HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-04-16, Page 7VLIAWFAAAo.
A4Ar - - .144-
LleetiON 111,
Aeril le, 1914.
Tee ceet ireelpeelep.
Don't Stay Deaf Any Longer..
rolow the Procession -Use
14: Cotarrhozone
Feteal.en feiruee Nine caeca In ten of hard hearing
are_ curable.
curable 'I' dm
on't ean reliev-
able moan that the eense of hear -
the een be permanently brought back.
Caterrh usually causee the dea1'nee:4.
Cure the eatarrhal eonditIon and
you remove the cause of your poor
If you were sure you had eatarrhal
deafnese and you would une a real cure
at once or couree you would.
There is a cure for you ---one that is
Nt1 seultil
n, t.r teet Jeete uctered .were
dileer.itt or the
r.uniotillled the
peermy el tite eieli religioniste,
111711 Ikekt ti to ltie minietry.
jetother rearen for liteie coming in
vete', ete nee that Ice wao performing
mirec ees for the relief of the afflieted,
eeei mite teem multitude:I would
1,41.10 112.. tit tarlawt, 5:110-:1'e
and %WIWI:, 1011 no of tlin. Mai
e111110 inli 1: tl1i cnriesiel, or heel:tree
it the c‘eeitement Ilia N.Air.1:‘, and
werhe had erecieeete eleny thought
eeere reale to Leennie 1ii3 fob.
It e and et:tie; n Mild not aline
them J eledee fidelity to him, well-
oui. letting them Ititow how much wee
iitv,'I'i td iu i; 003x11113 his deseiplee,
if tate num wide to me- ••No one bc for-
hieuen to come. who mvet the
cenditione are freely welcome, and
bate not father -It is not so nitwit
the true explanation to say that "hate"
here ineane "love less' Ui0fl, 29:31), as
to say that; whoa our nearest awl dear -
ft relationships prove to he pokily
obstacles in eeming to Christ, then all
netural affeetiona must be thing aside.
'lluptiro Dent. 13: 6-9; 21.: 19-21; 33:
A reference to Matt, 10:37 will
rhow that "hate" means hate by cam-
letrieen. Our Lord purposely stated
great erineiples in their boldest and
even meet paradoxical form by which
Le alone has succeeded in impressing
them forever as principles on the
le arts of his dinciples.--Cam. Bible.
one can not be a disciple of Christ
end love any ether object more than
ho does Clod. his own 1110-I1e who
ould follow Jus must 120 willing to
tee -rifle° even lite itself, if necessary.
1 le malt Ivo Jeeus more thau lee •doee
hie life.
11. Bearing the eross (v. 27). 27,
liesemer--The first condition of dis-
eipleehip IA introduced by the eepres-
den, "If env man," and the second
ey the word, "Whosoever," show Mg
that the enperienee of dieeipleship Is
ice e" eio will iteeept the emaditione.
I. re tee -Crucifixion was the
of executing the worst
titer form ot' death was
'iL4,..,..t7tutions as Oda. The one to be
4.roviried V,•an eompelled to earry to
the place of exeeution tins cross on
which he was to suffer.. 'Phe expres-
sion here means that the disciples of
Jesus meet deny hiemelf, and he is.
willing to suffer, even unto death, and
that the meet seameful of deaths.
There le a veiled refeienee to the eru-
eifixion of Jesus took his cross
voluntarily and pursued a course for
the calvation of the world that he
-Thneve would lead to his crucifixion.
'We hear our ems!) when we mortify
tbe deeds of the flesit for the state of
the Spirit (('ol. 3:5) or when lie gladly
euffer the loss of all things that we
may be found in Christ (Phil. 3:8-10)
or hi; sufferings aud self-saeri-
fices that we may minieter to his suf-
fering tnee."-Abbott. come after nie
-One must separate himself unto
Jeeue and devote himself wholly to
hire, in order to be a diselphe Ile
must be aetivele identified with Jesus.
Ile mute hy les (entree in life slime
that he is a dieciplo. cannot he my
dieciple-The things which Jesus had
just mentioned art? essential marks ote
dieeipleship. Thew who fail to bear
. inexpensive -pleasant to use --and
:etre to do its work thoroughly.
Catarrhozone Is no experiment for
decibel -1s.
Thousands before you leave cleared
Catarrh out of their heads. by the ,ahl
of Catarrhorone and have thereby been
mired to dealneee.
No batteries or miniature telephones
to bother you no internal medicine to
take.•-yoti have eimply to follow spec-
ial direetious for the Catarrhozone in-
haler. Do this and yott'll find a won-
derful improvement In ehort order.
Any druggiet cun ettpply you Cater-
rhozone, or you eau for $1 ttoeure it
poetpaitt under plain wrapPer from the
Catarrhozone L'u., Kingston, Canada.
linown tie His disciples, The privilege
ol dleripleship Is denied to none but
thire 'who refuse to meet the condi-
tions, for thy are such that all who
t\ 111 ean meet. Diseipleship takes one
old of the where of the sinful and
worldly, and that i4eparatiou is what
multitudes refuse.
