HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-06-11, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE x x IOx4 Nobody Here! Guess 111 help Myself! � r 1r,1•�, {tru:hait� Far pull,•`: ©ETV\IMEN,t QJFFALO LEVELAPI D ..'•.,`.f-YYS,h,;,>c y� .S..p n-;t'2c°'ti3• 1c'2T%A -„ •,,.�••r>S�rK" }' ir?"-' +V A i"'t �s�j',r;-.'s 1 r .rry: : • *, �f • ,"a -RE GREAT a� SHIM sEEANDBE " SHIP length 500 foci; breadth 96 feet, 6 inches; 510 staterooms and parlors accommodating 1000 paeeon- , Creator In cot-.1•r�nr in all properties—richer in an appointments—thou uuy steamer on ersudand v,•ntera of tho vvorld. 1u sorvica Juno l.:th. Magnificent Steatncra "SEEANDZ EE," "City of Erie" and "City of Buffalo" Daily -BUFFALO and CLEVELAND - Ailey lot to Dec. lot cavo Buffalo 9:00 P.M. Leave Cleveland 9:00 P. If. Q Arrive Cleveland • - 7:30 A. M. Arrive Buffalo • - 7:30 A. M. (Eastern Standard Time) Connections at Cleveland for Putin -Bay. Toledo, Dctrortend all points West and Southwest. Railroad tickets reading between Buffalo and Cleveland aro good for transportation on our steamers. Ask your ticket agent for tickets via C. et n. Line. Write us for handsome illustrated booklet free. THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO., Cleveland, O. e. ereseeet ' les. STEAMER GREYHOUND ANNUAL EXOUR ION Goderich to Detroit and Return RETURN JUNE 12 RE JRN F 1 00 pewit JUKE 15 ROUND TRIP $1.50 BALL GAMES 13th and 14th NEW YORK and BOSTON In Detroit 1I0011LIGIT . EXCURSION JUNE, 12 The Morning .'Train from Kin cardiae, Wingham and way staktiona to Londesborough, will make connec- tion at Clinton with tho "Boat Train" from Stratford, the 12th. WEtl i E STAR LINE E. H. Agan iII II i 'Itinissimi immitllusti`lIVIN Vb high We Are Proud To Be As We Conduct A SANITARY IBQH.CLASS BAKERY, Por Your Custom We Are Anxious, For Your Trade We're Striving Hard. Your Patronage and Favors We Hold in High Regard. Carter's Bakery PHONE 132 Bluevale. Ray aloud Elliott spent Sunday with friends at Bluevale. Remember the garden party at Sal. e n on Monday evening, June 155th. The W. M. 5, of the Bluevale circuit will be held at Johnston's Church at 3 o'clock on June 16th, The Bluevale Branch of the Wo manes Institute will hold a June meeting at the home of Mre, Tait on Wednesday, June 24th, at 2.30 pen , when Dr. L. M, S. Hamilton of To- ronto will address the meeting. Very important business for this meeting. Will the members kindly keep this date in mind ae it will not be adver- tised next week. All ladies cordially invited. Bel more. Remember the garden party at Sal- em on Monday evening, June 15'.h, Belmore School Report for May, Jr. IV -David Marshall, Murray Mulvey, Irwin Edwerde, Leorterd Merkley, Emanuel Marshall, Della Lynett. Jr, III -James Neishar, Aga- tha Willie, Margaret McGrogan, Ed- ward McGroan. 'Sr, II -Mary Lyn- ett, Irene Merkley (equal). Gordan Mulvey, Kathleen Lynett, Willie Er- rington, Iptermediate H -Eva Stokes, Vet a Lynett, Gertrude Willie, Sam- uel Marshall, Katie S,:hiestel, Mary Raker, Jr. IIs -Amy Newane, Percy Siker. Sr. I_ fleee1 D,tuglart, Clay - toe Bswards, Willie Edwerde. Jt'. 1 -- ]?Marl Doo ;lac, Stanley Me; isles'. Killen Willie, Helen Mulvey, Theresa Willie. Primary - Alice Schiestal, Wilfied Lynett, Venetia Welsher, Norman Newans, Viola Merkley, Edward l.r- rington, Lily Raker. Wroxeter. Remember the garden party at S;rl- em on Monday evening, June 15'h. Nowick Boundary. Remember the garden party et Sal- em on Monday evening, June 15 b. Wawanosb Report of Ourrie'e Iced School, S. S, No, 0 for May, Entrance Stand and Total Marks 050 Pass 390 -Geo, Pocock 481, Helen Po- cock, Chas. Currie. Jr, 4'b -Jas, Per- due, David Deacon,, Tom Currie, Kathleen Kerr. Jr. 3rd -John Tay- lor, Lyle Leaver. Sr. 2nd -Howard Pocock, Price Naylor, Rachael Currie, Mae Perdue. Jr, 20d-Tessie Irving, Geo. Taylor, Wilfrid Congram. Pt. 2 -Jennie Anderson, Sae. Ceultes. Pt, 1 -Cecil Coultas, Lorne Scott. Viola Irving. Class B - Harvey Naylor, John Skinn. Claes A -Irene Taylor, Elugh Ssott, Joe Kerr, Albert Coulter, Geo. Skinn, Donta Ashworth, teacher. Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce of Marnoch. are moving into the village. The bowling green is ready for seed- ing. A quiet wedding took place at the parsonage last Wednesday when Mies Minnie McBurney and Mr. James Dow were united in holy bonds of matrimony. Mrs. A. Perdue of Clifford and Mrs, Adams of Detroit are staying with their mother, Mrs. McCrea. Jas, Taylorand W. Messrs Scott,E n Martin have each purchased a new auto. The farmers are coming too. Mr. Wm. Hallahan has purchased a new ditching machine and is prepared to do good work. Cyrus W. Scott has sold his young driver to B. Fowler of Dungannon, St. Augustine. Mr, Harold Robinson spent a few days with hie friend, Mr. Ernest Thompson. We are pleased to hear that Harold ie able to be out again. Mise Mae Chamney is visiting her sister, Mre. R. H. Rutledge of Ebenezer at present. Born -At St. Augustine on June 3rd to Mr, and Mrs. James Craig. a son. Mr. John Jefferson and daughter, Miss Gladys have been visiting the formers sister, Mro'. S. Dow of Hensall. The members of Donnybrook Ep- worth League will hold a lawn social on Wm. Thotnpson's lawn on Friday evenih.g, June 19th. Supper served as usual. Music by the Auburn Brbse Band and addresses by the Rave. R. A. Miller and 3. E. Hunter. Refreshment booth in atttnlance. Everyone wel- come. Admission 15 and 25 cents. Baseball League. The Baseball Lakeside League for 1014 will consist of four teams, repre- senting Kincardine, Lucknow, Tees - water and Wingham. The following is the schedule of games ;- • June 5-.Wingham vs Teeswater. 9-Lucknow vs Kincardine. ” 11-T'aetiwater vs Lueknow. " 12 -Kincardine ve Wtngbam. " 10-Teeswater vs I in:ardine. " 18-Wingham ve Lucknow. " 25 -Kincardine vs Teeswater 20-Lucknow vs Wingham. July 0-Lucknow vs Teeswater. 7-Wingham ve Kincardine. " 15-Teeswater vs Wingham. " 16 -Kincardine ve Lucknow. " 22-Lucknow vs Kincardine. " 24-Wingham va Teeswater. " 29 -Kincardine vs Wingham. " 81-Teeswater vs•Liieknow. Aug. 0-Teeswater vs Kincardine. 7-Wingham ve Lucknow. 10 12-Lucknow vs Wingham. " 24 -Kincardine v- Teeswater, " 18-Lucknow vs Tire water. " 21-Wingham ve 1 in^ardiue. " 26-Teeswater vs Wingham. " 27 -Kincardine vs Lucknow. 07..-111.1020,00,353. '";Fw F ,wq.P?;1,-.1:,:•;4,7-;.;,f.#:a5!t.,� :. ;�'. ....M i.: zw•. Canadian Pacific IMPROV[D TRAIN SERVICE Effective May 31st NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN" Via Can. Pac. Ry. and Michigan Central Ry. Through Michigan Central Tunnel via Windsor, Ont. .. A WESTBOUND DAILY EASTBOUND DAILY EASTERN TIME C•T+;1\iTRAL TIME. Lave Montreal (Wind -Leave Chicagn (Oen. sor Sr, Depot) 8 45 :a m. tral Atatitln) 0 30 a.m. Arrive 'Toronto .... -5.40 p.m. Arrive Detroit (Michi- 'Leave Toronto ,010 p.nt, gan Central Depot)3.6t rem. Leave London....,.... i) i113p W. EASTERN Ii 1T err ' Arrive Detroit (nichea es; Detroit (Michi Kan Central Depot) ,12.35 p.m. gala Central Depot) 5 05 p tri. CENTRAL TI M.E. 8 03 p an . Leave De.r et (licht- l�c London Arrive Toronto II 20 p on gan Centex! Depot), .1155 p m, Leave 'Toronto. , . 11 40 p.m. Arrive Chicago (Cert. Arrive Montt eat (VV"iad• tral station) .,....,, e? 45 a.m sor St. Depot.., .....8 65a,tn. Only One Night en the Road In Each Direction 81lid Electeic-lighted Trains with Buffet -Library -Compartment -Ob servation t:7ere, Srandeed and Tnuriet Sleepers and r'iret•o;lastt Coaches between Montreal and Chieetro in teach direction. Standard Sleeping 0trs will glen he operated between 111 treat, To - route, Detroit and Chicago via Canadian Peel& and Miehi an Central Itaitroa,l.r through Mieltigan Central Tunnel vla Windsor on Trains No. 21 Wei,tleate.d end Nu. 201ai.ktbOut.d. Particulars from + anedi:tni Pacific Tiickrf Ar *ribs M. G. Murphy, Dist Passr. Agent, C