HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-04-02, Page 4THE W I N G 11 AM ADVANCE SPRING is Nature's painting time. She tints the trees with soft green leaves. She colors the fields with. glowing flowers, And sets us the example of brightness and cheerfulness which we should follow in putting our homes in keeping with Nature's glorious outdoors. Spring time is painting time and good painting always sugge is We have a full line of Martin-Senour's Paints, Stains, Varnishes and Finishes, for repainting the buildings—freshening up the porch --finishing the walls. --- staining or varnishing the floors --- and making the whole house spic and span. If you are ready to paint, we have the right kind of Paint all ready for use. 1£G�Come in and see "Spic and Span". ♦t 2' 1 LFHIGH COAL Any dealers who say I am not selling the Genuine Lehigh Hard Coal, either -do not know/ what they are talking about or else they are not honest. Its confirmation of this I hold a► certificate in my possession,. 1 also sell the Free Burnie Connell Anthracite, Cannell•amclt Steam. Coal, Wood and Kind- ling. Full weight. Prices right. Re J. Cantelon Box 127 C sod. Salesman, �'�""""" HIGH CLASS LIVERY Wanted. For every town and district where we are not represented. F:nits are. .bringing high prices and Nursery Stock is in demand. Mahe big money this Fall and Winter by taking an agency. Experience not necessary. Fres f equipment, exclusive territory, highest commissions paid. Write for full particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON T PRONTO ONTARIO • O= ,TRY US .s. FOR Groceries Flour and Feed Vegetable Seeds Flower Seeds. Seed- PrtgS, eic. Prompt Delivery. Phone 82,1 BELL'S faROCERV Successor to. W. J. Patterson OVER f35 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 'DRAM MARKS DAMENa COPYR74HTB &C. Artrone fending a eketeh and description may ottdekiv ascertain our otttnlon free• whether an 1nYentwn le patentable,probably rnmuntea, Rona *Wetly confidential.IIANDDO on Patents abut free. a�deatbneyforseeurme��atetlts. Parente taken through Munn & co. receive *Mat notka, blthont °barge, In use Scientific Jifnertcan. t, handsomely ninetteted weekly. Largest sir• column of any *dentine loons!. Terme for caned*, pis a gest, postage prepaid. sold by AU newsdealer* MUNN & Co astaroadwtty. New toric Beene * Uitlos. St.. Weehtn.toa, C Good Hot MVleals For Twenty-five Cents At the New Retetsursnt . in Pietd' Block. Farm for Sale. A good 200 tore farm within tine Bolles of Vitinghern. good bank barn, good etment house, large orobard, and hie onsuttlty of timber, Price .00, Apply to B. Vatlstone, Wing- tilei P, O. I1 Farms For Sale , 200 acres, large brink house. 2 bank. barns, one mile aouth of Gorrie, good stook and grain farm, 35 aorea of bush. 300 aore farm in Minto Tp., 7 miles from Harrieton, 7 mites from Palm- erston ; school, church and store con- venient, good buildings. A snap at $5.000, For full partioulare for these farms, apply to -- PHILIP HARDING, Clifford, Ont. .re...rn.e111•wal/ Mr. Geo. Moir • Wishes to announce to the citizens of• Wingham that he ie in the old stand to stay. Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, etc. Give us a call. Farm for Sale or Rent. The undersigned offers for sale his farm, E. half lot 88, sou. 5 East Wawa - nosh consisting of 100 acres more or less, on the premises are a good bank barn with outer buildings, good frame honso with telephone and mail delivery, 8 sores good orchard. This farm its well fenced with wire fettoing' 35 acres ploughed ready for spring crop, 3 aorea, fall wheat. This farm roust be sold or rented as the prop. is giving up farming, For full particulars apply to— JOl3N WILLIAMS 11. R. No. S Blyth GOOD HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady drivers. Drivers supplied. BEATTIE'S LIVERY DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 Ilemsemewaseweassoessesuesa CENTRAL SSTRA-TORD. ANT, Canada's best practical training school. Three department—Corm mercial, Shorthand and Telegraph)•. Conrees are thorough and practi- cal. Individual instruction is given by a strong, etperienoed staff. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get our free otalogue and see what we can do for you. D. A. McLACHLAII - Principal x IOMESEEKE ]R1.. ''. ? 1Lr�Jt x C �J R SIO 1 ♦�])J 1.0 MANrroBA, ALBERTA S <S1(A'd'C:•lEWAN l' .••••esv 1%1 t•,,11 3 to Circ, b.or 27. iiu h:tnv 111.4:'„ ai.d Return - 'r35 • n nod Rot . 41 .k•••• i• •,r, • :�.' 1. n, train 'roti tear.. suit t nt livc 9t.-.•, itEcit:t.Aii IRA S. h tvi.:, 'no? 14.20 rt tn. U,'. d 1" Throng:. 11 .10 1 1'z.. ist SI pre i'a•uu t taws torn to to. Winr:a'•t art. G. LONIS 1 CARS ON AL1, TRAINS ,0;1 l 'or tterths. .• J -Ila .trent Cr 1m.ii.u. Pontic Agents r. '1 t).P.A., Toronto. 3.11 Roemer, station agent; prions 7. W A Sanderson, 'Town Agent; phone 47. s. *. Ike Ott, "s4' . Rent* 1*e jet* as 4 rdir ON, 46110 "Per •464, OPPORTUNITY knocks once at every lnan'e door. She's knocking at your door neer—Ito take hcizdt Ask us to send you our big80-page Cata- logue of Seeds, Bulbs, ruits, Garden Toole, Insect Destroyers, Fertilizers, Four try and Bee Supplies. A pert ca,4 bill brtp•a it 44 YOU. *'rite Way. 1iA1tC &.HUNTER SEED -CO. LTD tot 1272 L01MDO ', C111''t'., COMM. l4 Valuable Premium lven.•.a b to. utely with estltorder. P atk s Otte .f Cetatettr• rebs bee to tet it: odes MO. es •team ,i labliste Ire " �/' ♦ori Ate ._ . •I MUt f40 '*b' .44. °Sir tees Vie .4" 1 00► Forestry Facts, The production of !bugles 141r luso' be has increaved thirty.eight per cent in the Jost two ysare, according to a recent public'stion of the Dominion Forestry Branch on the forest products of V+nede. This perpentege le double that of any other leading Cansdian wood for the melee period. Title tree made i' 07 7% of be total lumber pro. production of Britibh (.01t1SPh,ia, wiiieh province ie estimated to contain M much timber as alt tate rest of Canada The importances of the Douglas fir is exemplified by a statement made by Dr. 0, S. Sargent. the leading author- ity an Americus truer who say' : outer American tree of the first mar. nitude it, so widely distributed, or Cen now afford so much timber, and tbe rapidity of its growth atad Its power nt reproduction under favouretile condit• inns tuake it the most valuable inht.bl. 'aut of the great coniteroue forest of the northwest;." Hickory In the strongest Canadian wood. When properly seasoned a hickory column will support a weight of twelve tons per lgnare inch *roan. section, which is considerably more than what coul'ii be borne by a pillar of cast iron or steel of the same length and weight. The thrive* of Oeylon eat one and a bolf million cocoanuts a day. There are sixty million cocoanut trees on thio 'eland, and the surplus production of outs is chiefly used to make copra, the dried 'meat' of the nut, which le a val. nable eopnce of vegetable oils, It is estimated that there are produced yearly 800,000 to 700,000 tone of ccgra, valued at sixty five million dollare. One quarter of the world'♦ production comes