111. Counting the cost (115. 2843).
28. intending to build a tower-Jezue
introduers two illustrations to ehoW
further how much is included in be-
ing liis diSeiples. The bailing of a
tower, am a plaee or delouse, wee an
important undertaking, involving
nitwit planning, labor and expense, so,
alete.very much is involved in becom-
ing. a dieciple of Jesus, or building. a
holy character‘ Ritteth not down first
--An expreseion involving careful de-
liberation. Counteth the cost --lie
who would build a tower eoes not rush
into the -enterprise without ascertain-
ing the amount necevutry to complete
It. Ile goes over the ground and pru-
dently compares the eon with his re-
sources before beginning to build, 29.
Haply -Perchance. Laid the foimda-
tion---Ife made a start at building the
tower, anti in so doing declared to his
friend:nd neighborsthat he was go-
ing to erect a structure in keeping
with the foundation. Not able to fine
ish it -The project was a worthy one,
but he failed to carry it through. Mock
him -Deride him. e0. Began to bald
--They hold up in derision his lack of
foresight. History records tho fact
that at this very time there was a case
exactly in point, Pilate began a great
Public work, an aqueduct to connect
with the waterworks of Jerusalem,
and was unable to complete it for lack
of money. One who would become a
diseip1e of Jesus must look ahead, as
fully as possible, to determine wheth-
er or not he eau make the sacrifice
required, including cross -
bearing, enduring reproach, suffering
poverte, if need be, and even death
itself. He must Mint the cost. Some
start out unthinkingly' and go a little
way and then 'Melt down or settle into
an empty profession of religion. In
either case their, condition is deplor-
31, Make war against another king
-This, too, may have been an allus-
ion to history, Herod Antipas was
ruler of Perea. Ile had put away Itis
wife and taken another woman. Are-
tas, the father of the divoreed wife,
made war upon Antipae and destroyed
his army. Consultetle-It is prudence
ia a king to take iuto consideration
all the circumstances that might have
any hearing upon the outcome of the
war, 11 is prudence in one whowould
become a disciple of Christ to weigh
thoroughly every element involved in
discipleship, and determine whether
he is PneTiared to meet it all or not.
en ease of becoming a follower of
Jesus, every one has the ability to
meet the conditions or discipleship,
awl to breeueceseful in &Patine every
foe through divine grace. 32. Desir-
eth eonditione ct peeve -Ile had plung-
ed thoughtlessly into war and came
to hie sense when lite army was fac-
ing defeat. 33. Of you,-.1eeue makes
the direct application of Lis preceding
remarke to the multitudes who were
Retelling to him. Porsaketh not all --
Jesus sums up the Conditione dis-
ciple:IA.1p in titese few words. Can-
not be nty disciple -The Master did
not lay down theee conditions to keep
any (Inc from becoming in truthhie
disciple, but to show the people that
everything was involved 1.. doing so,
and to open the way for all who would
IV. The salt of grace (vs. 34, 35.) 34,
Salt therefore is good (R. V.)-Tlie
"therefore" eonneets this thonglit with
what goes before it. Salt represents
divine grace in the soul. Those who
become Christ's disciples indeed, have
inward righteousness and true .deve-
tine, They have spiritual life and fol-
low the efaster, partaking of his na-
ture. :1 the salt h3,v3 lost his savour'
--The salt of Paleatine was mixed
with impurities. By exposure to tile
weather the real mit was likely to
disselve in great part and leave only
the impurities, which bore a resemb-
lance to salt. Those who were catly
disciples in name or those who start-
ed to follow .Jesus and afterward
turned back would be likened to salt
that had lost its saltness. 35. Neither
fit, etc. -It would make the land un-
fruitful.. hence could not be need as a
fertilizer; and the only thing that
could be clone withit was to pet it
in the highway to be trodden down.
Lot him hear -These words calt at-
tention to the importance of what had
been said, and throw the responsibil-
ity upon the hearers.
Questions. -Where was Jesus at Me
time? Why were the multitudes gath-
ered to lihne What is the first midi -
Littleton of discipleship that Jesus
named? What is meant by bearing
the eroes? Why should one who pur-
poses to benome n diselple be
thoughtful? Give the illustratidu of
the builder. What other illustration
(lees Jesus empley? Of what is salt
a nyinhol? Give in one sentence the
conditions of .discipleship. What are
the chief advantages in becoming
Christ's disciples?
Topic -Allegiance to Christ.
1, Stipulations donanded.
11. Characteristic condueL
T. Stipulations demanded. The sta-
tute law of discipleship was unquali-
fiedly laid • down to the multitudes
which thronged the Master. Jesus
suitedhis teaching to those to whom
Ito spoke. To the Pbarises he had
beeu preaching launility and charity,
but to the multitudes he declared the
terms of diseipleehip. They were far
'Your Medicine Helped
When Doctors Failed"
Mrs, Edwin Martin, Ayer's Cliff, Que., writes: -
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I hope you will use my name wherever you like so that if there are any others
suffering as I haie done, they may be benefited by using your Medicine for it will do all
it claims to do. I think it is the best of Medicines, Dr. Chase's Ointment is the best
that can be had for Piles.".
