HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-05-14, Page 2relribis Scalding Accideni Wad= cavil cm= For taking the pain out of a burn Or scald there is nething equal to Zant-liult. Mrs. Eligeno Demers; Of Pembroke, Ont., who was the victim oI A Palatal acaltling accident, proved this. She "says: "I was carrying a boiler of ateaMing water from the etove to the waah-tub, when suddenly' tny strength As the boiler vireo falling in spite of my effoets, r heard my babies cry, and to avoid scalding them I gave the vessel a quick turn. The effect of this was that every drop ef the boiling watee poured over zny feet And limbs-, scalding me from znY waist down. M BOOD, as I SAW the children had escaped, I bald my oldest boy to bring the Zara -Buie (wItich, we always keep in the house). I applied '/am' BO freely, and the pain was soon eased. I eontinued using Zam-Bul4 and in a wooderfully short time the sores were comet& ly healed." Ze.m-Bule is equally good for cuts,' brubms, mem- ulcers, piles, pimples, etc. Price 500, per box, at all drug- gists and stores, or Pest free from the Zara -Bute Co„ Toronto, en receipt ot price, Reese substitutes ant tations. There is nothing "just as midi" M EX ICO. (Philadelphia Recora) There has never been an accurate census of the Inhabitants of Mexico. Of tee eighteen million people in the Republic twe-thirds are Indians who have never been entirely tamed, antl who do not like to be counted or taxed. Never since Cortez overran the country have the in - diens been fairly treated. Their, lands have 'been seized without pay therefore, and far as possible they have been re- duced to a condition of euforced peon- age. The murderous atrocities that have nutrked the establishment of foreign rule in Mexico furnish ono of the blood- ish pages of .A.Inerican hiatory. Taken as A Whole, the Indians in Mexico aro as badly off as were the blalleS th. the Southern States at the outbreak .of our civil war, How to deal with them so as to advance them In the scale of civil - ?salon and bring them Into safe and or- dered relation with other classes of the population is a staggering probl.nn. There Is probably not another equal area of ter- rituty anywhere ort the planet, nut:410 of Mexleo, more' proilific in natural re- sources or better suited to he.msr hubita- tion nor another populati .n trore herd to deal with. Prime (61.eviry =-- *del — TORONTO In Centro of Shopping and Bus1ncs8 Distriot. 250 000513-100 with Private Baths EuttorEAN AND .6ouratoAN PLAN ( A la Carte nestaurant SAM. H. TaomPsoN, PnoP, -- TREE 'WITH CHARCOAL IINA.RT, An Itrinienfle red fir tree with a heart of pure charcoal was cut down last week on the farm of E. B. Wal- lace, about eight miles. east of Albany, Ore. It is a most peculiar freak in plant life. The tree was about six feet itt dia- meter, and in the exact centre of the tree, for a distance of about 35 feet up- ward from the ground was a body of charcoal two feet in diameter. It was perfect charcoal and was as niee as any ma,netfactured carefully. The rings outside of the centre of charcoal indaiate a growth of 10.1 years around the charcoal. ---New Yorik Sun. HEN iN TROUBLE With your Kidneys do not feel blue. Visit the nearest Drug Store and get a bottle of ' ff-Ntl L„ kiDNEY REMEDY This is a positive' cure for Gall Stonesi ICkneY Stones. 'Olney and 131adder trouble. Gravel, Rheumatic Pains, ail- ments of uric acid origin. Bralorsed by Physicians and • Surgeons. Price $1.10 Per bottle, leading Druggiets. Corres- pondence invited. Free literature and testimorilals from the SANOL MANUFACTURING 'co.. LTD., WINNIPEC, MAN. . Must Restrain. His Grief. A peculiarity of bridegroomwas pointed out by the curate, nao asked apthmatically for a medical certificate showing that he had a cold In the head. "But that is self evident," said the doctor, "You don't need it doeter'e word for that. You are all choked up, and yotir eyes are watery." "It Is those very eymptoms that make a certificate necessary to placate the beidegroome" said the curate, "Without that he will think 1 rian cry- ing and will take my tears as' a per- sonal insult, Copious weeping is the privilege of everybody at a wedding except the parson. "Bridesmaids may sniffle, mothers !sob armi bride and bridegroom falter, but the matt who des the lcnot must romalit dry eyed and clear Voiced. Emotion on his part is construed as grief over the bride's bad bargain, and the best natured bridegroom on earth resents it." -Chicago Biter Ocean. Miriaed's Liniment used by Pleysi• clans. — 4, • • • WHV MARRIAGES ARE FEW, (Chicago Tribune) There is no denying that. marriages are too costly nowadays.. lAvirig Is too cost- ly. But In addition to prices of food, clothing, and shelter being excessively high, altogether too limey young touplee are foolishly extravagant to their iie- inandS. Too Many of our girls want to begin theft young household on too elabe orate it settle. The young bride demande its good it home as thq one she comes from -rt home which It td'dk her peewits a lifetime to build up. CAN= and TUMOR permee elan, cured. zr you have ft lump or utitiaturalgrowth of any sett, leafit today about Dr. E. E. Bunulclei PURI FI CO 14 &lusts the painiese absorption of nearly A11 forte* of arinitutal growths. Thirty. three yeers of mitres,. write for baoklet "ie1(111rticeets." .4 C. 41 DON* doing Pilaw Tit ?wince Csnossy of CskiaJa,I.til. Ittlagelnits, Oststlo NM HOPI fOlt SUFFLRLRS fROM PARALYSIS There fere e'aseeot paraiysie that canned be cured. But that is tar dif- ferent from eteeing that every case ot oaritaYsis is ineurable. There is abso- lute