The Wingham Advance, 1914-04-09, Page 6)S� Box 127 v az A, loors SplCand A WELL, painted floor is a sanitary floor- ., easy to keep clean. and bright, Floor paint has to stand the scuff and wear -and stay fresh and bright under all kinds ,of kicks and rough usage The best Floor Paint for; :a11 -around satisfaction is The Old Reliable SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT It keeps thousands and thousands of floors spit and span with its freshness and newness and cheery brightness. SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT is really the cheapest, too, because it covers more surface- and wears longer than y other, We have SENOUR'S FLOORPAINT in 14 colors-suitablefor every., floor you want to paint. 19 & VARNISHES AAE & TBQMPSON L1311 611 COAL Any dealers who say 1 am not selling the Genuine Lehigh Hard Coal, either do not know what they are talking about or else they ,are not honest. In confirmation of this I hold a certificate in [ny possession. I also sell the Free Burning Connell Anthracite, Cannell and Steam Coal, Wood and Kind- ling. Full weight. Prices tight. R.3. Ganfeion TRY US . FOR . • Groceries • Flour an meed' Vegetable Seeds Mower Seeds Seed Pr ;kg, etc: Pieitlpt Delivery.• Saone8Z:, BELL'S 6rizoC1RV Successor \'\!';i1,Al' q ! ' 11 ) SYNOPSIS • OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND' REGULATIONS • mom sole head of afamily, or any male 'Wirer 18 years old. may homestead a quarter. i section of.avallablo Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatebewau or Alberta, Tho appli- cant genal appear in person at the Dominion Lands' Agency or Sub -Amoy for the district. 'Entry by proxy may be made at the office of q any Local Agent of. Dominion Lands (not sub- ) agent) on certain conditions, (((1 Duties -Bir mouths' residence upon and cul- (, Lavation of the land in oaoh of three years.- A fA homesteader may 1Ivo.;within.nine ,Aules of. his ( homestead nn a farm of at Ieaet 80 sores on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- quited in every case,.oxeepl when residence is performed its• the vloinity, ' • In certain districts a homesteader in good ,yak standing may, pre�om.ptaquarter-section•along- aide his onestead. Prlce $0 per Were. Duties -Six months' residence in each of six years •� from date of homestead entry (including the ) `ti otetutred.to Darn homestead patent) and. 00 acres extra cultivation. The area of culti- t vation is subject to.reduction in case of rough, t scrubby or stony land. after report by Heme- t stead Inspector on appiication for patent. , , A homesteader 'Who 1 ar exhausted his home- ' stead right and cannot, o'itain a pre-emption may take a purchased homested in certain .i districts. Prion $3 00'per acre. Duties, -Must 1 reside six months in each of three years, -cunt. t. veto fifty acres•and erect abouse worth $300. • W. W. CORY,.• • ., Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, NA-Unauthorizod.publioation of this ad:- . vertisement will not be paid for. r,a maxrmaaner. iamaiassrraoe.ar , Farms For Sale 1 200 acres, large brick house, 2 bank barns, one mile south of Gerrie, good stock and grain farm, 35 Acres of bush. 100 acre farm in Minto Tp., 7 miles from Harriston, 7 utiles from Paim• eraton ; school, church and store con- venient, good buildings. A snap at $5,000. For full particulars for these farms, apply to • - PHILIP 7ARDING, OiiffordrOnt, .' mai t. fir. Geo.:- w, or ishel# to announce to t$e itizens fo W. J. Patterson of Wingham that he is Ill the old --a,da.-, t �. ! stand to stay. Shoe Shining • and Dyeing. 