HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-03-26, Page 66 TUE WINGRAM RAM ADVANCE TUURSDAY, MARCII 26 1914 PAINTED WITH MARTIN. '`ORDINARY PAINT 5ENOUR LOQ% Pu PE PAINT REQUiRES5GAt44NS MORE PAINT is not cheap simply because the price is low -if you would economize on paint, you must look beyond the purchase price per gallon. The cheapest paint for you to use, is the paint that takes the lease, amount for the job. It may cosi a Little more per gallon, but because it thoroughly covers more surface, wears better and stays bright longer, it is the most economical in the long run. Martin-Senour -10096 Pure Paint -- "The Paint for' wear and weather", is abso- lutely the cheapestpaint to use, because it goes farthest, and endures longest. "100% Pure" Paint has a covering capacity of 900 sq. ft. of surface one coat, per gallon, as against a covering capacity of hand -mixed -•by -guess lead and oil paint of only 500 to 550 sq. ft. of surface, per gallon, or the lower priced Prepared Paint with a covering capacity of not more than 600 sq. ft. of surface per gallon. Give us the dimensions of your house -let us tell you how few. 0� gallons of "100,X Pure" Paint it will take to cover it thoroughly -then, you will realize that it pays to use the bedt. 25 rJw.P� Investigate. RAE & TIIOMPSON LEI -1I611 COAL, Any dealers who say I am not selling ' the Genuine. Lehigh. Hard Coal, either do not know what they are talking about or else they are not honest. Int confirmation of this I hold a certificate in my poeseasion. I also sell the Free Burning Connell Anthracite, Cannell and Steam Coal, Wood and Kind- ling. Full weight. Prices right. Ooo R. J. Cantelorn Bar 117 www�nrw w�r•,na.i...rn�• we. TRY US, . . . FOR ..� Groceries Flour and Feed Vegetable Seeds Flower Seeds. Seed Peas, etc. Prompt Delivery. Phone 82. BELL'S GROCERY Successor to W. J. Patterson Ii ..ar ter. OVER 86 YEARS', EXPERIENCE ANTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a eked b and description may entckly ascertain our or•lnton free whether an invention is probably pr:.tontabie.Communica- tions strictly confldentir.i. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Okleet errantly for SOCUIVIETDIttalite. Patents taken tbrainah Munn ds receive it$Clenfif without nteriran. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest err- ratatlon of any *dentin Journal. Terme for Canada. WU a Tear, postage prepaid. Sold b7 an new.d.alera. NUNN C 6' are"d n' New York Good Hot Meals For Twenty-five Cents At the New Restiture nt in Field's Block. Farm for Sale. Good Salesman Wanted. A. good see acre farm within nine miles of Wttigharu, good bank barn. good coolant howle, large orol_ard, and ooattiderable quantity of timber. Pride POO Apply to R. Vanatone, WingheinO. - For every town and district where we are not represented. Fruits are bringing high prices and Nursery Stook is in demand. Make big money this Fall and Winter by taking an agency. Experience not necessary. Free equipment, exclusive territory, highest oommissions paid. Write for full particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO -:- ONTARIO Capital Paid Up $3,300,000. Reserve $3,750,000. Total Assets Over $46,000,000. Working for Others THE man who looks in- to the future and pic- tures himself the owner of a business, will live to learn that his visions will always be dreams unless his foresight has shown him the need of saving. Saving is not a habit that should be started "sometime," but one that requires immediate notion. As many days as yon post- pone opening a bank ac- count, just that many more days will you he working for others. One dollar will open a savings account with this bank, and the highest rate of current interest will be - credited every six months. C. P. SMITH AGENT - WINGHAM Farms For Sale 200 aores, large brick house. 