proof that litany forms of this di - ease .are curable. Of the camel that cisallOt be cuied. many can be SO belle - fitted. that the formerly hopelese suf- ferer will on more lied lite won't Mime". Attention th called to the remarkable eurca that, have been effected in cases. of Partial paralysis, and other .severe nervousdisorders, by the use of Dr. \ViMoansPink Pills for Pale People. Some of these 'cards are SO vet:enteral' as_ to chtialeage belief, but in every mile the statements have been carefale ly verified and may be Mveetigated by anyone interested. In this cennee- tion the case of Miss D. Mitten, of alt. John, N.B., is worthy Qt the most careful attention.Ileban says: "Some Zhree yeas ago I was taken eerieuely iR with diphtheria. Theedoc- tor brought me safely through this dreaded trouble anti I Was assutuel 'W be well. But two weeks later I took a relaiese, my teruitt, anti limbs beeoming pazelyzeta t (muld neither stleak nor walk. 1 nue untler the best of medicel care, and after a few Weeks: woe able to eit up in beet, but MY throat was still completely paralyzed and I could only utter unintelligable sounds, 1 was treated. by three of Sa John's best phyracians, for this trouble and eay case was given up as hopeless. A friend asked me to try Dr. Wil- liams* Pink Pills, but I had spent so much on medicine without help that I thought it would be only a further waste of money. However, I felt my- self growing daily weaker and weaker, and I decided as a last chance that I wield try the Pills. By the time I ,had taken half a dozen boxes I could walk aeroes the floor, something the doctors had told me could never happen again. I still eoutinued taking the pills, my epeech returned, and I felt myself in perfect health. My friends thought my restoration nothing short of a miracle, and I think myself that I have to thank Dr. Williana Pink Pills that I am living to -day, and I feel confi- dent they can do quite as muck for others as they did for me," Dr. Williams' Pink Pills effeet cures In eases of this kind because they make new, rich, red blood, which feeds and strengthens the nerves, and tones up the whole system._ If you are in need ot a medicine give those pills a trial W1 are Confident you will not be disappointed. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 eents a box or six boxes for $2:50 from The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co.„ Brockville, Ont. POST A SUICIDE Health Food Millionaire and Union Fighter Shoots Himself. Santa Barbara, Cal„ May 10. -Charles W. Post, the millionaire manufacturer of Battle Creek, Mich., shot and killed himmelf yesterday morning, Mr, Post was stricken id here sudden- ly several months ago, aud hurried to Rochester, Minn., aboard •t special train for an operation. He returned here only recently, , apparently reco v eyed Charles William Post was born In Springfield, Ill., October 26, 1814, lie etudied at the Pniversity at Illinois but was not graduated. His wife was Lilla. D Young, of Battle Creek, Mich. He was in the hardware business in Spring- field until 1884, when he broke down from overwork. Ire then studied medicine, hygiene and dietetics both in this coun- try and abroad, finally going into the business of making prepared foods. Among the corporations with which Post was identified were the Postuni Cereal Co., Ltd., the Battle Creek Paper Co„ Home and Fireside Co., Post Land Co., Double H. Co., Central National Bank of Battle Oreek, National Assoela- tion of 'America Advertisers. National .Advertisers' Association. HOPE GIVEN UP For Castaways in Third Boat of the Burned Columbian. New York, May II -No trace of the missing third lifeboat of the steam- ship Columbian, with the _first and second officers and 17 of the crew aboard, burned at sea last Sunday, was found by the White Star steamer Adriatic, whith arrived here to -night. The Adriatic was 223 miles distant from the scene when notified at noon on May a by Captain D. S. Miller, of the Pranecnia, whieh had picked up one of the heate, that another boat might still. 1.0 in the vieinity of the wreek. reatain Jae Mathieu, of the Miriade, elaingtil Ids course, and ar- rived on the eetine at inalnight. A double loeleout was liosted and search roe the beet was maintained throughout tbe ;deli!. There wits a :t.rong wind, rain and a heave gen, and it was impossible te ens that the beat was uot in the' vielnit e. Captain Ma - 1 him; said, but it. eould not be lorated, and goon after (lawn the Adriatic re- sumed it; journev, arriving In thin port many hours late. Postmistress Is Quite Well Adain FOUND COMPLETE CURE IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. MN. Gray, who was Nervous and Run Down for two Years, Tele How She Pound New Health, Tiehborne, Prcritenac Co., Ont., May 1 1.--(Spee1a1).---Mrs. IL Gray, the popular imetniistrese here, is telling her friends of the great benefit she bee received freeze taking Dodd's Hid - toy Pills. -Por about too Years," airs. Gray aye, "I woe; all tun down. My sleep was broken and unrefreshing, . and seffered from shortness of breath and heart flutterings. I finally decided that tile Ridneys were the tattee of my trouble and derided to try Doddaf Rid - nee Pills 1 took four baxe In all, end I feel quite etrong and like itty- eelf agnin. 1 tertaluly think Dodd'n 'Kidney lilis are a good medleine." 