HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-03-12, Page 2hree•
Texas Troops Raid into
Mexico is Denied.
Vergara's Body Shows
Signs of Torture.
Laredo, Texas, March 0..—A shovel
sticking in the soft earth of the open
grave, and around the handle of the
implement a cord with the word "re-
cuerdos" (remembrance) was .the
single trace to -day a the mysterious
night visit of a party of unidentified
men to the Hidalgo, Mexico, cemetery,
who disinterred the body of Clemente
Vergara and returned to it Texas for
burial by his family.
Vergara's body secretly. was plaged
at a lonely spot on the Rio Grande, 46
=Ilea above Laredp, in the early dawn
of SundaYhnorning, to be found bY
United States official, a state officer
and a county deputy sheriff, but whet
was responsible for its removal .fronh
Mexico, was a question still unanswer-
ed. The body was here to-daY await-
ing an examination which state au-
thorities hope may disclose something
to aid them in placing blame for the
ranchman's violent death after he was
taken prisoner by Mexican Federate.
A superficial examination. of the
body disclosed two gunshot wounds in
the head, one in the neckea bloev
from a rifle butt, which crushed the
skull, and the mutilated left hand,
twisted and charred by fire, suggested
that torture had been inflicted before
Vergara was executed.
Texas Rangers, of the troop of Cap-
tain J. J. Sanders, were first declared
responsible for the return of Vergara's
body from Mexico, but later this was
denied. Captain Sanders was onetee
the men who "were informed" thee`
the body could be foand at a desigrett-
ed place. The other two were U. S.
Consul Garrett; of Nuevo Laredo, Mex-
ico, awl Deputy Sheriff Petty. They
went to the scene ostensibly to secure
further information on the Vergara
ease, but admitted litter than they had
been told that the body had been re -i
turned. Who were their InformanW
was one of the numerous questions
eaeh of the officials In turn refused to
answer. They did say, however, that
neither the United States nor State of-
ficials had any part in the actual trip
into Alexico.
Later rumors said former employas'
of the Vergara ranch, chafing at (16-•
lay in securing the body for proper
interment by the family, had taken
matters into their own hands.
4 se, --,
Are Yon One of
the UnfortunatOg
if se, listen to the story of Georee
P. Stander, and use Goad's Kidnet
Handsworth. Sask., Mar. 0—(Special)
-s-If you are one ef. those uhforttmates
who stiffer front sore back, headache,
and that tired, listless feeling that
makes work a hardship and life not
worth living, the story of George F.
Stander, a wellsknoWn young teen of
this place, wilt interest you.
"leer nearly ten years," Mr. Statuler
says, "I suffered front sore back, and
eteadache I had a bad taste in my
mouth in the morning, and was
alWayiS tired. I filially decided that
my kidneys Were the eause of Iny trou-
ble iand decided to try Dodd's Kidney
pills, I got half -a -dozen beim, and be-
fore I had finished taking them I was
completely cured.
"I advise anyone Suffering as did
to use Dodd'd Xidney Pills,"
Healthy kldneye strain all iniptiti-
ties, all the seeds of disease, out of the
blood. Weak kttineytt leave these lin-
PtIrities in the blood, and the resalt
nervousness, tired teelieg and pains
and aches that often develop into Dia-
betes and Bright's Disease. Dodd's
Kidney Pills make weak Kidneyn
-strong and healthy.
(Ottawa. Citizen)
When the assessor values the land tor
Nitration It may be classed as Door mute,
ity farm land, worth $50 or less an sae.
liat when honte-seekers are anxiouli
to but it to built on, instead of asking
1,:ie the mieis Is more like ellen an acre.
When building land is assessed at its
trite value, and the tax is eustity ap-
enea in proportion to its value-, there
will to fesier vat•aut Iota beta at inflat-
ed eticee.
All that he has gone through with
doeS net faein tO have eruslied him; be
is juet ito reedy to meet an emerg,ency
AS ever.
They keep ahem' of the crowd for sev- '
oral rniuutes, and those inside the curl-
ege indulge in, hopes of being able to.
elude them altogether. The man on the
seat with the driver does not have any
emit idea; be can see down the Como,
and notes that a little way beyond
there is anetber crush which it will be
impassible for them to pass -
When they arrive at that point there
will cettainly bo trouble.,
• Baron Sam notes that they are al -
heady half -way ta the region where the
hotels Omuta. .At least; there ie
Anlall chance of reaching there, wiliest)
Something of a serious nature happens.
Now they have reached the crowded
place atal the vehicle loses headway. It
looks as though the end must be very
Sam .grite his teeth, and resolves to de-
fend -InmeOrto the lad, with those Id
his cliarge.
Those who pantie have reached the
new crowd, and scent to infiese their
spirii into it. As the element of die -
civil and anger anti blared spreads, it
peruse:4ra the whole gathering, even. as
It Knell quantity of yeast leavens the
lump .of dotigh.
It is penile -ay tettifying to see the
black looks upon those olive faces, those
which are not hidden by masks. Even
Sam Buxton feels a thrill of (amen
nee has been brought to a halt direetly
scowls, but to Ills credit be et said be
is thinking more of Aileen than Mined'.
Hands are held out, not with any
good intention, but to tear open the
carriage door, to drag out the inmates
ef the vehicle, and perhaps do murder.
It e desperate ease, and as such re-
..luires a desperate remedy- .
His eyes, in Mititinst one sweep around,
take note of a certam thing—the earri-
Age has been broughtto e halt directly
in front of7tilte.building 'where justice
has her seat. A small eigen announces
that the minfater .of police hes his head-
quarters here.
This puts a sudden Idea into Sam's
head—can they not find safety here?
