HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-05-21, Page 8THE WINGRAM A VANCE
Eg. Clearance.
Men's and Boys'
This Week
Don't miss this chance of
purchasing your new Spring
and Summer Suit at away be-
low the regular price.
The Clothier
MacDonald Block, Opp.Bank of Commerce.
Seeds of All Kinds
Clover, Ti mothyand all kinds of Grass Seeds
Mangolds and Turnips
SEED CORN, the best test
We can supply any of the above seeds,
the best obtainable.
We have
Mies McKay of Ottawa iq visiting
Mee Menzies,
Mre. John Dilling was calling on old
friends in the burg,
A. McDonald has waved into D,
McDougal's house, west of John
Knox Church members are thinking
about building a new church in the
near future.
Fred Jeehke has purchased a fine
accordion and is supplying fine music
these evenings.
0, Seel has the contract of painting
Mrs. R. 'K. McDonald's house and
erecting a new veranda.
Mrs, R. K, McDonald's house has
the new coat of brick on it and next
will be a new veranda. ry
Cranbrook'e'real estate:boom is on.
Anyone wishing a few nice building
lots should get busy before they all
Miss Mable Bullard of Winthrope
who has been visiting her sieter, Mrs
H. Smaldon, jr., returned home this
FREES � The Quality Grocery I PRICES
The time to secure your Pineapples for preserving is here and we
have asplendid store,to supply your needs. Call or phone us.
Your order will be promptly attended to,
On SATURDAY, MAY 23rd we will put on sale 12 dozen tins of
Salmon. Every tin guaranteed. Per tin 10c
New Fruits and Vegetables .Arriving Daily
Cash paid for Butter, Eggs and Potatoes
Henry T. Thompson
Successor to E. B. Hart
!!!11ttT tttltlllltlttlttltttttlttltlttllttlttlttllllttlttlttlttltttllIt
_ Clothes That Fit_
Our expert cutter and designer, Mr. A.
E. Lewis, has had wide experience, con-
sequently we can guarantee fit and work-
manship. w"
Old clothes made new by our pressing
and cleaning process.
Ladies' tailoring a specialty.
,Give us a trial.
Mies Pearl Knox of Goderich is visit-
ing at the parsonage.
Mrs. Rev. Boyle has been spending
the past week in Toronto.
The Ladies' Aid met at the ,home of
Chas. Proctor this week.
Wm. Geddes is enlarging the house
which the station agent is living in.
Dr. and Mrs, Stewart and Mise Coad
spent Sunday in Trowbridge.
Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Bryant of Blyth
visited at J. A, Brandon's on Sunday.
Mr. Peskin has got back to his dut-
ies at the station, after taking his holi-
On Tuesday May 20th, the annual
meeting of the Belgrave Women's In-
stitute will be held in the Forester's
Hall at 2.30.
Rev. Stewart and wife are in Kin-
cardine this week.
Mr. T, K. Fox of Lucan is G. T. R.
relieving agent here.
The baseball club was organized this
week, Mr. Thos. Moore being presi-
dent of the club,
The many friends of Mrs. Wm.
Fisher will regret to hear of her
serious illness. She is suffering with
pneumonia, but it is hoped that Dr.
Jamieson, who has the case in hand,
will soon have her on the road to
Miss Edith Campbell who has been
at her home the past two: weeks
through sickness is again convalescent
and hopes to return to her duties at
Wingham on .Monday.
The Methodist Church Congregation
purpose holding a garden party on
the grounds of the parsonage on Wed-
nesday, June 24th. Keep this date
open and be sure to come as you will
have a good time.
R. M. Patten, our G. T. R. agent
here left on a holiday trip to the
Northern States and principal cities in
the Canadian West as far as Van-
( uver. Mr. Roy Loftus went with
Mr. Robt. Mowbarry has several
large contracts for concrete work on
barna, etc throughout this section,
which will keep him and bis men busy
for the summer, but as they know
just how to go about a job and with
their kind of get up they soon will
complete -the work.
