The Wingham Advance, 1914-04-09, Page 8TRE WING AM ADVANCE
For 14 seasons we have been selling
20th Century glade to measure gar-
ments, and now we are into the 15th
season which promises to give us
increased business.
There are reasons for this : ,We have
had entire satisfaction, our customers
have had that same satisfaction, anp
we know of no better make of clothes
made in Canada to -day.
The Spring samples for Suits and
Overcoats are here, waiting for your
inspection. Satisfaction guaranteed.
The Clothier
MacDonald Block. Opp. Bank of Commerce.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams and family
moved to London last week,
Theebed is open again to the public.
With`tbe new shed being built, there
will be awpla accomodation for the
Friday night of last week a number
of young people gathered at the home
of Mies Cora Williamson for a social
evening, whichwas pleaeantly epent
in games and gong. After lunch an
address was read by Will Bridges and
Mies Bella Ferguson, and Mise Maggie
Wigittruan was presented with a beau
tiful gold bowl fruit spoon.
Dear Maggie ;—We meet here this.
evening to express our regret at your
removal from our midst. We have al-
vays found you is true friend and a1 -
Ways ready to take part in our sports
.nd social gatherings, Your new
home will bring you new f'4ends and
different surroundings, but we assure
you your old friends will not forget
you, and as a slight token of our es-
teem, we ask you to accept this fruit
spoon and tenet that when you use it,
you will remember the old friends
*round the corner, Signed—Will
Brydges, Cora Williamson, Will Btan•
ion, Lyle Brydges.
►lies Wightman made a very suitable
reply, thunking them one and all for
their- beautiful gift.
Minutes of Council meeting held
March 30th 1914. Minutes of last
.ueettng were read and adopted on
,notion of Messrs Wheeler and McBur-
If- Pure Seeds
Be sure and see our Seeds before
buying. We are sure you will
buy ours when you .see them and
know our prices. Nothing but the
Mrs. J, Steinmiller and Mre, Ja
Arreetropg were calling on friends its
Wroxeter on Saturday,
Mrs, Edwin. Sperling after spending
the winter with her two daughters hoe
returned to her Dome.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Wylie and Mrs,
Jas. Armstrong were visiting at the
manse, Fordwick on Monday.
The March meeting of the I.,adiee'
Aid of the P, esbyterian Church wag
held at the home of Mrs, Il ugh Eiger
on Thursday,
Mr. W, J. Gamble bas sold his farm
on the 4th eon. to Mr, Robt. Lathers.
Mr. Gamble does not give possession
for some months:
a Tenders for the To. printing for 1914
were then considered,tbatof the Times
vas accepted on motion of Messrs
Rutherford and Adair. It being the
Wheeler — McBurney -- That the
batter from Mr. Dudley 13olmes re Ber-
ner claim be !lied.
McBurney—Adair—That a grant of
$N soon given as requi ed for thenewo al
be di
Adair—Rutherford -- That Bylaws
No. 5, 0, and 7 be passed appointing
:be following officers.
Fence -viewers — W. H. Mundell,
£hos. Aitkens. W. S. King, T Haugh,
S Vanstoue, J. E. Nichol, J. Lovell,
Er. Wright jr., E. Orvis, R. Lamborn.
Poundkeepers — R. McKague, A.
Findlater, J. Scott, El. Tucker, A Gem.
mill, J. Kirton, P. S. McEwen, F. W.
Wright sr., E.:Orvis, J. Williamson, J.
Mundell, W, 11. Elliott.
Pathruasters—A. Findlater, R, Jef•
fray, W. H. Mandel, H. Cameron, J.
Little, D Holmes, AStapleton, H God -
kin jr., J Tervit, D Marshall R Stokes,
J Weir, W 5 Mitchell, T James, G
Oasemore, J E Howutb, 5 Woods, A
Porgies A Hastings, T Gilmour, F Car-
ruthers, A Wheelans, A E Homutb,
M Willits, J Wray, P McDougall, J
t'uweet, I Wright, H Timm, S King,
W Holmes, P McEwen, J McNaugh-
ton, F Wright jr., R Hupfer, J Hislop.
