HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-07-02, Page 81 1 Where To Buy Your Flour When yet: want Floor, come and speak to us about it. We are millers and know which is best for eaoh need. We have different kinds. Blended Flours. Quality, which is our biggest seller of all flours. Milverton and Exeter. Manitoba Wheat Flouts. Parity, Five Lilies. Five Rosea, Royal Household. Ontario flour, Pat -A -Pau, beat of all for pastry only. Special Prices on Five Bag Lots. HOWSON & BROCKL1BANK We have a quantity of choice potatoes on ban& Order;'uow. ?HJYE 40 OR 20. i1 lithiiiill111 11 Special Summer Goods HANNA & CO. L kdi -s wash Dresses in the newest patterns in gingharns and prints, sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 4o. Price $1.00 to $4.50, made to fit. Childrens dresses in plain white laco'1 and voile, sizes 1 year to 16 years neatly trimmed with Satin ribbon at medium prices. Childrens Rompers ask to ,see an assortment in good washab!e materials in plain white, plain blue and fancy lrattel•lis, all : izes, prices 50c and 75c each. Kiddies Straw hats in full straws the newest shapes at 50c each. Ladies Towelling Outing Hats in plain white suitable for all outing occassisn at 50c each. Butterick Patterns always in stock CO. Phone 70. Special Lines'in SWEET CAKES In this lisle we are Specialists , 4 --Lines Which You should Have --4 STRAWBERRIES PINE APPLES GREEN BEANS RIPE TOMATOES PHONE 6 FAST SERVICE FREE DELIVERY ..s Henry T. Thompson THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Successor to E. B. Hart Fresh Groceries of the Highest Standard' Regal Sodas 25c. per pail A full line of Christies and Bean and Westla1 es Biscuits and Oakes always in stock. Milverton, Exeter and other brands of Flour SEED A SPECIALTi M. J. BELL Grocer TRE Jamestown. Mea. Job King le going to Fergee on Tuesday, Mies Olive Lake Sunda sed with Bel- more friends. Mr. Levy left for his home at 13M. miller on Fridey evening. Andrew and Mrs, Jacklin were Sun- day viei.tors at Win. We'd. Mr. and Mrs, A. Pollock visited at Wm. McDonald's on Sunday beet. Rev, Brantford Tait of I3luevale preached its the halt on Sunday night, Mies Baker of Craubrook was the Sunday gueet 9f her friend, :dies Ida ?Frain, Mrs. Thos. Strachan, Sr. ispoorly at present. We trust she Will improve in health, Mrs. Matthew Gibson is visiting her daughter, Mr. Andrew Pollock for a few days. Mrs. B. King and Mrs, Hugh Motes are visiting Kincardine friends over the week end. Mrs. Eiljeh Jacklin of Brussels was a visitor at the home of her son An- drew on Thursday.. Will. and Mre. Burke of Ingersoll motored to the former's parental home with friends on Sunday. Mr, Tom Atkins of Orange Bill paid a flying visit to the borne of his sister, Mrs. Geo. Johnston of Zed trot, Mr. Wrn, Holt is home -again after spending korue time at Skims. Ile did not want to ruies the elections, Don't forget the Garden Party at Mr. Jas. Peareou'e, er., on July 6th. It will be the hest one of the seaeon. Mrt. G. Juhneton and Mre, D, Mc- Donald were the guests of Mrs. An- drew Hooper of Wroxeter on Friday Mrs, Edward Bryans left on Thurs- day for a few weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Field of Oven Sound. Mr. T. Smith, sr., of Morris, has been under the Dr.'s care, having cut his right foot severely with an axe a week ago. A large number from this vicinity attended the Jubilee of Molesworth Presbyterian church on the evening of the 22od. We are all sorry to state that Mr. Wm. Willis is very poorly at present with heart trouble. We truet he will soon be better, The Jamestown Sunday School pic- nic