HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-06-04, Page 8EN'S SUIT SPECIAL $16.00 85 Men's Spring and Summer Suits on sale this week. The regular prig ces of these Suits were $20, $21 and $22. They are strictly high grade, well rnade with the best of trim- mings. 20th Century make in Navy and Black Cheviots, Navy and Fancy Worsteds and Tweeds. Step in and see them. Sale Price — - $16.00 The new Straw Hats are here and are going like hot cakes. We have a hat for every face. in Summer Underwear we have everything you can isk for—Summer Shirts, Socks, Collars, Ties, etc., in fact we have everything a man Wears except shoes. W. A. CAMPBELL The Clothier MacDonald Block. Opp. Bank of Commerce. 1 1 if l llil l 11 1 1 llll ll Where To Buy Your dour When you want Flour, tome and speak to us about it. We are millers and know which is best for eaoh need. We have different kinds.` • Blended Floors. Quality, which is oe.r biggest seller of all flours. Milverton and Exeter. Manitoba Wheat Flours. Purity. Five Lilies. Five Roses. Royal Honsehold. Ontario flour. Pat•A-Pan,.best of all for pastry only. Special Prices on Five Bag Lots. HOWSON & BROCKLEBANK We have a quantity of choice Potatoes on hand. Order now. PHONE 40 OR 20. • Special Lines in SWEET CAKES In this line we are Specialists 4 --Lines Which You should Have --4 STRAWBERRIES PINE APPLES GREEN BEANS RIPE TOMATOES PHONE 6 FAST SERVICE FREE DELIVERY Henry T. Thompson THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Successor to E. B. l-iart e . .Fresh Groceries of the Highest Standard Regal Sodas 25c. per pail A full line of Christies and Bean and Westlakes Biscuits and (sakes always in stock. Milverton, Exeter and other brands of Flour SEED A PECIALTY Blyth. ,QI. Court of Revision wa9 held in the Industry 1Ia11 on Moud;.y evening. Mrs. W. J. Haines of Wingham visited her parents, Mr. and Aire. Jac. Gillespie, during the week, Air, John McKay, eon of the late Dr. McKay of Dungannon, is visiting his. uncle, Mr. Joseph Stothere. Crops in this vicinity are looking fairly well, The rain during the past week materially assisted growth. The following gentlemen attended the Conservative convention in Wing - ham last Wednesday—Mr. Frank Mot - calf, A. Elder and Joseph Stothere. Mrs, Donohue of Harriet= has come to our town to reside and will make her borne with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr,) Allison, Mr, and Mrs. J. A, Taylor motored up from St. Thomas on Saturday and spent Sunday visiting his mother and other relatives in the vicinity, The members of St. George'e Club held an assembly on friday evening n their club eooms. The harpers of London supplied music for the oc- casion, Mr. Pugh of Wingham has secured the contract of building the new resi• deuce for the Misses Little. Owing to the scarcity of brick, building opera- tions are somewhat deterred. • A garden party under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of St, Andrew's Church will be held on the grounds on the evening of Wednesday, June 24th. Kittle%Band of Clinton has been en• gaged for the occasion. Turnberry. The following is the report of S. 5 No, 11, Turnberry. Those marked * slave been absent. Jr. 4th, total marks 095—Olive Groves 594. Sr. 3rd —total 000, Violet Pearen 532, Gertie Groves 502, *Eddie Shrigley 189. Jr. 3rd, total 400—Margaret Linklater 280, Lottie Campbell 254,• *Donald Cleghorn. Sr. 2nd --Total 325—Tom Lockeridge 247, Lewis Darnell 247, Gordon McGregor 217, *Mayse Hart 88, Jr. 2nd, total 215—Mabel .Zing 187., Dolly Pullen 1755,• Myrtle Dennis 154, Alma Lockeridge 149, Lizzie Cruikehank 141, Earl Hart 127, 'Robin Campbell, *Alice Kendal. -- C. J. Brock, teacher. The following is the report of S. S. No, 5, Turnberry, for the month of May. Names in order of merit. En- tranae Class ;—Grace Tucker, Myrtle Deane, Alvin Hastings, Sr. 4th— Mary Haugh, Della Reid, Norman Mc- Gill, Jack Reid, Fraser Haugh. Jr. 4th—Laura Reid, Jim Hardie, Alvin Smith, Chester Gilkinson. Jr. 8rd— Jean Pringle, Minnie Pringle, West Haugh, Pearl McLean, Leslie Deane. Sr. 2nd—Jean. Wilton, Edna Gilkin- son. Jr. 2nd—Ivan Haugh, Edith Reid, Emerson Armour, Rena Haugh, Mildred Yeo. Part 2od—Emma Har- die, Edna Hastings, Nellie Gilkinson, Primer — Theodore Robinson, Clara McLean,. Violet McLean.