2 hank barna, one mile south of Gerrie, good stook and grain farm, 85 acres of bush. ]00 aore farm in Minto Tp., 7 miles from larrieton, 7 miles from Paltn,- ereton ; eohool, ohtiroh and store con• venlent, good buildings. A snap at $5.600. F"or 41111 partionlare for these farms, apply to- ll:11LIP BATWING. Clifford, Ont. HIGH CLASS LIVERY GOOD HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady - drivers. Drivers supplied. BEATTIE'S LIVERY DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. ;Residence Phone 133 ase�a�, AUCTION SALE Of Valuab'e Property in the Town Plot of Wingham. Pursuant to a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will bo produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Queen's Hotel in the Town of Wingham on Monday the 16th day of March, A,D. 1914. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon by Frank McConnell, Auctioneer, the follow- ing valuable property, namely: Lots numbers three hundred and twenty-nine, three hundred and thirty three hundred and thirty-one and three hundred and 'thirty-two, in the govern- ment Survey in the said Town Plot of Wing - ham. There aro on the property .a good frame house and a orcood cement stable. TERMS OF SALE: -Ten per Dent. of the purchase mono on the day of the sale, and the balance within twenty days thereafter. Further partioulars and conditions of sale 'will be made know., at the time of the sato, or may be had on applioati•rn to the undersigned R. VANSTONE, Vendor's Solicitor. Dated this 24th day of February A.D. 1914. 26.28. �E CENTRAL � �i STRATFORD. ONT. Canada's best praotical training school. Three department -Corn anemia!, Shorthand and Telegraphy, Courses are thorough and practi- cal. Individual instruction is given by a strong, experienced • staff. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get our free ctalogue and Bee what we can do for you. D. A. MCLACHLAll1 - Principal .CANADIAN PACIFIC HOMESEEKERS' EX CUR SIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday 'Moth I to October 27, Inclusive. Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.0 From Toronto, and Stations Wcet and North of Toronter. Proportionate faros from Stations East of Toronto. Return Limit two months. REDUCED SETTLERS' PARES (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS). EACH TUESDAY, MARCH AND APRIL, Settlers travelling with live stock and effects should take S1ITTLERS'SPECIAL TRAIN which leaves Weat Toronto each Tuesday during MARCH and APRIL after arrival regular 10.20 p.m. train front Toronto Union Station. ehouiduand REGULAR TRAINS, leaving Toronto 10.20 'p.m. DAILY. Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West. COLONIST CARS ONALL TRAINS, Ne 'charge for Berths. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agent') er write M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. J. H. Deemer, station agent; ebony 7. -W A Datedereon, Time Ateet; pheee 17. East Wawanosh. Minutes of Council meeting held on Ma-. 9;h. Member, all prevent, Min- utes of lat•t meeting read and paused on motion of Currie and Stonehouse, A By -Law way read and passed, appoint- ing the following Pathmastere, Pound - keepers etc. Pathwasters-(Teri. St ur dy, J Pfeffer,Jnhn Cowan, W. Potter, 'Nin Kt+bue, R. Juhneiti t, Jobe Wright, John Hoare, Rote. Taylor, Wm. Toll, Saw Kehueor., Fred Toll, D. McGill, F. D. Stalker. John J. Macon, N. Vincent, Sampion Carter, Wm. ,t, Parke, R. Cbawney, Albert Campbell, Wes. Stackhouse, Mark Macon, Thee. Noble, Chris, Johnston, N, Walsh, A. Nethery, J. T. Bell, John, McDowell, M. McDowell, John J. McDowell, Wm. Hewlett, 3. W. Mason, Bert Bradburn, 11. Cainphtll, J. S. Scott. ()yrue Scott J 1) Anderson, Jae. Brute, J. W