HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-05-14, Page 6TTII W I. G U .A,. M .A- D Y AN O E THURSDAY, WY 14 014 WELL painted floor is a sanitary floor— easy to keep clean and bright. Floor paint has to stand the scuff and wear—and stay fresh and bright under all kinds of kicks and rough usage The best Floor Paint for all-around satisfaction is The Old Reliable SENOUR'S FL OR AINT It keeps thousands and thousands of floors spic and span with its freshness and newness and cheery brightness. SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT is really the cheapest, too, because it covers more surface and wears longer than any other. We have SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT in 14 colors—suitable for every floor you !!1I►�'f!,> want to paint. 19 t\111ipi11 1, of 1 `1 i' I I i tl �jrt HIGH CLASS LIVERY GOOD HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady ' drivers. , Drivers supplied. BEATTIE'S LIVERY DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 .horrid use and TRAINlive lea ins Toronto 10.20 p.m. DAILY. Through Colonist and 'tourist Sleeper - erasks TRY US ... FOR ... Groceries Flour and Feed Vegetable Seeds Flower Seeds Seed Peas, etc. Prompt Delivery. Phone 82. BELL'S GROCERY Successor to W. J. Patterson OVER 66 YEARS', EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DasIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may oniony ascertain our opinion free whether an nrvention tb probably patentable. Communlc . Ions atrIctiyconsdentlal. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn dt co. receive epeeistnotfce, without Charge, lathe 5r�enlific Thierkan. Ahartdrombty ntartrates Weekly.. Largest cir- culation of any retenttae journal. Tonna for Canada, s3.75 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by 111 newsdealer.. MUN&Co WaNewY.NWSbI SYNOPSIS OFCANADiAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS T$E sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old may homestead a quarter - section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not Bub - agent) on certain conditions, Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the laud in each of three years. A homesteader may livo witbin nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- quired in every caseexcept when resideneo is performed in the vicinity. In oertain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section along- side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties —Six months' residence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (Including the time required to earn homestead patent) and 60 acres extra cultivation. The area of culti- vation is subject to reduction in case of rough, aorubbyy or stony land after report by Home- stead Inapector on application for patent. A homesteader who 1 as exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homeated in certain districts. Pride $3.00 per aore. Dutiee.—Muat reside six months in oaoh of three years,'oulti- vate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.—Unauthorized publioation of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. A hundred and eighty delegates 11. from the Various states met in Card- oso, Venezuela, on April 19th and elec- ted a president of the provisional gov- ernment, This course was made nec- etoary by the action of President Jaen Vicente Gomez last September in for bidding the holding of the regular el - :tions for president and vlce-. recti- dInt. This action led to general un- pate. and recently d revolution was started in the State of Falcon, It was then decided to elect a provisional goy. re o *rumba until theg tor elections could be held. The delegates from the Yhtiotltt Stater+, elected Dr. V, Mat ewe Bustillos president, and De. 3. 