HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-03-12, Page 4THE WI GHAM A VANCE. GREATER VALUES For $11 Day King Bros. Annual March Sale TiI'(IRsDAY, MARCH I2, 19141 Shop in the morn- ing if possible TRE first two weeks of our sale has been an overwhelming success, Hundreds came and saved money. Greater Bargains Than Ever for $ Day, TUESDAY, MARCH 17th. The response of the people to our Annual March Sale proves that the people know from our past sales, that the Genuineness of the bargains we offerare just 'as represented, These bargains are for $ Day, March 17th, Only. INTERESTING OFFERS IN LADIES' WEARING APPAREL 15 Doz. Kid Gloves, colors Black and Tan, sizes from 6 to 7+, Dollar Day 2 pair for $1 50 pairs Ladies' Corsets, broken lines in" odd sizes, Regular $1.25 and $1.50, Dollar Day for $1,00 pair 25 Black Sateen Underskirts, Flet to Lined, all lengths, $1.50 value, Dollar Dy ...$1 00 25 DressjLengths, Fancy Silk, no two alike and the season's newest goods, Regular $1.50 per yard for... ......... ........$1.00 2 dozen Ladies' Parasols, long straight handles and union top, your choice $1.00 3 pair 50c Case Hose, all sizes, 8 1-2c to 100 Dollar Day.... $1.00 100 Ladies' Vests, Drawers, Knitted Un- derskirts and Bloomers, all -wool and un - shrinkable, broken lines, Regular $1.50, Dollar Day,. $1.00 Ladies' and Misses Sweater Coats, all sizes and colors, value $1.25, 1 50 and 1,75, Dollar Day $1.00 Special offerings on House Furnish ings, Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, Runners, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Curtains and Cur- tain Muslins 10 Ladies' Odd Muffs and Stoles, latest styles, silk and satin lined, only one to each customer, Dollar Day only... $1.00 Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Odd Pants, - Knickers, Underwear, Socks, Fur Coats, etc.., at Great Savings. Make this store your headquarters for $ Day, leave your wraps here, the store is yours for March 1 7th. Terms for Dollar Day --Are. Strictly Cash. KIND BROS.PHE 00000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 a 0 0 00 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 oO.>,7•;040<'00 • 0000 • 00000 0000000000000000 0000 Big Dollar Day March I?th AT MILLS' STORE To make this one of the largest days in the history of our store we are giving some extraordi- nary values. Be sure and come in the morning if possible: SOME OF THE THINGS ONE $ WILL BUY: 6 Doz. Ladies' White Waists, woith $1.25 to 1.50, each... 2 Doz. Ladies' Crepe Gowns, new goods, $1.56 each ......, 9 yards Cruet's English Print, 1 2fae value, for 150 yards Silks from $1.25 to 1.50 yard value, each 25 pair Men's Cloth Pants, $1°50 value. $ yards 15e Crepe Cloth, s everal patterns, new 5 lb. pail pure Honey (70c), 25c *sack Oatmeal, 2 cans Peas 1 pkg. Porridge Oats, 1, M. L. 'Bannon, 2 cans Tomatoes, 2 cans Peas, 25o I,'lckles 20 lb. sack Sugar, 1 pkg. Wyandotte Cleanser 25c can Eggo Baking Powder, 25c tin MapXe Syrup, 6 bars Surprise Soap,,, 4 carts Peas 5 lb. loose . fir" Mengel sects 2 pkgs, any kind Mangles, 1 lb. Derby Turnip PRIZES To the lady busying the largest attiouttt of goods in either store, or bolls combined _$3 in Dry Hoods. T the matt making the largest purchase o fe S ads Flout or Sugar, or all combined —1 Buse 0. A. C. No. 72 Oats, value $.3. Car pure Cane Sugar $4.45 per cwt, cash, that day only. AH goods must be cash or trade. .w.w.....+..a - 111•••ftesiihavdretlamirai,aili*NONANdotriM*0.2 J. A. Mills Phone 89 Wingham 40.4441441404440.04140444015.4414444,41444414..44+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O O EDITORIAL PARAGRAPHS. —Good evening. Did you get any of the forty millions, ••• —There is nothing in the report of the Transcontinental investigation to indicate that the taxpayer got any show under the Laurier Government. • • A -Fielding estimated the cost of the Transcontinental Railway at sixty-one millions and a half. It iscostingnear• Iy four times that much. • * • --The attitude of the Opposition at Ottawa this session indicates that the real meaning of the verdict of 1911 le at least beginning to sink fn. A A • ---When the electors. in 1908, re- sponded to the appeal to !'Let Laurier finish his work." they did not know that it meant the finish of forty million dollars of Their money. * • * —The recent 'earthquake, although severe, was nothing to the way the earth trembled under the feet of Lau- rier, Graham and Co. when the Staun- ton•Gutelius report was laid before Parliament. • * • —The estimated expenditure on the Welland Canal is fifty million dollars. The forty millions which the Laurier Government