HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-04-30, Page 61t • +)i t``lil ,I ,i. ,1 I) • 1 9 11' atteseeiestesee 1�~ 0 161 otl. [1 rl 11 1 i• rl r I u+' Dill ii ;111 II t 'tIII �� 111 t 1 I. ..� Ili , r M• C PAINTEpWIi'H MARTIN- ORDINARY PAINT SENOR 1002 PuPE PAINT REQUIRES 3 GALLONS MORE. How PAINT a) • FOR LESS MONEY' IP PAINT is not cheap simply because the price is low -if you would economize on paint, you must look beyond the purchase price per gallon. The cheapest paint for you to use is the paint that takes the leash amount for the job. It may cod a little more per gallon, but because it thoroughly covers more surface, wears better and stays bright longer, it is the mot economical in the long run. Martin-Senour 100% Pure Pant -- "The Paint for wear and weather", is abso. lately the cheapest paint to use, because it goes farthest, and endures longest, - "100% Pure" Paint has a covering capacity of 900 sq. ft. of surface one coat, per gallon, as against a covering capacity of banal -mixed -by -guess lead and oil paint of only 500 to 550 sq. ft. of surface, per gallon, or the lower priced Prepared Paint with a covering capacity of not more than 600 sq. ft. of surface per gallon, Give us the dimensions of your house -let ua tell you how few gallons of "100pE Pure" Paint It will take to cover it thoroughly • -then, you will reallze that it pays to use the belt. 28 Iavedtigate. • 'p PAINT & VARNISHES' rupE lir. 1E4." rilummararrourrorommerrarsamommessalia HIGH CLASS LIVERY GOOD HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady drivers. Drivers supplied. BEATTIE'S LIVERY • DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 orwersi TRY US . FOR .. ,, (roceries Flour and Feed; Vegetable Seeds Flower, Seeds. Seed Peas, etc. ry. Phone 82. Prompt Delivery. BELL'S GROCERY Successor to W. J. Patterson irrezarr OVER 66 YEAR$' EXt'PERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyene bending a sketch and description may w quickly ascertain our opinion free ether an luVent on 1e ptebabl9 patentable. Communion. ttonsstrtctlycon0denttal. HANDBOOK en Patents sent tree. Oldest agency for eecurmg_patenta. Patents taken through Mutat & t o. receive tyrant notice, without charge, in the • S Ienft1ic JJ1nerican. u ilSientwgerOfl'handsomely ycific Souring. Tia or Canada, $8.76 a year, postage prepaid.. Sold by au newsdealere. MUNN & Co.3B!Brcadway, New York Branch Office. 625 If Bt.. Waahtngton, D. o, Good Hot Meals For Twenty-five Cents At the New Restaurant iii Field's Block. CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. _ The e K int You HaveAlways Bought ht g Ream;: the Signature of Whets keepeth his miatlth and his toegue keel il.h his tend from trouble. & THOMPSON tai ( II(( y.Il`'i�lll'1�(II 00 �I 1.J SYNOPSIS OFCANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THIO sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old may homestead a quarter - section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or AIberta. The appli- cant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agenoy or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub- agent) on certain conditions. Duties. -Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation ot the land in each of three yearn. A homesteader may live within nine miles of hie homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres on certain conditions, A habitable house is re - gulled in every case, exoopl when residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader In good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section along- side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Six months' residence in each of six years from date ot homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. The area of culti- vation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrubby or stony land aft er report by Home- stead Inspector on application for patent. A homesteader who 1 a; exhausted bis home- stead right and cannot, obtain a pre-emption may, take a purobased homested in certain districts. Price $3 04 per acre. Duties. -Must reside six months in each of three years,'oulti- vate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.-Unauthorized publication • of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. 10 Farms For- Sale 200 acres, large brick house. 2 bank barna one mile south of Gerrie, good stock and grain farm, 35 acres of bash. 100 acre farm in Minto Tp., 7 miles from Harriston, 7 miles from Palm. erston ; school, church and store con- venient, good. buildings. A snap at 55,000. For full particulars for these farms, apply to-- PHILIP HARDING, Clifford, Ont. Mr. Geo. Moir Wishes to announce to the citizens of Wingham that he is in the old stand to stay. Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, etc. Give us a call. 1 QENTRAI • 1 /(/uG�!/ STRATFORD,. ONT. Canada's best practical training school. Three department --Come mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Courses are thorough and practi- cal. Individual instruction is given by a strong, experienced staff. