HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-04-09, Page 3"THURSDAY, PRIL9 ,. 1914 A �E `�41P`'T. •�a`- ",,,.,,11 M A D 1r A N OB • • • „,, Build Concrete Barns • and Barnyards VOU will find that they are -best 1 at first and cheapest in the end. Concrete buildings cannot burn and many dol ]ars are saved in lower insurance rates, They treed practically no repair,,s and never need painting. Concrete barnyards make the best kind of a feeding -floor and save many dollars in feed bills, as your stock gets every particle that you feed to them. $end for this fres: book e` What the Fanner Can do With Concrete," It shows just how to build your own concrete barn,. feeding'. door or any other building that you may need. Farmer's Information Bureau Glenda -Cement Company Limited 525 Herald Building, Montreal ti Worthy of the -world's best music To most of us the Chance to hear human playing of goad music comes infrequently. Only in the.... great cities are the appetites of the music -hungry' satisfied. Even then one can hear.but .a small • '. part of all the worth while concerts. Fortunately for those who love the masters .of the past, and who have the judgment to recognize in present day composers the masters of the future, there is the Edison Phonograph. It is worthy of Wagner, of Bach, of Puccini. The clear, sweet tone, remarkable in its purity, is simply a transla- tion of human music into your own home. Unless you have heard the newest Edisons, you have no conception of their wonderful mellow quality. You never realized that . such beauty could be applied to sound. Ask your Edison dealer to play one of the Blue Amberol Records—then you will know that the whole world of good music —past and present—is open to you, EclisonAmberolai �.,r�•+�°"-'"'�'� Has Diamond -Point Repro- duccr, double spring motor. TRADE. MARK' worm gear drive artd'auto- matic stop. Beautifully de- - 1401. walnut 4�1 walnut and oak, A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at DAVID BELL The That Agrees The r. V' I BY. REV,• BYRON H. STAUFFER Pastor' Bond Street Congregational (luirclt, Toronto;, HUMAN NESTS STIRRED UP' 'thusiasm; she cries out with flondieh I Duce visited. an old couple wile lecreates, as Lf imitating the shrieking lived on the abutedant savings of the Text:. As, an' eagle. stirroth f the aqua, t their bili l !a now Vrould be an irreparable mis, will protect them. They will go: throagh unscathed They will eeeesee .take. So_ the bar eked out a very mother's prayers. Aird they never ter Finally be cable to my parsonage for azad together lose their veneration fox mother's Christ .. al- $cant living with his young wife a spall loan. alis father not only But our pod is a disturbing parent,+ I repaid; erne the loan but gave Me $50 "As an 'eagle stirreth lip her neat.'' lu trust, to lend Charlie from :time Yes, it la necessary. wh cannot quite to time when I really thought he understand -it at the time, but if we needed belle. But I teas not to tell should be left in the soft dowfsy heat him that the money canna' from his of indulgence we should be good fqr father. I was to take,, hie 1.O,i;,, for . it, and let hilt 1s;now that I- enspected nothing. l:'aney an eagle leaving her to be repaid as soon. as Ito found em- overgrown infants lm the nest until ployment* they fatten into clumsy barlyard fowls. He soon edits for another loan. I t:p hoe o ie w n ., o arouse 1e i dna . on ernergoue years of a farm life, 'phey Its soar, The eaglets feel her talons had their two youngest sans, 21 mit nest, fluttereth over her young, spread. s she pushes them toward the wall 2a years old, remaining with them, ethabroad her wjngst talcoilt them,' f 'the' 'hest,' . Look!! She hinds one 3a their' old age theta parents lead beareth them on her wln8S, no the ' 'ver elle cage . and it falls? Its little epii0elved the notion that it watt lin. Lord alone diel I;ead . hinter -pent, wings flutter helplessly, but form a safe to let the boys leave bonne. Tate 82:11.12. •. : snort of parachute, to