'OVEit AS YEARS' 1 EXPERIENCE. Tit/6e '11►lAlafttat'" `.. DEISiGNS CeeenieNtS &C. Alt 0nd'earling it sketch and necm•iation need ottleh)y aeeertaln unr opinion free whether an 1,tventlon U.Prohnhly of ntnble. Cotnrnunica- trons strictly ronfdenttnt. �{INO800K- on Parente sent Tree. Nowt nttoncy for securinx atoms. Yatente tahcn through Munn Is co. meet's sacrist notice, without charge, iuthe Scientific Jimeiicaw. A, hand'onrely Illnr,trate,l weeklq. Lnrcest eft (alai en or null selenttfio Sonrnal. Terns for $3:;.Yranadti $�a seat, poStaOo piepald. Sold by all. stat rdealera. fUNN & Cil 369eroadway, New Perk • .Branch weep. e25 If et.. Wasbington, 11. o. Good Hot Meals i For Twenty-five Cents At the New Restaurant Field's Block. Fatlr><1! for Sale. VorYorar A #boil 2ii0 titre farm within nine rt,tteS t,f Wing/lane good bang barn, aid girctl cement incase, 1at'ae orchard. eouside cable quentitw of timber. Price 01500.00. Apply to Ii. V'bltetiatle, Wing- ItMP.0. Cigars, Gum, Laces, etc. Give us a call. I O1YiESEL' KERS' .EX CURS TO istS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday March i to October 27, inclusive. Winnipeg end Return s $35.00 Edmonton and Return. - 43.66 Frons Toronto, and Statloeb West and North of Toronto. Proportionate farts from Stations East of Toronto. Return remit two Months. REDUCED SETTLERS' PARES (ONis-WAY SECOND' CLASS) EACH TUESDAY. 'MARCH AND APRIL Settlers travelling with live stock assn (Elan !Arnold take SETTLERS' SPECIAI. TRAIN which leaves West Toronto each Tuesday during MAItCit and APRIL after i+rtivat regular 10,20 p.m, train from Toronto tenon Station. Settlers aril fatnilies'xithrntt live mock should ltsr REGULAR TRAINS, leaving Toronto 10.20 p.m. DAiLY. Through tinlotitt awl Tanta Steeyers. Through halos Toronto to \,! ietnlrteY nod West. tate ONISTGAnsONALLTRAINS No cltsreefor Bertha. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents or write M. G. Mutphy, D.P.A., Totente. .1, II. Beerier, notion agent; phone 7. W A f4agderson, Tows Agent; phohi lir 1 -- HIGH CLASS LIVERY GOOD HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady drivers. Drivers supplied. BEATTIE'S LIVERY DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. " • Residence Phone 133 titromeireemeseasseessesesseeseesseamemeeee CENTRAL /? » S'lfRATFORD,. ONT. Canada's best practical training school. Three department -Corm mcrclal, Shorthand and Telegraphy, Courses are thorough and practi, cal. Individual instruction is given by' a strong, experienced stats. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get our free otalogue and tee what we can do for you. LD. A. McL.ACSLAri - Principal ) SSY i4 F :1V1 taster Hoiilay Fares SINOLB FARE (FARE and .ONE-THIRD returning going it I Return 9.10-1 it, April 10 only. 14, 1914. Between alt tationsfin Canada east of Port Arthur ; +1sn tt Detroit and Port Burets, Mioh., Iuffalfr, Black Rook Niaga- ra Valls and Suspension Bridge, N. Y. inualawskommomos Homemakers' - Excursions Round trip tickets to points In Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan Via Chicago, St. Paul or Duluth, nn sate each Tuesday until October 27, Inclusive, et tow rates, Through Pullman 1' .mist Sleepers to Wir•. nip04 on above date.,. leaving Toronto 11 p,m. No change of oars. RETURN LIMIT, TWO 1"IiNNTHS Full partloulara at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices, or write 0, E, Horning, D.P,g:, Toronto, Ont, IL 13. Elliott, Town Passenger dna Ticket Agent ; phone 4. W. F, Burgman, Station Ticket Agent ; phone 51 Live for so1nethina#. Do good and leave behind you a monument of vit.- toe tbAt the storm of titre can neves ' destroy. Wtite your name in kind hese, love, and metes on the hearth e f thousands you Come itt contact *Hit, year by year i you will never be for- gotten Your name, your deeds, wilt be as legible roti the hearts you leave behind, as the stars on the Brow of evening. (food deeds will shine as the stare of heaven. --Chalmers. In youth the habit of system, method and industry, is as easily formed as n1 here and the benefits and enjoy- moots n joy. me o t which ee nn hehr.utfro i i l m t are illOre than 'the wealth and honor* whiohi they always secure. i THE W ..,• N G .L•f, AM A D V ,1.