Will the count and his followers dare to
follow them into the sacred precincts of
the office of the man who rules ail
Can they reach 'this room—will the
crowd allow them such a liberty?
By accident Sam strikes his hand
ageiust the upper pocket of his coat,
and feels something hard. He remem-
bers that he placed some coins there
for a certain reason and forgot to twice
them out.
That is their solvation.
New hope eprings up, and Sam Bux-
ton is almost ready to shout aloud
under its inspiration, He puts one of
his 'weapons In his pocket with tbe
rapidity of thought, and snatches out
these small coins. A glince around and
he has the situation pretty well mas-
tered. If the fellows nearest the car-
riage can be induced to move -back, even
temporarily, the way will be open for
them to reach the house,
Choosing the exaet spot that will best
suit his purpose, he sends that fugitive
coins flying. The roar that oreets this
act announces that the crow% apprech
ates this sort of business. As he hopes
'and expecte, e ettsh is made ahd the way
cleared to a certain extent.
Sam waits no longer. He springs from
the box and it at the doer of the car-
riagre in a trice,. snatching it open. .
"Come out, friends! it is our only
chance! We are in front of the De-
partment of Justice."
Beetrix comprehends and utters a
glad cry.. Site knows the far reaching
power that radiates from thia wonderful
office, and if they can once gain its
shelter there must me a chance of
She is the first one out.
Then comes Dudley, on the alert for
business, though suffering considerably
from his wounded arm, which lie hate
been using too freely. Aileen follows,
and assists Mies Dorothy, tamest ready
to drop with fatigue after all she has
been through.
They are now all gathered in a bunch
ready for the last rush that, it is hoped,
will land them in a:place .where they
way possibly defy their enemies.
It is Sam for whom they wait, but
he does not detain them three seconds.
Then they move on with all the speed
possible, to crow the strip of pavement
that keeps them from reaching the
Although they do not have more than
twenty feet to pass over from the point
where their vehicle came to a fresh stop
until they reach the foot of the stairs
that leads to the Department of Justice,
there are obstacles in the way.
Some of the men who would down
them have appeared on the scene dgain
—they throw themselves before the for-
eigners with a reckleestess that makes
them represent born devils. It is as if
they realite that their ease is hopelete
once those tbey seek to destroy reach
that stairea.
Their ferociounees is no secret to
Baron Sam, who has discovered the
count on one side urging them forward,
svIdIe the deep voice of Fra, Dia.volo can
be heard bellowing forth commands on
the other.
Even the British plunger is at hand,
though he has no particular part to
play in the game.
Each foot gained counts now. Thank
Heaven! the main part of the mob has
had its attention diverted for the time
being by the Pattered coins, which Sam
Buxton has sent flying down the street.
They win not be bothered by them,
unless held in restraint a certain length
of time.
Dudley takes in the situaton ne well
ae Stein, and sees no reason why lie
should not help to clear a passage, on
the stains. That 400d right atin ot the
Cinedian athlete is in prime eondition,
and fairly aches to plant against the
heed of the count that which will
settle past 13w:tree.
Sa Dudley Whipts the revolver into his
left hand, to be used Only in a deeper -
cause tbent to. tear the foreigners to
Already is Sam engaged on the , le ft,
the are huddled ih buneh
a lot IV frightened sheep, moving On 58
as opportunity presents itself, and Ail -
ate emergency, as a shot would pro-
bably inflame the mob still more, end
een holdis something in her tiand which
she will use in ea -se of nectiesity, her
manner indleating that she ie determin-
ed. Of count°, it is her little revolver
which. slut greep3; she ie no SIOVitel
He use, and if the Oecasion conies mity
tender no email aid to their taut%
When Metairie Kinks eotitact with
the first fellow who trice to bar their
progreee, it is ridieittope to note the
reeult; that 14, one wholtas'eu inter -
feet, and Tan& him lialt aozen feet
away, 'Unfortunately for Itie further
tieefulnese, etrikee upon his head, his
heels are uplifted in the air, kieking
like a pair of steere" twists, and then
the crowa closes upon the melte,
Dudley does not stop in tbe pea
work; Ito ;newts to virtuelly hew a Way
if necessary, into tbe house. Raving dia-
poised of oue man, he aavances a pace,
the ladiee keeping etep with their pro -
Sant le at it on the left, size though
leueton is inferior bath in regard to size
and strength, he knows how to handle
hie fists to good advantage, baying Rick-
ed up hie education in gymnasium,
where he aeed. to be a, stav boxer,
Thus he renders as good service on
hie eide of -the line tie Dudley does on
the other. Unlees the count makee oeme
extraordinary move, the game emits
destined to go against him.
This worthy realizes the feet hiraself,
and by his frantic shoute endeavors to
epur lue men on to renewed exertiom.
If be can only throw enough of his fol.
lowers into the breach to block a pas-
sage, the excited mob will do the rest,
and those he has reason to hate and
fear must meet their death, even tit the
door of the Chief of Police.
In hie desperatiou the tount hirasell
pushes forward Mee -knows the danger,
eince he invitee a bullet from a hoetile
,revolver And has alreeey learned by
experience what one Baron Sam can do
in this line; but the emergency is great,
arid his example may inspire his men
with a new coura,ge that intuit win the
Thus the situation is exceedingly criti-
cal, and much depends on the events ot
the next minute. Should the mob once
more eueeeed in sweeping down upon
them, all rnust indeed be lost,
The count has managed to gather half
a dozen men in. a -cluster• they throw
themselves into tho breadi and stand
lilco a barricade between our friends
and the stairs which they have alined
to reach; stand there with weapons dis-
ptayed and evidently determined to re-
elst to the laet gasp any effort made
by the two contredes to gain their end,
'Diet.° is no time for a breathing spell;
the work must be done instantly, or all
is lost, Already has the humor of the
populace changed; it seems to realize
that this last trap has been thrown out
as a sort of blind, which will cover the
eecape of those who have excited both
the eupidity and anger Of the elements
forming the mob.
