HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-06-11, Page 8TuolssD)v!, JLT.v'E 11 1914
I: t"
35 Men's Spring and Summer Suits
`ale this iweek, The ri=
ces of these Suits were $20, $21 and
$22. They are strictly high grade,
well made with the best of trim-
mings. - 20th Century make in Navy
and Black Cheviots, Navy and Fancy
Worsteds and Tweeds. Step in and
• see them. ,
Sale Price — -- $ 16.®0
The new Straw Hats are here and
are 'going like hot cakes., We have
a. hat for every face.
In Summer Underwear we have
everything you can ask for—Summer
Shirts, Socks, Collars, Tics, etc., in
fact we have everything a man wears
• except shoes.
The Clothier
MacDonald Block. Opp. Bank of Commerce.
Where To Buy Your Flour �
When yon want FIonr, come and speak to us about it. We are
millers and know which is best for oath need. We have different
Blended Floors.
Quality, which is cur biggest seller of all flours.
Milverton and Exeter. Manitoba Wheat Fours, Purity.
Five Lilies. Five Roses. Royal Household. Ontario flour.
Pat -a -Pan, best of all for pastry only.
Special Prices on Five Bag Lots.
We have a quantity of choice Potatoes on hand. Order now.
PHONE 40 OR 20.
7�i11Y011lIiBltiillllltfli!llElt�9l6If1111A141117t1i16tlilllflltl' ��U Ililtll1111Il1
Special Lines in SWEET CAKES
In this line we are Specialists
4 --Lines Which You should Have --4
Henry T. Thompson
Successor to E. B. Hart
Fresh Groceries of the Highest Stan *aid
Regal Sodas 25c. per pail
A full line of °bristles and Bean and Westlakes
Biscuits and (takes arrays in stock.
,Milverton, Exeter grid other brands of Flour
1S;EALi!;I) TENDERS addressed to the un•
derst ned, and endo ec "Tonder for elle-
in t-
plyinit Coal for the Dominion Bedtimes," will
t,0 received ex tits etftee until 4 eu eleM. on
Mooday. July 0. 1914, for tin supply of coal for
the I'utali' Buildings throughout silo 1) minion
Corublueasp:'c(lteatiot and form of tender
eau he obtained on application et this ethos
and from the caretakers of the dilt'erent 1)0 -
minion Iluildings,
Persons tendering aro retitled that tenders
will not be considered unless made on the
printed forms supplied, and signed with their
actual siguutures.
hatch tender must be necompaeled by an (te-
ropted cheque 00 a Chartered hank. Payable to
the order of the lie• nurablc the Minster of
Publio Werke, equal to ten per cent flea of
the aninu it of the tender, which will bo for.
kited if the person tendering decline to outer
into a contract when called no n roan, or fail
to complete the contract. if the tender he not
accepted lh • oli que will bo retuuled.
Ily order,
1i, C. DESROCItEitSO$,
Department of Public Works.
Ottawa, June. 1911.
Newspapers will not be paid for this adver-
tisement if they insert, it without authority
from tho Department, • 0371.
East W,a�wanosh.
Mr. and Alts, Devid Dene from near
Gn. rie called 00 Me, and Aire, Waldo
Weir last Sunday,
Mr. Hawthorne of Wingharn is
building Albert Gallaher's new butn-
mer kitchen and woodsshtd,
Mr, Shaw of Blinivale occupied the
pulpit here last Senda.y in tho absence
of the pastor, who was attending con-
There will he a garden party held on
Mr, Melvin Willie's lawn on Monday
a'venintr, June 15 h. Tea Nerved froth
0.3•) to 8.30, Oume and enjoy a good
The Jubilee services in celebration,
of the orgauiz ution of the Presbyterian.
Church fifty years ago, held Sunday,
May 31st and June 1St, were in every
way a great success.
At the Sunday services besides the
speakers, Rev. J. Penrose, pastor of
:he \Vhteeehurch Methodist Oburch,
Rev, A. M. Boyle, B. A. of Belgrave
and the pastor were also on the plat-
The Fetvices on Sabbath were con-
ducted by three of the former pastors
of the congregation. The morning
and afternoon services were as near as
possible similar to those of the early
Steam Laundry
Having bought out Gong Lee's
Laundry I ant prepared to do all
kinds of laundry work.
Laundry will be opened
Monday, June 15th
I will call on all my old customers
and also new ones Monday morning,
June 15th.
0. V. Hayden, Mgr.
days of the ehn'•e't There wise
neither choir nor etuan to lead the
kluging but precentor?.
The pastor, Rev. J. Ure Stewart, 13.