J McEwen sr., P Scott., D Moffat, R
Black, P King, H Diment, E Jenkins,
J T Lennox, J R McKenzie, G Sim-
mons, G Gannett, D McNaughton, R
Hogg, G Walker, H Merkiey, J Lane,
A Gemini% H Muir, W Leckie, J Mof.
W. T. P.— J Ansley, J Reid, G Phip-
pen. T Hart, W Bolt, R Campbell.
Bluevale—Robt. Musgrove.
Rutherford—Adair -- That By-law
No 8 be passed to borrow money from
the Bank of Hamilton for current ex-
penditure until taxes are collected,
The following accounts were passed
and cheques iesusd :—
F Gutteridge balance of account.
$16; Municipal World notices and
subscription, $8; T James work on
mink bole, $1091 20; W J Campbell
insp. sink hole, $18; Roy Adair spikes
and balance of contract. $7; D Fortune
lumber Woods bridge, $44.85: A Shaw
settlement ,Morris bdg., $I0.30 ; G
Spotton payment on contract, $20;
Mre. J Black error in assessment, $2,-
Wheeler — McBurney — That the
next meeting be held Monday, May
4th 1914 at 10 a.m.
P. PoweIt, Clerk.
Having purchased the grocery business con-
ducted by Mr. E. B. Hart, I invite all his old cus-
tomers and ail other citizens to a trial. New
groceries of the best quality always on hand. Watch
this space for announcements from week to week.
Fruits and Vegetables in season.
Henry T. Thompson
Successor to E. B. Hart
That Fit rr.
Our expert cutter and designer, Mr. A.
E. Lewin, has had wide experience, con-
we can guarantee fit and work-
Old clothes made new by our pressing
and cleaning process.
Ladies' tailoring a specialty.
Wive us a trial.
Maley Jean Armstrong who spent
the past four weeks with her grand-
parents, Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong
returned to her home in Lucknow on
Monday last.
Mr. Ormhton from Teeswater has
been selling off a stock of boots and
shoes in the store. Porth of the Drug
Store, owned by Mc, J. R. Williams,
There is some talk of him putting in a
stock of dry goods and groceries in the
near future.
Mr. Jno, Hamilton, er„ died at his
borne on Thursday evening last, after
a short illness. His remains were tak-
en to Lakelet on Saturday afternoon
for burial, Rev. M. Rivers, his pastor.
held a short service at the house. Mr.
Hamilton leaves a wife and grown up
family to mourn the Ioss of a husband
and father,
Miss Fleuty of \Vingham was over
on Friday in the interests of the Ladies'
True Blue Society. A meeting had
been called for that evening, but owing
to the other meetings that evening
there was not enough turned out to
organize, and the interests of the
society is left in the hands of some of
the Orangemen. Mrs. Elliott of Wing-
ham accompanied Mies Fleuty.
Our streets are now fairly well light-
ed with the incaudeecent lighter, and
they make the streets look very nice. i
Of course the streets could do with
more of them, but being without them
for a few weeks makes Ile appreciate
Dr. Copeland, Grand Master of the
LO 0.11'. will visit the lodge here,
Tuesday evening, April 7th, There
will be representatives from the
various lodges in the district. The
degree team of the local lodge will con-
fer the first degree..
TnultsDAy' A1'x1L 9, 1 914
The Ladies' Aid met at Mre. Allan
Fralick's last Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Hoperaft of Wroxeter
called on itfr, and Mre. Win. Abram,
last Sunday.
A number of the farmers in this
neighborhood have had the circular
saw cutting wood lately.
A number from here attended the
funeral of the late Mr, Ed. Bryans
near Jamestown last Wednesday,
There will be a meeting in the
Church here Thursday evening for the
purpose of organizing the S. S. for the
coming summer.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 11, Besse entertain-
ed the teachers and officers of the Me-
thodist Sunday School Friday even-
ing. Mr, Biese has held the of-
fice of superintendent of this school
for six years and his services are high-
ly appreciated, The school has had
en excellent stall of officers with
an average attendance of 98 scholars.
St. ljelens.
)Miss Lizzie Anderson is spending a
few days at her home.
Mrs. Thos. Phillips returned h'onpe
from Listowel last Friday.