from the Philippine Islands, Canada has trebled its production of paper in the last few years. In the 157, 400 aq.tar* miles recently added to Northern Ontario there is very little timber of any present value. Mr. J. 13. Tyrrell, reporting on his trip through this new district of Patricia, seys :'Most of the timber was email and much of it bas been burned. Larch or 'tamrack is associated with white and black spruce to the north- ern limit of the district, but unfortun- ately most of tbe tress are dead'. Weather forecasts were used last t.ummer by the Dominion Forestry Branch in regulating the fire -protect- ive patrol in the Railway Belt, British Columbia. As the prevailing winds were westerly to be expected in the in- terior of the province could be fore- told by telegraph many hours in ad- vance, and it there was little danger to be expected, the Dletriet Fire In. Spector would permit a temporary dt• crease in the railway patrol. In British India the Forest Service derives an annual revenue of over one and a quarter million dollars from the rental of grazing privileges on forget areae under Government administra- tion, The United States Forest Ser" viee last year secured a revenue of ov- er one million dollars by the same method. But in Canada, during the last fiscal year, the issuance of grazing permits on Dominion Forest Reserves netted the Forestry Branch less than one hundred dollars. The Dominion Government, however, recently passed new grazing regulations which will not only permit the full utilisation of the grass -lands on the reserves, but will at the same time substantially in- crease the future revenues of the Do- minion Forestry Branch. Such Is Life. At the famous Revsira winter resort on the Mediterranean chore of South France and North Italy, the maritime Alps push their bold spur' into the sea, not rock and precipitous, but steep hills of two or more thousand feet high. Ground for cultivation is precious, and the industrious peasant* have laboriously terraced the hill. sides fronting the southern sun. They build a few feet of stone wall, giving a few feet of garden ; then another atone wall, and other garden from sea to summit. Standing at the base, as one looks up he sees only atone walla. Confronting these bills seems a rocky fortress difficult to surmount. By foot path or carriage drive be zigzags hie way up ; and, he as turns about and looks back and down, the whitTe scene is tranafortned. Stone walls left be- hind have vanished from eight. Oaly the gardens are now seen, grapes, lemons, olivee, a continuous green garden all the way to the sett. Such is life. In youth, ae We look up to the high places to which we aspire, difficult problems confront us, which make life appear a hard hill to climb �r a rock fort' eel difficult to surmount. Day by day we tlo our beet, and step by step go up. When many long years have passed, though the heights have not been fully ottaitted, some ascent has been made. We turn round and look back. Obsteclee left behind have vanished, forgotten. Sweet memories come to us of good deeds done, helpful services rendered, friendships and affectione of loved and loving ones. Lite in the retros• peat is transformed to oar vision, be. coming from age to youth a lovely harden of etveet and simony memories, —Rush Rheeer Shi ppen. FOR ECZEMA Use a mild soothing wash thst in- stantly stops the itch. We have sold many other' retnedles for akin trouble but node that We Could personally recommend a We do the D. I"i. D. Preece Iptiob, It I bed Rezone I'd me