The tide hes begun to pet in towar'd
the spot where Baron Sam and his com-
rade so valiantly strive to beat their
way through all obstacles. It must
sPeedily overwhelm them, unless—ithi
the voice of Buxton is heard roaring
above the cries of the mob like a fog-
horn on the coast.
"The pistol, Dud; we must clear a
way through, or all is lost! Down with
them! The revolver, man! our lives and
thosedear to Its depend on it.'
That is whet Baron Sam roars, but
ere Dudley hies time to catry out the in-
etructions, a new element enters into
the game. A etream of men in uniform
ruslies out from tlae doorway and sur-
round the combatants, who immediately
find themselves in a Gordon of gen-
darmes the strong arm of the Roman
law has closed npon them.
I leave threatened tho count, but be
le a bold, unftexupuloua man, beeidee
being powerful with the goverpment.
Publicly you heera .declaratiorese
privately I advise you to tarry no long
er ia Itomia Leave as quickly as yeti
call, and thue escape any plot of thie
bad man."
Baron Sava le not at all dieturbea
by this aeclaratiou on the part of the
minister, for he bas already ilecidee
his mind that it would be foolhardy for
theist ta remain longer in the Eternal
Cite Muter such eirctunstances.
They remain with the Minister of
Justice for nearly half an hour. Then
the ladles announee themselves ate rest-
ed, awl the party proceed below,where
which they heve rettellea thie plaee,
a earriage melte them, the saute in
for the eriver haa been restrained from
departing by au officer.
Guarded by a dethelunent of gen-
darmes taey move along the Corse en -
til, the hotel is reaclied, where our
friends take refuge. Nor de the of-
ficera leave them here; they ere un-
der orders to vomits awe escort tao
party to Jae train that leavee Rome
for Naples at 8.10 in the morning, e
All arrangements aro made tor the
Beatrirc shows some sig -a of
hesitation, but the earneat entreaties
of Aileen, becked by a mute appeal.
sae quickly' detects in the eyes of the
athletic Montreal man, deciae her—she
will go—ana messengers are despatch-
ed to get the trunks of ell. As a gen-.
darme accompanies these men they
meet with no oppositioe at the Palazzo
?aThlie trunks of all are brought to the
shioeteep1, and a few hours remain for
Up betimes, they eat an early break-
fast -and are driven to tbe station. Un-
til the train starts the gendarmes hover
near. Sem has secured plenty of mon-
ey from his' letters of credit, and he
makes each of the men a fine present,
waxes them farewell as the trein moves
out, receives an official salute, aria
they aro off, heeded thward the south.
Slowly though the train moves it
reaches the beautiful city of Neples
at dusk. They drive to the Hotel Env
pereur, and Sam's first ouesCore is
About a steamer. All breaths a eigh
of relief when the information comee
Gust a vessel leaves son ehe following
When the Minerva lime paese 1 out
of the bay aud heade for the straits
of Messina, on her way to the Orient,
Baron Sam finds en opportanity co
join Aileen as she stands by the side
He means to 'close hie business on
the spot; if they are to travel in cout-
pan3r it -cannot be as mere friends, the
state of his feelings will not permit of
that. She knows his step, rod ber heart
holm& with a sudden ecstasy, for it
understands what his mission must he,
"Aileen, I have come again with tee
same question—it means more to ine
than ever. Will yon be my wife?" lie
His ahruptneee does not disturb ler;
she •admires him the more because lie
does not beat arohnd the bush.
"I reraember that when T. refused to
consider your proposition before, you
said. you would never take no for an
answer. Of course, under such condi-
tions, feel—that is, a woman has the
privileg,e of changing her mind, and
confess I have diseovered--"
She breaks down at this, blushing furi-
ously: Sam has quietly taken her -hand,
he knows the fort has ahrown up a
white flag of surrender.
"Anssver me, nry darling, will you
marry me?"
'I will, Sam Buxton," sbe says in a
low tone, but it is plainly perceptible to
his waiting ears. •
"Thank Heaven, Aileen. You belong
to xne—we have belonged to each ceher
—ever sinee uncle made that stupid will.
Do you believe it is tbe millions I am
after, or Aileen Widehester?" he says,
She raises her lovely eyes now and
looks him squarely in the face.
"I would trust you anywhere, Sant
Buxton. I believe you are a p;ood erten
—I know you aro a brave one."
Now he smiles, he can arrord to, since
fie has won what he coveted,
"You believe that I would dare to
make you Mrs. Buxton if yott were pen -
allege? Tell me; Aileen, be frank," be
"Yes, I have even that faith in you,
Sam. Perbape overestimate your eoble-
ness of aoul, but I hay(' pinned iny
mimic trust upon you."
"And I am pleased to be able to prove
that it is not misplaced."
Ho drawls out his pocket notebeok
and selects a paper, evhich be•bands to
.Aileen. As her eyes take 'in its con-
tents she gives a cry,
"Why, this is nnele's will,"
".A. copy of the original, which is safe
in the Iciwpees care."
"But it is dated a year later then the
one which contained that strange douse,
leaving me all his money unless you
married me."
"That also is true, my dear girl,"
Cal"mAild by this will he leases all he
has to his beloved nephew, Sam, save
one hundred thousand dollars, which is
'to go fe his niece, Aileen."
