HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-03-12, Page 1F 0 e t a 0 11 0 f3 t, a '1 s t 0 a h c 0 $ t i i S 0 a 42ND YE AA , NI) 27 Wingham Advance. WIN,GRAM, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH lfJ, 1914. BIIBwbiiIP'PIUN OMAN( Se $1.60 TOn° rU aYlop AR INi In V. D Debentures Due 'frust Loan way. was witheranding mus these charities from Southern Europe. many of Dollar Day. Dollar Day In Wingham Seven Millions Stock. Last �z •^' ?' • � , . J ' andeso rams from countries where law order were not so much respected, hence more police protection was re quired. In new Ontario, the opening up of the mines of Cobalt, Gowgandag, • Porcupine, Sudbury, the construction R. had caused a lar a influx of miners B and railroad men,and ae a result a much largerpolice force was required. g 1• Provincial police in this vast territory cost last year $00,000. What the Nort h West Mounted police were in notes Are Demanded for t t n nn m 111 W1li ham u Surroundln allu t istrict 1 Come to Wingham, Mr. Farmer, week we referred to the infer- motion gleaned b committee at Ot• v'' Every detail ie in reayiiness for Wfnghatn's hig Dollar Day, Many very successful dollar days have been held in various towns and cities in Qritario but the business men of Wino ham have arra» ed .one for B B March 17th, which will far surpass all others, Our advertisement on an. other will some Just ae often as you can, Bring the good ife and the kiddies, Aad the Cock, and hired mean • But don't forget the dollars, ' he 'tie The lit dollar bills, The ton g green winsome dollars That ' give delightful thrills ; The honest, hard-earned dollars, The crooked,quick-turned dollars , The dollars, taw'', which showed that the seven. millions of common stock, which Mao• Kenzie and Mann gave the governWomen mens last year as seccurity, had no additional value whatever. This is nicely explained by the Toronto Satur. N da fight, an independent paper as follows h The printing p g press is ronin itself TUESDAY * WI n n n 1 ! MARCH ht� �!� a Dollar Day ■ page give partieulare. In addition to all the merchants who are named in thin paper, giving special value for one dollar on that date, there ie a list of special prizes, Wingham Citizens' Band has been engaged her the afternoon and will dispense their best music to the large crowd aseetnb• led: Ample accomodation has beer! arranged so that everyone coming to BY g Wingham may be sure that there will be good areomodation for man and beast at a most reasonable rice• Then P too the Council Chamber will be heat: ed and kept with a lad i open,Ycots charge of the rest and cheque room: 'Ube business men of Wingham have united to matte everyone, who visits their town on that day, go away feel- shining silver To leave in our tills. B x But be sure to come next Un thesgood Saint Patrickt day, a'Vhen you'll get more fora dollarous Than would load Saint Robert's dray ; So bringthe dollars, b along The dollars sound and true The bright, red, golden dollars And leave us just a few; ' The crisp and cranky dollars, The dinky Yankee dollars, The good Canadian dollars And we will seeyou through. Come from well kept farms and home- steads, From sink boles'and from ridges, O'er miles of bumptuous pitch holes, invaluable to the modern financier. Indeed, it is hard to say how some of them would get alongwithout one handy on the premiseAbout a year ago the Federal Government wae cost. an Northern railway lwa overto y veral millions of dollars, and these magnet- es, with a Bodden burst of generosity, handed back to the Government seven millions of common stock in the Can- ''than Railway, As noted at the time the stock had no particular market value, but as there was then only sew millions of it, alt told, we took a cheery view of the situation and hoped for the best. It now develope, however that sir William and Sir Donald did not forget their characteristic thrift, On that day every $1 You speed in our store has the purcasilag pow - er of $L25. That is 00 Tuesday Y, Mar• 1! 17th, we will give "Free a 25c Box of Re$all Liver - sr Pills with every "Dollar purchase." •`z� ,vsi ` 'r ' inaintaining law and order in the Prairie Province'', so are the Pro• vigcial police in New Ontario. 