HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-07-09, Page 6Clentene's Mast practical training F0110o1, Three dapHktitmntee Geer Mercian Sterthaad and Telegraphy. (Jenrette, al% thoroulth Ano praotl- eel. Indi'idnal instrnetlen ie given by A strong,, experienced staff Onr gra4uatea snooeed, Sludi±ttta Mey enter at any lima. Get our tree otelogae And Fee what wa et(n do ter yon. D. A. AletACKLAS prtnetp+tt 1 HIGH GLASS LIVERY GOOD HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady drivers. Drivers supplied. BEATTiE'S LIVERY DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 i OVER 66 YEARS EXPERIENCE TRADE MARK. Deafens COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a stretch and description may nnicrcly tt3cortal t our opinion free whether an Inyrorttinn ta.pro1iably patentable. Communloa• ttknttetNetiycon.Ideate]. FtIIANDBOBKK on Patents rent (FFes Oldest n ncy fo' ocurlugp ate,ita, aP cttohts tnkon thro h Munn & Co. receive ai noi(ce, without o sego, la the I• qA handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation $3.7any yscar,npostage prepaid. Sold by a alll nes. wsddealler �NMUNN tk Co 364Breadway, New York Branch Orace, 625 B' 8G. Wasblagton, p. C. • st•,.a9e,a1 R1..r•-•c•'�eKvgmoq� SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND iRECt1LATIONS. MEN solei head of a fanitll7, or en male over 1l, 18 years old. meet hoWeala quarter. eeotion at il,vailwhle lloretnton land in Mani- toba, Seskatehuwaa or ,Albs rte, The 'septatient Iona appear in person at the Dotninton Lan A e H 1 Londe q neo or tib-Age,o tor the diutMot. 11ntryY by proxy men be mute et the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Laude (not hub - agent) on certain oonditions, listless -8ix menthe' resideaoe gpon end out. ovation of the lend In etch Of three yea. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead en s farm of at least 80 teores on porton, conditions. A babiteble bootie is re- quired in every naso, owes)) wlieo residence is performed In the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good Standing may pre•om t s enarter-cocoon atnna. side his homestead. Pelee f.3 per acre. Pities 141x nmatl,e' residence in eaoh of Fix 'Dara tram date of homestead entry eneluding th Mme required to earn homestead patent) aro 5ta sora t'a cultivation. The area of culti- vation is atilyjoot to roduotinn in case of rough, eerubby or etony land after report by ifoate- stratt Inspector on upplioation for patent, A homesteader who has exhausted bin home. stead right and cannot obtain a pre•omptinn may take a purchased homosted in certain districts. Price $3 00 per acre. Duties. -Must reside six months in each of three years,'oniti• vote efty awes and ereot a house worth $300. an, W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.-Unauthorised publication of this ad. vortiseinent will not be paid for. RAILWAY TiME-TABLE Trains leave Wingham stations daily as follows G. T: R. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points: -Passenger, 6 45 a.m ; passen- ger, 11.00 a.uo.; passenger, 2.30 p.m. " TO LONDON: -Passenger 6.35 a. m.; passenger, 3 30 p m. TO KINCARDINE : - Passenger, 11,50 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m.; pas- senger, 6.15 p.m. C. P. R. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points: -Passenger, 6 40 a.m.; passen- ger 3.05 p.m. TO TEESWATER : - Passenger, 2.05 p.m.; passenger, 10 32 p.m. A year ago he couldn't eat 6 HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To MANITOBA, ALBERTA • SASKATCHEWAN tach Tne.iday March 3 to October 27, inclusive. IWinnipeg and Return - $35.00 gdtnonton and Return - 43.00 Prone Toronto, and Stations West and Y:7re' of Toronto. Proportionate fares from Stations Bast of 'Toronto. P.eturn Limit two months. REDUCED SETTLERS' FARES (ONY.