HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-04-16, Page 14-. The Wingharn Mvance. 42ND YEAR, NO 32 WTNG'}'IAAM, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 1.6, 1914. supscllQ,ili'Tlit111T $1 ext Pitts Yuan ret Anverv+; t *LW TO Svsetnuessi ut U. 8 Miss Perth Butler Accepts Position as Kindergarten Teacher A regular meeting of the Public School Board was held on Tuesday evening, April 15, all members present but Holmes and Robertson, Dr. Rcdmoud addressed the Board in regard to drinking fountains at the Public School. On motion 'of h- ard and Lloyd the secretary was instructs ed to get cost and report. The Princi- pal's report was read and adopted on mo- tion of trustees Bisbee and Campbell. A number of accouuts were ordered paid. The principal item of business was then proceed with i. e. the selection of a teach- er for the Kindergarten, and on motion of Campbell and Bisbee Miss Perth Butler was engaged at a salary of $400. Miss Perth Butler graduated from the Toronto Normal School' three years ago, and taught Kindergarten work in the city of Stratford for two years, and then owing to ill health gave up her profession for a time. She comes highly recommended and was offered a position in Guelph at $100 more salary, but prefers to live is Wingham with her sister,Mrs. E. B, Walk- er. Miss Butler is a daughter of the late H. T. Butler of Stratford. Business Men's Association. The regular monthly meeting of the ---._ . rvrng'n m Business Men'e Association was held iu 'the Council Chamber on Tuesday morning at 10 a.m., with a ftie attendance and President Wilford in the chair. In the absence of tl e secretary, Mr. A. Cosens, Mr. W. J, Greer acted in that capacity. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The report of the come. mittee which interviewed the town council regarding the symmetry and uniformity in the trimming of trees was given by Dr. R. 0. Redmond. The matter of equal assessment in the town was then discussed. It wits pointed out that those who are assess- ed too high appeal for a lowering of the assessment but those who are assessed too low overlook the matter of appealing, hence it was thought well that there should be a study made of the whole matter of assess- ment and on motion of Spotton acd Elliott a committee of five to be ap- pointed by the President, to go into the whole matter of assessment and report at a future meeting. It was moved by Dr. Redmond and W. A. Campbell that a committee consisting of Messrs. Hewer, King and Greer be appointed to arrange for the Band to play every other Friday night on the Bank of Hamilton corner. --carried. Moved by W. A. Campbell, seconded by J. W. McKibbon that all members be notified by card of the next meeting. sit Obituary. After an illness of several months, t'iere past away at her home in Wing - le an, Agnes Roberteon, wife of Mr. Chris Anderson, in + her sixty-seveht h year, at her home :Albert St. Before coming into WIngham. a few months ago, she lived in Lower � Wingham. The funeral took place to the Wing - ham cemetery on Wednes lay after- noon. Choral Society Concert. The Wingham Choral Society is v' musical entertaiument Ing a grand d m ice in the Wingham Opera House on Fri- day evening, April 17th. The proceeds of this entertainment will go to sure amort the gond work carried on by the Children's Aid Society, and the people of Wingham should keep this date in mind. Personals Easter Visitors—To and From Town. .J. W. Ansley wee home from To- ronto University. Miss Jennie Matheson visited at her home in Tiverton. Will, Haines was home from the Stratford Normal, Mre. Rankin, sen„ of Elora, was in t iwn for a few days. hire, Hayden of Listowel was the guest of Mrs. Me0oo1, Mr. John Ritchie and Mies Mary spent the holidays in Tweed, Mr. Fred. McLean of Toronto visit• ed his brother, J. A, McLean. -480ieee.. Mrs. Ivan Johnston has returned bonne from a visit to Toronto, Mise Florence VanNorman is home front Roaeneath for the vacation. Mies Mettle Breen of Turnberry visited her eieter in Toronto, Mise Laura Rich of London was the guest of the Misses VanNorman. Mies Miriam Wood of