"Yon see it's that hundred thousand
I'm alter now'," eauglis Sam, who den
afford to be in a good humor.
"Bat I've spent more than that much;
the library I gave my native. tosvn cost
fifty thousand. How can ever repay
it?" 'she says, aghast.
"Alt! then it Aileen Winchester I
am after, and not her .rnoney. Give me
yourself ,darlinn. Together we will en-
deavor to wiseli spend the fortune uncle
meant for us.'
'Oh, Sam, forgive my uttiust suspi-
"They were quite natural, dear," he
says, soethingly.
°How long have you had this imper?"
"It was eliscoveted a year ago. I
meant to say nothing for the present,
but at some future time gee my tollein
and make terms with her."
"Aly terms are uneenditional surren-
der, We must be married when we reach
_A. Tow shriek of dismay.
"Oh, Sam, you merciless monster. I
"You =stony dear. See, here emats
Aunt Dorothy, who will be glad to 'get
yea off her hands, as site sighs for
Boston, while we mean to see mate of
the world ere settling down. liesidee,
the example may be contagione—look
at Dudley and Beatrix.--se pair of turtle
dovee, oblivious of all around.. Come,
_your answer, dear Aileen."
"Take me, Satn, a bride without a
trousseau—whetver would ii•tv: theitight
such woula be my fate," hitt her ItalMY
fitee tells that her heart is full of icy.
THE ElefD.
" • •
No TroUble at All,
joint, •vvhose, father was baker, was
in the habit of bringing his tetteller a
fresh pretzel often day.
"I wish you would toll your father tot
to make them quite so salty," she once
saIrdhelarueagthtlenrgtiei Many, brown &limey
--always minus the ean—wart found fre-
euently on her desk. "It is very Wad
of your father k. make ono on purpose
tor me " eke teed him
Sam Buxton never before felt the eoy
that coulee over him at the sight of the
gendarmes. The* repreeent law and or-
der, while -the elemenLs he hes faced eo
long stand for anareby.
It is with deep satisfaction, therefere,
that he and his friends obey when et
hoarse voice orders them to ascend the
stairs; this voice proceeds from a win-
dow above, front whence, no doubt, the
Minister of ,Tustice hae witnessed at
least the closing scenes ot' the great
pla er, .
Barn Sam clineklea also; he sees that
the count is in the toils. Perhaps the
latter's politieel influence may let him
off easy. but he is certainly in a sad
plight. The gendarmes huetle the no-
ble Italian and several of his men up
the stairs, whither our friends have
preceded them.
Turning to one side they pase through
a large open door into the office of tho
man alto 'wields the whole police force
Of the nation: seated•at a. desk is this
individual, a shrewd -looking Hansen,
with 0, head well adapted to his profes-
Baron Sam utters a err of delight. If
this be Signor Beppo, the Minister of
justice, the Chief of Italian Pollee, then.
is their path one of roses ,for Sam
Buxtou recognizes one whomehe rhectied
from very embarrassing position a
year previoue, but whole identity be
riever knew.
Eagerly he removes his mask: It is
thh turir to utter a cry of as-
tonishment. ire springs from his Chair',
he rushes forward with the wenn en-
thusiasra that ever distingaishes his
face, and Count Tivoli groans in dismay
when he sees the, Minister of Justice
shaking lianils so fervently with the
Amerman, and at the same time ceiling
him his best friend, his benefactor,
Of course, the game 18 now up; the
crowd has already eurged on, and in
sew pastures will soon forget its disap-
Baron Sens introduees his friends,
and, the 'ladies having reraoved their
masks, the Minister of ;Notice finds
'himself bowing before two as lovely
creatures as ever met his vision, while
Miss Dorothy, havine resumed her
glassica, and recevereeher sedate men -
'ter strikes him as a most intelligent
lady of uneettein age, who at 'eget hie
his reepeet.
The Chief of Police desires to helix the
'leery, and Sam 'Buxton is just the man
down such as few Melt have
ever heard. The man grits Mt
Itieeeteheauld lap upon the Ameriean like
and looks as thOligh
n, tiger, but the Maris of the offiters
eestrain him, and he is compelled to
listen to the seething words of hle, en-
emy and bray his head in shame.
The alinieter Justke addresses him-
self to the defeated plotter: Ile tells
elaitely that because of his honor-
ed name he will epare 'him, but that
as sure IA there is it heaven above, if
a hair ot the foreignere heads is harm-
ed durinF their stay in Rome, 'Couat
Tivoli will be held accountable for it,
fthil lie niatie to silifer. Then he tele
him to go—te take his miserable fol-
lowers sway, tied to teware lest the
heavy land of the law shoula fall upon
The eount elipe between the files of
endermes end venislies through the
"etv friend." toss the rairtieter. turn-
ing to Satit Iluxtoh, "'I know not ,eteet
est /11 the affair might think ere The your name, imt your Iitee 1 Lave !never
fiat of the big Canadian give* the bre forgotfort. Vou were teat:Well to do fee
gatia avreep under the ear that oet.iseti• a great teethe eader peculiar eireum- 4,;(41 .11:11" titile'rne ltbairstu.enly,rePII3Plitk "tiltatie was
laf UN the Itsteunded fellow tort* Isla states: the dele is els .et untericeltd. NM oaf" pteasitut to take.
tumbagc's Misery Ceases,
Every Aching. Muscle Cured
Not neccesaty to drug Inside:
That awful stiffness thatonaltes
yelp worse thatt.o, kicked 'dog will be
cured-acured for a certaillty, and
quicitl$', too, if you Just rub on Nervi -
Rab Nerviline right into the sore
spot, rub lots of it over those tcirtured
inuselers, do this and the.pain will gee
'You see, NervIline is thin, not oily.
