HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-04-02, Page 3Q Y THURSDAY, AVAIL I, 19lq. THE WINGDAM ADViA NC 1 Did. you ever use Dyr-Kiss or Mary Garden Perfurnes and Powders? Once you try them you will use no other. Nothing surpasses them in de- licate odor They are the newest and the best. DAVIS' CORNER DRUG STORE Successor to A. L. HAMILTON r Saturday, the 28th Is the last day of the Big Half Price Jewelry Sale - A T - Patterson's Jowelry, Store So get busy. Listed below are a few" of the Bargains: .. 4 DIAMOND RINGS 1 Lady's Diamond Ring, reg. $40 for •820.00 Ladies' Diamond Ring, regular $50 for 25.00. Ladies' Diamond Ring, regular $20 for 10.00 Ladies' 3 -stone Diamond Ring, regular 850 for 25.01) • Ladies' Pearl and Diamond Ring, reg. $20 for 10.00 2 Ladies' Ring, b pSar'.r, reg, 812 each for 86 00 each 2 Ladies' 3•pearl Rings, reg. $6 each for $3 00 each 1 Lady's 3 -pearl Ring, reg. $20 for $10.00 1 Solid Gold Necklet, real pearls, reg. $20 for $10.00 1 Solid Gold Sunburst, real pearls, reg. $10 for $5.00 2 Gents' 20 -year, gold-filled case Watches, reg. $16 each for $8.00 each $9.25 1 Lady's gold-filled case Watch, special 1 Lady's gold-filled Bracelet Watch, special $8.00 1 Gents' Diamond Tie Pin, regular $30 for $15.00 20 Per Cent. off everything_ in the store. Three Thousand Dollars' worth of Diamonds to choose from. Now is your chance. No goods given out without the spot cash. WI PATTERSON G. THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR WNW-1AM ONT. Canada's Opportunity. That the U. S. Ocngrese, about a year ago. passed an Act for the pro. taction of migratory birds which is even more beneficial to Canada than to the eta;ted States. and that the -Do. minion Government can Moist in mak- iog this law permanent and effective by negotiating a treaty on the suhjeot, were important points brought out by Mr. William S. Haskell, Council of the American Game Protective Atgoela• tion, at a recent address at the 1M.lt Annual Meeting of the Commission of Coneervatlon, Thedefenders of Mated rights are up In arms against the Act, and there is danger of this 'iar•reaeh• 'frig measure being set aside ote the grotted ofttno titution sty. Shnttlti would be impossible, as no treaty can be annulled by judicial procedure, Hence, the Dominion Goverment should us t its influence to persuade the British Goveentnent to negotiate .Duch a treaty and then meet American reformers half -way In their endeavour s to protect North Ani rio,tn wild birds. In ninny ports Or the United States, game eanotuariea have now been estate litoted, where no Ahooting le allowed, except of •verrnln, and where all wild teeatnree arR ,ren to live and props, , gate nnmolented. The American Game Protectivtp AAerielatintt halt rs. tahlttihed. neat +Cape Cod, Maes., :, Fir) thousand sere Kamm feriae. here gttai:f grouse, he oh, belie. t hrasente, per 'tti tlgn,i, wild dunks, tnr'keyii and gee,.,., hew. been eueeeeefnlles rained. Gent Merle at'' *tint r>nt to members nt the Aeaari,ttion Whn will unclertstke t.. rear them In vertigo*, enable, thorn tr, inerPaea, end, in due thud. , s .tun, I thein ao that the trovers may be > re. Passing Events. Immigrants into Canada last year numbered, according to rfficial figurer, 402,000, an incretise over the previous year of 50,000, The British numbered I50,000 of these people. Presbyterian. When a camel drinks, Aoommitte which includes the Duke it drinks a great deal. Indeed, it drinks for such a long time that you really would think it never meant to leave off. The fact is that it is not satisfying its thirst, but is filling up its cistern vie well. One after another the cells in its stomach are filled with the water, and as soon as each is quite full, itis tightly closed. Then when, a few hours later. the animal becomes thirsty, all that it has to do re to open one of the cells and allow the water to firer out, Next day it opens one or two more cells, and so it goes on day' after day until the whole supply is exhausted. Ia this curious • way a camel can live five or even six days without drinking at all, and so is able to travel quite easily through the desert, • where the wells are often hundreds of miles apart. Firewood. A V tmel's Stolnacle. The stomach of a camel is divided into four compartments, and the wake of these are lined with large cella every one of which can he opened and closed at will by the means of power- ful muscles, explains a writer in the of Wellington, Lord Roberts. and the Lord Mayor of London has been form- ed to raise a publlu fond of $50,000 to purchase the Waterloo battlefield in order to preserve it front a speculative builder, Professor Ivan Alexandrovic Bau. diun de Courtenay, member of the face ulty of St. Petersburg University. and who often has represented Russia in foreign congresses, has been sentenced to two year's imprisonment in a for- tress for having published a pamphlet advocating Federalism, Jack Johnson the negro pugilist, was driven out of •Sweeden on March 15^h for his insolent conduct towards two women. Johnson and Ms manag- er