D. D. D. PRESCRttiPT10N. J. it. Deele, druggist, Wingbssnt. "FAGGEO-OUT"_WOMEN Will Find Help art ,'leis, Letter, Overworked, ruff down, "fagged out" women who fuel e.s theeriz they could. hardiy drag about, should prat by Mrs. Drill's experience. She Nye; "I mea is ati very *reek, rune -down condition. Fife wall not worth living, I .could .not sleep, wee 'or/. fferl'oue, stoned; bid, and was not able to work. 1 consulted with One or two phi, sictane, without benefit. I read of Vino' helping some one In s similar condition so I began to take it, and it simply dM wonders for me. I gained in weight and 1 ata now 111 ._ better health and stronger than ever, I can not find words enough to praise Vino'," -.-Mrs. W. If, Brill, Racine, Wis.. Thousands of women and men who were farineriy weak and sickly owe their present rugged health to the wonderful strength -creating effects of Vino!. We guarantee Vinol to build You up and make you strong. 1f it does not we gine back your money, ip'',rlto.nM c.ir43,1, Druggist, Wingbarn 0orrie. Council met March 17th 1014 in the Township Hall, Gorrie, pursuant to adjournment. liembes it all present except Councillor Do'g, the Reeve In the chair. Minutes of last meeting ware read and on motion of Armstrong and Spotton were adopted. Tenders for making uo tile were opened for eonaideration, Moved by Messrs Spotton and Arotstront. that the tenders of John Hyndmsn be aeeapted, he to snake the tile at the following prices --0 in. for 45e., 12 in, for AO 18 in. for $1,35, 30 in. for $3. Motion carried. Tenders for operating the road ma- ehine were opened. Moved by Atm• strong and Spotton that the tender of Russell Fleet be accepted, he to furnish the power and operate the machine and pay all his own expenses for the sum of $1,85 per hour, the council to pay for the hours of actuui grading Motion carried, Path masters appointed -- Con. i San', D. Martin, Wm. J. Lyon, Jobb Sheol for, Smith Vines, AI Shoemaker ; con. in & bis. Wui,,Doig, R Earl, Alex. Edgar, Thos. Mc0iement, H. Hutebieon, H, Ream, Geo, Mayes, John Limbkin. B. Gibson, John Topham ; con. 4 & 5 John Maguire, ATorner, Wm Gamble, !Wort Walker, A Keil, 0 Walker, H Shaefer, ♦ Darcey, James llyndman. John W Spence, B Ringler; con. 0 & 7 John Young, R Clegg, H Zimmerman, D Walker, 0 Rogers, J Strong, Wm McKee, Wm H Leonard ; con. 8 .k 0 Wm Montgomery, FTaylor, A Strong, Wm Pike, J Hueter, T Johnston, Win Barr; eon. 10 & 11 C Simmons, Cecil Day, J Huston, J Steurnol, T Bennett, O Irwin, R Ferguson, K m Strong, A Huth, A A Graham, Wm Craig, H Demmerling, John Porteltieid, Alex McKenzie ; con. 12 & 13 R Baker, F Finley, Isaac Wacb, T Vittle, John Warrett, Wm Jacques, John Kreoller, Win Wettaugher, 8 Anguet, E Henry. A Reis and F Porterfield ; con. 14 & 15 Wm Hays. 13 Wylie, 8 Finlay, IB Wood, W Pomroy, •E Mahood, H Harting. Phair, F Douglass, 2 Welts Wm Moore and D Zeigler; con. 10 & 1? Geo Newton, W Renwick. 0 Albretcb, J Burus, Garnet Wright, P Dlckett, C Wright, 0 Wolf, John Dettm.l,n, Peter Reddon, 0 Hopper and Isaac Bayleon ; con. 18 G Johnston, W Johnston, Jas St Marie, A Drummond, H Heinbec• ker ; con. A J Douglass, A Fitch, G Doubledee, A Gallagher, R Palmer, W Casemore and T Gibson ; con. 13 Wm Ball, R Adams, T Trimble, R Harris J Underwood, 8 McIntosh, 2 S:tutt anti J Wright ; son. 0 A McKercher, 0 Maxweli, B Hyslop, Peter Patrick, G Robertson A Doig and Wm Murray. Poundkeepers appointed --Levi Gal- braith, J Wright. A Graham, W Reis, Peter Doig, W H Gregg, 0 Rogers, A Edgar, J Douglas, W Itastte, 2 