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get our free otalogue and see what we can do for you. D. A. mcLACHLAN - Principal J AVM. LW Homeseokers' Excursions Round trip tickets to points in Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chicago, St. Poul or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday uutil October 27, inclusive, at low rates. Through Yuilman Tquriet Sleepera to Win- nipeg an above dates, leaving Toronto 11 p.m. No o hange of oars, RETURNLIMIT. TWO f1ONTHS, SETTLERS' FARES From stations In Ontario Kingston, Ren- frew and west to points in Alberta and Saskatchewan, each TUESDAY during Aoril. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be- tween Winnipeg, Saskatoon and --Ed- monton, with excellent through ser- vice to Regina. Trains now running into Calgary. Borth reeervatiens and particulars at all Grand Trunk Ticket Oillees, or write C. E. Horning, D.P.A., Toronto, Ont, H. B. Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent ; phone 4. W. F. Burgman, Station Ticket Agent ; phone 50. Farm for Sale. A good 200 acre farm within nine miles of Wingham, gout bank barn, good cement house, large orchard, and considerable quantity of timber. Price 40500.00. Apply to R. Vtiestone, Wing - am P. O. - HOMES EEKERS' EXCURSIONS Ta- --.-.-.. MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 27th, inclusive Winnipeg;and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return = 43.00 From Toronto. and Stations Weat and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from. Stations East of Toronto. itetern Litnit two menthe. Particulars regarding RAIL or OCEAN` tickets froth Canadian 1'acitlo Ticket .Agen'a or write M. G. Murphy, D. P. A. U. P. Ity., Toronto. S. B. Beemer, station agent; pheno 7. W. A. Sender/On, Town .Agent t phone 47, .ada.G Id.ee,.Yw tie was a vett solemn little boy, and h'a chin barely reached to the counter s f the e`rc la ' r u ting.r born in the public librai:y. Ile stood there for sotit, moments in silence, and eeemed to be taking it all in. "Well, my little roan," Said one of the arfdatants finally, "what book *halt it be to -day?" J.11 1 it • leretalion agent; rheas 7 + "Oh, something About Hfe," return-, W A ilNtaditrtton, Tows Aisle piatsnt i7. ! d $118 litti• knew, philosophicailr► TTTE WING A A. DV AN O E. FOR STOMACH TROUBLE John W. Skillen of Sidney, 0hi4, Has Pound a Remedy. pxporta declare that the reason :stomach disorders are so common in this country is due to hasty and care- less habits of eatingg. Stomach troubles and run-down conditions usually go together, John. W. Slfillen( of Sidney, Ohio, says: "I had a bad stotnaeh trouble for years, and became so weak that I could hardlyr walk o do any work.. My appetite was poor, and •it seemed impossible to get any relief, Since taking 'Vince' I And a remarkable int- provemeAt 111 )ay health, )ny digestion is much stronger, and I have gained in weight. 1 'would not be without Vlno1." Vinol makes weals stomachs strong because it strengthens and tones up the weakened, tired and overtaxed nerves of the digestive organs. Vinol is easily assimilated by the weakest Stomachs, and Is delicious to the taste. Try a bottle or Vinol with the un- derstanding that your money will be returned if it does not help you.. JiVoltan Afaibbon, Druggist, Wingham Morri ► Mess Irene Clegg, who has beer} at- tending the Normal School at. Hamil- ton, has been successful in passing her examination, She is now at the On- tario Agricultural College, Guelph, be- ing instructed in Agt•ieulttrre. - Wednesday afternoon of this week the metr1rnor.; u1 knot woe tied at Mel- ville manse, Brussels. by Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A., between Jas. E. Rhoades and Miss Alberta Lavine Nichol, both of this township, The bride is e. daughter of Rebt, and Mrs. Niche!. 6 line, Mr, and Mee. Rhoades will re lip their residence in Brussels, Lt Rhoades holding a position in the ' W. Harris butter factory. H. M. S. DIAMOND ROCK To the• south-west of the Island t Martinique, at a distance of fiftet-, hundred yards from the shore. lies at islet known by the name of "Diamor Rock." It is one of the most r emarkabi islets in England's larval history, for t was actually commissioned as a stout of war and provided with a crew 01 one hundred and seven officers art, then during our struggles with tla• French for possession of the West In- dies. Commander James Maurice cap- tured the remarkable "sloop of war" it January, 1804, and armed it with sev- en guns, three of which were hauled up to the top by means of hawsers from a ship, the position being otherwise in- accessible except by means of rope lad der. On May 14th. 1805, -ie,, some five months before Trafalgar-Villent• euve, when tempting Nelson across the Atlantic, briskfully cannonaded ae each of his ships passed Diamond Rock on their way into Fort Royal (thee called Fort de France), so a fortnight later he sent a squadron of five French ships, mount ing two hundred guns, be sides eleven gunboats and three hun- dred and fifty troops, to attack the rock. Against such a force the four lower guns were indefensible, so Maur- ice, retreating to the top, defended himself with the three guns left hire throughout a bombardment of twr hundred guns lasting from 8 a. ne. or May 31st until 