HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-03-12, Page 8rimpornmernimprimmpipmetat-''"="="41---
Dollar Day
Tuesday, March 17
$2.50 HAT FREE
M this store you 'get a numbered
recd pt f rom our Cash Register for
every cash purchase youmake.
On the above date we . ive°
any $2. - te store to the
erson getting the receipt ticket
with the lucky number.
Specials for Dollar Day.
3 Fifty cent Tits for $i,, or 35 cents each.
Any 81.50 Shirt in the store for $t.
5 pairs of Wool or Worsted Socks for $t
30 pairs $1.25 and t so Overalls and Pants, sizes 32
to 46, at $t a pair:
1110 pairs only of Yonths' long Pants, sizes 28 to 31
waist, regular $I 50 and $L75 for $I a pair.
$1.00 Back on $5.00 Purchase.
On all other lines not mentioned above, we will
give you $I back on every $5 cash purchase you
make. This means that $20' .worth of goods will
cost you $16.
Celebrate St. Patrick's day in Wingham
and do your buying of Men's wear at this
store, where everything, is up to date and
the quality right.
The Clothier
MacDonald Block. Opp, Bank of Commerce.
mnmlmAllmmnlmmi mmnnm�
40 lbs. Oatmeal, Regular $1 25 for
25 lcs, :Quality Flour
5 lbs. Graham Flour
1 package Flaked Peas
1 package Peerless Oatmeal
1 Reg. $1.33
j $1.00
3 packages Dr. Stewart's Condition Powder Reg. $150, $1
THE W EN Vl' ,Air
M.. R. Hethe.rtngtou is preperiug to
felled a elle title summer,
1tb' 0 G. Campbell is rutting loge.
He intend% having the portable saw-
mill this spring.
M! N, Thr,f, Abram has returned hone
after visiting with her daughter, Mrs.
W Robertson,
Mists Belle Powell of Turnberry
visited with her friend, Mite Mary
Caney, last week.
lir. q Cinak"v, Bluevale, entertain'
ed some of hie Morrie friends to a social
evening of games and music last Friday.
Mee. A. McEwen is in Wingham
Hospital receiving a treatment for
paralysis of the arm. We hope she
will fully recover again,
East Wawanosh.
' Mrs. Wm. Chandler and daughter,
Mary, of Turnberry are ; ;, pr c
for- ',,;f,b;, ; "iia Maeon.
The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian
Church, Belgrave, are holding an Irish
eociel in the basement of the Presby-
terian Church on the evening of Tues-
day, March 17th. Admission 15c.
letutiful Lullaby/:" 8w"et and Lnw"
whe h was very aweu►.ly butte
abet ladies, We, Me Oa,ll, Mer, J
W. King, Mho*. E Messer, Agnt
Attohesun and (Kt't•le Dtatuond R,,lu.
khawguve a r raadingof
and laugh Sitenawou recited "The
Charge of the flight ilelgade" preceded
by ie brief sketph from J. W, King of
the historical incident ou whwh thio+
thrilling posev
iofollowed. Mt Lilian
Mo0ell contributed a brilliant piano
solo "Eepagnole Bolero" (Godard) auu1
Miss Jobneton a recitatiou en the wie
man problem, Otos of 'thee meet pleas -
leg features of the re ogratn was ,«u
article by the editor of "The Literary
Digest" on the old 2tth of May cele-
bration is Bluevale, J. Stewart favor-
ed the audience with several selections
on the phonograph. At the previous
meeting an enjoyable debate was held
on the question "Resolved that mi-
gration other than Euglish speaking
is detrimental to the best interests of
Canada".. The Affirmative speakere:.rne." At the close ee the regular
with the ohm 'h. 'l he pastor was as -1 day fte-ne.enat3o'clock intbe ecru p
e st d to t reception nervierK by 1►ir, . t u.,taa ,,t the Utturu4. All the sediete of
F. iiuonnt►+u, tlund.y Sehou' Supet•in- the congregation are invited to attend,
ii'ndtnt, Mr, Frank. klowt-on, Epworth
I' ue I'rtNldent, Mr John Cooper,
1)r R-dtnund, M E lurt,rigg• Reg.