13oj as rernandez Etat vice-president, Oen. Juan Vicente 130:11(12, the outgoing president, Warr elected Commander in Chief of the army. 116. Farms For Sale 200 acres, large brick house, 2 bank barns, one mile south of Gorrie, good stock and grain farm, 35 acres of bush. 100 acre farm in Minto Tp., 7 mites from Harriston, 7 miles from Palm- erston ; school, church and store con- venient, good buildings. A snap at $5,600. For full particulate' for these farms, apply to -- PHILIP HARDING, Clifford, Ont. ta.aaaaaaaataaaa+ataar-aaa.raratataasumases..raa 5, Mr. Geo. Moir Wishes to announce to the citizens of Wingham that he is in the old stand to stay. Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, etc. Give us a call. • .p,,:, .: :Yrs+."•^na'`. 1 �� ,r ,(T X�)+J, a fir. � OMESIEEKRISS" EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASICATCHEWAN Each Tuesday March 3 to October27,1nclusive. Winnipeg and Return - $3540 Edtnontoix and Return - 43.00 Prom Toronto, and Stottone West and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from Stations East of Toren to. Return Limit two months. REDUCED SETTLERS' PARES Melina-Val' SECOND CLASS) EACH TUESDAY', MARCID AND APittt, Settlers trd4.ctiingg with Live stock and *Recta should take S TTLERS' SPECIAL TRAIN which leaves West Toronto each Tuesday during MARCH and APRIL after 'arrival regtilar 10.20 p.m. train from Toronto Union Station. .horrid use and TRAINlive lea ins Toronto 10.20 p.m. DAILY. Through Colonist and 'tourist Sleeper rtf, earns Tbrentti to Winnipeg and W`eot. COLONiSTCARSON'ALLTRAINS leo tbatge for Berths. Pbtttesters trent eatt;+tcltan Point Agents or to N.O. Mutpiirr 73 P.A., TotW*. CENTRAL ,,,askee STRATFORD. ONT. Canada's best practical training school. Three department—Com- mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy, Courses are thorough rind practi- cal. Individual instruction fa given by a strong, experienced staff. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get our free ctalogue and see what we can do for you. D, A. DIeLACBLAH - 'Principal Homeseekers' Excursions Round trip tickets to points in Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chicago, St. Paul or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until October 27,inclusive, at low rates. Through Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars to WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving To- ronto II p.m. No change of Cars. ' r RETURN LIMIT, TWO MONTHS. TheGrand Tr unk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quiokest route between Win_ nipeg»Saskatoon-Edmonton, with excel- lent through service to Regina. Trains now running into Calgary. Berth reservatirns and particulars at all Grand Trunk Ticket Of'es, or write C, 11. Horning, D.P.A., Toronto, Ont, II. B. Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent ; phone 4. W. P. Burgman, Station Ticket Agent ; phone 50• WitROWN "WOMEN Find Health in a Simple Tonic. IIow rainy women do you know who are porfeetly well, stron4, and healthy as a woman should bo? They may not be sick enough to lie in bed but they are rule down, thin, Merv - e, tired and devitalized.. Women .are so active nowadays, and so much Is expected of them, that they constantly overdo and suf- ter from headache, backache, nervous• nests and kindred ills. Such women need Vinol, our deli. cious cod liver and iron tonic with- out o11 which will create an appetite, tone up the digestive organs, make pure blood and .create strength. Mre, Walter Price, Biloxi, Miss., Hays: "I was in a run-down condition for months, I had taken several media cines but they seemed to do me no Rod. Finally Vfnol was recommend- ed, and from the first bottle