A., who acted all ehairrttan, at the con -
()I atop thanked the epeakere, people,
precent ore, choir and ladled for uniting;
in snaking the Jubilee ands a great
aucces•%, After singing, "llod be with
you till we meet again" Rev. Andrew
McNath pronounced the benediction
and time closed the most kucceeefut
series of meetings in the life of the
Whitechurch, Preebyteriau Church,
At the services on St hhath, the
church woe packed, many finding it
necessary to leave or beanie seals in
the vehiiilee outside. The Climax
however, w:te 00 Monday evening
when •.apwarrds of five bandied were
pree'ent at the tea -sleeting, and entel.
tafritnent, In MI it hoe been reckoned
that the attendance at the three ser -
Ames nn•Sruhhat h and the meeting nn
3Ic)nday Evening would total about 1600
people, Never were euelt gatherings
witnessed in the history of the con-
gregation. Tlie proceeds amounted to
About $475,
Io the evening Rev. G. 111. Dunn of
Riyce Ave. Peeebyterian, Church, Tr-
emit°prenrhed front Glen. 12 laud Ilei.
11-7 with vigour and overii taxing atter-
s�y lig' t pt.ka of the pioneer's its•
flnence on the Religious life of au cone
rrtunity and related interesting tnri-
dente connected with the ea.tly settlors
of 61 yearn ago when the first govern-
ment grant
overn•mentgt•ant was given here. The chnir
under the efficient Iendersbip of Miss
Marjorie Gordan led the enngrega•
tion in Simieg and gave evidences of
f•xeellt'nt training. Two chnruNes were
splendidly runs; n'd a solo was well
rendered by Mies Gordon.
Bev. W. H. Geddes of Ailsa Craig,
the oldest living former minister of
the congregation preached very
earnestly in the evening from the
veraes found in Matt. 13, 3743, Christ's
explanation of the parable of the sow-
er. He spoke of the epiritual history
of the Christian Church, recalling
many interesting events in the making
of the Whitechurch Church what it ill
today. Familiar selecticfne were sung
to the tunes of Oid Hundred, Denfield,
Ortonville and New Lydia under the
Qplendid leadership of the precentor,
Mr. Robert SicLpson.
The afternoon service was in charge
of the Ray, George P. Duncan of Port
Credit, who delivered an eloquent ser-
mon on Individualism, from the text,
Rom. 12 7 showing the necessity of
variety in harmony, and therefore the
requirement of the use of every talent
in the Church to make auuited whole.
The singing was in charge of Mr. Alex.
Simpson who was one of the first pre-
centors in the congregation and who
capably led the congregation in sing•
ing eelectioua to the lorry tunes
of B•eteema, Gainsbury, Duke Street
and 'Desert.
The speakers of the. evening were
Rev. A. McNab M.A. of Underwood and
Rev. R. McEechren of Owen Sound,
both former passtore. Greetings were
received from the Methodist Church
through Rev. J. Penrose from St.
Helens (the mother church) through
Rev. Me. MacIntoeh, B. A. from Cal-
vin Presbyterian Church through Dir.
Harry McGee and also from Langside
Presbyterian Church at present as.
sociated with the congregation. The
Presbytery also brought greetings
through its representative, Rev. A. M.
Boyle, B. A. of Belgrave.
The tea -meeting on Monday evening
was a great success and the ladies de-
serve much credit for the splendid
sp• earl which hundreds enjoyed to the
full. The tables were filled titne after
time, at wbieh over one hundred were
accornodated each time. When all
had .feasted a splendid program was
4. Be sure and see the, Window Display of Ideal Bedding •
'C " .2t`
re.or nuax
l• (17157T:;
ci On; ' s L �t,,i"'�, arTne.'' '.'.''S.....'SY.
if, A Dream of Comfort Realized • v
• The Ideal Specialist will be at R A. CURRIE'S store on the
evening of JUNE 25th and FRIDAY, JUNE 26th and would be
pleased to explain about the pure Bedding laws of Canada. We
do not wish to place anybody under obligations to buy, but we
4; wish to show yon the good point, of our DIattresses and feature
• of our NEVERSPREAD MATTRESS which never spreads.
Everything guaranteed by the Ideal Bedding Co., Ltd.
Furniture - Undertaking
444444+44 4' ,. i''4s 2 a' 4 44444444444i4446444444+
��a ��i s�
-;: '
The Dairy Cow
a Money Maker er
Dow many cows do YOU keep? If you knew
you had a sure market for your ` cream, would
you keep a few more? The dairy industry is on
of tlte greatest n Canada If you are not draw-
ing the maxium profit from it now, let us give
you some FACTS, We can show you that send-
ing your Create to us.
The demand for our butter is con -
stand.). increasing. 'That's why
we want more cream.
