The Wingham Advance, 1914-06-25, Page 6THE WING : A. M .,t3•. D V ANCE THURSDAY, ,into 2S 1914 CELL Oitideic-verterzot Pr AT t-01110. (WAWA best practioall training eohool. Throe departrrr'nte-Coni. morcial, Shorthand and Telegraphy, Courses are•thoreuuh and mon- mt. Individual luetrnottoa its (Avon by tl1 etrong, experienced matt Our graduates enoeeed. Students may enter tit any time. GetOnr toreotalogue and t•ea what we cau.4o for you. A. A. NfoltACBLAN - >rrllnclpal HIGH GLASS LIVERY L__ GOOD ROR5E8NEW RIGSGOOD HORSESNEW RIGS Quiet homes for IdyA�ivera.Quiet horses for 1dydrivers. Drivers ATTIE'S LIVERY DIAGONAL STREET very Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 OVER 86 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE Mantis DEe;GNB COPYRIGHTS &e. Anyene sending a sketch sod description may Quickly ascertain ear opinion free other au indention to probably PPat stapplle. Communica- tions strtet yconfdonttal, 11AM000OK on Patent sent taco. Oldest agency f 1' eeeurtutr atetlt8. Patents taken through Rlu0n & 1 0. receive gpectat aortra, wl out eltatgo, to the Setenttfic Rnmerlcaao & handsomely ely Innetrated weekly. Largest cir- culation ei.55 a year,npoeetsgeuprepaid, bold by all ��n,ewsnd�'ealer'. Cet MUNN Nim Ince. 0 5 7 Bt...Washingtew York TIMBER SALE; TENDERS will be received by the l undersigned up to noon of the 0 n of July, 1614 for the tight to out the Red and White Pine( timber an Berths 1 B, 1 0, to d 1 D, in the Mite stssaga Forest Reserve tributary to the north shore of Lake Hurnu, each Retch containing an area of 30 square milae, more or lest. For )saps and conditions of sale ap- ply to the undersigned or the Crown Timber Agents at Theesttlon, Sault Ste, Marie, Webhwond and Sudbury. W. Li. HEARST, Minister of Land+=. Uoreete and Mince, Toronto, April 18,h, 1914, of N.13. Wo will be paid foized publication 3144. } OM.ESE. KERS' X C UR>,.3I OLv ,J 1'O MANI"i'OBA, ALBERTA SAS KAT CHIEWAN ',Ach Tur., lay March 4 to October 2 7, lnelesive. ' 'iit,1111ex; and Return - 835.00 i drnotuon and Return - 43.E6 From Toronto, ttnd Statdone West and Neeth of 'Toronto. Proportionate fares hoed Stations East of Toren to. Return Limit two months. R.EDIJCED SETTLERS' FARES (0,4r. -WAY SECOND CLASS) Tirlt DAY, bf IRGII ANI) APRIL Settlers travelling with live stock and et^"set s should in kr. SETTLERS' SPECIAL C RA IN which leaves West 'Toronto each Tue•alay during MAreIa and APttIL after arrival regular 10,20 p.m. train from Toronto Union Station. stock shoulders and useREGMTRAics INS. t lea dAlt ving Toronto 10.20 p.m. DAILY. Through Cotonlet and Tourist Sleepers. Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West. COLONIST .GARS ON ALL TRAINS 14o charge for Berths. Particulars fmm Canadian Pacific Agents o write U. G. Murphy. O.P.A., Toronto. Farms For Sale 200 acres, Iarge brink house. 2 bank barns, one mile south of Gerrie, good stock and grain farm, 85 acres of bust, 100 acre farm in Minto Tp., 7 miles tram Harrieton, 7 milee from Palm- erston ; school, church and etore con- venient, good buildings. A snap at $5,600. For full particulars for these farms, apply to -- PHILIP HARDING, Clifford, Ont. s`)tA' ° TENDERS addressed to rho un- * dorsigntel, and endorsed "'fender for Sup- plying Coal for the Dominion Buildings," will be received at this office until 6.410 .M. on Monday. July 6. Wit, tor the suPlelY of coal for the 1'ubtte I3uildhrge throughout the Dominion Combined specificatio't and form of tender can be obtained On application at this office and from the rarotakora of the di(lerettt 1)o - minion Buildings, Noreons tendering are no(dt?ed that tenders lei 1 not be cons tiered unless mado on tho printed forms supplied, and signed with their actualsignekeees. Each tender must be accompanied by an ac- cepted cheque on a chartered bask. payable to the order of the leo ourable the Minister of l'Willa Works, equal to ten per cent (101.1 of the amount of the 1 ender, which will be for- feited if the porion tendering decline to enter into n contract when called un' n tone. or fall to complete the contract. It the tender bo not accepted, this ehcque will be returned. By order, it. C. DESRO013ERS, Secretory Department of Public Works. 