - s r .v. r - - • 444et..* .....• ---._ _ yea ..., Hand Laundry • No Acids, Lime or Chemicals Vfy we rk has stood the test of twenty years in town. I am here to stay and ask for a coatinnl ince of your patronage. LEE JIM LAUNDRY Wing'txam, Ontario Opposite Skating Rink r - BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Selajects taught by expert instructors at the keakerlfahd Y, M. C. A. BLDG.. LO14DON4, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College •in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time. .W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal ion` l ce d Accivuslvtat New Telephone Directory. The lied Telephone Company of Canada is soon to print a new issue of its Official 'i'ele- pirine Directory for the Distriet of Western Ontario tsart}oa 'who conteniptato becoming Subscri- bers, or those who -6/18h changes in their pros• cnt entry should plane tholr oalors with the roc (1 Manager at once to insure insertion in L his is•no. Connecting Companies ..f..sY.wz M. .tr- .K'.MYr<�•c'._ .:::s�cXM Shnz'd also report additions and changes in their list of rubsc"rib'rs, either to the Local Manager, or direct to the Special Agent's De- partrnent, Montreal. The Dell Telephone Company of Canada. The Tight Skirt Crisis. Yc,u've a vezy narrow &Kitt, Little Girl, Are you euro It doesn't burt, Little Girl ? That's a mincing little stride 1'Vhero the street is wild and wide ; Are you sure there'd rootll reside, Little Girl ? What will happen if you elip, Little Girl2 Aren't yoti fearful it will rip, Little Girl You bad better take a sack, So if anything should crack, ft would serve you coming back, Little Girl? Does your mamma know your out, Little Slirl ? We're afraid to go about, Little Girl ? If we meet you in the sun, With your skirt so thinly spun, Wby, we might all have to run, Little Girl ? Let the bottoms out a bit, Little Girl 2 It is much too tight to fit, Little GUI? As the matter sadly stands, You'll be walking on your hands, Aud in that event -my laud, 1 Little Girl. Muskoka Free Hospital. The Treasurer of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives desires gratefully to acknowledge the follow• ing contributions received in Wing. ham by the Field Secretary of the National Sanitarium Association. Collection The Weston Foundry Dr. A. J. Irwin 0. P. Smith A. H. Wilford Dr. R. 0 Redmond J. A. McLean Ritchie & Casette... , W. D. Pringle Howson & BrockIe Bank 0. Munroe for T. F. H. 0.. J. A. Morton W. D. Varvey S. Bennett A. M, Scully F. Mason $200 15 00 5 00 2 CO 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 511 25 25 25 3, J. Davis W. H. Campbell Mrs, J. Hanna T. Fella Sam'l Burchill Mrs. R, S, Linkwater , ...... • , 13. T. Thomson .. , W. G. Paterson William Field Robs. Mooney T. 0. King ... J. H. Ohrietie H. E. Isard. R, A. Currie Geo. Spotton A. 51. Crawford Jno. F, Groves Geo. Allen Francis Lewis 0. Dallas W. I+'. Vanstone• Rev, Father Blair Rev, J. W. Herbert Mrs. S. Graham Wm, Dore. Mr•e. F. G, Sperling Mrs. A, Runstedler Ie. Meikley . .. ....., Alrs. J. Lougheed T. Gregory . . . ... ... . .. Mrs. E, Poshff Ni.QrIrIS Ii • spberries and haying are the order of the day. Mr. Ward Gray has returned home from the west. Mrs. Powell who is in Wingham hospital is improving slowly we are sorry to state. Quite a number of Morrisites wersat Goderich on the 13th of July. Mr. and Mrs, Dave Rte of Winnipeg are visiting at the letter's, father, Mr. G, Maxwell of Morris, in Memoriam. 