will be held on July let at Mait- land Brea Farts under the trees at the river flats, one quarter of a mile west of Jamestown, .A. goad time is ex- pected. Mr. Wm. Burke and family of In- gersoll spent Sunday under the par- ental roof at Mr. Samuel Burke'e. They came in an automobile, which is a convenient way of travelling long distances. We understand that the Trustee Board of No. 4 have engaged Miee Muriel Brothers as teacher for the in- coming year. Miss Brothers is well known in this ,locality and we con- gratulate the Board on having secured her services. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright and child met with an accident on Sunday which might have been fatal. Their horse shied at a motor cycle and upset. them and the buggy over a bank. Mr. Wright got his ankle injured but the rest escaped without injury, with the exception of a bad scare. Uorrie. Mr. Jno. Stewart, er., arrived home on Saturday after an extended trip. Miss Mildred Gregg is visiting friends in Ingersoll for two weeks. Mrs. Armstrong visited at the manse, Fordwicb, on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Alice Hibbert of Wingham ie visiting with her friend, Miss Vera Steinmillar. Mr. Wm'. Williams has returned from Chicago having sold out his bueinese there. Mr. Russel Andrews of the Bank of Hamilton is relieving at Fordwich this week and next. Miss 0. Hutchinson and Mr. Mc- Laughlin of Fordwich visited with Mise Steinmillar on Sunday. • J. G, Armstrong of Lucknow spent a couple of days this week with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs. (Rev,) Rivers and her two children arrived home on Saturday after a month's holidays at Sarnia. Preparatory service was held in the Presbyterian Church on Friday morns ing, Rev. Mr. Gibson of Belmore oc- cupied the pulpit. A number of the members of the Wornan'e Institute attended the Dis- trict Annual meeting held in Walton on Saturday afternoon. The Public School children and teachers with their parents and friends held a picnic on the bank of the Maitland river on Friday after- noon. All report a splendid time, Mrs, J. Armstrong attended the supplementary meeting of the Wo- man'e Institute In Molesworth on Monday, Dr, Hamilton of Toronto accompanied her and gave an address at the meeting. The social on Thursday evening un• der the auspices of the Women's In, atitutes and in aid of the cemetery fund, to be held in the Town Y3a11' should be a success. Mr. Samuel ldyndman of Newbridge an old .gentlemen of 03 years, polled his vote for Mr. Musgrove at No, 6 11e was very anxiouii to get hie vote in as he may never poll another. Mr. A. A. Holt took him to the polling divi talon in his auto. Election day passed very quietly here, but *hen the returns came in the evening and were found to he so eatiefaotory to the Me jority, .a number NG A ADVANOE from town and Fni'rnunding country prepared for a e..eoration and for a few hours the town was lively with the beating of drutus tent blowipg of horns, etc. A Isrge buutire was lit on the corner of Main St., near the drug store and as procession formed, a Punk bey carrying brooms dipped in coal oil and lighted. A. lot of sky rockets were also discharged. Whitechurch. Mrs. D. Kendall of Ohio is visjting at Mr. Gavin Middleton's. Miss Lizzie Mirehouee hi home from Toronto on her vacation. A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday. June 2/th, at Maple Grove Farm. Kinloee, when Annie Pearl, youngest daughter of Mre. Thomas Mlrehouse, was united in marriage at high noon to Mr. Jamas L. Middleton of Whitechurch, former- ly of Brantford. The ceremony was performed under