Spence and John Johnston. Fence Viewers—A Graham, 0 Irwin, L Galbraith, E Phair, Wm Hood, 8 Zurbrigg. D Walker, Wm Gibson, W Edgar, T Johnston, John Maguire, G Townsend, R Mitchell, R Harris and David Rea. Moved by Armstrong and Demmer - ling that the following accounts be paid --Wm Baemnerwood for Tp. hall, $15; G W Walker express, 85e; Amos Doan Wood for Tp. hall $2 75 ; Sohn Hyndman bad: on catch basin $21:i. An additional report On the munici- pal drain No. 4 for the Tp. of Minto was laid before t he council by Wm D. McLellan, clerk of Minto Tp. carried. Moved by Dewmerling and Arm- strong that this do now adjourn to meet again in E'swltherwick's Elaut, Fordvaich on Friday the 27th day of March at one o'clock p. tn. to consider the Municipal drain report and do general business. Motion earri,4. C. E. Walker, clerk. BEAUTIFUL HAIR -«A CLEAN, COOL. SCALP f ins Parisian Sage. It ataku the Bair Fluffy and Abundant, It ie needle's for you to have hiir that its anything short of pehieet. if It is falling out, losing color, splitting, or if the .salp burns and itches, Brume= diately get front J. W. Moltibbon or any drug ouster a 50 cent bottle of Parisian Sage—use it fry quently—the first application removes ttandruff, in vi orates the malls and beautifluc the hair until it is gloriously radtaat. Parisian Sage supply* heir needs--te perfectly' harmless; It contains the exact elements rsquired to make the heir soft, wavy, glossy and to snake It groes thick and beautiful. Yon will surely like Parisian S,tge .' if fe one of the beet and mon delight. fel hair tholes ktootrn, TIIIJREDAY, Amt.! 1914 • Save Money! Buy Your New Fence DIRECT FROM PAGE Freight Prepaid $n` HEAVY Y 2"c" V. 'S11. ii. FENCEt 9 Paga Wirt Throughout in 20 30 sad 40 Rod Rolls. Freight Pala - .,� gl xi 330 a. ' Spada; of Efor'isontals in Incites v it 4 5 37 6 40 7 48 8 42 8 42 8471614,5,517'8, 9.48 9 48 9 51 9 51 10 48 10 48 10 3,7, 10 51. 11 55 18 48 20 60 4810 •22 22 22 22 22 16f 22 16f 22 16f 22 161 22 16f SPECIAL 8 8 Io , '. , 10, 1b 8. 9, 6f, 7, 8i, 9, 9,..,,,.,,,. 7, 7, 7f, 55, 66f,8 7i 9,10, 10..., 6, 6, 6, bt, 6, 6. 6,.,..., .... 6. 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6, .0 9, Si, 9.. 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 4, 4, 5, 5f, 7, 81, 9, 9 9 4, 4, 5, 5i, 7, 8i, 9, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5f, 7, 7, 7I, 8 3, 3, 3, 4, 5f, 7, 7, 7f, 8 3, 4, 51,8f, 9, 9,„33 3, 3, 4, 5f, 7, 8f . 9, 9 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5f, 7, �f, 9, 9 POULTRY FENCING No, 9 Top and Bottom. Intermediates No. 13. Uprights 8 inches apart, Close bars. Close bars • PAGE "RAILROAD" GATES __ $11,161 .1 8 .211 .23 .23 .26 8 .26 .26 ,29 .29 .31 .29 , 1 .31 .33 .31 .36 ,42 .47 -ft, op'ng - •r„w..►..•.ower. �rewi. j 3.80 4812 -ft, Op fig — ,.""...:.1 � ���r==. ^I..�I.�Iw.. 1 4.00 4813 --_. _ �'.* -ft, op'ng - 4.25 48 14.ft.op'ng ' _—_. = ? :-=' _=-- 4.50 WALK GATE, 48 in. high, 31 ft. opening., . 25-1b. box, BRACE WIRE.25-Ib. rolls, .,.. STRETCHING TOOLS, Complete outfit... 