Bet. , E Waleb, N Bolt, Cha., Johneton j., Ca,►a. King. Wisher Scott, Geo. Irwin, J. Shoehottoul, John Ferguson, Wm. Salter, J. Cochrane, Jae. Meuziee, Sam McBurney, John Shiell, J T. Currie, E,' Walker, James Young, Chas. Garter, B. J, Tyreman, J J, Kerr, Isaiah Ste- wart, Geo. M, Robertson, Herb, Taylor, J. Gillespie, Char. Sanburn, D. ©low, Wm, Purdon, Jot. Smeltzer, D. Bee- croft, Dan Martin, J. Dow, Ed. Haines, Oeo. 0, Naylor. Leask McGee, G, Camp- bell, Ales. Bruce, Thos. Robinson and F. Devereaux. Poundiieepers -- J Hoare, R. C.11IcOowan, J. 0, Stoltz, B. H. Taylor, Geo. Cunningham, Geo. M. Robertson, D. Clow, Thos. Robinson, John Campbell, J. Cochrane and J. C. Currie. Fencerlewers--W. J. Parke. Geo. Sturdy, F. D. Stalker, W. PattI- son, R. Shiell and A. Robertson. Vie. uators-D. McGill. J. C. stolte,,,J. T. Currie and J. J. Kerr, Communication from the Wingbam Hospital asking for assistance in aid of tbat institution received and ordered flied. Stonehouse -Currie-That the collectors' salary for the present year be placed at $05. -Carried. This appointment deferred for the present, By -Law No. 4, 1914 empowering the Trustees of S. S. No. 13 to raise by way of loan $2715.50 for purchasing a site and building a new -drool house was read and palmed. Buchanan -Irwin --That the council now adjourn to meet again on Monday April Orb at one o'clock. A. Porterfield, Clerk. INDIGESTION OVERCOME 'vercgme by Simple Remedy. Hurried and careless habits or eat - Ing, irregular meals and foods that do not harmonize, tend to weaken the digestive organs and result ill different forlAS of stomach trouble. If you are one of the unfortunates •, who have drifted into tills condition, eat simple foods only, slowly, regu- larly and take Vinol, our delicious cod liver and Iron tonic. Mrs. H. J. Smith, Thomasville, Ga,, says: 'I suffered from a stomach trouble, was tired, worn out and ner- vous. A friend advisedthe to take Vinol. My stomach trouble soon ells - appeared and now I eat heartily and have a perfect digestion and I wish every tired, weak woman could have Vinol, for I never spent any money • In my life that did nae so n'u ch good," The recovery of. Mrs. Snaith was due to the combined action of tho medicinal elements of the cods' livers ' -aided by the blood making and strength creating. properties of tonic Iron, which are contained in Vino]. We will return the purchase money every time Vinol fails to benefit. West Wawanosh. Council met in West Wawanosh on March 8th, at per adjournment. Mem- bers all present. Reeve Murray .in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed, on motion by Councillors Johnston and Naylor. Treasurer's statement for February read by Treas. W. J. Thompson, show- ing balance of $215,93. This report was Bled, on motion by Naylor and Purdon. The following is the liet of officers appointed for 1914:- Poundkeepers--John Taylor, Joseph Feagan,`Thos. Doyle, O. O. Brown, A. Brophey, Jos. Hinnaban, Med. Hum. pbrey, Wallace Miller, Paul Smeltzer. Fence -viewers -- Jas. Nivins, J. J. Washington, Hugh King, J. Durnin, Wm. Armstrong, W. E. Gordon, G. A. Greer. Pathmasters-A. Rivers, S. Kerr. W. R. Nivins, Thos. McPhee. Robert Reid. Jas. Windmill, John Logan, Geo. Dawson, Thos. Doyle, A. Kirk, Wm. Rivera, Med. Elliott, H. Hutchins, Jas, Gibson, S. Johnston, jun.. W. Scrim- geur, J. J. Washington, W. J. An- drew, C, CO Brown, Jno. McLean, Jno, Durnin, F. Culbert, Robt. Smyth, Bert Jones, W. J. Thompson, Wm. An- drews, Wm. Leddy, Thos. Bamford, John Chamney, 8. Cook, Alf. Erring- ton, W. Ferguson, J. Cranston, David McAllister, G. Greave, John Boyle, Jas Craig, C. Robinson, W. Tisdale, Thou. McDonald. J. Reid, A. Harper, J. Durnin, Jae. Durnin, John