Mar be+rvicee will be held moo Lord'%
I)ty when the Rev. 11 N', Ball of'iees•
water will preach in the Nlethodese
Chboth.morning and evening.
The meeting of the W. F. M, 8 of
St. Al,dl',W'ti iihurch, Which Was held
Iwsc. t'tedneeeday afternoon, Watr We+ll
attended. The prugvaw were enter-
taining and helpful to all present.
Mrs. Perrie, the President, gave a most
beneficial Bible reading and talk on
"The woman of Samaria" and two
very interesting papers, dealing with.
the W. F. M. Board in all ite relations,
were read by Mrs, McGillivray and
Mrs. Oaeruth. Miss Mary Currie'eung
very nicely "Somebody's waiting for
Me, R. H. Stevens was at Qoderich
last week as a juryman.
A.load from Wroxeter cline to the
rink on Thursday evening to curl.
A load of young people from Ford-
wieb attended the skating rink on Sat-
urday evening.,,
Mies McKee of Molesworth s :Ant the
week end with her sister, Mrs, Job,
Wylie;and other felends south of town.
The resales' Ald of the Presbyterian
Church held their March meeting at
Mr. Jno. McGuire's on Thursday after-
Mrs. Dr. Armstrong entertained the
choir and members of the Bible clave
of the Presbyterian Church on Friday
evening last. All report a splendid
The English Ohurch people are av•
ranging to present again to the public
the play "A Noble Outcast".on the 17th
of March. They will also give an
Irish program.
Mr. Frank McL tughlin who has
been spending a few months with hie
parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. McLaugh-
lin left last weelefor Toronto where he
will visit. ra a short time with his
brother, Nen.
The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian
Church are having a social on Friday
evening March 130. at Mr. John
11yndman's Sleighs will be provided
to take any out who wish to go,
Mr. Albert Gallagher was in Toronto
a few days last week.
Mr. Thos, McMichael was in Goderich
last week on the jury.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMichael visited
friends in Howick last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer called on
Mr. Jos. Smith of Bluevale last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo, Weir visited Mr.
and Mrs. Win, Dane of Hawick last Sun-
We are glad to report the improvement
of Mrs Meban, who was taken suddenly
ill last week. We hope to see her around
soon again.
McGee's Grocery
-for Your Bargains on Dollar Day
Note a few of the BARGAINS we offer
. doz. Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers .
1 doz. 7 or 8 in. Plates to match All for $1.00
doz. Fruit Servers to match
BERRY SETS consisting of 1 Berry Dish and 12 Fruit
Servers to match for $1.00
1 20-1b. Pail Table Syrup for $L00
You may select any four of the different lines quoted below
to comprise $1,00 worth of goods.
3 cans Aylmer Tomatoes for 25o
3 cans peas for 25c
3 cans corn for 25c
7 bars Comfort Soap for 25c
R bars Sunlight Soap for 25c
3 packages Kelloggs Corn Flakes for 25c
4 packages Corn Starch for ........ , ..250
2 31b Tins Clark's Pork and Beans for 25e
`:2 bottles Catsup for 25c
We will display in onr shore window several other lines
of gbode to comprise our $ Day bargatus.
(WM. 1301M8 8 Old Stand)
We are sorry to report Mr. John
Rolph very seriously ill at present.
The Women's Missionary meeting
will be held in the basemeut of the
Bluevale Methodist Church on March
At the next meeting of the Literary
Society, Wednesday, Mar. 18th, a de-
bating contest will be held between
Bluevale and Salem. The subject for
debate will be "Resolved that Napoleon
was a greater general than Welling-
ton." This should be the most excit-
ing debate of the winter as the speak-
ers on the negative side will be Wm.