2.35 STAPLE .70 .00 . ordK o oar Neatest Branch Page Wire Fence Go„ Ltd. Montreal 1240 Kin 5t. Wast Walkerville St. John TORONTO Wlnnipea 704•P1W021217Write �a e Free Catalog "PAGE FENCES WEAR BEST" i 1 1 usammaimmamirrnminsommommomrINIMINSIMOMININIMINIONIMIIIIISMINIINISSIMISMINSIMI The Advance Office is fully equipped todo AllKinds of PRINTING Sale Bilis, Poster Work, Letter and Note Heads, State- ments, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Catalogue Work, etc. Anything from a Poster to a Calling Card We always keep on hand a fine line of Wedding Stationery. if you want the BEST Results Bring Your Work to The ADVANCE Office. A� Capital, Paid up, $$ 000.000 Surplus • • - • 3,750,000 WHY A SAVINGS ACCOUNT it is hest to put your money in a Sevin s Bank Account here b. cans*, first it se SAFE; e cold -alb is readily availel'10A8il; third --the interest is certain and prompt, Cr P. SMITH Agent Winghans ADVERTISE .i SE IN THE ADVANCE iT IIAS TUE .:CIRCA 1t .L't"1<eiltst i Hoose and Lot For Sale. Mr Win. Oerrttthor. ff ,s rn sale hitt fit t p'0 t -t %, • . ('0,1i u1'ilr' 8s r s t• bHat'll-rte lit 4 1 F .;, ,n• house at,tt three lases i Itr,r. le a Citable on the preu*h ee, also a variety of fruit trees 4tn4 berry bushes. .. roost deaira+ ble property, and will be sold right. Rogow* on the premises or (* our office, Lots $I a foot. Insurance an your house and furniture $I per hun- dred for 3 years. $ We will secure you a ten— ant for your vacant house for $t. Ritchie & Coseos REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WELLINGTON Noir . AL FTKI' ENS. inti 5,u*p.t .tife.1 &.•na (Mir, ,, r; s o'N:1 Maki* takers, on .,J1 • ta,.,.,et. of In. '.trahle property & r, the ent+b or pre- tnttnn note ayst.'tn. Otto. MLnnirAN, Joon DAVIDSON President. St'cretauy. RITCHIE & COSEN8. Agents. Winghaw, Out DUDLEY IIOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office Meyer Block, Wingham. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rater WINGRAM, ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.B., L,D.B. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, —Oleo in Macdonald Block— G. 11. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S Honor Graduate 01 the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of Univsrsity of Toront, Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER R. S, ISARD & CO'S. STORE DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B O.A., F.S.D. OSTEOPATHIC PNYSICiAN EYE SPECIALIST FOOD SCIENTIST Acute and Chronic Diseases treated. Qlaesee Solentil<cally fitted. Tuesday 11.30 a.m, to Wednesday I0.30 ecu Main K. (over Chriatte's Store.i W R. HAMBLY, B.Sc., I.D., C.I. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, ,having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Soientifto Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS Late metnber House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Sncoessor to Dr. Agnew OFP'IOE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. C. REDMONDg L.' Its. 0 • P' (gal Physician and Surgeon. 1Dr. Chisholm's 014 stand) W« J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE OF LATE DR WILSON. RESIDENCE-- COR PATRICS k FRANCIS OMce Phone 170. Residence Phone 183. Ex Gor, Vet. Inepeator. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT !suer of Marriage Licensee. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Giese Ind Weather Insurance, coupled with s Real state and Money Loaning trtielnees. - WXNfitlAtl'Y; Olen eras Hospital. Grader tlowlintne,.,t Inspeotion.) _P! n iy .1ttta14 ail tjtedit. Beat'tlht1 .3nntilahed. Rete* fornwnbents ((whhoh Inch a en-pkrataland naretngl-44.90 to 115.03 per *reek, aboordinit to location Of room. For farther Informs, slob--AtltlreSe 1tISS L ISAT2HRWS ll imerit'tendsas. 80x 1St. W(nghaga, On) Oe tierldeth out, lie aendath l�tioarep -n. Alike they're needful tithe flower; And jilts and teat's alike are arra To glue the Soul fit nourtabnttwit,. As ibonle'e to me Or aloild or Jun, b"att'er I tby Nii1, not mine, be stone.