'rite exporter", et the tiostmistrese ie eitniler to that (4 thotzeande of t ther Canadian women. They Were c.en, ran ene-n, orn Old itt bud Venial generally. Tliev took Maitre leidney Pille en,1 er» ntrong ana well needle The ri aiu» 1 that when the, T1d- fl'.'t got ort of rrder they fail to etrein the impnritiee mit of the blood mai general Itteeitlide and wealmene The natural. eirso Is tfy Ourn tec. lailnees. The reeperieriee of thonsatille elbere telle, you Veit Dedit'S Pille ellen the 'Kidney& he General • tek.mapromesomsamsetanTY IIMIXIII.F.IWINIMMINNISM.Orans"MatmaNstar OPIYNP They started and sauntered on, the moonlight pouring down upon them its soft, plata& fitful 1i1tt, and 'bathing eee and land, ellif and hollow, in it sil- ver stream. The party soon broke up into groupe. Fitz ..and Leieester, with Violet, -Bettie and Eitel with Mrs. MlitiniaY• and the captain end Mr. mid are, Dodson, It was certainly a tempting night, aud the young people seemed to quietly revel in it. Twice the Laekland car- riage was sent on; but at ittet Ethel. decided that they had better .get in. and much to Bertie's inward grief, Fitz consented. "The day after to -morrow, then," be said, as be closed the carriage -door. "You will not furget that as you for- got me." "No," said Ethel, laughing, but with a slight Nett. "I will pot forget, and I hope we shell all have a race ride. Good -night." Bertie bent over her band and held It until he was in danger of the wheels, Then Leicester declared that be would go on as far as the Park and return with a cigar. "You may light it now," said Violet, "If you like. I do net mind," Leicester was very grateful and lit it. By some means the captain attracted Bertie's attention as they neared the Park, and so, calling hint away, left Leicester and Violet alone.. They did not Beam to notice it, how- ever, and stopped to look at the uins of the old abbey clinging to the new house. "I like Bertiten said Vielet, in her tie- ciside way. "So do I," said Leicester-. "Ile is my best friend. My rooms ana his in the Temple adjoin." "Do they?" said 'Violet.. "How strange it sounds: In the Temple.' What do you do in -ebambers?" "He works hard. I -silicate, think, read, Welk and watch him working," Violet laughed. "It must be very nice," she, said, soft- ly. "Look!" she said, suddenly; "that is the ghost's windowe "That long oriel window?" said Lei- cester. "You prowised W tell me about your pet hbost." "Don't juke about it," she :Said, with a short laugh. "Ask the fishermen about it. No man, woman or child would pass that tower after dark." "What sort of ghost is it?" asked Leieester, with extreme levity. Re did not believe in tbe supernatural. "Have you never heard the legend?" said Violet, "It is a strange one.', "Tell nib here; it is a fine opportun- ity, and proper surroundings. Is it a man or a. woman?" "A nun" said Violet, "in wbite robes, with. a sikull's face and two gleaming, eyes. nty old. nurse has seen it three tunes. Anti after each appearance something dreadful or unfortunate bap- pened either et the park or ut the Onee the old farm took fire .and was burned' down; the second time one of the Godolphins, Who were then living at tho Abbey, was drowned. lu the bay, and the third time a. child fell of the "The people of Penruddie ebould insure their liven after .the ghost appeers," said Leicester. laughing. "You laugh; but is it not strange?" said Violet, gravely: "And, what is more. strange to my mind, all the descrip- tions of the apparition by the different persons who here sten it tally exactly. All say it is a woman in white robes, with a skull's face and gleaming e.yes, and that it carries a strange, sbaded light. which throws it fearful glare for some distance. Is it not a.weefl?" Leicester "Not very," he said. "I have Seen better at Drury Lane. And. does your ghost confine berself to that lower and oriel window, or does she perattibulats?" "Yes, she has been seen at that -email window on the right, you see, which the ivy half covers." Ill see," be said, "and what roomis that?" "A room in the old abbey which was left standing by my father's directions," said Violet, in a low voice. "He used it as a sort of reading -room or study, and when be died it wee closed up." "It is empty, then?" said Leicester. "No; we have bad nothing removed. There is all the old furniture as it used to be when be lived. it used to be left undisturbed while he was abeent on his voyages, and it is undieturbed now." "It is a re= for a ghost," said. Lei- cester. Violet nodded. "Yes," she said. "Look, the moon is obscured. How dark it is. Ah d what is that " she broke off, with it stared, dry voice, clutching Leicester -1 arm. "What -where?" be atiked,• quiekly, and layinghie hand upon Taira; "There -in the rooml at the window:" she greatbed. "ft bast gone!" "What?" be asked, still keeping the hand, which :she seemed to frightened to reMoVe, "I-I-seareely know," she said, brok- enly, and with a shudder, whieb 1,eices- ter felt. "A Pomothing white, with a light, at filet little window." "Oh, are you sure?" he 81sIte.1, doubt: fully, 'anxious to 'convince her that it Wass mere fancy. "Remember, we bave just been talking about the ghost," "So, no; it wee lint fancy," she said. "1 eaw it plain enough. I was not thinking ef it ea I space stria I saw it \Oen the Moon got bellitni the cloud. It wet, in ma father's room," , At filet moment she etaated again, A ard. seed when eprings the shadowing tree, the bend of the stream which ehanges its witole couleet leo it was with several of the mem- bers of Airs. Dodseen'e quiet, little din- uer,. Five of them at reaSt returned to rest that night very thoughtful. The captain, when he had reeehed the little boudoir, or dl -room of las luxurious suite, east off as if it were a mask the carelese smile of simple amia- bility and showed in bis countenanee seine of the