The Wingham Advance, 1914-06-18, Page 84
35 Men's Spring and Summer Suits
on sale this week, The regular pri.
ces of these Suits were $20, $21. and
A22.. They are strictly high grade,
well made with the best of trim-
mings. 20th Century make in Navy
and Black Cheviots, Navy and Fancy
Worsteds and Tweeds. Step in and
see them.
Sale Price -- $16.00
The new Straw Hats are here and
are going like hot cakes,1 We have
a hat for every face,
In Summer Underwear we have
everything you can ask for—Summer
Shirts, Sock's, Collars, Ties, etc,, in
fact we have everything a wears
except shoes.
The Clothier
MacDonald Block. Opp. Bank of Commerce.
T H .!¢MI .\ •iA•!.• N G R ADVANCE
I Tcui Iters
John O►mpbell has purchased a new
Dore buggy, but we rather think John
prefers an aArrnearoug".
Orme to the big celebration in
Wingham on Doutinlon De•y. All
public'scboot children froth the coop.
try or frotu the villages are invited to
take part in the procession. Read all
about it on page 1,
A picnic will be held In Mr. T. It.
Bennett's grave, Forestville, on Bust.,
urdey, June 22 h, commencing at 1;10
p tn, Speeches will he delivered by
the. cauciidates for North and Centre
The monthly meeting of the Wo-
tnen'd Inetitute will he held in the
Onuneil Chamber on Thursday, June
25th. Ail members are rt•queated to
tae present, as the programs+ for the
year will be made out,
Miss Joan V:anetane, dauehter of
Me. end Mee. R. Vanr.tnne of town is
visiting relatives iu Oakville and her
companiene here will regret to learn
that she heti the miefertnne last week
to fell and break et bone in one of her
Mr. Mallory of Listowel, aceompan-
ed by Mr, ani Mre. Haab Halliday
and family, antoed to Wingham and
Fast Wawanosb on Thursday of last
week, making the trip in one hour.
The trip was a grand outing and
Hugh thinks en auto is alright.
Miss Marguerite Hotriuth has sue-
ceesfully passed her intermediate
Orono and vocal examinations, the
latter with honors. These are the
Toronto Conservatory exatninatione
held at A. L. 0., Whitby, She also
captured the prize for highest stand-
ing in vocal in the college,
The North Huron County Orange
Lodge met in Wingham on Tueeday.
Only matters of a routine nature were
dealt with. Rev, J. W. Hibbert wart
elected chaplain in place of Rev. Oroly,
removed. At the close of the meeting
a Wingham Canadian Unionist League
was formed.
The Hough Cop and medals will be
presented to the member's of the
High School f000tball team, by Mr.
N. R. Fiebig of Stratford, Sec. of the
Western Football Association, in the
()outwit Chamber on Thursday even•
ing at 815 p. m. Mayor Irwin will
preside. All interested are invited to
be present.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Walton, jr., who
upon their return home on Friday
last found awaiting them a handsome
present from their fellow employees
in the Pringle Leather and Globe
Works would take this opportunity
to thank them for their kindnetu, but
above all for the kindly; feelings their
actions demonstrated.
Mre. Dymond still bo "At Home"
on Tuesday, Dunn 23:3, troth four to
Ale. and Mre. Robt. Maxwell of
Leamington viaited relatives and re-
newed aconalntancea iri town this
Mr. Jack Allen of the Dominion
Bank etas' is away on a two week's
Nye, J, A. Mille and eon have re-
turned , to E4rtex with Mr. Mill's
Mre. J Fl. Hetherington of Thorn-
bnry wee here attendtug the marriage
of her sen.
Engineer Jones and Contractor
Malcolm are in town today, (Thursday)
to arrange a settlement of the etreet
peeving contract.
Messrs Geo. Oliver and 11,B Elliott
are iu Qoeher, attending the high
Court of 0, 0. F.
Mise Mae Drummond of Toronto is
visiting at the homes of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Drummond.
Mrs, John Powell, accompanied by
her son and daughter, returned to her
home in Detroit on Saturday last.
Mre. Dymond who has been spend.
ing•tbe past month at her home in
Windsor arrived iu Wingham last
Thursday with her children, and her
sister, Mice Lodge,
`� Mr. W. Barbour of Hepworth visit-
ed at Mr. and Mrs. Copeland's, Sunny-
lside, Inst week. His father, Robert
Barbour accompanied him on his re•
tern, to try his hand at fishing.
