HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-04-16, Page 4"Comfort b:F; .Mee ecoid nature to teearrre of C/C a la Crane Colette" When Lovely Woman Dons Her Corsets She either makes or mars her figure. When lovely woman dons ani Corsets• She makes her figure. Come in and sce some of the latest models or ask for a cata- logue next time you are passing. Beautiful Selection of Wash Materials Notice how pre minent a place, Ratines, Crepes, Jacquards and Brocades, occupy among the seasons fabrics. 27 inch Stripe Racine in white ground .with stripes in Pink, Blue and Black at 4oe. 27 inch Plain SerpentineeCrepe Very suitable for summer dreabes Mauve and Tuscan at 10 and 25o a yd. 36 inch Plain Patine. Color, White, Sky .(arise, Pink special 58o a S d, Exclusive Dress Lengths in Checks Brocades and Fancy Stripes. Prices .7o to $2.00 per yard. , French Kid Gloves 69c. These gloves are finished with one dome fastner, gusset fingers oversewn seam. In Black, Tan and White only sizut 0 toil. Kayser Guaranteed Silk Gloves. Tide glove is well known for its wearing and fitting and is gauranteed. Price 16 Buttons $ I. 25 Short Wrist Length tOo. The Newest In House Furnishings are awaiting Your Inspection. Stair Carpets, Wilton Carpets, Rugs, Squares, Oil Cloth, Linoleums, Ourteins, Curtain Scrims and Window Shades. Rugs, We are showing a beautiful range in Tapestry, Axmiuster and Wilton at from $7,t0 to $65.00. Bairns Inlaid Linoleum very next pat - tome. in Bleck and Floral designs at $1.00 to $1.25 per sq. yd. (soler,. White*, Pink, Sky, Fancy Curtain Scrims in all the latest designs. Prices, 25, 85, 60 and 100 a yd. Lace Curtans in fine nottingham qualities from $1.00 to $7 Oe per pair. Window Shades. We have a nice range to ohoose from in stook sizes. Prices 40o to 41.50 each. Ladies A11 Wool Paramatta Rain Coats. In plain or raglan shoulder in rich olive shade all sizes at 51250. wromommommenmommonmou KING BRO. Produce Wanted Phone 71 000 0.0 000000 0000 New Spring Goods are still arriving New Cords, Stripes, Woolen and Cotton Crepes and Ratines, all leading shades. White Waists Very .Pretty and Good Crepe Gowns, House Dresses, etc. Linoleums Several new patterns now in. Rugs all sizes, all kinds at popular prices. A full line of fresh Groceries always found here. All ands of Seeds now in We deal only in the best obtainable. Car of Redpaths Extra Granulated Sugar to arrive about March 26th, $4 50 cwt. Leaveyour order at the store and sugar will be delivered from the car. No sugar charged at these prices. J. A. Mills 0 O O O O O 0 O O O 0 O O O O O 0 O O 0 O O O 0 0 O O 0 O 0 O O O O 0 0 O 0 O 0 O O 0 0 O 0 0 O O O <>00000000000 n O 0 0 O O 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O O 0 0 0 O a 0 0 Phone 89 'VVingham 0444444.44.4444444.444.444044444444.4444.44. Y. M. C. A. Notes. The Central Branch of the Toronto Young Men's Christian Association is carryingon an active work for young men who are strangers in To ronto. Outstanding men are secured in every church who make it a per- sonal matter to call upon strangers whose names are given themby the Y. M. C. A. One young man from Eastern On• tario was invited by one of the Key - men in Toronto to v'e't his chile h. He went, and joined the Sunday 1110 13- ing Class. He later took a definite stand for the christian life and is now a member of the church and an active worker in the Young Men's Bible O1aes. Another young man from a distant point a as visited by a Key- man and as a result the young man, as well.ae his father ann mother, were united with the churob. Thousands of these names are secured from Inn migration Secretaries and from Key - men in municipalities throughout the Province from time to time, This is a good work and one in which every right-minded man should be interested, Died In Grey Township , .An old resident of the 3rd con. Grey passed away on Wednesday of this week in the person of Tane Wilson, re- lict of the late John McCartney. De- ceased was in •her 82nd year and had been failing in health for the past three months. Mre. McCartney was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, and after coming to Canada spent several years in To- ronto before moving to Grey town. ship. 48 years ago she was united in marriage to the lata John McCartney, who died ten years ago, and who took up the farm on which Mrs. McCartney resided up to the •time of her death, She is survived by a family of finite! eons (Robert and James, at home; Hugh, ofTugask, Sask., and William I of Milestone, Sask.,,, and three daugh- ters (Mrs. Geo. McCartney, Tucker. smith, Mrs. Nelson Cardiff and Mrs. I Wm. Turnbull, Grey.) The funeral will take place to Brussels on Friday afternoon, leaving her late home at 1.30 o'clock, service being held a half hour earlier to be conducted by Rev, Mr. McCullogh, of Cranbtook.