HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-05-21, Page 54sit
THURSDAY, MAY 21 191 }
That Agrees With
The Aged
,•T+.:If:''•.:% I,I:,.i.
Get the
• gra.,F e IQ
F r
} elt'rFALO Sit
I •
te,. . - • 'v ',&st ewe, • a mn .
•a'^'. see- y
' S `
r,, „ },,},$ts
,j ... w; +'yV•rte ay'`.z..-a-41*b vu•`t1
Length 500 fee:; breadth 9') fa: t, 6 inches; 510 staterooms and parlors ncrommodating 1300 town.
fires. Creater is cost—lamer in n:1 proportions—richer in all apfrointments—than any steamer GO
inland waters of the world, Ia service,)unn 15th,
Magnificent Steamers ",".=%NDr. i3," "City of ;uric" and "City of Dpffalo"
Daily—BUFFALO and CLEVELAND — May 1st to Dec. tat
Lenvo Euffa1n • 9:00 P. M. Lcavo Cleveland • - • 9:00 P. 111.
Ir Arrive Cleveland - 7:30 A..11. Arrive Buffalo - • 7:30 A. AI.
(Eastern Standard Time) '
Connections atClnvclar:lfor Put•imnnp Tolcdo.i)ctroitand all points est and Southwest. Railroad
tleketa reading between Buffalo an,) Cleveland are good for trnoeportation on our steamers.
Ask your ticket agent fur tickets via C. & B. Lino. Write us for handsome illustrated booklet free.
paperer all over the Dominion were
busily engaged in putting
to the front
There was at no time any doubt that
the name of George Eulas Foster would
appear among the list of those whom the
leader of the Conservative party chose to
assist him in the great task that has been
thrown upon his shoulders, Fighting
aide by side in the ranks to the left of
the Speaker during years that were long
and arduous, there was no man in
whom the present Premier could have
placed more reliance, nor ever have
found that reliance ill -placed, Year
after year they worked together in Op-
position, today they are working with
the same zeal in the larger field, and
with the greater opportunities that, were
presented to them when the people of
Canada, by their vote of 1.011, made it
clear that they desired a new band to
control and new ,nen to direct the
varied activities of government.
It was to the Department of Trade
and Commerce that the activities of
Hong Mr. Foster were directed when
the various branches of government
were being placed upon the shoulders
best fitted to bear them. It was an
office for which Hon. Mr. Foster was
fitted, as, perhaps, no other man in the
party was fitted. In the first place, he
was a recognized authority on national
finance and trade, He had made his
name long years before as a capital
financier, when times were far less
prosperous than today. He had done
remarkably capable work even then fur
advancing the country's trade, a matter
so intimately associated with the country's
revenue and the country's general pros-
perity. He was a man of business, a man
of affairs, one who knew other countries
as well as his own, who was an astute
one well equipped for meeting
the intricacies of trade agreements and
commercial undertakings. As far back
as 1b92 he had visited the West Indies in
the interest of reciprocal arrangements
for extension of trade. It is a remark-
able fact that twenty years later, un-
der another Conservative Government,
he went once again to the West Indies,
and there negotiated one of the most
important trade agreements that .this
country has entered into in recent years.
It was a form of reciprocity that com-
mended itself to the intelligence of the
people of Canada, a reciprocity between
countries that produced totally different
products, that each had a surplus o1
commodities that were of use and re-
quired by the other. The general ad-
vantage of this trade agreement has
been well demonstrated already, and
that it is appreciated by the West Indk e
as well as by Canada is shown by the
fact that its field has been extended by
the addition of other British possessions
in that part of the world.
Fancy . Thin
Gloderich to Detroit
and Return
GOING F 9 30 a. m. eh JUNE y12
Wti\') F3 Q9 Pe on J'UJ. LI 15
BALL GAMES 13th and 14tH
in Detroit
The Morning Train from Kin
cardine, Winghatn and way stations
to Londe:borough, will make connec-
tions at Clinton with the "Boat Train"
from Stratford, the 12th.