check its fall, saloon or the gambling house nttight *. * Q •hvhile the mother, swift as an Arrow,were Mythology says that the aWa i Byes 'darts down under the helpless chiefs, get np So they shin kept at home, to a great age. Just bofore death it p pealing potatoes; washing dishes, mak• preads broad her wings, and catches ins a bit of garden. They snuggle (sings a 'wonderful song, aiid dies.,• So ton her back to rest. ;mesas; living' to the ripeepasrgf a lion- In the same old fleet, tnustirred and a i . t. 1 'There .the curtain; falls, and all tine Undisturbed. Thor will never Ay. siren are' twenty` years, eils•.h s nd •• approaching, aucl ,befere he -ceruses to the mountain's sitmifilt he sings this, his eientsang, 'tivhiC11 we''May read. ►nipgregatign .of Is1'ae1 •leas lett cf the Tliere is a' plain little wedding la ieture Is tee -word of its great leader a cottage on a side street, d' he another applying the metaphor: "So the bas her little orY as she kluges the a%ord . alone did lead you!" daughter she is losing from the dart. noiv; three thonsa,nil Years nftertvards, in the thirtysecgrid . chanter of. Den The lesson' is simple—God teaches The bride is feeling happy enougb. but •lis children to soar in the heavens the mother is losing her, and the also. teronomy The man who, on Horeb, f in fl ortality, From helplessness thinks of the inevitable hardobips had Complained of his slaw and clumsy' , tongue; beco in s moat elaquent an hraugh faith, to the Night of angels— ahead, Maybe a ticket has already ?Nebo; so mngngffcently eloquent that that is the evolution of our race, been bought for Saskatcbewasl or this, itis farewell ;address, deserves a (God, the Eagle God, broods over our Alberta where only intense stilts- place . auilong the, masterlli@cis of ' ests--;watcbing, nourishing, feeding, gee is' leWarded. And yet that mother oratory. aging,- strengthening, lulling, teach- would not have it otherwise. The His softs ie all..tbout God. The .old fns, fluttering, screaming, tossielg, nest must be disturbed:. Tile young statesnnlan has Aasrxed beyond th©.petty lcatciiing, bearfna,. until at last the eaglets must leara to try their own things of time anti placo;..and.: scc,s lohilci 'of immortality has faith and ' wings! Only the eternal glories of;the Infinite. 'strength and 'training enough to take Old Doctor Lyp'ian Beeoher had a• somebody writes interestingly about.he wings of the " morning,, and fly Unique way of teaching the first ques- a night spent st. ;Hawardeu duri_' g way, and bo at rest. tion of the Presbyterian cateckism, the last years, of Mr.•Gladstone's life. When family prayers were announced, the aged host himself sat down to the piano to lead' the singing. •of a hymn. The visttor was curious to. see what' kind - of hyinu. the great. statesman would select. •. Soon the -whole house= hold. was: following. the leader' In 'sing= Mg, • . Our God is an attentive parent. that grand old question that asses: This : is manifestly a Iesson of the "What is the chief end of, mart?" and text. See the mother hen.'talking is answered, "To glorify God and to to her brood, as she gathers them enjoy Him. forever." "Now, boys, under her wings. That is what God's what is this good for?" the good pas - San wanted to •do with the children tr would ask, holding up a knife 'with of Jerusalem.:' And that is what God all the blades visible, "To cut." Then wants, to do with us, His offspring. he would lift up a knife with all tile Our good is. His constant, yea, His blades broken, "And what is this good :chief concern, 1.1e doviseth means for for?" "For nothing:" "Then, boys, "From all that dwell below :the skies,• ins. That is His eternal work. Do know that you are to glorify God, and Let the Creator's praise, arise; •(you doubt that?' What do you think if you do trot do that you are abso. Let the Redeemer's naive be- sung God is doing? The machinery of the lutely good for nothing." Through every land, by evert suniverse does not harass Him, The Man is for soaring. He Is to' be tongue."' .. r'- ' •earth keeps her 'path; the . Sun. 