4 30 p. m. on June tad, when, his ammunition being alt but exhausted, he made advantageous terms with the enemy and surrendered : out the French lost seventy men in this affair, besides three gunboats, whereat the English lost only two killed and one wounded. Such is the story of H M. S. Diamond Rock. the only sloop is. his Majesty'e feet which never floated, dropped anchor. or set a sail. eisteeesealeseesea FALLING HAIR AND ITCHING SCALP Needless -Use Parisian Sage. Now that Parisian Sage can be had at any drug counter it is certainly needless to have thin, brittle, matted, stringy or faded hair, No matter how unsightly the hair, how badly it is falling, or how much dandruff, Pari- sian Sage is all that is needed. Fre- quent applications and well rubbed into the scalp will do wonders -it acte like magic. The hair roots are nour- ished and stinSulated to grow new hair, itching scalp, dandruff and fall - hag hair cease -your head feels fine. Best of all the hair becomes soft, fluffy. abundant and radiant with Life and beauty. You will be surprised and delighted with Parisian Sage. Try at least c De fifty cent bottle from J. W. McKlb- bon, he will refund the purchase prit if you are not satisfied. The Secord Memorial. On Saturday Messrs. R. J. Stewart, J. C. Cooke, L. McDonald arid Reeve Wrn. Bunter, went to 'Walkerton. where they were examined for die covery by Lawyer Spence, Toronto. acting for McIntosh, who pieced the present Secord Memorial on the site where it now stands. The evidenca of all was that no one bad given Mr McIntosh an order for the stone. So far none of 'the funds have been paid out. The committee have refused to pay; not having ordered the atone, it not being what they wanted. The case may, or may not came up again. --( Kincardine Reporter. Jno. A. Bry'ans Chosen, At the last meeting of the Directors of the Rowick Mutual Ia'iee Insurerce Co, the vacancy caused by the demise of Edward 13r-yane, who was an old and well-known member and many years Vice -President Pilled the, was y the appointment of John A. Ilryane, son o" deceased, who will fill out his fat er'a term. Tbc newly -appointed is o level tetded young man who will no doubt make a :serviceable tenser, of this well known nompany. Tho veter- an President, Jtto. It. Miller, is now in a class by himself as far as years of service le concerned, his associates, Messrs. Edgar, MeiCereher and Bryans hewing pafrsed shay, Divleioiat Court At Luckttow, Ota number of oases scheduled to come before Judge Klein at Division. Court here on Tuesday. only one excited touch attention or interest- that of Harry Goodman ve. the Uomi nion Express Co, Harry's name now naturally suggests raw furs, and, of course, there were furs in this cater. It appears that last December Good- man had sold a quantity of furs to Wm, Stone & Co. of Woodstook, e tin B I portion getting g a -' ma l p Telco. of the price down, the .remainder to be paid can delivery of the goods. Thefurs were shipped C.O.D. in a box by Dominion Express, Sande titne after the box was returned, the purchaser refusilsg to accept the furs, But the box didn't tome hack as it went away, It had evidently bean broken opep and a number of coon and skunk skins taken out. The furs taken out, Goodman Raid, were the best in the box. The lot bad been sold for $179, and what was returned sold for only $87. Good- man sued the company for the dif, ferenco between what he got for the furs and the price et which they bed been sold. Mr. McPherson, of Kinoar who represented the Express Oa„ brought up a few nice points about the contract Goodman bad signed when shipping the goods, but the Judge said he would pay no attention to those as nobody ever knew what these printed contracts contained. Judgment was given in'favQr of Good- man for the full amount asked. Mr. Vanstone of Wingham appeared in the interests of the Jews Lucknow Sentinel, Clean-up Time. A. leading scientific writer in the United States made this announce- nentt--"Too often the American yarn tiksly to raaonthla the literature a t ., poring) it being striking cnrinus, da't'ful, Often it is of the too, . MP kind, made to he stared at. t elle inspection will reveal the t.ruti- •hat some of the hack yards are har v in exhibitionacondition, and until '- ,nod many hours patient labor ire bestowed, are more suggestive of liter- ..ture which bad better be burned `•ather than pollute the mind with it Almost nightly a heavy pall of smoke hangs over HOMO part of the town ••hich shows that at least a few work- , clay' husbands are doing the burning ort erring cleaning of the back yard tnd gardens. But there are still a creat many yards in an uneigbtly con- lition and some that we might say are in such an unsanitary state as to he a menace to public health. If yours is one of these, now is the time to clean up, or if there is a neighbor- ing yard or a vacant lot in an unsani- tary -condition inform the Board of Heat b so that needful precautions may be taken to prevent an epidemic bf typhoid fever or other disease. • The Population Of Huron, Mr. Wm, Lane, County Clerk, has very kindly furnished us with the fol - levying statement of the population of of the several municipalities of the County of Huron, as taken from tete assessment rolls for 1913. It will be seen from the• figures given that the loss for the year amounted to 484, Of this number the rural municipalities suffered moat severely, the decr•'ai e amounting to 427, while in the urba'' municipalities the loss was only 38. The following are the figures for each municipality - Ashfield, 2,542 ; Col- borne, 1,433; Goderich, 1,656 ; 2,644; Hullett, 2,285; Hay, 2,739; Howick, 3,295; Morris, 2,129; IMie- Killop, 2,081 ; Stanley, 1,872; Stephen 3,313 ; Turnberry, 1,607 ; Tuckersmith, 1,937 ; Usborne, 1,863 ; East Wawa - nosh, 1,497; West Wawanosh, 1,854. Total, . 