Therefore it sinks in, it penetratee
Memel the tissue% it gets right to
those ritIff, soft ninnies and irritated
nerves that make you darnel with
You'll get almost Inetant relief from
musele soreness, stiffnees, aching
lamenees or rheumatism by
rtibbing with. Nerviline—lt's a sooth-
ing liniment, and- doesn't blister,
doesn't burn or oven staiwthe skin.
It's the most harmless cure in the
WOrld for Lumbago, Back Strata or
Sciatica, It takes away the ache at
once and ends your misery quickie.
NQW quit eomplaining—don't puf-
ter anotherday—Nerviline, thealood,,
soothing old-time liniment will limber
you up mightr quiche Get iniey 40 -
day, the large 50e. family size bottle'
Is the moet economical, of course, tile
trial size costs •leat 25e. Any dealer
anywhere ean supply Nervilino.
• -
(Chicago Tribune)
The cad fashioned notion, whieb, still
aurvives in our school boards and
anrtong our "hard headed. businesa men"
who frequently express thier scorn of
"fads and frills"—namely: that Itn0We
ledge cost be thwacked or bullied into •5
boy or girt—it as unpractical as that of
the theorist who thinks whatever 0,,
child can. be inauced to stnclY from
the best looks In real knowledge, re»
gardiese of his need for it or his ability
to make use of it.
When we get rld of our conventional
fallacies concerning knowledge, culture,
education, when we get rid of intellect-
ual snobbishnese, we shall see, hefty
wasteful oud education practice is and
we Shall welcome vocational Instruction,
not as means of getting on in the world,
or preparation for making a living
merely, but also as a pfhess of acquir-
ing real knowledge and real culture,
Zam-Buk Does CurePiles
Mrs. C. Hanson, wife of the pro-
prietor of the Commercial Hotel, Pop-
lar, 7:1. C., suffered from piles for
yeats. Went to doctor after doctor in
vain. Finally went to Spokane and
had an operation. Twelve months
afterwerds she was as bad again. She
says, "Ono day I read about Zam-
Buk and thought would try it. The
first one or two bozos gave me more
ease than anything else 1 .had tried, so
I went on with the treatment. In a
short time I began to feel altogether
different and better, and I saw that
Zam-Buk was going to cure me. Well,
I went' on using it, anil bY the time
had used six boxes I was delighted to
find myself entirely cured." ' .
If you suffer from 'this painful ail-
ment, or from eczema, ulcers, or any
shin disease, don't waste time, Try
Zane -Buie 50c, all druggists and
4 t, •
• The Gentle Cynic. • •
The. average man.'s meet vulnerable
spot in his pocketbook.
The great trouble wht_sh the fellow with
more money than blatine is that ' he
hasn't brains enough to know it.
It's a good plan to stand your groanch
bah tbe sure •you have some,
Many fellow who is crooked goes
straight to the bad.
A woman can solve the secret of a
happy marriage life hy sirnply spending,
more money with the butcher than with
the milliner.
We all know that wealth brings hap-
piness: that is we know it from hearsay,
Wo all have an aim in life, but most
of us are mighty poor nutricamen.
The spendthrift wears his purse on
Itils.haelemesaen. wh
o kicks himself goes back
on his best friend,
The great trouble with the man who
is an right Is that he Is apt to think the
rest Of us are all wrong.
It's hard to make a lion of a man who
persiste in making an ass of himselt.—
Kidneys and Bladder trouble, Gravel
Rheumatic pains are quickly arid pesi-
tively eured with the celebrated remedY.
a Ahs C44
In Kidney diseases some of the sym-
toms wbiCh are pain In the back, or loins,
numbness of the thighs, deposits lit the
urine, etc., the' SANOL treatment works
svonders, eleaning the Kidneys of all the
impurities, and keel:dog thent healthY and
acting properly.
Price, $1.50 per bottle,
ror sale at leading Druggists.
three literature from the
SaNpr., ara.,Nua'AcTuniNG co., LTD.,
Nifinnipeg, Man,
(Rochester Times )
The birds not only make our woods,
forests and parks more beautiful and en-.
,joyable, but they are of tho greatest
practical value front an economic view-
point. They are the greatest foes Of,
and protection againet, the insecta,
svhich annually destroy or iniure °roes
and trees to the value of hundreds of
millions. The blrds are real friends of
mankind a.nd fully deserve a little help
In keeping alive through the ong, cold
*Mar wonths, Let each person do Ids
or her par! in helping them.
Druggists retina money if PAZ° OINT-
MENT fails to cure netting, Blind, Bleed-
ing et Protruding Piles. thirst applica-
tion gives relief. bac.
4 • I
FeMinine Facts.
There aro 347 women cannon and
wagoners in England.
Philadelphlis has 4, '255 women teachers
inviiittseditichtohool au
'amid widows ilve in Nan-
"te state litsrarian of W.YoMing le
Itleisularirigra eenier moDre"tihshn teeeticktbriertihisvowes:
teicnordaedvillinagre hilnladyerlpahnica6,
sisters whose ages total 457 years.
It is More difficult to obtain 0. di-
Voace in England than in ahy eft.ter
rnecCuatiTstioue rival in the air
is the society woman who hag been lue-
ed by the delights of flyirig. •
ileum Lagerlof Is the only woman who
ever received the Nobel pelee for Met.
IVIInard'S Liniment Relieves Neuraigla
Pacts and ranoies.
it is hearty every woman's prolid boast
that she suffere in silence.
if a man has money that Alma is art
ittdieatien thet he knows how to take
"Treheagrieta..test luxury is o. good night's
sleep. And it Is about the only thing
the people like that is good for them.