The sawmill is not just now cutting
as much lumber as the owner Mr.
Martin would wish. This is owing to
the want of water, but this defect
will soon be overcome as Mr. Martin is
hiving the well drilled to a sufficient
depth to get a plentiful supply. Then
things will hum around the old burg.
Mr. Martin has certainly a big pile of
logs to cut, but`he and his gang will
be equal to the job,
The bowling and lawn tennis club
held a meeting a few evening's ago
which proved to be a very satisfactory
affair. Offlcers:were appointed and a
membership of -about 20 was enrolled
and by the enthusiasm from all con-
cerned the boys are out for the scalpo
this season, for any and all who dare
to enter a contest with them. We
may look for some sport this season as
the club have a fins green freshly
sodded and as smooth as a billiard
board. The officers are — Rev. Mr.
Stewart, Pres. ; Mr, A. Fox, Vice.
Pres. ; Mr. Roy Patton, Sec,-Treas ;
committee — John Gillespie, James
Wilson, R. Oarick, Thos. Henderson,
Ken. Patterson.
The congregation of the Presbyter-
ian Church are erecting a fine large
shed for the housing of their horses
while attending Divine services and
likely on other occasions. The struc-
ture is 120x56 feet with 10 feet walls
built out of concrete. gtalls will be
placed therein and every convenience
necessary for comfort and safety. Mr.
Robert Mowbarry has the contract for
the concrete work and has a gang on
the job who are hustlers and know
how to do the work. By the end of
the week this part of the work will
be nearly, If :Mt completed. Bob and
his gang know how to handle concrete.
Mr. Wesley Leggat haat the contract
for the roof and they will be on the
job right away. This fine shed when
fi'iai+hed will be a splendid accession
to the Church.
The menibere of the Presbyterial)
Church here will celebrate their jubi-
lee year by holding epecial services on
Sunday the 31st. of May. In the
morning at 11 o,clock the pulpit will
be occupied by the Rev. Mr, Geddes
of Park Hill, In the afternoon at 230
the pulpit will be oecupled by Rev.
Mr. Duncan of Port Credit, and in the
evening at 7 o'oiock the pulpit will be
occupied by the Rees Mr, Dunn, Roy
Ave., Church, Tvr.,uto, Oa Monday
evening commencing at 0 p,m. there
will be entertainment of a most pleas-
ant and enjoyable nature. Supper will
be served from 0 to 8 o'clock by the
Ladies' Auxilliary, after which there
will be addroeses by a number of min. -
!eters interspereed by song service by
the choir, which be it said are in fitful
tune for. this great occasion, This is
the fiftieth anniversary of the Church
and it is in a very prosperous condition,
Rev. J. Ure Stewart is the pastor in
charge and takes unbounded interest
in his:work.
The butter factory is running in flue
shape with full steam on,' Its many
,patrons arekeeping three teams haul*
ing cream to the works, which are
finely and amply equipped with all
the newest appliances, and the mana-
ger Mr. Allis Morrison is turning out
a choice article in the butter line.
The Whitechurch Rifle Aseooiation
have their targets and ranges in fine
shape for the season's shoot. Next
Monday the lith, is the opening day
of the season, when competition will
be the order of the day for the Domin-
ion Salver, There are 52 members of
the club and a good many crack shots
among them. There is theStrathcona
Shield and several medals also to be
competed for this summer, These are
made from the copper off the Old Nel-
ou Battle Ship and the men are all
keen to possess one of these prized
articles, The Club have now five ho'd-
ers of the Dominion Salver. They are
Capt. R, Carrick, Gordon Shiel, Tom
Elliott, D. Beecroft and Geo. T. Robin-
son. Capt. Carrick has granted the re-
quest of the Wingbam0lub to use these
ranges this season and has communi-
cated the fact to the Wingham Club,
so this summer the fusilade of the
rifle will be music to the bold soldier
boy. While it may also strike terror
to the hearts of the lonely agricul-
turalist, but we may look for some
fine shooting and just watch the score
card all the came. The officers of the
club are Robt. Carrick, Capt. and D.
