HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-03-19, Page 4PRE WINGHAM ADVANCE TInvRsDAY, MAItcli I y r r I; GREATER VALUES For This Week King Bros. Annual March Sale 11141 Shop in the ing f or.,., THE first two weeks of our sale has been an overwhelming .success, Hundreds Came and sawed money. Greater Bargains Than Ever for the Balance "of , this week. The response of the people to our A.Llr< 7,i March Sale proves that the people know from our past sales, that the Genuineness of the bargains we offorar y as represented. INTERESTING OFFERS IN LADIESWEARING APPAREL 15 Doz. Kid Gloves, colors Black and Tau, sizes from 6 to 7i, Dollar Day 2 pair for $1 25 Dress Lengths, Fancy Silk, no two alike and the season's newest goods, Regular $1.50 per yard for...... $1.00 100 Ladies' Vests, Drawers, Knitted Un- derskirts and Bloomers, all -wool and un - shrinkable, broken lines, Regular $1.50, Dollar Day.. $1,00 50 pairs Ladies' Corsets, broken lines in odd sizes, Regular $1.25 and $ 1.50, Dollar Day for $1.00 pair 2 dozen Ladies' Parasols, long straight handles and union top, your choice $1.00 Ladies' and Misses Sweater Coats, all sizes and colors, value $1.25, 1 50 and 1.75, Dollar Day $1.00 Special offerings on House Furnish- ings, Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, Runners, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Curtains and Cur- tain Muslins 25 Black Sateen Underskirts, Fktte all lengths, $1.50 value, Dollar 1.3 • 3 pair 50c Case Rose, all sizes, ,$ 1-2ct't. •y Dollar Day. , .. 10 Ladies' Odd Muffs and Sto styles, silk and satin lined, onl each customer, Dollar Day only.. Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Odd Pants, Knickers, Underwear, Socks, Fur Coats, etc., at Great Savings. Make this store your headquarters for $ Day, leave your wraps here, the store is yours for this sale. Terms for these bargains --Are Strictly Cash. KIND BROS PUT 60-••c'0o0000 0000000 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 •• 000 000000000000 New Spring Goods are still arriving New Cords, Stripes, Woolen and Cotton Crepes and Ratines, all leading shades. White Waists Very Pretty and Good - Crepe Gowns, House Dresses, etc., Linoleums Several new patterns now in. Rugs all sizes, all kinds at popular prices. A full line of fresh Groceries always found here. Ail kinds of Seeds now in We deal only in the best obtainable. J. A. Mills one •89 Wingham — . , 0 0 o 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 9 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 • Wingham A. D. 1954. One summer afternoon in 1954 there eat upon the balcony of 'The Hotel Grand' a magnificent hotel, which was built upon the site of the Queens in 1915, when Dr. Hambly was prevailed upon to dispose of his adjoining pro- perty, which not only made room for this Palatial Hotel, but also gave space for stabling horses galore. As stated there sat upon this balcony, a few very elderly gentlemen. They were the Aldermen of 1914, with the exception of Ald. Iebister, who had long since passed over to the other shore. They bad been entertained to a banquet by George Spotton, just for the Fake of "Auld Lang Syne." Yes Doc., Bays f iintas, noysoototnou rstmpraa,annsdasgneedd1,hGawwaehdoaeyngaleolinkttoeltettnekcsD,looebuuditIs iwoist that• as you Succeeded me in 1014 as Wingbam'e Mayor, so has your son succeeded mina in the same honorable position in 1904? And then with a smile, he remarks, but say Doe, it is good for you that you made your dol- lars the time you did, for since Red• mond has given to the world that mag- ic salve, which will make the teeth to grow in gums, be they ever so old and shrunken, it has blown your profession all to the winds. But bold on says Irwin, where would you today ne George with your old fashioned press? For sinoe our daily papers now came in the form of a neat little record, which we place in our speaking graph, so that when eating or reclining at ease the news of the day, is read out to us, with clear emphatic accent, then turning to Greer, he remarked yes, Will,and where would your old fashion ed telegraphy be today, since the "Wireless" has replaced it in every village, town and city ? Blake Elliott, though' past bis $0, yet active as in days of yore, says crimper° Winghana 1014 with Wingbam 19554. In 1954 in- corporated as a city, and today a city of 50,000, with the suburbs reaching t o Whitechurch, Belgrave and Bluevale, Church -spires glittering in the sun, and Cathedral tower,, towering up to• 1i wards the Heavens ; street cars rush - Ing hither and thither, and far distant travelling the aeroplane. Waltoti blc- Kibbon stilt taker+ a broader view, and sari compare the world then as it is now. Who thought that ,1, today would be selling condensed rays of the sun, that glee us light when the even - Ing is comb, or an antidote for age, until the centenary limit bad been passed "l Yes that is so, says the genial old host, his face smiling, ae it did in Most wonder- ful cent but thetrio t theaaryt , of alit who then thought today, we would bi in direct communication with Mare, and ae today drink from that beautiful world the nectar that lnvig- ''k' orette and waketh glad the heart of vote of thanks to the host, which was seconded by Currie, the Rev'd. Croly sang the doxology, the Rev, Perris of- fered prayer, and the elderly gentle- men parted each for their separate homes, Wingham's Prophet. - - , mats. After tate deli had proposed a St. Augustine. Quite a number of the farmers from around here attended Win. Henry's sale last Wednesday. James Craig has been putting ex- tensive repairs on hie mill and getting ready for a heavy season's work. Wm. Thompson bas tapped several hundred trees and has his evaporator ready for making maple syrup. Quite a number of young people from this 'vicinity attended the concert given in S. S. No. 3 last Friday even. ing and report an excellent