-WAY SECOND CLASS) I A(•'fl TUESDAY, MARC!! AND APRIL Settlers travailing with live stock and rx ert+ sttoald take SETTLERS SPECIAL IrgA 1N gbtch leaves West Toronto each Tuesday daring MARC!! and APRIL after arrival regular 10.20 p.m. train from !Ionto Union 'Station. ,Settlers and fannies without live stock strould use RC'Ci'LAR TRAINS, leaving To:onto 10.29 p.rn. DAILY. 'Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West. COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No cbarirc for Berths. Piattculars from Canadian Pacific Agents or write h(, 0. Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. Farms For Sale 200 acres, large brick house. 2 bank barns, one mile south of Gerrie, good stock and grain farm, 35 aores of bush. 100 acre farm in. Minto Tp.,,7 miles from Harrison', 7 miles from Palm- erston ; school, church and store con- venient, good buildings. A snap at $5,600. For full particulars for these farms, apply to - PHILIP HARDING, Clifford, Ont. sireseentsarsimmesweeseseest Mr. Geo. Moir Wishes to announce to the citizens of Wingham that he is in the old tand to stay. Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, etc. Give us a call. Farm for Sale. A good 200 acre farm Within nine miles of Winghanl good bank barn, goo(1 cewont house, large orchard, and Considerable quantity of timber. .Price $6600.00. Apply to 11. Vanstone, Wing - ham P. O. CASTOR ror Infants and Children, The Kind You Hand Always Bought Bears the Signature of 1,440 Farlml For Sale. Pleaennt 'View Perm for sale, 120 eeresM, 100 cleared. 20 hard Wend built) We11 fenoed, good state of cultivation, wield mill, good water, bank barn 82x b2. C ood out buildings, two storey brick cottage with 11 rotunfl, ROSY, Lit ATtiORN, Bluevale, Do Today he can eat three square ' meals and sometimes one "extra" because Chamberlain's Tablets cured Stomach Troubles and gave him a good digestion. You try them. 25c. a bottle., All Druggists and Dealers or by Mail. 3 Chwtberlaie lisdicfos Co., Toronto 0 "SUCCESS FARM; "FAILURE FARM" DO you see the two farms I They are both good farms, or ought to be, as are most of those in this country. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM IS NOT IN THE LAND, BUT IN THE MEN THAT OWN THEM. One of these men is an up to date chap who READS THE PAPERS, especially the farm notes, takes agricultural journals and applies scientific methods. The other works just as hard, but will not have a newspaper in the house and could not get a new idea if it were bored into his head with an X ray. THE UP TO DATE FARMER GETS TWO OR THREE TIMES THE YIELD OF HIS NEIGHBOR AND WITH BUT LITTLE MORE LABOR OR EXPENSE. He uses fertilizer, crop rotation and intelligence. He economizes every rod of his land; makes it all count. He practices soil eon. servation. He gives back to the soil as much as or a little more than he takes from it. He knows the latest experiments made by the agricultural department, the agri- cultural colleges and experiment stations. He reads the newspa- pers. SEND in YOUR 81713• SOItIPTION 'T'ODA'Y. They Use a Lot of Coat. The tont r o l ed for olio burnsy be- tween Taverpoot ,find.Nely York by the present day big Atlitutle liners 'would fill twenty-two teeinsrof, thirty trucks, eaeli truck containing^ten tone. Goin; to law Is loaimg n eow fol the sake of a eat. -Chimes° Proverb. Symboliiet In Japan. When a cblld is betel 'In Japan the parents put up outside the house the (sign of a fish or it (loll. according ne it ax boy en a girl. The tail represents a being 't"vho has to 'swim against the Stream and m;ike .his Ivey in the *Old. The doll stands for one who Is there to be p,,ttt$1 slid Made much of, THE GREEN 4 SATIN MOAT Antt MI it Meant to Two Girt, Ili' CI.AftISSAi M4,CIfiIE "An tsrres.s ll,trlca;c for ,fou, Nell," (leave. (l,lit a aS she. met her friend nt the 119or of the sunt thee occupied toat'ther, "Ito hurry std open It. I'm dying to sec what It emitains. It must be in't"iou ," : he tattled on, "because lo'Isttrctt and stamped with all eurts Pt oddfuleigil eh u'acters," Nelle. Winer l trg.ed :i$ site tossed her lett ant.t jacket eft the bed and car - tied the lulereeting peek:van to the win- do w, eit'te from my Uncle Data You re- member. Grave, I've told you