Kincardine renewed aequalnta'lees in town. Mies Mabel McDonald of Hamilton is hones daring the school vacation. Editors Elliott snd Spotton left on Wednesday to attend a Printers' Croft clustweettisu lei limonites Colwell Brock was home from Dun- dee, James Jackson of Clinton was in town. Robt, McBurney 'was home from Toronto. Miss Maud Hanna was home from London. J. J, Davie spent the holidays in Wiarton, , Mies Maude Fleuty spent tho holi- days in Guelph. Mrs. John Davidson spent the holt• days in Tor onto.. Miss Taylor of London was the guest of Mise Ethel King. Mre. Dennis Canary is spending the holidays in Hamilton. Mss. Mowat of Acton visited her brother, J. F. Groves. . Walter Haines of Seaforth Suudayed' at his parental home. Miss Viola Isard of Fordwich is home for the vacation. Mrs, 0. P. Smith and Mies Miriam visited Toronto friends. Misses Edna and Bertha Chandler visited friends in Ripley. Mr. J. L E'z, Toronto, was in town for a few days last week. Mrs, Pilgrim of Hamilton visited her aunt, Mrs. Herdsman. Mre. E, Laundy of Blyth visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Roderus. Mr. Janet Holmes spent a few days with her daughter in Guelph. Mr. Irwin Pattison and son. Charlie, were in Toronto for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C G. VanStone of Tc• ronto visited with relatives here. Robs. J. Fleuty, of the Arthur En• terprise, visited at his parental home. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Woods of St Helens spent Sunday at T. L. Jc;bb's. Mies Dunlop of Toronto was a visitor with Miss Bella Robertson, Leopold St. M. and Mrs. W. J. Patterson and Miss Eva visited friends in Brampton. Mr. and Mrs, Law of Harrietsville ,are visiting at the Methodist parson- age. ,Miss Mary McKagne of Toronto visited at her parental home in Turn - berry. Mrs. Herb. Hicks and children have gone to DeLisle, Seek., to spend a few months. Alvin Slater of London was a visitor at the home of bis uncle, Geo. Cart- wright. - Mre. R. Beattie of Alliston is visit- ing her Invents, Mr. and Mre. Geo. McKenzie. Miss Irene VanNorman and Mrs. Thompson went to Barrie for the holidays. • J. 5: Scott of the Dominion ('ircula• tion Ce., Hamilton, was in town on Monday. Mies Lizzie Barbe •, srssionel stenog• rapher, was home from Ottawa for the holidays. Mrs. J. H. Fielding •nf Wiarton is spending a couple of weeks the guest of Mrs, Fleuty. Mre. H. Hamilton and daughter, Mre. A, Campbell, went to Oshawa for the holidays. / Mise Norma VanStone has returned home after spending a couple of months in Toronto. Mise Jennie Bowman of Cobalt, for- merly of Wingham, was the guest of Miss Sadie Davidson. . Hilton Hunter, of the Advance staff, called on friends in Brussels and Lis- towel on Good Friday. Norman Brandon of St. Marys and Brock Brandon of Hanover were at their parental home here. Mre. Carlisle and daughter of Toron- to are visittng the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walker. Misses Ellie Bowers, Hazel Moore, Jean Armour and' Ethel Tipling were home from Stratford Normal, Mee. A. E Simmons and children left on Tuesday for Brandon, Man., where they purpose residing: Misses Dell Mitchell and Annie Fix- ture of Alma College, St. Thomas, visited at their respective homes here. Among those who went to Toronto for the holidays were -Hal. McLean, Irwin Jackson, W, B. Gurney, Milton While, Geo. Schaefer, Ezra Markley and son, Mort, Knox, W. J. Rowson, A, E. Smith. Old Reliable Shoeshine George Moir, while thanking his ouetomere for their past generous sup- port, would solicit their further pat- ronage in the future, You know, new brooms may sweep clean, but new brushes will not give'a greater polish, than you can get for 6e, at The Royal George Shining parlor, just acrose the street from the lrunewiek Motel, Having no repair shop in connection therewith, I need all my old ouetomere and as many new one as will give me a call. Ittlepeotfully, :te eltieibe.. When Jesus Paid. iiis Taxes. The above is the text of our sermon this week as delivered by Rev, Bryon H. Stauffer of Bond Street Church, Toronto, It is worth reading and you will find