7 V ote seekers will not x Qhs ' s sin ; : „ > f `es w< ytr ' ^' c " >, - O, N. R. GUARANTEE WORSE THAN A 0. N. R. LOAN. It is high time that the people of Canada cease supplyingmons to build railways• Y Y for millionaires to own and the Advance rejoices to sec such influential papers as the Toronto World, which is straight conservative, the Toronto which is independent conservative, and the Toronto Saturday Night, t adopt militant • methods. They are serious, however, -and the success of their cause is assured. Men admit the justice of their demands. A serious though not alarming effort to obtain votes for women in Wingham A. H. Musctizow* M:P.Pi which is independent, coming out against the MacKenzie and Mann interests, who have their high paid lobbyists at work and district is now being made, but it is thought that the great purpose the women have in mind can be accomplished without "hunger strikes", and the riotous outbreaks that have accompanied the woman's suffrage agitation, in the old country. The wo- ing that bilis is the -best town on the map. The horse judging as named itl the following special prizes will be done in.front of the place of business of the gentleman who donates the Prize. M. A. H. Wilford is the peed- dent and Mr. Abner Cosens the seers- tary, so all wishing any information Can get it From these gentlemen or almost any business man in town The following are the special prizes : SPECIAL PRIZES Acrose a hundred bridges; And bring along the dollars The dollars that you owe The kindly, patient printer, (Perhaps he'll never know, P ) The razzle dazzle dollars, The frayed and frazzled dollars, The soiled and surplus dollars That you're prepared to blow. Oome with cheerful hearts and visage, From old Iiotvick's creeks and rills + And •from stray ge, outlandish regions Far beyond the Uulross hills ; And for no sooner had they passed over In - to the safe keeping of the Government this 7 millions of stock than they lit for home Bet the prase going and printed 7 millions more acct» is on to the ca i , g p tal. So it was that the C. N. R. started out its Ottawa negotiations with a corn- mon stock cat.itatiza ion of $70,000,000 and wound up with $77,000 OCU. Now our lawmaker? in Ottawa are busying themselves with the problem as to how they are going to prevent Bill and Dan from increasinRrhe 0. N. lin, $77,000,0000 t Jt •a . MoRkmon DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN '',�..,,� Deee •• �r •- 7 -he �Kr StOl6 Eyesight tested Free, Glasses fitted and satisfaction In the Legislature on Wednesday est, Mr. Musgrove who followed Mt, lownsan of North Bruce in the debate n the budget delivered a very inter- stings address. Having complimented he Provincial Treasurer, on his clear nd concise statements of the flnanc s f the province the speaker took .up he "balance sheet" for 1913, and from : showed that, as far as debt was con- erned, Ontario occupied an excellent nancial position. The following are be Assets- tach on hand. $ 2,400,000 2U inking Fund 200 g42 pU 761.986 0_ q on Central Prison 814 099 .i., Funds 1,403 880 22 to Hydro U 022 090 22It '. & N. O. Railway 19 090,161 99 at Ottawa, striving by every means to have our members take the people's money or the people's credit to assist rail- way magnates. The Mail ee Empire and News on the one hand, and the Globe and the Star on the other, evidently have no opinion in this matter, but are waiting until their party acts at Ottawa and then no matter what they do, they will uphold it and tell the people it is for their own good, which reminds the writer, of when lie was a boy, there was an old gentleman in the locality, who one clay was giving his wife a sound horse whipping, and with tack stroke was saying, "You know it is 3' g' all for your own good, my dear," so will these papers tell their readers, no matter which way their party jumps, that it is all for their own good, is a fact that the eighteen "Grit mil- lionaires" who came out against reel ro. W. P city saw to it that 1•Ion. R . T, White was men of this district who have decided to go after votes, after carefully considering the matter have determined to pursue mild measures, believing that such a course will prove more effective than the. ultra militant tactics of their British sisters• There is every indication too that the efforts of the local feminine vote seekers will prove very successful, and that before the end of the present month there will have been thousands of votes granted to the women in this