SPihOIAL TRAIN 7 () Tt11•j
are sotnewl)at differetlt from the
usual soda biscuit—Smaller and
daintier --perhaps you'll like them
better. If you don't you'll find
the regular "Dairy Creams" to be
the very best soda biscuits you
have ever tasted,
Packed and sealed at the bakery
in packages that preserve their
freshness—and sell at 5c, 1Oc, and
Wtitila STAR LINE E.E a ER
Individual Fair Play
In a herd of 12 dairy cows the aver-
age yield last year was 3,780 pounds c.f
milk and 114 pounds of far. The 10
bast cotes in the district averaged 0,208
pounds of milk and 221 ponnds of tat,
while the 10 poorest gave only 2,818
10Inds of milk and 107 pounds of fat,
When it is seen that the difference
in the average of these two groups of
10 cows is 3,170 pm di of milk, while
between the best and poorest lndivid
ual cow there was actually a differ -
once of 0,1055 pounds of milk, it is
(mite evident that figuring out just a
Fold, dead, machine—like "average” le
quite unsuitable and unfair when it
I cornea to dealing with a living, ner-
1 volts, sensitive cow.
i That difference of $81.05 between the
earning power of two individual cows
Indioates the cows natural rebellion
against more mechanical treatment,
Being an animated and complex bun.
die of nerves and tissues she melt
study of her particular likes and dls•
likes, there her best results will be
cheerfully given. She le not simply
c4 rat team beat e.n %dividtal
e..,ate .,,.
gook for the
Perrin Trade
Mark on every
"Every package guar.
We will send you the
" Perrin's Sample Package"
of some of our delicious fancy
biscuits, for 10e in coin or
stamps, and your grocer's
name et
sure development.
The average may be used in givin,
due justice to each cow only- when el
in the herd are f(Ilally gnod. Just et
long as these rein trkahle differeneet
exist between individual cotes, then.
will also retntcin the need for a record
of cost of feed and production of milk
of eaeh one separately. Then the ht rd
can be built up on the definite spsteru
of each one contributing a good meas-
ure of profit ; otherwise the deflciera
cies of several poor eowe add to the
heavy bniden shouldered by the t o
or three star wotkele ol'the team that
do snake large profits. Dairy records
give fair play to each cow and help in
judging individual merit,
The men Who Are 00verning
tion. (leo E. Poster, Minister Of
'rode And Commerce.
When Robert Laird 'Borden waS called
upon in September, 1011, to form a
Cabinet for the government of Canada,
there Was one name that appeared in
But this is only ot:e of the important
efforts which the .present Minister of
Trade and Commerce has undertaken
since he took up the duties of his -pre-
sent office. One of the most important
trips was that to Australia, Though it
was not possible to conclude the very
important trade arrangements which
Mr. Foster had in mind for Canada's
relation to this great sister colony, there
was laid the foundation of what will yet
prove a great commercial alliance. And
the dream of thcrMinister, a dream that
will undoubtedly be realized in years yet
to come, is an alliance in trade of all the
sco.ttered British Dominions and of the:
Motherland as well. He remembers the
Biblical declaration that "where your
treasure is, there will your heart be also,"
and in that belief he builds for com-
mercial strength by commercial alliance
within the Empire. It is in pursuance of
that great idea that the Minister's lengthy
trips have been undertaken, and that
.pore of these trips will be undertaken.
He is Canada's greatest commereei
travciler, the envoy to the world of al,
things Canada can grow and Canadians
can make He is the man who is seek-
ing out new markets, who is setting
forth trade opportunities, quickening
the general business enterprise of the
Dominion, and stimulating the whole
industry of the country.
This is the business side of Mr. Fos-
ter. But there is another side to the
man equally well known, one might say
equally admired: That is the orator,
George Foster, master of reasoned argu•
meat and strength in debate. There Itis
recently been issued in book form a selec-
tion of the public' speeches delivered by
'dr. Foster during his lengthy public
career. It is safe to say that this is the
most notable contribution to Canadian
literature that has ever been made in that
form. It includes speeches that nen of
middle age remember well, it include: -
also spt.eches which the young men re
today have heard or have read, There is
that remarkable utterance,' for instance,
during the naval debate of last year, pro-
bably the most outstanding speech de-
livered during that long and strenuous
battle- There are speeches delivered on
subjects not political, but all have; that
same lucidity, choice of words andvigour
of phrasing which make George E, roster
a model for the speakers of the country.
DisTi:iGUTslntn CAiikliR.
will never fail to give credit to him for
masterly n asterly every in which he was able to
navigate the ship of state over the finan.
tial shoals that might have wrecked bad
a man of less nobility been in control. To
all his other honours, Mr. Foster will
stand In Canadian records as n resource-
ful and capable Finance Minister, One
act of his regime will never be forgotten,
that being the Canadian Bank Act, which
he introduced and carried through in 1891.
