HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-04-16, Page 6THE WINGHAM ADVANCE unit 1111,1111111111 rillhIIIli141llMV1IflWl11111MllilillNIllltll IL II .. 1, ,� •, 'uuw r t Ik!1L _ fr L J1141--.11. i . ..i(l,:[, t.d tfl'il sera I 'I ti' f . Ii 1 llLLll ll! 1.�i it r� „; ,t 1 1.,...,., -�.__.,, • it PAINTED WITH MARTIN. ORDiINARY PAINT SENOUR IOO7 Pun PAINT RgouIRES3GA4.oNs Mom . llowa) tt FOR LESS M0NEI' APAINT is not cheap simply because the price is low—if you would economize on paint, you must look beyond the purchase price per gallon. The cheapest paint for you to use is the paint that takes the leadt amount for the job. It may cost a little more per gallon, but because it thoroughly covers more surface, wears better and stays bright longer, it is the most economical in the long run. . lttartin-Senour 100% Pure Paint --- "The Paint for wear and weather'!, is abso- lutely the cheapest paint to use, because it goes farthest, and endures longest. "100g, Pure" Paint has a covering capacity of 900 sq. ft. of surface one coat, per gallon, as against a covering capacity of hand -mixed -by -guess lead and oil paint of only 500 to 550 sq. ft. of surface, per gallon, or the lower priced Prepared Paint with a covering capacity of not more than 600 sq. ft. -of surface per gallon. Give us the dimcn.ionsof your house—let us telt you how few O gallons of "MOOR; Pure" Paint it will take to cover it thoroughly --thea. you will realize that It pays to use the beat. 25 Igveatigate. RAE & THOMPSON HIGH GLASS LIVERY GOOD HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady drivers. Drivers supplied. BEATTIE'S LIVERY` DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. • • Residence Phone 133, , tsar TRY US FOR Groceries Flour and Feed Vegetable Seeds. Flower Seeds' Seed Peas, etc. Prompt Delivery. Phone 82.. BELL'S GSROCERY y Successor to W. J. Patterson I. OVER Oe'YEARS' EXPERIENCE PA EIITS TRADE MARRS DEsiONS COPYRIGHTS &C. Amon° sending a Sketch and description ms, quickly aseortaln our opinion free whether an Invention to probnblyv itt ntabta, Communtea- ttonestrictlTconadential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agent)• for securing atm ta. rants taken through Munn Go. reeetve natal liaise, withoutcharge, in the Scientific JImerkan. Ah,tndsomely illustrated vreekty. Largest elr. relation of any leientlfe ioetnai. Terms for Canada, ;Ms a year, restage prepaid. Sold by all newsdealer*. MUNN Ape eterosdwiY, New Y rK amen ee. ih af.. wdshtnaton, t>r, Good Hot Meals For Twenty-five Cents- At erinsAt the New Restaurant in Field's Block. Patin for Sale. SYNO PSIS OFCANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS . THE solo head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quartor- seot'on of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appIi- cant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. itnti7 by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub. agent) on certain conditions, Duties. --dais months' residence upon and oul- tivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles Af his homestead on a farm of 'It least 80 aores on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- quired in every case, oxcepl when residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section along- side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties Six months' residence iu eaoh of six years from date of homestead entry (including the timo required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. The area of euitf- vation is subject to reduction In case of rough, scrubby or stony land after report by Home- stead Inspector on application for patent. A homesteader who 1 at exhausted Ms home- stead right and cannot: obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homeated in certain districts. Price $300 per sore. Duties.