We pay highest priers
far c e lar, with settle-
ment weekly. We sup-
ply cans free and pay
Silverwood's Limited
London -': Canada
Get your Cans at Wilfor'cl's Pr,, dace House, `' V'lhi
r;i+ r•
�ll��nt>a)1 sn i1)-) )rt r �_ i, » ?' l ojt�lf V
given. the inueic, being in charge of
the \VhitecbnreIt Vreshytet•ian choir,
who gave arveial s•electione during the
evening. Two mixed quartettes, were
ale() sung. One ne entitled "Far away"
towelled many hearts
as secal1
faces absent felever. The other "Sweet
lend low" was the sane piece as bung
by the y.ilvatior) Army as they brave-
ly faced the watery grave through the
sinking of the Empress of Ireland,
John Campbell spent Sunday at
Mr. and Ales. David of Clinton, Mrs.
I1:wiry 004 A1t'N. Itttnia of Seafort.b
were among the Mende from a dist-
ance attending Mr, IlleOrae'a funeral,
Me. Samuel Jordan ie improving:
and beau,itytng his gtouode by plant -
lug out a ceedoe !hedge, Mush could
he done to itnprov,i life in the lurid
dietricte by eiutilar artistic develop-
]kir. and Mee, L. 3, Williams have
gorse on attt ex: ended trip to Owen
Sound, Dere ert, and Niagara Falls,
At the latter place they wilt mere Mr.
Wilbaltl'H sister, who fs 00 bei way
from the Old Country to visit ft tenth,
,l enters McGill ie making preparationh
Lo build a new Mateo on the lot bout h
of t he village which he recently put,
chased from Mita. Fells, IG is a most
desirable Ineation for a flue residence
and will add touch to the appearance
of the village.
We are pleased to see the name of
Will McLean among the recent,g;rndu-
ates in ntedicit e. Will is an induts
trious boy and we extend our con-
gratulations and hest wishes for a
successful future where'er his lot may
be cast.
Mrs. John McLean is on a visit to
Toronto wbece she attended the exer•
does of the recent graduates in medi-
cine in that city, also taking in the
various social functions which grace
all sirnilar suspicious occasions. Her
son Will was one of the honored gradu-
Last Sunday morning Rev, Mr,
Boyle preached a very practical and
impressive sermon in Knox Church,
taking a-1 his subject, "The sins which
ci twilled Christ," which was well
borne out under four distinct headings
viz,, Bevy, love of money, jealousy,
servilitude. E;sch individual point
was enlarged upon with decision and
the discourse throughout -no doubt
will be productive of a higher plane of
Don't forget the picnio under the
auspices of the Farmer's Club and the
Women's Institute, next Tuesday,
June lf.h, to be held ou the Wou en'r
Institute picnic grounds at 0. W.
Wilkinson's River Flats, Oommitteee
have charge of the afternoon sports
which will commence at 2 30, con•
slating of games and athletic, sports,
A genie of haseball is on the program.
Oliver Anderson and Jaynes Taylor
are captains ; Robert McKay of Blyth
will be referee. A game of football
will also be contented by netting chosen
from Morris by Nelson Higgins and
frorn E tat Wawanosh by John Mc-
Callum, Refreshment booth ou the
grounds. Everybody welcome, non
membere as well as members. Bring
your baskets and come from the four
corners of the land and enjoy an out•
ing on one of the most desirable picnic
grounds to be found in North Huron.
One by one the pioneers whom this
country owes adeep dept of gratitude
to. are fast pasting away. Few are
left who saw the blaze of the fia•st
trail. In the death last.Sunday worn-
ing of Air. Chas, McCrea, who paned
peacefully to his reward after a few
week's illness, in spite of medical skill
and tender nursing by loving hand..
Belgrave lost ono of its early pioneers.
Mr. McCrea seas one of the old fami•
liar land mat ks t•f this part, a roan up-
right in all his (tealinge, respected by
those he came in contact with through
his extensive arq•:aintanceship. Hav-
ing occupied ninny official positions of
honor and trnret, discharging his duties
therein faithfully Deceased was born
in the county of Fermannah, Ireland,
nearly seventeeeix years ago, . and
came with hie parents, sisters and bro-
ther's across the ocean and settled in
Glwillimsbury township remaining
there only a short time, when he mov
ed to the farm Belgrade, on which he
lived until last M:ard`h, when he moved
nto the village, The subject of this
notice was united in marriage forty-
sev_ed 'years ago to Mary Birney of
Windsor, Ont„ who has been a faitb•
ful helpmate. Five daughters and
three eons blessed this uninrl. One
daughter Margaret died iu infancy,
and Harry in manhood eight years
ago, The surviving members of the
family are Robert in the village, Neil
on the homestead adjoining the vi'-
inge", 'Mrs. Ade moon of Sandwich.