about him- -t,p sr bo has lived for ninny Yearn* in Caine drd is as rich as rich can be." aline 1' nue nodded her golden head and frowned. "C'es; I've heard alt nbottt your rill► Uncle Daniel. and 1 thiaic he's a stingy old thing, Nell -so there! If he 1„isn't he wouldn't per- mit his niece 10 wither nway in this perfectly respectable but terribly gloomy bonrding'house or to continue the uerre racking occupation of teach- ing grimy youngsters thele A 13 C's.” "What would, you ilavo hint do, Grace:" smiled Nell. - 1 would have him send you a per fectly enormous draft on New York, enough to enable you to buy a rose Lowered cottage iu the country and to raise chickens for the mer•ket. And, Nett, 1 could go and live with y'ou and be your right hand titan. Wouldn't it be great " Nellie sighed profoundly. "It would be lovely, Grace, but I'm afraid be won't do a thing. You see, be quarreled with my mother years ago because she married my father, and we never heard it word from him for years and years. Then mother died, and still Barer n word from Un - de Dan. After father's death, a year ago, you know 1' was left entirety alone and quite poor -those long 111- nesses simply devoured the money - and now it seems Uncle Dan has re- membered my birthday after all." She looked dreamily dove, into the grubby back yard of the city block. (!race jumped up and pulled down the•yellow window shades and lighted the gas jet. "Now that Lie has re:nembered, dear, suppose yen open it and see what .tt contains," she urged. "Perhaps he has sent you the rose bowered cottage aft- er all.", Nellie untied the heavy cord that bound the pnekago and broke the red seals that splotched It here a.nd there. \Vben the outer paper was removed she found that -there was layer after layer of oiled yellow paper, and at last there was revealed a fat box covered with brocaded silk. The silk covered box was' tied with golden cords, and when these were removed the lifted cover brought to light a Most wonder- ful garment of green satin, stiff with embroidery and glistening with gold thread. Nellie held It up for her friend to see. "A mandarin's coat," she said with a little choke in her voice. "isn't It won- derful?" Grace 'was examining the coat with critical eyes. On the broad back of the garinent was embroidered a garden scene, and the fronts were equally splendid. On either flowing sleeve there blazed n golden sun, and as she twitched one of the sleeves aside there sounded a faint crackle from its vo- luminous folds. She pronged her hand into the pock- et -like cavity and drew out it ricepaper envelope addressed to "Miss Nellie Iltlyer." Nellie • opened the envelope and took out a thin sheet of rice paper. Across the top or ttie sheet her uncle Dan bad written a few words: "To Nellie, on her twenty-second biftbdny, from Uneie Dan." Then he had added: "Be- low is n fairly good sample of Chinese poetry. Are you fond 'of poetry':" Grace read the poet) aloud: "The day is fair, like other days. 1 stroll to my garden. Through rose bordered paths I stray, S3eeiring always for happiness and peace of mind: At last 1 walk straight into the heart of the sun dragon - 1 am swallowed up and turned into a glowing jewel of delight!" "Flow odd!" commented Grace When rile had finished, "It is without rime .or meter, and" - "Hut not without meaning! Inter- rupted Nellie esc!tedie. Look, (,race:" She pointed -at the outspre410 Man.' dnrin's coat that was on the. bed be, fore them• "I've been looking at that. 1 really think, the poem applies to this garden scene on the back of the coat!" f' 1 e scoffed M iss Lane as she knelt beside her friend before the green satin coat. "1 never yet saw the Chinese poets that ever appeared to express 11fytbiug 1ttwe the titter tnpsytnevyness of that upside nitwit In ed." "Ilt•a''l the poem again while l trace out the story." urged Nellie, her linger on the beglitning of the etnbreitlered brown petit nett trickled over the green #satin garden, (.n^ice hinghtd and obeyed. It WAS tether fun to indulge in these