King and Yonge Sts., Toronto. TILE WilstaliAM ADVAN( E Former Uelgraveites Perish- On Empress Of Ireland. Among; those who lost their lives on the Empress of Ireland were Mr. and Mrs, James Grigg of Brltieh Columbia.. Mr. Grigg is a brother of Mrs, Wm. Hopper of Morrie, who with her step - eon, Mr, Harry Hopper, went to Que- bec to identify the bodies but they had evidently not been recovered, and Mrs. Hopper and son returned borne on Feeley evening, Mr. Hopper received. a postcard containing the following ;- Quebec, May 28th, 1914, Dear Sister and Brother, --Just a few tines to let you know that we are sail- ing today from here to Liverpool on this ship. We started from home on the 71.h and went south to New Orleans and New York, ahout,COi miles, Will hope to see you later an our return trip. From your loving brother, J. Go igg and wife." .Mr. Grigg was. born in Belgrave a- bout fifty.five years ago apd left for Manitoba a few years ago, taking up farming, after which he went to Fraser Valley, British Columbia, where he and his wife prospered in farming and sheep raising. He recently began a holiday, visiting friends in New York and New Orleans. The intended going for a visit to the old country, and as he stated on this card, he intended to visit his birth- place in Belgrave. Death of Mr. Thos. J. flession. The following is taken from the Clinton News -Record and refers to a former citizen•.who resided for many years in Wingham :- Thoe. J. Hession, a well known resi- dent of • town, died at his home on Huron street on Sunday evening. He was surrounded by his wife and chit• dren, the latter having been summon- ed to his bedside several days before• wben it was known that the end was near, He departed as he had lived, quietly and peacefully, and thus en- tered into life eternal. The deceased was born in Dublin, Ireland, June 27th, 1840, and was the youngest son of John and Maria Hes- e•ion, his father being a barrister -at• law in the Four Courts. He had the misfortune to lose his parents when still a babe, his maternal grandmother then taking charge of him. He was educated at King's College, Dublin. On the death of bis grandmother when he was a lad of sixteen he left Ireland and came out to the home of his uncle, the late Dr. Henry Cole. In 1800 he married Sarah Foster Martin, by whom he is survived. Hie children, six of whom are living, are; Mre. Douglas Muir of Rochelle, N. Y. ; Mrs. (Dr.) Cunningham, Toronto ; John W. hessian, Stratford, Conn. ; U. A, Ilession, Toronto University ; Mrs. J. 13. Morrison, Laugside, Ont., and Mrs, A. G. Read of Pittsburg, Pa., all of whotn were with him dur- ing bis last hours with the exception of Mrs. Read, whose health would not permit her to travel. • Mr. Hessian was a man of sterling worth, honesty and integrity being the foundation of hls cbaracter. In religion he was a member of the Plynioutb Brethren: The funeral, which was private, took place from hie late residence to Clinton cemetery on Tuesday after- noon. The services were conducted by Mr. Somerville of Brantford. RATTLED THE BANDIT. Curious Experience With a Band of Mexican Cutthroats. Everybody in Mexico goes about arm ed. Even the passenger trains on most of the railroads are guarded by detach• meats of soldier's who ride in special cars, while on every station platform are seen rural guards armed with cant - bines ready for an emergency. For. eigners have to adapt tbetnselves to the custom or going about armed. or else make themselves unfavorably con- spicuous in the eyes of the natives. It was t novel experience, however, to see railroad surveyors, when occupied with their peaceful work, armed to tho teeth with knives and revolvers. As a matter of fart, arms were rarely re- quired in Mexico as a means of de - tense. ' As everywhere else, it is well to remember, however, to keep cool and forget that you are armed in case of a quarrel. In this connection the principal