HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-03-12, Page 6THE WIIGITAM -ADVANCE THURSDAY, MARCII 12, 1914 L'00 WINGHAM'S �1.0o Day DOLLAR D will be -held on CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT (launch's best Isar heat trninin(; school 'rbrt a d° p irtwent Coln, nlercial, Shorthand arld Telegraphy. . Cour' es are rnm,rou,,lr anti prhet - •it 1u' iv''1na^ 11l-trued„tt toy n by u Hiullf;, expel er„.,t BUM. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get Our freectalogue nod toe what we van do for you. D. A. McLACHLAS Principal uesday, March l7th, 1914 I'fee/�e..AlA�s�Ma/d1.i�M �� IT is the purpose of the Business Men and Merchants of Wingham to make this one of the most Sensational Bargain Days the Town has ever . e purchasing Thp ower of $1.00 will be Greater than ever before in the History of Wingham. Every merchant has promised to give his customers on that clay an Exceptional and Extraordinary Dollars' worth of Goods $1100 "Luxuries and Necessities" are included in this Sensational Day 1 100 of Cut Prices. Oet Vour Share. • A Dollar Bill will do Great Service on Dollar Day. Come to Wingham prepared: to take home your share of the Big Offerings SPECIAL, PRIZES $12.00 OAK CHAiR will be given by Walker & Clegg to the oldest Lady coming to Wingham on that day. $5.00 IN GOODS at any store will be given by A. H. Wilford to the Farmer ex- hibiting the best team of horses suitable for drawing a creamery waggon. , $5.00 IN CASH by A. M. Scully, manager of Dominion exhibiting the best team of General Purpose Horses. Bank to the farllier Competent Judges will award the above prizes in front of Town Hall at 3 p.. m. $5.00 in Cash to the person who brings in the biggest load of people to Wingham on. Dollar Day. Remember the Date-- TUESDAY, MARCH 17th, 1914 LEHIOH COAL Any dealers who Bay I am not selling the Genuine Lehigh Hard Coal, either do not know what they are talking about or else they are not honest. In confoirmation of this I hold a certificate in my possession. 1 also sell the Free Burning Connell Anthracite, Cannell and Steam Coal. Wood and Kind- ling. Full weight. Prices right. R. J. Cantelon Box 127 BARGAINS AT BELL'S FOR MARCH nth 5 pkgs. Baby Chick Feed $1.00 5 pkgs. Wodehouses' Animal Invigorator, $1.00 15 pkgs. Vegetable or Flour Seed, $1.00 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 Prompt Delivery. Phone 82. BELL'S GROCERY Successor to W. J. Patterson OVeft as YEARS' gXPEPtIENGC ATENTS bu MA 11 le COPYRIGHTS deer. Arlene bending a )ketch and dHoriptt ne tear gnicklfr *Nertaln urly bOpinioitt t�rit atm an ote nobsstriction lyconedenial- 11� f' onrAenti stettMs. oldest teener to r{'1 �+ Patents talon through pun elaUf tiefidi, althea% off+ e, to • e len tIlC Jl MON. atimilisoftairar C ood Salesman Wanted. • - a For every town and district where we are not represented. Fruits are_ bringing high prices and Nursery Stook is in demand. Make big money thio Fall and Winter by taking an agency. Experience not •necessary. Free equipment, exclusive territory, highest commissions paid. Write for full particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO -:- ONTARIO Capital Paid Up $3,000,000. Reserve $3,760,000. Total Assets Over $46,000,000. Working for Others THE man who looks in- to the future and pie - !urea himself the owner of a business, will live to learn that his visions will always be dreams unless his foresight has shown him the need of saving Saving is not a habit that should be started "sometime," but one that requires immediate action. As many days as you post- pone opening a bank 110. Count, jest that many more days will you be Working for Oth+srs. One dollar will open a savings acoonnt with thea bank, and the highest rate of current intelreet will be credited every six menthe. C. P. SMITH. AGENT . WINGHAM NIGH CLASS LIVERY GOOD HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady drivers. Drivers supplied. BEATTiE'S LiVERY DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Property in the Town Plot of Wingham. Pursuant to a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale rPublie Auction at the Queen's Hotel in the Town of Wingham on Monday the 16th day of March, A.D. 1014, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon by Frank McConnell. Auctioneer. the follow- ing valuable property, namely : Lots nutrition three hundred and twenty-nine, three hundred and thirty three hu.'dred and thirty-one and three hundred and thirty-two, In the Govern- ment Survey in the said Town Plot of Wing - ham. There aro on the property a good frame house and aood cement stable. TERM OF S ALE -Ten per cent. of the purchase money on the day of the salt, and the balance within twenty days thereafter. Further particulars and conditions of ea'e will bo made know . at the time of the sale, or may be had on apptioathn to the undersigned R. VANSTONE. Vendor's Solicitor. Dated this 24th day of February A.D. 1914.26 . 108 NOX A COLD Why Lent is Observed. Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, is supposed to have received this name from a custom in the church of sprinkling ashes on the heads of penitents then admitted to penance. The early church did not commence Lent until the following Sunday ; the additional days were probably includ- ed by Gregory the Great, As regards the manner of observing Lent, various degrees of strictness have prevailed in the church. Perfect abstinence from all food every fasting day until even- ing ie in theory at least required, and it has also been considered desirable that public worship with sermon should be attended daily, with frequent communion, especially on Saturday and Sunday; public amusements, es- pecially stage plays, are prohibited, and the celebration of religious festi- vals, as also of birthdays and mar- riages, are held to be unsuitable ; and increased diligence in almsgiving seed delds of charity is enjoined. 