Wilson, D. Donivan, A. Glaeeote, Win. GIb- bons, Thos. Forchen, E. Haines, S. Thompson, H. McCrostie, P. Watson, 0. M..Donald, Frank Todd. R. Woode, J. Joynt, Wm. Taylor, Levi Havens, Jas. Aitcbeson, J. J. Taylor, Joe. Car - role, D. McDonald, Jas. Gaunt, A. Anderon. W. Campbell, Fred Webb, A. Pardon, J. Inglie, Jas. Laidlaw, J. W altonM cKibbon,Drug¢'ist, Wingham Egleston, J. Lyons,eJ. Purviss, E. Mc- Quillan, R. Thompson, H. Towler, Dr, T. E. Case, Council adjourned to eneet at• 130 p.m. as Court of Revision • re -appeals against Young Drain Arsessmeuts, Members having takenthe necessary declaration some 15 appeals were heard under oath when an adjournment was made to Monday March 0 at 130 r.w. when Court resumed and heard some 1$ mora appeals, Enginee, 10. M. Roberts was given all the evidence and instructed to re- vise assessments as soon as pnssible Court was declared closed by Reeve Murray. When Engineers rep, rt is received Council will give their decis- ion as to all complaints, .By-law no 3 was read three times and pasted on motion by Naylor and John- ston authorizing Reeve and Treasurer to get a line of credit to pay immediate costs in connection with Young Drain Award. Aoc'ts amounting to $38.03 for 1 p. purposes and $40 50 on Drain Ace', were passed and paid on motion by Mallough and Pardon. Council adjourne 1 1 o meet at call of Reeve. W. A. Wilson, Clerk. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of �41s4s( THIS STOMACH REMEDY REMARKABLY SUCCESSFUL You know us-yonr home druggist. You know we wouldn't guarantee any remedy to relieve indigestion or dys- pepsia, or money back, unless we felt the utmost confidence in that remedy, Therefore when we offer you Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets with this proof of our faith in them, it leaves you no room for hesitation or doubt. Theremarkable success of Rexall Dyspepsia, Tablets is due to the fact that they contain, among other things, Bismuth and Pepsin, two ingredients endorsed by the medical profession ae invaluable in the treatment of stomach ills. They Boothe the infiam ed stomach, check heartburn and distress, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, aid in rapid and comfortable digestion of the food and help to quickly convert it; into rieb, red blood. In a short time they. tend to restore the stomach to a natur- ally comfortable, easy -acting, healthy state. They also benefit the bowels. Remelt Dyspepsia Tablets are Bold only at the more than '7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only by J. W. McKibbon. Three sizes, 253, 505 and $1 00, FOR ECZEMA Use a mild soothing wash that in- stantly stops the itch. We have sold many other remedies far skin trouble but none that we c orad personally recommend ae we do the D. D. D. Presc. i •.tior. If I had E:zema I'd use D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. J. J. Davis, druggist, Wingham. MMTtt.tlITIM 1fltfTtttntsttttTtlfTTTtTTtttttTTTTTTTfl flTTTTTTTTTTTT E- E.* Bread. Bread. Bread. .. Home-made Bread Have you tried it? It is delicious. Made with the very beat of everything. Raised on Pleischman's yeast. ....: Eat lots of bread. and eliminate the cost we of living. Get it at .w ..Oa w' ILUUiiiiLUiiiLUiiiiUUilUtii1Uliiliiiii11iUliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CARTER'S 1 PHONE 132 For Headaches Here's the Reason and the Cure man." bottle. Most people at some time or another suffer f;•Cm headaches -disordered stomach, liver or bowels is s: ,, �3 the CautNC--any one cart be cured -one womanwomany Chamberlain's 'Tablets did more for me than I ever dared hope for --cured headaches-biliousness--aitd toned up my whole system ---I feel like a POW wr- bio case too herd for these little red health restorers. 