section of Ontario. While the members of the fair sex who are taking the leading part its the tote getting »rove- meat here can hardly be described as true disciples of Mrs. Pankhurst, they are, nevertheless, not entirely lacking in the militant spirit, and they are departing •sof- ficiently from the proverbial meekness of womankind to make it plain to those with whom they come in contact that they hate a serious purpose, and that they are determined 10 get votes. There is no mistitke about that. They are after votes. These women are thoroughly convinced of the righteousness of their cause. They say the men are getting votes, and they do not hesitate to demand the same "mere treatment that is willingly accorded man." Equal rights, and votes for all who deserve them" is the battle ry ofthe women. Theirs is the voice of victory,too, for they are getting the votes. The men of the district are assuming a remarkably broad minded attitude in the matter, and ;the great majority admit that the women ought to have voles. Stranger still, many of the men are helping the women to get votes. „ If we want votes, and work for votes why should we not have them ?" Ask the $5 arni chair will he given to the oldest gentleman coming to town that da y $5will be given to the purchaser driving the longest distance to Wing- bring along the dollars, The dollars bright and gay The ripe, round, rolling dollars, That often get away ; The bent and battered dollars, The torn and tattered dollars, The oren 7from anyto $177,000,000, $277,000,UUU or any oth- 1 ,00cap0,0 er old figure they have a mind to without special leave of parliament. P P Great thing this printing press fin. ance. And in the interval Sir William, who guaranteed, . e ' / V. ' s ` ham on dollar d �?'' vile, germ -laden dollars ; Well ll take them all that day. is the blue ribbon borrower, is after all the remaining loose change _ 'oral Assets $ 31,454,011 36 All these Assets are interest bearing,since with i dwouldtbe exception adt othethe T. & N. 'he liabilities were $32 287 22J 03 iececon- i?ting mainly of money advanced t° ee Hydro and to the T. & N 0 Rail- The net debt of the province less than one million dollars noti the larges sums expends n public buildings. Ontatio was Ina matey Pu.icton fluaocially than ny of the other provinces, Alberta ad a net, debt of 57.293,000, S.e at- k hewan $8,500,000 Neva Scotia $#,000, 90, New Brunswick $1,018,000, Quebec 21,000.000. If there were included in he ease s of the province all its ublic buildings, scattered throughout ass province, then our aysr•tR would be »creased some twenty•miaion dollar.. ome of the other provinces, and all ur local Ontarips .include these s assets -Ontario does not do so. In answer to the charge of extrava- ance, it was shown that the pre-aent iovernment, owing to their excellent usines8 methods and strict oversi ht g f all sources of revenue had increased he revenue of the province during the est nine years, by nearly five -million ellers without adding any additional ''xeric» upon the people. With this ucreased revenue the Government bus een able to aid all worthy objects and nterprises by increased graute thus iving more efficient service in many epartmente. The following interesting table was iven as showing how part of this avenue lead been distributed- 1 1000 1913 Increase duration $91 000 81,060,000 , ere 000Must [ospltals 268 000 lls.000 1x'';000 tEylums 907.000' 1,306,000' 150,000 t thiols a 10. 000 603,000 488,800 tar Roads 479,000 603,000 228,809 appointed Finance Minister, and ever the Borden Administration was re- turned to power, this same bunch has been busy at Ultaaa. Th ere is no ditlerence between go iianteeutp a worthless bond, and giving a strain ht ifh If the C. A.6g R. bonds are good they will sell in the none ma kets of the world. Last year when the government gave 000 0(10 of the $16, people's money, the members Mere taken aside like school children and given a so g and dance, that if the C. N. R. were to quit business, tl'ie whole prosperity of Canada would cease ,it and there would be many financial wrecks. This session the same arguments are be- ing used and we defy any member to come into the press or make the statement on a public platform; which they are giving as reasons, pri•ately to the faithful, why they must support this guarantee, or whatever it may be. The Toronto