locat- ing engineer of the road had an expe- rience at which le displayed some nerve. Ile had 'to make a reconnois- sance of a mountain range called the Sierra Gorda, said to be infested with cutthroats. He was warned to let the district alone, but duty prevailed, and he Went. When reaching a rancho near the summit at sundown he and his attendant were met by four then whose law breaking propensities re quired no further introduction then their hold faces. They took bo d o f the party's horses, told the engineer and his attendant to dismonnt and made they no effort to conceal the fact thnt t , were there for business. The engineer7incer complied stnilio g1 y , and going lip to the leader, mystlBed that individual by asking him to step nslde "1 non told that it is unsafe to travel in these rnountnlns," he whispered, "win you not therefore oblige res b r taking care of my property tad nllew as to rennin 'tinder your roof until morning" With that he handed over tie watch, money and other th!ngs. attci the nstonlshed thief, who wits probably for the tit:st titne In his life treated to the novelty o Y being Mist ed, not only let the engineer love the best in his house, but handed biam back his property in the inertling end fur Wished hint with two eltttbronts tc scree as an escort during, the rest of his lenriley.--Max T. Schmidt In ''n. gineering eIngnziue. C L E A.N-- 'No dust or flying ashes. Ash. chutes guide all ashes into convenient pan. Claris shine No ash shovelling unlace necessary. See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. 33 R. R. MOONEY, Agent Wingham, CAPTURING ZANZIBAR. Serio Comic Bettie d,Ay $ onaltel .hat Deposed the tan. every visitor of «rhe Atttbla'ta tte i ttB, • ti romance behind every door. The town was ruled for hundreds of years by a sultan until the English took charge. There is still a sultan, who receives a salary from the English govern, went, but some day he will be deposed, and there will be no further pretense of a sultan having anything to do with the government. The old palace of the sultan -an ugly affair, which looks like a boarding house -is Used for of- fices by the British, Near the palace is the harem, now deserted, since the present sultan has but one wife. The sultan, who had trouble with the English, was educated in England and spent much of his time and all of his revenues in Paris. One day an Eng- lish nolisp gunboat sailed into the harbor, and the captain told the gay sultan that he had been ousted. The sultan resented the high handed proceeding and sent word to the defenders of his dignity to sink the English gunboat and put the insolent captain in the dungeou. There was an old fort near the pal• ae<e, on the walls of which were mounted a few rusty cannon. The defenders of the sultan tried to fire these at the English gunboat, but they burst, one by one, and almost wiped out the sultan's defensive force. The captain of the English gunboat then began dropping shells into the palace and, with one solid sbot, sank the sul- tan's navy -a small vessel' which car- ried four guns. -F. W Howe in Howe's Monthly, MORE -DAYLIGHT. Putting Forward the Clock Mooted Again In Britain. If popular approval as signified by the resolutions adopted in many Town Councils has any influence with mem- bers of Parliament, the Daylight Sav- ing Bill recently read in the British House of Commons for the first time this session ought to pass unanimous- ly: The proposal is that on the third Sunday in April of each year standard time should advance one hour, that day being only twenty-three hours in length, This would have the effect of deducting one of the bright morning hours when most people are asleep and adding it to the evening when we are awake, and should find it most useful. This advantage would be re- tained all summer, till the third Sun- day in September, when the standard time would recede one, hour, and be- come' once more Greenwich time. The