109 i4 the number of the prescription once snbeerftbed by a wonderful doctor. It stops a though, relieves asthma and bronchitis, ark) hi good for all lung and throat trouble. The best Cough medi, eine for ohildr h ; try it, 250 per hot-, tle. All drug stores. "Breasts 1 Ir /one . air," said theteed L:cueo me, i , dy 10 the hotel lobby, "hut though a stranger tome, your face eeetns family tar. Halo you ratty relatives in Atlan- to?" "Not one," was the reply. "Years ago 1 floated down the Chattahoochee River an st raft, leaving alt my rela- tires bithina, The raft was wrecked in a storm mica I had to swim aehore, With a forty -pound oatfiah itt tow. I traded the flab for s week's board, put an 'ad' hi the "i:most` column, recovered lasy wreek*" 11fb wine) mai tad a imr si Vancouver Island Coal. The situation now is that all the mines on Vancouver Island are pro- ducing coal, and it is equally certain that their output will rapidly increase during the present year. It may be frankly admited that there are yet hundreds of miners stilt on strike. The point is that whether they return to work or not the operation of the mines is going on, and that the output will he steadily and rapidly increased. If the men now on strike will only realize the full significance of this statement the strike will end at once. It is in the interests of the men them- selves that we are writing, no matter what the few bosses who have ruled and dominated affairs for the last eight months may say, and it ie to be hoped that the men on strike will take the advice in the spirit in which it is tendered and act on it. The to stet' they do the better for theniselvee.--' [Nanaimo Herald. YOUR HAIR NEEDS PARISIAN SAGE ST. PATRICK'S DAY, MARCH 17. (Manitoba Free Press.) Moi ! but I'm longin' for Edn to -day ; Her locks and green valleys so fresh an' so swats. What a trate to be there 'side the boys of Kildare, An' jig veld th' coleens, so spry an, so nate. There's a charm to the music' iv Irelan'. Wid my friend, Jimmy Flynn, bedad we'd shtart in, Take a gale on the lakes iv Killarney. Or better by far, hire a gay jaunting car Move round 'mong th' boys (Jim's a bit iv a blarney) Whist 11 1 he's boostin' -for Houle rule in Irelan'. Saint Pathrick was born, on this mem'rable morn. All sense it from Derry to ffilly-mo- cart. Suck kindness he'd tinder, bis love wee so tinder Small wonder Hiber'nayns kape a warm heart. Pat's a popular name in ould Irelan.' " Loyal Ireland ! Asthose t tho, tyranny sore. Has htrried, oppressed ye for centuries past ; True Britons abroad in hosts will ap- plaud When Liberty's struggle shall triumph at A "square dale" is now due to Irelau,' I'll visit again the sod iv me father', An' see the dear Shamrock and wild Irish rose ; Wid a bran' new shill.a-lay I'll 'mints r forth gaily A" wearin' the green" with an iligant pose. I'm a "chip ii' th' ould block" from Ireland. - It Quickly Retnoves Dandruff. Just because your hair is full of deny druff, thin, streaky, dull and never *ill do up to look pretty, do not de- epair. Beautiful hair, thick flinty lus• trouts and absolutely free from den• drnit iB only a matter of care. Parisian Sage frequently applied will work .wonder8. Suet one appli+ catlon stops itching head, removes dandruff and all excessive oil. It goes right to the hair roots and furnishes the nourishment needed --the hair be. comes soft, fluffy, abundant and radi- ant With life. Parisian Maga not only saves the hair but stimulates it to grow long and heavy. flet a 150 cent bottle from. 3. W. aeffiblarta-alis finable. ''Maria 1,1 „mn • VALUE OF RHEUMA FROM THE COURT Judge Barhorst was Relieved of Rheumatism after Doctors Failed. If you have tried many other reme- dies and doctors' treatments for !then, madam and found they failed, do not be skeptical about trying Rk1E8ThIA. Read the testimony of J edge John Bar. Moret of Fort Loramie, O. "After treatment by three doctors without result, I have been cured of a Very bad ease of Rheumatism by using two bottles of RU1IU.IIA. It is now two years since I used the remedy, and I am still as well as ever. Previously, I was a cripple, walking with crntchee." Such testimony should be convincing, 50 cents at J. W. Mcitiabon'e guaraL. teed., A year ago he couldn't eat 1 Low Rates to California, Florida, and the Sunny South NOW 1N EFFECT The Grand Trunk Railway is the most direot route from all points East through Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. Full particulars at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices, or write 0, E. Horning, D.P.A., Toronto, Ont, II. B. Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent ; phone 4. W. F. Burgman, Station Ticket Agent ; phone 60. House and Lot The teacher was instructing the class in the rudimenta of the English lang- uage. "John," she said, "make a sentence using the Word 'Indisposi- tion.'" John, who was evidently of a pugilistic turn of mind, assumed an aggressive pose, and annotnneed,'When Von ns want to halt._ toot- ritttaidi .til sts Today he can eat three square ,Heals and sometimes one "extra" because Chamberlain's Tablets cured Stomach Troubles and gave him a good digestion. You try them. 25c. a .bottle. All Druggists and Dealers or by Mail. 3 iP Clui.berlir Medicine Co., Toronto CANADIAN PAC I F1C. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA. SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday March 3 to October 27, inclusive. Winjtipeg and Return -° $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 From Toronto, and Stations. West and North. of Toronto. Proportionate fares from Stations East of Toronto, - Return Limit two mouths. REDUCED SETTLERS'.FARES •• (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) EACH TUESDAY, MARCH AND APRIL Settlers travelling with live stock and effects should take SETTLERS' SPECIAL TRAIN which leaves West Toronto each Tuesdayduring MARCH and APRIL after arrival regular 10.20 pm. train from Toronto Union Station, Settlers and families without live stock should use REGULAR TRAINS, leaving Toronto 10.20 p.m. DAILY. Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West. COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No charge for Berths. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents or write M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. $ $ J. H. Boomer, station agent; phone 7. • W. A. Sanderson, Town Agent; phone 17. For Sale, Mr l'a'in. Cil,rrtlther. •f4 ff,r 881•• his floe pro Art.n 0"9 h •.4.r�r • tilt M • .. marl)-tu.'tu d house and three !t IH a stable en tlift J' t*" -s s also a variety of fruit tree: .Teti berry bushes. A most d.•t,ira- ble property, and will hk eol(l right. Enquire on the premist's or at our office, Lots $I a foot. insurance on your house 'and furniture $I per hun- dred for 3 years. $ We will secure you a ten- ant for your vacant house for $I. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WELT,TNGTCN MIUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840, Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on alt classes of in. savable property no the cash or pre- mium note system. GEO. SLEEMAN, JOHN DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCHIE i4c COSENS, Agents. Wingham, Ont SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old,may homestead a quarter - section of availabe Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or 'Alberta. The appli- cant must appear In person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency tor the district. Entry by proxy niay be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub- agent) on certain conditions, Duties. -Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of bis homestead on a farm of at least 80 aures on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- quited in every case, oxcopl when residence is performed in the vicinity. In curtain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section along- side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties • Six months' residence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to 'earn hom•stoad patent) and 60 acres extra cultivation. The area of culti- vation is subject to reduction in ease of rough, scrubby or stony land after report by Home- stead Inspector on application for patent. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased honpested in curtain districts. Price $3 00 per acre. Duties. -Must reside six months In each of three years, culti- vate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.-Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not bo paid for. Children Cry for Fletcher's . ..�_. \ \ \•\ `\ ASTORIA The Kftlid You Have Always Bought, and •which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- p4� sonal supervision since its infancy. cl/�/.,• Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" arc but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains iteither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic) substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worm and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it lens been in constant use for the relief of Constipation Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Fiarnccea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's Panacea -'-Tho Mother's Friend. ALWAYSGENUINE CASTORIA f Bears the Sigtiattlr'e of For O 30 ,.ears is � DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office t Meyer Block, Wingham. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. • WINGHAM. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S.. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Office In Maedogald Biock- G. 11. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Honor Graduate of the Royal Oollege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentist. OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARD & CO'S, ,STORE DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B 0.A.,-F.S.D. OSTEOPATHIC PNYSiCIAN EYE SPECIALIST FOOD SCIENTIST Acute and Chronic Diseases treated. Glasses Scientifically fitted. Tuesday 11.30 a.m, to Wednesday 10.30 a.m Main St. (over Christie's Store.) W. R. HAMBLY, B.Sc., M.D., C.M. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. O. Box 118 DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OFFICES -Corner Patrick and Centre streets PIIONEs- Offices 43 Residence, Dr, Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr, Calder 161 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseased of 'the )lye, Ear, Nage- dtld 'Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. • Glasses properly fitted. DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grlfd- nate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BMOC:. DR. ROBT. C..REDMOND.. (Len tlin d.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm'e old stand) W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE OF LATE DR. WILSON. RESIDENCE -COR PATRICK 3c FRANCIS Office Phone 170. Residence Phone 182. Ex Gov, Vet, Inspector. 0. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT G GENT Issuer of Marriage Licensees. Fire, Life, .Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning tmninaa . WJNOHAM General Hospital. (tinder cleeernmeea leseeetlon.) Meetntly alb:sted. tleetttffully furnished. ()pen to all regular) hemmed hydtebans. Rates for patients (*hath inelttde and ng) ---it 90 to $16.00 per week. *avoiding to location of room, O'crt' 1prih o informs. on-Atldre»r