Telegram speaks as follows. Was not Hon. W. T. White mfsre- ported in the interviews which also- crated Mr. White's name with non- acnes to the effect that the Canadian Northern could notget a Government Loan but might get . a Government guarantee of Bondi g A policy of Government loans might 't a objectionable. The policy of Government'guaran• tees is iniquitoue. A Government guarantee places the same burden oh the country as a Gov- ernment loan. If a railway property is security for the loan the 'Government gets its money back. If a railway property does not make gaodon its o make good, ees theGovernment never get its •money beet-. A guarantee of bonds places a pos. B p P Bible maximum of burden on the coup- t ••y, and puts a minimum of women. And back comes the echo Why shouldn't they ?" They should, and THE ADVANCE intends to see that every woman who deserves votes shall have them- by the thousands. Since the women started clamoring for totes in Winghath and district several weeks'Igo'CHE ADVANCE has constantly encouraged them in their demands, and is note doing everything possible to assist them in getting all the •votes they want. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE'S $800 Prize Voting Contest is the means by which the women are being helpGil to get votes. Every subscription to THE WINGHAM ADVANCE or 1 HE CANADIAN LADIES' HOME JOURNAL secur- J ed by any of the workers in this great contest entitles him or her to 1,000 or more votes and votes are being *iven impartially to both men and women according to + g b P< Y g their works. Every man and woman in this contest wants votes. If you have a friend in the contest help him or her by handing in your subscription to THE ADV or THE HOME JOURNAL or both, for one year or more. The following schedule shows the number of votes each subscription is north to the contestant :- ,� THE VOTE E SCHEDULE First period -.February 23 to March 14. THF. ADVANCE One year. .. , .$1.00.... 1000 Totes • Two years , ..•.3 00 ... 3000 votes "'" Three years... 3 00.... 7000 votes Four years.... 4 00. , . ,12000 votes Five ears .... 5.00....20000 votes y CANADIAN HOME JOURNAL One year 51.00... , 1000 votes Two years2.00. , . , 3000 votes Three years. 3.00. • . , 7000 votes • Four years4 00....12000 voter Fere years 5.00... ,20000 votes COMBINATION' SCHEDULE. . One year $2.00 30t,0 votes Two years 4.00 12000 votes Three years .... 6.00 30000 votes Following are the•names of the men and women who want votes, and who wit I appreciate your assistance. If you have a friend among those who needs your help, •money coli t wait the contest is over -DO IT NOW. $n will be given by Geo Spotton to the farmer exhibiting the best driving Chime from canny, careful Carrick, Where ripens the golden •grain, that may have stuck to the Or taws, till since last he visited it, Naturally, -.�. horse on dollar day. And from shy, sad, pensive Auburn, "The loveliest there was not as much there as he had h°p d. With Sarn Hughes building - 12 Oak Chair will be iven b Wal- k $ & Clegg to the oldest ladyomin g to Wingham on that day. $6 in Cash by the Association to the person bringing the largest load Of people into town on that day. $6 in Cash b A. el Scull Manager Y y' B of the Dominion Bank, to the farmer exhibiting the best team of agrlCul- total hones. $5 will be given by Dc. A. J. Irwin to the farmer exhibit log, the hest heavy draught team of horses in Wing- ham on dollar day. of the plain;" And bring along the dollars, The dollars from the hills, The wayward, wand'ring dollars, Hitting the pace that kills ; 1 he •ra•* •ed rust dollars 'g Y The tried and trusty dollars, The plugged and punctured dollars, P gg p c d d a , Beset b man ills, Y Y •Come all ye sone of Canada, Y.- Germane, and ye Frenchmen, Ye Scotchmeu, and ye Englishmen; And good S.. Patrick's henchmen ; Aud brie along gyour dollars, For dollars count, you bet I drill halls, and others building Hud- + sotes Bay railways and the like, the treasury resembles a etutnpled opera hoc, Of course it still contains, that waren million of U N, IL common, but + Sir William dries» t want that. But hero is an idea :-why not pace Wet y chunk of scrip over to the Hon, Sam an i let hintgo a' fir as he likes with ; in his war i, era'ions: And if tl e Hon. Colonel paold find himself rune ing short he might preva'1 upon these railwayb elders toprint a few more W: millions for his ownspecial use. j , i :'-es• ''. �•\ >\' • as, r '• s• eat • l'', . \, 1, \\ ._ , ' �'' ? ` `? ' ', ''> a (_ :i ' a' ° ` " `\ . e._ , \ a e� : . _• The dollars Grit and Tory, -:.