Beecroft, Sec'y.
Mr. W. Sanderson of Toronto is
visiting his parents In town.
Mr. Anderson Black and Miss J,
Black and friends drove to Harridan
to epend Sunday.
Mr, D. McDougall of Fergus spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Corn-
Tho Wroxeter Football League in-
tend to play a match with Clinton on
Monday the 25th. This is the start
for our young men and we wish them
good luck,
On Friday afternoon next the pre-
paratory services will be held in the
Presbyterian Chureh`at 2 30 p.m. Rev,
Gibson of Belwore will assist, On Sat-
bath mornieg the sacrament of the
Lord's Supp.r will be dispensd, The
Individual communion cups will be
A couple of Italian musicians went
to the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
Cornwall on Saturday evening and
entertained them with some musical
selections on the gramaphone, The
evening was well enjoyed and a hearty
vote of thanks was extended to the
young musicians by Mr. and Mrs.
Cornwall. The young musicians ap-
preciated the kindness shown them.
Have you had a kindness shown ?
Pass it ob. '
Mr. Levy spent the week end with
friends near Milverton.
Me Robb. Musgrove is at present
visiting friends at Toronto.
Mr. Wm. Bryans of Morris was a
Sunday guest at Mrs, Ed. Bryans'.
Miss Emma Lake of Brussels Sun-
dayed at the parental home 4th line.
Lineman Little was distributing new
batteries along phone line 20 on Friday.
Mr. Jos. Sellers who has been poorly
during the last few weeks is improving.
Mrs. (Rev,) Tate and Mise M. Coilie
visited friends at Kincardine this week.
Mr. E. Tate who has been attending
college at Toronto returned home on
Mr, Geo. Wynn of Wingham ship-
ped a carload of stock from here Tues-
day morning.
.Messrs Chamberlain and Roach are
drilling a well on the new school
grounds this week,
Mr, and Mrs. T. Keffer were the
guests of the letters brother, Mr. Ed.
Jacklin on Sunday.
Mr. Robt. Shaw has again started
out with hie travelling store and is do-
ing a rushing business.
The Methodist Sunday School has
made arrangements for an exchange
of books with the Belgrave S. S.
The Women's M S. of Roe's Churcb
held their monthly m eeting at the
home of Mre. Will Lowe on Wednes-
day last.
Charles Edgar and a party of Harris -
ton called at Geo. Johnston's on Mon-
day. They are buying up horses in
Grey and Morrie.
Mrs, Arthur Shaw of Morris is at-
tending convention of Womens' Mis-
sionary Society of the Methodist
Church at London this week,
Roe's Sabbath School is again or-
ganized for a new year of work, Mr.
Robt. Carr was unanimously elected
Superintendent for Ins fourth term.
'.Cue Misses Scott of Jamestown ac -
communed by Mr. Robb. Scott were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
McEwen. Mr. John Fraser also
visited there.
Huron County Council Meeting.
The oonncil of the corporation of the
County 0f Huron will meet in the
council chamber, in the 'Town of
Goderich, on Tuesday the 2nd. day of
June next, at the hour of 3 o'clock.
W, Lane Clerk,
Dated at Goderich, May 18th, 101.4.
35 38
Auction Sale.
An auction sale will be held at the
Queen's Hotel on Saturday, May 23rd.
at 1 p. m. There will be offered for
sale twenty head of cattle, which in-
clude eleven flrst class Durham cows,
two Holstein, one Guernsey, and one
Jersey. also twenty-five good Calves,
D. F. MacDonald and Son are proprie-
tors and john ptirvIs will take the bid.