It on another page. Couldn't Stay Away. Mr. James Stewart, who bas been residing in Toronto for sometime, bas returned to Wingham with his family and will remodel the house which he recently purchased from Mr. H. B. Elliott. Wingham is good enough for Jim and we are glad to welcome him back. Building Operations. Tbie year promises to be an active one in building operations in Wing - ham. Mr. Thos. Field le building a residence on his fine lot and location, corner of Patrick and Shuter. W. J. Boyce is also erecting a house. Edi- tor Elliott is putting an extension to his stone Block and many others are contemplating building. Wing - ham is in sore need of at least fifty new houses and our moneyed men should rise to the occasion and help Wingham grow. Domestic Science Lectures. The demonstration lecture course in cooking which is being conducted here so efficiently. by Mies McKenzie will not meet again owing to the Easter holidays, until Thursday evening, Mar. 10± at 7.30 in the Council Chamber. The subject for this lesson will be cer- eals and cheese, various methods of cooking; their high food value com- pared with other more expensive footle. The subject for Saturday 18th at 2.30 will be made over diahee, for Monday the 20,1 at 2 30, cakes and little cakes, and for Monday the 20th at 7.30 eggs, correct methods of cooking and vari• Miens in methods ; storage -substitut- es for meat. Private Bili Passed. A few weeks ago we bad occasion to refer in these columns to the proposed reorganization of the Canada Furni- ture Manufactures financial affairs and the favorable effect it would have aa to the Corupany's interests here. Ac- cording to a despatch just received from Toronto the Private Bill relating to the Company's affairs came before the Private Bills Committee of the Ontario Legislature on Thursday last and was passed without a dissenting vote. This will mean that the under- writing of the debenture stock is practically assured, and the additional capital derived thereby will enable the Company to not only wipe out exist- ing liabilities but provide sufficient for further improvements and additions when needed. Refers to Former Winghamite. The following is taken from the Gagetown Times and refers to a daughter of Mrs. Potter, er, of Wing - ham :-Mrs. Wm, Rabidue of Alberta, whohas visited fur two weeks .with friends at Bay City and Colwood was a visitor here Tuesday on her way to Wingham, Ont, to visit her mother. Mre. Rabidue while here placed several copies c.f her new song, "Don't Lend Your Easter Hat". This is one of the latest and most npproptlate pieces of music on sale and is meeting with most favorable criticism by the lovers of high clams music. The selection was played for the first time at a local ban- quet here Tuesday by Mr. John Kar- ner and was given a high tribute of appreciatiot,. Mre. Rabidue is a for- mer resident of Gagetown and her many old friends wish her success in her new work. She also has written the words for two more popular songs which are soon to be placed on sale, Death of ,Miss Mary Keith. So soon again has bereavement come to the home of Mrs. Irwin Elliott. As we have to record the demise of her sister, Mary Keith, early Thursday morning, April 2nd., having passed away at the General Hospital in Wingham in her 42nd year. Her ill - nese was of short duration being critical from the beginning. Miss Keith was born near Listowel being the eldest daughter of the late James Keith of Elena Township. Her toot. cher dying when she was but eleven years of age, left her with a great responsibility, and ever since has shown a Motherly Love for the rest of the family:Fewcouldv have shown the bravery and patience with which she bore her sickness and approaching death, showing a strength of character well ripened in faith, believing that her Redeemer liveth and would again raise her to Life Eternal. Two bro- thers and three sisters survive ---Mrs. I. R. Elliott of Wingham, Evelyn' and Mrs. B, Kennedy also of Wingham, Wm, M. of Regina and James of Lis- towel, Friends were present from Preston, Guelph, Listowel, Britton and Blyth. She was a staunch