The Wingham Advance, 1914-04-23, Page 6THE WING AM ADVANCE THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1914 (/ J;• ,lJ w9 1 i •s 7" "44� Nic.s e pug �' • �� t /0‘.4 1 . . i 1 i ` K'H �' 14 .• iN x , el �� I,`C��..1 1 ��+coo 060 !*f Ili ese 6 SIGNS VSPRING SPRING is. Nature's painting time. She tints the trees with soft green leaves, She' colors the fields with glowing flowers. And sets us the example of brightness and cheerfulness which we should follow in putting our homes in keeping with Nature's glorious outdoors. Spring time is painting time -- and good painting always suggests Martin-Senour's 1000/o Pure" Paint We have a full line of Martin-Senour's Paints, Stains, Varnishes and Finishes, for re -painting the buildings --freshening up the porch -finishing the walls - Staining or varnishing the floors -- and making the whole house spic and span. If you are ready to paint, we have the right kind of Paint all ready for use. Come in and see "Spic and Span". 21 PAINT & VARNISHES Pi' � Pout i � i I' .f111. RAE & THOMPSON 1: !; • et. `•,,,, Ck, 1'' 111' i1R 00 \\ �I! I1 i ag nsmer,nas HiGH GLASS LIVERY GOOD HORSES ' NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady drivers. Drivers supplied. BEATTIE'S LIVERY DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 MO........m..r....... -10 TRY US • • • FOR • . Groceries Flour and Fed' Vegetable Seeds Flower Seeds. Seed Pm, etc.1 Prompt Delivery. Phone 82.. GROCERY 1iSuccessor to W. J. Pattersol! BELL'S OVER SS YEARS' EXP'ERiENCE 'RADE MARl1S DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS ate. Jolene sending a sketch and debcrlptlon mat gulekly ascertain our orinton free whether an invention is probably pl.tentab1ee.ommuntea. sone strictly conedentis 1. NANDBDOYOn Patentb gent froo. Oldest naso r for securing pate,it.e. !Patents taken thhrough Munn esCo. teceiyb *pedal notice, without charge, lathe Scientific JInterkCan. A. handsomely illnetrated Weekly. Largest cit+. tnlation of any ectentifO journal. Terme for Canada, $s./s a year, postage prepaid, Soldby all newsdealer& MING & Ca B� a h'tNewY k Good Hot Meals For Twenty-five Cents At the New Restaurant in Field's Block. SYNOPSIS OFCANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS /PRE sole head of a family, or any male over L 18 years old, may ho estead a quarter- sectfoa of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant F li- Lands must Sub in Agency f r thhe eominion diintrict. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub- agent) on oei'tatn oonditions. Duties. -Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in oaoh of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of bis homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres on certain eonditlona. A habitable house is re- ed in every oetse, exoem when residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-oln t a quarter -section along- side his homestead. Price 53 por aero, Duties -Six months' residence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including -he Unto required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. Tho area of culti- vation is subject to reduction In case of rough, scrubby or stony land after report by Home- stead Inspootor on application for patent. A homesteader who 1 at exhausted his home- stead right and cannot. obtain a pre-omption may take a purchased homested in certain districts. Price 53 90 per acre. Duties. --Must vote fifty smonths rest and erect of ouse worth 5330m0ti- w. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the interior. N.B.-Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. CASTOR A i ldren. Por Wants and .'ill.. Dila Kind You Hale Always Bought Sears the Signature of /,sss,stsasttsat11•14 Farms For Sale 200 acres, largebr house, 2 bank barns, one mile south of Gerrie, good stook and grain farm, 35 acres of bush. 100 acre farm in Minta Tp., 7 miles from Harriatou, 7 miles from Palm- erston ; school, church and store con- venient, good buildings. A snap at 1 $5,000. For full particulars for these farms, apply to - PHILIP HARDING, Clifford, Ont. Mr. Geo. Moir Wishes to announce to the citizens of Wingham that he is in the old stand to stay. Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, etc. ' Give us a call. Suspicion always haunts the guilty nal It 'fir thief doth fear each bush arl o1 0Sr. II0.MESEEKE. EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA , SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday March 3 to Octoberi7.inclusive. Winnipeg and Return- $ 5..,r 0 Edmonton and Return - 43.t;., From Toronto, and Ste done Wear and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from Stations East of 'formate. - Return Limit two months. REDUCED SEVI'LIiRS' PARES (ONE -wale SECOND (:LASS) 11AC:IilTUgSnAY, MARCH AND APRIL, Settler travelling with live stock and cants should take. SETTLERS' SPECIAL TRAIN which leaves West Toronto each Tduring rit - MARCH and APRIL Tuesday u t K MRIs after arrival regular 10.29 pan. train from Toronto Union Station. Settlers and familiar without live Stock should use REGULAR TRAINS, leaving Toronto 10.20 pent. DAILY, Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. .. , es uoCOLONIST CARS ON ALLnTRAINS No charge for Berths. Particulars from Canadign Pacific Agents Or avrite M. G. Murphy. D.P.A., Toronto. 47JJTRAL STRATFORD- ONT. Canada's best practical training school. Three department -Comp mereial, Shorthand and Telegraphy, Courses are thorough and practi- cal. Individual instruotion is given by a strong, experienced staff. Oar graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get our free otalogne and see what we can do for you. GAE;ZR AFTER GRIPPE Lies in Poor Blood, Cough and Worn -Ont Condition. Grippe, pleurisy, poem:iamb, , are greatly to be feared at this seasoxl. To prevent grippe from being fele lowed by either pleurisy or pneumo- nia, it is important to drive the lust traces of it out of the system.. Our advice is to stake Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron prepara- tion without oil, and get your strength and vitality back quickly, W. W. Lake of Aberdeen, Miss., says: Grippe left inc weak, run-down and with a severe cough from which I suffered for a long time. I tried different remedies, but nothing seem- ed to do me any good until I took Vinol from which I received great benefit. My cough ie almost entirely gone: and I am strong and well again." Try Vinol with the certainty that if it does not benefit you we will give back your money. JWalton McKibben, Druggist, IV/ngliam D. A. McLACHLAN Principal r It, 1 ifi gltifli'.iQat agent; *hefts T. W A isesieerre" Terve .Z•10ittIiko s ff, GRA 111 Ctis,iftillitk.' Homeseekers' Excursions Round trip tickets to points in Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chicago. St. Paul or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until October 27, inclusive, at low rates. Through Pullman Tourist Sleepers to Win- nipeg on above dates. leaving Toronto 11 p.m. No A hange of cars. RETUgNLLMIT, TWO MONTHS. SETTLERS' FARES (One-way second -doss) From stations in Ontario, Kingston, Ron- frew and west to points in Alberta and Saskttahewan, each TUESDAY during Anril. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be- tween Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Ed- monton, with excellent through ser- vice to Regina. Trains now running into Calgary. Berth reservations and particulars at all Grand Trunk Ticket Macs, or write C. E. Horning, D.P.A., Toronto, Out, 11. B. Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent ; phone 4. W. F. Burgman, Station Ticket A gent ; phone 50. to the die ection of complete Irish unity, Tbsy met see tole proceea applied, necetbsary veiriettiene, and applied with- out undue deley to other parte of the United Kingdom, in the conviction tlla.t each re -:ovate o etiott of coniltitu- Ional organization would lead to greatest* ,Mutsney in the conduct, of not local and Imp ''tlel lute; 0641 dbe (11 Cks-ttad pet testeem of k'vet 'y patty tv,•utd olituutt.lr 1h). tier.