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The Wingham Advance, 1914-03-12, Page 5
THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1914 Don't Forget W.G PATTERSON'S Big Half Price MARCH Jewelry Sale Now is the time to buy your Diamonds, Pearl Good s, Watches; Clocks, Silver- ware; Cut -glass, Leath= er goods, Toilet Sets, • Manicure pieces, Jewelry of all kinds Look for goods marked Half Price and Special Price Special for 17th of March We will sell six $1.00 Alarm Clocks for 25c each and six $1.00 Watches for 50c a each from 3 to 4 o'clrck. • For Dollar Day Bargains keep your eye on goods marked in South window. No goods given out without the spot cash. W. G. PATTERSON THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR WINQHAM ONT. Myth Mid -Winter Fair. THE WIR'GTA], ADY'ANOE With liberal prizes, the horsemen of Huron were ere drawn to Blyth, Tuesday, March: 3rd, The cotnpetiton was strong, the iatereste keen, seven fine teams lined up before the jadgee, who were Joseph Fisher, Archie Menzies, and John Ellie, veteran horeenaap,. who ha: seen active service in many strongly contested, show tinge, fir et place went to Wells' trappy pair, Foe - ten' team came second. Jim's off horse behaved badly by going lame, Shortreed'd big team third, a compe- tent blacksmith and.a little grooming would snake theta look like first, but the road class would wake you think you were at Madison Square Gardens, New York, Talk about excitement.. trials of speed and all the rest of it, seven good ones lined up, Leo's little chestnut easily won her class, with Harry's emootb going black second, and. Barnet's trite bodied and deep chested bay third, while former win- ners bad to go further down the line, but fashion changes like ladiee hate. The placing seemed to pledge the ring- side, by the good humor that prevail- ed, Many had afall to the slippery gide* work, and no one blamed the council, a pair from the windy town were eeen on all fours on the icy walk singing, "There's no place like home," Al- though they got some hard bumps, there was no word of any legal action being taken, so we will draw the cur- tain on one of Blyth's great days. One Who Was There. - St. Helens. Mr. Wm. Wellwood le visiting her daughter, Mrs. Geo, Webb at present. Mr. Richard May left for his home in Oobourg last Monday. Mr. and Mre. D. Farrier spent Sat- urtiay at Brussels attending tbe six- tieth wedding anniversary of the lettere parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lott. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Martin spent Sunday at the home of the letters parents. Mre. Arcb. Patterson of Wingham spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mra. Robt. Wcode. M Always put the saddle on the right horse. East Wawanosh. The following is the report of S. 5, No, 7, East Wawanorb,, for the month of February, Sr. 4th ---Stella damee 75 per cent., Bye Boyle 74, Irene Boyle 72, Annie Robinson 71, Joseph Tinleon OL ,lr.-Melville Beecroft 85, Mary Tin- loon 74, Lyle. James 73, Mary Boyle 65. Sr. god- Olarence Ohamney 05. Charlie Robinson 07. Jr. god -Wilfred Robin- son 65. Sr, 1st--Oecil Chummy 63 Primer.-glayton Robinson 76,-1, H, A. Taylor, Teacher. A very interesting event took plane Thursday, evening, March sixth at the home of Mr. and Mre, Thomas Robin- son, Fairview Farm, East Wawanoeh. when Mise Elva entertained about sixty of her young friends at a birth- day party, Owiog to tbe fine weather and good roads the company arrived early and after greetings and pleasant conversations the dames was opened by the Misses Bruce and Anderson with the tango, The dancing was then kept up till midnight when some- thing came around which took the form of an extremely tasty lunch of which every one partook freely. The dancing was tben continued till early breakfast. The music was supplied by Messrs Haines and McGee and Miss Haines of Fordyce, Mr. Milton and Mise Esther Bruce also the Misses James of Tinker Town and Mise L. McLean of Belgrave. Messrs Stafford Smith, Alexander, McAllister and Robinson supplied the loud stuf. The company then dispersed