an arch of ever- greene, maple leave, and the wedding' bell, Rev. 0, D, Thomson of Grand Bend officiating. The bride dreeseed in white paillette silk carried a bouquet of carnations and was given away by her uncle,, Mr. John Mire - house of Langside. Mies Gertrude Middleton, sister of the groom, aoted as maid of honor. Lohengrin's Bridal Chorus was played by Miss Lizzie Mirehnuse, sister of the bride. After the ceremony tho guestethirty-ave in number at down to dinner, after which the bride and groom with some friends left in an autn amid showers of rice, confetti, and old boots for Brantford. where they are spending their honeynnon. On their return thee. will reeide nn the 2rd concession of Kinlnsa. Among those present from a dierenre were Mr. and Mr'. L. Dose And Mrs, Hi.wthorne of Brant. fnril Mia.. Lizzie Mirehnuee of Toron- to, Mrs, David Kendall of Ohio. Hluevale, Mise Olive Scott spent the holiday at Seaforth. Paul & .Jewitt shipped acarload of hogs this week. Mre. Rnht. Block 'visited friends at Stratford this week. Miss Cora Messer spent a few days this week with friends at Millbank, Mrs, Wm. Haney spent a few days last week with relatives at. Gerrie. Mr, Robb. Duff is on the sick 1IE,t. His many friends with him a speedy recovery. Mr, David Jewitt is on sick list"this week. We wish him a speedy re- covery. Mre. M. Masters and Mre. Barnes of Toronto are visiting relatives here at present. Quite a nomher from here spent Do- minion day at Wingham and report a good time. Mieees Mary Stewart, Luella Shaw and Flo Aitchison are home for the holidays. Mrs. Sanderson and Mre, Griffiths are up from Toronto for a few weeks, holidays. In spite of the had weather Monday a large number turned out to mark their ballot, Remember the Garden Party to he held on the Methodiet church grounds Tueeday, July 7th. Tea will be served from 6 to 8 p. m. The Kilta Brass Band from Clinton will furnish the music for the evening. This is one of the finest bands in this pert of Onta- rio. There are 23 members and they promise something decidedly new. Admission 25c and 15e. All will be made welcome. Rev. 3, E Cooke, B. D., of the Blue - vale Methodist Church, ha•e just closed his third year of successful work and on Thursday evening, prior to bis de- parture for Grand Bend where he is etetioned for the next year, the mem- bers of the circuit to the number of about 200 assembled at the parsonage to spend a social evening, At the close of a short program, Mr. and Mre. Cook were called forward and the fol- lowing address was read by Mr. 0. Higgins: Dear Mr. and Mn. Cooke :— We the members and adherents of Bluevale, Johnston and Ebenezer Churches meet here this evening to express our deep regret at your re- moval from our mrdst, and to spend a social hour ere we bid you farewell, before you leave for your new field to which God bas called you. We could not let you go from amongst us with- out some elight token of our apprecia- tion, and we ask you, Mr. Cook. to accept this umbrella, and you, Mrs. Cooke, this table linen, as a very slight token of our esteem and love for you both, also this small remembrance for the children, and we pray that God may abundantly bless you in your new Held of labor, Signed nn behalf of Bluevale, John- ston and Ebenezer congregations. Mr. Cook then made a suitable reply on behalf of himself and Mre. Cook and thanked the congregations for their kindness and loyalty to him, during bis stay among them, Blyth. Mre. Jackson and children of Cal- gary are visitore at the home of Mr. and Mre. John Eaigh. Mise Annie Gray of Toronto ie visiting friends in this vicinity. Byrn—In