subtle working of hie braia. An lie walked. to the window and look- ed out upon hlie scene bathed in the moonlight, his lave grave and frown- ing with deep thought, he looked ae very different person to the easy-going gen- leman of fortune which he had appeered in the drewingeroom a fedi minutes be- fore, he muttered, "the room has been cloaca eince John Mildmayai death, and never been opened; the dust must lie Oleic there, Haunted, too! Did stie see anything, or was it only a sentimen- tal girl's tamer Violet is not sentimen- tal, and is searcely the girl to be led away by a weak fancy, either. The Cry and the start were toe natural in their suddennese and reluctance to be affect - Strange! I don't believe in glioete, but if I did I would believe that Violet Mild - mil saw one then. "The haunted room lies near this -in what direction? Let me see," and he eloeed hie eyes and worked out a niental calculetion, "It must lie at the end of my bedroom, for that is in the part of the building nearest the ruine. If I were 4 nervous man, I might feel qualmiely about the near proximity of the hanut- ed chamber.. As it is, as I am a man who has to make his fortune, that cham- ber with its anciteny character, is a god - amid; it is a slice of lima I little looked for, another card in a hauti which was not a bad one at any time - "But I meet not overlook my otrpon- ents. I play as one against many, First, Leicester Dodson; he is motto be lightly held. His handsome face and long legs carry a brain with them that may be it fitting match for mine, Ile has cool- ness and confidence, bee Mr. Leieester Dodson, and he is smitten with Mistrees Violet. They. were close together to- night, in amiable confidence, her heed 'fell upon his arm, I helm known a mana heart fall beforehone look of elicit it woman as Violet before. now. And the boy, my youtig Lord Boisdale, is half inelined to lose his wits over the girl's fair face and grace -but lie doesn't_ count. Some men are born fools, and tbia is one, He is of use. though. I must play one against the other. His sister, too, Ethel, is no fool, and Ma..Bertie Fairfax thinks her an huge]. There should. be some cards to play there'!" "Let me think, let Me think, There are the materials of a nice little game of cross-purposes, if I can but manage it. Come in!" He broke off abruptly as a knock at the door disturbed his cogitations. Mr, Jem entered with bit master's dressing -gown. The 'captain threw off his coat, and donned the capacious garment be silence which Je.rn did not think proper to break. At last the captain roueed from • bis reverie and turned his attention 'to las follower. "Where have you been?" "Down in the village, eaptain," said J'em Starling, with a wink, "There'e a wery nice little and pretty little cree- ture in cherry ribbons wot draws a good glass of ale." . The eaptain nodded, absently. "Don't be seen there too often, and keel) your mouth shut." "Trust me," said Jem, clicking. his tongue against bis cheek, with a know- ing, air. "This old eoldier is a very re- markable old soldier, and he's like the parrot -be don't talk mucli, but he thinks the more." , "You may think tie much as you like," paid the captain, "but be as moderate in your, thinking as in your talking my friend. You had a very ia4.1. habil when I knew you in former days, of lifting that elbow of yours too ofteir," and the captain went through the pantomime of a Mau raising a glass to bis lips.- "One slip in that direction meanie ruin, remember, ruin for you as well as me. But, there, I have no wish to worry you. .Amuse yourself as you like, so that you keep your mouth stmt." "I amuse myself," said ,Tern. "There's Quite a little game going on down be- low, which I am mighty interested in. Ws like one o' those Chinese puzzles, little pieces of wood you put together, you know. Lora you might 'a' lived down Whitechapel in Larry's thieves' kitchen and not see more signs and mysteriotes nods and winks as you down bore -down here in this little -village, which I thought Was inhabited by per - feet infants. Why, a man has to keep Itis eyes open every minute to catch all the signs which one simple -looking chap of it fisherman gives to another.". "What do you meant" asked the captain, absently, and with evident in- attention. "What signs should these men have? what mystery? There, I'm tired, go to bed. By the way, theres a sovereign for you." And lie threw one of the coins whieli lie had won that evening on the- table. Jew, who Ives beginning to under- stand his master's moods, picked up the donatiou with a. touch of the forehead, and, with it gruff "Good -night, ettatean," departed, muttering to himself: 4.IIe's working, he is; he's begun the voiee so elo.e behind her that it seemed game, or my nerne'a not Jere. Ali! lio's to eprieg from the ground eitali a deep din, is the captitini" "Miss Mialmay, where are you? Oh, In another room of the Park Violet here you tired' Was inclined to be thoughtful, foul for And Captein Murpoint Cattle ne. -e.oitie thee her maid brushed the long "How iliteresteil yini loale. What are; tresses of her mistress' hair with in - you talking about " I ward surprise at her silence, "Gloats," steal Teaceeter. fiehee Ili; .1 dark, ecratihizilig eyes itoou ilitti. "Ind CHAPTER, XT. Ion not Lear Mies Milamav eall mite" It latepeeed that Mr. Starline was "No," feta the eaptele, lenceently, i rather late in arriving at the -"Blue Lion" on the evening following that of the darner party at the Cedars. Ire had been sent over to the neareet merket town os some errand of bis master's atul bad tot returned until afer the