#-tN" 1./ E ._ ..._ . F r;slry. J-alcts, MAGON, GAS, CHILI) 'Made Strong and Well by Vint, When we tell yolk that Vinol is the best remedy to our whole stock for waking weals, puny, ailing children, strong, robust and ropy we are only telling you what hat beau proved b7 ilurtdreda of mothers. J. L Fielding, Macon, 0e„ says "My child was Yer>' thin, and delicate, no appetite, nerrous, and did not; sleep well. Doctors did not help iter. Yinol was recommended and the change after a tair trial was Wonder- ful. She eieeps soundly all night, bas a splendid appetite altd ham gained In weight. I wish every mother knew what Yanol wilt do for dedicate chit- dren," what Vinol did for this little girl It will dofor eters weak and ailing child because . elekl r children,, meed the strengthening cod Beene, elements and the tonic iron that Vinol con- tains -.-that is why Vino1 'builds thea up quickly and 'gives them a fine, healthy color. It is pleasant t,o take and we guarantee that the results will satisfy you -money back if they do not. W:altosM cKlbbon,Druggist, W!ngham The Men Who Are of erning Canada, $on. Arthur Meighen, K. C. Solicitor -General. During the last cession of Parlia- ment one of the favourite themes upon which the Opposition harped was the delay in appointing n Soliel- tor,General. Tole wt, n Hon, Arthur Meighen was appointed to that position, b•1 leader t.1 . the Ops osition devoted fifteen minutes of at hour's a eh to im diemssion . f the appoint- ment, paying a fulsome compliment to tap r.rw appointer, and at the same tete exhibiting a fearsome regard for h t qualities as a debater and Pat Harnett - tory tactician. For, while the leader of the Opposition may have indulged in delicate sarcasm at the expense of the Government, yet at the same tithe it could not but be t egarded as the highest testimonial to Arthur DIe}Oben personally. ALL ABLE MEN, Premier Borden has had the faculty, +ince coming into office, of t urround- ing himself with many able men, and his latest selection has certa'nly justi- fied itself in the opinion not only, of Parliament, -but of the cont try, No one would imagine, on lookirg at the: frail, youthful figure of the Solicitor - General, that it contained stch dyna- mic force, and such a reserve of driv- ing power. Industrious, studious, imaginative and temperamental, Ar- thur Meighen possesses all the quail• ties that not only attract the people, but also gain• their confidence. " It is to be taken as a final veidict that there is a man on .the Government side outside the members. of the cabi•• net regarded •with. •more. awe: . and respect by the Oppositionthan Arthur Meighen. And this is not to be wondered at. Fur last _session, irk particular, he matched erne with the keenest and oldest Parliamentarians on the Opposition side, and did not come out second beat inany encounter. In all the intricacies of the closure resolutions he showed Hon. William Pugsley that he was not the only pos• sensor of a keen and subtle' legal mitld, and the famous debater from New Brunswick is less eager now to involve the House in fine points of order and procedure when he knows that the young 8 licitor•General is watching him from across the floor of the House. ' BORN IN ONTARIO. ' Mr. Meighen is a product of West- ern Ontario, a district that has pro- duced its full share of men eminent in the public life of the country. Re was born in Perth County 38 years a.o, and, after 'graduating from To ronto University, taught for some time in St: Mary's Collegiate Insti- tute, where he had been a pupil him- self some years before. Like Premier Borden, Hon. George HE. Foster, on. William Pugsley, Ron. Sam Hughes end many other eisiiinent Parliamen= tarians, he learned' the art'of clear ex- pression and sldsple and direct methods of giving information in the lecture hall before entering the Par- liamentary arena. His specialty at. the ITniversity was mathematics, and the training that standard coyrae ex- ercises upon 'an able mind is Well exemplified in the characteristics Of clear