—[Brus. sele Post. Dant Be A ttKnocker." Do not kick on every proposed im• provement simply because it le not at your own door, Do all you can to beautify the town and your property also. Be friendly to evdryone and courteous to strangers, and donot for get that you are a part of the town and that your own department does its share In giving the town a char- acter. Sell and buy all you can at; home. Stand by all other enterprls ing citizen* and be ready to do soma, of the work yourself; and don'cgru•n. ble or spend your tiros in prophesying THE WINGIIAM ADVANCE THURSDAY, l i'jux., 16, 914 Home Circle WOMAN, Woman, whatever found, is the same kind, civil, obliging tender be. ( tug, inclined to be gay and cheerfal but timorous and modest, There is in every woman's heart a spark of heavenly lire which beams and blazes in the home of adversity, and men can be great when great occasions call, In little duties cm - In en o•men fill their tipbere, narrow cares that cluster round the heartb. She is the beautiful mosaic arch in the common bonne ; the over y day home where men entertain angels un- awares and where she smoothes to placid peace the rongh and rugged places in the bighwaye of existence, If taken in the abstract, woman is superior to man in this, i. e. that pain and anguish, grief and sorrow, afllie- tion and poverty, are but stepping atones on which she climbs above the narrow sphere which he calls life and "sheit is who is Iaet at the cross and earliest at the grave." While her heart is loyal to home, love and duty, her head often gets light as air and by reason of conflicting circumstances she is easily influenced and led astray, Fashion, that invidious riven, is one of the chief tempters and but very few women can resist her artless cap- rices. 'Tie said that Satan employed Fash- ion to assist him in the downfall of the human race and perhaps . the aphorism is correct for this earthly idol is worshipped in many homes, and if the lave of money is the root of all evil, the love of dress is the main trunk of the tree of extravagance which is too often wrecked in the tempest of bankruptcy. OUR GIRLS. There are just two things that will keep girls straight at the age when they begin to think of longer dresses, and beaux. One is plain clothes and the other is, home duties. The girls we see making fools of themselves are almost invariably overdressed. They wear dude that women of thirty should hesitate about wearing. A little girl with too many and too costly clothes on her back gets self- conscious and vain and loves admira- tion—and you grown-ups know the next step. A simple, pure -hearted girl who has a place in a home, home work and home duties, has her heart there, and no boy can steal it. Even when maturity comes, andet real man comes, and a real affair of her heart comes, will such a girl leave home, and then •only after a heart tending. Buta girl who is at home only at the table and.late bed time won't love that home. Work makes things sacred. The child whose home memories are not hallowed by work, who is not needed, and does not feel the need, will not love home. And if she does not love the home of her girlhood, she will love no other. She will go anywhere for anything. Home will mean• nothing to such a woman, and if she is respectable, she will only lack the opportunity to be abad wo- man, and is good only through cir- cumstances or by the necessity of an ugly free. She will curse any man she marries. The mothers of this town .who are responsible for the girls who gad on the streets should stop and think• what they are doing. These girls are no longer children. They are at an impressionable age. Where will you have their impressions come from— from the riff-raff of the streets, or from home? It is for the mothers of this town to settle the question. The mother who allows the blues and sulks to overshadow the home, who allows herself to be moody at d discontented, fails in a chief duty and places a handicap on her husband and children in the race of Life. Look over your list of friends and acquaintances and note their course DM you not find on examination that those wbo to -day