serywits" dinner, which meal he bad partaken of "warmed up," a gate and eondition which he declared orily itiet eome 14 But lie teal 1 e etoee ideate tam for some nunnt.e, am' had not vele beera Violet's km cry of terror, but the whole id the vieiversatione. CHAPTER N. Some quoit evenings are more produce. ile4 of matter for l'eflection and after- to the toole was enough to drive a par - thought that many more exciting' and , eou -swearing. Altogether Jeni Wail not in the bright- est of inoode when be 'entered the ho' pitable doors of the "Blue hien," anti It 41141 .not help to disperse the gloom to find that the parlor floor was toeked. he-roont was not •empty, Inc lie could apparently eventful (mei. How there is to talk over a 111111 One quedrille Le like it notlit r, end oue paten 1 pry urn& like an o er. /A:1mM), ; are lint, most parolee4 nee imeultable. But how eigten a 'quiet evening with a few hear the hum of VOicefi inside talking zriends in a temetry liOtt41lt a; the begiu• li, ' leisitell sort of linelertone. uleg of eiaue welt matter- - the nieet 'There wes no one in the her, end Mr. Starling, rendere4 by his early training and. the iefluence of circuae- etences euepieleus by enythieg out et the common, crept back on tiptoe to the street, and peered. through the •eraek of the window Which was formed by the uplifting of the eurtAin. There be saw that the usual number of the gentlemen Waif reilzforeed by a little old man, who*t he seemed. to re- collect ae having seen eeniewhere be- fore. Ile commenced whiethieg, and His Meth," and re-entered the bar. His quiek eere detected the unalip^ ping of the bolt, Ana be pushed epezt the door without any aifficulty. an air of the usual inaifferenece and sleepiuess, and responded to Ida cheer- ful salutation after their varlage kinds. "Bring me a pint of the very belt, Mise Polly," said Mr. Starling, sinking into his seat, and eyeing from uuder hie frowning eyelids the strange little man. "A nice niOtt for salamandere, mates." "Vete" said Willie :Sanderson, "We mighty hot." fiehl" waked Jem. "No," wa$ the eepoese. 'MA we expect ft shoal over night,' said the little man, with an almoct lfll- put-eetptible glance eround the room. erad tbe others, In a chorus, "We may do something to -night." "And a very pleasent little trip, too," said Mr. Starling, noddieg all round over Ide pewter pot, "1 quite euvy you, and I don't mind volunteering if so be as I shouldn't be iu the way," A Wight but munistakable expression of dismay 1tot for one instant on his manly face, theo Willie Sanderson tough- ed slo "Better be in bed, mete: We might have it rough, for all the wind's 80 demi now, and. if you ain't it first-rate sailor the smell of the fisb-if we get's Any -might (disagree with ye." "Ay, said the little man. "Better.etay in bed.' . - "Well, perhaps you're right,' said Jens, thinking to 'himself that they wore all mighty considernte on his behalf. "Yes, perhapseyou're right. I like ann when they are cooked, tbougb, and 't'Il jest look down in the morning and see .11 you've bad a take!' "Do," said Willie, shortly, and then started another topie. But though many others followed, and Mr. Starling was quite as amusing as usual, the company did not seem to be in the mood for con- versation or laughter, and tient notieed that every .man seemed to be wittehing or listening. Once the door opened rather suddenly, and the little man rose with am ill at- tempt at indifference, but only Polly entered with some tobacco, and the lit- tle man sat down again. Presently the door opened again, and Mertha Pettingall entered She. wore her yellow ban.danna, end as she looked round the room neon who while lighting his pipe wets watching iter olosely, saw her raise her hand and scratch her ear. He looked round the room covertly to see for whom the sign was intended, and was not surprised to see the little man lift his hand with a natural air and scratch bis ear. "Well, boys, what do .yon say, shall we be starting?' And as he spoke he went te the window and pushed the cur- tain aside to look out at the night, .As he (lid so :Tem, who was watehing under his eyelids with the most lynx- like intention, saw a streak of light cleave the 'sky seaward -i. The old man dropped the curtein again inintediately, but Mr. Starling's eyes were sharp ones, and lie had seen the light distinctly enotielt to know that it was eot a naturei pbenomenon, eeme along, boys," said Willie Sanderson. end, hastily toseing down the remains of their putations, the boys eose n a trudged out, giving Martha 'Pettin- g:ell and Polly a elreerful "greed -night" as they pleased, aem sat for a little while in deep thought. Then he eauntered out. Outside he paused and looked up at the sky, then seratehed his Mild, and instead of turning homeward he bent his steps toward the beach. The tide was reining in; it was a flue night, and :fem could see every ripple upon the smiling, playful ocean. There, far out now, were the netting boata, looking, line mognified walnut simile as they rose and felLon the light SW ell. Ile -waited until the boats were lost to sieht, then climlied up the aeach again. 