Restores Wasted Nerves
Few people realize what an important part the nerves play in the condition of the
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frOM entovft infe his spieft es Oat.
tag his high 1)1111Mee. It wee neo.
vary that they sheald Underetana
what ubsohltely self-ettrrentlered
eiplesiiip involved. With their (Ma
Vit'VP oe a temporal kingdom it %Sae
popular ta aeknowledgo his; leader-
ship, but to acknowledge him ne the
eleeeialt, the Redeemer of mankind,
would Leccite Ole bitterest enmity in
the tubule of the Jews. It was Mere -
fere the niartyr spirit Jesus insIsted
upon. hi sertuture ono thing Is 8.01
to be loved, another hated, when tile
fernier is much preferred, Of all the
atfestions love itt thA most active. it is
the predominant affse.tion which role -
White:: the eharacter and den -teener
of a man.
The word "hate" refers both to
strong feeling and strong action. Tills
lemon etande in Mose relation to that
of the great Kipper, .amt is plainle de-
miened to eupPleMent RH teaching met
preeludeony pervereion of its meaning.
In the former la seen the freedom of
gompel privilegea and in the latter the
costliness of gospel responsibilities, lt
is hoth pertiuent and pungent le
order to. become Christ% elaciole his
authority must be acknowledged as
supremo, and one must enter upon a
fierce aud protracted warfare in whieh
many difficulties are to be surmounted
and many enemies OVereettie. It itu-
Plies war against Satan, sin :tot), the
wiles of the world, which aro far too
powerful for any man to Isithstand in
bie own strength. There is a cost
and a sacrifice to be counted „mon,
fieulties and dangers to be lookee for-
ward to; bat if a man counts the cost
he counts also the help and snccor he
shall find. The great fact which Jesus
illustrated was .that many embrace the
gospel froni reasons that are not con-
clusive, so that when reasons appear to
them as strouger, they lightly re-
nounce what they lightly adopted.,
Seises required that his Llisciples re-
nounce his enemies whom he regarded
'as their foes, though they held them
as dear friends, in order to gain a
better capacity for serving Christ. A
firm and hearty and settled resolution
to, bear the cross bespeaks a care for
one's own true, best life, which re-
quires to be developed and strength-
ened. Such a one may be said to hate
these cravings which, tempt him to sin.
II, Characteristic conduct. The dis-
ciple of Christ is a spectacle to angels
and men. Ile who builds a tower nat-
urally invites attention. Christian
character is like a strong and well-
built tower. The foundation and ma-
terials of it are lasting. The cross is
the way to the crown. The cross in-
cludes loss ane damage, shame and
repoach, pain or even death, for
Christ's sake, yet there is .no cora-
parson between the cost and the ad-
vantages of discipleship. Jesus did not
speak of Inconsistent disciples, or half-
hearted or ungrateful disciples, but of
the impossibility, of being disciples at
all without compliance with his re-
quirements. Positive conduct only
could be recognized. By reference to
salt Jesus illustrated the excellence and
usefulness of Christian character as
exonplified in those who maintain it
faithfully, and the loss of all excellence
in those who forsake and abandon the
principles with which they once began
the Christian life. True disciples are
like good salt in respect to their whole
conduct in life. • Their whole manner of
life shows that th'ey are governed by
high and heavenly principles. Their
affections are set on things above. Salt
symbolizes human consecration. It
was a human offering in the altar of
sacrifice according to a divine appoint-
ment, It meant on the part of the
offerer the laying aside of enmity, his
submission to the terms of the merciful
Sovereign, the surrender ot the will,
the life, to the divine service. It also
is the principle of peace. jesus included
no more in his stipulations as to dis-
cipleship than did the Iewieh religion
in type. T. R. A.
Receipts were light -48 cars, 703 cattle,
S75 hogs, 46 sheep and lambs, 121 calve.
CATTLE -The cattle trade was active
owing to the light receipts and Prices
1Ge to 211c per cwt. higher than the close
of last week.
Choice Butchers' steers $8 00 to V 00
Good butchers' steers 7 75 to 8 00
Medium butchers' steers 7 25 to 7 60
Common butthers' steers .. 6 90 to 7 15
Choice heifers. . 7 75 to 8 00
Common butchers' lieffers . 7 25 to 7 50
Choice cows . 75 to 7 25
Good Cows - .... 6 00 to 6 5'
Canners 3 50 to 4 11
Balls 6 00 to 7 51
offered and market firm.
Choice steers $7 00 to 37 25
Medium steers .. 6 50 to 6 75
Stockers ... . , G 75 to 6 26
many on tbe market at 360 to $85 each;
bulk sold at 370 to $75.