34,353 ; year before, 34,780. Bayfield, 480; Blyth, 079; Brussels, 954 ; Clinton, 2,110; Exeter, 1,537 ; Goderich, 4,906 ; Heneall, 708 ; Sea - forth, 1,925 ; Windham, 2,610; Wroxe- ter 319. Total, 16,237, year befor e, 16,199. r -- • • - "What kind of meat have you this morning?" asked the husband, of the butcher. "The best steak we have ever bed sir," replied the butcher. "Here you are, sir ; as smooth as velvet and as tender as a woman's heart." The husbaud looked upend said: "I'll take sausage." Your Majesty, what shall we do with this gentleman ? He is the man wbo when he was alive, ate peanuts ha surface car and scattered the shucks all over the floor." ".Maks him chew red -bot coals eight hours a day, seated in a bed of them; and, by the way, you might put oppo- site hint a couple of crying babies, sit• lag on ti Sir mothers' laps." The week after her father bought an automobile, Julia, age d five, said her prayer like this : '•1`t'orgive us our- trespasses urtrespasses as we forgive those who try to pass us 1" Candidate: Now, my friends, when you vote, you don't watt Io vote fur a pig in a poke; sou want to vo e fc,r me -and get the genuine article! PROTECT THE HEART FROM RHEUMATISM. Rheuma Purifies The Blood And Throws Off 'Complicating Diseases. Weakening of the hiood tissues he continued attacks of Itbeuthatism ref' facie the heart and produces manors t'ations which result fatally.RHEI.T• MA puts the blood in condition to ward off other diseases and eradicates Rheumatism cotdithane from the whole systetn. Recommended for all forms ref Rheumatism. 50 etre at J. W. 14Io1libbon's. This letter will con- vinee you of its great value :- "leer Rine weeks I Was unable to work owing to my feet being badly swollen front Iibeumetienl, I alste suf- fered severe pains iti t.be bleak, After using two bottles of RHEVMA. the Rheumatism bee erktirely left tide,"-•'- li', Ili erri'e, Port lime, Qat. THURSDAY, HOMES. 'i EKERS' EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday March 3 to October 2i, inelueive. Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.60 Prom Toronto, and Stations West and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from Stations East of Toronto. Relent Limit two months. REDUCED SETTLERS' PARES (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) EACIi TUESDAY, MARCH AN't3 APRIL Settlers travelling with live stock and effects should take SETTLERS' SPECIAL TRAIN which leaves hast Toronto each Tuesdayduring MARCHand APRIL after arrival regular 10.20 pan. train from Toronto Union Station. Settlers an i families 't iew tvithont ifve stock should use REGULAR TRAINS, leaving Toronto 10.20 p.m. DAILY. Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers., Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West. COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No charge for Berths. Particulars from Canadian Paeifie Ageatb Or Write M. G. Murphy. D.P.A., Toronto. 1 QENTRAI • 1 /(/uG�!/ STRATFORD,. ONT. Canada's best practical training school. Three department --Come mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Courses are thorough and practi- cal. Individual instruction is given by a strong, experienced staff. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get our free otalogue and see what we can do for you. D. A. mcLACHLAN - Principal J AVM. LW Homeseokers' Excursions Round trip tickets to points in Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chicago, St. Poul or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday uutil October 27, inclusive, at low rates. Through Yuilman Tquriet Sleepera to Win- nipeg an above dates, leaving Toronto 11 p.m. No o hange of oars, RETURNLIMIT. TWO f1ONTHS, SETTLERS' FARES From stations In Ontario Kingston, Ren- frew and west to points in Alberta and Saskatchewan, each TUESDAY during Aoril. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be- tween Winnipeg, Saskatoon and --Ed- monton, with excellent through ser- vice to Regina. Trains now running into Calgary. Borth reeervatiens and particulars at all Grand Trunk Ticket Oillees, or write C. E. Horning, D.P.A., Toronto, Ont, H. B. Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent ; phone 4. W. F. Burgman, Station Ticket Agent ; phone 50. Farm for Sale. A good 200 acre farm within nine miles of Wingham, gout bank barn, good cement house, large orchard, and considerable quantity of timber. Price 40500.00. Apply to R. Vtiestone, Wing - am P. O. - HOMES EEKERS' EXCURSIONS Ta- --.-.