10 memory of Mrs, John -Willits who died June the 25th, 1914. A loving one from as was taken, And one we loved so well She has passed from earth, to heaven The angel song to swell. Just a month since she left us Left her suffering and'her pain, She is free from every trouble And we know we'll meet again. Yes, we miss our loving mother, Slise her loving fond embrace Miss her cheerful words of welcome, Miss her pleasant smiling face. She is gone. Ob, how we miss her, As she resits beneath the sod There her form is calmly sleeping, - But her spirit is with God. She we know is with the angels, Dreesed in purest robes of white Walking by the stream of pleasure, Lithe land where there's no night. We must brave earth without her, - Mise her all along the way And prepare our hearts to meet her On the bright Eternal day. A friend 10 Thos. Jackson, P�epworth, Kin- cardtue, Ont. 25 hf. U. H. \Valpole ` 25 A friend . 25 P. F. Hammes 25 • Total . $72 45 R, Dunbar, Secretary -Treasurer. GLORIOUS HAIR. As She Is Spoke in Lancashire. First Lancashire schoolboy from the ;op or a passing tramcar to a school friend: "Gooln' tit' 'pts t"neet?" Second L. S. -YL "nay re past?" "Aw rect." .The two, explains the Manchester Guardian, have made an appointment to meet at half past 0 for the first show of the local picture hall, which will be faithfully hent. NEURITIS FOLLOWS CRIPPLED NERVES Gills and women of all ages want to be beautiful and attractive, but un- sightly, thin and lifeless hair destroys half the beauty of a preety face. If your hair is losing its natural color, is falling out, dull, streaky, full of dandruff, too dry, or if the scalp itches and burns do not be alarmsd, use Parisian Sage. Rub it well into the scalp. It will go right to the halt root; nourish them, and stimulate tin hair to grow long and beautiful. I. removes dandruff with one application, stops itching scalp. falling hair and makes the head feel fine. Parisian Sage supplies the hair with what is needed to make it soft, thrift, thick and gloriott.ly radiant. sold in 5Cc bottles by J. W. McKibben and at alt drug counters, Louk for the trade mark -"The Girl with the Auburn Hair," Accept no Other. Painful Effects of Chronic Rheu- matism Quickly Routed by Rheuma. If your nerves are ail crippled frcm attacks of Rheumatism, Neuritis can easily get a strong hold on the nerves, This most painful disease is one of the hardest known to expel, but RHEUMA can reach it if given a chance. This testimony is positive proof - • "Last March I was so crippled with Neuritis in left limb I could walk scarcely at all. Tried alt remedies I beard of and had two physicians. Nothing did me any gpo4.un1ta es anee RH1:Ul1't•ene eletee i.0 Zif your medicine R.a' eiy cured me. -- Mrs. 0. Hayes, Russell, Ky. Soid by J. W. McKibben at 500 a bottle. A Few Best Sellers; The principal character in the follow- ing dialogue was not'engaged it Wrta tion, but merely requisitioning a few novels Young Lady (reading from lis:): "Engaged to be married" ? Librarian (referring to shelf) No, madam, Lady : "Thou art the man" ? Librarian : Yes, madam. Lady : Thank you. "Tiro Kisses"? Librarian : Out, madam. Lad!, : "After Dark"? Librarian : Yee, madam. Lady : Thanks. "Love Me Forever" ? Librarian : No. "Wooed and Mar- risd"? . Lady : No, thank you. "Under Love's Rule"? Librarian : No, madam. Lady : "Good-bye, Seel e.heart"? Thank you very much. -The Books of To day and Tu -Morrow. CONVENIENT-mr-M Stir s coal, coke, or wood, Large feed doors make tiring easy. Water pan is filled (1.177111rtre - without removing. ►gee the McClary dealer or writeo for booklet, R. R. MOONEY, Agent Windham. Subscribe dor the Advance Largest Circulation in HURON Co. We also club with all the leading papers in Ontario. everyone does not know as much about mak- ing biscuits as we have learned in over 50 years of making PERRIN'S DAIRY CREAM SODAS If you wish to know how dainty and "super -good" a soda can be just taste Perrin's "Fancy Thin" Dairy Cream Sodas. If yott like the old-fashioned Soda Biscuit our regular Dairy Cream Soda is what will please you. .ither kind comes to you in sealed packages that permit none of their good. ness to escape between the oven and your table. 