are men of influence and honor, were the youths who made tbe most of their valuable time, turn. ing it to good account ? And on the other hand do you not find those who stood at the corners with a cigar or pipe in their mouths, went from bad to worse, from worse to ruin ? - A loving, good mother is a treasure above all others of an earthy nature, as she never feels any sacrifice too great, any anguish too, keen, any shame so dreadful, any fate so over. whelmingly terrible, as to transcend the endurance orcrush the power of. a mother's .love, Mrs, Wilson says, and truly she spoke, that "under an invincible inspiration, when danger threatens her darlings, she knows no self disgrace, death affrights her not, she extends her arm to arrest every approach, offers her own breast as a shield against darts, bullets, sword thrusts, and counts it a privilege to lay down her fife in defense of those loved ones." 0, loyalty, supreme) sublime, immortal! Thy name is mother's love. Her very existence is interwoven with her children, their counsellor, comforter and guide; therefore we should highly prize and saeredly cherish that' valuable jewel, a gaodmother. This world is eo dreary when we are bereft of mother, yet so few appreciate her as we should, for tvhat is home without a mother? Skin On Fire ? Just the mild, simple waeb, the well known 1). D. D, Prescription fur FSO. zetna, and the itch is gone. We have sold other remediesfor akin trouble, but none that rove could personally recommend as we can th D. Da D. Prescription.. Whir**, J, J. Davis Druggist. A Call for Sacrifice in G odd Roads Movement Address Delivered by S, L. Squires, Esq., of Waterford, Good Roads Association IlIr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Convention; =-We are led to believe that the undertaking of every great reform or movement has been accompanied by some sacrifice. When the Magna Charter and other like reforms were given to the people of England they cost the heads of kings. The liberation of the slaves in the American continent cost a bloody war and the expenditure of a great deal of money. In fact, the peop'c of the United States not only gave of the best of their men but the financial position of that country was brought almost to a state of bankruptcy. They did all this in order that they might obtain for the black man the liberty he now has. The gospel of peace cost the crucifixion of a Christ, and we know that the principles that were proclaimed by that Christ have only been given to us by the sacrifice of a great many martyrs. Is it then strange to argue that if we hope to accomplish much in any great reform, it can only bo done by sacrifice? I do not wish to contend that the sacrifice is always in proportion to the good we obtain. The question which follows is, is the Good Roads Movement of sufficient importance to demand eaer'- fice, and if it is of sufficient importance to demand a sacrifice, what can we expect that sacrifice to be. If the Good Roads Movement is as important as this Also. elation believes it is to the people of Ontario, then we cannot expect that it will be different from other great movements or reforms. I believe it is an 'important movement, and just how important it is depends possibly upon our viewpoint. Roads aro a necessity. Trails are but forerunners of settlement. Roads are the mark of civilization and the higher the civilization, the higher the standard of the roads. Ontario demands better roads to- day than it ever had before, not only be- cause it has reached a higher point of 'civilization, but because the demand upon the roads is greater than ever before in its history. The prosperity of a country is largely measured by the ease of its transportation and the primary factor in transportation is the road which leads from the producer to the market • towns. I believe there is nothing that affects rural Ontario to the same extent as does its roads. Let us consider rural Ontario as it stands to -day Statistics show us that the rural population of old Ontario has deceased in the last ten years about 100,000 people. The province has not decreased in population, but the rural population•of old Ontario has decreased. The increase of the population of Ontario in the last ten years has been in its cities and in Northern Ontario. Twenty-five thousand men have been lost to the rural sections of old Ontario during the last ten years. What dons that mean ? If we consider that the average earning power of an able-bodied