and pointed reasoning to a definite conclusion that always marks the }tublie utterance of the Solieitor- GeneraL The qualities of an Abl& debater, which hes shows to -day, were his possession even as a student in 13igh School, and intercollegiate do- nates of a.few years back were never more brilliant than when Arthur: Meighen was one of the eonteatauta Though but a member Of the Bou 'of Coalitions for Portage la Pettirle, Manitoba, since 10.8, Mr. Meighen has a Ivaticed ilii the Parliamentary arena many useful subjecte for conaidera tion. Foremost among these is the tnatter of rural credits, to Which he gave long study, and on which he made brilliant speeches in the douse, It le he small compliment to 11 e weight which his views carry that he is soon to eee his ideas crystallized into prattles' legislation, and will, In this way confer upon the Dominion as whole something meant; a h g that ea a mtlt;h in the providing of loans at low rates filtered the farmers . ofat to fa me f Canada. OCEAN PREic tit RATES. Another subject upon which Mr, Meighen has taken advanced ground it the question of °testi freight rates. Tine is understood to be a Matter upon which l±itr. Msigheta, as lsolicitor-Geis• trill, Way be entrusted with the Work of aarran1ng Oan*da's part hr easier national action 1n this regards and the occasion le likely to be offered at the coating visit to Canada of the Dentin - Ion Trade 4omtniasaon. The last gen- arta election, when the great economic question of reciprocity with the Unit- ed States was to the front, tffered special opportunity for the best tel. Onts. of Me Meighen, Ile stumped a large part of Manitoba and Sat•katebe- watt on behalf of the Censer - tredve party, arguing the trade cattestion entirely from an economic standpoint, and time apd again be routed the advoeatea .01 the trade pact froni their poeition•on the value of re- ciprocity to the Western farmer. Though Portage la Prairie had been a Liberal riding until redeemed by Mr. Meighen in 100s, the young member showed his strength in 1911, when, in a rural constituency that was the very stronghold of the Grain Growers' or- ganization, and though opposed by the strongest possible candidate, he increased his majority from, 250 to 675. Since coming into office, the Solicit tor -General bas been placed in charge of some of the larger queetione that are facing the Government, ocean freight rates, capitalization of rai's ways, and other far-eeachieg matters are the special tasks that have been set before him, with the fail know- ledge on the part of the Government that they will be well looked after, and that the very foundations of the subject will be reached. Yet it must not be thought that application to matters of this kind is malting of the Solicitor -General a there office man, or a mere student of booke. Arthur Meighen hag °. always been a man among men, fond of the Active duties of practical politics, a talented stump- er on behalf of his party and its policies, and an able after-dinner speaker, • 1f anything, he has been more frequent in accepting invitat ions to deliver public addresses outside of Ottawa since he took bis new office. He is in constant demand for su duties, and the member of the Hou e who secures Arthur Meighen as a speaker in his riding knows that tits constituents will have a pleasure, and that there will be solid political be - flt secured,. • Arthur Meighen bas"gone far in public life of the Dominion for a man just turned thirty-eight. No on - imagines that he has reached his gist as Solicitor -General. It is'recogn•zed at Ottawa that sooner or later tyere will be a cabinet position for him, and that to higher duties there he will bring the same ability, .energy at d .high sense of duty that have ma'krrd his past career, • The Cabby and His Bible, An Edinburgh cabman was driving an American round the sights.of1hr northern city. In High Street he stop- psd, and with a wave of his whip a n- naunced : "That is John Knox'e house " "John Knox l" exclaimed the Ante; loan "Who was he?" This was too much It r the cabby. "Good heavens, man 1" 1 e exclaimed. "Did you nevar read yot r Bit le ?"