01 taws, June, 1911, Nowepapere will not be paid for thia adver- tisement if they insert it without authority from the Ilepartntent,-02371. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS milE sole head fatuity, L118yea old, may hoesteaa qu section of available, Dominion land Tho Mani- toba,cantmoat appear in an or neat the pominiion Londe Agency or Sub-Ageuoy for the dietaiot. lentil' by prosy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (net snb- agent) on certain conditdone, —Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the laud in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine mlloe of hie homestead on a farm of at least 80 aeres on certain _eondittons. A habitable house to re- quired in every case exoepl when rosidonco is performed in tho vjofnily. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter-ssotdon along- side his homestead. Prieto Poor acre. Duties —Six months' residence in each of six years fom date of homestead entry (Including the time required to earn hopmestead patent) and 50 acre extra cultivation. The area of culti- vation is subject to reduction in case of rough, sorubby or stony land after report by Homo - stead Inspector on application for patent. A homesteader who bas exhausted his homo- steed right and cannot obtain a pre-eroption may take a purchased homestod in certain districts. Price $8 00 per acre. Duties.—Moet reside six menths in eaoh of three years,.oulti- vete fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. 'W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minieter of the Interior. N.B.—Unauthorized pnblioation of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. Mr. Geo. Moir 'Wishes to announce to the citizens of Wingham that he is in the old tau d to stay. Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, etc. Give us a call. Tenders For Allan Water River Wood Limit. '' TIMBER SALE. the bridal 1,•1: ty all went to the home of Mrs. P tele AA the titer of Grey, where Mrs. Purvis in her usual good styli, gave a greed reecption to Mr. and Mrs Shaw The evoking WAS spent In music : and !games, after which all left for their homes wishing Mr. and Mrs. Shaw a long and pleasant vcyegc on tine sea of matrimony, Tenders will be received by the undersigned un to noon of the 15th day of Juiy,°;1014, for the right to cut the Red tied White Pine timber on bertha 1, 2 and 3, Township of B)yth, in the District of Nipissing. For maps and conditions of sale apply to the undersigned, or tbe Crown Timber Agents at Sudbury and North Bay. W. H, HEARST, Minister of ; Lamle, lror„ste and Mines. Toronto, May 4th, 1914. N. B. No unauthorized publication of this notice will be paid for. TENDERS will be received by the under - the 16th of July next for the rght to cut ties from Spruce, Balsam, Bankston or Jack Pine. Poplar and Whitewood trees seven inches and upwards in diameter two feet from the ground sufficient to supply a tie preserving plant for a period of twenty -ono sears from unoccupied, unsold and unlocated lands of the Grown tributary to what is known aq the Allan Water River, tributary to the Grand Trunk Piscine Railway in the District of Thunder Bay. Tenderers shall state the amonnt they are prepared to pay as bonus in addition to the crown dues of $2 per thousand feet board meavure for anything not manufactured into Mee , and for ties ar, the rote of 5o each, or such other rates as may from time to time bo fixed by the Lieutenant -Governor in Council. Such tenderers shall be required to erect within the limits of the territory covered by the right to cut ties. or at some other place approved by the Lieutenant -Governor in Council a do preserving plant. Patti -e making tender will be required to deposit with their tender a marked cheque payable to the Honourable the Treasurer of the Province of Onttrri', for 526,000.00, to re- main on deposit as aeourity for the carrying out of the conditions of their tender. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For particulars as to description of territory, capital to be invested, etc , apply to the un- dersigned, W. H. HEARST. Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines. Toronto, Ontario, 27th April, 1914. signed up to and including Wednesday, Farm for Sale. A good 200 acre farm within nine miles of Wingham, good bank barn. good oement house, large orchard, and considerable quantity of timber. Price $6500.00. Apply to II„ Vanstone, Wing - ham P. O. For. Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Lecture On Tuberculosis. Rev. J. IL Dyke, Field Secretary of the National Sanitarium Association will give a free lecture in the Town Hall, Sunday evening, July 19th 8 p.m. at the close of the Church cervices. Do not fail to hear this lectute. Everybody invited. f "Met • bEAt2 Dorr7 Y0t1THIt MOST'v0MEt4 Ake FOULISH -THEM D0 SUCH FO0L1,H • r You MY htt�N � Fordyce. ggtite a number arnuud took in the garden party at Mr. Won Tuowpaon'e,• A large crowd was present rated every- body .seemed to epjay thenleelves although it teat a very cold night, Miss Pearl Webster has arrived home again from Toronto where she was attending High Sellout. Miss 12 O'Dunnel is at present spend - leg afew days at Mr. D. O'Callaghan'r, li'armers are busy doing their road woi k, John McGee hat, purcha4ed a new auto. RAILWAY TIME—TABLE Trains leave Wingham stations daffy as follows; G. T. R. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points;—Passenger, 6.45 a,m.; paesen- gor, 11.00 a.m.; passenger, 2.80 p.m. TO LONDON:—Passenger 6.85 a. m. ; passenger, 8.80 p. m. TO KINOARDINE : -- Passenger, 11.59 a.m. ; passenger, 2.30 p.m.; pas- senger, 9.15 p.m. C. P, R. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points:—Passenger, 6.40 a.m.; passen- ger 8.05 p.m. TO TEESWATER : — Passenger, 0.06 p.m.; passenger, 10.82 p.m. !tough Op Presentation. An interesting .event took place in the Council Chamber of the Town Hell nn Thareday evening last le baba the presentation of the !lough Cup to the High School, I%i,a,yor Irvin oc• rupied the chair and in a few chosen evordti congratulated tbe team and school On their cuceeeo in winning the cap for which they had etiivento lone.. Principal Ricker also gave a short. ad ,tress speaking along the line of the propel. place of sports in a school, Mr, N. R. F'iebig, Sec. W. F, A., acting as Its represoutative, spoke at some length with regard to the :Hough Cup games, and after congratulating the [1. S. tctun because of their strong and clean play, presented the cup to wile. sohonl through the president tai the Boys' Athltetio Association, Nlr, P. Muir{ who made a very appropriate speech in accepting it, Medals were also presented by Mr. Fiebig to the members of the winning team. These medals are given by the W. F. A, and are much appreciated by the boys. A short address of congratulation was given by Mr, F. Buchanan of the H. S. Board. A pleasing feature of the evening was the presentation of an engraved watch fob, to Mr. G. B. Smith, man- ager, by the members of the teaun as a mark of their appreciation of bis work in connection with the games. The preeentatioa was made by Messrs. P. Buchanan and E. Taylor. Fordw ich Council met today in Beswithericks Hotel, I+'ordwich pureuent to adjourn- ment. Members all present. The Reeve in the chair; minutes of last meeting were read and on motion of Armstrong and Doig were adopted :— Moved by Demmerling and Spotton that the following accounts he paid; Geo. Robertson for gravel $8 00, Geo. Horton for gravel $4,80, Russel Harris for gravel $0.05, Frank Douglas for gravel $1 95, Thos. Shaw eboveIling $3, C. Alaxveelt gravel $5.055, Thos, Darcy gravelling lot 151, con. 4 $15.75, M. Leppington putting in culvert $5.