Mies Thompson spent Sunday with
her friend, Miss Pearl Todd.
The Women's missionary meeting
will be held in Bluevale Church on
April 14th. A full attendance is ex-
Mrs. Finlay of Harrieton and Miss
B. Jamieson of New York City are
spending a few days at Mr. P. M.
King's and with friends of Wingham.
The monthly meeting of the Wom
en's Institute will be held at the home
of Mrs, J. W. King on Thursday.
April 9th, at 2 o'clock. Good papers
are being prepared. A full attendance
of the members is requested as there le
important business for this meeting.
All ladies of the community are cor-
dially invited.
Last Monday evening the members
of the Methodist choir assembled at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milt Smith
.end presented Miss Ada McMichael, a
valued member, with a kitchen show-
er, previous to her marriage on Wed,
April 8th. Many useful articles were
received and all report an enjoyable
Wm. Siemon is assisting in the new
store here.
H. Gorsalitz sold a full two-year-old
colt to Menztee' Bros,
Chan, Seel is on the sick list these
days suffering from sciatica.
A. McDonald had an auction sale of
farne stook and Implements on Friday
Mrs. Purvis of Toronto spent a few
days with her husband, who has
charge of the store lately owned by A.
Miss Doyeli spent the week end at
her home in Wingham.
Mr. John Stewart er., who has been
is able to be out again.
Mre. Harrison who has been ill for
the past week is stili vary low.
Mrs. Egleson Visited with Mrs. Geo.
Allan ill Wroxeter on Thursday last.
Mre. J. Armstrong spent a few days
With her ton, J'. Garnet in Lucknaw
last week.
Mr. Leo Kelly has engaged with Mr.
John Gibbons for the summer months,
Mr. Cecil Orchard has engaged with
Mr, Edward Haines for the summer.
Mrs. Geo. McRoberts is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Robt, Haines for a few
Mr. Chas. Bush who has been away
in Vancouver for a couple of years is
back in this locality again. Charley
looks fine and we welcome him back
Mies Pearl Payn is visiting friends
at Blyth.
Mr. Syks left Wednesday last for
Farrier, Ashfield Tp.
Miss May Smith and Mies Maggie
Ireland visited Mrs, H. Pollock last
Dr. Field of Owen Sound attended
the funeral of his father-in-law, Mr.
Ed. Bryans, last Wednesday.
Dr. W. Bryan of Carmangay, Alta.,
arrived home in time for his father's
funeral, but too late to see him alive,
Mr. Robt. Shaw of Bluevale preach-
ed in the Hall on Sunday night. He
has been engaged to officiate next
Sunday night.
It is reported that Mr. Norman Mc-
Cloud of Ripley has purchased one of
Mr. Samuel Butke's farm. We wel-
come Mr, and Mre. McCloud to our
midst. Mrs. McCloud is a daughter of
Mr. Burke.
Mrs, Bernice Payn' is home again
after a three week's visit at Blyth,
with her sister, Mrs, Chas. Roadhouse,
who bas been very sick. She was a
great deal better when Mrs. Payn
Mr. Barry and Emma Woods visit -
$15 weekly to one pereon Ip each
13eatity taking orders for Out Rate
groceries, Redpatbe beet Granulated
sugar, 4 cents pound, 8 bars Comfort,
Sunlight or Surprise soap. 25 cente.
Outfit free. National Supply Co.,
Windsor, Oot,
Busiest Man to Culross•
Mr, Win. Vase, who for several years
nee been a popular councillor for the
township of Culross, and who owns
and works the ee hundred acres of land,
has purchaeen the flour mill in in
Teeswater. This mill has done auc-
casefut busineas under the late W. It,
Thompson apd the Thompson Estate.
Between farming, municipal matters
and milling industry, .Mr. Case will
have an outlet for his btteipes energise,
of which he has abundant supply, and
will wake him the man in Culross.
Work of Choral Society.
The object of the. Wingham Choral
society is to gain and spread the knew -
ledge of music, The young people are
taught the rlifieretlt forms and styles
of the past and prevent ages. The
work of this society is purely educa-
tional and already over seventy-five
children are being taught. Last year
the Choral Society bad a surplus of
ed at Mr, Dan. Martin's the other day. 1$35'00 which they gave to the Child -
Mrs. E. Purvis is spending a few
Jaye with her mother, Mrs, Jas.