very rapidly after singing "Horne Sweet Home" and wishing Miss Robinson many happy returns of the day. Fordyce. James Martin is improving as well as can be expected. John Martin is away on a business trip to Toronto at present, Harold Robinson we are hear is improving nicely. Mr, Samuel Phillips purchased a fine pair of black cattle at Mr. Scott's sale. MIss Ella Carroll has been visiting at M-. Aitcheson'e for a few days lately. Miss W. Haines is home again after spending a few days at Mr. George McRobert's. glad to Begorra Saith St. Patrick 'Tis $ Day AT KNOX'S Look at the Bargains 1 only $4 50 8 day clock $1.00 8 only 2 00 alarm clocks 1 00 2 only 2 50 bedroom cloaks 1 00 1 only 4 50 fruit dish on silver stand.. ,1 00 1 only 8.50 gold lined silver fruit disk, , , , 1 00 1 only 2 50 marmalade jar 1 0) 1 pair 4.00 silver sugar and cream 1 00 4 only 1.75 Rogers' berry spoon 1 00 2 only 3 60 bracelet watches ..... 1 00 7 only I6.0 boss' watches 1 00 1 only 8.50 gents gold plated watch chain,1 00 3 only 2.50 solid gold birthday ring 1 00 8 only 2 50•peari set scarf pins 1 00 2 only 2 50 gents fobs 1 00 3 only 2 50 locket chains, gold filled 1 00 8 only -2.50 gold filed lockets 1 00 3 pear 2 50 gold filled cuff link 1 00 3 only 2 5) gold broaches .... ....... 1 00 6 only 1.75 pieces cut glair 1 00 Each customer priv.ileg6d to one ONLY of the above articles. Ai.•ax OPPOSITE NATIONAL, HOTEL, PHONE 65 Did you ever use Dyr-IGss or Mary Garden Perfumes and Powders ? Once you try them you will use no other. Nothing surpasses them in de- licate odor They are the ,newest and the best. DAVIS' CORNER DRUG STORE Successor to A. L. HAMILTON Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Q'gallaghan, visited at Mr. George 13rophey'e one day last week, Partiesseem to be the order of the day there being three or four in this locality this last week. Our genial school teacher, Mise 1:, Shaw, spent a couple of days undt r the parental roof at Bluevale, Mr. Harry Levis who was butt failing off a load of hay andbreaking hie leg and collar Oone is getting a'ong nicely. Misses Maud Tisdale and Edna. James, Tbonlae Armstrong and Mise Chamney spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mre. Peter Mason is not improving as rapidly as we would like to hear ; we sincerely hope she may take a change for the better, We notice' a grey horse coming house in broad daylight from some of social hops ; it must be a long drive. Will please start a little earlier next time. Culross. Council met in Teeswater Town Hall, March 4t13, Members all present. The minutes of Iasi meeting were read and austained. Mr. Nell McDonald was refunded two dollars being error in return of Statute labor. The contract for the Township print - lug for the current year was let to the Wingham Advance at $45. Armstrong--Case--That we put the price of Statute labor up to $1 50 per day, Donaldson- McPhereon - That the rate per day for unperformed Statute labor be put at $1 25. For the amend. ment--Donaldeon, McPherson, Kuntz; for the motion - Armstrong, Case. Amendmene carried. Case -Donaldson -That we appoint Thos, McPherson to inspect the bridge on con. 10, known as Day's bridge and have the ice cut if he -considers it necessary-oarried. McPherson--Case--That Jno. Arm- strong be appointed to have 50 rode of road gravelled between lots 20 and 21, con. .A -carried. The following is the Finance report -J. A. Green, breaking gravel road, $4.75 ; R E. Campbell, stationery and supplies, $4.'75 ; Jacob Bruder, 86 yds. gravel, $6 88 ; Neil McDonald, refund of Statute labor, $2 ; Wingham Pub. Co. re printing, $14 40; Robt, Ireland, breaking gravel road, $3 ; Robt. Colvin breaking gravel road, $2 ; Edward Jackson, breaking gravel road, $2; Jos. Dickson, breaking gravel road, $3.50 ; Wingham Advance, bal. con- tract printing $21; John McPherson, baI, due school section, $11.02 ; Muni cipal World, supplies, $1132; Chou. Button, registration fees, $19.40. The finance report was lead, and adopted and the Council then adjourn- ed to meet again on Wednesday, Apr. let. Chas. Button, Clerk. • Whitechurch. An