{,• PSI t t,•tl^Ill of the wttula.' Mr, A'gnt h dealt briefly with othee eut,jecie of poliuirai i upottente, such as the Welsh pia t ..bl►t,bwent Bail, plural voting and end rating problems. Be said that there remained one very serious point' to be ewpliezled ; if they studied the by-elections of the last two years, they would find, with perhaps one exceptiou that every loss Of a seat to the Liber- als had been due to a split in the forces of progress. Upon the great issue of Home Rule the by els ethem! bad pro- nounced with an overwhelming ma- jority in favour of. the Government policy. breakfast porridge which' he had Fpalled and in hie rage took, up a chair and knocked her senseless, completing bis crime in the way indicated, A new commercial treaty has hes n signed 1 etween Spain and Italy by which a general reduction of tariffs bas been arranged. The militant suffragettes exploded t` ree bombe an April S ,d in an at - terns t t-ternst to blow up Beltnont Ohureh in Glasgow, Scotland. The explosions, 1' Irtunately. did _only blight darn ago to the building. King Ferdinand of Bulgaria. may reccompany Queen Eleanore on i er visit to America in May, should politi- nal conditions in Bulgaria permit, Militant suffragettes on April 4th tried to blow up the historic St. Mar, tin'a-in-the-Fields Church, Trafalgar. Square, London. The stained glass windows were blown out and pews shattered by the explosion. Twenty natives were killed and fifty nth rs injured on April 2nd by the derailment of a train while it was crossing a bridge near Tanjong Ps'iok, about six miles from Batavia., Java. The accident was caused by a herd of buffalo into which the locomotive ran. A. number of Europeans travelling on the train escaped injury, as they oc- cupied the rear cars. Farm for Sate. A good 200 acre farm within nin• miles of Wingham, good bank barn good cement house, large orchard, ane considerable quantity of timber. Price 16500.00. Apply to R. Vanstone, Wing am P. 0. HOMESEEKERS' .EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each'rueaday until October 27th, inclusive. Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Prom,Toronto. and Stations West and North oToronto. Praport,onato farts frOm Stations East of Toronto. Return Limit tWo months. Particulars regarding RAIL, or OCEAN Agee a from rite M. Murphy, I) 1'. .AA. 0, P. Ry., Toronte. .1. Il. Beomer, station agent; phone 1. W. A. Sanderson, ToWn Agout; phone 47, Passing Events. Mrd, Charles Millard, wife of the (7aliadian agent of the ticket Chief Iacidc $aiia at theterminalinti depot in Vancouver, B, 0,, Was killed ote April 1st, during the Ate -nee of her husb;tnd in Victoria, and her body dismembered and cremated by her Obltfeie servant bolt who had lived in meet 1116 conviCtiolns and aus'ceptibili• the hones five years with the family. ties of the minority. I firmly helleve The boy took umbrage at flit order theist its time, suer exper In his speech at opening of the Spanish Cortes on April. 2nd King Alfonso alluded to the outrages of which Spaniards and citizens of other countries had been victims in Mexico. The Spanish government had sought and was continuing to seek for a method by which Spaniards and their property in Mexico could be protected. The presence of Spanish warships at Vera Cruz had demonstrated the soli• citude of the Spanish government for the lives and interests of Spanish sub- jects. He concluded that all' possible help, moral and otherwise, would be afforded by Spain for the safeguard- ing of the intereets of her subjects and their property. Miss Lulu •Smith, of Glencoe, sec- ond year arts student at Queen's. Uni- versity, Kingt,ton, died in the General Hospital on Saturday morning as . a result of burns received at the Y. W. O. A. residence at midnight, She had been studying and when about to retire knocked over her lamp. The oil spilled out and took fire. The blaze caught her clotliee and she was enveloped in flames. Her room -mate beat cut the blaze., but the girl was frightfully burned. She was the daughter of Rev. Dr. Smith, Glencoe, formerly missionary of the Presbyter ian Church in China, and had intend ed devoting her life to. mission work in the celestial empire, where she was born twenty-one years ago. She was conscious to the last, and thinking elle would recover asked those about her to arrange with the Queen's Registrar ablut her university examinations so that she could write them later on. The Home Rule situation, which seemed to be. taking on a more peace- ful aspect last week, has again assum •'d a less hopeful outlook as a result of the uncompromising speeches