Mrs. Pet due of Clifford, Miss Laura at
home and Miss Fanny, a nurse, whr
tenderly cared for her father during
his illness~. Tee funeral was held ou
Tueeday, the services being conducted
by Rev. Mr, Farr of Trinity Church,
which deceased had been closely iden
titled with since the early days, inter-
ment taking place in what is known
as McCrea's eornetery, on the farm re
Gently moved offeee One brother Robt.
is still living at Snokatie, Wash., one
sister Mr". John Ownes near the vil
lage. Much sympathy is extended to
the bereaved.
l-Iowick Boundary.
Miss Jennie Stewart 'of the B. line
hie completed her course in the
Wingham Business College.
Miss 11, Gowdy will figish her course
in a week or two.
Mr. Ira Neil has the masons at work.
He is remodeling his barn and stables.
(Too late for last week )
Dire. Halliday and daughter of
'4Vinitham spent the holiday with Mr
and .\Ire. Geo, Doubledee.
Mr, Longley returned to hie hoose
after spending a few weeks evict.
friends in Toronto.
M:e. and Mrs, Uoubledee of Barth tot
ap'nt Sunday with Mr. and Mie. J,
Underwood and Mr, and Mrs. nays au
the 13. line.
Mrs, and Miss Dougks of Hotti .g
called on friends in Turnberry of
Thursday ker.
Mr. J. 1)IcCreaty je., we are pleased
to say is able' to be around again after
his recent sickness.
Splendid Farin fair Sale or Lease
At a Bargain.
1255 Ai , good buildtnge
nrrhardtt, spring•r, went e
A, comfortable, turnibbed home with
all modern conveniences,
Apply to
Hand Laundry
No Acids, Lime or Chemicals
My work has t,tocac1 the teat of
Twenty years in town.
I am here to t:tay and ask for, a
continuance of your patronage.
Wingham, Ontario
Opposite Skating Rink
To Points on the
I Iaileybury and North in Nor.
there Ontario.
From all points in Ontario and Qneboo
on the Grand Trunk and 0. P. Rys.,
' xiept west of Chalk River and north
of Parry Sound on the U. P. R.
Tiokets at specially reduced rates good
going June IOth and valid for return
until 3 ane 2 nth.
See your nearest Railway Agent for full
particulars dr apply to—
' G. P.A., '1', 6a N. O. Ry.
North Bay, Ont.
Having opened a Grocery
Store in the old stand known
as the old North End Groe• .-.,
ery, I solicit a fair share of
the patronage"of the people of
Wingham and vicinity. We
will always keep a clean and
fresh stock of
Groceries, etc.
and can assure you satisfac-
tion. Try us with your next
E A. BELL ..
Phone 193 •_,,,
E Cash for Butter and Eggs A
LOW SAM WALT, Josephine St.,
Wingham, solicits a trial on work
wbioh will be executed by hand with-
out the use of acids, lime or any other
chemicals to destroy the clothes.
Ladies' Collars and Cuffs done the
best in the town.
Stand-up Collars ironed without be
ing broken in the Wing.
Shirts ironed so that they will not
hurt your neck,
Give ns a trial.
Laundry called far and returned.
Opposite A. E. Smith's Bank.
Scranton or Lehigh
'Wood nd Kindling
R. J. Cantelon
Office with Dominion Express Co.
Store opens 7 a. m. •Closes 7 p. m.
trawberries Peaches.
Several shipment of Ft nit
due this week and with
them we expect soma ehoice
Califoi'nta Pearlier.
3 TINS FOR 25c
«t.^ hn.fin nittnhi'r of erkPoq
of Tomatoes der it ed w th
water thlLN'epoult-g the Pp.
)(ming of the Nana. \%\•u/
clean them at 2 for 25-.
b1eglll lff3,Torn'atot 8, Banat as,
Oranges, Lenton!, eto.
y C1nrPura BakingOPowder Tartarream of
'At -.r! !'linr+i:lrli.Ir�
In Our North Wiodow We Are
Real good shoes, usually sold for from
$2.00 to $3.00 per pair which we are
offering at a very low price, namely,
$125 per pair.
There will be no special day of sale of
these lines. All sizes in the lot, narne-
1 y, 21:s to 7 but not all sizes in all kinds.
,S;W...,-h•-::'.:..'. N'•Cl.••i FyJ]..A01, 44.:r..ir':
why so many new
customers are brought
• in by former ones.
q The popularity of our clothei
and the service we render work
like an endless chain.
91; It's gratifying to us and every-
one concerned, and it encourages
us to do the utmost in quality and
value -giving each season.
91 We've gone further this
season than ever before.
Ask your Art Clothes