- 75, II. Albright putting in enlvert aLd fixing railing $0.75, Wing Rogers rep, culvert lot 28, con. 4 $3, John Wright rep. culvert and digging ditch $5 50, 1.1. Aldrich inspecting abutment $5, Wing Rogers digging ditch $8, J. Hyndman tile $23 25, Wm. Auger rep. culvert and two eloepers $4.50, John Darroch axel greeee and spikes 32 25, Wm. Gedkie plank for btilge 3I8,95, Harold Akins covering two bridges $0, R Fleet operating road machine $75, J. F. Sotheran rent of roadway $3, A. Denny digging ditch and put- ting on bridge $38, Jae, Walkone the Reis abutments $127.50, James Wal- kotn the Vines abutments $147 25, John Wright gravelling on B. line $00, R. Cawdle bal. on Hill contract and culvert $29.50, Edward Armstrong filling washout $2, Wm. H. Gregg Legis Service $2 25. Moved by Arm- strong and Demtnerling that this Council do now adjourn to meet again on the third Wednesday in July in the Tp. Hall, Gorrie.—carried. L. Walker, Ole rk. Ethel. Mr. Geo. Krauter of Brussels is visiting in town -this week. Mr. and Mrs. Pollard were visitors in Brussels on Sunday. Among those to take in the football match between Listowel and Tavistock at Listowel on Monday evening were Miss A. Schmidt, Miss Etta MacDonald and Mr. R. Thompson. A political meeting was held in the township hall on Monday evening. A good crowd listened to Mr. Proudioot'a address. Quite a number from here attended the garden party at Cranbrook last Thursday evening ; all report a good time. Miss R. Spence gave a solo at the garden party held at Cranbrook last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Mitchell spent Sunday at Mrs. Mitchell's Home in Brussels. Come to the big celebration in Wingham on Dominion Day. All public school children from the coun- try or frotn the villages are invited to take part in the procession. Read all about it on page 1. On Wednesday, June 10th, St, David's Church, Henfryn, was the scene of a very pretty wedding, When Miss Ruth Engler was united in Holy wedlock to Mr. Thos. Kerr. The crremoey was performed by ]rev. John Kerr, brother of the groom, assisted by Rev. Mr. Sliaw, pastor. The bride looked charming in a costume of ivory satin and bridal veil. The contracting parties were unattended. After the ceremony the company went to Mr. Kerr s fine home in Henfryn, where a reception was held. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr left on the 3.30 train for Ottawa, amid the best -wishes of their many friends. Thursday, June 11, at 3 o'clock, St. David's Church, Henfryn, was the scene of a happy event, when the Rev. Mr. Shaw of Atwood and Miss Mary Ellen Alliston were united in marriage at the. hour set apart for the ceremony. The bride entered the church on the arm of Mr. Purvis, friend of the bride., and took her place by the groom. She was gown- ed in white brocaded silk and bridal vail with orange blossoms, and was attended by Misses G. and C. Purvis, the former being drebsed in pale blue and the latter in pale pink, with white hats, while Mr. C. Kerr assisted as groomsman, The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Huer of Milbank, assisted by Rev, John Kerr of Toronto. After the Ceremony I'M r',LAO'MY WgFE )S Gti'TINI, EMSII3LR At 1. THINct$ i Trampled By Horse, Dr. Hall was hurriedly called to Carrick on Monday morning last ow- ing to an accident which befell Mr, John Wilton of the 12 h concession there- While seated on two large tirabere going up a hill near "Eldt'e ee,wmill, ono of the timbers slipped back and threw him off the load under the front wheel of the wagon, which passed over him. Still retaining his hold on the lines, Wilton drew the horses into the ditch and circled them right around onto himself, one of the animals stepping on his back near the shoulder and badly injuring him. He would probably have been trampled to death by the hone I had men Lot rushed from Eidt's mill and psi el him from bis perilous position. As it was, his back was injured in a manner that made his condition extremely alarm- ing