'holds with God and like God. He.must learn • . ' •41us place; tine stars. run their courses. to fie. He must be pushed out of the So the thelle of the aged,,stetesmaZl They.,neyer clash; He assigns to each nest, We must not be left poor hu. of Israel was; 0od: _ -this 'place; . He eal.letli them all by their mans with wings unatretched. The - !names: What. then is God's .chief eon- divine must be developed ill us; the "Clive ear, 0, ye .Ideeeens,. and.' 'will 'cern? His children! God the Father ,'wings of our faith must be exercised speak; and hear, i)>earth, the words lis greaten than. God the engineer! ;and strengthened• Pathos, nobility, of my „mouth. My, doctrine' 'shall• siety Father worketh hitherto, and I ;glory, must grow in"me. I must get drop' as: the' rain, my speech -ellen Isbaerk!" What did the Saviour mean above the hot -house things of indul- distil as the. dew, as •tho•' "entail• y that? "Ile meant that God is work- genes, Rich or poor, I must throb rata upon.- the 'tender herb; and as'ling • all the time, even' on the Sah- with love, 1 must go to school with ' the showers'upon the grass.' Be- bath day, 'to win His children back 'the Eagle -God. I must love. My soul Cause 1 will publish the name eV o. Him! must learn to soar, or I shall never the Lord; ascribe ye greatness un- Be. is.an attentive parent: His ;be able to leave this poor earth] to. our .God. •He .is the rock; His. ]children are the objects of His care. ball and fly away to Jesus. work is .perfect, for -all'' idis whys Yon parents know it, for your chief It is perplexing, of course, this st are judgineht: a God of Trials 'and' concern -is .your children's welfare, ring up. The poor eagle babe eanno Without iniquity, just'and•"right is jThe piano stays where you set it; understand it. What can it mean He." • ' ' the chairs and the tables and the "Mother, you have always been gentle dishes and the doilies behave them- but to -day your talons are sharp and Then he speaks so gratefully. of selves•—unless the wife goes away for Sour scr`eane frightens me," Oh God's dealings with fisreel, tells or a new days and leaves the husband brother, of mine, have you said . it? God's providence all the' way' frons to:manage, things. But, normally, you You started sweetly, calmly, 'success :the Nile to the Jerrien, how God found 4k1�on't woi`ry very .much. about the fully. God seemed to smile. The Israel in • a desert • land and in `the, various pieces ot. furniture. They are sorrow carte. A death or a loss. An waste, bowling' wilderness, how Het et, constantly in your mind. But the You looked up and said, "Oh, my God led him about, instructed him kept 'children '.are! You devise means! ?sou does it all mean? Thou has him as the apple 'of His eye. And `Means to. keep the' boys at home! 'been kind to me in other' days. No having mentioned . the .miracles, the ]Means to interest the girls! Oh, boy, thou art cruel. Thou didst lullaby chastenings, the blessings, yea, even boy, mother doesn't sleep „sound o' ,rte then; Thou roarest now." the reproofs, be cries: nights , she Is brooding, devising, . Calm, 'brother, calm. Thy God ! . about :you! Oh, men, woman, the but teaphing thee how to fly, The firs Pure, dean, ftaiorj strong in sealed packet*, gave him $6. of Ili$ fathsr'a' MOM. He took it, thanked me, and stood at the. door, 'hat in. hand, and eyes dowpcast, r iuriiauring, "It my 'lather would only do the right tiling by me and give me. a Mt, 1' wouldn't need to iiak you ." ididn't reaind hifn that t lilts father hadbeen dotng nothing but giving him. lifts during the 'twenty - fine years of his life. Wtthia a week he. cane again:. I gave him 0n9ther . $i and one more he stood ,in the hallway .and . said, 41t wY Dad •would only. help :the as he should, I wouldn't ireea to .ask Atka. gars,".. • And' . eo, by, fives and tent, lie got the whole amotnt• in ray .bands. The father died, an•d left hi>n., a fairly oelnfortable. 