I began to improve until I am strong and well as ever," Try a bottle of Vinol with the un• ilerstanding that your motley will bo returned if it does not help you. J:Walton Mclt;lbbon, Druggist, Wingham Farm for Sale. A good 200 acre farm within nine miles of Wingham, good bank barn, good cement house, large orchard, and considerable quantity of timber. Price $6300,00. Apply to R. Vaestoue, Wing - am P. O. GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION Steamers will leave Port MoNicoii Mon- days, Tuesdays. Wednetdaye, Thursdays rSaturdaysat4 m ^otum u and p .,t. e cdn g May Jtb, for SAUL'r' STA'. MARIE, PORT. ARTIIUR and FORT WILLIAM The Steamer Manitoba, coiling from Port MoNico71, Wednesdays will coil at Owen Sound, leaving that point 1030 p. m. same day. STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Will leave Toronto 12.41 p. m, on sailing days, malting direct connection with Steamers at }'ort Mc!licol . '0 W1t'SVEi1N CANADA IN COMFORT VIA CANADIAN PACIFIC i'artieulara regarding 1tAJh or OCEAN tickets frons Canadian Patifi Picket Agoura or write M. G. Murphy, Il. 1'. A. 0. P. Ity., Termite. J. 13. Beamer, station agent phone 7. Sanderson, Town Agent; phone 41_ CASTOR 1A Por Infants lulu Children, Tho Kind You have Always Vaught Dears the Signature of 444( Passing Events. Cost Reducers, So many dairymen wonder whet he factory is going to pay, SO many settee. mets fieht tut another sixteenth of e cent 0u the price of cheese, thio soot - milk producers in thinking almost entirely of sena g price, are aptto overlook cost, The twin sisters of economical milk production are good cows and in- dividual records, Cows rnny be fed right and fed alike, yet tall to p oduce milk economically, that le at low-cost, because they were not built on dairy iinee, But even with the average tun of dairy cowe that seem to pr'oduee duet about the same quantity of milk, thereare so many strange variations that the keeping of milk records is not only advisable froth the business standpoint, but becomes of fasaineting lntereet, When a simple feed record is kept in addition to the milk record, the actual cost of milk as produced by each cow is ascertained easily. so that the owner may he assured that he is keeping only such cows as yield plenty of milk at a, low cost. Can you tell ofihan 1 whether the milk of some of your cows costa 02 cents or 97 cents per 100 pounds? If your profit over cost of feed is now only $10 per caw, you can make it $20 by 'keeping re- cords. Send to the Dairy Commission- er, Ottawa, for milk and feed record forms which are free. They are cost reducers. King George and Queen Mary rt.• turned to Hite land on April 21th from Pas is, wi ere they had been .received with immense popular enthualasih. The ding of Italy intends to nornin- ate Mr. Marconi, the famous wireless telegraph inventor, a senator, he hay' log reached the age of 40, which makes him eligible for the position. Stratford on -Aurin celebr t't•tl the 310th anniversary 'of the birth of Shakespeare on April 23rd b • /T- ing of hells, t he annual meeting of the Shakespeare Club, a floral procession and speeches by eminent persons. The first railway in Ireland is to be. gun shortly, plaits having beso work- ed out for ir, and there is said to be no doubt that the Althing, the National `Assembly, will accept them promptly. There is great popular excitement and pleasant anticipations over the propos- ed railway, the coat of which is plac d roughly at under a million d 'llars. - The arbitration treaty of 1938 b1 tween the United States and Great Britain was renewed on April 10th by the exchauge of ratifications at the State Department in Washington. The treaty is continued in effect for a period of five years