1IMr. Wm, J. Irwin and bis aunt,
Mrs. Geo. Campbell, spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. Jno, Durnin.
Miss Luella Shaw is spenping her
E ister vacation at home. That new
driver will have to go a little farther
We are pleased to report Mr, Sam.
Durnin who was seriously hurt at the
saw mill last week is improvidg as
well as his many friends would wish.
Mr. Walter Webb intends holding
an auction sale of farm stock and im-
plements on Saturday, April 11tb.
Mr. Webb intends moving to Luck -
now, as he has rented his farm to Mr..
H. Phillips.
Jas. Ramage left Whitechurch with
a carload of stock, etc., for Asquith
Seek , on Tuesday, Mrs, Ramage
does not leave for another week or
so. We wish them success on their
While assisting a neighbor at a saw-
ing bee with a circular saw,.Mr. Wm.
McQuillan, got his leg badly bpi t, be-
ing caught by a log that was being tendance on Saturday the 4th, and all
skidded.' We hope he will soon be were weliplecsedwith the instructions
able to go around again, received.
EonN—In Blyth on April 3rd, to Mr.
and Mrs. 0, Hooper, a son.
Mr. Henry Honey has been appoint-
ed foreman in W, F. Vanetone's saw
.Mre. Anderson and daughter Liola
of Romeo, Mich„ are visitors at the
home of Mr, and Mre. Joeeph Stothers
this week.
11r. Geo. Jackson of Morris, brother
of Wm. Jackson of town is confined
to his bed, with little hope of re-
Mr. Frank Metcalfe has been con
fined to his bed for a few days this
week. Hie friends hope to see him on
the street soon,
Miss A. Gillespie of town won the
first prize a $100 upright piano in the
Wingham Advance Contest, and is
receiving the congratulations of her
The Mistos Little of Toronto, form-
erly of \Vinghane are coating to town
this week and will conduct a millinery
business in the store, .recently vacated
by Frank Metcalfe,
Holy Communion service will he
held in Trtinty Cherish, Baster morn-
ing at 8 o'clock, at Auburn 10 $0 a.m.
and at Belgrave et 2.80 p,ni, Rev.
Farr will have charge of all the ap-
Mr. A. Wilford of Wingham was in
town on business Monday. Ilia many
friends will be pleased to hear of his
new business venture, and will wish
hito every success. Ab le a J31yth boy
and is stirs to Maks good*
ren's Aid Society, This year they are
in need of more money to sustain and
propagate the good work in a h'cb
they are engaged and they confidently
anticipate that the good people of
Wingham will support them to this
Work, by attending their grand music-
al entertainment to be given in the
Wingham Opera House on Fiiday
April 17th.
Domestic Science Lectures.
The demonstration lecture course in
cooking which ie being conducted here
so efficiently by Mies MacKenzie. will
not meet again owing to the Easter
holidsye. until Thursday evening, Mar
16th at7.30 in the Council Chamber.
The subject for this lesson will be cer-
eals and cheese, various methods of
cooking; their high food valuecom•
pared with other more expensive foods.
The subject for Saturday 18th at 2 30
will he made -over dishes, for Monday
the 20th at 2 30, cakes and little cakes,
and for Monday the 20th at 7 30 eggs
cermet methods of cooking and vari-
ations in methods; storage—substitut-
es for meat.
These classes are being well attended
and much interest is taken in the les-
sons. The Women's Institute are well
pleased with their suceess along this
line, and feel that their efforts in get.
ting a class organized have beam amp-
ly rewarded, Over fifty were in at -
Card of Thanks.
Miss Alice Gillespie of Blyth wishes
to thank bet many friends, who so
nobly assisted her in winning the piano,
being the first prize in the recent Ads
vanee Contest,
Farm Implement Delivery.