threw away .would have gone some di<tance toward meeting this cost, but the forty millions ate gone, A • A --Now, the High Coat of Living hes not been particularly noticeable to the contractor friends of the Laurier Gov- ernntent, who got the forty millions of wasted money, including the nine millions for which th by did no work at all, ••* —The Liberal Government threw away more money than would have paid for the three dreadnaughts which the people of Canada wanted to build for the Empire, They .landed out p three-fourths of the cost oft one dread- nought to eontractore who► gave noth- ing in return, * • as —Down in Viotot'la, N,S., an Premier ll3urrry's"own county,' they leave elect- ed a Conservative for the ilydt time in thirty years. 'Tie broad Meet% of what is happening to the Provincial Govern; trent le another align et the Mutt for W. Laurier raid Co. There ham been seviral of late. of Canada build railways for private monopolists to own," The conservative press can render real service to their party by warning the Borden Admini• titration that the people will not stand for McKenzie and Mann grants every session. Turn berry. School report of 8, S. No. 6, for Feb. Names in order of merit. Sr. 4th — Alvin Hastings, Myrtle Deane, Grace Tucker. Jr. 4th—Della Reid, Harold Gilkinson, Mary Haugh, • * • Alvin Smith, Fraser Haugh, Jack Reid. Mr. Rowell, The Globe" the chief Sr. 3rd,—Jim Hardie, Chester Gilkin- Liberal whip and Mr. Evanturel, him- son, Laura Reid. Sr. 2(4—Minnie self, all declare that it was plainly Pringle, West Haugh, .lean Pringle, understood that Evanturel was oppos- Pearl McLean. Jr. 2ad,--Jean Wilton, ed to Rowell's temperance policy. yet Edna Gilkinson, Part 2—Rena Haugh, Rowell vigorously applauded Evantur• Edith Reid, Emerson Armour, Ivan el's attack on the government charging Haugh. Jr, Part 2—Edna Hastings, them with an alliance with the liquor Emma Hardie. C. K. Oopp, teacher. interests. However, it ie just another • example of insincerity in the game of Morris. politica, to .see a leader applauding a man whotn he knew was insincere. So long as Evanturel could be used to which pupil was absent. Ent, class— hold out the olive branch to the liquor, George Agar 70 per cent., Luella people, he was a. "trusted colleagueBrewer 01. Sr. 3rd—Ernestine Sellers and Rowell was his ''beloved leader." $1 per cent., George Brewer 65, Lorne There are others in the little band of Turvey 63, Charlie South 43, Jr. 3rd— eighteen members, who are not square Cameron Mustard 00 per cent., Elva behind their leader and atilt others Warwick 54 per cent„ Charlie Boa- etltueneies) who were never known as (two of them in neighbouring con- man 45, Cora South. 41. Sr. 2nd— George Fell 60 per cent*, Ethel Gar - temperance advocates until politics Hiss 44#, Frank Garnier 34", Harry made it expedient, The Advance knows Garnise 24". Jr, 2nd, general work. somewhat of the little Rowell band —Marjorie Grasby 540. Eimer Forbes and would say that the record of at 401, Winnie Allen 283. Pt. 2nd— least five out of eighteen would go to Alfred Johnston 395, Fred Brewer rho hey were sincere. 291, May Warwick .285, Jack Allen 127, Jim Turvey 91, Pt. let—Fraser YOU CAN'T EARN MONEY Mustard 677, Janet MacVety 805, Charlie Warwick 304, Bertha South . WHEN YOU'RE LAM UP 1290, Walter Sellers 230, Lillian Garnfee 193, Doris Alien 149, Adella Turvey Report for February of S. S. No. 8, Morrie, * indicates examination for There are a lot of people in this 105. Average attendance 23 05,--M, town who cannot afford to be sick Perhaps none of you feel that you E. Fryfogle, teacher. can, but certainly some of you cant, for as soon as you are sick, you're Blutvale• wages stop and worry and deht begin Report of S. S. No. 4 Turnberr to pile up. The sensible thing for youy and to do, as soon es you feel run-down Morris, * absent one examination. and worn-out, no matter what they Sr. 4th, maximum 225--L.Elliott 172, cause, is to take something just as F Tete 171, C. Black 100, * C. Jewitt quick as you can to build up strength and health, Make yourself more cote, 140, • J. (fray 127. Jr. 4th, maximum fortable and provide against serious 325-0. McDonald 251. H. Holmes 200, sickne, * P. Smeltzer 168, M McOee 103, A. Wedossn't believe there is tiny other $teeltzer MI, * J. McMichael 88. *•** teed eine made that wilt do as much toward- Raving your health sand ' nu . a Raney 28. 