'inose e !u the care of prudent executer:le The yotlisg• Man wee Honest enoegh to take $$4 ells of his $rpt remtttatee, and bring it to me. f told lino it belonged to 1iiipf, for 1 had loaned hire ' his father's money. He stared et ole a.ntowent after I had 'explained the case] then he broke down and Wept. • "So 1 lave been blaming my good old father for neg1eirting me," he cried, "and here 1 find that has been helping me all the time." Now that father was really putting his wings of help beneath his son, even while the young 'fellow imagined he was being forsaken. So, my brother, will we find that while we. were la- nienting our abaudoument, the Father's Everlasting Arms were under us all the time. God's discipline of training is al- ways intended to fit us for spiritual service, The nest -stirred eaglet is just beginning his life. So the sorrow - stirred soul is equipped tor the most helpful service to humanity. No one is fitted for speaking the word of cheer to earth's sorrowing hearts who has not himself passed through trial. And having had sorrows, we must make the right use of them. We may, make of them curses or blessings, Finally, all this is preparatory to heaven. We must pass through tribu- lation to glory. Rev. John McNeill tells of a friend who had an eagle, caught while young and raised among the ducks and chickens in an immense wire -netting cage. Moving to a. dis- tantt' place the owner of the eagle was persuaded to give -the bird' of the air stir- - its freedom. He opened the door of n waitedfor the eagle t the big coop, and g ? to come out. How astonished he was! taut he seemed to sirepiy feel that this was a little larger than his cage and made no effort to use .his wings ,and the owner took the big 'fellow - and lifted him to the garden wall. He Then looked down • at his liberator. as_ if And perplexed. . The sun had, just bean hidden behind a cloud; now it• shone t out with light and warmth. The eagle Now lifted his eyes,'and pulled himself• up. He raised a wing and stretched it; the pushed out the other *ing; then Is with a scream of delight, his piercing t eyess, looking, towards the sky, he n, arose, and with all the grace of an n eagle's flight, swept through. the air s with a Series pf antral curves, rising OW with' every circle without perceptible effort, and was soon a vanlshing speck. in the 'blue iheaven[n l 0 Christian, whose nest is stirred, ,get ready to soar. Death. Will soon open tandem tete the infinite. Aug9 For nestaiereeseesseeeeetelerrenee .b►_ i 1il.er• °'As an eagle stireth. up her. nest, •'Father is keeping awake! The nest lesson, is the hardest. New respo flutter;eth over her, young„spread- is•watehed. 1'be, watching over Israel, sibilities, a sick child, a home broke kith abroad her wings, taketh them, .slumbers not nor sleeps. That is the .up, a positioe lost all these thing beareth them on her wings,. so the .hind. of, God T can.easily believe it! may come that you may have ne Lord alone did lead Israel” .Oh, parents, hearken! God watches powers and capabilities. Look up and over your children. They must pass thank God• This is the picture; God is a mighty through earth's sin -laden atmosphere, But, God beopraised, His discipline eagle, guarding the nest, and His 'but God curves. His hand to protect 'fid His providence are always linked, •children are the brood. We can afford ;them from pestilential winds. How Mach clause speaking a sternness is to stand before this picture with un� they get tlnranigh without contamin- balanced' by ons expressing lore. Fa verso heads' and grateful hearts. ;anon sometimes seems a nil -rade! It every frightening "stirret.. up her The eagle is the .king of birds, the 1s like the process,th'at, puyifles the asst, : is the ._soothing. "spreadeth ;water• thatw•e• drink! The doctors abroad her `wings, For every 1• fiut- dnid.oai1oroscopitt's -*mild- bah, is alt tereth over her yOuing Is a' "i?ear'eth tilled eVerymt6f'nifi kflled;'dead ,as then dei her wings." "There disciplined• v safe.. Titer shall• no, smelts; if';3t tveren�t fqr a natural 'eoul..is always .e tairaelet - They say that the gdrm', evil befall thee. His angels shalt bear thea on their wings lest thou dash shy s stone. The Father foot A sin t a i g 'who stirs up your nest and seems to let you shift for yourself will come, just timely enough, and spread ills wings underneath you. emblem of royalty. 