—Must reside six months in eaoh of three years,°oulti- vete nay -acres and erect s house worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid tor. A good 200 here farm within nine titles of Wieghatn. good bank barn, good oement house, large oroha►rd, and oonnidt reble gnentity of timber. Price 0800.00 Apply to R. Vatnstone, 'Wing - tun P. 0. A pebble hi the etreamlet /leant i3a>tlt totted the Botts/le of many tet river; d dor-drop on the Infant plaint ar oras ped the gl* tock tor eta. Farms For Sale 200 acres, large brick house, 2 bank barns, one mile south of Gerrie, good stock and grain farm, 36 aores of bush. 300 acre farm in Minto Tp., 7 miles from Harristou, 7 miles from Palm- erston ; schooI, church and store con- venient, good buildings. A snap at $5.000. For full particulars for these farms, apply to— PHILIP HARDING, Clifford, Ont. IllearemesseelesseeesseesesaaeseeemarreaSerld Mr. Cleo. Moir Wishes tit announce to the citizens of Wingbain that he is in the old stand to stay. Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, eta. Gime us a cats. !,t O,i#'1 't'SEE x. ✓ .` EX CURSION.' .1.t, MA,NFI'OI3,V, til:l3l:f�I'A SASKAT I1EWAN Each Ttre,d:•y Match 3 to Oct .bet 2:, iin tutu Winnipeg and Return - $35.1 tsdttioratoti nntl- !rerun: - 43.c Prom Toronto, and Stallone Nest ant North of Toronto. Proportionate fare: from Stntidns lust bf Toronto. Return Litnit tttb months. REDUCED SETTLERS' PARES (ONE-WAY SEt1ONI) CLASS) PM:ll_ "i'tIESDAY, MARCH AND APitlt. Settlers travelling with tion stnt_k and er:ctt ahnuld take SETTLERS' SPEC1AL TRAIN which Leaves West Toronto oath Tuceday during MARCt1 and APRIL after arrival regular 10.20 p.m. train ilbrn Toronto U•don !infest. Settlers and famine.' without live stock should use REGULAR. TRAINS, leaving Toronto 10.20 p.m, DAILY. 'Through Colonist and Tourist Sleeper.._ through ttOIT4Avent West. » LL TRAIS. No eharge for Berths. Pa:tieulars from Canadian Pacific Agent* or write M G. Murphy. D.P.A.. Toroatbt'. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT- Cernada's best practical training school. Three 'department—Com. mereial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Courses are thorough and practi- cal. Individual instruction is given by a strong, experienced staff. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get oar free ctalogne and see what we can do for you. D. A. NICLACHLAN Principal _j 1!. Darner, station detest; Phone 7. W .a Salider„tt,'rows daunt; plies 'GRAND' RUNK HomeseekersExcursions Round trip tickets to points in Manitoba. Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chicago. St. Paul or Duluth, nn sale each Tuesday auto October 27, Inclusive, at low rates. Through Pullman Tourist Sleepers to Win- nipeg on above dates, leaving Toronto 11 p.m. No o hangs of cars. RBTURNLiMiT, TWO rIONTHS. SETTLERS' FARES • (One-way second-class) From stations In Ontario, Kingston. Fen. frog and• west to points in Alberta and Saskatchowan, eaoh TUESDAY during April. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be. tween Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Ed - mouton, with excellent through ser vice to Regina. Trains now running into Calgary. Porth reservations and particulars at all Grand Trunk Ticket O1H^es, or write C. E. Horning, D.P.A., Toronto, Ont, H. B. Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket Anent t phone 4. W. F. Burgman, Station. Ticket Agent ; phone 50. STANDING FIELD CROP COM- PETITION. The Turnberry Aga !cultural Society offers $75. divided as foilewe : $20, $15, $12, 510, $8, $0 and $4 for the best field of White Oats. The Ontario Department of Agricul• tore will furnish the judges. NATURE: OF CO+ITP1TITION Fields entered for competition Must consist of not less than five aores, nor more than twenty. -. COMPETITORS :--Competitien will be limited totnemhera of the 'lurnberr y Agricultural Society. Competitors can only enter in one Society, and but one entry can be trade by each cons petitor, Any individual can melee entry for this competition by becom- ing a member of the Society. Ali competitors mutt be within Iii tniiee of Winghaur. A1) applications: must be in by the 'Twentieth Clay of April. Entry forms and further par• titulars may be baa by applying to— ll. P. ELLIOTT. 