8r. 3rd, maxintuar 220 help you to save your money as Ilex --R. Breckenridge 103, H. Messer 148 ail Olive Ott Emulsion. It is a mrd'. E. McKinney 135, * S. McMichael 107, c ne that gets -right at the trouble and •• re',lteeves it by toning the nerves, en• 8 Elliott 71. ` Jr. 3rd, maxintetm 250 r:thing the blood. and giving new —M. Curtis 188, S. Gallagher 163. Sr. strength and health to the whole body, 21d, maximum 200—E. Elliott 100, 0 It doesn't do this by means of alcohol Elliott 103, " B, Gannett 9b. *A. Me. or habititrowing amp, because it t Kinney 80, * E McMichael 110,3.. JW J. ac - o entaine none. Its strength and health giving poster is due to pure son 51. Pt. 2, Sr. --E. McDonald, 1, Olive Oil and the lypophosphitee., Gray, 3. Black, I. Breckenridge ; Jr.— long, endorsed by successful physic• C. Elliott, A. Cook, C. Gannett, II. lens, the one for its If"e d value, the Wattion. Premer, Sr,—If, Elliott, W. other for ittonic value. flees, and Mundell, G. Elliott; Jr.—C. Messer, E. the first time, th are combined, and the result is a real nerve, blood and Thomas, C. Stewart, it, McGee. -0..M. body-building medicine se. a real Messer, teacher, - strengthener that we are proud to t 1+ you about. You don't need to he 1 • • * tate in using it, because it it doee'ne do all We say it will and satisfy you in The Lend n Frea Put*, speaking ng of . very way, it will cast you nothing. an eleatrio road. Gaya'e"C7}'hy ihould If It doesn't make you strong and welt Aylmer and et. Thorns, bald rM wayrr again, conte beck and get your money. , It will be given to you without word ter private ntonoptists toown.1YIf or question. Sold only at the more t at is sound, *by doe, it ,not to fur- than 7,000 Ee�xall Store, and in Chia rb an Getty, "Why shouts* bite pool Own only by J. W. 1Mlaalbbon, $100. a MAGDALENE A young girl pure as a lily pale Pair as an angel of light With a song as sweet as the nightin- gale's When it warbles so sweetly at night. A handsome wooer, brazenly brave. Ruthlessly plucks the flower so fair. With promise, and worde kindly spoken From hope he hurls her to despair. Weary and sad at last ebe comes To the Mercy Seat and is forgiven. The Christ has washed her sins away, And given to her a hope of Heaven. Some goody -good alas, there are Who would not for the world draw nigh, Lest they should touch and be defiled And in that touch, perhaps might die. They profess great love for the Naza- rene But stoop so law? Why no, not they. For were they to smile and friendly be, Alas what should this old world say ? But the heartless wretch, who stole the pearl Then ruthlessly threw it aside. With him they can laugh and flirt And feign would be his blushing bride, The het trump sounds, when quick and dead, Before the Throne stands in dread ar- ray The Magdalene stands quite near the Christ, And some they stand quite far away. M. R, B. Tired of hearing complaints about the non delivery of nail and in an effort to silence -the complainers, `a postmaster in Penneylvenia has for - militated and published the following set of rules --"Positively no letters will be given ottt until they are received, If yon don't get a Ietter or a paper on the day you expect it, have the post. master look through the other bones and then search the cellar also. It ought to be somewhere and he likes to hunt for it. If your friend doesn't write rave at thep ost•maeter. Some- how he is to blame. If he insists there are no letters for you, put on a grieved look and eay there ought ter be some, He is probably hiding 'your mail for the pleasure of; having you call again and again for it, . FOR ECZEMA. I'fso a mild soothing wash that in - stand), stops the itch. We have cold Many other remedies for skin trouble but none that we torrid petson*lllr recommend ae We do All Work and no play makes leeks th6 b. D. D. Prescription. If I had dull boy. Piegrrita I'd use A man forewarned is forearmed. D" D. D, PRS IP ION. • A. roan may buy gold too dear. J' J. Davies druggist, tvtngham, A nian may oauaa his onto dog ltf Almost and vats nigh, aava many a bit. Male �tttttttttltlttttttttttttttlttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt�ttttttlP� d. Brea. cl. Bread. Brea e.▪ •-• r 0106. 1110.▪ • 111•0•.- O.,* OW*Ow- ..- Home-made Bread Have you tried it? It is delicious. Made with the very best of everything, Raised on F1r ischman's yeast. Eat lots of bread and eliminate the cost of living. Get it at CARTER'S BAKERY .4 •�: PHONE 132 $1 = One. DoIlar = $1 Will do more for you on March 1 7th than any other day of the year. It will pay your expen- ses while in town and will get for you FREE one of our re- ceipts on "How best to market your farm produce." A.,.` 1 �'V � �ord Wholesale Produce Telephones— Office 174, Residence 108. P. S. -We are giving a special prize for the best wagon team in town that day.