man in Ontario is $000 per year—and that is not a high average —that would be equal to a capitalization of $10,000 invested at 0 per cent. Now let us capitalize the loss to rural Ontario in then in the last ten years and we will find the loss, if capitalized, would amount to no less than $250,000,000, and that would mean an earning power of $15,000,- 000. That is what the rural part of old Ontario has lost during the last ten years. What does that mean ? It means not only that we have lost the value of the men, but we have lost value in the farms. Our president informed us last night that his section in the County of Hastings, farms have lowered in value in the last five or six years. We know that is not true throughout Ontario because there are suctions where farts values have maintained their high' standard. In ad- dition to the loss of men, Ontario has lost in farm value and we have lost all along the line. What has been the cause of this°great leakage, and how can it be stopped ? I know that there are a great many reasons why we have lost in the rural sections in the last ten years. It has not been tea cause there is less labor there than there was 10 years ago nor is it because the tabes has been rewarded to a less degree than it was ten years ago. I believe you will find that men have left the farm for the at Meeting of Ontario city because they have been faced with a splendid isolation for three or four months in the year owing to the very bad roads, and you cannot blame any young man who reels that sometimes he wants to get away from himself and to reach town or some largo centre. Do these young !nett do hatter when they got to town ? No. If we can look into the average life of the men who live in the city, we would find that the man who leaves the farm and goes to the city does not snake ends meet, but he likes to live in the city because he can go up and down the street on a good pavement and he has easy means of transportation. I believe if we make it easier for the man upon the farm to get to his market town or to get to his church or social centre, and if we cut down the time which is re- quired to make the trip we will make farm life more attractive, 1 thitlk it is the consensus of opinion of everybody in this meeting that we want better roads._ When the cost of these better roads is considered, some men hold up their hands in holy horror. Good road■ are expensive, but I contend that bad roads to a country like Ontario are far more expensive. Some of you may have seen an article which appeared in the "Country Gentle- man" last week in which it stated a Com- mission had been appointed by the City of Minneapolis to ascertain tho loss occasion, ed by bad roads In that section of the country. During the year 1011, this Commission interviewed 4,000 farmers who were living within 25 miles of the City of Minneapolis and from the evidence that was given by these 4,000 farmers, they found that there had been a loss to the farmers of that section for that one year of $080,000 by reason of.bad roads. That was made up by breakage and the =eased time required in order to make irips and by the deterioration of the pro- duce that was carried to the market over the rough roads. In addition to that there was the loss to the manufacturers in the City of Minneapolis in taking his pro- duce to the farms, and it was contended by that Commission that the loss within a radius of 26 miles of the City of Minne- apolis in the year I911 amounted to a sum of not less than $1,400,000. What was true 'of that section would be true of On- tario, I believe we, as an Association will not have completed our work until we make it possible for the people of this Country to go from place to place much easier than they can at present. We spoke of the sacrifice that would be required. I wonder what we moan by that ? Men, I believe that until we saeri- fice selfishness upon the altar of the com- mon good, we cannot expect what we are hoping for in connection with good roads. Selfishness of the farmer 1 Yes, he can be selfish too. How often we have talked to farmers about better roads and they say, "I am not interested in it because that road is not going to pass my place" ; bee cause the improvement is not going to be immediately in front of his gate, he is not going to help it along ; he is going to be selfish. The farmer is selfish because he believer alt this agitation is for the bene- fit of the man who has a motor, and he says. "I can afford to