be- liever in the Chrietadelphian Faith. Her Life is hid with Christ in God till Resurection morn, Mrc►, Elliott and Slaters have the eympathy of the community. PUBLIC NOTICE. The Public !stealth Act of 1012 re- quires all premises to be cleared of rubbish and other refuse on or before the let of May, of each year, After that date the S.tnitary Inspector will tweet all premises and delinquents Will be pun1ebed according to law. Ey order of the Board of Health, • J. Ir. GROVES, Stet. Hymeneal, ECI LTEIN ZIMMERMAN A pleasing event took place at the Methodist Parsonage, Saturday morn. ing, April lith, when Mr. John Eck• stein was happily united in matri- mony to Miss Margaret Zimmerman of Zurich, The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. J, W. Hibb?rt. immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left for their home in the township of Hay, HILLLwr.KNETCIILL, A very happy event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Conrad Biebl on Tuesday evening, April 14th, when their daughter, Edna A Knet• chel was united in marriage to Mr. Jas, Ellis Hilbert of London. Th« mystic words which made thein man and wife were spoken by the Rev. J. W. Hibhot t, Tne bride looked charm- ing in her travelling costume of navy blue and was given away by her father, 51r. Biebl. After congratula- tions, the company of friends sat down to a very dainty dinner. The evening Was spent -very pleasantly in music and sc r s �, The 8 , 1h, happy couple are spending their honey -moon in Chicago, Oswego and points West, and will be at home on May 15th. to their many friends, in .London, Oat. All join in the heartiest of congratulations. Smug-SELLEM An event of interest took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Sellers, 3rd line of Mollie, on Wednesday, April Stb, when their daughter, Ethel was united in marriage to Mr. Geo. Bone, also of the 3rd line. Promptly at 3 o'clock the wedding party entered the parlor to the strains of the wed- ding march played by Mre. Oooke, Rev. J. E. Cooke of Bluevale perform - the ceremony. The bride who was given away by her father was daintily attired in a dress of alice blue brocad- ed mousseline with trimmings of shadow lace and crystal banding. She carried a bouquet of white carnations. After congratulations the guests num- bering about forty, repaired to the dining -room, where a tastefully ar- ranged supper was served. Mr. and Mre. Bone received many beautiful and useful presents testifying to their popularity among their friende. The grooms gift to the organist was a set of cot glass salt and pepper and salt cellars with sterlirg tops. They will reside on the third line at present. SINNAMON-McMitera :L. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McMichael, Bluevale, on Wednes- day, April 8th. at 0 o'clock, when their eldest daughter, Ada, was united in marriage to Mr, Hugh Sinnamon. The wedding party took their places in the parlor to tha strain of the wed- ding march, played by Mre. Cooke, while Rev. J E. Cooke spoke the mys- tic words that united two hearts in one. The bride was daintily attired in a dress of white embroidered voile with frilling of Brussels net. After congratnlatione all eat down to a dainty wedding dinner. The gueste included only the immediate friends of the bride. The groom's gift to the bridewas v a e s set Irish oftable linen,an d to the organist a table service of hand painted Nipnn china, The many pres- ents received by the bride, testify to her popularity among her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Siunarnon will reside in Bluevale, where their many friend wish them a long and happy married life. -CM.4- ScientificTetuperancc: The Mission Board of the Women's Christian Temperance Union have en- gaged Miss Bertha McLeod, a graduate of Chicago University, to lecture in the different counties' of Ontario, on the subject of. Scientific Temperance. She will give a public lecture in the PresbyterianChurch, Wingbam, Wed- nesday evening, April 22ad, the meet- ing to commune at eight o'clock. There wall be suitable music provided. The public are cordially invited, and a collection