Rev. E. G, Dymond is in London
attending the meeting of the Synod of
the Diocese of Huron. He was accom-
panied by Meseta W. • Moore and 3.
Nethery who are lay delegates,
Mr, and Mrs, 11. ]Bundy, Mise Mun-
dy and two brothers, accompanied by
Mrs. and Master Bateman have ar-
rived in town from the Old Land. We
welcome thetn to our. town.
Messrs C. Adams and A. Jordan of
London, England, spent Saturday in
Wingham, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Rodgers, leaviug on the 3.30 train
for points east. A great crowd was at
the station and witnessed their de-
Mr. and Mre, R. Kennedy and little
daughter of St, Thomas, who were
here attending the funeral of the late
John Powell, returned to their home
ion Saturday morning. Mre. Kennedy
is a daughter of Mr. Wm. Powell of
town. ,
Ooneervative candidate for Centre
Huron gave a short and, spirited ad•
drone .also.. At the close of the Meeting
a vote of ttaanke was tendered to the
chairman, Mr, Toe. titothers.
Suatdey was observed as Flower Sun-
day in the Methodist Church. Less•
grant decorations of ait the wealth of
eutnrner flowers were carried out
with rose's and white peonies, pink
and white deieles and cluster, of
orange blossoms. Rev. J. W. Rita
beet of Wipxharn delighted the chile
dren with hie quaint little talks to
thew. Special music was rendered
by a girl's choir at the morning and
eventng service,. A boy's choir ren-
dered several choice select.ione,
One of the prettiest of Time wed-
dings took place on Taesday, June
10th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo,
.Leith, Morris 'S-,. when their only
daughter. 111isa Emma, because the
bride of Mr. Herbert Herbison Mc.
Elroy of town. Tee ceremony wits
performed by the Rev, Turner, pastor
of St, Andrew's Church, in the pre-
bence of friend's and relativ.te to the
number of thirty, Tno bride entered
the parlor leaning on the arm of her
father, while Miss Etta McBtien of
Clinton played Lohengrin'a Bridal
march. The bride was a picture in
her ivory duchess _ratio, trimmed with
shadow lace and pe arIs. Mr. and Mre.
McElroy left amid showers of confetti
for a short trip to Toronto and Nia-
gara. The bridw'e travelling suit was
a smart tailleur of navy blue crepe
cloth, A handsome array of cut glass,
silverware end linen was a slight testi-
amulet to popularity- which the bride
enjoys, and richly deserves, Goeets
were present from Berlin, Toronto
and Chinook, 'Montana. The best
wishes of their friends are extended
to them,
in Loving Memory of Mr. Jona Wilford.
Who Died June 21st, 19U.
Is there anyone can help us, one who
understands our hearts,
When the thorns of life have pierced
them till they bleed ;
One who sympathizes with us, who in
wondrous love imparts
Just the very, very blessing that we
need ?
Ono.—Yep, there'd one, only One,
The blessed, blessed Jesus, he's
the One;
When afflictions press the soul,
When waves of trouble roll,
And you need a friend to help
you, he's the One.
i;'orter--In Turnberry, Saturday, June
13cb, 1914, to. Mr. and Mre, Jau'ee
Porter, a On.
Rogers-- In Toronto, an Thursday,
June 11th, to Mr. and Mrs, W. J.
Cocas Rogers (neer Shoo P. Wynv) av
Hand Laundry
No Acids, Lime or Chemicals
My work has stood the test of
Twenty years in tow's.
1 am here to stay and ask for a
continuance of your patronage.
Opposite Skating Rink
To Points on the
Halleybury and North in Nor.
thern Ontario.
From alt points in Ontario and Quebec
on the Grand Trunk and 0. P. Rys.,
except west of Chalk River and meth
of Parry Sound on the 0. P. R.
Tickets at spsctally reduced rates good
ening ,lune 10th and valid for return
until June 20th.
See your nearest Railway Agent for full
partieulare or apply to—
G. P. A., T. & N. 0. Ry.
North Bay, Out,
Ermipmmumilmln 1111111 L�
I Where To Buy Your Flour
When yon want Flour, come and speak to us about it. We are
millers and know which is best for each need. We have different
Blended Flours.
Quality, which is our biggest seller of all flours.