Mines and Stanley Elliott who have al-
ready won a debating contest on this
subject, while the affirmative will be
upheld by two of Bluevale's champion
debaters, J. W. King and A. L. Pos-
lifl'. The final meeting of the Society
for the present season will take place
on Mar. 25 and will consist of a grand
program contest between the married
and the single members. It will be a
climax to the long series of successful
evenings which have been given by
the society this winter.
Owing to a previous engagement of
the hall, the meeting of the Society
this week was held on Monday night.
The event of the evening was an ably
delivered address by A. L, Poslif, , prin-
cipal of Wingham Public School ou
the character and works of the poet,
Tennyson. Several numbers were
given on the program including the
,F rslpn- and 'Milton 'ate tittle
were especially complimented by J, W.
King on behalf of the judges for their
delivery although the opposing side
Walter Smillie and 0, Forrest won the
argument. On the same evening A.
MacEwen gave an interesting talk on
the oil engine showing ite advantages
over the steam engine.
On Monday evening of last week
another very successful social in con-
nection with the Methodist Church
was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Robb first lino of Morris, when one hun-
dred people gathered to en j..,y the ev-
ening's entertainment. Tee following
excellent program was given. Rev.
J. E. Cook occupied the chair and gave
the opening speech. Mouth organ
Bolo by W. MoMilhael, accompanied by
Mrs, Watson on auto harp. Recita-
tion by Mies 0. Turner, Quartette by
Mr. Robb and the Misses Robh,Snngby
E Wilburn, address by Mr. A. Shaw,
Recitation by W. McGee, Instrument-
al Mies Moses, Mouth Organ selection
by N. Rohn and NEM. 'Ration, Ad-
dress by Mr. W. Fraber, Recite•
tion hy Rev. J. E. Cook, Duey—Belle
and Terresa Robb, Song— P Stewart
Recitation Miss. Moses, Mouth organ
selection by W. McMie'hael and Mrs,
Watson, Address by Mr. M. Sellers.
An hour was epent in social chat and
a dainty lunch was served after which
all joined in singing °God save the
King' bringing this very •pleasant ev•
ening's entertainment to a close.
Mr. Wm, Watson made a business
trip to Wingham on Saturday.
Provincial Officer Phippen paid a
flying v,eit to our ourg on Monday.
Reeve Milne attended a Hydro Rad-
ial Banquet in London, Thursday ev-
Dollar Day Bargains
In Dressmaking.
Skirts $1, Cloth Dresses $2, Silk
Garments $3, for all orders
taken on March 17th.
Dressmaker over Field's shop.
meeting Mrs. Perrie was requested to
vacate the chair, and Mrs. John temp
hell presided for the remainder of the
program, After a solo by Miss, Jean
VanNorman, Mrs. Perrie, who has
been president of the Society for
twenty years, was presented with the
following address, which was read by
Mrs. John McLean—
Mr. Delon Taman and wife of Fort
William are visiting their friends in
this vicinity.
Mre. Howard Brunsdon entertained
the sewing circle at her home Wed-
nesday evening.
Mr. John Weymouth has taken a
position as sawyer, with Mr. Hutton
at Londesboro.
Me. Clarence Moore, teller in the
Bank of Hamilton. was confined to
hie room for a few days with lagrippe,
Our veteran cattle dealer Mr. E
Watson spent several days in Toronto
and Montreal looking into the stock
Mr. Jas, Beattie received a• car of
Scrat,ton coal un Saturday, and Mr.
Wm. McElroy received a car of fur-
nance coal.
At the horse fair held on Tueeday
Mr. Thomas Coulter captured the
prize for the best single driver. There
were five competitors.
Mr. William Manning has been visit-
ing friends in this vicinity for a couple
of months, and left this week for his
home at Pilot Mound, Man.