Do not 'waste your sympsithy 011 the
man who never had it. Pity, 1111.1041:
the one who had it °nee anct lost it.
It is old Timeret uotion that a man ion -
es much of his IoVe for the eomilion
people after he bite spent a night with
thean in a &air cats—Philadelphia Led -
MUMMA'S LirilMent Cures Dandruff.
the umpleasa
To dis ut taste of
4soio sate drop in little lemon juke,.
Theo /on will find tbe salt telutioa
He Frequently Acts aft a Nurse
• in India,.
III India it is not an uncoramon thing
for the claidren ot a mahout—the keep -
cc of one or more lephante—to be eared
for by his animal». ititataneen arc not
wanting. or a mother's sYstentatic plac-
ing of her baby in an eiepbent's tare
ante within retteh of Its trunIc which the
mother Iterself goes to town water or
to geteivood etc .neiterlaie to 000le the
family meet.
it ie paintee out that no jacket or waif
would be Melt, to pick up and carry
eft a WSW Which waft thus confided
let the 0.10 oe en elephant. Most pee»
pie who havelivee in the jungle know
verY Possible. it is for an anima of the
first-class Act carry off a baby \viten It
in lying in 1113 (1r when the mother is
unprovided with meano te fight off the
children brought up in the compan-
ions/Op of an elephant become ridicul.
ously familiar with the big pachyderm
ad take •all mannar of liberties with him,
iteertido whieh the lephant nem to ens
endue on the principle that they do not
annoy him while them amuse the child.
(Me may see, It ts averred, a little
native eland, quite naked, about twa feet
high, 4:iterating on tin eleplient's bare
back and taking it down to the Water
to bathe, ;vociferating all the While in
most unliecornipg terms of natiVe isbutte,
' azriving at the water the elephant
oetensibly in obedience to the childer
command, Um down and enJoye himself,
leaving ittist a portion of his bode, Ilke
.a arnall island, above the' weter. Ilpon
tine part of the -elephene the cbiltr will
Stand tuld Veiling ell the move if
he bait several companiona of his own•
age els° charge of elephants, all wal-
lowing in the water around hint. If the
child shoule tags off bis eland the Me -
'illative trunk tmediateiy. replaces Itim
In safety,
-Theee urhhins, When they grow up, be-
come assistants to the mahouts. and in
time eventuanyeattain the dignity of be»
coming mahoutS themselvea, •
• Gin Pills Completely Curefl
Ism IL C. David, of Cornwall, N. S.,
says, ".A.bout a. year ago, I was stiller -
ng so much with a dreadful Lame Back
and Hips, that 1 could not stand up
straight. I was Informed by a friend
about OIN PILLS. I got a box. It
helped me immediately. 1 have taken
about twelve boxes and the pains in
my back and hips are all gone. can-
not spook too nighty of your ofer
PILLS". 500 a Box, 6 for $2,50. Sample
free If you write National Drug a:
Cite/Meal Co, of -Canada, Limited, Tor-
Worth While.
He doesn't care that rin not
Or that I'm pointy dressed,
That I'm a toiler in the What
hasn't even guessed,
:My butte that other people
He toddies up to tne.
iceist;ty,a, common man,
.1 7
Ills cheek tu Mao ne's glee! to rub
Before I go away;
And every night when return
Ile's„glail as he ran be.
And thetigh but little I may earn
Ile toddles up to 100.
Tn come to me•he'd leave a Icing,
It one were sitting near,
tnto iio millionaire he'd cling
1.4 only T'd appear,
And though hut tattered rags are mine,
When got lithie to tea,
With es'es that fairly beam and Shine
lied toddle up to me.
And so I've rec.son to be glad,
And reason to rejoice,
St's worth the world to he a dad,
To be a baby's 'choice,
There is no prize tains ean bestow,
No joys eau ever be
So real ns when. with eYes aglow,
He toddles up to me, •
•sea:14. oosshsila.peer—
MO Class Prottt,Sliarion Soros...stop, $600, $1000
INVESTMENT MAY be witharaWn any time after One year,
on 60 tiasee notice. B usineae at back of these Bonds estabs
lathed ea years. Sone for sPeCial folder And full particulate.
ISSUE NO. 11 1914
Mill; must do expert in piece (lac-
ing. Apply to le 0. Box OS, Hamilton,
lIaspitai, corry. if. 5, A. Ale•
lee to the euperintencient.
•••••••••••.ykimia ••••••••••••••••••••••••&•••••••••01.1•10111011
v grain In eastern New Ontario; give
lot, ,conceesion, townehip end price. 0.
Ceopen, Box 275, 33rantforit, Ont,
Mrs. I). L. McIntyre, McIntyre's
Mouutain, N. S., saye: "Baby's Own
Tablets are a grand medicine for little
once" and I am well satisfied with the
results Obtained from thein." Mrs. Mc-
Intyre $ testimony Is the same as that
of thousands of other mothers!. Once
a matter has used the Tablets she will
use nothing else for the results are
sure and the Tablets are guaranteed
by a Government analyst to be perfect-
ly safe. They are sold by medicine
dealers or branall at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont. •
(New 'roil: Sun) •
This. world was made tor dogs as well
as men, or neither would naye been
created; 80 it win be to the end of rec-
orded --time. Man gete as much good
from contact with the dog (in some re-
spects' often More 'worthy of emulation)
as the dog gets front hint. The most
heman nten, and men, too, of the great-
est intellect, 1m.y* loved dogs and Prins -
.ed them; apti (logs •liave 'loved the men
who were their masters in till vieissi-
tudes of fortune and with never es,
though qf whether they deserved the af-
fection and loyalty lovidshed two them.