Among other new features,`it made pro-
vision for the currency of all bank notes.
without discount throughout Canada, for
the guarantee of full payment of all notes
of issue, and the supervision of a. bankers'
association. This is the same act which
last 'session was given its decennial re-
vision, and is the foundation upon which
our whole banking system is founded.
Hon. Mr, Foster has been a great Can-
adian figure, but he has also been more
than a Canadian fii;ure; he has been an
Imperial figure.. On the invitation of Mr.
Chamberlain, he visited Great Britain in
1003, and delivered 28 addresses en the
question of Imperial Preference. This
great idea he still works for in his plan cf
inter -Imperial trade with all the unity and
cohesion that he knows this will bring
Another act, along this same line, was
taken in 1912, when he effected an ar-
rangement with the British Government
by which the world-wide British consular
system was officially opened to the use of
Canadian trade and commerce. These
are great Imperial movements that will go
on increasing in practical usefulness and
that have deep bearing upon the growth
of sentiment tr ithin the Empire.
Mr. Wm, Hutt spent a day or two at
Stratford last week,
Mr. Robert McClennan visited Turn -
berry friends on Sunday last.
Mr. Rubert McKay of Ethel preach
ed iu the hall ou Sunday night.
Mr. Samuel Pollock of Paisley will
rake the service next Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Will. McDonald visi -
ed at Bert, %Vatson'a, Morrie, on Sun -
M , and Mrs. D. McD.)nald and Miss
Ouuaida spent Sunday with Brussels
Mee. Chas. Roadhuuse of Blyth vieit-
ed at Bernice Payne's last week. Stir
is mush imp oved in health,
Miss Pearl Payne is home again af-
ter spending some weeks visitiug her
aunt, Mee. Chas, Roadhouse,
Mr, Bert. Wallace is making his
daily trips, as he has the contract of
drawing the milk to Molesworth
cheese factory. He gave good sails.
f Lotion last year.
Miss Edna Scandreet, who was in-
disposed for a short time is convales-
cent again.
M Clayton Proctor has taken a
position at Welland as teacher in the
9potton Business College.
Alex. Bruce was the purchaser of
the property owned by Mrs. Wm
Wiley, which was offered for sale by
Reeve Shortreed. The price paid was
100. Mr. Bruce will take up his
residence in the village shortly.
Irwin Ferguson during the past two
weeks has been in the General Hiispi-
tal in Stratford with a severe attack
of blood poisoning, but we are pleased
to state is improving. He bas been
attending the Normal Sohool in the
•;lassie city.
Tne annual meeting of the Belgrave
Methodist Missionary Society' wire
held in the church on Thursday, May
14, when the. following officers were
elected:—Pres., Mrs. C. B. Wilkin.
.on ; Vice. -Pres , Mrs.. W. J. Proctor ;
Creae., Mrs. John Bell ; Sec., Mrs. W-
Proctor; organist, Meer Dr. Stewart.
Meetings to be held first,Thnrsday of
every month,
There passed away at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Little of Detroit,
Mrs. Bartley, a former long resident
of this 'village. Mrp. Barcley was in
good health till about four weeks ago,
when she took i11 and gradually be-
came more eerious till the end came
peacefully on Sunday morning. Mee.
l3:trcley was in her 80th year, the
eldest esu h er of 9 mull B tkev, who
was born near the Sr. Lawrence in ti e
vicinity of Crysler'e Farm. She came
with her parents when twelve years of
age to Morrie township, where they
sett led. Being of a devotional nature,
she developed a rich Christian char.
rioter. There:are left to mourn her
loss her daughters, fairs Plewes, Lon,
don ; Ml's. Little and Mrs. McDonnell,
Detr'oir, and another daughter in
Toledo, Ohio ; one'.son, Charles in the
West, Ira in business in Michigan,
George in Brussels. The remaine were
brought from Detroit,;and taken to
the Methodlet Church, Belgrave,
where appropriate services were con-
ducted by Rev, Kilpatrick, after which
remaine were followed to. Sunshine
cemetery, by a largo concourse of
sorrowing relatives and friends.