were followed by a. crowd, which pelted them with rotten eggs until the police interfered and prevented further trouble. Half an hour later Johnston was enroute for Denmark. A number of women in Liverpool in- cluding many suffragettes, who are die - satisfied with man -conducted churches have formed a women's church to be. run by women. It will be called "The Chnrch of the New Ideal„ All the preachers will be women. At some of` the services women only will be ad- mitted. Men will be allowed to be present at others. The King of tie Belgians noitcing a woman wearing a slit skirt at the court ball on Friday night, Marcia 18th sent a court marshal to her aide, who offered his arm to her in a most defer- ential manner and escorted her from the ballroom. When they arrived outside the court marsball said : 'Bis Majesty noticed that your gown was torn on one side and asked me to es- cort you to your carriage, so that you can go home and get the damage re- paired.' The abolishment of the execution of criminals by the headsman is being earnestly agitated in Germany, the only civilized country where thie form of ere, uting the death sentence exists. A number of the German states have abolished the axe and the block, but ite use is still confined principally to Prussia, and the old Prussian provi- nces of Brandenburg. including Bar- in, Silesia, Pomerrnia. Polon, Stxany and. E tot Prussia. Hesse, Hanover and Westphalia, the laterPrussian provinces, use the French guillotine. France is again alarmed over her de- creasing birth rate which hits fallen so 'ow that more people actually die yearly than come into the world. Al- though the euhject is being seriously studied no legal msaeuree have so fey, been successful, Iu view of the repld increase in the population of Germany the decline in this of Feance imperils the country. It is admitted on all sides th tt had the increase of popula- tion of the two countries kept abreast of each other the necessity of increas- ing the French term of military service from two to three years w >uld not have arisen, Italy has so far hal no divnto> law, but ieeikely to have one before I log ,•� e bill has been introdrtced into the Chamber of Deputies to amplify the present laws ttu th•e hubjec . of 1 ,gi) separation. The bill alio provides for r} ahaolure divorce, floor, if either p.,rty is condemned to itn;>risnnmeut at bard ‘.1 labor for tan years or )n >re ; second, if, either party has boon In a lueatic as. ylum for three years or in me or is rec- ogniz'.d as incurably insane ;and, third, if a separation has been previously granted on application by the un - offending party after a lapse of three years if there are no children, or after five years if there are children. Hith- erto many Lallans have been divorced under the easy Swiss and Hungarian laws, but last July the High Court of Venice pronounced such divorces illeg- al. Tnis is one of the reasons for the present bill. Cutting firewood in summer, when it can be done much easier and cheap- er in winter, is a waste of valuable time. First clean up old loge, rails. broken boards, etc,, around the build - Inge, Perhaps somewhere on the farm there are two fields that could profitably be made into one, and the old rail fence between them convette,I into good posts or into fuel, In the wood lot there may be dead or fallen tress that should be removed and made into firewood before • the live 're e> are touched, Morris. Mr. Ward Grey left for the West last week, whete he intends epend'ng the Summer. John Campbell's ears are burning until he gets that lot at Salem, Maple syrup is the order of the day Miss Annie Eleten has returned home. A nnml•er of our Morris people at- tended the college ' •At Home" in Wingham on PIiday evening. Blyth. The Luxton Hill was in Goderich on businese during the week. The well known horseman in Huron Oo., Mr. Archibald Menzies, died sud- denly at the home of Mr. Shortreed, Morris, on Friday morning. Mr. Vanstone has his saw mill in running order this week and employe a number of men. Dr. Milne was called to Westfield on Friday through the serious illness of Me. Roy Stonehouse who has been s riously ill with spinal trouble. One cif the oldest pioneer residents of linnet Township passed to his re - w ted, in the person of Mr. Ja9. Cald- well, who was in the seventy eighth year of his age, Mr. ani Mrs, Geo. Collison of Elul lett have moved into town and occulty the residence recently' purchased from M. 