-.. MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 27th, inclusive Winnipeg;and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return = 43.00 From Toronto. and Stations Weat and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from. Stations East of Toronto. itetern Litnit two menthe. Particulars regarding RAIL or OCEAN` tickets froth Canadian 1'acitlo Ticket .Agen'a or write M. G. Murphy, D. P. A. U. P. Ity., Toronto. S. B. Beemer, station agent; pheno 7. W. A. Sender/On, Town .Agent t phone 47, .ada.G Id.ee,.Yw tie was a vett solemn little boy, and h'a chin barely reached to the counter s f the e`rc la ' r u ting.r born in the public librai:y. Ile stood there for sotit, moments in silence, and eeemed to be taking it all in. "Well, my little roan," Said one of the arfdatants finally, "what book *halt it be to -day?" J.11 1 it • leretalion agent; rheas 7 + "Oh, something About Hfe," return-, W A ilNtaditrtton, Tows Aisle piatsnt i7. ! d $118 litti• knew, philosophicailr► TTTE WING A A. DV AN O E. FOR STOMACH TROUBLE John W. Skillen of Sidney, 0hi4, Has Pound a Remedy. pxporta declare that the reason :stomach disorders are so common in this country is due to hasty and care- less habits of eatingg. Stomach troubles and run-down conditions usually go together, John. W. Slfillen( of Sidney, Ohio, says: "I had a bad stotnaeh trouble for years, and became so weak that I could hardlyr walk o do any work.. My appetite was poor, and •it seemed impossible to get any relief, Since taking 'Vince' I And a remarkable int- provemeAt 111 )ay health, )ny digestion is much stronger, and I have gained in weight. 1 'would not be without Vlno1." Vinol makes weals stomachs strong because it strengthens and tones up the weakened, tired and overtaxed nerves of the digestive organs. Vinol is easily assimilated by the weakest Stomachs, and Is delicious to the taste. Try a bottle or Vinol with the un- derstanding that your money will be returned if it does not help you.. JiVoltan Afaibbon, Druggist, Wingham Morri ► Mess Irene Clegg, who has beer} at- tending the Normal School at. Hamil- ton, has been successful in passing her examination, She is now at the On- tario Agricultural College, Guelph, be- ing instructed in Agt•ieulttrre. - Wednesday afternoon of this week the metr1rnor.; u1 knot woe tied at Mel- ville manse, Brussels. by Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A., between Jas. E. Rhoades and Miss Alberta Lavine Nichol, both of this township, The bride is e. daughter of Rebt, and Mrs. Niche!. 6 line, Mr, and Mee. Rhoades will re lip their residence in Brussels, Lt Rhoades holding a position in the ' W. Harris butter factory. H. M. S. DIAMOND ROCK To the• south-west of the Island t Martinique, at a distance of fiftet-, hundred yards from the shore. lies at islet known by the name of "Diamor Rock." It is one of the most r emarkabi islets in England's larval history, for t was actually commissioned as a stout of war and provided with a crew 01 one hundred and seven officers art, then during our struggles with tla• French for possession of the West In- dies. Commander James Maurice cap- tured the remarkable "sloop of war" it January, 1804, and armed it with sev- en guns, three of which were hauled up to the top by means of hawsers from a ship, the position being otherwise in- accessible except by means of rope lad der. On May 14th. 1805, -ie,, some five months before Trafalgar-Villent• euve, when tempting Nelson across the Atlantic, briskfully cannonaded ae each of his ships passed Diamond Rock on their way into Fort Royal (thee called Fort de France), so a fortnight later he sent a squadron of five French ships, mount ing two hundred guns, be sides eleven gunboats and three hun- dred and fifty troops, to attack the rock. Against such a force the four lower guns were indefensible, so Maur- ice, retreating to the top, defended himself with the three guns left hire throughout a bombardment of twr hundred guns lasting from 8 a. ne. or May 31st until 4 30 p. m. on June tad, when, his ammunition being alt but exhausted, he made advantageous terms with the enemy and surrendered : out the French lost seventy men in this affair, besides three gunboats, whereat the English lost only two killed and one wounded. Such is the story of H M. S. Diamond Rock. the only sloop is. his Majesty'e feet which never floated, dropped anchor. or set a sail. eisteeesealeseesea FALLING HAIR AND ITCHING SCALP Needless -Use Parisian Sage. Now that Parisian Sage can be had at any drug counter it is certainly needless to have thin, brittle, matted, stringy or faded hair, No matter how unsightly the hair, how badly it is falling, or how much dandruff, Pari- sian Sage is all that is needed. Fre- quent applications and well rubbed into the scalp will do wonders -it acte like magic. The hair roots are nour- ished and stinSulated to grow new hair, itching scalp, dandruff and fall - hag hair cease -your head feels fine. Best of all the hair becomes soft, fluffy. abundant and radiant with Life and beauty. You will be surprised and delighted with Parisian Sage. Try at least c De fifty cent bottle from J. W. McKlb- bon, he will refund the purchase prit if you are not satisfied. The Secord Memorial. On