=---- •--�"-"+�5=, ""- $6 in Goods at any store will he given by A. 13. Wilford to the farmer exhibiting the best team of horses' et>itablefordrawinga"eamerywagnn, $5 pair of creasers and a $10 ladies Skii t, for $5 will baa given by E. C. White to the largest family com'ng to Wingham on that day. The father and mother must accompany ekeTUESDAY family. $5 will he given by The Western The dollars dry and wet, "Dose lettle billet. dollars," "The bonnie sitter dollars," +Thebloomin' blawsted dollars, , We e finds Mimed 'ard to get." Come in spite of wind or weather, Just as early as you can, youry Have work alt done on bIouda , So that nought can spoil your plan, And surely bring your (lotlars, The dollars old and gray, •surprise See Mills largo ad. for special prizes. Big bargains in China•ware on Dol- lar Dayat J. 11. Baker's. Watch our Whitewear Window die- play on Dollar Day at J. H. Baker'''. See our collection of articles for $ da the are ood bu in T. Kew• y y B y• B - Call at Thos. Kew's $ day and see what you can get for your $. It will rl a" lin Dollar . Da �l' E I y ° - Bargains MARCH 17 ��.• Foundry 0,.. to the most recently married couple driving to Wingham on $1. day. To report at Ritchie & Cosenls office and produce marriage certificate. $16 gold filled watch' will be given by W. G. Patterson, the great watch doctor, to the lady or gentleman, who buys the largest amount of goods from The false and fickle dollars That lead us all astray ; , The worn and weary dollars, The shy and sheery dollars, We want all kinds of dollars On Winghain's Dollar Day. DOLLAR BILL. ,- , you, FOUNA,-In Wingham, March 10th, a Black Knight's sash. Owner can have same by applying to Mr. A. Fralick and paying for this advt. To Wx0.1 IT M. CU.ic>LRN.- Take notice that having a number of ac• counts that aro long past due, unless a settlement is arranged for by April .. 24 pairs Women's Boots, t reg, price $2.60 to $3 for $l 00 pr 30 pairs Misses and girls boots. reg. $I 60 to $2 for $1.00 15 Boys' Boots, regular $1.75 to $2, for $1 CO the stores in Winpgbam on Dollar day. show i sect rs cf goods bought and paid for by 7 o'clock p.m. The following are the business people who are putting on this dollar `/N......Mn1MMIV\Mfo ` 4. Q Personals • 1st, 1914,will be l an. in court 27.28 Wse:erna -Good servant. - general2 Apply to Mrs, R. Vanstone, Wingham. FOR SALE. light RUBBERS pairs Women's Rnb• here, size 2y to 7, for$1 00 3 pairs Misses Rubbers day movement and who are giving^""""^"^"^'^""""^""^' special bargains that day :- & Oosene, A. H. Wilford, W.sleighs. H, Willis & Ors.. A. M. Knox, W. G. Patterson W. A Miller, Carson & Pyke, R A. Taylor, Howson RBrock- lehank, W. A. Campbell. J. W. Mc. Ribbon, R S. McGee, H T. Thompson, Mrs, W. A. Miller is visiting at her home in Moorefield. Miss Margaret Steele spent Sunday at her home in '1`eeswater. Wilfred McLaughlin left on Monday of this week for Toronto. -4 double wagons or without tops, 1 drayand 2 bob P + g Apply to -Win. avies Co. Ltd,, Wingham. Smith Con- Don't forget the March cert Co.Friday, March 20th. The Leigh -Smith Concert Co , Wing- size -SL to 2 for $1 00 2 pairs Tenths Robbers size 11 to 18 for $1.00 g pairs Ohilde Robbers t size 4 to 10 ,for $1 00 �� _ 'oral $2,760,000 4,850,000 2.100,000 A substantial increase in the above ive important depertmente of Pro- incial activity. Had the same grants leen made as under the Reform lovernment, there would have been a urplus of 5%100,000, Analyzing these grants Mr. Mus- ;rove gave the following details -The ncreased grants to public schools were 1389,000,-;L'his was to assist in secur• ng better teachers, or in reducing oral taxation. Continuation schools vhich were located in many of our mailer towns iattd villages where the uaintenance of a High School would ie burdensome, were doing a good and ireful work. These were aided M y ibergal trranCs, the increased grant into the construction and operation of a railway, A guarantee of bonds enables pri- vett) individuals to navigate rafts of bor s endorsed with this country's im ge and superscription,pMr. guarantee of bonds exposes Fed - eral, provincial and municipal escort- ties to competition from securities that carry the country's endorsation. A guarantee of bonds has in the ag• gregate taken millions off the price ofmachines.