Mies Fleming of Hagereville has
charge of the millinery department in
Popplestone & Gardiuer'e. Miss Stein-
hoff and Miss Mutch are assistance,
BuyYour Seeds i
From a House
there's a bit dlMereiid' be/
tween seed a bought trots
established, reliable Seed***
And those bought from a
haus erf nd particeler ores-
ti .
Soil to grewt`ise Our
t e still seeds. Writ• for
handsome Illustrated Cats.
totue. A twat card brings
It by return mail.
Valuable Premium Free
witis Send yyour bwiute y order we
%retractive D i e ar i u re- Ser
ince OS err via# csWogUe
Datilliger Sid Co.
:lox 12:2 Ltd.
Loodotti Out. Ciasds 14
Public Schoi(bard.
o rd
The regular meeting of the public
school board was held on Tueedny
evening in the council chamber. All
the metuhere were present. Declar
h the fax
tt f � a k
a t n o office wee signed n
newly elec•ed m •anher . Dudley 11 .1 -
lime was Mee, chairman tor they'a',
Prine'Ipal'e report wan adopted and the
finance coos: :.tee is compot.ed of
chairman, Bisbee rand Lloyd The re-
mainder of the hoard are to make up
the property committee, with Trustee
'J ipling as chairman. Mr, F. Buchanan
was appointed to the High School.
Board. Chairman, secretary and prio.
cipal are to be e. committee to purchase
any neeeasary equipments for the
school. The teachers' salaries were
ordered to be paid, and on motion of
Tipting and Btebee, the school is to
have a half holiday on March 17th.
High Class Coecert.
Dear Mre. Perrie :
On, this, the twentieth annivereat'y
of your coniffig to Wingham, we, the
members of the Women's Foreign
Missionary Society, the Happy Glean•
ers' Mission Band, and the ladies of
St. Andrews Church, desire to convey
to you some expression of our appreci-
ation and respeor.
As President of our Missionary
Societies, you have ever been devoted
and faithful, zealous for the noble
work of the Societies,. As a friend you
have been kind and obliging, willing
to aid in tinges of slckr ese and distress,
You have encouraged and advised as
only a pastor's wife is called upon to
do. You have been au example to us
in many ways—by your mndet_t de-
meanor, earnestness, and faithfulness
to your duty and hy your Christian
character—inspiring us always to that
higher life of which Christ is the Ex-
Our earnest and heartfelt hope is
that you may long be spared to dwell
amongst ue, and that the continued
blessings of God may be bestowed up-
on you. We ask you to accept this
expression of our appreciation and
Signed on behalf of—The W. F. M.
S., Mrs. John Campbell, V. P. ; The
Happy Gleaners Mission Band, Mrs.
J. W. McKibhon, Pres, ; The Ladies
of St. Andrews Church, Mrs. Herbert
A. and R. A. McDonald were in Tor-
onto over Sunday.
Jae. McLaughlin is visiting friends in
this vicinity.
Born.—To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter
on the 5th. inst. a eon:
Miss Ruby Kennedy of Medicine
Hat vieited her cousin, Mre. Helm last
week. -
Rev. Mr. McCullough will hold erec-
ial 'services for the next two weeks in
the Presbyterian Church.
The Wingham branch of the Wo-
men's Institute will hold their regular
monthly meeting on Thursday, March
19, at 3 p.m , in the Council Chamber.
Roll call to be responded to by recipes
for candy. The subject for the meet-
ing—"Building character, brain, and
muscle for the child," by Mre. Dr, J.
P. Kennedy. All members requested
to be present. Visitors welcome.
Please note change of date.
A goodly number from here attend-
ed the opening of Union Church on
Sunday. They are to be congratu-
lated on the completion of such a
beautiful edifice, it being the best rur-
al church in the London Conference.
The president Rev, Mr, McAllister
took the morning and evening servic-
e?, while Rsv, Mr. Wien their former
pastor, preached in the afternoon.