CALVES -Market firm.
choice Veals 310.50 to 311.00; cotnmon to
incdium 36.50 to 39.
SHEEP AND I.AMI3S:-Market as
strong as evel.
Suring Lams are being offered in
small numbers fueling rreeti pm to 3185
Sheep . 36 GO to $750
Culls and rams . 4 50 to 6 26
Lambs, choice ew'eic and
Wethers .. . 9 00 to 9 85
HOCIS-Recelpts light and prices MM.
Selected, fed and watered $9,35 and
39.00 o. b. ears, and 39.50 to 39.60 weighed
off ears.
Dressed bogs, heavy ... .... 11 00 11 60
Do., light .. 12 00 12 50
'Butter, dairy, lb .,. 0 28 0 32
Bags, doz.. 9 22 0 25
Chickens, . .. 0 22 0 24
row', lb . 0 17 0 20
Ducks, lb 0 22 0 24
Turkeys, lb - 0 25 0 30
Apples, bet .,3 50 4 60 0 Is 0 20
acese, lb .
Potatoes,. bttg............2 Li • 1 20
Beef, forequarters, cwt. .. 10 50 11. 75
Doe hindquarters, cwt. .. 14 GO 14 GO
Do., choice sides, cwt. .. .. 12 75 13
Do., medium, cwt. ... 11 50 11
Do., common, cwt. 9 50 10 0.0
hint ton, light, ewt. 111 tr.1 12 00
WO, prime en t. . 13 00 13
Lamb, mt. 16 00 17 50
Sugars are emoted in Toronto, In
bags, per cwt., es follows:
Extra granulated, St. Lawrence..$4.2t
Do., Itedpatles...... 4.21
Deaver granulated.. ..... 4.11
No. 1 yellow .....
In barrels, Ile per cwt, more; ear
lute, 5c less.
CM•111R, 111 ARV:1'M.
11Innettpoliee • Close: Wheat, May,
te; 1-4c; July, fie 7-8 to 90e; No. 1 hard,
fel to :a 1-4c; No. 1 northern, 3-4 to
91 1-4e: No. 2 northern, sT 1-1 to
:I -4e; No. 3 yellow corn, e5 14 to
tee. Oat% No. 3 white, !Id to ad 1-2e;
Plour and bran unchanged.
• Induth --• Clow: Tenseed, eagle
$1.5e 1-4; :liay, 1.53 1-4; JUIY. $ L85 1-8;
$1.e5 1-2; Ott, Veil 1,3. Close:
VA1OM)11 0110,4-64,,
Wheat -No. I hard, 90e; No. 1 north-
ern, 90e; No. 2 northern, S8e; MAY, 90e;
July, 91. 1-8 to 91 1-4e.
Wheat-- Open. High, Low. Close.
May . . 0 90% 0 90% 0 90% 0 90%
July . .. 0 9114 0 92% 0 91% 0 9214j
Oct. - ..... .0 87% 0 87% 0 87% 0 8714
Oats -
May ... 0 36 0 36% 0 3531, 0 as
July ... . 0 3714 0 3714 37% 0 3714
Flax -
May . .,. 1 3714 139 1 3714 13814
July ... • ... 1 4114 1 42 1 4014 1 4114
Glasgow -Reduced offering, trade foe
Scotch cattle was firmer at late rates,
Irieb were more plentiful, and demand
slower. Scotch steers, 1-4 1-2 to 15 1-2:
Irih, 13 to 14; bulsls, 12 to 13 cents,
Harriston.-Eggs were plentiful to-
day, but one cent higher than a week
ago. They sold at 19 cents. Dairy
batter was 25c; creamery, 30e; pota-
toes, 90e per bag; hay; $15 to $16 per
ton; baled hay, 814.50; fall wheat,
90e; spring wheat, 87c; barley, 50e;
peas, 90e; oats, 37e; bran, $26 per
ton; butcher cattle, $6 to $1; expert,
$6.50 to $7.50; hogs for next week's
delivery from farmers' wagons, $8.75;
Iambs, $8,50 to $9; sheep, $4; veal
calves, in good demand, $7.50 to eS.50;
aced.% retail, per bushel, timothy $4.25
to $4,75; alfalfa 89.50 to $10.50; alslke
$3; clover $11 to $13; mammoth -red
el 2 to $13.50; apples, repacked, $3.50
per barrel; ripe tomatoes, imported,
20e per pound.
Guelph.-Eggs were very plentiful,
and the predominating price was 20e
a dozen, although some were sold at
18e and 19e. Butter remained steady
at e0c to 32e a pound. The supply et
poultry was somewhat limited, chick-
ens going at el to $1.25 each, or 16c to
Lc by the pound. Last week was a
poor one for the sap to run, and conse-
quently there was no Maple syrup of-
fered. to -day, Potatoes were $1 .a bag,
and apples at various prices, accord-
ing to quality.