Milverton and Exeter, Manitoba Wheat Flours. Parity.
Five:Lilies. Five Roses. Royal Household. Ontario flour.
Pat -A -Pan, best of all for pastry only.
Special Prices on Five Bag Lots.
We have a quantity of choice Potatoes on hand. Order :nova.
PHONE 40 OR 20.
Special Lines in SWEET CAKES
In this line we are Specialists
4 -.Lines Which You should Have --4
Henry T. Thompson
Successor to E. B. Hart
Fresh Groceries of the Highest Staniarth
T(egal Sodas 25c. per pail
A full line of Christies and Bean and Westlakes
Biscuits and Oakes alwaysays in astock.
!!'lilvetton, Exeter and other brands of Flour
` Grocer
. �>r
Mrs. (Dr.) Helobly is visiting in Tc.
ronto. •
Mr. Hilton Hunter spent Sunday in
Mre. J. B. Cummings hae returned
from Preston,
Mise Lena Campbell has returned to
home in the West.
Willie McCool spent Sunday with
Belgrave friends.
Dr. J. P. Kennedy spent Sunday at
Kincardine Beach.
Miss Florence Jarvis epent Sunday
with friends in Turnberry.
Mies Minnie Bosman of Toronto was
a visitor in town last week.
Mies E. Gracey visited in Lucknow
en Tuesday of this week.
Mn. D. Rush and Mrs. E. Hart are
visiting friends in Gorrie.
Mr. Ted Elliott of St. Mary's visited
a few days at his home here.
Mr. Harry Beaton of Lucknow is
now on F. C. Sparling's wotking staff.
Mre. 3. H. Linklater of Teeswater
was in town for a few days last week.
Miss Jennie Matheson spent the
week end in Kincardine and Tiverton.
Miss Gordon of Lucknow spent a
few days with Miss E. King last
Mr. John Lamonby of Toronto visit-
ed his sister, Mre. Wm. Holmes this
Mr. Roland Satsll left on Mond ay
for Chatham where he has secured a
Mies W. Wood is visiting old friends
in the burg.
Harvey Noble has gone to Stratford
to secure a situation in a tailor shop.
John Ran bad sixteen birds out of
sixteen eggs. That is a pretty good
Mrs. W. J. Sharpe of Toledo, Iowa,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mre.
Geo. Smaldon.
Last Sunday was communion in
Knox Church here and 21 members
were added to the list.
Revs J. L, McCulloch was attending
the Christian. Endeavor Convention
at Owen Sound this week.
W. Smaldon is home from Toledo,
Iowa, on a short visit. He intends
taking the dredge back with him.
The Knox Church garden party was
a grand success and everyone had a
good time. The proceeds amounted
to $120.
Rev. Mr. McCulloch was in Atwood
Sunday, June 14, taking the service
in the Presbyterian Church for Rev.
Amos who is indisposed.
Come to •the big celebration in
Wingham on Dominion Day, All
public school children from the gotta -
try or from the villages are invited to
take part in the procession. Read all
about it on page 1.
Mr. Frank Metcalfe was in London
a few days during the week.
Come to the big celebration in
Wingharn on Dominion Day. All
public echool children from the coun-
try or from the villages are invited to
take part in the procession. Read all
about it on page 1.
Mr, A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P., ad-
dressed the electors of this vicinity on
Thursday evening in Industry Hall
and gave a splendid address on the
good work acconiplished during the
teat term. Dr, Maoklin of Goderich,
If you are a Western Ontario far mer you
ran find a ready market in London, the
natural railway centre for
The increasing demand for aur butter per.
mite us to draw cream for a . radius of 150
mike, If you are in that arena it will pay
you to ship to us, We supply cans and pay
express chargee.
Highest Market Prices
Payments made Weekly
Silverwood 's Limited
London Canada
Get your Cans at Wilford's Produce House, Wingham
MNWI 111WWMl41N4!
A very pretty wedding wascele-
brated at the home of Mr. and Mre.
Wm. Oasemore, in the township of
Howick on" June 10th, when their
daughter, Irene, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Lloyd Henning of Turn -
berry. The bride, who was given
away by her father, wore a pretty cos-
tume of white silk embroidered voile,
trimmed with guipre insertion. The
ceremony was conducted in the pres-
ence of the members of both families,
by Rev. R, S. Lackland of Wroxeter,
The many useful and costly presents
testify to the esteem in which the
young couple are held. Their many
friends wish them every happiness
and success in their new home, -
Come to the big celebration in
Wingham on Dominion Day. Ail
public school children from the coun-
try or from the villagee are, invited to
take part in the procession, Read all
about it on page 1.