It is true that men and wemen are
sometimes silly about dogs, but they
are no less silly about one another. Toe
reflection, however, 'cannot be made up -
in the dog in his relation to man, un-
less it is censerable it the dog•to be al-
waya fond, kind, apd.true.ta his master.
F. ttinTtliert?Ira rsree tir° kTilvjgrtfil
Itt.itiltDY, the world-falnous
e81,13).s1'17tureceasnsd. FTitess--
le home treatment,
cure .s,flimrp
11 F tairotriloalswgrrlodm grptrotia
tie St. James' Chambers, Toronto, Cen.
. ._...... in 4001.11707.
(Pittsbufg Gazette- Times)
There are same signs, fortunately, that,
despite the zest for joy riding ana social
Rely, the craze of a few years back,
whieh manifested itself In a willingnese
to invite bankruptcy rather than be
without a machlee, Is subsIding. People
are realizing that motors have :Come to
stay, that they can be had one year just
as well as an another, and in all likell-
hood cheaper, and there is more sanity
in purehasIng_, 4 4 •
Minard'e Liniment fOr sale every-
' whets.
, .
(Chicago Tribune)
14 is the American habit to treat a pub
lie scandal with °ender and,pot to dodge
it, It has been A British luthit to avoid
as much as possible of the unpleasant»
nese. By avoidance appearances may be
payee and the aspect et virtue may re-
main Undisturbed.
It is 'the ,eccidental equivalent, of the
orleatal "saving face." Americans have
been restless under fereign crIthearn .02
their governmental morals for a long
time—particularty restiese, under English
and Canadian criticism. They knew that
Arnertcan rascality Was exposed without
hesitation and English *and Canadian
rascality. had ,proteetion.
Economical Breakfast,
Stewed Prunes, Hash, Muffins, Coffee.—
Do not waste potatoes. Even the small-
est amount should be used in some way.
If a meal is well planned and one real-
izes there will be a small amount of meat
left a few extra potatoes may be added
end a breakfa.st dish of harsh made.
The correct combination is one cup of
meat (ground, but not too fine), two
heaping cups of potato chopped in bowl.
Add to /neat. If baked potatoes are
used, (and these are the best) add 4/10
heaping teaspoon of butter or dripping.
Salt to taste and add one-half cup of
water. }Sake for half an hour, being
careful not to burn, Stir as little as
The Dye that colors ANY KIND
of Cloth Reefectly, with the
SA ME Dee E.
110 Chance of Mistakes. Clean nndStruple.
Ask your Druggist or Dealer. Send for Booklet,
TheJohnann-Richaedma Co.I.Indte./. Montreal
(London Morning' Advertiser) .
.A. Netv 'Yore(' jiax.tor says human life
is held cheaper te-day'-thun in ancient
Heine. it /nay or may not be so in
Mexico. But when this paetor refera te
the amnia] railway mussac.re, my be
answered that such losses are notaing
to the anctent ravages of plague which
medical aclence bus banished from civil -
teed eountriem. It is absurd to say that
e,e me more cal etas of lite than were
ss.ncetea, stomatie or the Middle Ages.
s r aos
"Yon bad boy: What do you Mean
by picking ep that .eigar butt/ Right
before my taco and eyes, too."
"Why, did Yonee want Kr
(Toronto Star)
There is a .controversy as to whether
a woman at the marriage servtee should
promise to obey her gaud/and. But the
matter le usually settled, not py the
promise but by practice and, the tempeett-
'rnent of the two parties. A nian stood
on the area at three In the morning
and loudly proelaimed to a circle of ad-
miring friends that he was Caesar in
him own house. A window opened, and
a. woman's 0100 stela heard saying
"Caesar, come in, right away," The
meeting then adjournea.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
for Croup; found nothing equal to it;
sure 'eure. E. SHARP.
• .
ilaWkeltaw, Sept:":1st, 1995. .
A Divers Disease.
. "What," inquired the Sunday school
teacher of her youthful oupas—"what
ti.'Airritoar7a't.tt, the scholar clung
. :.'1."`tenalVe", ts',"1" et.ealttr.I"Os 0, "Wa-
ttt 13;a2de8 rol 24'ut irs1s1 t o ictrIne the t little
any of you tett ate?'
boys houlti bd 1,000 en,.1 not luard,
ter On the brsin."—Saerest Heart RgineNV.
Then ,Jonnie's arm shot Up.
"come," pa •,t0A the tetachcr 'can't
A Friend of the, Policeman
Continually on their feet, the "Peel-
ers" are invariably troubled with corns
and btfnions—but hot for long, because
they 'know of a quick cUre. Putnam's
Corn Extractor; it cures painleesly In
24 hours; try "Putnam's," 25c, at all
(Detroit Free Press)
What the farmer needs is more reepeet
for and knowledge of his occupation. Ite
needs to put hie brains into his business
if he is short on .brs.ins why perhaps
the best thing he tan do is to come to
own and sell dry goods and molasses
or figure up another reah's profits in
the automobile busitiese.
- *- 6
Minard's Liniment Cueea Burns, MC,
(Buffalo ZXPrePid
A MississitiPi mob Omitted a negro 10
a dregoods bolt stuffed oil soaked cotton
around hint and set fire to It Ile broke
loose and AWLS then shot to death, and, his
body burned. The man was accused of
shooting a deputy sheriff. The mob
had not even the usual -excuse that it had
been driven to 'frenzy by the maltreat.
ment of a woman or a chile.