Corporations of London, Manchester, 1 Liverpool, Glasgow, and Birmingham are the principal local authorities out of four hundred and thirty which have passed resolutions in favor of the ' adoption of this scheme. If the bill were now law, the country would be enjoying its advantages, which would gradually become more marked till, in the height. - of summer, out-of-door 1 sports could be carried on till ten o'clock. Even in that part of the year when people begin to say "the even- ings are drawing in," it would be quite practicable to do what is only now possible in June. It may well be asked why has not such a simple measure passed ere now, seeing that it has been introduc- ed more than once into Parliament. There are several reasons, one of which is the conflicting reports of the two Select Committees which have considered the hill. Another is lack of time to give it the attention it de- serves. It is not a Government meas- ure. for the Administration has not realized what gratitude they would win from all classes of the people once the law was in force. Another reason is that certain somewhat hide• hound theorists call it "gerrymander - hi with the clock,' rendering time, which d'ncnds on the sun, Neely arti- ficial. These objectors forget that for every piece• west of Greenwich. the time is already artificial. i.e., it is not loyal time, but the time as it apneas= in the astronomers in Greenwich Park. It would be just as easy to have E'er. lisp "summer ',ire: an hour of re• tn.rdation of English "winter time -- when once eo,ov r.tionalized as it if - to have the ti•n' in the west of Ene• land perpetually a quarter of an lion' to twenty minute. in ndvilnce of true time -the state of things which exisirc at preser:t. Another reason ur'r�.c1 a 7ainst its adoption is the alleged di= location of clnss'.hannel st>arrcr-Ernie services if ] iotdisli time wire alter- able. The reply t, that ie that in a week every Continental traveler would know the date of Hie change in Eau fish lune, and in practice there wool i be no difficulty whatever. As for the British railway. it would Blake no change, Their time tables would, remain as at present. "Tie times would have ,.t lu td, and f ht e would have cltang-nd with them." I would probably- mese n very real dr' fercnee to their earnings, n; mane more journeys would 'eyelet bly 1• token, when the extra hour and n16,1 the linht evening:: n melte np!'r•'r'inle period of time. Mr. \Vili;r,tn the proposer of the s i ,T r, reek that at tenet $135rfO0n A ,:•sor wee' be saved in Artilleial lirllt, tied t:•r is 110 need to label the obvi rue tele hese which the public he:lt'i e r t •�l c,. t. t l� .nn nmeh It ,c r .lt,i � e. to adoption before 1014? To Make tura. i11rs. Youngiove•-lf 1 wasn't nfraic baby wars slck 1 do believe 1 simnel spank him. Youuglove-- Well, let's Make wore. You begin spnukl'tg, and 1'll go tor the doctor,—I°uelt. 'BANK NOTE 1011A110E. 1SARD' MEN'S WEAR STORE 'POP" ° TOPGNTO-CAN. iv h Jnui n • y Some Remarkable English Bills Hat Been Preserved. If the bank notes which have bee issued by the "Old Lady of Three needle Street" had been gifted wit the power of speech, with what 1 numerable tales of romance, traged and adventure they could have e riched the world; For instance, the is preserved in the Bank of Englan library a £5 note with these word written upon it: "If this note gets i to the hands of John Dear, of Lone, hill, near Carlisle; his brother Andrew is a prisoner in Algiers." This notification was copied into a Carlisle newspaper, and John Dear thus became aware of the where- abouts of Ms long -lost brother. Among other curiosities in the Bank library there is a bank note, dated "19th Xber, 1699," for £555. This is the oldest bank note known to 1)e in. existence, In appearance and design it is very similar to the pres- ent-day notes. Another interesting note is one for £1,000 which Lord Cochrane paid as a fine, imposed