pretty 1rnvies after it hard day's work in the School r oon7. "'The clary is fair, like other days,,," Alt e be ,,an. lit ,.,., (1. i. Tho i !S7 t canat tw i in►nR' , Vint shott•s that the day is Sale," itt• THE WAN GRAM ADV ANO terrurt•al Nellie eagerly. "Sti'ulllni t this brown path -see, my iluget' trtivele through the ruse bordered paths --sets tug for ltappiuess mid pence of talnd liaise are represented by the lotus blossoms 11 way tilt' ou another path. Ile misses the turning end goes on, an, ett•ailwht towtird the sun dragon, '.l'11e brown path goes right itato t1II heart of the Sinn, and Jay stroller Is swallowed up in the heart of the sort: Greedy. fellow: He must have n bard heart, (Tears," She laughed as eer pretty (anger prodded the gold, embroidered planet. "That's because you're turned Into a glowing jewel of delight," retorted her friend gayly, "I wish It were a glowing jewel of delight instead of a very ordinary sen," sighed Kellie as see arose and landed up the gorgeous coat, "There's the supper bell, and 1 ale so uutldy.l Do let's hurry or we won't get a bite to eat." After supper It was a loug, dull even- lug. Though troth of the girls were ap- parently reading, each one of thein was thinking of the beautiful green satin coat and how utterly useless It all was under the present circum- sta noes, Nellie carried her sober thoughts to sed with her, and for luauy'tours she lay awake, wondering why Uncle Dau had sent her such nn absurd gift when be knew that she wits obliged to work for her living and tlmt the mandarin's coat must be an extravagant accessory !o her simple wardrobe. "1 can't understand it," she mur- tuured sleepily. "Mother always said that Uncle Dan was eccentric, but she said he was bard headed, practical and scorned useless extravagance, so- Oh, I wonder, S e , 1 wonder!" Now she was wide awake and sitting up iu bed. Iu it second her feet were on the Door and she was pulling the mandarin's coat from its place In her dresser. She bulled down the shades and lighted the gas. Grace sat up in. bed and staled dazedly at her friend, "What is the matter?" she demanded drowsily. "Are you crazy, Nellie 1311- yerr Nellie turned her head away from the blazing sun, at which she was c1al tfly snipping)iug with her embroidery scissors. Iler face was pink with ex- citement, and her eyes shone. "Grace Lane, I believe there really Is n jewel bidden nudes this,embroidery," she cried eagerly. Miss Lune opened her blue eyes wide and yawned. Then she hopped out of heel and sat down on the floor beside Nellie. Out of the raised interior of the em- broidered stili there rolled it large stone that caught the sordid gaslight and reflected it in javelin points of flame. Now it glowed redly, palpitat- ing; now it was a still, crimson pool of flame. It was as large as a hazel- Aut, "it is a ruby!" gasped Grace faintly. "It certainly -isn't glass," admitted Nellie. "So the poem 010 have a mean- ing after all, brace. Isn't It wonder- ful? Uncle Dan was trying to see if I was clever enough to read the story on the back of the coat. Grace, do you kuciw what this ruby represents?" (trace nodded cheerfully. - "Vine wreathed cottage -chickens - pony cart - everything that we've dreamed abort and never' really ex- pected to come true:" Nellie veils looking thoughtfully at the mandarin's cont. She turned it over 11110 examined the blazing sons en the siceves and on either front of the ger meat, '`Grace," she said quietly, "there are four smaller repruduc'tions of the gar- den of roses. and in each blazing sun 1 believe Nye will find another jewel!" "Let is get to work, then," cried Grace, fetching her own scissors. . ' The hands of the little alarm clock on the bureau pointed to 3 a. W. when the last blazing suu was despoiled of its jeweled heart. The sleeves had given up two enor- mous pearls of great luster, and the fronts had contributed two blazing dia- monds, "I take back everything I ever said about your Uncle Dan," quavered Grace Lnne ns she went to bed with the gems hidden