for a time, but it is now thought that no serious complications will set in and that his recovery is assured, As a result of the miehap he will be laid off duty for many weeks. An Appreciation. • The territorial Headquarters Staff, on behalf of The Salvation Artny in Canada, desire to express, through the Press, their deep and sincere appreciation for the numerous mes- sages of sympathy and condolence received from comrades, friends, churches, societies, and others. Since the event of the sinking of the S. S. Empress of Irelastd, such messages have been conveyed by cable, tele- gram, and letter from all parts of the world, and especially the Dominion of Canada. Ie is our desire to let it be known that, particularly the assurances of prayer, have strengthened our hearts, have encouraged our confidence, and have stimulated our faith, and, furthermore, as the realization of the extent of our loos through this appalling catastrophe becomes keen er day by day, the kind words of cheer and counsel will help us in our endeavors to carry on the great work of the Salvation Army in extending the Kingdom of God upcn earth. M Save Money! Buy Your New Feuc0 DIREQT FROM PAGE Freight Prepaid STYLE 1 II :r421 z xe 43022' 5 37 22 6 40 22 7 40 22 7 48 22 8 42 22 8 42 16* 8 47 22 8 47 16* 9 48 22 9 48 16i 9 51 22 9 51 16* 10 48 22 10 48 16i 10 51 16i 10 51 22 11 55 16i 18 48 8 20 60 8 HEAVY FENCE No, 9 Page Wire Throughout in 20 30 end 40 Rod Rolla. Freight Paid Spacing of Horizontal. in laches 10, 10, 10 8, 9, 10, 10 6*, 7, 8*, 9, 9 5, 51, 7, 7, 7*, 8.— ... .„„ 5, 6is, 7*, 9, 10, 10 6, 6, 6, 6; 6, 6, 6 4,6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 9 .9 4 5, 5i' 7,, 8*,, 9,� 9......, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, - 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 4, 4, 5, 5*, 7, Si, 9, 9 4, 4,5,54,7, 81,9,9 3, 5, 4, 5*, 7, 7, 7*, 8 ,;, 3, 3, 4, 5*, 7, 7, 7*, 8 3, 3, 3, 4, 5*, 7, 8;, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5*, 7, 8i, 9, 9 3, 3, 3, 3, 4,5i, 7, 8*, 9, 9 PRICES o o ...... $0.16 .18 SPECIAL POULTRY FENCING No. 9 Top and Bottom. Intermediates No. 13. Uprights 8 inches apart. Close bars Close bars 48 10 -ft op'ng 48 12 -ft op'ng 0 48 13 -ft op'ng 48 14 -ft op'ng WALK GATE, 48 in. high, 3* ft. opening.. STAPLES, 25.1b. box, BRACE WIRE, 25 -lb. rolls, STRETCHING TOOLS, Compirfe outfit... , : •.: .2.21 . 23 ,262 . r .2 9 . .29.31 .29.31 .33 . 33 .31 .361 .42 .47 nn rp r 4iq . t�0tP 4.25' 430 Wit Your Order to Our Nearest Branch NTO Winnipeg Page Wire Fence Co John Ltd. Montreal 1240 King St. West Walkerv8le St. Jon TORO Write For 104 -Page Free Catalog WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. GO, ICetabllshed 1940. Bond Qfitoe 01Th LPF.f, ONT. Risks taken on all eleeeee of in. oerahie property on the cash or pre- naitt3n note system. G1io. t;rEEMIN, JOIIN DAV'IWHON Presideut. Secretary, RITCHIR; en COS1:N8, Agents, Wingiiern, Ont DUDLEY ROUTES • Barrister, Solicitor, etc, (.!Puce: Meyer Block, Wingham. R. VANSTQNE Be.RRiSTER. AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rater. WINGHAM, ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L.D.S, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen neylvania-College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, —Office in Macdonald Blook— MN "PAGE FENCES WEAR BEST" J. O. Mitchell of St, Marys has dis- posed of his furniture and undertikinl business to L. A. Ball of Aylmer, a man who Ilae spent his whole life in the furniture and undertaking busi- ness. Mr. BaII is no stranger there, being well and favorably known by tuany Stone Town residents. In 1901 he graduated from the Chicago School. of Embalming and has biome followed this business successfully. Mr. Ball is a former Winghamite, During the recent thunder storm which passed over Listowel, and dis- trict, seven-year-old steers belottgitrg to Mr, 0. E. Coghill' of the town line west, were ire the bueh together and were all struck by lightning, the six being