tell be taken at the door. Miss McLeod will also speak to the ,pupils of the Public and Iligh Sehoole in the afternoou. We quote the fol- lowing in regard to her address to the pupils of the IIarrieton Sehool as tak- en frons the Harristcn Review. "Jn connection with the W. 0. T U. and with the approval of the Board of Ldueation, Miss,13. McLeod lectured on S,ientiflc Temperance, before the teachers and pupils in the Public School. She delivered a lecture on habits, their help and hindrance in the race of life, With charts, she showed the dangers and the effects; physical and mental, that cigarettes and alcohol had on the human system, in a very tactful, manner. Miss Mc. Leod drew from the pupils very ire telligent answers and thanked them for the very close alt eni ion they had given to her lecture." TENDERS WANTED. Sealed tenders will he received by tire undersigned up to Saturday, April 25th, at 4 o'clot k p.m., for all exterior painting on Town Hall, two coats, work to be finished by June 15th, the town to furnish pain'. Lowest or any tender not n, o•Ni•arily eerepted. 8288 JOHN F. (iROV11S, Oketk, Independence of Advance Appreciated By Liberal Reader Editor Advance :•-- There is a time honored injunction to the effect that if we have a good word to say of anyone not to wait until he Is dead to say It. Thie prompts me to say that I have been watching the attitude of The Advance on public questions lately with con- siderable interest, and the independent spirit you have exhibited on several occasions has been most refreshing evidence that at least not all the party papers in the province of Ontario, are absolutely bide -bound, I am a Liberal in politics, and, of course, do not ex- pect any Conservative paper to take up the cudgels in defence of Liberal political policies, but I think we all have a right to demand and expect every public journal, whether Grit or Tory, to be honest with itself and ite readers, and to express its honest convictions on matters of public con- cern, and not swallow without ques- tion or protest the policies of these who estensibly at least, direct our public affairs. In my opinion, any further assistance to the Canadian Northern Railway by the ,Dominion government is dead wrong. This country has already made millionaires of Bill MacKenzie and Dan Mann, and it is a notorious fact that the govern- mental attitude toward railway pro- moters in Canada has created more millionaires in this country than exist in railway circles in any other nation on the face of the earth. It is time to stop this kind of thing, and the news- papers of the country, if they are true to the ideals of real journalism will not permit such a course to be continued without strong protest. The big dailies, I'am sorry to observe, have apparently lain down to the big rail- way interests, and are ready to allow MacKenzie and Mann, et al, to take all the people's money they can get hold of. With all their boasted oircu- lations, however, the big city papers are not the great influence among tee public they imagine themselves to be, and if the country weeklies will only do their duty in opposing any further donations to the "interests," these "big fellows" Will soon be forced to finance their propositions on merit and not political pull, We little fel- lows have to do that, and as we are the ones who have to foot the coun- try's tax bills in the long run, what is good for us ought to be good for them, I hope you will keep hatuwering away at this and other similar injustices. Such a course will beget for' your paper a confidence among the people which will be more valuable to you by far than thejplaudits of the "interests." LIBERAL READER. The Editor of the Advance thanks "Liberal Reader" very kindly for his letter of appreciation. It is it most difficult thing to edit a party news- paper. Since time began there was only one man, who could edit a news- paper to suit everyone, and history informs us that he fell out of Noah's Ark and was drowned. We are cer- tainly opposed to Canada building any more railways with her money or her credit, and then presenting them to multi