upon him for his er- roneously-supposed'connection with a fraud for raising the public funds. It is endorsed with these words: "My health having suffered by long and close confinement, and my oppres- sors having resolved to deprive me of property and life, I submit to Rob- bery to protect myself from Murder, in the hope that I shall live to bring the delinquents to justice. -Cochrane. Grated Chamber, King's Bench Pris- on, 3 July, 1815." One of the most unique notes in the bank collection is one for £25 which was presented and honored 111 years after it had been issued. The greatest amount for which a Bank of England note has been issued is £1,000,000. There are only four of these million -pound notes in exist- ence. One is preserved in the library of the bank, another in the posses- sion of the Rothschild family, a third is owned by Messrs. Coutts, the fam- ous bankers, a•od the fourth is in the hands of the descendants of Sam- uel Rogers, the poet. In the production of their notes, the Bank of England authorities' chief aim is to issue a note which is im- possible for anybody to counterfeit. Towards this end, 311 '.he parts of the uote-the paper, the water -mark, the ink, the engraving, the printing -are prepared and done he a special and, as far as possible, secret manner. At the mills where the paper is manu- factured the most stringent pree'au- tions are taken to prevent any of the paper being stolen. Of course, there have been many attempted robberies, but only once, in the ;;ear 1862, were thieves successful in obtaining any of the paper. Very shortly afterwards forged notes were in circulation. The thieves did not enjoy their triumph long, for within a short time they were captured. Meted. "What do you think? Mnytlie"st at• finity is a shoeimakerr'' "The very man to be a ots motel"-'• Baltimore American. ._ --.. - Servant's Escape. A young English servant girl, who was brought before one of the Paris police courts recently, probably -owes her escape from a sentence of im- prisonment to the fact that there were two spectators in the public gallery of the court who understood the Eng- lish language. The girl was accused by her employer, an Jfnglish-speak- ing Frenchman, of stealing a purse containing 50 francs. She does not speak a word of French, and when she and her employer faced each other in court she spoke a few words to him in English. "What did she say?" the presiding magistrate asked. "She said," replied the man, "that she wag not afraid of going to prison." At this there was a cry of "No, no, no!" from the body of the court, and a man and woman walked up to the bench, and informed the magistrate that the girl's statement had not been proper- ly translated. "Tell exactly what she lits say," the magistrate ordered. "She aid," replied one of the volunteer in- •rponto'4'1 "You know very well that u tiid not find the money on ole." lie employer admitted that he had told this (0 the court, and the •egisirate at onee discharged the '1, 'Vest Africa Now Lercils. The Rand will have to take 'a seat as a gold producer. An estee contemporary reports the gold duction of the Ashanti mine, in t Africa, in June, at 9,793 tone, .li that of the Abosso mine, in the set country, at 8,049 tons. At this rr. West Africa will be this year t greatest gold produeer on record. order that the value of gold may depreciate too fast, and that Prof. I .ing Fisher may not have another i we hasten to add that the West Afi can gold is extremely low grade; ti 9.798 tons produced by the Ashen being valued at $165,000 only. Enlarged. 