Saturday Messrs. R. J. Stewart, J. C. Cooke, L. McDonald arid Reeve Wrn. Bunter, went to 'Walkerton. where they were examined for die covery by Lawyer Spence, Toronto. acting for McIntosh, who pieced the present Secord Memorial on the site where it now stands. The evidenca of all was that no one bad given Mr McIntosh an order for the stone. So far none of 'the funds have been paid out. The committee have refused to pay; not having ordered the atone, it not being what they wanted. The case may, or may not came up again. --( Kincardine Reporter. Jno. A. Bry'ans Chosen, At the last meeting of the Directors of the Rowick Mutual Ia'iee Insurerce Co, the vacancy caused by the demise of Edward 13r-yane, who was an old and well-known member and many years Vice -President Pilled the, was y the appointment of John A. Ilryane, son o" deceased, who will fill out his fat er'a term. Tbc newly -appointed is o level tetded young man who will no doubt make a :serviceable tenser, of this well known nompany. Tho veter- an President, Jtto. It. Miller, is now in a class by himself as far as years of service le concerned, his associates, Messrs. Edgar, MeiCereher and Bryans hewing pafrsed shay, Divleioiat Court At Luckttow, Ota number of oases scheduled to come before Judge Klein at Division. Court here on Tuesday. only one excited touch attention or interest- that of Harry Goodman ve. the Uomi nion Express Co, Harry's name now naturally suggests raw furs, and, of course, there were furs in this cater. It appears that last December Good- man had sold a quantity of furs to Wm, Stone & Co. of Woodstook, e tin B I portion getting g a -' ma l p Telco. of the price down, the .remainder to be paid can delivery of the goods. Thefurs were shipped C.O.D. in a box by Dominion Express, Sande titne after the box was returned, the purchaser refusilsg to accept the furs, But the box didn't tome hack as it went away, It had evidently bean broken opep and a number of coon and skunk skins taken out. The furs taken out, Goodman Raid, were the best in the box. The lot bad been sold for $179, and what was returned sold for only $87. Good- man sued the company for the dif, ferenco between what he got for the furs and the price et which they bed been sold. Mr. McPherson, of Kinoar who represented the Express Oa„ brought up a few nice points about the contract Goodman bad signed when shipping the goods, but the Judge said he would pay no attention to those as nobody ever knew what these printed contracts contained. Judgment was given in'favQr of Good- man for the full amount asked. Mr. Vanstone of Wingham appeared in the interests of the Jews Lucknow Sentinel, Clean-up Time. A. leading scientific writer in the United States made this announce- nentt--"Too often the American yarn tiksly to raaonthla the literature a t ., poring) it being striking cnrinus, da't'ful, Often it is of the too, . MP kind, made to he stared at. t elle inspection will reveal the t.ruti- •hat some of the hack yards are har v in exhibitionacondition, and until '- ,nod many hours patient labor ire bestowed, are more suggestive of liter- ..ture which bad better be burned `•ather than pollute the mind with it Almost nightly a heavy pall of smoke hangs over HOMO part of the town ••hich shows that at least a few work- , clay' husbands are doing the burning ort erring cleaning of the back yard tnd gardens. But there are still a creat many yards in an uneigbtly con- lition and some that we might say are in such an unsanitary state as to he a menace to public health. If yours is one of these, now is the time to clean up, or if there is a neighbor- ing yard or a vacant lot in an unsani- tary -condition inform the Board of Heat b so that needful precautions may be taken to prevent an epidemic bf typhoid fever or other disease. • The Population Of Huron, Mr. Wm, Lane, County Clerk, has very kindly furnished us with the fol - levying statement of the population of of the several municipalities of the County of Huron, as taken from tete assessment rolls for 1913. It will be seen from the• figures given that the loss for the year amounted to 484, Of this number the rural municipalities suffered moat severely, the decr•'ai e amounting to 427, while in the urba'' municipalities the loss was only 38. The following are the figures for each municipality - Ashfield, 2,542 ; Col- borne, 1,433; Goderich, 1,656 ; 2,644; Hullett, 2,285; Hay, 2,739; Howick, 3,295; Morris, 2,129; IMie- Killop, 2,081 ; Stanley, 1,872; Stephen 3,313 ; Turnberry, 1,607 ; Tuckersmith, 1,937 ; Usborne, 1,863 ; East Wawa - nosh, 1,497; West Wawanosh, 1,854. Total, . 