Berlin, Ont. -There was a large sup-
ply of fresh eggs offered, and the ven-
dors asked the highest prices possible,
knowing that the townspeople had to
hate eggs for Laster. The lowest
price was 22 cents per •dozen, while
the highest was 25 cents. Large quan-
tities were sold at 23 and 24 cent per
dozen. Butter was also quite plenti-
ful, and brought 30 cents per pound.
Potatoes were firm at $1.25 per bag.
Maple syrup was ecaree and aold at
$1.60 per gallon. The usual supply of
early spring vegetables grown in hot-
houses were offered in five -cent quan-
tities, including lettuce, radishes htel
onions. Cheese sold at 19 cents per
Brantford -The close of the Lenten
season made a strong demand • for
Meats, and the tables were piled high
with roasts of botlt pork and beef.
The price, however, did not vary from
last week, beef selling from .14 to 20
cents per pound, according to the cut,
while pork was 15e to 16e and lamb
15c to 250. Eggs were offered In abun-
dance, and were rapidly bought up at
20 cents and 21 cents per dozen. 'But-
ter remained at 28 cents, and pota-
toes sold at the usual price of $1 per
bag, •
St, Thomas -Eggs sold readily at
20e; butter at 30e, creamery 32c
pound; apples, 75c to $1.20 bushel; on-
ions, $2 bushel; wheat, 97e; oats,
32e; loose hay, $12 to $13; baled hay,
$10 to. $17; live hogs, $8.60; bides,
10c to 12e.
Woodstock. -Butter said at 20c per
pound, and eggs were as low as 18e
per dozen, Poultry was very scarce,
and prices Were high. Maple syrup
was almost a: minus qttantity ,and the
little that was offered was quickly
taken at $1.50 a gallon. Hay was $11 to
$12; hogs, live Weight, $9, dressed $12.
Stratford -Geese averaged $1 aPieee,
turkeys 25e per pound. Staple prices:
Eggs, 20e per dozen; butter, 28e to 290
per pound; chickens, 65e to 90e each;
potatoes, 31.25 per bag; wheat, 95e per
bushed; oats, 32e per bushel; hey,
loose, $15 per ton; hogs, live, $8.50 to
$8.65 per cwt.''Wool. washed, 22c per
pound; hides, 11c per pound ealfskins,
14e per pound.
Owen Sound -Turkeys III prime eoe-
dltion, 21c to 22e; Chickens, 17c; eggs,
lee: butter, 24e to 26e; potatoes, $1.-
16 per bag; beef, $11.50 to $12; dressed
hoggs, $12; live hogs, $8.75' hay, $17
to $18; wheat, 88c; peas, 40c; oats,
37e to 33c.
Peterboroe--Live hogs bring 38.85
for selects, heavier Weights $8.60; bal-
ed hay, $18, and loose $20; fall wheat,
$1; spring, 08c; oats, 40e; barley, 50c
to 65e, The farmers' market, was Mall
though there was rather ,a Surplus of
eggs, which ranged front 18e to 20c
per &teen. Butter was also pleetiful,
but kept at 32e, 'Offerings a towi were
confined to chickens, which brought
$1.10 to $1 35 each; pOtatoes eked at
51.25 per bag; pork, quarters, 14c to
lee. A few farmers had iimple syrup
at 40e per quart.
Cobourgee Prices were as follows -
Mutton, 18 to 17e; beef, 10 to 17e; lan,
100, hind 15 to 18e; pork, front quar-
ters 13 hind quarters 143e; veal, 17 to
1c'; eitickene, $1.25 to $1,75 it pair;
fowlIe to , tlOA 1 • 0 to
14oho turiomi,
eggs, 18 to 200 dozen: butter, 28 to
02o; Potatoes, 00e to 4/ a bat: live
hogs, •$9 .ewt.; haY, $10 to 117.
Belleville.----Priees ware goinewhat
easier; eggs, 19 to 20e clezen; batter,
26 to 30e; hogs, armed, $11.e0 to $12;
bogs, live, pao to $9; wheat, 00e; oats,
45c bushel; maple syrup, 26 to- 400 qt.;
shoats, $8.76 pair; fowl, $1.25 to $1,16
pair; geese, $1,50 to $1.75; Potatoeli,
$1,20 per bag; ,apples, 40 to 50c peck;
lambkins, 90e; hides, 10 1-2 to 11 1-2e;
&akin% 75e. to $1; wool pelt% 11, to
$1,10; Wald, 10 to 13e; etteepskinn, ?Se
to $1.25,
mew° avia nom
250 a pound; 41.100, 754 0 11 each; INEVIS OF THE
mate, recetats 2404
Mo.rltet steady.
Beeves •
7 05 to 9 50
Texas 14 teem . 51 to 8 30
4tockere and 4c:tiers •.. . 00 to s D5
Cows and helfere Ie te N 00
Calvet? . . 7 00 to 10 24
Hoge, receipt's 32,000.
Market strong.
Light (3 7(1 to S96
Mixed 8 70 to 896
Rough ... 2 45 to 860
Heavy e7 40 to 8 9e%
Pigs ...so
to 8 65
Bulk or eaten^. 8 85 to 8 let
Sheep, receipts 18,000.