under• the pillow. "IIe's a deal'!" "1 think 111 say a prayer for him," murmured Nellie from the depths.of a grateful heart Without n word Grace slipped from the bed and knelt beside her. il) CHURCHILL AN ACTOP,. k. Piot Lord of the Adniiralty Wes ar. Ingenious Schoolboy. To picture the First Lord, of int Admiralty, In wig and grease -paint acting the part of Dick Dowlas, sor of the illiterate shopkeeper, in seen»r from Colpian's "lIeir.at-Law," or ex- pending his energies In invcutire scenic effegts and novelties for tit, pantomntme of "Aladdin," is Itot an easy task. And yet in his youthful days. Mr. Winston Churchill was re- garded as Quito the beat amateur c - tor and stage -,manager anloug his in- timates. n- tiillates. It was at a private school in Brigb- ton that he first displayed that his- trionic talent which emitted the ad miration of 1115 friends—talent which was really discovered by the bead master himself. This head master was rather fond of amateur theatri- cals, and started (quite a theatre rage by organizing two companies among the boys, who played a couple of dramas, entitled "The Smuggler" and "Tho antler and His Men." And it was characteristic of the First Lord's originality and daring that he decid- ed to produce a play of his own, With the true instincts of a theatrical manager, he argued that what the boys wanted was something to laugh at, and he therefore decided to leave melodrama alone and produce a pan- tominle—"Aladdin," He had a scheme for making a street of real paper houses, which by a mechanical device would change visibly into the magic cave, while the Genius of the Lamp was to rise from a trap in the midst of volumes of va- por supplied by the safety -valve of a model locomotive. But the arrange- ments were not completed by the time the theatrical rage at the school had died out, andr M ,ins o Churchill W t n Cl urchi 1 promptly devoted himself to thinking out another school newspaper, being really too versatile to confine his at- tention to one hobby. Referring again, however, to Mr. Winston Churchill's experiences es an actor, one who knew him at sehool says that he was a fine elocutionist and a remarkably self-possessed re- citer, and an incident occurred in con- nection with his impersonation of Dick Dowlas which shows that even then, though he was only about, twelve or thirteen Y .ars o f age,e he possessed a sense of humor which he did not mind turning against himself, In one part of the play Dick receives a letter from his father, who succeeds temporarily to the title of a baron, which he proceeds to read aloud to his tutor, Dr. Pangloss, • Dick (reading) : "I will send my carrot! Carrot!" Dr. Pangloss: "He! he! he! Char- iot, his lordship means." "Now when Churchill read the word carrot," says "One who was with` him" at school, "he assumed the most comical expression of mysti- fication imaginable, and, slowly put- ting his hand to his head, looked at the audience. Everyone who knows the color of Churchill's hair—it is not red, but there is a distinct tinge of what one calls auburn—will under- stand why the laugh was much more hearty than was justified by the mere words of the play." a * * * * * * In farnway China an elderly man was dreaming of his home country, from which he had alienated himself for many years. Ile was thinking of the secret con- tained in the green satin mandarin coat which he bad sent to his unseen niece in New'York. "If she's clever enough to read the secret she will write me •a letter of thanks, and if the letter is the sort of letter that shows her to be my sister Eve's daughter in disposition, why, I'm going home to spend the' rest of my days with her." One clay the tetter came, and it was the right kind of letter, for Daniel Drake severed his connections In the orient and took the first steatner for home, and when he arrived there he found the rose cohered oottago and his niece, as Well as another glowing young specimen of young womanhood, who was also willing to be adopted into his family, The green satin coat