To the Electors of
North Huron :
I have again been unanimously
nominated by the Liberal Conser-
vatives of North Huron as their
candidate for the Legislature at
the coming election. Should my
services as your representative for
the past six years, and the honest,
efficient and progressive adminis-
tration of the Government of Sir
James Whitney warrant a con-
tinuance of your confidence, I re-
spectfully solicit your vote and in-
If elected I shall in the future,
as in the past, do all I can to ad-
vance the interests of the great
Province of Ontario and of North
Huron in 'particular. As in 1911,
my opponens, having been unable
to induce a resident of this Riding
to oppose - me, have gone outside
this Riding, and have imported a
candidate from another county.
Surely such a large, intelligent and
influential constituency as North
Huron should have as its repre-
sentative in the Legislature one of
its own people whose interests are
in this county, and who resides in
this constituency, Huron and
Bruce are each entitled to three
members. Why give Bruce four
members and Huron two. The
Government of Sir Fames Whitney
will, beyond all doubt, be again
returned to power, and it is quits
reasonable to suppose thin a sup-
porter of that Government, and
one in friendly relations with it
should be able to render more elfi-,
cleat service, than # member of
the Opposition who has no inter-,
eats in Huron and who would nat-
urally work in the interests of his
own county.
Again soliciting your note, I am
Faithfully yours,
Parte For Sale
Pieasant View Farm for sale. 120
arras, 100 cleared, 20 hard 'wood bush.
Well fenced, good state of culttyation,
eind mill, good water, bank barn 82a
52, Oood eat building's, teen ''storey
brick cottage with 11 rooms.
Bttrtttacle, Ont.
Having opened a Grocery
Store in the old stand known
as the old North End Groc-
ery, I solicit a fair share of
the patronage''of the people of
Wingham and vicinity. We
will always keep a clean and
fresh. stock of
Groceries, etc.
and can assure you eatisfar-
t.ion. Try us with your next
Phone 193
Cash for Butter and Eggs
For the June Bride.
In the ' Very Newest of Fashionable $
These are very suitable for the J line bride and ara
equal in daintiness and style to anything being shows
in the large city stores.
There is just one difference, however, and that is that
our prices particularly on Pumps and Slippers are
much lower.
Instead of describing these lines (which in fact space
will not permit) we would ask every lady whether a
to -be, a could -be, a would -like -to -be or a does -not -want -
to -be bride to
Take a Look in our North Window.
Sole Agents
For The
LOW SAM WAIT, Josepltirie St.,
Wingham, solicits a trial on work
whioh will be executed by hand with-
out the use of aeide, lime or any other
chemicals to destroy the clothes.
Ladies' Collars and Cuffs done the
best in the town.
Stana-np Collars ironed without be-
ing broken in tbo wing.
Shirts ironed so that they will not
hurt your neck.
Give ns a trial.
Laundry called for and returned,
Opposite A. E. Smith's Bank.
Scranton or Lehigh
Wood E.nd Kindling
R. J. Cantelon
Office with Dominion Express Co.
Oen ammememier lininnallinlin awe
Store opens 7 a. nt. Closes 7 p. tn.
rhes is a eoiitpat`atively beW produc-
tion, The quelrty is superb and We
think it has the !laver to commend
Itself to almost any' trate. Try a
bottle. The prioeyie-250.
i+resh Shipments of Straw
ii _.
The right and ONLY S.INIT-Mil" Way
to boldy Pea Bibe ot l3otterosed. Ileiie i:u jars. It
Set a very :high standard for then
Pea Nut Butter end it never'variee.
in Jate- 2Jo and 30. eaeb.
Agent for Pleischltalt"s Vcast1
*'+�iF>1NWIIN'rlili 11111 iIIIWY
why so many new
Jz•✓�, ^,.SS 'SLY• K i ..W.'
customers are brought
in by former ones.
Q The popularity of our clothes
and the service we render work
like an endless chain.
iJ It's gratifying to us and every-
one contented, and it encourages
us to do the utmost in quality and
value -giving each season. -
We've gone further this
season than ever before,
Ask your Art Clothes