34,353 ; year before, 34,780. Bayfield, 480; Blyth, 079; Brussels, 954 ; Clinton, 2,110; Exeter, 1,537 ; Goderich, 4,906 ; Heneall, 708 ; Sea - forth, 1,925 ; Windham, 2,610; Wroxe- ter 319. Total, 16,237, year befor e, 16,199. r -- • • - "What kind of meat have you this morning?" asked the husband, of the butcher. "The best steak we have ever bed sir," replied the butcher. "Here you are, sir ; as smooth as velvet and as tender as a woman's heart." The husbaud looked upend said: "I'll take sausage." Your Majesty, what shall we do with this gentleman ? He is the man wbo when he was alive, ate peanuts ha surface car and scattered the shucks all over the floor." ".Maks him chew red -bot coals eight hours a day, seated in a bed of them; and, by the way, you might put oppo- site hint a couple of crying babies, sit• lag on ti Sir mothers' laps." The week after her father bought an automobile, Julia, age d five, said her prayer like this : '•1`t'orgive us our- trespasses urtrespasses as we forgive those who try to pass us 1" Candidate: Now, my friends, when you vote, you don't watt Io vote fur a pig in a poke; sou want to vo e fc,r me -and get the genuine article! PROTECT THE HEART FROM RHEUMATISM. Rheuma Purifies The Blood And Throws Off 'Complicating Diseases. Weakening of the hiood tissues he continued attacks of Itbeuthatism ref' facie the heart and produces manors t'ations which result fatally.RHEI.T• MA puts the blood in condition to ward off other diseases and eradicates Rheumatism cotdithane from the whole systetn. Recommended for all forms ref Rheumatism. 50 etre at J. W. 14Io1libbon's. This letter will con- vinee you of its great value :- "leer Rine weeks I Was unable to work owing to my feet being badly swollen front Iibeumetienl, I alste suf- fered severe pains iti t.be bleak, After using two bottles of RHEVMA. the Rheumatism bee erktirely left tide,"-•'- li', Ili erri'e, Port lime, Qat. THURSDAY, _ 1'RIL 30, 1944 BUY A NOME IN WINGHAM Beoause it is a safe place in whioh to 1nY s e Beoause pt.rices are reasonable. Beoause property sella readily. Beoause of our numerous factorise. Beoause of our excellent schools, Because of our good churches. Because of our rine scores,; Because of pure water. Because of our extensive sewer system. Regime of a tine class of oit zeas, i e suss yo •are tired paying rent, .nae r uu want a Dgnle of your own, on bare read the above, call * - • ,.1111wn will show you ue '.ne,t Paul interest you. . �chie � Cosens 1'rSTATE AND INSURANCE ,.v t i 1 l\ GTo N MITTUAL wt R, [NS. CO. r,Nrantt.1,00 1840. fi,.rt aMice 0t•.ft`L4'Ft, ONT. S,•.kr te.ken on all .;r.., :: a.f in- ter property or, 0110' cash or pre- . .+vsne,,, •:0 tiL1CLMAN, JOHN DAVIDSON President. Secretary. liiTt'Ft I iVe ('t tet ENS. Wingharn, Oat ) UD L EY 110LM[ES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. 04th.: Meyer Block, W.ingham. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR ',loamy ' to loan at lowest rater-, WINGHAM, \RTRUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S, lector- of Dental Surgery of the Pen osylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of •Ontario, -Office in Macdonald Block - G. I.I. ROSS, D.D.S., L ,D.S 'nor Graduate of the Royal College Dental Surgeons ot Ontario, Honor adnate of University of Toronto Fecuhty of Dentistry. ,t'FIOIt OVER 11. R. ISARD d; OO'S. STORK OR. R. F. PARKER, D. B. 0. A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST •,'.Ef IALTY-Che onto and Net roueDikeases. 10*es ecleatificalty tested. Glasses fitted. Office over ChrIstie's store, Wingham. 'ue-dal a-11.30 a.m. to 9 p m. Consultation free. �- R. likMBLY, B,Sc., t�,D,, C.I. :pt-cial attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having token postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. QfPtce' in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hots1 and the Baptist Ohurch. All business given careful attention. her:e o4. P. O. Box 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS . _...... Late member House Staff Tor- eto General Hospital. Post grad - tate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. ,Agnew OFFICE IIP} MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M. R. C. S.EgB) L. H. 0. P. (Land.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) W. J".' MOON VETERINARY SURGEON • trFICR OF LATE DR. WIt.SON. IiRSIDENOE -- COR. I'ATRIQIC fe FRANCIS tale° Phone 179. Residence Phone 182. Ex GOv, Vet, Inspector. a N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Lifer Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real -Estate and, Money Loaning business. W INtil-IAM iener .l iios itaa, • (Under G(ovarnmoab Inspf on,) • Plc as*ntly situatrld,' Iteantiiulty tutnfehed, )pen to alt mini/arty licensed physicians. hate f r atd n .a UOOAA s o e t (whish i nolnde rd »lad jtiraiag!- 1'90 10 $16.00 per wb8k, Recording o looation et room. E'or furtber.linforms- son_Addreee . , tdISS L, grTAxZ$Eivfl ' - - • Stiperintendsnti, - Box 5 3, i'ingbatu, Onb. If you Would Itiot be t rgotten as SOD ►w you are deed, °el her 0lite thin.ge Werth reading or do th'nge worth, ,_ ., Lc west Prices . FLIZO PAGE 17,c4;' ' t " ell aid ......ter.., r.., YLE HEAVY 3 g1 lit• FENCE No, 9 Page Wire Throughout in 20 30 and 40 Rad Rolls, Freight Paid - it r 3 x,_ .� a A of horizontals a Z Atala Spacing fl r 4 in Inches 0 k 4 5 6.40 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 18 20 30 37' 40 48 42 42 47 47 48 4896 51 51 48 48 51 51 55 48 60 22 22 22 22 22 22 16* 22 22 66,6, 22 16* 22 16* 16* 22 161 SPECIAL 8 8 0, 10, 10, -$0.16 8, 9, 10, 10 6i, 7, 8/, 9, 9 5, 5i, 7, 7, 7i, 8 5, 6I, 7* '9, 10, 10 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 4, 5, 51,7, 8*, 9, 9 ...,,.,,,.. 4, 5, 5i 7, 8i, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 6,6 4, 4,. 