from the date of ratification, the original form of the treaty being preserved without change. Depositors in the defunct farmer's Bank of Toronto who lost their money, will be refunded by the Dominion Government, the Government conasid ering itwas responsible, as a certifi cate had been granted the bank not- withstanding warnings as to the dub ious character of the undertaking. ^' Mount Vesuvius and Mount Etna have 'suddenly become active again. Professor Mellabra, the director of the Vesuvious Observatory, says the phen- omena are exactly similar to those proceeding the great eruption of 1930 -Loud detonations, frequent tremors and oppressive atmosphere are caus- ing terror in the inhabitants of sur- rounding villages. Hundreds of Lives were lost in the Vesuvius eruption of I900, which was at its worst during the second week in April, when sever- al Iarge towns were completely des- troyed by the flow of Lava and thous- ands of acres of cultivated land were ruined, The eruption lasted more than a week. Since 1906 disturbances have occurred almost annually. The death toll along aviators the past week has been heavy, among the victims being two Italian army ofyisers flying at Mirafori, who fell 2,000 toot; Philippe Marty, who fell during a fight at Hendon Aerodrome, and Pit- schmann, whose machine upset when flying in a high wind at Zwette, Aue- tralia, a passenger accompanying him being badly hurt. Chinese piracy, after many years of quiescence, is showing 'signs of life again. Oocaseional cases have been reported within the past few months, the sufferers being chiefly native ves- sels, but now comes a report from Hong Kong that the British steamer "Jason', bound up the West River, was attacked north of Mecca's and burned to the water's edge. Incoming eteamers rescued 158, of the crew, but it is reported 180 passengers and the British chief engineer are missing. Sr. Petersburg is td cease drawing her water supply from the Neva, as a project has been accepted by the Uov-t- eminent that will permit of its being obtained from Luke Ladoga, 25 miles distant. and thence transported to St. I'etershitrg by meats of pipes. The work entailed is enormous, and it will be at least 10 years before it is com- pleted, as a. tunnel roust also be made under the Neva, The estimated rest is 411,010,000 roubles, and there. will he eufficient water to supply a population of 3,500,030 people. LoeksIey Hali, where' Tennyson wrote the poem bearing that title, has been sold as part of a ftee•botd estate at Louth, Ltncnlnshirte, to a local Relic. 'tor for $5,070, on behalf of a client The hall is on the perish of N -all, Somercotes, and parts of the 0010011 buildings boll remain, including the beautiful panelled morning room where the poet Laureate wrote the poem. A lira saving statibn is to be estab- fished on Goat Iyiend by the Niaee a State 1 Beet cation Cernmie.irn. The object will be to rs'sene pt.i son!t vvho are carried down the river peat the d14r)1,e r lint and to retire them from is plunge over, itt.. fall» The etatiori is provided for in the plana /Adopted for the $10,000 eervlce hniidieg which le to be ere ottd on Goat Island. ' CHECK CHRONIC RHEUMATISM NOW Rheuma Thoroughly Drives out Deep Seated Uric Acid Poison. There is only one way to be free from Rheumatism --the accumulated irupuriries caus-ed by an excess of Uric A id poftenn must be expelled from the body. That is what RHEUMA will do ,,nu do it thoroughly. I[ you suffer from any form of Rheumatism—Soia- tica Inflawatoty, Artheitis, Muscular, Lumbago or Gont—Res a bottle of RHEUMA from J. W. McKibben for 50 rents—it is guaranteed. "Fonyears I suffered with Rheums• tism in nay arms and shoulders. My kidneys and bladder were effected, and I rapidly