almost instantly killed. The seventh animal was nob so seriously' injured, and managed, on the Sunday following, to reach the field adjoining the barn. Its continued bawling and' p:culiar actions_ attracted the atter- tion and on its being examined it was found to be blind. This resulted in an investigation and shortly after tbe others of the herd were found lying deed close together in the bush. emiresernerst Bank of Hamilton, Capital Authorized - 35,000 COO Capital, Paid-up - - 3 000.000 Surplus - - - - 3,750,000 AN IMPORTANT ALLIANCE. When a young man first makes his alliance with a fivaucial institution by opening a Savings Account. he should look ahead to the time when his bank bcok Will aid his advancement. A growing bank balance assures an eplployer that a young man has mastered the prineiple of economical management. C. P. SMITH Agent Wingham Wrzv \f0Ui2 MPYHEiZ -IM' LAWJUST oHosiv17 Alva sA'ts. Ycu SHOULD GO RIGHT HOME-YOUI 'WIFE IS ALL. UPSE'6 AbOUi SOhtE'fHiNltl '-ensa:asee::G .t. The Advance Office is fully equipped to do AllKnds of PRINTING Sale Bilis, Poster Work, Letter and Note Heads, State- ments, Bill H 3ads, Envelopes, Catalogue -Work, etc.' Anything from a Poster to a Cailing Card We always keep on hand a - fine line of Wedding Stationery. if you want the BEST Results Bring Your Work to The ADVANCE _Office. l. I ln( WHAT'S -1`HE. MAY TER OE AR'11 `fou 00N'T L0va' Me. ANY tt Molar - YO t tl1DN'T !KISS ME -nils MOIblgsf , WHEN YOU tAN'T UN btRSTAN MY WIPE' oor'T UNDERSTRNC4 MINE: I Li NDERSTAIO MINE-t-.00KAT M`t extl yr OWLET'S TA1.14 AOArT SOME 1'(41144 ALEASA)r1'; G. I3. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental $urgeona of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Feoulty of Dentistry. oyr'ion OYER II. E. MSC & CO'S. STORE DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B. 0. A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST SPECIALTY—Chronic and Nervous DIseases. Eyes eolentifioally tested. Glasses fitted.. Office over Christie's store, Winghatn. Taeedays—i1.30 a,m. to 9 p. m. Consultation free, W. R. HAMBLY, B.Sc., �.D., C,&. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific ' Medtoine. Office in tho Kerr residence, be- tween the Qneen's Rotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P, O. Box 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. D. REDMOND (Loud,) ((Engg,) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE OF LATE DR. WILSON. EESIDENOE—COR. PATRICK & PRANOIS Office Phone 179. Residence Phone 182. Ex Gov, Vet. Inspector. C. N. GIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, PIate Glass and Weather Insurance,' coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. W1NGHAM• General Hospital. (Under Governmead Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to a1I regularly licensed phyatoteru. }tato for ppntionts (whioh include board and nursing) -54 90 to 516.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informs. !tan—Address MISS L. MAT'IREWS Superintendent. Box 229, Wingham, Ont. Snowflake Steam Laundry Having bought out Gong Lee's Leundry I am pre=pared to do all ktnds of laundry woi k. Satisfaction Guaranteed Laundry will be opened Monday, June 155th I will call on all my old customers and also new ones Monday morning, ,lune 15th, A. TRIAL SOLICITED D. V. Hayden, Mgr, New i invited train ' ervice Montreal. Toronto - liettoit - Chicago via Canadian pacific and Michigan Central Railroads via Michigan Central Gigantic Steal Tubes between Windsor and Detroit. Leaving Montreal 8 418 m ; Toronto 0.10 p m., arriv- ing Detroit12.33a.m. and ('pterin 7,45 Mai. daily, Equally good service returnipg. Through Eleettfo Lighted Equipment. TOitONTO - WINN/PEG VANCOUVER Toronto-Vatleeuver Ettt,rets No. 3 leaves Tomtit saspan. daily. Vancouver -Tori n. td Express No. #arrives 'Toronto 2115 a.rn. daily. Manitoba aecpteet No, 7 leaves To- r,inte tial y except Selee ltte0 U fol.. eerie. Ing Winnipeg W1!'t p 9A6P t.a Arid arrivns