They were favored by music from
Trowbridge Choir,afternoon and even-
ing. The Church was crowded at each
1:" r7Ca
Little Mise Edna Campbell and
Master Walton McKibbon then
presented Mrs. Perx•ie with a
boquet of flowers. In her reply Mrs.
Perrie expressed her appreciation of
the encouragement which had been
given her during her years of work
for the Master, and hoped that touch
good would be accomplished in the
future of the Society,
A dainty lunch was served by some
of the "Ladies of the Aid Society" and
all present enjoyed the social gather-
The Ladies' Aid Society of St. An-
drew's Church are giving a St.
Patrick's concert and social next Tues-
day evening, March 17th. An excel-
lent program of Irish songs, quartettes,
readings, etc., has been prepared. Ad-
mission 15s.
The reg -alar meeting of the Ladies'
Aid Society will be held neat Wednes-
The Wingham Methodist Church
Choir are to be congratulated on have
ing the good fortune to secure the
most high class concert company in
Canada to -day, the Leigh -Smith Oon-
cert Oompany. This company will
render a high class program in the
Wingbarn Tewn Hall on the evening
of Friday, March 20th. Mr. J L. Hess,
secretary of the Bellvilte Y M. 0. A
Speak thus of these talented artiste:—
To Whom It• May Concern:—
I have handled first class talent
for the past twele years and can heart-
ily recommend this Company as one of
the very best.
Yours faithfully
J. L. Hese.
The people of Wingham will no
doubt feel grateful to the Methodist
Choir for giving them so rare an op-
portunity of hearing such artists.
Irish Concert and Social in the Pres-
byterian church on St. Patrick'e
night. Admission 15e.
All the honesty is in the parting.
Card of Thanks.
Having sold my grocery business to
Mr. H. T, Tbompson of Belmore, I
wish to thank my many customers for
their liberal patronage, in the past and
hope for a continuance of same to the
naw proprietor, Mr. Thompson.
Ae I have sold my business to Mr.
J. H. Baker all owing me accounts can
settle same with Miss Cartwright. who
is remaining with Mr. Baker. Costs
will be added on all acnounts remain-
ing unpaid after March 21.t.
J. K. I R W I N.
Blatchford.—In Wingham on Feb. 25,
1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blatch-
ford a daughter.
Reid.—In Turnberry on Feb. 28. 1914.
to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Reid, a son,
Luutitt.—In Turnberry on March 9,
1914, to Mr, and Mre. A. E. Loutitt a
Clothes That
• •-•••
Our expert cutter and designer, Mr.
E. Lewis, has had wide experience, con-
sequently we can guarantee fit and work-
Old clothes made new by our pressing
and cleaning process.
Ladies' tailoring a specialty.
Give us a trial.
LLilli ililllillllllllltillllllililllilllll`ltiillllillllllilllllillllllll
::!..:, .:..r :.�r.:. oft o•.:.ay. .:.>k:p..:. •P• 0!..::a.:.0D 0• a:.' c) at
As Iry ice ii, iT. fr, V5' V iii:W ►� aikri 4' 1i irli "I" Ip (a' (5'e IIC' IA' "
We expect this will be a big day for Wingham . and to make y
1. 4rit worth while we offer some very special values
qty 0.
tie Our Own Blend 30c Black Tea, 4 lbs. for $1.00 eil
VS This is an exceptionally line Tea and is well known all around this part
eh of the conntry for ft's strength, oto. �iG
We've been blending this Tea for many years and know it's worth, If g„
;1/4(I: you've been drinking a 80o tea we ask you to try this one.
'r OASH ONLY, 41bs for $1.00
i:* ' This price will only hold good for Dollar Day
Church 'Fleves
A missionary meeting was held la t
Monday evening by the A. Y. P. A.
when an interesting paper was given
by Mies McCracken on "Canadian
Bishops," Rev., S. °roly read a let
ter from Rev. E. 11, Fry entitled "In
Artie Regime." and a reading was
given by Mr. E. Nash on "Tribe person.
ality that counts."