(amulet of comfort are satisfyiug only
When there ere enough of them to make
.0 square meal.
Our Vriends, the Birds.
Show nut the Vela that breedo your. har-
yeet pest
Of chinch or weevil,
Where all the niossoma Wither with
strange evil.
Or where, in filinr tents,
The hairy creepers gorge in regiments
Your budding apple -boughs ;
Show your ancestral elms
Oaunt-limbed with leprosy, which. over.
Their green old age in death;
Or those swift locust cleutis whose
Biasts the ripe loveliness or Opting'
Show thee°, and mare
Then these, and cry on Ornisl She obeli
Front hill and shore
Ana Main—her winged flocks and warb-
ling brooch!.
And swing away their deadly multi-
—Percy Macitaye, in the CenturY.
Stock Yards
Largest Canadian
For Beet and Feeder I
Cattle, Calves, Hogs,
Sheep and Horses
Sayings of Children.
Litrie Rose was out in the garden in
the early spring of the year, and ber
mother wondering why she wee so quiet
went out to see what she was doing,
She found a row of tlny feathers plant-
ed all along the newer hed.
"Look, mamma: I planted these to
grow little chickens," said Rose,
George had been naughty and during
the day his mother had to punish hlm-
That night while saying bis prayers
at Ids mother's knee, he said:
"Lord bless papa, slater and grand-
ma. Amen!
Then, turning to his mother, lie said:
"Did you notice you weren't in it?"
"Dick, the minister will be here for
supper," said his mother, "and you must
wait And have yours after we arcs
Just before the supper was ready
Dick slipped into the dining -room and
crawled under the table.
When the time came to serve the des-
sert the minister praised the cake very
highly and was enjoying the secontt
piece when Dick called out from under
the table:
"Don't you eat all that cake. I want
A Woman's Message to
LI you are troubted with weak. tired
feebegs, headache, backache, bearing
down sensations, bladder weakness. cons-
tipation, catarrhal conditions. pain In the
ski ss regularly or irregularly, bloating
or unnatural enlargements, sense of
failing. or misplacement ut Internal ar-
gent:, nervousness, desire to cry. palpita-
tion, hot flashes, dark rings under the
eyes, or a loss of interest in life. I in-
vite you to write asid ask fur my simple
method of home tratment, with ten days'
trial entirely free .and postpaid, also ref-
erences to Canadian ladies who gladly
tell how they have regained health,
strength and happiness by this method.
Write to -day. Address, Mrs. M. Sum-
mers. Box 8, Windsor, Ont,
_ _
Baboon a Cocaine Fiend.
Dr. Briand exhibited before the chief
alienist's and specialists of Paris to -day
a Japanese baboon called Toth°, which la
a cocaine fiend and Is a patient at St.
Anne Asylum.
Tobte arrived at the hospital it the same
time as his owner, who Is a noted act-
ress on the Paris etage an it also a victim
of the drug habit. She begged to keep
her pet at the hospital with her and the
request was granted,
When the actress was almost cured
she infeamed Dr. Briand that Tobie had
also been a victim of -the habit for the
previous five months. He formed the
habit solely by. Imitation, neither his
mistress nor any of her friends having
Induced him to use the drug.
The baboon hag become very expert in
searehing pockets and handbags for co-,
calm. He never absorbs more than
enough to give him joyful. feelings. 148
shows similar effects from the drug as
human beings and is feceiving the same
traetment In the hospital as Ids mistress
got. The treatment ahs now reached the
stage where a harmless powder Is sub-
stituted for cocaine and this satisfies
htm—Paris. Cot% New York.
have been the standard for 21 years,
and for 40 years preseribea and re-
commended by Physicians, Accept no
other. At all drmists,
Why a Button.
There had been a mission 1,
her father
of whom hthey had heard, wore any
to the aervice seemed perplexed and mede
When she reached home she asked her
mother ashether the natives of Africa.,
"No," replied the mother, "they don't"
"Then,' eetorted the observant -young
lady, "what was the use of the button -
that father gave to the collection?"
To get the genuine, call for full halite,
LAXATIVE /31toM0 QttININIe. Leek
for signature of E. W, GROVE. CUree
a col 0.1.1011 siasne; y
0 I ft
(Brantfora Expositor)
The report of the children's bureau of
the 'United States shows that anent 300,-
00e bebtes one year of age cited last Year
in the Delted States, and it adds that
"at least halt that number would be
living had We, as individuals and com-
munities, applied these measures of hy-
giene and sanitation that aro known
and avallibile." Heher Is a vast and mi.
itnyetttosuriteddivlidosusai oafnidnfrie linfeeg, tete etrolhee.
6000011110 and Industrial significance of
such a lose in the general scheme of
secial well-being is beginning to be real-
ised. It 19 ttgreed that tile eonditions
that destroy so many of the youngest
lives inust ratio result in crippling and
maiming many others, mid must reset
unfavorably 'upon the health of the en-
tire -community.
0 *Lair ID *VD Igt thirt itgi ift
tan be handled Very easily. The sick Are mired, and all
Inhere lit oame Maisie. no matter how "exposed," kept front
having the eitteate, by tisk* SPOIIN'S DISTZ1d-
PEP, 'liven on the tongue or in feed. Arts on the
blood and expel* game of all toting of distemper. nest rem-
edy ever knowe for mares In feel. Dm/Arleta and harness
dealers. Our fete Beeklet elves everything Largest eel -
ling horse remedy inotiVigeo-.45 years, DI;tributere—ALL
W1101.1teALIO DAM
sileeetalara 114 oir it) irk II CP a.
Oherniste and 13getitriellenetets, G.sho,„, ut