'As be passed flu•ough the street he peeped into the aBlue Lion." There was 710 one in the bar, and he was about to pert) in when he saw a light pierce the chink in the cellar flap. He stooped and knelt down, and wns rewarded, not with a sight of Polly or Martha, but of the little old man, peering on hie knees iuto what seemed to ;Tem lake the mouth of a well. "Hello," be thought, "here's the old elute playing larke with old Grunty- grump's beer." and he was about to run into the bar with the information. But before he could get up from his knees another -ligure, no other that' Meanie Pettingall, entered the cellar, arsl, far from expreseing alatra or in- dignation at the old man's, presence, commenced talking with him in it low, confidential tone. dem would have given one of his large eyes to have heard that Conversa- tion, or for a peep bite that hole over wbicb it was held. But the pair spoke in a faint whisper, and Jam could not catch a word. Presently the man dropped the lid of' the well, sptead some sawdust over it, and taking up tbe tandle from it cask, lighted Martha' up the steps, following bimself immediately after. ,Tem got up, gave vent to e noiseless whistle, anti having had his c trios ty sharpened to a most raven:Ana aloe, de- termined to pay spy it little longer. Accordingly he dreweineek into the shadow of the house, chose a tree ;to ambush, and kept a sharp weteli leith engin cellar and door. The light did not appear in the for - trier, and for some time the later was not moved, but at last Jett heard voices in the bar, and. presently Martha open- ed the door, • She stood for a few moments look- ing up and doWn the empty street, then re-entered. "What they eali reckonotaiting," said J'em. "Now l bet the old chaphl come out," And ea it proved. The little old man aid tome out, and set off at a sharp trot up the lall. -Well, I'm blest; that must be funny fishin' up a montitain," said Jerre to himself. "Hee in it mighty hurry, too. lint what's my move? Do I dog hint or wait here a bit Tong& and see what the old woman will be tip to? If 1 sets off after him he's safe to see me; yen could see it brass leaden: at two milea in this light. No, 111 stop here." And he did, but was tether disgusted at his fortune when about half an hour .afterward Martha eame out, bithged the shutter% to and shut up the house for the night. (Te be efontinued), "Love is blind," quoted the Wise Guy. "Is that -why we mat read the kissee that are printed ou a Arl's lips?" asked the 'Simple MU, STAINS AND MUM To Be Applied to Moan Surface* Freshly Saud-Paperecl. Brown-Iree turpentine colored. With buret umber yellow ochre or burnt stellate According to the depth de- sired. 4, 41 * Gray -Mix Payne'S gray in turpen- tine, Allowing one ounce of liquid Ja- pan dryer to one pint of stain. apply with a brueh, and in five or ten rain: VACS "Alpe over with a soft cloth. By adding a little terre verte tQ this for- zuttla yen will bave green; or by add - big a very little white lead, YOU will have Oliver gray, * Violet Stain -One ounce of =Meer; one arid a half ounce$ of carbonate ef potash, one pint of bat water. Apply With a sponge saturated at one cad with the eolor. • * 4 * White Enamel-0x;e pound of white zinc, one pound of white lead and Da - mar varnish, All the varnlab to the Zinc aud lead until it is the consistency of thin cream,4*4 • Shellac applied to autural wood flee ishee covers marred spots.' WAKEFUL BABIES n your baby does not sleep, if he is cross, cries it great deal and will not be comforted, Unit is the time to give him Baby's Own Tablets, They pro- mote sleep --not the drugged, vane- tural kind obtained through theuse of "seething" niiXtures„ but that re- freshing) natural sleep of the healthy child.' The Tablets banish all stomach and bowel complaints -the iiireet cause of crossness unit sleeplesences. Concerning them, Mrs. • E. Madras, Grand Dols, Que., sae's: "When 1. be- gan using liaby's lawn Tablets habY was so troubles with constipation he would not sleep day or night, Mow all this trouble has vanished and he is a strategallealthy child." The Tablets are 'sold' by• inedieine dealors or by man at 25 cents a box from The Pr. Williams' Medicine Ca., Brockville, Ont, Penal Servitude for Life. It is a popular er.ror in England bleat penal servitude "for life" means in real* "for twenty yeare.:' 01 course it is no such thing. Penal ser- vitude for life means precisely what it says, neither more nor less. True, all life rientences are reconsidered at the end of twenty years, and if the conviet's conduct has been all that it ought to be during the whole of that long period lie may be tentatively released on ft ticket of leave. But obviously that is a very different thing from letting him go free alto- gether. Fle is atilt a convict and will remain one to the end of Ws days. Ile has to_report himself every month until death frees him, and 11 he swerves from the narrow path ever so little -and is found out -he goes straight back te jail without even the formality .of a trial, to be released, as a general rule, never tigain.--London Answers. A Woman's Message to Wartien If you are troilbled with weak, tired feeitngs, headache. backache, hearing clown sensations, bladder weakness, cons- tipation, catarrhal conditions. pain In the ski ,s regularly or irregularly. bloating or unnaturul enlargements, sense of failing or' misplacement ef internal or- gans, nervousness, deeire to cry, palpita- tion, hot flashes. dark rings under the eyes, or a loss of interest In fife, 1. yuu to e rite and ask for my simpie nicthod or nome tranuent, with ten days' trial entirely tree and postpaid, ,also ref - cos to Canadian ladies who gladly tell how they have regained health, strength and happiness by this methoa. Write to -day. Address, Mrs, M. Sum- mers, Box ff. Wiride,OP, Ont. The Glass Bottomed Bucket, In spite of the mare"' of civilization there remains much that it still primi- tive in Sicily, and a curions sight at Palermo is to see the fishermen spear the fish in the harbor by the aid of glass -bottomed buckets. There are many