Big Pish .Caught,
Master Cecil Angus heads the record
for catching the biggest fish in this
vicinity this season. On Friday last
he caught a Red Fin, weighing 0.1 lbs.
and measuring 25 inches. Next ?
On Saturday evening, May lath,
the beloved wife of Mr. Nelson Pear-
son, Port Albert, crossed the bar,
leaving a husband and three children,
the youngest being, only two weeks
old. The funeral, which was largely
attended, was held on Tuesday to the
Hawkins cemetery where interment
was made. Mr. Pearson and his little
ones have the sincerest sympathy of
all in their Bad hour.
Baseball Club
The following officers have been
elected to the Baseball Club for the
season: Hon. Pres„ L. Binkley; Pres.;
L. Kennedy ; Vice Pres„ R. A, Currie,
Vice Pres„ R, A. Currie ; Captain, M.
Telfer ; Sec, Treas., : R. J. Brooks ;
Committee, 0. Geddes, M. White. As
there is abundance of material in town
a good snappy ball team is assured.
They play an exhibition game in Mit-
chell on Saturday.
Royal Arch Meeting.
Wroxeter L. 0. L., which was re-
cently instituted has had a most suc-
cessful career, under the Mastership
of T. R. Bennett. The lodge has
grown by leaps and bounds and on
Monday evening of this week twelve
of the brethren received the R,A.P.M.
degree. 'There were visiting brethren
from many surrounding lodges and at
the close of the meeting lunch was
served. The following brethren at-
tended from Wingham :—J. F. Groves.
W. B. Elliott, R, Stevenson, F. John-
ston, W. Guest, J. Guest, F. Guest,
W. Deyell, J. McDonald, E. Merkley,
R. Deyell, J, Wilkinson, tii.Spotton.
A comfortable, furnished home with
all modern conveniences.
Apply to
Hand Laundry
No Acids, Lime or Chemicals
My work has stood the test of
Twenty years in town.
I am here to stay and ask for a
continuance of your patronage.
Wingham, Ontario
Opposite Skating Rink
ENDERS will be received by the
up to noon of the (Hs
day of July, 1014, for the right to cut
the Red and White Pine timber on
Berths 1 13, 1. 0, and 1 D, in the Mis
sissaga Forest Reserve tributary to
the north shore of Lake Huron, each
Berth containing an area of 80 square
miles, more or less,
For maps and conditions of sale ap-
ply to the undersigned or the Crown
Timber Agents at Thessalon, Sault
Ste. Marie, Webbwood and Sudbury.
Minister of Lands, .forests and Mines,
Toronto, April 18th, 1014,
N. P. No unauthorized publication
of this notice will be paid for.
. 34.44.
Fresh Groceries of the Highest Standard
Regal Sodas 25c. per pail
A full line of Ohristies and Be&1 and Westlakes
l3ieGuits and Cakes always in stock.
Mllverton, Exeter and other brands of Flour
Auction Sale.
Dir. 13. J. Doyle will bold an auction
sale of the furniture of hie hotel en
Saturday, May 28rd. Further particu-
lars will be given next week,
Wheat $100 $105
Barley 53 53
Oats 40 15
Peas 85 85
Buckwheat 75 75
Potatoes 70 2 70
[lay 1400 1000
Straw (bundled)...,,10 00 12 00
Bran 20 20
Shorte 27 27
Flour ,., „ 2 70 3 10
Eggs .. 20
Butter 2L
Hogs 8 00
Lambs , , , 0 50 700
Sheep 4 00 450
SEALED TENDERS addressed to undersign-
ed, and endorsed "Tender for "Drill Hall,
Listowel, Ont'will be received at this office
until 4,00 P. NI , on Monday, June 1st, 1914, for
the construction of the aforesaid building.
Plans, specifications and form of contract
can be seen and forms of tender obtained at
the office of Mr. Thomas A, Hastings, Clerk of
Works, Postal Station "P': Yonge Street, Tor-
onto, on application to the caretaker of Poet
Office, Listowel, Ont„ and at this Department.