of Mr. B itfour and Mr. Bonar Law during the debate in the House of Commons 3dr. Aegnith has been addressing hie constituents in Fifeshiro, where he paid a great tribute to the army, which, however, should keep out of politica 'I am certain,' said Mr, As- quith, 'that they can. be counted upon from the highest to the lowest, with out exception, to undertake the duties which they may be required to dis- charge, The army in thie country la not, I pray, to become a political in strument. It has no place and no voice in framing our policy or mould ing our laws. Responsibility for the preservation of dotnestio peace lay with the magistrates and the police. Udder normal conditions, the arnq`s aid could not and ought not to be in- voked by the civil power. It was only in emergencies -which Were, happily, rare -that any such call could be ad dressed to the army, When such an occasion arose, it was the duty of the soldier, as it was the duty of the Divi• Ilan, to comply with the demands of the civil power.' The home Rule question having been gone over in de. tail, he closed by saying r 'lam anxious both bides and 1 iia this for o for peace, twy , withhonors sheers s be ecce ho or it mut p a iscollet*, we s t Ie en that, to c ) In an e t n , y must secure the placing of a Iiome tbiale Bill on the statute books. W e hope and think that that is not iincom. patiable with careful provibiolle to Dairy Value. Can'Gct the Best Fence at the Lowest Prices DIRECT FROM PAGE Freight Prepaid • In the commercial world it is resuion- aele to assume that. what you pay and what you get determine value,.; a low price, in, itself, does not spell value i pride and duality, together, determine value. As applied to the dairy herd, how does tbie walk out? A farmer does not necessarily buy a cow Ititeli ie the price is low, he wants quality ; in this case quality may be interpreted to mean dairy capacity, or ability to may he interpreted t., mean dairy capacity, or ability to produce plenty of good tniik. If he dose Lot purchase, pos- eibiy the heifer cowing into milk Klee been raised at rather too,;bigh a cost to that her dairy quality it impaired. She may not be of the right stork, that is, from a dam of deep milking qualities and a sire of known ability, and all may have suffered frons lack of the right feed. The other part of the value side of every dairy cow, that is, what you pt from her, is right In the dairyman's own hands. He san smelly determine each how's value, or dairy quality, by keening individual records of produc- tion. Then if he wishes to part with a good cow, her selling price is en- hanced by reason of that cettifloate of value, her record, whish helps to fix the price. Right buying le true econ. omy ; the factory patron with the highest conception of value will buy or raise, right, and will know, by his own simple records that each cow in the herd separately, not averaged is a lump, fits his ideal of value. Fix a good standard, make each cow pay. Milk and feed record forms are sup- plied free by the Dairy Commissioner, Ottawa. told bt g1,-, kV 1a C 1t .N_1r t, -the- it l t STYLE 5 678 88 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 18 20 30 37 40 48 42 2 47 47 48 48 51 48 581 55 48 60 HEAVY FENCE No. 9 Page Wire Throughout in 20 30 and 40 Rod Rolls, Freight Piid Spacing of Horizontals in Inches. rens a 22 22 22 22 16* 22 122 161 22 221 16* 22 161 10, 10, 14 8, 9, 10, i0 61, 7, 81 9, 9 5, 51, 7, 7, 71, 8 5, 6i, 71, 9,10, 10...,.,.,, 6, 6,6 6, 6,6 , 6, 6 6, 6, 6 4, 5, 5, 7,. 81, 9, 9 4, 5, 51 7, 81, 9, 9 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 69 4, 4, 5, 5i, 7, 81, 9,. 4, 4, 5, 51, 7, 81, 9, 9 3, 3, 3, 4, 51, 7, 7, 71, 8 3, 3, 3, 4, 5t, 7, 7, 71, 8 3, 3, 3, 4, 51, 7, 8i, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 4, 51, y7, 8*, .9, 9 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5' , 7, f) 9 $0.16 .21 .23 .26 .26 .29 29 .31 .29 .31 .33 .31 SPECIAL POULTRY FENCING No. 9 Top and Bottom, Intermediates No. 13. Uprights 8 inches apart. 8 Close bars 8 Close bars PAGE "RAILROAD"' GATES 48 10 -ft op'ng a ��, S . 48 12 -ft op ng i...�........ .., ... p' g �IjllI 4$13 -ft o n t 4814 -ft. op'ng _,.....-,_- ,..-. _� I WALK GATE, 48 in. h'gh, 31 ft. opening.. STAPLES. 