corners- of the world where fish are speared, but perhaw.; the use of the glass -bottomed bucket in this•con- nection is to be seen only at Palermo. The tishermen lean far over the side of their boats and hold the bucket on the water with one hand, poking their heads into it as if engaged in the Hallowe'en game of ducking for apples. They hold a spear poised in the free hand and thus await the arrival of their viatims, which are sighted through tbe glass bottom ot the bucket which acts as a kind of telestope. v1.0.1•111WW26. SPRAYERS t:1 Tit-shows 70 combinations of ONA GE's' .They save your crop, inereate the yiel end impruve the quality, Our Spray Cal- endar shows when to splay and what materials to tut. Our "Spray" bookIct ligaing. East, to est at. Bucket, Barrel, Power and Traction Sprayers for orcharciand lielderops end other uses. Built complete or in taitts— bust just what YOta need. Ask your deal. ertrishoWthemandlet us send you our spray boolget, spray calendar and 'Iron Age Fatill ind Garden News" free. C46, The Bateman. — Wilkinson Co., Lintited el.la Symington Av. Toronto, Can. WHEN WAR WILL CEASE, (Guelph Mertury) 'When the nations of the world are willing to look.past the socalied "glor- ies" of war. and see it as the barbaric practice it really is, then, and only then, will they be willing to face the situation that now cause war, and deal with them In a spirit of brotherhood and equality. -*** HANGED BY THE NECK No death is 'tore certalit than the end that cum% to every offetuler treat- ed by Putnam's Corn Extractor, Out conies the torn or warte, root and braneh. Insist on "Putzuut's" only, It's the hest, free'from acids and pain- less, Price 25c., at all dealers, • PANAMA tot.Le. (Philadelphia Record) Col�htCl Goethals summed UP the firfpu. meats againet tone exemption In a nice - sage received on Friday by the Nenate Interoceanie Canals Committee as... lOWS: "Dettiblishol steamobip eenipan- ies fix rates after conference, anti, as they axe In business for profit, will des mane the highest rates the traffic tvifl bear; ans these rates 1101 be Independ- ent of tolls. It followe tha,t exetnotion will uot give lower rates.rlie ex- emptionlets are reduced to the argu- Meet that minht makes tight. A sover- eign Power may do what it IdeaSea if It tan "got away with it." Therefore, we have the right to praetice Ixsd faith by punelang hews lido our treaties. To that laege utteranee t the early gods. -Keats. GIN PILLS are just as 000d for the Bladder as they are to the 4idneye. If there is trouble in retaining urintt—if you have to get up three or four tiMeet or oftener aurieg the night, -if the urine Is hot Alla seelding-Gin Ville will quiekly relieve the trouble, They cure the kidneye and heal the irritated bladder, No, beX1 for ii.2.110. Itt all dealers onsent on reeeipb of price, SaMple free If yon mention this paper. 104 NATIONAL DIACH AND CHEMICAL CO., OE CANADA LIMITED, T�RONTO, ISSUE NO, 20 414 HELP WANTED. VI EN' WANTnia EilaitY TOwN 01 to carry 0 4' brands on commis- elon. Experience not neeessary, Write, MAW' cigar Co., 1.01141011, 0114, Silyer Bowl 600 Years Old, By it generous act of private munifi- e eence the Victoria, and Albert IViusente, Pito come into possessiou of one of the most beautiful existing examples of a mediaevel English craftsman's work -- the silver -gilt covered bowl formerly of Studley Royal Church, near Ripon. Mr. Harvey Haddon is the donor of Debi splendid gift to the nation, Its meet remarkable feature is the chesed and engraved decoration with whin the surface is covered, consisting of leafy wreaths that form both on bevel and cover what bas been happily ternaed "a sort of tree of kriewiedge," leas - much as they bear on short stalks the characters of it black -letter alphabet Preceded by a cross, and concluded by a group of contractions used in me- diaeval Latin manuscripts. From the character of the design tied of the lot - taring it is evident that the bowl dates back from the latter part of the Nur- teenth century. The bowl was exaMined and dis- cussed four yeara ago be the Society of Antiquaries, an.d Is fully described in AT. N. Jackson's "History of English Plate." A facelty for the sale of the bowl for the sum of „C3,000 was grant- ed about it year ago, and at the time was the subject of eome discussion. WITH The Dye that cohere ANY KIND of Cloth Periectly, with the SAME DYE, . No Clut.rtco of Mistakes, aeon and stmpie, .Ank your Druggist or Dealer. Send for Booklet, The J et town-Rteliardson Cb,'Llmited, Montreal Fipoot,tftteg‘t11. etS. THE REDWING. (I3y Blies Carman In hlay Ocmtury) .1 hear you, Brother, 1 hear you, -1.Fewn in the alaer swamp. Springing your woodlana vvitistle 're herald the April pomp: • First of the moving vanguard, In front ur the spring Yuu come, Where swotted eaters apachie, Alai streanth in the twlight hum, You sound the note of the chorus By meanow ami woodland pund, TM, tine atter one up -piping, niyraid threats respond. I see you, Brother,' I see you, With scarlet under your wing, Flash through ruddy maples, ,Leading tne pageant of spring. Barth has put °A her raiment Wintry and worn and old, For the robe of a fair young sibyl, • Deacing in green and gold. I heed you, Brother. To -morrow I. toe, in the great employ, Will' shed iny old coat of sorrow loor a brand-new ges:m_ent of joy. I cured a horse of the Mange with allNATeD'S LINIMENT, CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS, Dalhousie. I cured a horse, badly torn by a pitchfork, with M1NARD'S LINIMENT St. Peter's, V.B. leDW. I cured a horse of a bad swelling by allieTARD'S