lost fiesta After five week; use of RHEUMA I was a well man." —William Fry, Fort Erie, Ont. Potato Diseases. There has been issued by the De- partment of Agriculture at Ottawa a remarkably well Executed folder, Farmers Oircular No. 4, entitled "Po- tato diseases transmitted by the use of unsound tubers," showing;in natur- al colors, representations of specimens of diseased potatoes. Diseases and other blemiehes represented are potato canker, powdery scalp, hollow potato, internal brown streak, little potato disease, dry rot, wet rot, common potato scap. and stem end rot. Specisnl reference is made to potato canker and powderyscab, the latter of which occurs already in Canada and ehould be carefully avoided. The folder pointe out that, under the destructive Insec; and Pest Act of Canada, any poreon using for seed potatoee infected by potato canker or powdery scab in liable to prosecution. Potato growers who suspect the presence of either of the latter diseases are requested to send specimens to the Dominion Botanist, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. This folder, prepared by Mr. H. T. Gussow, Dominion Botanist,. will lei sent free to those who apply for it to the Publications Branch of the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa, Save Money! 1 rtiiy Your New Fence DIRECT Fiturat PAGE Freight Prepaid HEALTHY HAIR --NO MORE DANDRUFF. Use Parisian Sage.. It's entirely needless to have un• rightly, matted, thin or faded hair. A little care is all that is needed to make it thick, soft, pretty, perfectly healthy and free from dandruff. Use Parisian Sage—it supplies hair needs and is absolutely hatmlese. it quickly stops itching bead and felling hair, and is one of the best Conies to invigorate the scalp and make the hair grow long and beautiful. Geta bottle of Parisian Sage today from 3. W. McKihhon nr at any drug counter. It costs hut 50 cent». Rub it into the scalp --all d tndrufi tbs- ;ippen,re—your head feels fine ---t he Bair is pretty and perfectly heathy. Attractions at Kincardine. Mr. Alex.. Mason of London hi - secured permission from the Town Conned of Kincardine to area boat and bathing houses on the lake front and is there this week. Mr, Mason will also have other outdoor features in operation, which will add coneider- ve? ss itbly to the attractiveness of Kincar• dine beach ns a summer resort. 4 56 7 8 8 8 8 99 9 9 10 10 10 11 18 20 HEAVY FENCE ti No. 9 Page Wire Throu stout in 20 ] e 30 and 40 Red Rolla, Freight Paid, x E `" " e Spacing of Horizontal« ne bate 312,2 11,1,10 0.16 37 22 8, 9, 10, 10 1 f.$ 40 22 64, 7, 8i, 9, 9 ,* 1 40 22 5, 51, 7, 7, 71r, 8 .23 48 22 5, 64, 74, 9 10, 10 .23 42 22 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ,2C 42 164 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 47 22 4, 5, 54, 7, 84, 9, 9 47 164 4, 5, 5i '7, 84, 9, Q 48 22 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 48 161 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 51 22 4, 4, 5, 54, 7, `8i, 9, 9 51 •161 4, 4, 5, 5i, 7, 8i, 9, 9 4848 22161 33,,' 33, 3, 3,, 4, 5} 4, 5Y,, 7 7, 7, 7,, 7i7t,, 8• 8 51 161 3, 3, 3, 4, 5i, 7, 84. 9, 9, 51 22 3, 3, 3. 41. 511, 7, 81. 9, 9,. • 55 161 3, 3, 3, v, 4, 5,4, 7, 84:, 9, 9 .36 I'3rcE8 Qk .29 .29 31 .3 1 .31 .33 .33 SPECIAL POULTRY FENCING NCING Ne. -9 Top and Isnttom. Le, t,or•..:•tt, s. No. 13. Uprights a lessee :pat t 98' 8 Close, bars 60 8 Close bars PAGE "RAILROAD" GATES 48 10 -ft op'ng 48 12 -ft. op'ng 4813 -ft, op'ng 48 14 -ft. op'ng WALK GATE, 48 in. high, 34 ft. opening.. STAPLES, 25 -ib. box, BRACE WIRE,25-ib. rolls, . . STRETCHING TOOLS,. Complete outfit .42. .47 4.00 4.2 2.35 .75 .70 8.0"j Ora n°Our ., 1=o E l�lis 9 rd. Nearest Branch Montreal 1240 lain St West VJolkerville St. John