In spite of it being the busiest sea -
Ma of the year an unusually large and
good natured crowd of not only young
men and maidens but also the youths
as well as those advanced In years
availed themselves of the opportunity
of all being young together in the en-
joyment of an evening with Love and
Romance, which was typically demon-
strated in a play entitled Valley Farm,
which was put on in the Forester's
Hall last Friday night, by a company
from Blvth Anglican Church. With-
out a single exception each member
of the company played their individual
pelts in the drama with ability, which
is seldom seen in amateurs. The play
was of very high order and true to
life as is possible to be. It was highly
appreciated by the audience, who with
no uncertain sound showed their ap-
preciation of the various acts, by their
hearty and spontan.out applause,
The officials of Trinity Church under
whose auspices the play was put or,
are deeply grateful to the Blyth
people for their assistance. The pro..
amounting to $41 will be ap-
p opriated to the new shed which is
being built.
Mr. A. 11. Musgrove, M.P., was in
town on Wednesday.
Me. Robe." McKay and Dr. McTag-
gert motored to Lindon ern Monday,
Rev, Mr. Lovegrove of South
Cayuga v's ted Mr. and Mrs. Rubert
Slater during the wet k.
Mr. %Vin. Haines of 'r ,'onto is
spending a few days with his broth, r
Frauk of the Bank of Hamilton.
Divioion Court was held in the In-
dustry Hall on Wednesday. A num
bee of cases came up for hearing and
disposed of. Judge Bolt presided.
Mr. Jas. Owning, who accompanied
the remains of his mother, the late
Mrs, John Coming from Whitewood,
Seek., here for burial on Wed-
nesday, returned to his home this
The cylinder of the engine in W. F.
VanStone's sawmill burst last Wed-
nesday, which will , mean at least a
week's delay in operation. The
hrokcu portion was sent to Kincar-
dine for repairs.
Miss Annie Spafford, nurse, in St.
Joseph's. Hospital, London, was sue
ceesful in passing her final examin-
ations held last Friday. Miss Doris
Scott and Hattie Spafford were in at-
tendance at the graduating exercises,
Oa Sunday, May 2'tsh, will be the
25th anniversary of the laying of the
corner stone of the Methodist Church.
The Epwoath League of the . Church
are having a musical Jubilee service
on Sunday. Rev, Farewell, B. A., of
Torouto will be the speaker. E>rch
member of the society is asked to con-
tribute at least 25s. Everybody wel-
A lawn social under the auspices of
the Women's Institute will he held at
the borne of Mrs. Russell Richmond,
nth con., Moiris, Wednesday, June
3+d, tea will he served from 0 to 8
o'clock. The Auburn band will furn-
ish music for the occasion. A ball
grime will be played between Morris
and Blyth during the evening. Ad-
mission 25c.
i lmllRUIMIIP"1l' 111111_ oullr
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Gallaher visit-
ed friends near Lakelet last Sunday.
Messrs. Harry and Robert Westlake,
who worked near Fordwich epi'nt last
Sunday with their brothers and sis-
Mies Gertie Bush visited her sister.
\les. Wm. Dane of Ilowiek last weak.
Mee. Jnhnst,•n and Mrs. Fo time o
1te Stu visited the it hi+,ter, Mee. V' in.
Lines la•+t tL et k,
Mrs. MoNheha.l, HE., of \V, ug,a.t-,
pent la,t week with Mende n•rt'urtti
Ocean Rates Is Criticized,
The fittest gtlevrt.nce of the -Western
agitator ie sheet Mr, Borden i.s dolnt;
nothing for the settler in the way of
reduoing oe an rates, although he
oauld reduce them without much
trouble by putting a fleet of Govern+
tnent-owned steamships on the Allan,
tic and establish a Government mar-
ine insurance department ;for lowering
the premfutbs on hulls and cargoes.
Leaving the ineurance.proposal aside
for the present, those men have evi-
dently never inquired what it would
oost to buy or build a fleet of ocean
freighters, or to maintain it when
rates, which are now going down, bad
reached their lowest level.
'Over 20 years ago David A. Wells, •
the great American free-trader, in his
book on "Recent Economic Changes,"
shows what remarkable ups and.
downs take place in ocean rates. At
one time the rate for bulk grain from
New York to Liverpool dropped with-
in a short space from 27 cents per
bushel to 12 ciente, then to 5 cents, and
finally to a fraction of a cent, which,
of course, did not pay for the cost of
carriage. Two years later an increas-
ed demand for cargo accomodation
suddenly arose, with the result that
there was a rapid advance in rates, in
some cases amounting to I00 per cent.
Tule had the effect of giving a great
impulse to shipbuilding, and within a
twelve month rates were down again.
What happened in those days has
happened more than once, since, and
is happening at this moment. From
statistics furnished from Washington
it appears that the mean rate on wheat
from New York to Liverpool fell from
10,k1 cents per 100 pounds between 1880
and 1890 to less than 9 cents between
1891 and 1895 ; then is rose to over 1.01
between 1896 and 1900, and fell to )era
than 5 cents between 1901 and 1005.