Manitou, Man., June 25th, to Mr, and Mrs. Ed. `Mason, of the Bank of Hamilton, a daughter. A number of the Huron Old Boys motored into our burg on Saturday to meet old friends. The following are the returns of the election on Monday in our burg, No. 1-42 53. No, 2.31-43, Majority for Musgrove, 20. There passed away on Wednesday an old an resnected resident of town, Mr. Frank McCaughey, in his 78th year. His wife predeceased him ten years ago. There are left to mown his lose two eons, dohs on the Home- etead in Morris, and Frank in Lindon, three daughters, Mary, Margaret and Kate. Deceased was a quiet unof- f{naive man and a kind neighbor. The remains were taken to the Roman Catholic Church on Friday morning, where service was held by Father Bogen. Interment. was made in the R, 0, cemetery in Morris, Salem. Hurrah for A. 11. Musgrove, our future representative. . • Mre. 'W"m, Weir spent last week visiting friends in Wingham, Mr. Wilfred Weir of Toronto visited here over Sunday. The S. S. will hold their annual pic- nie in Me. Melvin Willit's }trove on Thursday, July 0th, ae ted resid ntlipaseed away last Thursday,. The funeral on Saturday was largely attended. The friends have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement, SCHOOL REPORT. Div. 7—Bzawinatien held Jun 24th. and 25th. Total 500, Marksrequired for passing 300,—J Qarrutbers 405, D Lloyd 485, M Holmes 470,. I3 Cas• lick 407, F Strecker 453, B Dobie 444, E Amesbury 423, K Carter 421, F ,Bart 410; E Blaokbal1418, A Field 417. F Isard 400, W Batley 907, E Forala 4.00, 1J Wright 800, 0 Pattison 387, W Kew 382, i� Lynett 870, 0 Tennant, 370; M 1441351, i8r, Pt, 1 toJr, god, Niunee In order of merit.—E Currie, G Gibson, V Roberteon, E Varey, K Cruickshank, B Joynt, L Holmes, R Brown, L;Zur brigg, A. Mitchell, V Robinson, F Aldington, I Lutton, R McLeod, B Boardman, L Henna, W Lockeridae, R Holloway, 0 Oruickehank, A Willtawson, M Bird, 0 Donaldson, 0 Boyce, S Hutton, G McTavish, 0 Cooke, H Aldington, V Dennis, S Page, J Oasemore, J Hayles, M Strattou, M Angus. Jr, 2ad to Sr, 2ud, Names in order of merit. — F Frost, M Oosens, a Harrison, K Donaldson, M Redmond, M Vanetone, 11 Williams, A Gould, N Ieard, E 'G'Vild, G Fixter, L Campbell, D Piper, B, (hark, 5 Frost, A Brown, A Irwin, 1 Warton, N Olark, G Bow- ers, V Auiebury, L Lewis, .8 Robin- son, bI Dennie, M Pilon, F Pocock, A Scott, (# Bisbee, P Rogers L 13e11, 0 Mason, E Taylor. Form 4 to Forret 3—Jean Vaustone, Doris Fells, Oleyton Zurbrigh, Alan Munro, Kirkwued Button, Evelyn Recker, Archie .A nderron, :sties Baird, Edith Kew, Nellie Boardman, Laura Ellacotr, Shirley Donaldson, Darold Mille, Margaret Oarrut h, ISldith Hart, David Perris, Downs Lynett, Verna •Joynt, Lillian Elia- eott, Norman Vevey, Sidney Holmes, Lezetta Johnson, Helen Wilson, Maud Self, Frank Sparlieg, Rose Williams. Marguerite John, Fred, Seli, Willie Angue, Ivan Bell, Arthur Sturdy, Wilfred Ellacott, Fred. Piper, Carrie Hingaton, Viola Forler. From Jr. to Sr. 3rd—Mildred Walk- er, Alfred Vickers, Gavin Holmes, Agnes Williamson, Annie Thomas, Lilian Oasemot•e, Harold Showers, Velma Johnston, Alba, Galbraith. Willie Currie, Harry Gannett, John Davidson, Mentie Reid, Oswald Hut- ton, Mary Roberteon, Alex. Taylor, Kathleen Wilkinson, Jarvis Lutton, Howard Hultman, Clifford Roberteon, Clarence Pocock, Clara Hardy, Vietta Hill, Allan Gilham, James Alien, Isa- bel Reid, Eva Rintoul, Annie Black- hall; Charlie Bell, Madeline Walker, Harold Hamilton, Carl Dickson, Geo. Scott, Rollo Saudereon. Sr. 3rd to 4th,—Names according to marks obtained 801,-0. Baker, M, Ooultes, J. Dobie, G. Fryfogle, R. Anderson, E. Musgrove