Rev. P. H. Croly returned on Sa
r -
day from St. Johne, Quebec, and eon -
ducted the Services In St, Paul's
church on Sunday. Service is being
held in the church each Wednesday
duringLent at 7:30 p. in,
On Friday evening'last a baptismal
service was held in the Methodist
Church and twenty-seven adults and
pastg plu uere baptized r -orr, An sttal good emigre -
on assenbled in the Methodist
Church last Sunday morning, it being'
the closing ser'rlee of the five -weeks
euccerrful revival rervicett Toepastor
read the rules of the Methodist church
and preached briefly from the words—
"As ire have opportunity do good nnto
all men?" gale. $ :10. Afterwards a
ver Impressive reception Attlee wee
Nola When O toff ' ^. Ws hatted
Our Own Blend 40c Black Tea, albs. for 1.00
One of our very large sellers and ie spoken highly of by all wbo use
tt. The liquor is very rich in color, and it has a flavor not generally
found in Tea of this class and price. It has strength.
OASH ONLY 3 lbs for $100
This will only hold good for Dollar Day
We sell a coffee that is unequalled In quality. We believe if you try it
neve You will come back for more. There is something special in the
Blending and a great deal In the Roasting. Per ib.
Large Stack Come and See Us
GOOD CLEAN OATMEAL 30 lbs. for 1.00
Ire 4
I Co
th This m'tt1 comes direct to us from the mills and if it is not what we say y{•
.v •r, in we'll refund your Money We buy in the beet market and pay the e4
highest prlce for first quality.
DOLLAR DAN' PRICE 30 lbs. for 8100 cash
44. e4
Our Store Is full of the Best Class
of Eatables.
Tuesday Next, March 17th.
62 pairs Women's Oxfords, regular $2,
For $1.00 a Pair.
The above lot consists of odds and ends
in several kinds of leathers, namely
Patent, Dongola Kid and Vici Kid.
All sizes for women, 21 to 7.
48 pairs Men's Shoes in Patent, Don-
gola Kid and Gun metal leathers.
Broken lines in our $3 and $4 lines,
For $2.00 per pair.
30 pairs Boys' Shoes in sizes 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, regular 1.75 and 2.0 0,
For $1.00 per pair.
18 pairs Children's shoes, sizes 8, 9 and
10, regular $1.50,
For $1.00 per pair.
18 pairs Misses' shoes, sizes 11, 12,
13, 1 and 2, regular $1.50 to $2.00,
For $1.00 per pair.
The above will be on sale on above
day mentioned any time after 10 a. m.
W. H. WILLIS co.
Sole Agents
For The
4 Lace Collars for... .
I Beaded Purse for . , .. , ..
I Leather Hand Bag for
I Silk Muffler for •.
I r2 yds Brocaded Velvet for
io yards Repp for ..
3 yards Dress Goods for
Black and White Printa,Shirts i o0
i of our $2,5o Hats for. 1 00
t pair. Boys' Bloomers fori oo
i pair Blue and white striped Over
alis and 1 pair socks for1 00
1 Stanfield's all -wool shirt for1 c o
I pr Stanfield's Drawers forI oe
I Suit fleeced lined Underwear
and 1 necktie for.. 1 00
2 Working Shirts and i rubber
collar for - - I o0
3 pair Men's Braces for 1 oo
1 pair Hose, 50c, 1 pair braces,
1 tie for .. I 00
i Men's Odd Vest for.. 1 oo
5 pair Grey Wool Socks for,.. i oo
1 Boys' Sweater Coat for..... 100
Cheap Furs for $ Day
10 Fur -collared Coats 1-2 price on.
Ladies' Winter Coats our Big
Choice 1-2 price $ , Day
Men's and Boys' Overcoats 30
per cent. $ Day
Phone 70.