Much depends upon the relative
quantities of merchandise to he ship
ped and the supply of vessels avail-
tthle for carrying it. The volume of
traffic is subject to variations, the
meet important of which are caused
by the harvests in different -countries.
If a branch of ocean traffic is sudden=
ly diwiahed by a bad harvest in Auer
tralia•, the Argentine or th e United.
States, or when, as happened at the
close of the -Boer war, a considerable
amount of tonnage employed iu the
transportation of troops and eupplies
was thrown out of employment, there
is a marked decline in rates. Again,
rates are governed in good measure by
the return cargoes obtainable for tramp
steamers, and return cargoes depend
iu turn upon the condition of business.
The high rates of the past few years,
arising principally from the inflection
of trade and from fairly good harvests
the world over, as well as .from the
enhanced cost of vessel construction,
and of wages, coal and ship supplies,
eau -ed a tremend.,us boom in the
building' of tramps. But, speaking
generally, traffic is not nearly so brisk
as it was, and many British tramps
have heen laid up because they could
not pay running expenses if kept at
sea. The present decline in rates is
particularly noticeable in the trade of
the East but is already felt in New
York, and is bound, sooner or later, to
become apparent on the St. Lawrence,
Whenever prices are augmented in
any industry the Western agitator
maintains that a combine is at work,
and calls ou the Government to deliver
him. When wheat advances he has
nothing to say except that the increaee
is dun to supply and demand, but he
refuses to recognize the operation of
that law in other instances, his already
explanation beiug that the shipowners,
the manufacturers, or what not, are
out to tobhim, and his already cute all
Government intervention.
A writer in the last issue of the
Grain Growers' Guide says 10 freight
steamers, could be built for 159,590,000,
and their competition with the tratnpe
end regular liners would bring down
rates with a run. It does not occur to
biro that for the State to enter the
ocean- carrying trate wonld scarcely
he fair to the private investor, guilty
of nothing worse than augmenting the
vette w ltilst it 1 .rge denoted for loo-
m; ge
oage t-xisfed and op(atating ex pen-ee
were unuautlly birth ; 'we du" tie tet -
neivv that n•e might. ti .41 it +ttfi •iii te
borrow irl i}i,+jyt+trttl fur the pu:Ito-.. t
hegga+ing Br tith trartua, or r.ri;tl t+i
OAP novo, lines, 1118 idea in natal. this
alert of steautere should t•c, • wept. d
solely in retrying farm prt,deets to
treleal-to, bet it could seat (3..ly p•, y, t et.
in the bebt of tines,' without. le li' 1.
cargoes of Bi itis tt and f•m.'i};,t f 'ow y
ennds, and would he a let•it g vett u e
whenever these nal eytiie tit e z;1. ot.•)i
low fates mode itt.npomp elice.
t}„uhi 1 eels)mired with vni'e in, ;in
rhe tot'y u y tri angt is n, tl of in it,
t•rtkliO • 1') u,hlal, ream d , c b vest,
1,1y t•prtJell at,tl pietaetling wuuld rut
pose ;
Vain were hush tit qu.•nce to me
With, ut the gtnee of chat dsy,
A Shipment of the
New Middy 'Waists
Plain White and Color
'trimming of Blue or Red,
All sizes in stock. Spe,
cial value showing at
One Dollar.
Also a large range of
Ladies' House Dresses,
kauietergcig; smart styles. Prices
begin at $1.00.
Handsome School 'Dresses for girls.. Made of plain
Linen and Scotch Gingham with combination
Trimmings, all sizes 5 to 16 years. See them.
Carpel Department
Take a look at our large range of Floor Coverings.
New patterns and colorings in Rugs, all sizes in
Tapestry, Brussels, Velvets, Wools and Unions.
See our Bedroom Rugs at $4.50.
Linoleums of the best makes, choice designs and
colorings, widths are 2 yards, 3 3aids, 3: yards
and 4 3 arde.
Lace Curtains and Curtain materials at bargain
prices Special Curtaining, by the yard at 15e,
Window Shades from 25c to $1.00, Braes Rods
• and!Cui'tain Poles, all kinds, •
Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs.
H. E. Isard & Co.
Bargain Stores, Winghain.