5 cents, 10 cents and 25 cents the package at your grocer's, every package guaranteed. 10 cents in Coity or stamps and your grocer's name bring you the "Perrin Sample Package" of delightful fancy biscuits. Dr S PERRIN & Co M PAN'S` Limited LONDON N . CANADA •r.o.-k tor.N:e 'wain Taw* Mink 55 troy packAg,. 4 THE DOMINION BANK SIR EDMUNDS. OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VIOE-PRESIDENT. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. teepital Paid Up $5,400,000.00 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits • 7,100,000.00 You Can Start a Savings Account with $1.00. It is not necessary for you to wait until you have a large sum of money in order to start a Savings Account with this Bank. An account can be opened with $1.00 and more on which interest is compounded twice a year. WINGHAM BRANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. Atesamesszereenesof DOUBLE TRACK ALL'THE WAY. TORONTO -CHICAGO TORONTO - MONTREAL IrSPORTANT IMPROVED ' DAILY SERVICE NOW IN EFFECT WESTBOUND 1 EASTBOUND Lv. Montreal II.COpm Lv. Toronto A 00 am a r. London 11.0E nm . Ar. Detroi5 1.45 pal Ar. Chicago 8 10 pm Lv. Chicago 5.451 m 3.v. Detroit 11.05 pm Lv, London 5.48 1 m Lv. Tor nto 01.0 ani Ar. ltontreat 5.451 i3 highest class of equipment. Full particulars and berth reservations from ,.gents or write C, L, horning, D. P. A., To• ro:,to, Ont, 11. 73. Elliott-, Town Passenger and Ticker Agent; phone 4. W. P. Burgman, Station ticket A gent ; phone 50, "'1/119,,„ •,y !M eat - z4IONtifttat iie Fresh, Light, and Brown! No Better Bread 'Than Ours 'We Claim THE BEST OP FLOUR we employ The Latest Methods, too, We're Positive That You'll Enjoy The Dread We Bake forYou tutees Baketly PHONE 132 HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION To Points on the TEMISKAM1NG (Ss. NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY Haileybury and North in Nor- thern Ontario. From all pointe in Ontario and Quebec on the Grand Trunk and 0. P. Rys., except west of Chalk Rivt•r and north of Parry Sound ou the 0. P. R. Tickets at specially reduced rates good going June 10th and v:,lid for return until June 2 tb. See your neare. t Railway Agent for nil partic ulars or apply to_ A. J. PARR, G, P.A..T &N.0 Ry North tiny Ont Ontario Leads t51 per r r,,.t. r.f all th.' agrien1- liiul prodmt•s of Canaria art, r±rtITV r 11 Onta•110. 'i'1114r 14 1:0 1st VP). Ill estt11' 05 slier tele tll%ar, u g ori (►,,tart!\ farm. 'I'i+leo .a tri}, tiir'.',u l }•.. r.i,u,,tt•s mitt 1P••lt and li.' rrttl• vowed N . v: pent- better. We can 'sell you 11 goo,: farm r n easy- terms and give you imnierliate t•ossessicn. 111 Lealth of ownc.r- the reason for telling. We have also two excellent 100- aero fermi., good as the best-, that ' r we can give possession of after the harvest. rllle:e c,n be bough, rid lit, tzs the owners are anxious to sell, I:ot being in a position to work the farms themselves. IFr'1 • • rats Pr k�- Tornado insurance. i• TO a;;+tit« for put' of t•`•,• R g, -1 tOnpant. ti 141 t1:0 u oral tall acid (1t our rates. ' in -y Lull surprise you N•, tw-lniutn note Ritchie & Cosens HEAL ESTATE MID moans