Market strong.
Natiyee. 5 50 to 7 10
Yearling° ..... 6 GO to 7 60
Lamb, native..........(141* to (326
MU.N1.1tb.AL LaLltri
Itecemte were: cattle, ubout 559; Calves
400; sheep and lambs 250; bogs 1.400.
Jerime beeves 8 to 8 1-2; inedium 5 1-2
to 7 8-4; eommon 4 3-4 to 6 1-2.
Calves 3 1-2 to. 7 1-2.
Sheep about 0.
Lamhs about 8 1-2,
Hogs- 6 7.8 to 10.
eitelf.0`.8.1,U LOTH tel'OCK.
Etts1 Buffalo despatch: Cattle-Reeelpts
.2,900 head; active and to 25c bignert
Prene steers, $9.00. to $9.40; shipping $8,25
to $8.85; butchers, $6.75 to $8.50; heifers,
36.69 to 9.00; cows $3.75 to 7.50; bulls $6.00 to
37,50; stockers and feeders 35.75 to 37.504
fresh cows and springers, active, 33.00
to :5.00..
Veals, receipts 1,500 head; slow and 50c
lower; 36.00 to 310.00. •
Hogs, receipts 1,800 head; active and
steady; heavy, mixed and yorkers, 39.20 to
39.25; pigs, $8.90 to $0.00; roughs, $8.25 to
38.35; stags 37.00 to 37.50; dairies 39.00 to
Sheep and lamb, receipts 11,000 head;
active, wethers 15e higher; lambs 20 to
300 lower; wool lambs $6,50 to $8.85; clip-
ped lambs, '35.00 to 37.65; yearlings, $5.50 to
38.00; weathers, $6.75 to $7.00; ewes, $4.00
to 36.50; sheep, mixed, 36.20, to 36.50; clip-
ped sheep 32.5010 30.90. •
Wheat, spot easy, No. 2 red western -
winter -7s, 3 1-2d.
No. 1 Ma31itoba-7s, 3 1-2d.
No. 2 Manitoba -7s, 2 1-4.
No. 3 Manitoba7s, 1 1-2d.
Futures teady, May -7s, 1 3-4d,
July -7s, 1 5-8d.
Oct. -7s, 1-4d.
Corn, spot quiet,
Ameriean mixed -OS, 7d.
Futures Laplata steady July -4s, 6 7-8d
Sept. -4s, 7 1-8d.
Flour, winter patents -28s, 3d.
Hops In London (Pacific Coast) -14, 10a.
to £5, 15s. • • •
Beef, extra India mess -116s.
Pork prime mess ,western -107a, dd.
Barns, short cut,. 14 to 16 lbs. -67s.
Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs, -
Short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs. -67s,
Clear bellies -14 to 16 lbs.--C6s. 6(1.
Long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs.
-68s, 6d.
Lard, prime western, in .tierces, new -
Short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs. -els.
Shoulders, square, 11. to 13 lbs. -56s.
Lard, prima mestern, in tierces, old -
635, 6d. .
Lard prime western, In tierces. new -
American, refined -53s, 9d.
Cheese. Canadian, finest white -68e, Od.
Colored -70s.
'renew, prime city -31s, 6d.
A.ngtraltan in London -33s, 9d.
Turpentine, spirits -32s, 3d,
Resin, common -9s, 10 1-2d.
Petroleum, refined -9 1-4d.
Linseed 011-29s. •
Cotton Seed 011, hull refilled, .spot-3Oa
10 1-2(1.
Ottawa Church's Easter Col-
lection Suffered.
Ottawa, Ont., April 13. -The bitter
feeling aroused over the removal of
Father James Fallon from Ottawa Uni-
versity was shown in the Easter collec-
tion at St. Joseph's Church yesterday.
The collection is usually a very large
one, but there was a marked falling off
in Sunday's returns. It is understood
that some of the envelopes simply con-
tained cards with such remarks as
"Nothing doing until Father Fallon
comes back," though the church au-
thorities are very reticent about the
matter. The size of the collection has
a direct bearing on the -situation, be-
cause the proceeds o1' alt collections,
excess of the need for upkeep of the
church, go to the Oblate Order for the
support of Ottawa University..
, 0-t�
Rome, April 13. ---That section of
Italian railroad men which hitherto
has been irreconcilable on the question
of the men's demands, appears to be
beginning to hatter doubt as to the
success of the •general strike, which
it was proposed to start cm Wednesday
next, according to information obtain-
ed in official quarters to -day. It is
understood thee an indirect effort has
been made by some of the men's lead-
ers to open negotiations with the Gov-
ernment, 0 order to obtain even a
slight increase in the concessions of-
fered by the Government so as to
enable the strike leaders to rover their
• ce
Edmonton ,Alta., April 13. -The applica-
tion of a ratepayer for an injunction,
restraining the city council from pUblish-
ing the official Edmonton Gazette, a
weekly publication devoted to municipal
news, was dismiased by Chief Justice
Harvy, with costs against the applicant.