pull my team . a little harder just for the sake of seeing the man who has a car stuck in the mud." That selfishness on the part of the farmer has to be sacrificed upon the altar of the common good. The farmer is not alone in the matter of selfishness. We find the motorist is delirious of having the roads improved for what purpose? Wo have been told that they want roads from the American border to Ottawa and from Ot- (Continued on page 5) Amateur Actor—how did you like my Hamlet last night? Critic—Like it? My dear fellow, I can honestly say that in tbe opening ecene of the fourth act you were as go )d as, Forte s•Roberts m. Amateur Actor—But I didn't appear in that scene. Critic—No ; neither does Forbes. Rtoberteon.—Boston Transcript. "BEAUTIFUL HAIR" makes every woman beauti. ful, and all who desire to make the most of their ap- pearance have the opportuni. ty of paying r virit to Prof. Dorenwend of Toronto . who will be at the Brunswick Hotel, WINGHAM, on" - Monday, Apr. 27 With an immense stock of the Latest Fashion* in Hair Goods. A style to suit every individual. "Ladies with Thin Hair" see and have a demonstration of THE DORENWEND TRANSFORMATION. They will give a charm and attractiveness to an otherwise plain face and will assist any woman to keep her youthful appearance. They are superior to all cetera to effeete they produce when edjuetcd, in quality of hair and efficiency of workmanship. "A FREE DEMONSTRATION IS OFFERED TO ALL." 'Wigs, Transformations, Pompadours, Bangs, Fronts, Waves, Switches, Braids, etc. "Gentlemen If You Are Bald" tall cud ase THE DORENWEND SANI. TARY PATENT TOUPEE, which ie perfect protection to the. head. Por natural effete, strength, dtirability, hygienic quelititi, they are unequalled. Sericite tide they will that any bran appear years ybunger. This Toupee is erotected in All countries and may only be put. tinned front MI, Do not fall to call and see theca and remember date. THE DORE.NWENb COY. OP TORONTO, LTD. 7'ho Must of ouflrty Mk Goods 103.1OIi YONGE S 1"', a • w s TORONTO 51� Fire $00 D . LY OBTW tE l'J IWFALO LEVELAN D ' THE GREAT SHIP "SEEANDBEE" Length 500 feet; breadth 90 per, 6 tartlet; 510 staterooms and parlors accommodating 1500 pawn. gger,, Greater in coat—larger in all proportions—richer in all erpoinimenta.,.tban any steamer en inland waters of the world, Ie. vetoes June 15th, Magnificent Steamer." SEEANDBEE. ""City of Erie" and "City of Buffalo" Daily—BUFFALO and CLEVELAND -- May 1st to Dec. Int Leave Dame •. 9:00 P. Df, Leave Cleveland . 9:00 P. 211, Arrive Cleveland • 7130 A. 81, Arrive Buttal) . a . J 7:30 A, M, • (Eaaltcrn Standard Timo) Connectional at elevelaud for Put -in -Ray, Toledo, Detroit and all pointa West andSouthwest, Railroad tteknts reeling between Buffalo and Cleveland aro Food for Irausportallou on our steamers. Ask year ticket assn for tickets via C. & 13. Line. Wnte us for handsome illustrated booklet free. THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO., Cleveland, 0. sr -less a -A Wall Paper Window Shades A straight cut in the prices of New Spring Wall Papers while they last. 'Regular 50 Paper for 10 Regular 7c Paper for 5s Regular 10e Paper for 7, Regular 124e Paper for 9: R'gular 15c Paper for 110 Regular 20e Paper for 15e Regular 25c Paper for 20c Regular 35e Paper for 253 Regular 50c Paper for ....35o Also large stock of WINDOW SHADES. A. Me Knox PHONE 65 OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL AMISSIMIMIMIMMICOMMIMInglarnignaliMIMMIMMUlengneni PI - ere 1116. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Having purchased the wholesale produce business from Gunn's Limited, we feel that we are now in a better position c than ever before, to meet the needs of the farmers and merchants of Western Ontario. We prefer to handle your produce through a merchant, but if he cannot accomodate you, then ring 174, be- cause we are specialists in telling peo- ple what to do with stuff that is good to eat. Wake care of your farm produce, be- cause the time has come when quality will regulate price. We are sorry that you had to carry your produce up stairs so long, but we will use you all the better now, if you come to our - ware- house, situated near the G.T.R. namoammanamonagasmagamomm .►. annanannommetanansannsnamacannnaal iIC e A. H. WILFORDII Wholesale Produce Telephones— Office 174, Residence 108. Successor to Gunn's Limited. aa. f .�, r er. eer•• ta IA* ADVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE IT HAS THE 1CU