28 32. Secretary, Wingham. Puey Days "Gent uptown ttlephonee for an offl• ter at once. Burglar in the house." ",Let me eee," said the captain, re- flectively. I've got four men censoring plays, two inspecting the gowns at a society funotion, and tyro more super 'rising a tango tea. T&1 hien 1 tad tend him an omcer In about two houre." CASTOR 1 A /or Wants and 01111ar t. Tho Mud You Uuyo Always Bought ht J Betels the of 144 URi iCHITIS CONQUERED :Royersford, Pa., Man Tells. H(l% hsoer aucb. tuAtddentt,cishangeseas,n it isof aoyear easy wirto tako cold, and almost before one Is aware there le inflaanmation in the bronchial tubes --a hard cough and unless Checked In time chronic pulmonary. troubles may result, • - Townsend Young of Royersford, Pa„ says; "A severe bronchial trou• ble contracted caused me much diffi- culty about breathing. My chest felt clogged up and there was consider. able soreness, I tried different rem- edies without help; but I am glad to say that Vinol eured my bronchial trouble which had lasted for three months. My breathing Is all right and the soreness entirely gone from my chest." Vinol contains the -curative, healing principles of fresh cods' livers (with: out oil) and tonic iron. We guaran- tee it to be delicious in taste and to satisfy you with its medicinal effects. JtyaJfon Mckibbon, Druggist, Wingo.an Report of iht Seed ...minis - stoner. The report of the Seed Commistione er of the Department of Agrrcultute for Canada for the period from al arch, 1911, to August 31, 1913, has been printed. It concludes at this dare be. cause the annual routine of reed teat - tog and seed inspection ton nenee. on • tie that of September. The repot t is divtd. d tinder It three main heads of S. -.,d `fried Teeting and seed Il„1pecileo and these are again subdivided in ,hush H manner as to render the report el great interest and value to seed grow- ers and others interested in good and pu at seed. Referring to Alfalfa --a crop of great and growing importance in Canada— . tbe report says :— "Of the 353 samples of seed test- ed at Ottawa last season, probably not more than half a doe •n were of Canadian origin, while more than one-third of the total nuniber con • twined weed seeds which occur only in Alfalfa produced in Europe. The remainder originated in the western and middle western states, most of them probably in Mon- tana and Utab. Very Iittie Alf- alfa eeed is produced in Wisconsin and Minnesota and practically none of it is to be bad in Canada," Referring to the influence , of frost on immature oats it is stated that two degrees when in the milk stage will, in toast cases, ruin oats for seed even though The 'heads may fill and give of &heavy bushel weight. This report, which constitutes a con• cine summary of the work of tbe Seed Branch for the period indicated, is available to all who apply for it to the Publications Branch of the Depart- ment of Agriculture at Ottawa. Tariff Changes Analyzed. No free wheat. No free agricultural implements. Reduction in duty from 171 per cent. to 121 per cent. upon binders and mowers, No reduction upon ploughs and other farm implements. Increase in tariff upon building stone, - Increased protection for iron and steel beams. Wire rods, hitherto free, made sub- ject to duty, except wire for fencing, which is made'eubject to drawback. Increase in drawback on imported pig iron need in manufacturing. Bituminous coal, for smelting and foundry purposes only. made subject to drawback of 99 per cent. Increase in tariff upon , iron and steel tubing. Brass sheets, bars and rode, hereto- forefree, made subject to 10 per cent. tariff. Importation of aigrettes, osprey plumes and other plumage prohibited after January