Don't waste time on infer'.
or salves because they're a
few cents cheaper.
Is have preyed Zamentik
best for Eczema* Piles, Skin
Diseases, and InjUries.
Ag a mother, yOu Owe it
to your family to use the
best, that's ZameStrk I
50480x. Al 1 Oneggiott cod Stores.
Soo Navigation to Open at
Usual Time.
Veteran Ontario Librarian
Dead at Walkerville.
Seeding has earnmenciel in Leth-
bridge district.
The Canadian teachers visiting In
New York experieneed many thrilla.
A eritical battle in raging between
Federal and rebel forces southeast of
Mr. 11. H. Cook,. ex -Mee., a veteran
lumberman, died, after a short Illness,
b Toronto.
Rabbi Dr. Price, a noted American,
may come to Holy Blossom Synagogue,
Clifford Livingstone, end. enfant
three months old, was fatally bunted
at Belleville,
Fred Thompson, postmaster at
Woodford, near Owen Sound, died sud-
denly as the result of e chill..
New legislation will Prevent chil-
dren entering moving picture shows
In the company of strangers.
The arbitration treaty of 1908 'be-
tween 'United States and Great Britain
was renewed.
The redistribution bill in Ontario
probably will increase the Legislature
by two members,
The Government will take steps to
prevent the wholesale killing of wild
fowl in Ontario.
Hundreds of people were killed and
three towns looted in China by "White
Wolf" bands.
• Heavy damage was done to Ameri-
can and German refineries at Tam-
pico by Mexican soldiers.
Welland Radial Union has been
formed as a branch of the Niagara
Peninsula Hydro -radial Union.
There are rumors in Rio de Janeiro
and Buenos Ayres that the Roosevelt
party has met with a mishap.
Mr. Henry Beatty, formerly manager
ot the U.P.R. lake steamship lines,
died in Toronto Ect 'the age of eighty.
The steamer Wolfe Islander crossed
Kingston harbor, opening navigation
theta two weeks later than last year,
A falling off in Canadian immigra-
tion this year is predicted by Mr. W.
D. Scott, superintendent of immigra-
Two deaths in five days have been
the sad experience of the family of Mr.
James Moir of the Arlington Hotel,
A fire of mysterious origin at the
Wolverine Brass Works at Chatham
dicl damage amounting to at least
Charles Harbord Suffield, fifth Bar-
on Suffield, Lord -in -waiting in Ordin-
ary to the King, died in London. He
was born in 1830. •
Three excellent sheets of ice were
occupied by enthusiastic curlers at
Lindsay -the latest date good curling
Ice has been seen there.
On account of the death of the Dow-
ager Empress of Japan the Emperor's
coronation, which had been fixed for
Nov. 10, has been postponed.
Witnesses refused to answer ques-
tions asked by the Interstate Cone
merce Commission regarding New
Haven Railroad financing.
The Italian Government is taking
extraordinary precautionsagainst the
threatened strike of railway employees
this week.
John Edgeeumbe, said to be the old-
est librarian in number of years of
service in Ontario, died at Walkerville,
aged 77.
Martin Strotz, a Mimico `bay, was
killed by a passenger train at Sunny-
side while attempting to steal a ride
on a freight train, •
Fire Chief Leslie G. Pinch, of
Guelph, has resigned, and will, it 10
said, bring action against the city end
certain individuals.
The general condition of King Gus-
tave of Sweden, who underwent an
operation for ulceration of the stom-
ach, continues satisfactory.
The noted paper mills ot the Pirie
firm at Aberdeen, Scotland, were al-
most destroyed by fire on Friday. The
loss is placed at £100,000 ($500,000).
John Brown, a pioneer farmer of
East Nissouri, father of Dr. .T. N. E.
Brown, former superintendent of Toe
route General Hospital, is dead, in his
80th year.
Mr. and errs. Frank leaves, 4 Sulli-
van Place, Toronto, attertipted to rid
themselves of their seven months' old
female child by handing her over to
the care of the police.
Miss Lulu Smith, daughter of Rev.
J. Ie. Smith, 111.D., of Glencoe, e seeond
year student of Queen's 'University,
preparing for missionary work, was
fatally burned in her room at the Y.
W. C. A.
One mom was killed and six persons
were injured when a suburban train
on the New York, New Haven & Hart-
ford Railway, eastbound, was wrecked
at Clayton, two miles from New Bri-
tain, Conn.
George bldwards, of Strathroy, was
sentenced at London on Saturday eto
three months in jail and to be deport-
ed at the expiration of kb sentence,
on it charge of wounding Thomas S.
Graham, also df Strathroy.
From present indications it is not
nrobable that steamers will be able
to make their way from Lake Huron
to Lake Superior much before the
usual time. For the last twenty years
this has occurred about April 20.