-W. Canada's national, provincial and Fed. eral securities. A guarantee of bonds carries all the burdens and conveys none of the benefits of a loan. Hon. W T. White should hasten to repudi- ate the interview that ur orts to idem- P P tits the Minh.ter of Finance with the until Franciswith Mine Maggie McLean, Wingham Miss Davis, Wingham It M. Patten, Whitechurch C. W. Walker, TurnberryRitchie Mise Pearl Stinson, Gerrie Bert Williams, Wingham Mise Mary Gibson. Fordwich Roy Turvey, Cranbrook Mite Maud Fletlty, Wingham J. E. Holmes, Wingham Bale Gillespie, Wingham Mies Mildred Horne, Lucknow Mfeit Verna Guest, Wingham Miss Nettie Cottle, Wingham Meet Mise Romilde Taylor, Wingham Miss Krotz, Wingham Mies Laura McCrea, Belgrave Miss Nellie Brooke, Sr. Helens Miss Reta Walker, Wingham Mise Verna Carruth; Wingham Miss Maggie schieetel, Wingham Miss Nellie Champion, Fordyce Mise Lizzie Evers, Dungannon Miss Etla Thompson, St. Augustine Miss Margaret Anderson, Wroxeter Miss lelahel Menzies, Cranbrook Mies Bernice Flood, Ethel Miss Ada Welk:heel, Bluevale Miss Alice Gillespie, Blyth Miss Hazel Burgess, Brussels mise Hezel Baker, Belmore Miss Laura Nay, Lakelet Mise Mar Johnston, Jamestown y Jas. Walker, 1.1. 13. Elliott, W. J. Boyce, late & Thompson, Geo, Mason &Sou, A. E. Isard & Co., J. H. Christie, Wingham Publishing Co., W. W. Hough, Alex, Young, King Bros., Mrs. C. G. Vanstone of Toronto is vi?icing with relatives in town this week. ham, Friday night, March '20cb, WANceras ;D-61 wanted yet. Have 51 machin on now, want.) more to fill up D. Pringle. See our Bargain Tables , Comein--You re Invited W. J. Greer, Hanna, & Co., L, Ken- nedy, J. J. Davis, J. A. Mills, Thos, Kew, D. Bell, Canadian Bank of Com-pheraott coerce, Dominion Bank. Bank of Hamilton, Harry Brown. Reba Moon- nay, Knechtel .S Co., R. A. Carrie, F e)d Bees, JohnGalbraith, e. Ram, , J. A. McLean, J. H. Baker, A. H. Musgrove, Rich. Vanstone Mies Fanny Green returned to Wood- stock after spending a few weeks at her home here. Reeve McKibben was in Clinton last week in connection with the house of Refuge business, Mr. Stewart Pander, Canadian Ex• p••ess agent, Port"Colbourne, is visit- ing his parents here. ' Mr, A. H. Wilford spent last week FOR SALE :-A quantity of good hay and straw for sale. Apply to D. Mc- Mc - Phone -13, To RENT, -Three comfortable rooms suitable for light house -keeping. Mods Printi g OfIIce, menCeApply to 0, e Over N vOrli grip 4, Anything you want in January at and below at Knox's clearing sale. �, ii SOLE "`^"""^^"^""'"^"'"""^"' is AGENT , rein $58,000 Excellent schools of tbia lass were to be found at Brussels,which 7rediton, Exeter, Blyth and Wroxete n Huron County The High' Schools, the centres for he, training of teachers, and the entre of secondary education for absurd contention that a guarantee makes the country a partner in the Mackenzie and Mann liabilities is preferable to a loan which makes the country a creditor with a mortgage onin all the Mackenzie -Mann assets." . Auction Sale. • Mr. J. S. Duckett will hold an auction Felen of farm sstock and im• and some household clot Warning, The, report having been circulated rI haver been receiving coal and that graries from I wish to Toronto and •Londonin the interests of hie business. cost Bargains in Wall Paper and Win- Railwa owned Government.? Y' In the House of Commons on May 20,1904, Mr, Borden gave utterance to the following: -"Shall we have a Government-owned railway ar a rail• e owned Government? N. R.r. deaBor- deo s action now on the C. deal den's will be hie own answer. If the Me- cannot nancero cad let the Government take it Lover and own it produce p Mr: J. S. Scott, who is conducting the Advance contestevieited his berme in Dundee on Thursday, Mr. William Guest is in Guelph this week attending the Grand I.1 ge of the Orange Association. Miss Seting Arnold arrived this sewam milliner at hirer G sent t • he position Mee. A. Tiplftig went to Toronto on Friday to attend the funeral her dow Shades at Knox's ClearingSale. Fon SALE. -We have a car of corn for sale at the G. T. R. station, -Tip - ling & Mills,For "Wear Greer's Shoes and RnbberB. J. A. FOS., D. 0., graduate Ohiro- praetor. Chiropractic 