TORONTO Winnipeg Write Fur 104 -Page Free Ceta,lot; "PAGE FECES WEAR BEST" FINE FARM FOR SALE We have jeat h d plaoett in our hands for 'tweediest* sit e. on account of the failing besaith o he Owner, one of the finest 100 acre farms all the Comity 01 Huron. The fora is well fenoed with wire, and drained with .tile, and has on it a large brick house and splendid barn with cement sxttblr(i throughout, and is well watered, and has no waste lend. All clean, and its a 1 igh stare of cultiva- tion. PtYll sores 01 maple bush, Close .10 market, OU geed grisvel road, R. J'. D. and telephone.. Temps half cash and balance at 5 per cent. If alwaya'pays to buy a good farm, so don't miss; this oppertuntty to get one at a right price, Ij` RAILWAY TIME -TABLE Trains leave Wingham *talions daily as f'y follows; G. !I. R. TO TO11ONTO and Iuteramediate Points t j -passenger:, 1143 &m ; Oaken - ger, 1i,00 a.nr.; passenger, 2.30 p.m, TO LONDON.--Paesetlger 11.85 a. rix. ; passenger, 8 80 p nl. ""O III;N TIARDtbal : Pdsaitngerw 11 59 a.'n ; pietisteoger, 2,80 p,m.; past- eenaurr 9 15 p ti'). 'f0, Tortas JX and Interlt2ediatt• polar.: --Passenger, 'd 44 tern.; Peeeeto iter 8 015 p.m. TO TEESWA.'1 ltit 1--- Passenger, 305 p.m ; :pot , , 1042 ',m AmmoramaezemememaszmuleteamemenromiszmAyt, The Advance Office is fully equipped. to do 11Kindsof PRINTING Sale Bills, Poster Work, Letter and Note Heads, State- ments, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Catalogue Work, etc. Anything from a Poster to a Calling Card We always keep on hand a fine line of Wedding Stationery. Wind and Weather Insurance Storms are doing great damage all around us. Are you protected ? We are agents for the "Hartford," one of the largest and strongest compa- nies in the world. Rates about half of those of the local companies and no premium note. k; If you want the BEST Results Ben 6 sti Your Work to The ADVANCE Office. w� n A DVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE Ritchle .& Cosens REAL- hSTA1E MID INSURANCE 7(111:J_J 0,1). • 4 ' A [:.; '.II.:•.1:,-'. JIinN t)AyLost Ir. ; .:: i ,:.L. Seeretal-y• 1tiTIIEIIIs & COSENS, Agents, Wingham, Chit DITDI.I' HOLMES a,lrxl r °, ;solicitor, etc, OM'tice: .`:jo,.ver III<rt'k. • R. VAS zr"-3iJE BARRISTER ANO SOL' .liTOR iliac. -v 1,,• :,,x, 141 to4r,lnt r, t,t,r WtNca1-AM. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.B.. L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery .of Ontario. —Office in Macdonald Blook-- G. I1. ROSS, D.D.S., L ,D.S Honor Graduate -of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of , University of Toronto Faculty of'Dentiatry: O8TIOE OVER H. E, .BARD 4e OO'S, STORE DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B. 0. A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST SPECIALTY—Chi ode and Nervous Di; easas. E\NH .cionr.)fically te,ted. Glasses fitted. • Office over Christi«'s etoro. Wingham. Tue+t'als-11,30 um. to 9 p m. Consultation free. W. R. M A M BLY,.. 8 Se., LD., 0.41. :Special attention tend to dist'asen of Wotuert los r:Mb1reu. having . tek.-n postgredurrts, 'yank lit Snr. rry. 13acseriisingy and `eetentefic - , entitle it( the Kerr 1e.id.'nce, be- tween tie- Qu, -en's Hotel and the Betnsx Otrarcll. A1! busttleaa given careful attention. i'h:lrle^ 64. • ..... ...__Y P, 0 Bos 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS Litt' mem hnr ffonasiTrr- °' .,. e.' -v.. i'; ;r grttd- Orme, .±r;t • .. .'711 :•I.00ri (' ,. " i;. i'. (Lord.) and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) AV. 3. MOON V1 7'l'1iiN,tRY SURGEON OFI'ICEE OP t:A1 1.11 W/I.SON. iZF: LAE .p.1TRiclr & FRANCIS *Miro 1'1,. , -i'ems) I'bune 182. Lx 1u•,peuiur GENERAL AGENT 1171411tir' elf Marr'nsga. Lioetrsat,, "ire, Life-, Aeorirntt, Plate glass 45151 'We'ather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning 'Mistiness. 