Alfred Ambridge, of Ottawa, aged
twelve, was shot through the body
and probably fatally wounded while
out erow-hunting Friday. A rifle in
the hands of a -companion was acci-
dentally discharged, the bullet passing
through the abdomen of young Am-
bridge, who wits standing 0 few pares
Judge McTavish has net hUredity
next at 11 a.m, as the date of the hear-
ing of the ebarge of atteMpted brIberY
made during the recent Ottawa water
plebiscite campaign by Ald. Low
against Aid. trethorne he former
allegethat be way offered it largo
cum of meney to renounee hie alleg-
iance to the tearrieelieVeity meehani-
eal filtration Mitotic%
And Cuticura Ointment.
They do much for irri-
otated, itching scalps,
dandruff and dry, thin
-and falling hair, and do
it, speedily, agreeably
and economically.
Cutieura Boas and Olntment are aohl throughout
the world, A liberal sample ot each, With 32 -page
booklet on the care an° treatment of the skin and
ecais, soot mat -tree. Athlrese Potter Drug & Chem
corp., Dept. MC, Boston, V, 0. A.
Examination of the books of Russell
townsbip reveals a startlingly unbuse
nesslike conduct of the township's af-
fairs. An inquiry is ordered.
Antian Brewnick was found guilty
at Humboldt, Sask., of tile murder on
Dec. 21, 1913, of Harry Harrel, a work-
man on the Grand Trunk,Pacific.
Lady Elizabeth Cust, daughter of
the fifth Earl of Darnley and widow of
Sir Reginald Oust, died suddenly ot
heart disease on her way to church.
The Hon. Dr, • Reid stated that he
had ordered the Welland, Lachine and
other canals to be opened for naviga-
tion on April 15, which is much earl -
ler than usual.
Captain Johnnsen and two of the
crew of the bark Orellana lost their
lives near Newport News, Va., when
that vessel was run down by the steam.
er Crowell, of Boston.
Wrapped in a quilt, part of the body
of a newly -born child was found lying
on an ernbankinent near the foot of
Bathurst street, Toronto. Part of the
body had been eaten by dogs,
Count Shigenobu Okuma, former
'Foreign Minister, was recommended
to the Emperor of Japan by the elder
statesmen for the office of Premier, In
place of Count Gombei Yamatoto.
The forthcoming financing of the
Canadian Northern Railway, accord-
ing to gossip in Montreal financial
circles, will be all done through New
York, and not through London.
Archbishop Bruchesi of Montreal,
who recently received an audience
with the Pope, and Archbishop Carr
of Melbourne are named as likely re-
cipients of the hotter of the red hat.
Miss May Fetterly's disappearance
from Morrisburg on the 10th of Febru-
ary is still an unsolved mystery. The
reward for information leading to her
discovery, dead or alive, has been
Miss Mina Rogers, who has been
superintendent of Niagara Falls, Ont.,•
General Hospital six years, has been
appointed superintendent of the Ber-
lin and Waterloo Hospital, at a salary
01 31,000,
Frederick Hampton, sou of Mr. and
Mrs. wro, Hampton, Smith Township,
is dead. He was chopping wood on his
father's farm a few days ago when
the axe slipped and almost severed
the front part of his foot.
Miss Lillian Bayer, a twenty-two.
yeanold student of Dalhousie 'Univers-
ity, Nova Scotia, met a terrible fate
at Rockingham on the railway, Ap-
parently while alighting she was
thrown under a train. Her headless
bcdy was discovered by an aunt, with
whom she had lived.
The Passing of Winter Leaves Peo-
ple Weak and Depressed.
As winter passes away It leaves
many people feeling wealc, depressed
and easily tired. The bodir beim
that vital force and energy which
pure blood alone can give. ,
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People are an all -year-round blood
builder and nerve tonie eret they are
especially useful 111. the spring. Every
dose helps to make new, rich, red
-blood. Returning strength commence
with their use and the vigor and thee
fulness of good health quickly follows,
There is just one eure for lack of
blood and that is more biod. Food
is the material from which blood is
made, but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
dot.ble the value of the food we eat.
They give strength, tone up the
stomach and weak digestion, Clear the
complexion of pimples, eruptioris and
bolls, and drive out rheumatic Nis,
If you are pale and sallow, if you
feel continually tired out, breathless
after slight exertion, if you have
headaches or backaches, if your jOints
ache, if your appetite fails and food
does not nourish nor sleep refresh
yon, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will
make you well and string. To build
up the blood is the speeial purpose
of Dr, 'Williams' Pink Pills, and that
Is why they are the best spring Medi-
cine, If you feel the need of a tonic
itt this season give Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills a fair trial and yon will rejoice
in new health. new strength and new
merge. Do not let the trying NV Oath er
of eummer find you weak and ailing.
Build yintratif up now With Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills -- the pills that
Ask for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
fer Pale Pc-ople And clo not be per-
suaded to take something else, If
your dealer does not keep these 1311Ie
they will be sent by mail, DOA pa,
at 50 cents a box or Six boxes far
32.50 by writing The Dr. Militate'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.