'Be Is. 'the sover•. sign o0 the'tair. lie iniarsiffitiel. the' any of his feathered .brotheers, "ati spans ,the•tep•riis Wdtb.<•iiierdijn;t• Life -He .Ayes anteing ethe seiragao aitnd r fl1et31 among the clouds. ane ' . Of. pollution trent a scorn 'of Canadian, Evezk the a �le e'nothers nlesis : and American cities have been poured regal: In' the lonelimese of the lordlyr 'Ante that water. Sarnia and Port pine or the highest cliff the eyrie is+ lattron,'Windsor and Detroit, Cleveland' built, far from the haunts of beasts,. and Buffalo all east their sewage into and beyond the reach of the fowlers' . Ithe great lakes and we drink the water!' arrow.. This castle is a yard square,, lAh, but meanwhile a miracle has been 'with • walla of sticks ' and brandies,, performed.: The water has had the bound together with 'twining vines,, chest stirred tip: It has been tossed and lathed witll'•birchbark and balsam,. tb ,y the "winds,, iiitered by the sands, sed carpeted with hair and wool,. ani] married by the rapids, hurled by the feathers and down, until it teats soft:jeataract, sifted by the whirlpool, and as velvet..' here she lays her eggs! tie, it -% inure] anntt, hatWhes her young. 'There ,her, i God performs a miracle with your lord, never poi3+garniousi, like the Mor- ,children, You, .another, are quite molls, but always loyal to one wife, toitercised over yourson or your daugh- rpetrels the air, as the sentry of ,the ter leaving for sohooir or going out nest, Thither fe carried tine spoil of into.tlie .big, "dee Years ago, when Sheepfolds, nand there the eaglets are the littie. tot .kissed you at the gate fed with ' the choicest of morsele. and toddled with elate and book to There, whet the giant pines sway 1. ?school, you had a foregieaitt of the the beating storms, alto croons over }lay' when the trunk would be packed, the little states. and tucks then? Into and now, mast 'that -day: has dawned 'their feather beds. There she waits 'when: that child`Meat leave you and 'until the soft doyen of. her ehttdreii'sa : go out into the world of dangers and i oat£n is ohanged into Sprouting Leath type and decoys, b3ut it is tho way ere. • Of -the .eagle's test; it is the inevltnhle 'Then one flay she stirs up her nest.: ;nay, of. ;the another's ,hone, She h000,13100 poisoned of a wild ens, tad • fie wings of the 'wet nigh "Beneath thee are the everlasting arms." Some day we'll understand. A friend of mine hada sett whom he coddled and pampered over -tong. The boy was a trifle lazy, and just delicate enough to furnish an oocasional excuse for hiri indifference to any kind of work. Finally, however, when half through his twefittee -tine young man tossed himself out et the parental nest, by running away and getting married. It was about the first 'time in hie life he had really shown any inde- pendenee. liut, alas, the wings had been unused eo long that flying was well 'nigh 'repessible, ?ifs lather, however, vowed that now he Mist shift for himself, and white secretly he felt like helping him out of his iabundannt store, ha knew that to do • Get your AD ills. Printed ANCE ar�4. g404. tea I° We don't ask you to take our worn for the remarkable curative power of Sor.AOB in cases of rheumatism, ;neural.. gia, •headaches, or Bothe Uric Acid troubles, or, the word' of more than ten thousialad people SorAoz bas restored te health, or the word of eighty-one' doctors ,casing Sol aa�z exclusivelyin thei practice. ' Just write Ilii for FREE . r p, BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists • and In dividuals. Also. SOLACE remedy for NSTI (A LAXATIVE AND TONIC (:ONBINED) Does the 'work surely but pleasantly --Nature's way. No distress,' —no gripeing—no sick stomach --no weakening: The TWO rem• edies are all we make, .but they are the greatest known to "the medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful dregs. Neither affects the heart or stomach --but helps theme. To prove the wonderful curative power of Sor.AcB remedies write. for FREE BOXES. state if one or both are wanted. SOLACE .CO.'; Battle Creek, Mich., U.:S. A. WINGHAM BRANCH : A. M. SCULLY, Manager. . 