1 ^ Belfast Harbor Ltizaig..d. The Belfast harbor Board has r proved a scheme for providing ad tionai fitting -out wharfs for On building at a cost of over $330,0' It was stated that Belfast next S would have the largest tonna c neve shipping ever seen in any h". in the world. ,,,ttstotitAuctip, - *.s% i$'ST. 1 ONTARIO MEDICAL IN • 1 263-265 YONGE ST. . " • YdRorrta' Head quarters for Special Val- ues in Men's and Boys' Ready - to - wear Clothing. Our Summer Sale of Clothing is now on and you can count on big savings on Mens Suits Boys' Suits Men's Pants Men's Rain at Coats • Boys' Wash Suits, and all lines of Men's and Boys' Wear. Bargain Prioe on Men's Sults. Gond. strong, wearing Suits cheap at ten dollars. Our price for this nue, while they last . Ten Dollars will boy a fanoy Tweed or Worsted Suit, tailored in the very best style, worth more money. Oar leader 410.00 Men's fine Worsted and Serge Suite, navy or black, speoial out priees at 412 to 415.00• OVERALLS. -We handle the best makes. See our "Fast Mail" brand of Overalls and Smocks, guaranteed against rtes. prices are $100 and $1 25 SUNS FOR TIIE BOYS, -All sizes from the smallest to the • • largest size, at Mouey Saving Prices;every Suit well tailored. made to Kiva exoellent wear. Some low-priced suits selling at $3 50 to 44 60, and a useful Premium with each Snit. BOYS' SUMMER JERSEYS. -In navy, cardinal, white or green with long or short sleeves 25o BOYS' WASH SUITS. -Made of Galitea or Stripe Linene, Sailor Blouse or Norfolk, special at STRAW HATS. -In great variety of styles now in stook, see the •i' now sailor SOc to 41,00 H. E. Isard & Co. :Bargain Stores, Wingham. -i•+ +1-•t--l--i-•1»A •i•$ -444.1-1••t•+ 1.1-1.4.1'•i••t 4 +4-l-1' 1 Paying the Pope's Physicians. Ry a long established custom t nhysiciaus of the •pope are paid every week by the pope's chamberlain When tits holiness is seriously sick the physf elan does not receive this emolument From this custom no physician of the pope has departed since the time or Sextus V. -Le Cri de Paris. - hee• Roam to the Emergency. Newedd-Did you sew the button on my coat, love? Mrs. Newedd-- No. darling. I couldn't find the button so 1 just sewed up the buttonhole. -Boston Transcript A Philosopher's Purpose. "I aro looking fur an honest man," ,ala Diogenes. "What do you want with one?" "Olt,. wothing in particular! My real rhilanthroplc purpose is to show the world how to conduct a long and re" ultless investigation with as little es ease as possible." -Washington Star. Reading His Fortune. A negro, baying-wona dollar at a crap game, decided to spend it on hav- ing his fortune told. The fortune teller led him into a gloomy room with dirty hangings and misty red light. She took his palm, traced it with a dollar, spread out her cards and then said: "You are very fond of music; you like chicken; you have won money at craps, and you have been in jail." The negro looked at her with bulging eyes and finally ejaculated: "Mall goodness, lady -why, yo' jest. read matt inmost thoughtsl"-Ex- change. _ _ - - Small Flock Fattens Best. That chickens intended for market .11•ontd be divided Into small fiorks and :limed be fed heavily on fattening ^reds while giving them range in a mall grass Inelosure is the belief of 'rofesser .lames (1 Halpin of the Cnl- �•r of Agriculture of the University t Wlseuusios because we find a woman who once uses it, is pretty sure to come back for mora . CONSULTATION FREE t'rt7SINAL. en BY Mecca JAP-A-LAC--the Economist THERE are three distinct kinds of saving in actual dollars and cents which may be effected through the use of JAPaA-LAC in your home. JAP-A-LAC adds years to the life and wearing quell - ties of your floors and interior woodwork-- JAP-A-LAC eliminates the necessity of replacing ex- pensive furnhure, because it makes the old like new-- JAP.A-LAC enables you to do the work yourself, instead of hiring a repair matt for the purpose. Made in 21 beautiful colors, providing for Tine every re. quirement JAis-A-LAC is always put up in Green Tins bearing the shame "GLIDDEN.' Acle for AP.A•LACole he lit boo c rtadr,andacoproft tb k "A Thousand and Ono Use' of JAP-A-LAC, at your local hard., wars atora. In Wingham Jap -a -Lac is Sold BY ALEX YOUNG .411,,,,, Ma. •by irks tJtiir{vii V Car L,lit sash Tsre'is*