l do been trade into a beautiful screen, and it is one of Nellie's most precious possessions. "It not only lifted u froth poverty," she told her adopted cousin, (trace, "but it really brought Uncle Dan to us, And while one can get along with. out a whole lot of money it's nice to have 'maw own folks belonging to ,TOU.11 r..,.. ...L, u..,-., 1 .,..., ......14 Elderberries Scorned. The elder has not inspired much sentiment; even its berries, trans- fromed into wine, don't make a par- ticularly inspiring beverage. Shakes- peare scornfully refers to it as "stink- ing elder." Yet it should inspire a very grateful sentiment, for it her- alds spring. It is about the first wild tree (if it can be called tree) that comes into leaf. Already it is show- ing its green, though unobtrusively, as befits a creature modest and ma- ligned. The leaves are so dark that they don't shed light- about them, as does the breaking forth of hawthorn or beech. Nor has elder blossom ap- pealed to the poets; it is easier to sing of violet, rose, or honeysuckle. Still, one of them might spare the elder a spring song.—London Chron- icle. How Lang Learned to "cad. Andrew Lang—the beat prose writ- e,• of the age, accord;ng to many cri- tics—took to the printed page almost as instinctively as a duckling takes to water. "About the age of four," he relates, "I learned to read by a simple process. I had he".rd the elegy et Cock Robin until I knew it by rote, and I picked out the letters and words which comp -se that classic till I could rerd it for myself. A nursery legend tells that as a, child I used to arrange six open bookon six chairs and go from one to the other perusing them by turns. No doubt this was what people caIl 'desultory reading,' but I did not hear the cri- ticism until later, an.: then too often for my comfort," Kept Then! All on Edge. One of the favorite devices of Lord Nelson when ships were cruising in company was to signal to a given craft that LI:ut. Smith or Staff Engi- neer Brown or Captain of Marines Jones was to take .charge, on the as- sumption that ad his superior officers on board had been pet out of action. The author of "Trafalgar Refought," says the result was very good, for every one therefore made a point of trying to make himself fit to carry out the duty ohould It ever be assign- ed ter him. Electric Sterilization. Liverpool experiments in steriliz- ing milk by a high tension electric Current are said to have yielded won- derful results. London's Night Workers. Including policemen, pressmen, bakers, postal employes and market people, at least 120,000 people' work all night in London. Cleanliness Is Costly, Then soap and cleansing material used in the London public schools coats $20,000 annually( Get Your Job Printing done at the ADVANCE THURSDAY, JI;LY 9 194 Save Money! Buy Your New Fence DIRECT FROM PAGE Freight Prepaid STYLE HEAVY Ptetclts T - 11 - n M ., . FENCE No. 9 Page Wire Throughout in 20 30 and 40 Rod Rolla, Freight Paid a o e 'it x, •,,• 9 Spacing of Ilorizontala •in Incl;e9 'c3''' Ly 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 .10 10 11 18 21 302 37! 40 40 48 42 42 47 47 48 48 51 51 48 4 51 51 5 48 60 48 22 22 22 22 22 16i 22 16i 22 16/ 22 16i 22 16 16/ 22 16. SPECIAL 8 8 10 -ft. 10, 8, 9, 64, 7, 5, 51, 5, 61, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, ,k, , 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, No, Top No, 13. Close Close PAGE op'ng 10, 10,.. 10, 10 81; 9, 9 .. ... ......... ,,., 7, 7, 7i, 8 71, 9, 10, 10 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 51, 7, 81, 9,9 5i 7, 81, 9, 9...,, 6, 6,; 6, 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6..,, 5, 51, 7, 81, 9, 9.... , 5, 5/, 7, 8i, 9, 9 e,, 4, 5/, 7, 7, 7*, 8„ 3, 4, 5i, 7, 7, 7, 8 3, 4, 51, 7, 81, 9, 9, 5, 4, 5*, 7, 8i,. 9, 9 3, 3, 4, 5*, 7, 8 ,. 9, 9 POULTRY FENCING n0ttorn, Intermedietce Uprights $ inches apart. bars bars "RAILROAD" GATES .