111 lift you to the garden wall of yon cloud and let you rest until you catch the „enthusiasm .kt the air. With a glad ere nee' will spread your wings and soar and shout with Dwight:. L. Moody,. `•"Earth''fe receding; . Heaen is opening!" Yea will not halt until you have -reached the great eyrie, up yonder in vie presence oaths tether • CAST S=RIA For infants and Children. The Kind You :Flava Always Bought • Bears the Signature of • Ca,T J161i,1i'i �'i'' �t I 1 k i ll(it 1 1 1, Ndj i ��,�m111 Ti ?lig t{e: g 't t �7{ I ,t (4 ,.nm,¢,a,n,ca rev da iberepaelaryor1Cril liedicineAte •'Vegetable rreedtallon torAs•, stmitatmglheroodan8Resein ; tingltteStomeasaitdlloweer r INFANTS /CHILDREN Promotes nigestionChcerfid nessaitdiiesteontalnsneithet O1ipitmt..NorphiLic norMtaeraL NOTNAInCOTIC. .tr a o,lD it rrr:h nS.ud' .SrniiaAti,d# ietl Abe ilsettereea Wen 4,ext Aperfrct Retltedy fortenslipti• lion. SourStomecli,Dimtboca, Worms,Convulslans.FeVerish• ]less and LertSSOFSsEW. 'kac$imle $igeattiteof ant traTntIri.Co1 tPANII • as'anienthe old Doses -�35 C,e-N rs For Infants andltiliildriitte Tie Kind You. Have- Always Bought Bears°the Signature of US S For Over Thirty Years STANDIiNO FIELD CROP COM - PETITION. • The Tn•Oita ry Agrien1tii,'et Society f ,* $7 . divided as follow*: $2a, $10. $12. $10, SS. -$0 and $1 for the tea: Belo 0l'..\ III to.: Oa V. The Ont,,, h, ()plows s trent of Apicul- ture welt furnish the bulges. DZA.TIURZ t'1' COMPETITION :— Fields i'ry.tet•r'[i for Ct'' il,e']'abet must consist 'nt,t laws than flee acmes, nor more tees: wen v. ( OMPE'rITOR$; •Oonti,rtirinn will be itn•iu' i to tt,Nnttrere of the Tortiherey AttnieunrttraI See ietc, pet -]tors can of y enter in one Society, and but one el:try eau be made by each com. petittr., Any,. individual can make entry for tbis eompetitinn by becom- ing a member of the Society. All comtietitors must be witbin 1: miles of Wingbam: All applications must be in by the Twentieth day of April::. Fi 'try' forme and further par- ticulers may he bad by applying to— t 1l, B. ELLIOTT* Secretary, Winirbaeo. t• re,, E+'r x 11* • DIRECTORY , the' Bell Telephone Company of Canada is soon to print a new issues of its ,C7FE1CIAL T ELEP HONE:DIRECTORY' �t' Ontario in- cluding 1 riCt oi' Western 'lir Inn t 'C t s .. . •WillOHAM P rrtrr:s ?tee Contemplate becoming Strinecr:ber5{i+,' those who wish chinos g . in their present entry should place their orders u ith the Local 'lfarragcr at Once to ,insure'usdrliOn• Its this is'suc :Conn+? :ting Cam'panie i Should also report additions and •chang- *s in their list of subscribers either to the Local Manager, or direct to the Advertis- no and Directory Department, Montreal he t3eit -Telephone Company ;of: Canada saassmaraninasseinanamssfullo • One ► •r't 1.V .l •�/ yy • r .iJ.G �.L • Ilerwoe , all .tratio ne in .1411 tda • Mor.? , ''9IU int stin, (yii.f 'And•5 -2au 1 ...ie ms,rto, 1)Atr•itr. 'lit h . it,.'rci,, Ate d. N. Y. 81VULII roan Pare ODA One•1 itiri] ;ftu., •ttu••:K Alli' lit tale •l (cuing At,t see Ile torn lime, Apr, l(•1tt ttiirn ]lntit fpr, 11. COLONIST PARES •• cone• 'nySeeenaina4:•t to ea: ate eons. in xlbrrt,i ti•lttsh c'elembis Cettfornla aileron* Oregon Washington,' Arizon*.