15 successful in. Epilepsy, Asthma, Rheumatism, Headaches, Con - stipatfon, Female Trouble and all Ohro• nio Stomach. Liver and Bowel tronblo Office Knox's house, GENUINE• D D. W. Scranton Coal All sizes, prompt delivery the iourceno of parents of limited means, per ,iraged by an increased grant if $� i.. ".r• education $45,000 was spent, 1. r'�)rinl Seboole received 635,000, Rural School lfbrariea $8,..00, Agriculture in schools 530,000 All increased grants had been made :o deserving objects, and no member if the Opp •sttiun had dared to state that tbeae estimates be reduced. The ncreased grants to hospitals and were absolutely necessary. Tnere are in this Province 70 public, and 51 private hospitals, nine hanitaria consumptives, 37 refuges, •31 or- phanages, 3 homes for tncurablee, 3 convalescent homes, and :30 count q bowies of refuge, In our hospitals 31,659 "atients were under treatment teat, year; 1,437 were in sanitaria whilst 2,203 were cared for in our orphanages, Neglected children to the number of 742 were reclaimed and tarred in corn to tattle hOtneA, Where LhC are receiv: ing moral training a id a g iod educe,- tion. Our ulnare usylume care for 5,726 patients. These unfortunates receive treattnent from most skilful physicians and nurses. At Griffin, is the home of the feeble minded, 317 in number, all receiving the realest care and attention. Thehoe tial for rni• p laptioa at Woodstock cares for 289 patients. • - For the maintenance of three in iatitutitlns large sums are annually ex- pended, for buildings, fuel, fond, drugs•, attendants, nurses, and physicians During the past seven gears there hear been an increase in di of $400.000. Was thete a single memher in thiselected:•-HHon, who would find fault with ra liberal expenditure upon the carts, comfort and happiness of nut unfor• tunate . and helpless brothers and sisters ? Objection had been taken to the inopt�eease in the expenditure on the Admineltration of justice. Duringthe irew+t firs yayl�rar, there had been it. large 1ruKodiumtraigrtaatu of the Laittien moost, H. S. B. Meeting. •con. The High School Board met in the R Council Chamber on Tuesday evening and transacted some routine business, The following accounts werepassed- g W. King, wood $4,80; J. J. Davie,•$2 • 03 ; Elec. Light Dept., 60c ; J. H. Christie, $2; Les Jun. $1.73. The fol- lowing members were present :-13. Vanstone, W. b. Vanstone, J. A. Mc• Lawn and F. Buchanan, Death Of Mrs, Ransom, there passed awe pa y at the General Hos•oital here, on Friday, March 0, Catharine Lee, relict of the late Wm, Ransom. The funeral took place from her late residence, Lower Wingham, on Sunday, March 8th, at 2 p.m., to Wingham cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev. fiibbert. Mre. Ransom a husband predeceased her eight years ago. She leaves to mourn her loge four children, three daughters, Una, Ethel and Winnie, and one son Gordon. Deceased was a loving, kind- hearted mother end will he sorely missed by her family and residents of the neighborhood. utfsfi:t, Deatb, Theffollowing refers to an uncle of Mrs,.A. Tipling of town, ae repeated in the Toronto Globe; -•"Death from heart talkers cantos suddenly tie Mr. Joseph J. Kennedy at his residence, 465 Montrose evenue, yesterday, The late Mr, Renned who was seventy. y' six years of age, was born in Autnra, as hitt otence were before hien. He lived an worked on affirm there until he was eighteen scare of age, when he moved to Mariposa, to take u farming P 8 for himself. Later he took up residence in tlxbrklge, eventually Coming inti To. mote, *here he has resided for twenty. yew. lie has been else toyed with o Clark Company for Lite .at eight -ears. A widow survives pMr. B �" Kt•nttrdy. The interment takes pin at 1a1twm'artil•ICtht tr5414k�r 1,ts on Wednesday, March 18th, at lot 1, ,n Wednesday, 1, Morris at 10 o'clock in the fore• nO°A' Promotion Examiastioas, The Huron County Public School Promotion Examinations will he held on the 7th, 8th and ninth of April, 1914. Papers are being prepared for the junior and senior classes of the second and third book and the junior fourth book. Teachers are requested to send at once to their Inspector the number of pupils taking the examina• tion in each of the classes named above, Sustains Broken Ribs. bite: B. Vansickle had three ribs broken and sustained serious internal in'ut les