interesting program is being pre. pared for Friday evening, March 20th when a box social will be held under the auspices of the Literary Society. The Foresters' Hall was well flltd on Friday -evening last to hear the Scotch and Canadian program gicen by the Literary Society. The program opened with a chorus, "Scots Whit Hae," Billowed by a selection on the accordion by Mr. R. Carrick, Scotch song by Me. H. McKay, recitation, "Bait nies Cuddle Doon" by Mrs. Henry, solo by Miss Gordon. mouth organ selection by Mr. John Eglestone and Mr. Cecil Middleton, recitation, "Bairnies Wauken Up" by Mr... M. Ross, quartette, "Flow Gently Sweet Afton," Miss Evans read the fortnight- ly number of the "Echo", which re- flected the Scottish and Canadian spirit of the evening and contained some amusing references to Scotch humour, the, chords "0 Canada" was pleasingly rendered and an Interesting address on Canada was given by Mr. 1?. Davidson, this was followed by a duet "Huntingtower" by Miss Gordon and Mr. J. A. Simpson ; recitation "Canadian Born" by Frank Ross, solo, Rev, Mrs, J. U. Stewart ; duet Misses Greta Fox and M. Gordon, recitation Mies Jean Eglestone, violin selection Mr, 1i', J. Henry, recitation "Last sof, Cuddle Doon" by Mrs. Henry, dialogtie "The Advanced Geography (lase, music by Mr. R Garrick, re.,it at'on "Rab Comes B,►tne" by Mr. M. Rose, reading by Mrs. J. U. Stewart. The meeting closed with "Auld Lang Synt.". Card 01 Thanks. Mr. Jag. Messer of Illuevale wishes to thank his neighbors for their ass's• tance.and kindness both at the time of the lire, which destroyed his residence grid afterwards. A Successful •Sale. Mr. 1). E. McDonald held one of the most successful sales ever held here, on Saturday Last. Mr. McDonald is an expert in the selection of good dairy cows, and the cows which he offered for sale this time were of such excel. lent quality that they were sold all the way up tri $100. Faithful Attendant. Mr, Thomas Musgrove of Wroxeter, notwithstanding the stormy weather drove to town oft Sunday last'to at- tend ,Divine Service in the Salvation Army Barracks. Although Mr. Mtia. grove is 81 yearn of age, yet he le hale and hearty and attcttde the Oliureb of his choice -much 'Mott regularly than many of the younger people is Wing. hath. All the fats in the fire. All things are soots prepared in Record of Milk Yields. Within the next few weeks Slavered hundred cheese factories will bee open- ing, hundreds of farmers will be pre- paring to milk thousands of freshly calved cows, Ld'gically this beginn- ing 01 a new season Is the time to com- mence keeping records of production of the cows separately, Juet a know- ledge of the total yield: of milk from the whole herd may give the owner an idea of the average yield per cow,but that does not give quite enough infor- mation, There may be a thousand pounds of milk difference in the total yield of two cows for the season, which would be unnoticeable in the small difference in the appearance of their two milk pails daily. Qften the differ- ence is far more than a thousani;• pounds, yet all cows are lumped to- gether, good pure and medium, all alike, when taking merely an average. Since keeping..records of individual production„ many a dairyman has in- creased the average of his herd by, fifteen hundred, and two thousand pounds of milk or more, because he has been able to detect the poor im4 profitable cows that masquerade as real dairy cows. On application to the h Dairy Di ' ' vt to s n Ottawa, , 0 taws , milk record forme and instructions are sup- plied free. Write to -day, and begin the new season right, with the object of keeping none but profitable cows. WE HAVE FAITH IN THIS STOMACH REMEDY A woman customer said to us the other day, "Say, you ought to tell everyone in town about Rexall Dye- pepaia Tablets. I would myself if I could." That set us to thinking. So many people have used them and have enthusiastically sounded it praises both to us and their friends, that we had an idea you all knew a- bout them. But, in the chance that some of you who suffer frons indiges- tion, heartburn, dyspepsia, or