and•S. Brown, 0. Adams, R. Smith, S. Locker•idge, Scranton Coal (Not an imitation) To whom. It May concern r To Mn. R. J. earns ,ow, Wingham, Ont. Dear Sir -- Yours of the Oth asking for prices on Scranton Coal received and noted. We quote you prices as follows: Chestnut....,.......... ....,• Egg or Stove Pea We mine this coal ourselves outside the City of Scranton.. We thank you for your enquiry and will be pleased to receive your order,. Yours truly, Per Northern Sales Manager. The original letter is in my possess- ion and may be seen on request. R. J, CANTELON R. J. Cantelon Office with Dominion Express 00, 'CHRISTIE'S' GROCERY O PHONE 6g e Sto;e opens 7 a. in. Closes 7 p. in. PARTICULAR BUYERS Know they can boy the purest, fin- est and beet at this store with our guarantee back of every pnrohase. We are not perfeot—but we are careful, We value your - trade and every legitimate means is used to perfect outs business relationship. We sell only reliable brands of food of well established reputation—roods lof purity and quality. Every Purchase 100 Per Cent. Value. lAgent for Fleischman's.YeaffR OM WIesti11110w111so11111 1aeusi A, Imlay, F. Hinecliffe, ee. Robinson. M. Alien, P. Joynt, 757—E, Dobie, L, Jarvis, M. Passmore, 3. Saint, 0. Lloyd, 11. .Angus, V. Hamilton, H. Aitcheson, T. Sanderson and E. Angus. 607—L. Sturdy, S. Bell, K. Nichol, 0. Wild, W. Anderson, M. Roberteon, O. Pocock, A. Bloomfield. Perfect in Spelling --S. Brown, C. Baker. Perfect in Arithmetic — R Anderson, G. Fryfogle, A. Imlay. SPECIAL CLOSING NOTICE Kindly take note that this store will close at 1 p. m. on every Wednesday dur- ing July and August. W. H. WILLIE CO. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE 1042047 - FOR 5fr04 LADIES MEW JULY S It' Seasona1 oo s teNeetestekelesteenteismealeteseteeernenhotieetweeeinorseeeftel Stock must be reduced $3000 this month 1 Out goes all our Suits for men and boys. All our Rain, Coats, our Straw Hats and Felt Hats, our Togery. .Out goes everything at away down below the regular prices. Nothing reserved= -stock up your wardrobe --Dress up the Boys. Buy all the Garments you can wear. Buy for future use. There's No Sale as Important as This One Dont You Miss It. Sale starts THUR8DAV, JULY 2nd Positively no goods charged. All past due Accounts must be paid at once. Men's Suits. $16.00 buys any $20, $21 or $22 snit $11,50 " 'tt $15, 16,50 or 17.50 suit Youth's Suits. Long pants sizes 32 to 35. $5.25 buys any $8.50 suit. $7,25 " " $10.00 snit. $8.50 tt :c $12.50 suit. $3.85 54 85 $5,25 85.75 Boys' Suits. buys any $5.00 tc rt 86.50 re.$7.50 I t tt 88.50 It snit. suit. suit. suit. Rain Coats. $12.50 lines for $10.00 $8.50 rt tt Li It $8.'75 $7.50 85.75 Mens Balbriggan and 5farino Under- wear, Neckwear, Braces, #2 n Cuff Links, Belts, Caps, Eats etc. regular price 50o for Boys Balbiggan 'tinderwear,Boyl3 J'er- syes, Bovs Cotton Brookings, n^ Mens'Socks, Braces, Rubber col- et lars, Neckwear etc regular25 for Men's Shirt'. A11 $1.50 lines for $1.15 ct 81,25 " ct .90 tt $1.00 rt tr .70 ti .75 tr re. ,59 MINNIE Hats. Men's straw hats soft, Felt flats and Stiff Hats regular $2.50 for $1.75 $2.00 cc $1.35 $1.50 " 81.15 $1.00 " .79 Panama Hats at a sacrifice. We have not space to give you prices on every article in the house but we will give any 51.50 article in the store for $1.15 any $1.25 article for goo, any $1.00 article for 79c any 750 article for 50o any 50c article for 390 and any 25e article for 19e. These prices must convince you that we mean Business at this July Sale. Come early and Come often W. A. CAMPBELL The Clothier. se