LINIMENT. THOS. W. PA.YNE. Bathurst, N.B. Italian Tongue. Boll fresh beef tongue In water With teaspcon of salt, one-half cup vinegar until tender. Skin and allow to cool. Slice very thin. Heat two tablespoons it butter into skillet and add ono teaspoon of chopped onion, and one-half clove of garlic minced very fine. Stir into this butter and onion one tableepoon of flour. Brown very lightly, Add One cup of tomato, (me cup of water, one-half cup of 1, mushrooms, juice of half a lemon, salt and pepper to taste. Boil alI toe gethen Add sliced tengue. Simmer ten minutes And servo with baked mac- aroni. For Women's Ailments Dr. Mattel's Pcmale Pills have been the Standard for 21 years and for 40 years prescribed and retommended by all physielans. Accept no other. At all druggists. MORE SINNERS, LESS MONSTERS, (Rochester Post-lexpress) Our eXeezzeis are more general but less horrifying than partieular instances used to WI. Merel principles are more elastic, but there, hut there are fewer inonstera of \rico. More tif us sin against metal statdarde, but nut so deplorably. In other worde, the general tone of so- eiety has been lowered and most Of us Wlio consider ourselves reputable and about us $sood as the text man pass our lives closer to the front.er between virtue and vice. Keep Minerd's Liniment In the house. WIDOWS AND REMAR31ACE. (Philade)phia Record.) Keith,'tho late theatrical mane tiger, left hls_wifc half a million dui - tars, wit'h an additional 4I90,000 it etie should marry again. Why not? lier expenses would probably be heavier, end the additional prevision to meet 0104 Is ill refreshing contrast with the 01101- ish provielon, so often encountered in wills, wilieli penalizes it widow If she should ntarrY again, Any man woulht resent an effort to restrict Ms liberte of marrying again ir his wife !Should tile, and why Wanda he inipoee otiCh restriction upon ids widow? it is de- lightful to encounter one man wile does not do mune mean thing in Itis will and enioy harminese again after hie death, . . ..0111MMtionmoamewanettnaneellan•mastarseamonal Stock Yards TORONTO Largest Canadian Market For Beef and Feeder cattle, Calves, Hogs, Sheep and Horses WRITE FOR INFORMATION . 1 Saving Precious Cargo, Two Scotchmen had been having a good time on the heather :loons 01 a leetle island, and 'were rowing back home across the firth, says Dean Mor- timer Cooley .of the University of Mi- chigan, when the boat capsized. Dean Cooley fetid the story to the Engineers' Club recently. Angus had clung to the boat, and Jocic, who had clung to the bottle, was floundering bravely .in the deep. Al- though a poor swimmer, he struck out for the skiff, holding the bottle in one band. After a few strakes he became exhausted. "Angus," he cried. "I dinna thenk cen mak R." "Well, 11 ye .canna mak It, Jock, throw it," called back Angus -Chicago Inter -Ocean. '..1111••••••••11•102301•1.00141, It's cheaper to 711110 (0111 than to buy horses. But it's costly if you lose the colts. Keep e bottle of Iiendallee Spavin Cure handy. Vex thirty-five years has proved it the safe, reliable remedy for spavin, splint, curb, ring - bane, bony growths and lameness front many causes. is sold ky clrag,,.ts everywhere at pi a . bottle, 0 bottles Pa' &i. (tet a free copy of . 5ar book"A Treatise on the Iforse" at your 7L druggist's or write us. . 85 • Dr. B. J. /1ENDALL CO., Enoshere Falls,Vt. ... sme:sw-Araunsmrvx-,..,-eis , Something in Common, "Indeed!" said the affable passen- ger, and he cast an admiring glance at the man who sat in the corner of the compartment facing hint "So you're a music -hall artist, are you? Dear, dear! That's very interceding! thyme know, I'm a banker, and it mast Pc at least 20 years since I was last in a music -hall." "Alt!" sighed the other, gazing wist- fully through the window at the pano- rama changing quickly as the train thundered along the metals. "And, d'you ham, sir, it must be at least 20 year since I was in a bank!" Kidneys Wrond?---- If they are you are in danger. When through weakness or disease the kidneys fail to filter the impurities from the blood, trouble comes at once. Backache, Rheureatiem, Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetes, Gall Stones and the deadly Bright's Disease are some of the results of neglected kidneys. Dr. Morse's. Indian Root Pills contain a most effective diuretic which strengthens and stimulates the kidneys to that they do their work thoroughly and well. Try Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills Typorera,phioal Error. "I made a big batch of theze bus - suits to -day," said she. "Indeed you did, my dear," heidints- band answered, gravely. "Why: how do you know how big a batch I made?" she cried, in surprise. "Oh, I thought you said 'botch,' " explained the husband. .Minard's Liniment, lumberman's friend sr* BETTER THAN SWAI TING. (Buffalo News) Swatting the tly is all very well, but after all the most effective way to. min. paIgn against the fly is to furnish no place where the fly can -live. Ask for Nilitard's. and take no other. Teacher -What eau you say of Cain? Young American -He was the leader of the younger tot in the Garden of Eden, -Kansas City Star. 44 This a NvimSkurivi tEtwr HAS PA1D 7% PEO, ANNUM mu -yearly eiirtett the Securitiee el this Corporetloh were placed on the market 10 years arm Dusinses established 28 years. Inver:lumen may be withdrawn in Dart or whole 81111 time after one year. Safe as ft mortgage. mai particulars and booklet gladly' furnished On request. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION0 Limited 'CONFEDERATION LIVE BUILDING, 'TORONTO CANADA