—Clara K. Copp, teacher, Minutes of Council meeting held in Bluevale, Tuesday, May 20th. All members present ; Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Wheeler and Rutherford. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued :—Thos. Bolt, re- pairing culvert, 50c ; Roy Adair, gravel on road, $4 80 ; Alex. Ross, drawing tile and culvert, $3.00 ; John Fitch, cedar poste, 8 30; Jas. Porter, wire and fencing sink hole, $18 70 ; Thos. Weir, stone in sink hole, $108.- 255 ; Wm, Marshall, inspecting sink hole, $8.00 ; Wm. Adair, witness fees, $L00 ; A. Hardy, gravel, $1.00 ; Geo. Spotton, balance of account 1913, $7.75 ; P, Powell, cleaning out drain, $2,00 ; W. S. King, assessing 1914, $05.00 ; W. S. King, equalizing 5 schools, $20 00. ADVANCE Wheeler--Mcllu»n. y •-- That we ad- journ to meet i., liftzevale, Tuesday, June 30th, at 10 a.tzt.`and that a speoi- al rnectinr; bo held at 1 p.m., June 30th, to lrae0 a bylaw to borrow money under the Tile, Stone and Timber Ditlitrge Aet. At 2 para. the Court of Revision for the Assessment Roll was opened, The members alt subscribed to the oath of office and then appointed the Reeve ehairman. After making a few changes and additions it was moved by Ruther- ford, seconded by N'Adair that the Court of Revision be closed and that the roll as revised be the roll for the year 1914. P, Powell, Clerk, Corrie. Council met May 20th in the Tp Hall pursuant to adjournment. All members present, The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and on motion of Spotton and Doig were adopted. Tenders for the abutments of. Vine's bridge were opened and considered. Moved by Spotton and Doig that the tender of Jas. Walkom be accepted. He to da all the work, furnish all material for the sewer at 83.98 per cubic yard.—carried. Moved by Armstrong and Demmer - ling that Council grant $25.00 to the 'Howick Agricultural Society to be used for the Standing Crop Competi- tion 1914,—carried. Moved by Demmerling and Arm- strong that the following accounts be paid :—John Short, cleaning bridge in Gorrie, 75e ; Wm. Be. Webber, rent of road -way for 1913, $2 50 ; John Hynd- man. tile, $11.80 ; Wm. Corbett, cul- vert and tile $3.50 ; James Walkom, two drains and catch -basin in Ford- wich, $21.25 ; Wm Rogers, inspecting bridge. $12 00 ; W. 3, Strong, tile, $2.25 ; S. Finlay, rep. two culverts, $1,50; John Burne, rep, culvert, 50c; Frank Cole, rep, culvert, $2; John Wright, taking logs out of road $3; Harold Doig, taking loge out of road, $1.50 ; James Walkom, railing and filling at Sotheran bridge $37.25; Jno. Tilker, jr., abutments at Hubbard's bridge $372 ; Russel Harris, digging ditch and tiling' same, $7; J. H. Rogers, exchange and telephone, $7.40; Ed. Demmerling, burying dead animal and raking stones $1; John Maguire, tile, $12.00 ; Milton Leonard, bal, salary and equalizing schools, $41, Moved by Armstrong and Doig that this Council do now adjourn to meet again. in Beswitherick's Hotel, Fordwich, on the third Wednesday in June,—carried. C. E. Walker, clerk, Bluevale. Miss McCall is visiting with friends at Delhi. Mr. J. F, McCracken is breaking in a new auto. Knox Church is planning to hold a garden party in June, Mr. Ed. Rogers is spending a few weeks at Bruce Beech. Mrs. Geo. Bokwell of Lucknow is visiting with Mrs. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin of Luck - now spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Florence Aitchison who teaches school near Milverton spent Sunday at home, The Ladies Aid of $nog Church gave an open air social at the home of Mr.. and Mrs, D. Jewett last week. A meeting was to be held on Wed- nesday night of this week on the school grounds to organize a football club. A number of our citizens have been very suceessful in catching June bugs by a trap consisting of a lantern sus- pended over a tub of water. A special meeting of the ratepayers of this school section is to be held shortly to consider the question of co- operating with the Literary Society and any others willing to help to Keep your esessaagemeseasesausime on PATTERSON'S Jewelry Store Window for a pull at the strings, on Saturday, June 6th, Saturday, June 13th, Satarr day, June 20th and Saturday, June 27th For June Wedding Gifts we have the goods this year. See our