25c. a l3ruggists tend Dealers, or by Mai). Chamberlain Pitsaiatno Corepany, Toronto ii Save Money! Buy Your New Fence DIRECT FROM PAGE Freight Prepaid. .."A-x+r4+ia•.Y.Pw-�+arsS,rCzxlA=:w�t�.:w-ar..,aMtJ4,^"?...F, '.Y S HEAVY FENCE No. 9 Page Wire Throughout in 20 e, 5 30 and 40 Rod Rolls, Freight Paid m,q a f Spacing of Horizontals in Inches 2 10, .10, 10, 8, 9, 10, 10, .................. 6*, 7, 8*, 9, 9 5, 5*, 7, 7, 79, 8 5, 6e; 7*, 9, 10, 10..... • Vt., 6, 6, Q, 6, 6.. ..,...., 4, '5; 5*, 4, 5, 5* 7, 8*, 9, 9 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 4, " 4, 5, 5*, 7, 8*, 9, 9.....: 4, 4, 5, 5*, 7, 8*, 9, 9 3, 3, 3, 4, 5*, 7, 7, 7•, 8 3, 3, 3, 4, 5*, 7, 7, 7*, 8 3, 3, 3, 4, 5•, 7, 8*, 9, 9,, 3, 3, 4, 5*, 7, 8*, 9, 9 3, 3, 3, a 3, 4, 5*, 7, 8t•, 9, 9 0 x- 4 30 5 37 22 6 22 z. 7.40'22 7'4048"22. 8 2,. 8 4242216* 8 47;224 8 47 16* 9 48 ' 9 48 ,22• 16* 9 51 22 9 51 16* 1010 .5148 2216• 10 48',16. 10 51 221 1.1 55 16* ti; 18 48 20 60 PRICES Q ma $ 0.18 .23 .23 -.28 .26 29 .291 .291 .31 .33 .33 .31 36 SPECIAL POULTRY FENCING No. 9 Top and Bottom. Intermediates No, 13. Uprights 8 inches apart. 8 Close bars 8. Close bars t PAGE "RAILROAD" GATES 48 10 -ft op'ng • , 4812 -ft, op'ng /~ . 4813 -tat. op'ng 4814 -ft cip'ng WALK GATE, 48 in. high, Si ft. opening.. STAPLES, 25-1b. box, BRACE -WIRE. 25-1b. rolls, STRETCHING TOOLS, Complete outfit .42 .47 3.80 4.00 4.25 4.50 2.35 .75 8,00 Moil Your Order to Our. Nearest Branch Page Wire Fence Co„ Ltd. Montreal 1240 King St. West Walkerville St. John TORONTO Winnipeg Write For 104 -Page Fres Catalog 'RAGE FENCES WEAR . BEST" • Jamestown. Mr. Jas. Elliott of Fergus .preached in the hall. Sunday night, -Miss McOlennan of Ethel visited in this vicinity over'Sunday. •' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston vis- ited at Wm. Holts on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Hamilton were visiting Bluevale friends on Sunday. Miss Maggie Ireland of 13entick is is vibiting at her uncle's Mr. Thomas Smith. Mr, and Mrs., W m. Bryane of Morris were vieit.ing at -Mr. Edward Bryan's on Sunday. Mr., and Mrs. Norman M•cLoed who have bean visiting at S. Burk's wens to their home at Goderich last Monday. Mr. and Mrs Alex Bryans of Brus- sels spent a few days at Robe. McAllis' ter's and went home on Monday of this week. A little dishwasher came to the home of Robt. McAllister on Sunday morning.' They think they will keep her. • The many friends of Mr. Edward Bryan will be sorry to hear thea he is not enjoying very good health lit pres- ent.' Born. -In Grey township, on ikiarch 13th, to Mr and.Mre. Rlibt, McAllis- ter, a daughter. The box social held on Thursday night last was a spiendld sueeees: A :splendid program was rendefed and anout sixty boxes.were sold, Be on yo er guard, and strive, and pray, To drive all evil thoughts away. Notice To Contractors. Sealed tenders will be received, by the undersigned for the building of a new Public School for Union School Section No.•4, Turnberry and Morris. at the village of 'Bluevalee Plans and specifications for same may be seen et the Poet Office, Bluevale. Tenders will be received up to 4 o'clock p. m., March 25r.h, 1914 Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. JOS. M. SMITH, Sec. Board of Trustees, Bluevale P. 0 , Ont. THE REASON FEWER PEOPLE TAKE "SALTS" House and Lot For Sale.. We find the use of salts and other harsh physics is becoming less every year because more and more people are using Rexall Orderlies, which we and they firmly believe to be the best bowel remedy ever made. They taste so much like candy that even the children like them. At the same time they act so easily and naturally that there is no purging, griping or pain. They promptly remove the constipa- tion and, by soothing and strengthen. i ,g the bo wale, msks it less li•ble o encu, ag tin. W., have the utmoec &thin Lb -,r, We know what they are w*le of and the pieasani, benefic- ial results that always follow their I, You needn't take our w•.rd for P - If Rexall 0, r ernes don't help you- If t • don't entirety relieve alt your bowel troubles -come back and tell ns and w,t'tl give hack your money. In vest pocke sent tin us boxes:110. 