'v'I~ I N8 011A1V1. eral ilo itat .1 At titlr,00111m.: i'-r:as-eels airnatrd. Hetutitnll5 furnished, • teen se en regularly licensed phlrsie3aue. states for patients (which include board and turbing)-.r4 90 to 515.00 per week, according to lor•stnn bt ren u, For turthor inforrna- kIMI--AdaresaMISS L. MAI'llttWS tint.. ;224 .tV nohknt. t)nt. -tweet any, r=o.rr,o1; e. •n n't; Foe, �Srllt, Tn,t hl WO of the Ohl tl r..• rhw .halt weep . ilf�• 1 night,-* g s Pur thou 4nnsr dig Strtte't R 'toe,. whose hue, angry lard' brave; _ . Rtda tbe.ra'.h ti41 ' illI + - biro! Aye, Bank of Hamilton. Omit al Atit ix,eizo-d - $5,1:00,600 Capital, P'a'id up - - 3000,000 Sure IIs 3,750,000 SAFETY FIRST 'the money von totem, i' stead of being a t 0o tion rn 'v be a rat.• if v et hove t0 w„rr• as tO it:' as t.t' Y. tilt •r Al W,,: by (101)04 tier+ t in tI ' ', >','t .,f If .•.t , -. t..l) is;. sae gnttrded tte earuiugs of 11 tepee. t, r ver ata 111 - Do.9 A.,,.e. are 11.ul bill+rliu- fortyye g be year, a "p't1A 10ev 25 per Cent ep, year, u greeter than its Capital. ' Cr P. SMITH Agent Wingham+ ''-- I '§9rr I, " i, r:t a ri t; E1 or 1 • tt �• A DVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE Ritchle .& Cosens REAL- hSTA1E MID INSURANCE 7(111:J_J 0,1). • 4 ' A [:.; '.II.:•.1:,-'. JIinN t)AyLost Ir. ; .:: i ,:.L. Seeretal-y• 1tiTIIEIIIs & COSENS, Agents, Wingham, Chit DITDI.I' HOLMES a,lrxl r °, ;solicitor, etc, OM'tice: .`:jo,.ver III<rt'k. • R. VAS zr"-3iJE BARRISTER ANO SOL' .liTOR iliac. -v 1,,• :,,x, 141 to4r,lnt r, t,t,r WtNca1-AM. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.B.. L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery .of Ontario. —Office in Macdonald Blook-- G. I1. ROSS, D.D.S., L ,D.S Honor Graduate -of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of , University of Toronto Faculty of'Dentiatry: O8TIOE OVER H. E, .BARD 4e OO'S, STORE DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B. 0. A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST SPECIALTY—Chi ode and Nervous Di; easas. E\NH .cionr.)fically te,ted. Glasses fitted. • Office over Christi«'s etoro. Wingham. Tue+t'als-11,30 um. to 9 p m. Consultation free. W. R. M A M BLY,.. 8 Se., LD., 0.41. :Special attention tend to dist'asen of Wotuert los r:Mb1reu. having . tek.-n postgredurrts, 'yank lit Snr. rry. 13acseriisingy and `eetentefic - , entitle it( the Kerr 1e.id.'nce, be- tween tie- Qu, -en's Hotel and the Betnsx Otrarcll. A1! busttleaa given careful attention. i'h:lrle^ 64. • ..... ...__Y P, 0 Bos 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS Litt' mem hnr ffonasiTrr- °' .,. e.' -v.. i'; ;r grttd- Orme, .±r;t • .. .'711 :•I.00ri (' ,. " i;. i'. (Lord.) and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) AV. 3. MOON V1 7'l'1iiN,tRY SURGEON OFI'ICEE OP t:A1 1.11 W/I.SON. iZF: LAE .p.1TRiclr & FRANCIS *Miro 1'1,. , -i'ems) I'bune 182. Lx 1u•,peuiur GENERAL AGENT 1171411tir' elf Marr'nsga. Lioetrsat,, "ire, Life-, Aeorirntt, Plate glass 45151 'We'ather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning 'Mistiness. 'v'I~ I N8 011A1V1. eral ilo itat .1 At titlr,00111m.: i'-r:as-eels airnatrd. Hetutitnll5 furnished, • teen se en regularly licensed phlrsie3aue. states for patients (which include board and turbing)-.r4 90 to 515.00 per week, according to lor•stnn bt ren u, For turthor inforrna- kIMI--AdaresaMISS L. MAI'llttWS tint.. ;224 .tV nohknt. t)nt. -tweet any, r=o.rr,o1; e. •n n't; Foe, �Srllt, Tn,t hl WO of the Ohl tl r..• rhw .halt weep . ilf�• 1 night,-* g s Pur thou 4nnsr dig Strtte't R 'toe,. whose hue, angry lard' brave; _ . Rtda tbe.ra'.h ti41 ' illI + - biro! Aye,