-Westminster Gazette, _41,• , . Municipal Enterprise. The Advance is the recipient of a beautiful illustrated book of Camrose a seven year old Alberta town. Cam rose hoe made great strides in her short life time bus. we often wonder how our Western Wends would advee• rise if they had a town Iike Wingham. A town should advertise as well as an individual but Wingham has been slow in this regard. Should Be Prosecuted. It is becoming altogether too preval- ent an offence for people to leave horses untied on the Main St. of Wing ham and within,the corporation. Many a life has been sacrificed through the owners of horses leaving them untied. A. driver may say that his horse is per- fectly quiet and will stand, yet be does not know this, and should not ender gat the lives of others. NO matter how quiet a horse, there is no telling when some unexpected thing may happen to frigliten •bion, and a life might be taken. The following le clause 35. of by law 'Nett -853, of that Consolidated 'By-laws of 'Wingham, and the 'penalty for breaking of same is any where up to Fifty Dollars and costs, and the Ad- vance believes that our Chief should strictly enforce the by-laws of the town or else the council should repeal them. CLAUSE 35, BY LAW 353, "No person shall leave any horse, • mule, cit or team on any street, alley or public place, within the said towii, without being securely tied and no person shall halt any wagon or other vehicle on any crossing or foot -way, within the said town, and no person shall allow any horse, mule. ex or team to remain etandtng in any public street or public place for a longer period than thirty minutes. HEM WILL STOP URIC ACID DEPOSIT. Rheumatic Complications Checked And The t'Euman Sewers" Re- stored. The Eidneys, Bowels rand Skin are the "huteah sewers" which carry off the impurities in the blood, When these are clogged `Uric Add sediment le acres In the muscles anti Joints and 1tI1ettn itti8m• follows. 1tEg(Tt'll' A, the greet idsea,cetd3ofbleiseheks forms wit (InciAcid, ,'Farr many ;years 1 suffered with 121 ettlna'iam. I em ii yin, s old, but aha proud to say that afterwing tine bottle of IMEMIA the Rbeurnatie rosins are Antirelb gone, I daily re." commend 13ILEU,ttA to easy friend,, -»-Willie Geer Br idgeberg, Oat. d', W', Mc'Itibbon Will return/tin .I Mulley if It fails 180o s bottler S TI1U12SDAY, APRIL 9, 1C Can Get the Beat Fence at the Lowest Price3 DIRECT FROM PAOE Freight Prepaid An rynrr STYLE N g 14 Int 5 7 7 8 8 8 .9 9 9 10 10 10 11 37 40 40 42 42 47 48 451 51 5148 8 51 222 22 22 22 22i 16i 16i 16* 22 16* 22 HEAVY FENCE No. 9 Page Woe Throughout in 20 30 and 40 Rod Rolle, Freight Paid Spacing of Horizontals in Inches 10, 10, 10 ;,.......,.,,;. ,...,.,.: 8, 9, 10, 10 6i, 7, 8*, 2 79,, 5, 5i, 7, 7, 8 5, 6i, 7* 9, 10, 10 • 6, 6, 6,�, 6, 6, 6 6,6,6,6 6, 6. 6 4, 5, 5i, 7, 8i', 9, 9.- 4, 5,5i7,8,9, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 4, 4, 5, 5i, 7, 8i, 9, 9 4, 4, 5, 5i, 7, 8i, 9, 9 3, 3, 3, 4, 5i, 7, 7, 7i, 8, 3, 3, 3, , 5i, 7, 8i, 9, 9, , 4, 5i, 7, 8i, 9, 9 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5*, 7, 8i, 9, 9 PRICES o '4 0 $0.16 SPECIAL POULTRY FENCING No, 9 Top and Bottom, Intermediates No. 13, Uprights 8 inches apart. 18 48 8 Close bars 20 60 8 Close bars 44448888 13204 ffffttt,.., F000A�Gste►6. 6T77, -76"'AILROAD" GATES WALK GATE„ 48 in. high, 3I it. opening STAPLES; 25 -lb: box, BRACE WIRE,25-1b. rolls, STRETCHING TOOLS, Complete outfit... ,21 .26 .23 .28 .2R .31 . 31 .31 .3 33 3 . 