Mr. J. J. Fryfoggle, the energetic
salesman for the Cockshutt Plow Co.,
held a delivery here on Saturday,
April 4th, There were forty rigs in
the procession, headed by the Wing -
ham Citizens' and, and there were
twenty other teams that were unable
to come to town for their implements,
Mr. W. J. Rowe, of Wroxeter, the
dietrict manager was here assisting.
Grand Hospital Concert.
On Tuesday, April 21st, a grand con-
cert under the auspices of the Ladies'
Auxilliary of the Wingham[ General
Hospital will be given in•the Opera
House, The program will be entirely
of local talent and the proceeds will
be used in aid of the hospital, This
will be an excellent opportunity for all
wishing to .contribute something in
the maintenance of this humane insti-
tution. Further announcement will be
given nest week.
Salvation Army Concert.
The best local talent available
among the citizens of Wingham will
give a concert in the town hall, to-
morrow, Friday evening, under the
auspices of the Salvation A rmy. The
admission fee is only ten and fifteen
cents. and no doubt there will be a full
house as the money goes towards the
expenses of the local corps. The Sal-
vation Army has done a great work in
Wingham, as well as elsewhere, and
deserves the support of all citizens in-
te,eited in the moral progress of the
Echoes of Contest.
Owing to the hundreds of new sub-
scribers which we added during our
recent contest, and the large number
of renewals, we have not had our
mailing list corrected to date, but will
do so in the near future. The Advance
takes this opportunity of thanking all
who in any way assisted in making
our campaign for new subscribers such
a grand success. In this we wish to
include Jas. Walker & Son who so
kindly loaned us their excellent show
windows for exhibiting our piano.
Temperance Convention.
A very large crowd from all parts of
the county assembled at the Temper-
ance Convention, which met in Clinton
on Tuesday of this week. A complete
organization for the enforcement of
the Scott Act in the County of Huron
was,arranged. There were only three
applicants for the position of Field
Secretary, one from Berlin, one from
Seaforth and the Rev. R. G. Powell of
Exeter. Provincial Officer Phippen
was requested to allow hie name to go
before the convention; but flatly re-
fused. Rev. E. G. Powell of Exeter
received the appointment at a salary
of $1500 and travelling expenses. It
will be his duty to organize the whole
county eo'that strict enforcement may
be secured. Complaints of infractions
of the Act will be received by Mr
Powell and then handed over to Mr.
Phippen for investigation and prose-
cution. Mr, Phippen's duties will
extend over the whole county, and his
remuneration for same will be arrang-
ed later. This fearless officer was
termed "The terror of wrong doere."
Next week we hope to give a fuller
account of this convention.
Departmental Exams.
The Education Department made
some important announcements con-
cerning the holding of the annual De-
partmental Examinations for ' 1914.
The junior bigb school entrance will
he written on Wednesday, Thursday,
and Friday, June 17. 18, 10, at usual
provincial centree. Applicants must
notify the inspector before April 15,
The junior public school graduation
examination occurs in the same week
and the same application restriction
applies here. The senior public school
graduation, senior high school en-
trance, model entrance examinations,
as well as those of the lower school
faculty of education and normal en-
trance are held in the week commenc-
ing Monday, June 8. The applications
may be in by May 1st. The honor and
matriculation and upper school faculty
entrance examinations begin on Thurs-
day June 11, with the middle school
normal entrance papers starting June
22nd. applications to be in by May 15,
On Tuesday, August 38, the model
schools will open and a few weeks lat•
er on, Septentber 1, the normal classes
enroll. This later date is three weeks
earlier than usual and applications for
model schools must be in the deputy
minister's hands before Aug. 15 and 20,
Wingham Novelty Store
Is THE store to get beet values for your money,
Thread, 1 dor. spools 45c
Box Candy, second to 'tone. Homemade
Caddy a specialty.
Opposite Presbyteriati Uttlrcfi
Misses Carson & Pyke
The Queen Quality Shoe Co. of
Boston, and
W. N. Willis & Co.
Extend to their customers In Wingham and vicinity
Store closed on Friday of this week,
being Good Friday.
Open Thursday until 10.30 p. m.
Sole Agents
For The
In stylish Suits, Smart
Coats, Waists, Silk Waists,
Fancy Materials, _ Neck
Frillings and Perculine,
Fancy Collars. . .
Phone yo,