millionaires. In a Toronto daily paper of Satur- day last, notice was given that Sir William MacKenzie, Lady MacKenzie, Count DeLesseps and Countess DeLes- eeps had gone south for a holiday after Sir William's arduous labors at Ottawa, where he with his lobbyists were working overtime to get their arm into the people's treasury, While these people are spending hundreds of dollars daily, which the people of Can• ada have presented to them, the wives of our farmers were remaining at home attending to their manifold duties on the farm, gathering the eggs, churning.the butter, etc. so that these different products could be sold and another present bestowed on Mrs. Mc- Kenzie and Countess DeLesseps ; the ladies in our towns and villages were at the same time making dad's clothes over for Johnny in order to pay tri- bute to people "who toil not, neither do they spin." Conservative Daily papers are busy telling us that the people will be emin- ently satisfied with whatever deal' is m' de. Of course, we do know that no matter what raw deal is put over on the people the Conservative dailies will say, it is all for our own good, and hide bound partisans will believe them. For months the Government under pretense of getting more infor- mation has been educating the people through the great dailies, so that the people will have become so fami• liar with forty millions that it will ap- pear when the deal is closed that it is just a mere bagatelle. Vice is a monster of so frightful mien r As to be hated needs but to be seen, Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, We first endure, then pity, then em brace. The people of Canada have for so long been slaves to the railroads, fin- ancial corporations, etc., that they have just come to the conclusion, that they have no right ,to speak in their own defence. It is no answer to say that the Leerier Administration did the same. Two wrongs do not make a right. It is time the common people made a study of Government, for the time is soon coming when there will he Direct Taxation. Then, they will begin to study when it is too late, Mr. W. A. Currie Is Appointed Technical Examiner Word has been received here from the Pros incial Secretary's Department. that Councillor W. A. Currie has been appointed in and for t' e di t 'et of Wingham, as technical examiner of all those in this district who are appli• cants for a chit offer's. license, Candi- dates will be examined as to character, physical &nese, ability to drive, and knowledge of the rules of the road. As Mr. Currie is a man thoroughly con- versant with motor vehicles, a mech- anical expert, and a driver himselr, the appointment is considered an t x- cellent one. The technical examiner must not be connected with the sale of any particular cars. Every applicant pays an examination fee of $1. If i is of any assistance to our readers we will publish in full next week the na- ture of the examination. t .ocai Iltenzs -1 We regret to announce the death of Solomon Hughes, of 243 Cornwall road, North Kensington, who passed away on the 13th inst. with double pneumonia after a ,bort illness. Ile was well known in the neighborhood, h svirg been in business tbero for over 30 yeers. Over 40 wreaths were re- ceived from well-known people in the district. The funeral took place at Kensalt Green last Monday. The above deceased is a brother of Albert Hughes of Wingbam Jct. The Ad• vance extends sympathy to the be- reaved. r _ n+• Greyhound Excursion. For many years the people of Wing - barn and vicinity have patronized largely and appreciated greatly the excursions nn the Greyhound from Goderich to Detroit. This year there will he a Greyhound excursion leaving Goderich at 0 30 a, no., Friday, June 12th, and arriving in Detroit at five, Returning, will leave Detroit at 1 p m Monday, June 15th, and arriving in Goderich at 0. This will make an excellent outing leaving a three days visit in the beautiful City of Detroit Further announcements will be tnade BIR'tltd T,x'1Pt'.0IR-At Mettler,' Mien, Marsh 27th to Mr. and Mtes. Milton Taylor, a son. Church 'neves wwvw�iw.sww✓ w Regular will be held in the