5, 5, 7, 684,' 9,9 4, 4, 5, 5*, 7, 8*, 9, 9 3, 3, 3, 4, 5i', 7, 7, 7*, 8 3, 3, 3, 4, 5I; 7, 7, 74, 8, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5i, 7, 8,i, 9, 9i 3, 3, 3, 4, 5i, 7, 8i, 9, 9 rt 3, 3, 4, 51, 7, 8I, 9, 9 POULTTZtY FENCING No. 9 Top and Bottom. Intermediates No. 13. Uprights 8 inches apart. Close bars Close bars S- oolApG ,18 .21 .23 .23 .28 16* .26 .29 ,29 ,31 ,31 .33 .33 .31 .36 - .42 ' .47 • 488 102:ffi :"7,ktAiaLLROr 43.04 tvGA; ce 4.2548481143-fft oopp:nng. 1rllifillinis WALK GATE, 48 in. high, 34 ft. opening +.STAPLES, 25-1b. box, BRACE WIRE, 25 -lb. rolls, STRETCHING TOOLS, Complete outfit,. . 4.50 2,35 ,75 .70 8.00 ni Your Order to Our Nearest Branch .Pa ',T,4 Wire Fence COL' -.d �, !1� x+irU ►•! li. Montreal 1240 King St, Weat Walke,ville St. John - TORONTO Win peg ' ^; For 'trite ke 10�,-Paco Free Cetalo% "PAGE FENCES WEAR BESTS, • ai, • . . m h 1 He . Advance Off!ee is fully equipped to AllKindsof PR Sale Bilis Poster P Letter and Note Heads, menta, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Catalogue Work, do Work State-' etc. • • • Anything from a Poster • a Calling Card to ' We always keep on hand line of Wedding Stationery. raastet»alaasrttttnt a fine m�raaaarrt�mrr if you want the BEST Results Your Work to The ADVANCE Office. • Bring l� ' , ', «1 IlraRtM - Bank o Capital Aatthoriled Capital, Paid Surplus BUSINESS yfati Men have fallen roes becalms°, as they degleeted to cultivate Story young' man Arconllt, because the tnfnd to 'b -•i° Start. o . 3t 1'1 t4 C. P. Hamilton1 - $ 5.(.0l),C0() up - . 3 n00"0 0 03,730,000 TRAINING. shot of business sue- grew In experience, they habits of ecoli0me, should keep a Savingp personal 'economies 'train isel in business. capital w y SMITH I) ,.. 141 . ! ( it ,i i II ,•• , , , i �,� � '' 1 1 ` 'i� tip Gt}� ni:r''1, � 50il- ��J1rI . • ' . ;�. ,,; r�1<`,, ; „ ', s :': a � I Agent '1 if1$ttittil ; ,t .: - .. l i ' 11 u 1 I' :. '4, • 1 L: -. ter". --i '-.1--:eek .. -=--- _' _ _ 1'RIL 30, 1944 BUY A NOME IN WINGHAM Beoause it is a safe place in whioh to 1nY s e Beoause pt.rices are reasonable. Beoause property sella readily. Beoause of our numerous factorise. Beoause of our excellent schools, Because of our good churches. Because of our rine scores,; Because of pure water. Because of our extensive sewer system. Regime of a tine class of oit zeas, i e suss yo •are tired paying rent, .nae r uu want a Dgnle of your own, on bare read the above, call * - • ,.1111wn will show you ue '.ne,t Paul interest you. . �chie � Cosens 1'rSTATE AND INSURANCE ,.v t i 1 l\ GTo N MITTUAL wt R, [NS. CO. r,Nrantt.1,00 1840. fi,.rt aMice 0t•.ft`L4'Ft, ONT. S,•.kr te.ken on all .;r.., :: a.f in- ter property or, 0110' cash or pre- . .+vsne,,, •:0 tiL1CLMAN, JOHN DAVIDSON President. Secretary. liiTt'Ft I iVe ('t tet ENS. Wingharn, Oat ) UD L EY 110LM[ES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. 04th.: Meyer Block, W.ingham. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR ',loamy ' to loan at lowest rater-, WINGHAM, \RTRUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S, lector- of Dental Surgery of the Pen osylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of •Ontario, -Office in Macdonald Block - G. I.I. ROSS, D.D.S., L ,D.S 'nor Graduate of the Royal College Dental Surgeons ot Ontario, Honor adnate of University of Toronto Fecuhty of Dentistry. ,t'FIOIt OVER 11. R. ISARD d; OO'S. STORK OR. R. F. PARKER, D. B. 0. A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST •,'.Ef IALTY-Che onto and Net roueDikeases. 10*es ecleatificalty tested. Glasses fitted. Office over ChrIstie's store, Wingham. 'ue-dal a-11.30 a.m. to 9 p m. Consultation free. �- R. likMBLY, B,Sc., t�,D,, C.I. :pt-cial attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having token postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. QfPtce' in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hots1 and the Baptist Ohurch. All business given careful attention. her:e o4. P. O. Box 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS . _...... Late member House Staff Tor- eto General Hospital. Post grad - tate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. ,Agnew OFFICE IIP} MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M. R. C. S.EgB) L. H. 0. P. (Land.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) W. J".' MOON VETERINARY SURGEON • trFICR OF LATE DR. WIt.SON. IiRSIDENOE -- COR. I'ATRIQIC fe FRANCIS tale° Phone 179. Residence Phone 182. Ex GOv, Vet, Inspector. a N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Lifer Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real -Estate and, Money Loaning business. W INtil-IAM iener .l iios itaa, • (Under G(ovarnmoab Inspf on,) • Plc as*ntly situatrld,' Iteantiiulty tutnfehed, )pen to alt mini/arty licensed physicians. hate f r atd n .a UOOAA s o e t (whish i nolnde rd »lad jtiraiag!- 1'90 10 $16.00 per wb8k, Recording o looation et room. E'or furtber.linforms- son_Addreee . , tdISS L, grTAxZ$Eivfl ' - - • Stiperintendsnti, - Box 5 3, i'ingbatu, Onb. If you Would Itiot be t rgotten as SOD ►w you are deed, °el her 0lite thin.ge Werth reading or do th'nge worth,