25-1b. box, BRACE WIRE, 25 -lb. rolls, ... STRETCHING TOOLS, Complete outfit... .36 .42 .47 3.80 4.00 4.25 4.50 2.355 .70 8.00 Mill Your Order to Our Nearest Branch Page Wire Fence Co., Ltd. Montreal 1240 KingSt. West Walkerviile St. John TOONTO Winnipeg Write For 104 -Page Free Catalog "PAGE FENCES WEAR BEST" BUYA.HOME IN WINGHAM Ethel. (Too late for last week.) Miss Danbrook spent Good Friday in Guelph.. Mrs. A. McDonald spent Monday in Listowel. Mr. Hansuld of Tavistock spent Ras- ter with C. Hansuld in town, Mise K. Denman spent Sunday at her home near Silver Corners. Mies R. Love of Hensen spent the holidays at her home here. Miss Mabel Coacley is visiting her parents in Blyth this week. Sp ing hats and maple syrup mak- ing are the order of the day. Miss Irwin of Lucknow spent the holidays with her brother here. Misses I. and E. Mitchell are visiting their grandmother in Brussels this week. Mies Jackson of Toronto spent the holidays with her cousin, Miss B. Flood. Mr. Hartley Menzies took part in the program' at the pancake social et Union. Miss V. Pollard of Brussels spent •Good Friday and Faster Sunday at her home here. Miss M. E. Elliott is ependinj the holidays at the home of her uncle, P. McKay, here, Mrs. G. N. Channbere was called to B yih on Saturday owing to the ill netts of her mother. biles A. Schmidt and Mies K. Den- mt.n spent Good Friday with friends in Brussels and Morris. Dr. Wardlaw hae moved to the va- cant house across from the grist mill. His office will be there also, Q1ite a n tuber from here tot k in the pancake social, at Union on bion day evening and report an A•I tune. Miss L Henry entertained a few of her friends on Thursday evening last, the evening being spent in danciDlt and games. All had a good time. • *. 1 The firefly only ebines when on Wing 1 So is it With the mind; when we teat, %Ve darken, HAVE PRE'TTY HAIR Thick, Soft, Fluffy, and no Dand- ruff -Use Parisians Sage, If your hair is losing it natural color . o wing out and splitting, or lacks that mailable softness, globe and beauty, do not despair ---pretty hair is largely a matter of care. If it is too thin make 1. grow. If it is harsh and brittle soften it up -lubricate it. If you hats elle the b Cal it ttlo it s beC e dandruff i p d , the '� �1•, rteeh en t1 keg f dry and f1 p scalp with Parisian Ssge--•sill dandruff hair and itching � falling b i n re dies ea K head disappears, your hair to doubly beau• ttf ut. Pal Islam Sage, sold by S. W. Arc. Elbbon and at alt drug oountert', 19 just what you need ---a large bottle' r. ` A nes. ID sorely makes tea ADVERTISE THE At KEL tbtb Urvuetouy and see twine �w - t Bacons it is a Tote plane iu which to invest. Betrans - prices are sea.'onabl», Revenge property tells rowdily. Because ut our numerous factories,. Because of our excellent sample, Remote of our glod churches. Because of our fine stores, Hemmen of pure water. Beoanee of our extensive sewer system. Because of a fine class of oitlzsns, Be :twee you are ttred paying rent. Beoause you wait a home of your own. Atter you have read the above, call at our white and we will show you something that will interest you. „, The Advance Office is fully equipped to do AliKinds of PRINTING Sale Bilis, Poster Work,II Letter and Note Heads, State- ments, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Catalogue Work, etc. Anything from a Poster to a Calling Card ,ice-sostartt astweMISStrst We always keep on hand a fine line of Wedding Stationery. ..-...,-,..ter tet ailinf7Ci If you want the BEST Results Bring Your Work to The ADVANCE Office. Ritchie 8c Cosons InginownInelsingnoniA• REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO Established 1680. Head Office t*0111.PR. ONT'. Risks taken 01, all classes of ill. .usable property on the cash or pre- tuium note system, GEO. SLEEarAN, JOBN DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCHIE cfc COSENS, Agents. - Wingham, Ont DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Ofilce: Meyer Block, Wingham. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. WINGHAM. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.B., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Wee in Macdonald Block - G. H. ROSS, D.D.S.; L.D .S Honor Graduate of the Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. orrecne OVER H. E. ISARD h Oo'S. STORE Die. R. F. PARKER, D. B. 0. A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST �1'ECIALTY-Chronic and Nervous Disease S. EA net t•cicuttilcully tested Ginsaos fitt„d. QEioo over Christ t"s -+Wase: Winghum. rose stall, -11.30 a.m. to 9 p nt. Consultardop free. W. R. HAMBLY, B.Sc., Special attention paid to 'diseases of Women and Ohildren, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Offloe in tht3 Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. "hone 54. P. 0. Box 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Stiff Tor- ttto General Hospital. Post grad - rate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M. 11. C. (CFug) Phe sician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON •)FFIOS OP LATS DLI. WILSON. RE:IDENOE-COR PATRICE is FRANCIS )face Phone 170, Residence Phone 332, l x GOv. Vet. Inspector. W . ciRIF FIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. -+ire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass vnd Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. w INOHAM General hospital. (Linder Gor'orliitheab Inepootion.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully #nrnlshed. Open to r pall regularly lioensod hyalolantr. d aai�tnttgg�)--$890 ttooa516.00 esth °week, 0000rdlttclet board in to location of robm. P'or /nether taforma. .Son--A.ddrestl 14tI 8 1Ka.TIHiI+W s L. a lin perint6nasn p b. Box 223, Wingtesin, Ont. Only s, tweet awl rli tuoue sou), Vice seaeoned timber, MEOW VII 1rll h t,lab teiseht-w ettrAu ,..... -+r+ -- '----t---------------E7=. .... Bank of Hamilton, Gtnpit..), Paid up, $3,000,000 Sur plus . . - - 3,750,000 THE MEN BEHIND l Making in.titution gots strength as much from he men who dire et it+ affairs as from the aotual apitaI lnveatcd. vioney deposited in tits Mutt Of Ilam(lion is guardoe b> men well known for brininess integrity, and stun n -me • who value security more than high! orotlte, to tliia pollee is due a Surplus rrh,ch is one, quarter larger than, its Capital --the result of over- 10 year tenservative metnagement, C. P. SMITH Agent Wingham : �tessse li`. f' I 1: .,.' l it I'! ill ll - t -``r' � rI. - -. b 6 1 A. T r_ - 1 DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Ofilce: Meyer Block, Wingham. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. WINGHAM. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.B., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Wee in Macdonald Block - G. H. ROSS, D.D.S.; L.D .S Honor Graduate of the Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. orrecne OVER H. E. ISARD h Oo'S. STORE Die. R. F. PARKER, D. B. 0. A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST �1'ECIALTY-Chronic and Nervous Disease S. EA net t•cicuttilcully tested Ginsaos fitt„d. QEioo over Christ t"s -+Wase: Winghum. rose stall, -11.30 a.m. to 9 p nt. Consultardop free. W. R. HAMBLY, B.Sc., Special attention paid to 'diseases of Women and Ohildren, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Offloe in tht3 Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. "hone 54. P. 0. Box 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Stiff Tor- ttto General Hospital. Post grad - rate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M. 11. C. (CFug) Phe sician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON •)FFIOS OP LATS DLI. WILSON. RE:IDENOE-COR PATRICE is FRANCIS )face Phone 170, Residence Phone 332, l x GOv. Vet. Inspector. W . ciRIF FIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. -+ire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass vnd Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. w INOHAM General hospital. (Linder Gor'orliitheab Inepootion.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully #nrnlshed. Open to r pall regularly lioensod hyalolantr. d aai�tnttgg�)--$890 ttooa516.00 esth °week, 0000rdlttclet board in to location of robm. P'or /nether taforma. .Son--A.ddrestl 14tI 8 1Ka.TIHiI+W s L. a lin perint6nasn p b. Box 223, Wingtesin, Ont. Only s, tweet awl rli tuoue sou), Vice seaeoned timber, MEOW VII 1rll h t,lab teiseht-w ettrAu ,..... -+r+ --