Methodist Church next Sunday, morn- ing and evening. Pastor will preach at both services. The Easter services in the Methodist Church were largely attended. The pastor spoke in the morning on Rev. 1 :17, revealing the Christ who lived in Palestine, his vicarious sacrifice and his wonderful resurrection. The even- ing subject was "Blessings through His resurrection." The musical service was conducted by the choir and was much appreciated. The Easter services in St. Paul's church were bright and interesting, and were well attended There were a large number of communicants. Appropriate sermons were given by the rector, Rev. E. H. Croly. Special music was rendered, and the choir maintained its reputation for excellent music. In the afternoon a special ser vice was held for the children, and an interesting address delivered by the rector. The large choir of S. S. pupils excelled themselves in the musical s-lectione. Mr. F. Hinkley's cornet solo and accompaniments added great• ly to the musicetl numbers, The annual Faster Vestry meeting o' St. Paul's church was held on Mon- day evening, and adjourned till next Monday. A report of the proceedings will be given in the next issue." Special Easter services were held in the Presbyterian Church last Sabbath. Rev. David Perris took as his text, frotn which he preached a very appropriate sermon In the morning, John 20: 20, "Jesus saith 'unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast belicvd : blessed are they that have not seen and yet have ' believed." The church was beautifully decorated with Baster lilies. In the even- ing the sermon was from John 20:10, "Then at the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut, where the disciples were as- sembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in their midst and saith unto them, Peace be unto you." The choir rendered special Easter music. Hospital Concert. A grand concert will be given in aid of the Hospital in the Town Ilttli, Tuesday evening April 21st. Plan of hall is at McKibbon', drug store. It is under the auspices of the Ladies ultilta WINIIHAM M,r►RInTS. Wheat $ 100 $ 100 , Barley 40 40 Oats 52 62 Peas....,...,.,,.,, „ 00 90 Buckwheat 75 75 Beane ,,,.,,,,.•..,..,,, 1 80 200 Potatoes GO iib 00 Straw (bundled) 10 00 12 00 Bran,,,..., ... . ........ 25 25 Shorts 20 20 Flour 2 70 3 10 Butter, roll 22 Butter, prints 25 E8ge 17 gs 90 Ho 060 700 Sheep (live) 4 12 4 GO ('hickenedressed).,,,,, 13 Fowl (live) 11 Fowl (dressed) 12 Ducks(live) 11 Ducks (dressed) 12 Geese (live).. , , .. 12 Geese (dressed) 14 Turkeys (live) 17 Turkeys (dressed 18 Few Russians Wear Hata. The male population of Russia wear- ing hats is in the great minority as compared with the vast number who purchase the Russian cap. The Ben- sons are practically winter awl sum- mer, mer, so that the transition from the cloth cap is to one of fur, the straw hat coming In for slight attention dur- ing a brief period in midsummer. The student class, which aggregates many thousands. and the official class, which is still more numerous, with those in the city who wear a uniform cap with an official or semiofficial cockade, con- stitute a vast army of people who do not wear hats. Measuring Him. Wife -James, do you know that you are a very small man? Husband -How ridiculous! I am nearly six feet in height. Wife -That makes uo differ- ence. Whenever I ask you for money to go shopping you are always short. - London Tit -Bits. - _ Seeure a copy of the new song "Don't lend your Easter hat," at D. Bell's music store. 32-38. Fon SALE. --Pure Bred Barred Ply. mouth Rock Eggs from splendid win- ter layers, 15 eggs for 50e. -Albert Hughes, Wingham Jct., R. R. No. 4. WANTED. -- Gond dwelling house with seven or eight rooms. Must have good location and modern egniprnents. For further particulars apply at Ad- vance Office. Fon SALE. -Peninsular Cnok stove and pipes, $12 60 ; Bureau Trunk and odds and endo. --Wilson, Catherine St, FOR SAL -u. - Gond driving horse, five years old. Apply at the Advance office. 