25c, 50rt Ytulr .bR aahl Orderlis only at the Rexall Stores, and in this town only by ue. J. W. McKibbon, drug- gist, Wingham. The AroprieletyorPa en!Neo itineArl. Alregclable Preparation furAs similating IheFood andReaula! ting IheStomachsand Boweisot ":' Promo(es Digestion Clteerful-i ness and Rest.Contallls 1teitcr i 0�� pililtt.'I rpllitte ttbr*1itterall NOT NARC OTIC. seYr/`vatote/P .fitig71 Iia, in S,ed- ...Want+ • -llrkellrSullsa ..2tiseSeat+ CASTORIA Icor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ,Tag nktette.► fC1 Seri - 1,51;;,,,... • • Al) et Remedy ioreenshpa tion, SSourStomach,Drarrhoeai Worms,C,onvulsions,F' verish• nets and LOSS OFSLEEle pantile Signatweof. M AI1Y. ' COMP • 'Mt CENTAUR MONTILtAL&NEW YORK Exact Copy ofW rapper. In Use ForOver ThirtyYears CASTOR! naVAOC .OM101141V, Ha* Vaal( re Mr. Wm. Carruthers offers for Bahl hitt fine property on Cath- arinh Street, c'rnsietfn;,• of a seven -room, d brick veneered house and three lots. There is a !stable ou thepremises, also a variety of fruit trees and _.. berry bushes. A most deaira• ble property, and will be sold. right. Enquire ou the premises or at our office,. Lots $I a foot. Insurance on your house and furniture $I per hun- dred for 3 years. We will secure you a ten.- ant for your vacant house for $1. Ritchie- da' Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE ENS. CO Established 1840. Read Otilce GUELPH ON3 Risks taken on all Masses of in- surable property on the each or pre- mium note system. GEO. SLEEMAN, JOHN DAVIDSON President, Secretary. RITCHIE tee COSENS, Agents. Wingham, Ont DUDLEY. HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor,` etc. Ofttce : Meyer Block, Wingham. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rater. WINGHAM, ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L.D.B. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Offioe in Macdonald Block - G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto ' Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARD & CO'S. STORE DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B 0.A., F.S.D. OSTEOPATHIC PNYSICIAN EYE SPECIALIST FOOD SCIENTIST Acute and Chronic Diseases treated. . Glasses Scientifically fitted. Tuesday 11.30 am, to Wednesday 10.30 a.m •) Main St. (over Christie's Store.) W. R. HAMBLY, B.Sc., M.D., Ci - Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, bn- tween the Queen's Hotel and tho Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- it onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M. R. L. R. C, A. (ns Physician. and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE OF LATE Dig WILSON. RESIDENOE-COR PATRICK & FRANCIS Office Phono 170, Residence Phono 182. Ex Gov. Vet. Inspector, C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass 1 and Weather Insurance, coupled -I with a Real Estate and Mone Loaning tinsfness. WINOHAM General 1iospitale (Under dovernmet.,l Inepeetion.l , Pleasantly eituatodJ�•Beautifully furnisheld. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients 1btoh include. board and nrsiug)--64,90 to 16.00 per week, ecoordtng to Iooation of morn. For further infgrnta- tlon-Addreee Midis 7,. MATTHHEWS Superintendent, Bet 425, Wingham, Onb, Ile Pendsth ant. He tpr,drih ..bower•,--- Alike they're needful to the flower; - And j rye' and tears alike ate Pant TO gIVO the Pnttl fit u8urt hment, At cones to me or cloud or sun, Father 1 tis will