some ather stomach complaint, don't know bout them -we are writing this. They contain Bismuth and Pepsin, twoo of the greatest digestive aide known to medical science. ,They soothe and comfort the stomach, promote the secretion of gastric juice, help to quick- ly digestthe food and convert it into rich, red blood, and improve the action of the bowels. We believe them to be the best remedy made for indigestion and dyspepsia, We certainly would- n't offer them to you entirely at our risk unless we felt sure they would do you a lot of good. If Rexall Dyspep- sia Tablets do not relieve your indiges- tion, check the heartburn, and make' it possible for you to eat what you like, come back and get your money. Sold only at the. more than 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only at J. W. McKibbon's store, Three sizes, 25; 502, and $1,00. Icy - S r, "Groes ignorance produces a dog- matic spirit. Ile who knows nothing thinks that he can teach others what he has himself juet•been learning." WINGHAM'SGREATEST STORE DOLLAR! DOLLAR! MARDI; RIR. BARGAINS FOR ONE DOLLAR Remember that• them Prices are for Dollar Day only TUESDAY, MARCH 17th, 1914 Be on hand early Dollar4- %,o,., -Pay with your dollars. We are after as many of them as we get. You will be surprised at what $ 1 will do. Space will only allow us t© quote a few of the many bargains awaiting you. Read the list. Ladies' Wear Store. f House La dies Dresses, s regular value a re n 1for g $. 50 $1.00 Sweater Coats, Ladies' and Misses' sizes, to clear 1.00 Ladies' Top Skirts, good cloth, only 1.00 4 yards good wide Table Linen for 1.00 4 yards all wool Goo black Panama Dress Goods 1.00. Your pick of 20 Girls' Winter Coats for 1.00 3 pair of Ladies' All -wool Cashmere Hose 1.00 Ladies' Rid Gloves, regular $1.25 for 1.00 Wide Silks, black or colored, $1.25 value, 1.00 3 pairs all -wool heavy 50c Hose for 1.00 Children's Colored Dresses to clear at 1.00 10 yards of yard wide 12io Factor Cgtton 1.00 ww , • A lot of Remnants to clear, yourgl,cll<.• �1.00 Ladies' Shoes, regular $1.25 to ,.$ ;1i 1' ` r' 1,00 • A, few Ladies' Dressing BacquP' fat +. 1.00 8 yards 15c Lawnsdale Cambric ,,.; , ;, -s 1 00 5 yards 25c Curtain Bungalow get for...,:iv 1.00 Ladies' black or colored Underskirts, E r.. 1.00 Ladies' all -wool Vesta and Drawers, reg. $1.25 for 1.00 Black or colored Dress (foods, wide, ,regular $1.25 for1.00 = Men's Wear Store. Men's Pants, regular price $1.50, Tuesday $1.00 • Men's all -wool Underwear, regular price $1.25, for 1.00 :: Men's fine Negligee Shirter, reg. $1.25 to $1.50, Tuesday 1.00 Men's Mocha and gid Gloves, lined, reg. $1,25, for 1.00 A lot Men's Felt Hats, regular 51.50 to $2, Tnesday 1,00 • 5 pairs Men's heavy Wool Sox for 1,00 Small Boys' Suits, sizes 22, 23, 24, to clear 1.00 : • Men's heavy Overalls or Smocks, reg. $1.25, Tuesday1.00 Men's and Boys' heavy Sweater Coats up to $1.50, for1.00 • • Mcn's Cloth Caps with fur band, reg. $1.25 to $1.50, for 1.00 Odd lines of Men's Boots, reg. valves $1.50 to $2, for1.00 •Men's Flannel Shirts, reg. value $1.25, for 1.00 -11-- , _ .1-+ 1 I.••I•+•F 4••i••14.i-1-iM •I"•i-1-d••1••t=P dri••i •: k••i-1-1-1-n 11-•1-i• •i»i •i••2 +44 0.. • ,MAY,•4.4..•M•»•1.,,4.••••,•4*.X.44.•,,,,.••.+4.4H: 14•,••,.,•N++.:•+•:•. N . 4+4.•:. i. 4M4.4.444 .i.: •�N 44..X.+ •,,••.,1. 1 4 1 •,.•,.,},•..: f .:•":•44.ge: _. s _. i se_ a. a. ts r il Ilief t. .-4 .,. .. :_• _, ..$ •_• A ' N .4 =4 .i' $15,000 -class Merrhandise TO BE3'SLAUGHTERED Having boughtt• : e J. K. Irwin stock of Dry Goods, Clothing; Boots ani Shoes, Groceries and Staples at • red.ated,prices, we are now offering Big Bargains in all depair[r 'tints.. ale Now On Our Slaughter Price will be in Red, showing you the original price and our price. Don't pay regular price when you can buy good.s less than cost. The sale will continue only for a few days. Follow the Crowds knowing that you will get goods atpricessuch as you never saw in this store. COME EARLY. ...•,-W'-.-4-ti. ,V H. BAKER, SuccessordTo J. K. IRWIN _• • 4: 4=• 4=. 4=• 4=, 4. 4=. 4=• ._. :_• 4,. .=4 _. .M. .=4 4=4 • 4=• 3' a5, .=4 • ,1$