31tf. Folz SALE -(privately) household goods, including chairs, tables, couch, piano, small ware, booke, etc. Going west, Also 7 white Wyandotte puts lets, great layers. Wilson, Catherine Don't forget the concert to begiven under the auspices of the Ladies' Aux- illiary of the Wingham General Hospi- tal on Tuesday April 21st. Remember the date of the concert in aid of the Wingham General Hospital, April 2Ist. 1 am prepared to do all kinds of plain sewing at reasonable prices. Mrs, J, E. Wright, in the old steam laundi y, the Carson Block. WANTED. -A good girl for general housework. Apply to Mrs. Wm, , tintoul Leopold phone15 I L o old St• l Wingham, Ont. tf Jae. Walker .Sc Son are prepared to do all kinds of re -upholstering and furniture mending. For Wall and Window Shades go to Knox's. Reduced prices in Wall Paper and Window Shades at Knox's. We have some very choice seed oats for sale, -Howson & Brocklehank. For the newest designs in Spring Wall Paper go to Knox's. WANTED. -Gond General Servant, no washing. Apply to Mrs, J. A. Mc- Lean. t. f, WORK. WANTED -Any one wishing washing or other work done kindly apply to Mrs. F. Wilson, Lower Wing - ham, opposite Mr. Phippen's. PURE SEED.—The best seed obtainable, selected for purity, large bright colorco seed, specially regcleaned. Red Clover, Mammoth Red Clover, Alsike Clover, Al, falfa, Timothy, Buy now, Don't wait,— KING BROS, Seeds are cash, 291f. FOR SALE -A young Jersey cow, 4 years old. Coming its this month. John Agnew, Wingham. Foit SALE. -•1 light double wagons with or without tops. 1 dray and 2 hnb sleighs. Apply to -Wm. Davies Co. Ltd., Wioghatu. WANTED -61 wanted yet. Have makers on now, want0 more to fill up machines, -W. D. Pringle. Fon SALE :-A quantity of good hay and straw for sale. Apply to D. Mc- phereou Phone -13. Bargains in Wall Paper and Win- dow Shades at Knox's Clearing Sale. FOR SALE. -We have a car of corn for sale at the G. T. R. station. -Tip. ling & Mills, Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. J. A. FOX, D. 0.graduate Chiro• praetor. Chiropractic ie sncnessful in anoh difiionis eases as Insanity, Epilepsy, Asthma, Rheumatism, Headaohes. Con- stipation, Female Trouble and all Chro• oto Stomanh. Liver and Bnwel trentee Oflioa iu R. Enoe's house. Entrance per Presbyterian ohuroh walk. Phone 191, Hours, 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p. m, Get Parriel's Bread at Christie's. I+'irat claire baled liay end straw al- ways on hand,-Tipling & Mille, Bracelet Watches from $3 to $50 at Patterson's Jewelery Store. We are prepared to pay the highest price for all kinds of grain delivered at aur warehouse itt Grand Trunk Sta. tion.---Tipling and Mille. Do You Feel Worn Out? Feel as though you could hardly go? O These are symptoms of sluggish blood ; blood that Is not circulating right. Have you pimples or boils? They are the result of the blood failing to do ite duty of carrying away waste material from the cells. If you have any of the above complaints do not suffer. Try a bottle of- Rexall Sarsaparilla Tonic ? We know what it will do. We have seen the results. It is not a specific but'it is the nearest specific we know of, for Skin and Blood diseases, A dollar buys a large bottle. J. W. McKibbon DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN ?he rli.' . t Nero Eyesight tested Free, Glasses fitted and satisfaction guaranteed, A Quintette of Beauties • 7Ft Pumps and low ties are worn by all discriminating women, these exclusive designs are made by the " Empress " Shoe- maker and are absolutely new. We carry a complete rangy of " Empress " Shoes. W. J. GREER SOLE AGENT GENUINE D. L. & W. Scranton Coal All sizes, prompt delivery B. C. SHINGLES Best grade xxx 95o per bunch xxxx $1.00 per bunch xxxxx $1,05 per bunoh Dry oodar kindling ;2.00 per cord Dry Hard wood $3.00 per cord Dry 4 ft. Hard wool $4.00 cord 1 J. A. McLean 1 Lumber, Coal and Wood I ISM sissettttrstr mast as i itwwastsw JOHNSTON'S PRESSING PARLORS Pressing, Dry Cleaning and Altering promptly attended to SUITS CALLED FOR AND RETURNED Shop one door north of Patterson, jewelry store We dont experitomBeateent r ."we know Insstow ewwwmow wear eereeoeommo THE TWO BEST SHOES :bad our ad. en lett page. WILLIS W CO.