let, 1915. Sixty-one schedules of tariff changes submitted. The existing tariff provides for an inflexible surtax of one-third of the duty. Hon. Mr. White said he Would submit an amendment under which imports • from countries which dis- criminate against imports from Can- ada or Canadian shipping will be sub- ject to a surtax above the regular duties of an amount not exceeding 20 per cent. ad valorem, a.r:: , (14 't Ulster Is Ready For War. What mean the war prepara- tions going on for over two years, and the tette of tl►oteteride of voluta- teetc? aid the glen of Ulster; wtart this a0t4(00 7 bore Ulster wash to invade any {ether province ? D a t a•hr wit b tet ink . Yhrrigbt« Ar even the prlv.l,. gee frofn any of her peoVttu'� in' Ir'e.j.t d t�,• fr.•*u ar•i kir 404 ? ' . a k • t .e .,i 1 ..y . . e •a t )1.t•• .W- the to all tilts ern- 'u'i a Lei n'1 never wa- 5 i r/1"'"prrou, anti peaceful aaa Whet/the pmaant Govern wen/ treat[ to t !tie of power 7' The.e words were kpoken by Rev. no. Patterson, who is well. uowi: ire T fronto, to a great grttb.rin, of members of the Crescent Unioni: Club, 13t-Ifaet, on a recent dist°. "To day," he cot tiuued, "the war cioude aro target' and more threatening than trier have ever been in her checkered b, ..tory, and never wow there ettr•b enrgity hetweeti dtftt'rene ete,oriorlw 1.1 the people then there Le at 148+ pt'r,,rt tr,eH. READY FOR THE WORST. U W1 41 t hnul/t the (t do tlt,detr • h1' • cire,mr.rancee i" at+ risked "8urrartcier h,., blood -bought rights, aid haw tier neck to the yoke of Reale. or do what she t« doing—prepare for the worts, and if the worst comes, conquer or perish in the struggle for civil and religious libeirty ? We revere the tnetnories of the brave and heroic men of the past, and .comlug' genevatiorie .will honor and revere Sir Edward Oar. son and the Ulster volunteers, • We still hope that civil war end bloodr,hed may. tie averted, but, as Mr. Church,)! °.eye, "There are wr,i'e.- t.hin)t-. 't,r,tt hittttt..hed," A mac. 1,+ more •teats 1,.oltt41 writ, u•1,u)d not utve up his in airy or property ra•ber than h4 life, but 'herr' ,tt•i r bingo of more value than money or property. IWN NO RISES. "Sixty-five millions of people have nattered martyrdom rather than burn incense or bow the knee. to graven !nage°. Every man who has brains and a little knowledge know, that Home Rule in Ireland can mean no- thing hut Rome rule; and every man who knows what Roinaniem is known that when Rome has the power to do so she must persecute heretics, and Protestants are the worst kind of heretics in her estimation. She has not changed since she set up the stake and faggot on Britain's fertile plains, She says she never changes so since we know what Abe did in the past we will take her at her word, and run no risks," Doubted. A southern physician says the goat will solve the meat problem so far as the high cost of living is concerned. Doubted. The high coat of living haw already got our goat. Worth Owning, A Weetern newspaper advertises as follows : "Pull blooded cote for sate, giving milk, three tons of hay, a lot of chickens, and several etoved." That is a cow worth having. Editor riot fich, Occasionally an editor gets rich, ae Witnese the ease of one of the craft in a neighboring town. This editor started in business about five yearn ago with 22 cents. Today he le Worth $1,000. His frccumulatton has been due to his rtrlct attention to business, frugality send the feet that a rich uncle died and !eft him $4,96!1. And what in eo rare as a day in June P Then. it ever, canon perfect (layer There Heaven tries earth if It be 1n tune, And over it softly iter warm Olt lays. . It Lona. Why Not Keep The Better Kind THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 19x4 Can Get the Best Fence at the Lowest Prices DIRECT ROM PAGE Freight Prepticl Just as long as a dairyman knows only the production of all his cows,. just so long will he be without the