• ►I• »I•i••i••F•d-I••I-I i .I-I••i •i• ••i••i i •I I••i-•i •I•+4-i••i•++++4-P• A4. +•i••i++-i4
Call and see what you can pur-
chase for $ 1.00.
Graniteware, China, Kitchen Uten-
sils, Stationery, Children's supplies,
Bats, Balls, Garden Sets, Tennis
Sets, School Bags, etc.
An entirely new line of Fireworks,
Speei;tls cvt•ry S,aturtlay.
Misses Carson
t e' tesse1 +awed ate, :fir 'q' t ae•aetweeape'eteesstiesseesa"1;1
This Store
Sheriff's Sale e,f Lands.
There are few men who have a dis-
tinguished career in the public life of
Canad* extending over a greater num.
ber of years. He first entered the Ilouse
in 1882, and the promptness with which
his talents impressed themselves may be
noted by the fact that three years later
he was a member of the Government of
Sir John A. Macdonald, occupying the
important post of Minister of Marine and
Fie -twice, Ile found his greater field
three years later, when he succeeded Sir
Charles Tupper as Minister of Finance,
rand he remained in that office through the
Abbott, Thompson, Rowell and Tupper
administrations. 11e was leader of the
Government during the session of 1805,
and in the session of January, 18110, up to
the re-entry of Bir Charles Tupper, Those
who know any-tlilers of the period during
Which We Appease
Bakery Deltcactes
sure 10
Dread, Buns, Cookies
Fret,h Every :Day
Pies, Cakes, Doughnuts
The SANrrAny WAY
ora Writ r,t
Cf•tlsTv of ITi;Rux 1 1' Ry orAlran It. trrurti etre
- of LIN MOH'y'a('t.nntl
To Wit f (Mort {,f 11,0 Countyo'
bur it. Anti to ate tl'nree-
tad, anti delivered, against the Lao's tend
C(;ueula1OYrp1nty of
,1 Stiles, awl Annie Stites,
Lt the slut of
Iinrtha 1, hetet
111ve Frtuutl null taken in menden, all the
right, title, faCtrest, anal (Aulty of redemption,
of the above nierod Joseph series and Annie
'stiles. in, to, and one of, all and singular. these
,ertain parcels, or tract of lards, and premises,
tltt,tt", lying, And being in the+ Town Plot of
Wingli.tm, in the Township of 'i'urnl{nrry, in
alta County of iluron, and Province of t3ntario,
and b.1 -g ron)pooed of Lots rinmbers Thrto,
Noor, and Twenty -Eight, all on rho Sou'h tl'c
)f llelen. Street, in Peter Fish(r'a surrey,
Archibald Fisher's Block in the Mill Itetterve.
tt the said Town Plot, as shOtttit tilt a filen or
+alai enevoy, mouse by A. flay, lege , }'.1,. w.
Which Lands and To. ontert0 L shad f,il'er for
41,10 at my Offlen itt 1 ho ('111;t lion its the
Town of (.0leriOlr en Mom.ltty 1l':o t(fixth dtt•
If duly. 1014, At the liner of )shelve of the
...lack, noon. 'Terms esti. ,
Pt, 0. HP'SX01,114,
Sher•itl' Co. Ranee
Sherie a OCfloe, (lotlsrlob, Maroli )lett, iD
Visit Dosing
with etrorig Cathartics—.
Chamberlain's Tablets me
more effective regulae
ntioation for the little fells—one
teblet going to bed means A
Pleaearit to trate, they tever fail.
25e. a bottle. Druggiata and
dealers or by Mail.
because it gives a
"finish" to any
household article
that ro mere var-
nish can give.
the Furniture -Saver
HEN you start on your campaign of
home -beautifying this Spring, don't
just ask for "varnish — ask for
JAP-A-LAC; and don't be content with
anything but JAP-A-LAC. Always put
tip in Gree -"—n Tins, bearing the name " GLID-
DEN." Made in 21 beautiful colors, providing for
every possible requirement of the housewife, JAP.
A,LAC is indeed a 'wonder-working aid in keeping
funtiture, floors and woodwork "spic and span."
No matter how badly scratcht.d or marred a piece of
furniture may be, a coat of JAP-A-LAC will make it lock
like new. It covers up the scratched Lind ptoduce9 a beau•
tiful, brilliant, durable finish. Quickly and easily applied.
No expctience required.
Ask your local hardware store for the JAP-A-LAC color
card and book entitled "A Thousand and 'One Uses of
1;t . fir gha n Jap .c soar i, X101 J
BY L'i"'g YOTJ NG,