SILVER -DEPOSIT, CUT -GLASS, SIL- VERWARE, PEARL GOODS, LUCKY WED- DING RINGS, and PEARL RINGS. The largest stock of Diamond Rings in this part of the country to choose from make the new school and school grounds a social and recreation centre and beauty spot for the community so as to give the greatest possible benefit to the school children and the neigh. b'mrhond as a whole. This is a move- ment that is being strongly supported. by the press and leaders of education all over the country as a means of making rural lifemore attractive and successful. Everyone intereeted in the welfare of the community should attend this meeting and the members of the Literary Society, the Wcmen's Institute and the ladies of the section are especially invited to be present. Ethel. Rev, A. J. McKelvey is attending conference in Sarnia this week.. Ethel Orangemen intend celebrating the 12th of July in London thia year. Mrs. A. J. McKelvey and daughter Irene are visiting friends in Sratford this week. Quite a number from here attended the football match in. Brussele on Friday evening. Theresidence of Wm. Kreuter was destroyed by fire on Tuesday forenoon, cause unknown.- The furniture was mostly all gotten out. About 1.50 in the afternoon the alarm was .again given, when Mr. Krauter's stable had caught by some .flying cinders, and soon the stable at the parsonage was also on fire. In spite of all that will- ing workers could do, both were des- troyed, also a quantity of hay and oats, The Ethel Branch of the Women's Institute held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. John McDonald when election of officers was held, and the following officers were elected— Pres., Miss M. Mal/ maid ; Vice Pres., Mrs. A, H. McDonald ; Sec. Treae , Mise L. Hall Directors—Mrs. Wm. Hall, Mrs. P. McKay and Mrs. A. McKee; District Director, Mrs. M Ferguson ; auditors, Mrs, A. H. Mc- Donald and Mrs. 4, Eckmier. Plans were made to hold the summer meet- ings in Dilsworth's hall. The meeting closed with thenational anthem. Belmore. Mise Scott is visiting her sister, Mre. F. Inglis. BORN.—On May 30th to Mr, and Mrs Wm. Abram, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Appleby, sr„ were th guests of Mrs, Lowry, sr., last week. Mrs. A, Stewart, Streeteville, i spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mre. T. Inglis. The W. I. will meet at the home of President, Mrs, Clyne, Saturday, 7th inst., at 2 30 p.m. A full attendance is requested. There will be no service in the Methodist Church on Sunday owing to Rev. Mr. Lackland being in attend. ance at Conference in Sarnia, Our genial postmaster has sold his horse and is being advised to replace' it by a large touring car. It is hoped he will accede to the wishes of his friends. Communion services will be held at McIntosh Presbyterian Church on June 14th. Rev, Mr. Little of North Mornington will preach both Friday and Sunday. e e Belgrave. Mr, and Mrs. Hay are home after visiting in Hornby: Rev. Kilpatrick: is attending Confer- ence in Sarnia this week. Mrs. McCtanagan spent a few days in Whitechurch this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. William. are visiting friends in Michigan, Mise Jenny Proctor has returned home from Blyth and is suffering from bronchitis, Mrs. Horn and daughter, Mrs. Price, of Bluevale road, spent a day in the village last week. Misses Lizzie and Rachael McCurdy visited with friends •and relatives in Guelph for a few days last week and report a very pleasant time. Owing to next Sunday being Con- ference ,Sunday, for those identified with London Conference, there will not be any service in the Methoditt Church here, next Sunday. Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Boyle attended the Jubilee services at Whitechurch, Sunday and Monday, Mr. Boyle con- veyed the greetings of Maitland Pres- bytery to the Whitechurch congrega- tion. Richard Proctor has received the appointment of Returning Officer .for the North Riding of Huron, in conec- tion with the coming contest for the Provincial House. He will no doubt fill the bill in an efficient manner. -A bee was held on Tuesday after- noon at the manse grounds. The grounds were plowed and levelled, all the stumps being taken out and a num- ber of improvements made, which were timely and much needed and which will add much to the appear.. anee of the property, as welt as to the satisfaction of our popular pastor and his better half. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Boyle, A. L. Cole, John Ferguson, and John A. Geddes constituted a commit• tee to superintend the work. Quite a number from here attended the Conservative' Convention in Wing.. hatn on Wednesday of last weekt We are pleased to see that A. H. Musgrove was the unanimous choice of the con. vention. Mr. Musgrove is a sure winner. A number from Knox Church may avail themselves of the opportunity of attending the summer school at Gods - rich held on the first week of July. ,d good prograt'a is arranged for in Ishii way of Bible study, in the first part*of the day and ersation in the after, noon and Budd, multi the evening, TO RENT. A. comfortable, furnished home; with all modern conveniences, Apply to SHOE SALE FOR TIE KIDDIES FIELD BROS. 'TIT llRSlad1`, JUNE 4 1914 LEE JIM Hand Laundry No Acids, Limeor chemicals My work has etood the teat of Twenty years in town. I am here to stay and ask for a continuance of your patronage. LEE JIM LAUNDRY Wingham, Ontario Opposite Skating Rink HOMESEEKERS' EHCURSIQN To Points on the TEMISKAMINO & NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY Ilaileybury and North in Nor- thern Ontario. From all points in Ontario and Qnebeo on the Grand Trunk and C. P. Rys., except west of Chalk River and north of Parry Sound on the O. 1'. R. Tickets at specially reduced rates good going June 10th and valid for return until June 20th. See your nearest Railway Agent for full particulars or apply to— A. J, PARR. G. P. A., T, & N. 0, Ry. North Bay, Ont. mmmm�mmmmmmmlm�m' NORTH END GROCERY Having opened a Grocery Store in the old stand known as .the old North End Groc- ery, I solicit a fair share of the patronage:of the people of 2 Wingham and vicinity. We will always keep a clean and. fresh stock of Groceries, etc. and can assure you satisfac- tion, Try us with your next order. A. BE L L Phone 193 Ca III�sh-forButter 'and Eggs IIIIIIIIIl111 1lIIIIi11111 0 FIRST-CLASS NEW LAUNDRY LOW SAM WAH, Josephine St., Wingham, solicits a trial on work which will be executed by hand with- out the use of aoide, lime or any other chemicals to destroy the clothes. Ladies' Collars and Cuffs done the best in the town. Stang -up Collars ironed without be- ing broken in the wing. Shirts ironed so that they will not hurt your neck. Give ns a trial. Laundry called for and returned. LOW SAM WAH °Opposite A. E. Smith's Bank. COAL Scranton or Lehigh Wood t.nd Kindling LOWEST PRICES. HARD, BRIGHT and CLEAN R. J. Cantelon Office with Dominion Express Co. ICH R1STIE'S' GROCERY 1 PHONE 59 1 1 Store opens y a. m. Closes 7 p. m. Pineapples Have another shipment to arrive Thursday. Large pines are still scarce but we are get. ting the beet obtainable Will fill all orders with good sound fruit. Strawberries These will arrive by ex. press on Thursday and we are advised that they are choice. Tomatoes Expect another lot same as last. They were ex• eeptionaliy choice, Low. estossible price for SELECTED. Pineapple Tomatoes, Bananas, Orang e, Lemons, etc. Try bur Pu ; e Cream, of Tartar Bak ..fi; Powder Agent for E climates Yeast' A On FRI DAY next any time after 2p.m. Kindly Note: None Sold Before Time Mentioned 30 pairs small Slippers, sizes 4 to 7-1. For 55 Cents per pair. 30 pairs Slippers, sizes 8 to 10* For 65 Cents per pair. 30 pairs Slippers, sizes 11 to 2 For 75 Cents per • pair. One shoe of each pair shown in north window. The number on shoe indi- cates the size. W. H. WILLIE CO. THE SHOE STORE Sole Agents For The FOR .5/104 LADIES There is a Real Reason why so many new ART CLVTH �CdK CiR�S. Fr/ �ALLE�R customers are brought in by former ones. IIj The popularity of our clothes and the service we render work like an endless chain. It's gratifying to us and every- one concerned, and it encourages us to do the utmost in quality and value -giving each season. Q We've gone further this season than ever before. Ask your Art Clothes friend. Hanna & Co. PHONE 70 , 100111.At. •'-'" r� ,1A ,ar■�A ■ 1aI11_If. �A ll.Y)'' 1. 7ril'1I jiCild '4 gar,: '�jGti jr,�, • . r ..,Pg4t1 x .• r'r., Hrrrrr ,'r■Ihr IiIlila rr rs MA r,,li r., IM1i.• Ilrs.>-M ....,. 1,11111 Si •