'Toe, Coad, The many friends of Mr. Robert Slater will be sorry to hear that.. he is confined to his beater a few days this week. The horse Fair Association is to be. congratulated on thesuccess of the fair held, on Tuesday of ,last week' The competlon was keen in all classes, in consequence the judges, Messrs Al- lan, and Graham of Goderich and Ar. chibald of Seaforth bad difficulty In settling the winners. The prizes were won by the following ; Heavy Team-- John Wells and Chas. Johnston, Car- riage horse—W. Davis and Thos. Ad. ams, Racers— R. Sloan, J, Ferguson, Sweepstakes, Harry Little. The as. sociatlon has had two successful faire. The weather was ideal. Cranbrook. The store lately occupied by Mr. A. McDonald is opened up under the management of Trewin. Mr, H. John Hunter has completed the job of taking down •the old Pres- by terirn Church in Brussels. Rev. Mr, Duncanson, returned mis- sionary from China, preached In the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning last, r ria The butte) fly, an idle thing,. Nor honey makes, nor yet can sing, As do the bee and bird; Nor do. a it, like the prudent ant, Lay up the grain for times of want, A wise and cautious hoard. Buy or Build It will pay you to call on us before doing either, as we, have most desirable building iota for sale, as well as a number of regi dential properties that will be sold. Worth the money. Watch this space next week for further particu- lars, Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AID IRSDRAACE The deeds we do, the words we say, Into the still air they seem to fleet; We count them ever past; But they shall last,— In the dread judgment they And we shall meet.I John Keble, For the convenience of those requiring Feed we have put in a supply of Corn along with Middlings, Feed, Flour and Bran. Prises right for Dash. F'LOTJR We have Milverton, Exeter, Five X and Maple Leaf always iu stock. Grain taken in exchange for Meals, Flour and Ft ed, the same as cash. CUSTOM GRINDING• We give speoiel attention to this. We might please you ; let us try. E. MERKLEY, WINGHAM Phone 84. Box 62. Idleness le the parent of many vices, athmavmmiwasvitwowahway Christies Grocery PHONE 59 Agent for Fleischman's Yeast Store open 7 p,m. Closes 7 p.m. When cleaning time comes a good broom helps to lighten the work. The brooms we Handle are of a decidedly superior make. The best of broom corn is_.used and they are weli strung-. The prices are 40c, 50c and 60c Drop in and examine them Brooms, Whisks, Clothes Lines, Etc. Tea and Coffe .Store §/AWIMMIMMIYMPIMMAWAMMA WIORMARRAR THEIR EXCELLENCE is due equally to the knowl- edge gained in over 50 years of biscuit -making, and to the materials used in PERRIN'S Dairy Cream Sodas If you have (lever tried Perrin's "Fancy Thin" Dairy Cream Sodas you will find therm daintier than you have thought a soda biscuit could be made. 7`Mtlt tom etc Look for the Portia Thule Mark on every peckate, n "DAIRY CREAM SODAS", the regular kind, are just as delicious as a biscuit tan be. Each kind is packed and sealed at the bakery and retains all its crisp. ness and freshness until it reaches you. 5c., 10c. and 25c. -..at your Grocer's. Every package Guaranteed. Send 10e. in stamps or coin and your grocer's name tor the "Perrin* Sample Package containing some other delicious Perrin products. D. S. i ERRIN & COMPANY, i , LIMITED London, .. ,. ., Canada Homeseekers' Excursions Round trip tickets to points In Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan vis Chicago,. St. Paul or Duluth, en ante each Tuesday until October 37, Inciuelye at low rates. Through Pullman Tourist Sleepers to Win- nipeg en above date., leaving Toronto 11 p.m. No change of care. RETURN LIMIT, TWO 11ONTHS SETTLERS'RES (Dns -way Second gqlass), From stations in Ontario, Kinston, Ren- frew and West to points in Alberta and Saskatchewan, each Tuesday during Marsh and April. LOW COLONIST PARES (One-way Second clasc From stations to Ontario to certain points In Alberta British Columbia, California Oregon,Washinggton eta pN SALIL MARCH 15 TO APRIL, 1S inclusive. Full particulars at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices, or write 0, E. Horning, D,P.A.. Toronto, Ont, H. B. Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent ; phone 4. VP. P. Burgman, Station Tioket Agent ; phone O. APRIL BARGAINS AT ISARIrS For Saturday, April 4th DOLLAR BARGAINS A number of Ladies' and Girls' Rain Coats to clear on Saturday at One Dollar each. Splendid wearing coats; see them. 30 pairs Women's Boots, fine Dongola quality, flexible sewed soles, regular price $2.75, Saturday - - $1.98 LADIES' SUITS Saturday Bargains in Ladies' Tailored Suits, line Berges, blue or black,. $15 value for - - - $11.98 MEN'S SUITS Men's fine Tweed Suits, well lined, good strong wearing suits, factory over -makes ; we bought them at a : bargain ; on sale Saturday at $6.98 20 ib. cotton bag Cane Granulated Sugar for - - - 90c • 100 lb. bag Cane Sugar for $4.40 TERMS—Spot Cash or Trade. •• .il. � H. E. Isard & Co. • �LL 44, 19, :j. .t, .Z. i' 3• •t• t, 4. h Sale Now On ., .r. t• 9 3. • $15,000 High-class Merchandise TO BE SLAUGHTERED Having bought the J. K. Irwin stock of Dry Goods, Clothing; Boots and Shoes, Groceries and Staples at reduced prices, we are now offering Big Bargains in all departments. Our Slaughter Price will be in Red, showing you the original price and our price. Don't pay regular price when you can buy goods less than cost. The sale will continue only for a few days. Follow the Crowds knowing that you will get goods at prices such as you never saw in this store. COME EARLY, fkil• H. B A KE R Successor To J. K. IRVVIN 4. 2