-;' 016 $ , .18 .21 .23 .23 .2 6 .2 .2 6 ,29� .29 .31 .2 9 .31 .31 .33 .33 .31 .36 .42 .47 , , • 4$.12 -ft. op' -ng 4813 -ft. o 'i 14-ft. Op'ng,,,,-•�`, � ,-:4 +, wi 1. •,Mki_4 ,i ri1 1a?4%5Q4.N Y rtltE 4r .0 e48 "L 's�'u" - WALK GATE, 48 in. high, Si ft. openng STAPLES, 23 -lb. box, 131 ACE WI?iE,25'-1h, rails, tIzT1;ETCIIINO TOOLS, (oml11F4te nut' t., ..........,..........4.,„,.....4.,...:....,, crc<r.a..,-;;: i44.,-...4..,'v.:wisw:•n 4 2.33 .72 ff 1 C w''i{ v O r too Our Branch �p ` p p� Co, LA, P K5 Wire Force YUs L �. Montreal 1240 King St. West WalkerviTle St. John TORONTO Winnipeg Write For Io4 Page Free Catalog g "PAGE FENCES WEAR BEST" SR The Advallce Offlce is fully equipped to do AllKinds Of PRINTING Sale Bills, Poster Work, Letter and Note Heads, State- '• Ynents, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Catalogue Work, etc. Anything from a Poster to a Calling Card We always keep on hand a fine line of Wedding Stationery. If you want the BEST Results Bring Your Work to The ADVANCE Office. 1 Y. �ry .l: ADVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE- IT HAS ME CIRCULATION WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Matabltshed 1840. Bead 41i1oe GUICId'in.ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property nn the ee,ssh or pt'e- II]in0i note eysterrt, (iEO. SLR1;D A.N, 30I1N 1]A t'lltaot ?resident, iiecretary. Agents. RITCHIE tn. Ct7�SgINIS, ' i1i Ingham, Ont DUDLEY JJOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc.. Office: Meyer ;Plock, Winglmam.. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money tp loan at lowest rater. W INaIIAM, RT:HURtI. IRWIN IDoctor of Dental Surgery of the Pon ns yrlvunia-college and /Anent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -oracle in Macdonald Blook- • G-... ROSS, D.D.S., L,D,s Honer Graduate of the Royal floilfgl of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, OFFICE OYER H. E. ISA,RD & 00'5, STORE DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B. 0. A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST SPECIALTY -Chronic and Nervous Diseases. Evr+s ecientiflcally tested, (lasses fitted. Office over Chrlstie's store, Winghann. Tuen1ats-11,30 a,m, to 9 p.m, Consultation free. W. R. I-IAMBLY, B.SO., la,D., C.M. Special attentionai of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Beptist Ohuroh. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0, Box 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS Lute mertibor House Staff Tor- onto General Ilospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr, Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. a. REDMOND L 1Y.. C • P. (bond.; Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) • W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE OF LATE DR. WILSON. RESIDENCE—COR. PATRIOT{ & FRANCA" - Office Office Phone 179. Residence Phone 182. Ex Gov. Yet. Inspector. C. N.'GRIFFIN • GE +'RAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. WINGHAM General Hospital. (Under Governmei.b Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Rates for eatientsu(which 'include board and nursing) -84,90 to $15.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informs,. tion -Address MISS L. MATIBEWS Snporintendenb, Box 223. Wingham, Ont, Snowflake Steens Laundry Having bought out Gong Lse'a 1 -Pendry 1 am prepared to do all loads of laundry won k. Satisfaction Guaranteed Lsundry will be opened Monday, June 15th I will call on all my old eustomers and also new ones Monday morning, June 15th. A TRIAL SOLICITED 0. V. Hayden, Mgr. J' New Limited Train Service —Between Montreal - Toronto - bettoit - Chicago via Canadian Pacific and Michigan Central Railroads via Michigan Central Gigantio Steel Tubes hetweee Windsor and Detroit. Leaving Montreal 845 a.m.; Toronto 6.10 p.m.. arriv. tog Detroit 12.35 a,m. and Lthioitgo 745 a,ni, Equally qually good service returning. Through Eleettio Lighted Equipment, TORONTO .. WINNIPEG - VANCOt1V.ER Toronto -Vancouver ltxpteki No. 3 leaves T.,ront.15,55 p.m daily. Vancouver -1 tooa- 'tn I'icprccs No.4 anonet Toronto 1145 a.m. daily. Manitoba, H*p1ti't s No , 7 leaves To. ronto rials a ,1XC MURta • Ing two 4-11 ,.