Persons tendering are notified that tenders
will not bo considered unless made on the
printed forms supplied, and with their actual
signatures, stating their occupations and places
of residence. In the case of firms, the actual
signature, the nature of tho occupation, and
place of residence of each member of the firm
must bo given.
Each tandor must be accompanied by an as
copied cheque on a chartered bank, payable to
tbo order of the Honourable the Minister of
Public Works, equal to Leupor cent. (10 p.c 1 of
the amount of the tender, which will be for-
feited if the person tendering decline to enter
into a contract when called upon to do so, or
fail to completo tho work contracted for. It
the tender be not aocop:ed the ehsquo wit], bo
returned. •
Tho Department does not bind itself to the
lowest or any tender.
By order•
Department of Publio Works.
Ottawa, May 6, 1014.
Having opened a Grocery
Store in the old stand known
as the old North End Groc-
ery, I solicit a fair share of
the patronageZof the people of
Wingham and vicinity, We
will always keep a clean and
fresh stock of
Groceries, etc. -
and can assure you satisfac-
tion. Try us with your next
Phone 193
Cash II for ButtteerI'' and. Eggs
1uL1�11! ���� ��IIYII�IIIIIEIIIIY�
LOW SAM WAH, Josephine St„
Wingham, solioits a trial on work
which will be executed by hand with-
out the use of acids, lime or any other
chemicals to destroy the clothes.
Ladies' Collars and Cuffs done the
best in the town.
Stand-up Collars ironed without be-
ing broken in the wing.
Shirts ironed so that they will not
hurt your neck.
Give us a trial.
Laundry called for and returned.
Opposite A. E. Smith's Bank.
Genuine Lehigh Ooal,hard, bright and
The prices for MAY delivery are:
Stove or Egg $7.10
Chestnut .. , .$7.35
Pea. $0,10
Connel Anthracite from 15o to 35o
per ton less.
Hard and Soft Wood always on hand
R. J. Cantelon
Office with Dominion Express Co.
aiss esemszonsmiresussisommusss
Store opens 7 a. m. ' Closes 7 p. m.
• The Pineapple situation •
is most uncertain this
year.Thie ie the time for
preserving. but large
importers are not get-
ingthe stocks,
Whether they will be cheaper or
not it is impoesible to say,
Expect, Shipment To -Jay
All orders wild be carefully at-
tended to.
Try Our Lure preen„ of Tartar
13 tilting Powder
Agent for Fle schman's Yeast
at this
very ,
iderly, Men
or for any
man who
has tender
T his Shoe as you will notice has no toe cap and is
made on a wide last. The material is fine Dongola
which is very soft and 'pliable and for an elderly man cr
for a solid comfort for a younger man, it is unbeatable.
The price is exceedingly low, namely,
$2.40 Per Pair
In all sizes for men.
Kindly Note,
Monday next being Victoria Day
this store will be closed all day.
lso—Do not forget that we take butter
and eggs in trade, and sew all rips on
shoes bought from us free of charge.
Sole Agents
l For The
Our full range of Ladies' Suits
in blues, blacks, greys, tans, we
are offering to clear at a dis-
count:of 20 percent.
$18.00 Suits for $14.40
$15.00 Suits for $12.00 "77.
Sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42.
20 Ladies' long Coats in fawns,
black Serges, 52 inches long,
made in fancy Cloths and Cra-
venette Material, regular $12,
to clear while they last at $6.75
st We have on sale 3 dem Ladies'
Shirtwaists, with laundried Cel-
lars and Cuffs, regular $1, $1.50,
$2, $2.50, to clear at 49c each.
BOYS' WASH SUITS in Duster Brown style in plain
white, bine, regular $1,50, to clear for 80c each.
Mail orders promptly filled. Phone 70
Botterick Patterns always in stock
Phone 70.