6 .42 .47 3.80 4.00 4.25 4.50 2.35 . ▪ 70 8.00 Wit Your Order to Our Neareat Branch Pig Wire Ftcce Co a Montreal 1240 King Si. Weft Welkerville Si. John TORONTO Winnipeg Write For 104 -Page Free Catalog "PAGE FENCES WEAR BEST" LTiilMNIMMICIP11111130111310INCSIMMIERIZINKIMCSSIF Vi ijC rC i J The Advallce Office is fully equipped to do AliKinds of PRINTING Sale Bills, ' Poster Work, Letter and Note Heads, State- ments, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Catalogue Work, etc. nything from a Poster to a Calling Card lEastnsionsae,tsom tisicoasianommara We always keep on hand a fine line of Wedding Stationery. tramiznaddaleassaa inareneereentimm H If you want the BEST Results Bring Your Mork to Tho ADVANCE Office. atrarsalaia aingiairinwimegoolegate Bank of Hamilton Cspital, Paid up, $3000.000 Surplus - - - • 3,730.000 AN IMPORTAIV"CE ALLIANCE When a young nom first manes his alliance ei h u financial ittstitution hy opening a ';aeings Account, he should Stye k ahead to he tithe when his bank book will aid his ad - 9 masse, nr,. A growing bank balatiee ast•urea lib n toy - pr that n young than has emote( the prin. tittle of tcouotnical management. !i 1i;;� . IT" C. P. SMITH I II ` Agent Wingham l, ; INCE THE D _ . ADVERTISE INA IT HAS THE CIRCULATION 14 Buyor Build? It will pay you to call on us before doing either, As we have most desirable building lots far sale, as well as a number of rest, dential properties that will be sold. Worth the money. Watch this space next week for further particu- lars. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND 11tS0WCl; WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIItE INS. CO, >catabitehed 16Sa. Head Moe Il1UNLP$, ONT. Rieke taken on all classes of In- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. Gno, SLEEMA2t, Jona' Davatieo71 President. Secretary. RITCHIE it COHENB. Agents. Wingham, Oat DUDLEY H•IOLMEeS Barrister, Solicitor, O. Office: Meyer Block, Winghaira. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rater. WINOHAM. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S.. LDA Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen ncylvania College and Liosnt ate of Dental Surgery of OAtaria. -Omee to Macdonald nlack- G. 11. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S Elonor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Boner Graduste of University of Toronto Faculty et Dentistry. OFFICE OVER it. E. iSAAM k o0'1. S?O]ts DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B. Q. A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSfCIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST SPECIALTY -Chrome and Naives' Di,eaees. Eyes toientiflcally tested. Glasses Rttml. Office over Christi„s store. Wieshan,. Tuesdays -11,30 a,,n. to 0 p, m. Conculb►tloa free. W. R. NAMELY, B,Sc., Special attention paid to diseases of Wooten and Oblldren, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Seientine Medicine. Office in the Nen residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Ohara)]. All baldness given careful attention. Phone 54. P. O. Box 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Stas Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN M0DONALD,ALCM DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND Id. R. 0. S. Ana.) L. R. C. P. Ward.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chiaholues old stand) W. J. MOON VETERINARY BURGEON oivica OF LAM Det. witao.Y. 1tasIDnroa-CGu. PAntIoti h YL&XCMS Office Phone 170. Residence Phone lat. Ex Gov, Vet` Inepeotor. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Isener of Marriage X4csiises, Pire, Life, Accident, Piste Glaser and Weather Insurance, coupled with it Rost Vbts%e Anti Mossy ?loaning buellleee. WINOHAM General I`iloi plt�tl..a, c. Madder tloversnnts4 Iaspioitrea Pleasantly situated, b !alt' lertafetted. Open to ali regularly Lloaased I,D7rtleaafee, Rates for a ,tienttss (whish include Nora and numb:141-4i 05 to SIM ter week, ioobriiaw t0 iooattds of room. For farthea l laterals. sten w-:kddteaeMVO 1',. MA IRlatft enperintegdi nit, • Box TN. 'Meas. 0*8. Itirtllxsee, "14 ehe gond to the children?" "Very. She Zeta theta do evorytitinit their tether dbs.u't w> thew to de."