necessary incentive to take steps for herd improvment. But when he knows his cows individually as to production and cost of feed, then he can retain the abundant and economical pro- ducers, The general results as applied to a district are full of suggestions. In one lot of 422 cows belonging to 42 men the average yield last year wan found to be 4,494 pounds of milk, the cost of feed $3290; thus, ,imply taking the cost of feed into consideration, leaving a net profit of $14 28 But a slight in- vestigation showed that the 100 batt cows produced milk to the value of $7.137.00, the 100 poorest cows produr• ed only $3,200.00, or much less than half as much. The best cows were fed at an average cost of $38.42, leaving a. clear -profit of $32 90 each ; the poorest cows frost $30.20 to feed, .returning a clear profit above the cost of feed of only $1.74 each. It thus is evident that each one of the 100 best cows made as much clear profit on the milk produced as that given by eighteen of the poorest. Why not keep the better kind? It pays to find out which kind ate in your herd. Milk and feed record• may be obtained free on application to the Dairy Commissioner, Ottawa. Winghani A Bargain Centre, To Its it looks as though the trade of the country is so scattered that the town which puts worth the most effort in that direction Will eventually eac- ceed in Ianding far more than her Legitimate share of business. At pre- sent, while time hangs on tbe bends of the average than, he takes time to look around and then spends his money where it will go the farthest and to us it eeema that the merchant wino offers him good values for hie money, wilt' eventually reap golden rewards in the way of his future trade. This fact 'we would impress upon the minds of the people and We would also ask them to aid us in establishing the fact that in our town cab be found es good bar+ gains as in any other in this Section. DON'T GROW BALD Z.1* W.V. Dew 4 30 22 5.37 22 -64022 7 40 22 7 48 22 8 42 22 8 42 16I 8 47 22 8 .47 16* 9 .48 22 9 48 163 9 51 22 9 51 163 10 48 22 10.48 16i 10 51 ,163 10 51 22 11 55 163 HEAVY Y ai' ENCE 1'."3 No. 9 Page Wira Throughout in 20 c w 30 and 40 Rod Rollo, Freight Paid Spicing of Horizontals in Incites o r' 8, 9. 10, i0 .18 63, 7, 8}, 9, 9 .21 5, 53, 7, 7, 7*, 8 .23 5, 6f, 7 9, 10, 10 .23 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,6 .26 6,. 6,6,6 6, 6, 6 .28 4, 5, 53, 7, 83, 9, 9 .26 4, 5, 53 7, 83, 9, 9..,„,„2 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ,29 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ,31 4, 4, 5, 5*, 7, 8*, 9 , 9 .29 4, 4, 5, 5*, 7, 8I, 9, 3, 3, 3, 4,. 5i, 7, 7, 7i, 8.33 1 3, 3, 3, 4, 53, 7, 7, 7*, 8._ .33 3, 3, 3, 4, 53, 7, 81, 9, 9,.33 3, 3, 3, 4, 5I, 7, 8*, 9, 9.31 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 53, 7, 8i, 9, 9 .36 SPECIAL POULTRY FENCING No. 9 Top and Bottom, Intermediates No. 13. uprights. 8 inches apart. 18 48 8 Close bars 20 8 Close bars PAGE "RAILROAD" GATES 48 10 -ft. op'ng a 48 12 -ft. op'ng rr-arcs 4813 -ft. aping ' !jig fi iffs. % 4814-f t, op'ng r=--:= �Y� T �s WALK GATE, 48 in. higl , 3I ft. opening.. STAPLES, 25 -Ib, box, BRACE WIRE,25-Ib. rolls, STRETCHING TOOLS. Complete outfit .42 .47 3.80 4,00 4.25 4.50 2.35 .75 .70 8.001 Mit Your Order to Our Nearest Branch Page Wire Fence Ca., Ltd, Montreal 1240 King St. West Waikervlllo St. John TORONTO Winnipeg Write For 104 -Page Free Catalog Use Parisian Sage. It your hair la jotting thin, losing its natural eolor, or has that matted, life- lese And scraggy appeaeanos, the reas- on is evident --dandruff end failure to keep the hair roots properly nourished. Parisian Sage applied daily for a Week and then occrielonally is all that is needed. It removes dandruff with One application; almost immediately stops falling hair and itching head; Invigorates the toalp and makes dull stringy hair molt, Abundant and radiant With life. Equally good for mon, ivotnen or children --everyone ne Ids lir, A large bottle of this delightful heir tonic cart behad from J. W. McKibbon or any ether drug coutatr r for 80 eek, ti, You will murely like Paritlatn Sa�{rt* i There is no other "Jurtfawgood"•'-••Try' i It now. "PAGE FENCES WEAR BEST" The Advance Office is fully equipped to do AllKinds of PRINTING Sale Bilis, Poster Work, Letter and Note Heads, State- ments, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Catalogue Work, etc. * .1.1.4101. Anything from a Neter to a Calling Card We always keep on hand a fine line of Wedding Stationery. ......110.11... If you want the BEST Results Bring Your Work to The ADVANCE Office,„ 4 Bank of Hamilton Capital, Paid up, $3 000.000 Surplus - - - 3,750,000 AN IMPORTANCE ALLIANCE When a young man first ntanee his allianer with a financial institution by opening a Savings Account, he t•hattld look attend 0. the time when his bank book will aid his ad rancertief t. A growing bank balarite assures an employ er that a young man has n'nastered the pato alpha of' economical management. SMITH it: meat Wiaghatri t Buy or Build ? It will pay you to call on us before doing either, as we have most desirable building lots for sale, as well as a number of resi- dential properties that will be sold. Worth the money. Watch this apace next week for further partici]; Iars, Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Office 4•t1 h.r.Yt-, •,� ltit,ks t.ilten on all • 1at1,su•',. ut lie• ;ttrabte property on the earth or prH- uletm cote system GEO. Sansone, JOBN DAVIDSON President, Secretary. RITCHIE de COSENS, Agents. Wingbam, Ont DUDLEY H OLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Winghant, R. VANSTDNE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rater. WINGUA.M, ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.s., L.D,a. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen nsylvania College and-Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —office in Macdonald Block— G. B. ROSS, D.D.S., LDS Honor Graduate of the Roval flollbge of Dental Surgeonv of Ontario, Honor Graduate of UniVertaity of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, orrTOE OVER 11. E. IeA1W k CO'S. STORE DR. R. P. PARKER, D. B. 0. A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST SPECIALTY—Chtonio ani Nervous ilireasts, 10vea scientifically to -ted, Masson fitted, Ofltca• over Chriatie's etoro. 'tti ingbanr. Tue-days--1630 a,m. to 9 p In. Consultation free. W. R. IIAMBLY, B.Sc., fiLD., C.I1. • Special attention paid to disease, of Women and Ohildren, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Suientifc llltdivine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Flctrl and the Baptist Ohureh. AU business given carefulattetrtion, Phone 54, 1'. 0. Box 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member TTouse Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Poet grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. RAST. C. REDMOND BI, It. 0.• s. (Engg.) • L. 11. C. P. (Load.) Physician and Surneol1. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON' OFFIM1 OF LAID DR WILSON. 1uisIll1:Ncn—Cali PATRICK .0 FRANCIS Office Perone 119 Residence Phone 181, 1%x Gov. Set. Inspector. C. N. GrRIF' IN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licensees. rire, Life, Accident, Plate Glas4 and Weather Insurance, Coupled with a steal 1state and Money Loaningbusiness. IN !HAM General Hospital. • (!ender Governetet, tl Intpettlen.) Pleasantly situated. leaunfully furnished. Open to all reu1tlarl lieeuiied physicians. Bated for patteete ttwh1ch include board and nursing) i90• rte $16.00 pot -week, aticcording to location of room. Icor further itifotvna• tion--4ddrosa11/111314 L. NtATIIi3tWS finetrintendbnt, 13dt 22t Wtngltam, Ot6. VWe rntiet not hope to br mowertr, Anal* gaoler the ripe, gold sitter. ADVERTffig1HE, ,,, t I hill we bawefirst hern eow'err, Anal to � tfrta fararr�cr:wltlt :treater.