• • )t*ht, itte. typify until At ,ril le. ausfaliawI t btieett• sfttLesv IiAtals 1tnt.wa�y SEetn4 fletstn Crch•y'aertaey Ufll'I1 AVM 2w; 'I'hroutib ess,in>t Toronto •lir Wt:mit ' .5'' '5 t•. +•t:tears on=a1i tisane No Omega far beribe. rft...44. t set f......... . • • • THEDOMINION BANK MIR EDMUND 8. ABLER M.P., PRESIDER? W. D. MATTKEWs. VIOI•PRESIDENT. .0. A. BOGERT, General Manager. - Do Your Banking By .Mail if you live at a distance from a branch of The Dominion Bank. Deposits may be made --cash• withdrawn --or any other Banking Business may be transacted by mall, lust.as easily as though one . made P speetalt;ig totownfor the purpose. . . - A Savings Account maybe opened in the natna,al two persons •'man and wife, or two members of a family—so that either one can deposit and withdraw money from the same account.. WINGHAM BRANCH : A. M. SCULLY, Manager. . 111 lift you to the garden wall of yon cloud and let you rest until you catch the „enthusiasm .kt the air. With a glad ere nee' will spread your wings and soar and shout with Dwight:. L. Moody,. `•"Earth''fe receding; . Heaen is opening!" Yea will not halt until you have -reached the great eyrie, up yonder in vie presence oaths tether • CAST S=RIA For infants and Children. The Kind You :Flava Always Bought • Bears the Signature of • Ca,T J161i,1i'i �'i'' �t I 1 k i ll(it 1 1 1, Ndj i ��,�m111 Ti ?lig t{e: g 't t �7{ I ,t (4 ,.nm,¢,a,n,ca rev da iberepaelaryor1Cril liedicineAte •'Vegetable rreedtallon torAs•, stmitatmglheroodan8Resein ; tingltteStomeasaitdlloweer r INFANTS /CHILDREN Promotes nigestionChcerfid nessaitdiiesteontalnsneithet O1ipitmt..NorphiLic norMtaeraL NOTNAInCOTIC. .tr a o,lD it rrr:h nS.ud' .SrniiaAti,d# ietl Abe ilsettereea Wen 4,ext Aperfrct Retltedy fortenslipti• lion. SourStomecli,Dimtboca, Worms,Convulslans.FeVerish• ]less and LertSSOFSsEW. 'kac$imle $igeattiteof ant traTntIri.Co1 tPANII • as'anienthe old Doses -�35 C,e-N rs For Infants andltiliildriitte Tie Kind You. Have- Always Bought Bears°the Signature of US S For Over Thirty Years STANDIiNO FIELD CROP COM - PETITION. • The Tn•Oita ry Agrien1tii,'et Society f ,* $7 . divided as follow*: $2a, $10. $12. $10, SS. -$0 and $1 for the tea: Belo 0l'..\ III to.: Oa V. The Ont,,, h, ()plows s trent of Apicul- ture welt furnish the bulges. DZA.TIURZ t'1' COMPETITION :— Fields i'ry.tet•r'[i for Ct'' il,e']'abet must consist 'nt,t laws than flee acmes, nor more tees: wen v. ( OMPE'rITOR$; •Oonti,rtirinn will be itn•iu' i to tt,Nnttrere of the Tortiherey AttnieunrttraI See ietc, pet -]tors can of y enter in one Society, and but one el:try eau be made by each com. petittr., Any,. individual can make entry for tbis eompetitinn by becom- ing a member of the Society. All comtietitors must be witbin 1: miles of Wingbam: All applications must be in by the Twentieth day of April::. Fi 'try' forme and further par- ticulers may he bad by applying to— t 1l, B. ELLIOTT* Secretary, Winirbaeo. t• re,, E+'r x 11* • DIRECTORY , the' Bell Telephone Company of Canada is soon to print a new issues of its ,C7FE1CIAL T ELEP HONE:DIRECTORY' �t' Ontario in- cluding 1 riCt oi' Western 'lir Inn t 'C t s .. . •WillOHAM P rrtrr:s ?tee Contemplate becoming Strinecr:ber5{i+,' those who wish chinos g . in their present entry should place their orders u ith the Local 'lfarragcr at Once to ,insure'usdrliOn• Its this is'suc :Conn+? :ting Cam'panie i Should also report additions and •chang- *s in their list of subscribers either to the Local Manager, or direct to the Advertis- no and Directory Department, Montreal he t3eit -Telephone Company ;of: Canada saassmaraninasseinanamssfullo • One ► •r't 1.V .l •�/ yy • r .iJ.G �.L • Ilerwoe , all .tratio ne in .1411 tda • Mor.? , ''9IU int stin, (yii.f 'And•5 -2au 1 ...ie ms,rto, 1)Atr•itr. 'lit h . it,.'rci,, Ate d. N. Y. 81VULII roan Pare ODA One•1 itiri] ;ftu., •ttu••:K Alli' lit tale •l (cuing At,t see Ile torn lime, Apr, l(•1tt ttiirn ]lntit fpr, 11. COLONIST PARES •• cone• 'nySeeenaina4:•t to ea: ate eons. in xlbrrt,i ti•lttsh c'elembis Cettfornla aileron* Oregon Washington,' Arizon*.• • )t*ht, itte. typify until At ,ril le. ausfaliawI t btieett• sfttLesv IiAtals 1tnt.wa�y SEetn4 fletstn Crch•y'aertaey Ufll'I1 AVM 2w; 'I'hroutib ess,in>t Toronto •lir Wt:mit ' .5'' '5 t•. +•t:tears on=a1i tisane No Omega far beribe. rft...44. t set f.........