„o, No 5tearn.s Winnipeg92npti'i-a clailitt,4 Toronto 5.15 p rn daily except pt Tnesday. p'or farther ait'°tiinrs apply Sip C dthwrp.,,lttt.Ttulrtt Irotr. opp nee • - Bank of Hamilton milton , Capital Ani for"'zed - $i,00() 000 Capital, Paid-up - - 3 000,000 Surplus 3,750,000 AN IMPORTANT ALLIANCE. When a voting man first make9 his alliance with a fraanoial institution by opening a Sa in A A000nnt, he hhotnld look ahead to the time when his bank book will•,a%d his: advancement. A growing bank balance fissures an omployer that a young mat! hits mastered the principle�lw of elionoullcal management. , C. P. SMITH Agent WInghalmi — 4. '; 'b*Ed r i lJ n1 ,�-i- t Ly �ry .l: ADVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE- IT HAS ME CIRCULATION WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Matabltshed 1840. Bead 41i1oe GUICId'in.ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property nn the ee,ssh or pt'e- II]in0i note eysterrt, (iEO. SLR1;D A.N, 30I1N 1]A t'lltaot ?resident, iiecretary. Agents. RITCHIE tn. Ct7�SgINIS, ' i1i Ingham, Ont DUDLEY JJOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc.. Office: Meyer ;Plock, Winglmam.. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money tp loan at lowest rater. W INaIIAM, RT:HURtI. IRWIN IDoctor of Dental Surgery of the Pon ns yrlvunia-college and /Anent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -oracle in Macdonald Blook- • G-... ROSS, D.D.S., L,D,s Honer Graduate of the Royal floilfgl of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, OFFICE OYER H. E. ISA,RD & 00'5, STORE DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B. 0. A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST SPECIALTY -Chronic and Nervous Diseases. Evr+s ecientiflcally tested, (lasses fitted. Office over Chrlstie's store, Winghann. Tuen1ats-11,30 a,m, to 9 p.m, Consultation free. W. R. I-IAMBLY, B.SO., la,D., C.M. Special attentionai of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Beptist Ohuroh. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0, Box 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS Lute mertibor House Staff Tor- onto General Ilospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr, Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. a. REDMOND L 1Y.. C • P. (bond.; Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) • W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE OF LATE DR. WILSON. RESIDENCE—COR. PATRIOT{ & FRANCA" - Office Office Phone 179. Residence Phone 182. Ex Gov. Yet. Inspector. C. N.'GRIFFIN • GE +'RAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. WINGHAM General Hospital. (Under Governmei.b Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Rates for eatientsu(which 'include board and nursing) -84,90 to $15.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informs,. tion -Address MISS L. MATIBEWS Snporintendenb, Box 223. Wingham, Ont, Snowflake Steens Laundry Having bought out Gong Lse'a 1 -Pendry 1 am prepared to do all loads of laundry won k. Satisfaction Guaranteed Lsundry will be opened Monday, June 15th I will call on all my old eustomers and also new ones Monday morning, June 15th. A TRIAL SOLICITED 0. V. Hayden, Mgr. J' New Limited Train Service —Between Montreal - Toronto - bettoit - Chicago via Canadian Pacific and Michigan Central Railroads via Michigan Central Gigantio Steel Tubes hetweee Windsor and Detroit. Leaving Montreal 845 a.m.; Toronto 6.10 p.m.. arriv. tog Detroit 12.35 a,m. and Lthioitgo 745 a,ni, Equally qually good service returning. Through Eleettio Lighted Equipment, TORONTO .. WINNIPEG - VANCOt1V.ER Toronto -Vancouver ltxpteki No. 3 leaves T.,ront.15,55 p.m daily. Vancouver -1 tooa- 'tn I'icprccs No.4 anonet Toronto 1145 a.m. daily. Manitoba, H*p1ti't s No , 7 leaves To. ronto rials a ,1XC MURta • Ing two 4-11 ,.„o, No 5tearn.s Winnipeg92npti'i-a clailitt,4 Toronto 5.15 p rn daily except pt Tnesday. p'or farther ait'°tiinrs apply Sip C dthwrp.,,lttt.Ttulrtt Irotr. opp nee •