program. Fordyce. Mr. Harry McAllister and wife visited at St. Helene on Sunday last. Mr. Jonathan Patterson who held an auction sale has moved to Dungannon, Mrs. M. Champion who has been on the sick list is not improving as well as we would like to hear. Mr. Elwell Webster shot a fine.red fox one day last week. As they are a fine price now keep at it Elwell. Mrs, Jae. Ploughman, we are sorry to hear is at present very sick. We sincerely hope to soon see her around again. Mr. Peter Leaver happened with a - bad misfortune one day this week by falling and dislocating his shoulder bone, which will probably lay hien up for Fome time. Mr. John Boyle and his brother, Honorable August, had been busily engaged gutting wood for Euria Thompson lately, and have purchased the log barn from liir. Geo. Tisdale. They have cedar poste for sale both large and small. How To Make Farming Pay Better Is The Question 1 STANDING FIELD CROP COM- PETITiON. The Tomb( try Agricultural Society offers $75, divided as follows ; $20, $15, $12, $10, $8, $6 and $4 for the beet field of White oats. The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture will furnish the judges. N.txcwitE or COMPETITION : . Fields entered for competition must consist of not lose than five acres, nor morel than twenty*. Gu riri,'rrroits:—Competition will be limited to members of the Turnberry Agricultural Society. Competltere tan only enter in one Society, and but one entry can he made by each cont. petitor. Any individual ran make entry for this cotnpetftion by beeom' ing a member of the Society, Ati competitors must be within to miles rf Winghatn, All applications MUM be in by the Twentieth day of April. Entry forme and further par. ticulare may be had bre *preying to.. - 14 B. Er.1.man. V 22, leseretary, Winghatn. Mr. A. C. Pratt, M.P.P. gave a lec- ture on the keynote to this matter to the Clinton Club last week, and the ,ddress was so replete with highly valuable information, that it was un- ♦niwously conceded, that no greater be >fltretell be given the rural popu- lation, then for it.to he repented. Ur. Pratt has. Very kindly consented, and ne will therefore deliver his lecture on "CO.OPERATION" in the `_Gown Hail, Clinton, Saturday, March jet at 2 p.m. sharp. There will be no charge for admission, for Mr. Pratt is only too glad to be of benefit to his fellow far- mers. We have too long run our i arms in an old groove, too long have we been at the mercy of the middleman. Let there be a large audience to bear Ate. Pratt demonstrate how the meddle - man can be obviated, and fait zing made to pay handsome profits. Re- member Saturday, March .21st, 21 p m. Clinton Town Hall. 40; s s a •, Mise Wilkins, the primary teacher, was instructing her small charger 'Name one thing of importance that did not exist a hundred years ago,' said a teacher. Ralph Franklin, an only child, who was seated in the front row, proeaptly arose and answered : 'Me'.—Harper's Magezine.' People who know affirm that wire- less telephones will be the next tttility and will work on land as well as wire- less telegraphy at sea. The nese ten years will doubtless unfold .many mysteries to the inhabitants off this mundane sphere. We will wvinder why we never thought of them years ago when we observe their eimplicity. is ie a great priviledge to live irk the 20rh century and the citieeeiship should rise to correspond with pt esent day advantages and oppottunitier. BOWELS OUT OF ORDERP WE GUARANTEE RELIEF You know 0s—and, when we guar- antee Rexall Orderlies to satisfy you or your money back, you know it isbe- cause we have faith in them. Wes want you to come to us and get a packaged them. Use a few or the entire box. Then, if not entirely satisfied, cone back and we will give back your looney, You promise nothing, bign no sing, We except your mere word. 'We believe Rexall Orderlies ate the hest bowel remedy made. Thole taste Irk° candy. Soothing and easy in action, they do not cameo go:pping, ;nausea, purging or excessive looatene$4, as harsh phyeice do. Rexall Orre erlit+s tone and strengthen the new and mattes of the, :bowels and promptly relieve conetipat ion helping to over. come its cause, and et the mine time removing the chief Cense of hr lidachee, tnliounnet=U, bad breath, tr:eevonenee end other ills caused by inarI ive bowels, In veer pocket tin boxes; 10e, 25c, Me You rr n buy Rexall Orderil's only atThe Reran Store*, and in thi' town only of J. W. McKlbbou. He lives who lives to God al ne-i: And all are dead beside ; For other, source tban,God is none, Whence life can be supplied. ORIA For Infants 'and Children. The Kind You Have Always . Bought Bears the s �s�;r atnre of ,Nnnllsta4 !1111 Celldeenned .• ° `e scent betrtelry, the Penilan Ian, .Idsnddotfel,- as upload Denbigh- thire 'plaits, is ixdenser of extlne- don est a4eeant of its advaneed years. ride sins fs a of r=te tow Lett which •bettered M" a thateh4a roof, arid; is an object of eenteldenebie latereet le visitors. The laced Medlettl. officer It health condemned the std inn on tccount of its earnests and dllaitda. j ton. NO A , IN ONE f. The most remr.i•lro.b'•• Medio hie ever deo tee cough. relieves at4thi ; , 108 N. x a Cold is s••1 ptr bottle at all drug a'(..t Floors Spica6pa A WELL painted floor is a sanitary floor-- easy to keep clean and bright. Floor paint has to stand the scud' and wear—and stay fresh and bright under sil kinds of kicks and rough usage The best Floor Paint for all°[round satisfaction is The Old Reliable SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT It keeps thousands and thousands of floors spic and span with its freshness and newness and cheerybrightizess. SENOTJR'S FLOOR FAINT is really the cheapest, too, because it covers more surface and wren longer than any other. We have SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT in 14 colors---suit*lsic for every floor you Want to paint. s4 RA & TllOiPSON •