at her home Sunda eveniri ] y g+ when she fell •a depth of seven feet, through a cellar door, which had been left open. Mre. Vansickle had a lied fall just sifter Christmas, in which she ettstained injury to her hip and from which she had not fully recovered, Mrs. Vaaneickle es many friends wilt be sorry to learn of her misforti:ne and hope for her speedy reocoverp, Lacrosse Club Meets, A large and enthusiastic meeting of the Lacrosse Club was held in the Council Chamber on Friday, blarch Otb, The Ulub was reorganized for the eeaeon, and prospects fora good team look exceedingly bright. A number new era are now located p in town, ae are all of last years goad team, The following officers wire. Pres., Mayer Irwin; y Pres., W, lin. Willis : lvt vice Prase , Chad. Munroe; 2nd Vice, J. W. Mc- Kibbon ; 3rd Vice, W. A. telemphell; Treas., Joliet Ritchie ; S, -c, H.C. Mc• Leant, Uommtttes•'-Jato, clanne, W, H. Gurney, W. Vanwyek, _Delegates to the convention at Toronto on Goad Friday, April 10th, W. lin. Gurney and g, ply, MclieY alsoth warning denythis and give that any person who spreads false reports concerning me in the future will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I desire no charit and work for everything I et and will continue to y B B do ea, as long as I am able, -Mrs. Rose Page, /ann Died in Clinton. The spirit of Rosetta Kerr, relict of the late Henry Glazier answered the Call on Monday morning offer an ill. nese extending since the middle of February, when Mae with struck with paralysis at the home of her daughter, re. J. S. Andrews: -Rosetta Kerr,For the subject of this sketch was born in 1 Ireland in August, 1811, andcarne with her parents to Toronto when a few years old. She married Jas. Glazier in 18ii8 and from that marriage issued Mrs. J. S. Andrews, Henrylazier and ee T. B. Cook, all of Ulinten: De- ceased had one brother Henry Kerr, late of Wingham, who died November 1008, and one s'eter, Mee. Ann Auter• eon, late of St. Clair. Illicit., who pre- deceased her in 1908 leaving Mee. Glazier as the last of the -family to take her departure. She ryas a tins care Chrfctain a consistent member of the Anglican and a flim be- g + Hever in the tenets of that faith. A loving mother, a respected citizen, and fan ever ready friend and sympathizer hn eicknese, trouble or distress. Slee ati gone to her reward and will be..............,,,,,,.."....,........o.~........sale. missed in the community in whirh ache moved. and especially by the members of St, Paul''' church, in whfch eon •te• g !talion elie wits over ready to help any work for the advatucetnent of Ilse cause of °Wet. The funeral which was held Mitts -day after -noon, ryas largely attended, the erviees being conducted by Rev, J. C. Putts, Lector of 8 . I au1 s ('lurch. Among than friends from it distance, who attended the funerel were, Mr. 'i m. C�ornyn, .'tiles Ella Uurn n. Mr, and M"' Atex y Alderson, all of Wingham rand ;Fire. C. its,- ....1 ti t. � r ... tr'.. _n ,r... - at,x Old Resident Passes Away. , The funeral was held from Curt ie's undertakin • rooms, on Tuesda after- B y noon of the late lir. riLatk Gray, who died on saturdaty. March 7, at the General Hospital, Toronto. Mr. Gray was born in Stirling, Scotland. in blas 18.>), and • was in the airmy fora number of years wfch the 72nd. Fin igh- lenders. After a number of years m India•, he retired and name to Canada some thirtq•eeven years ago. entering G. T. R. For toren sof uncle, Mr. Joseph Kennedy. Mee. R. J, Day, accompanied by her dao titer Irene is viaitin ►her dao 'h• g 6 b ter, Mrs, Come, in Stratford. Miss Share of St. Mars, who has P y beet] visiting bliss Gleamy for the past few weeks, leaves for her home on Thursday.G. 13.litor Elliott was in Toronto on Thursday last and attended the 'bans goat tendered the Liberal el. P, P. by liberal newspapers of the in R. ,Entrance per Presbyterian church walk. Phone 191. Flours, to 5 p.m., 7 p. na 2 s. Christie' Get Darnel s Bread at Christie e: Out Glass and Silverware oto +, g Knox's cleating sale, 20'o saved on Diamond Rings at W, Patterson e. Diamond and Pearls at and below coat ate Knox's clearing sale. Bite clearing sate now going on at A, __ _ ...... __._ B. C. SHINGLES Best grade sxx 95o pa>sbunolt • xxxx $I.00 per bunch xsxxs $1.06 per bunch Dry cedar kindling $2.00 per cord Dry Fiord wood $3.00 per cord Dry 4 ft. Hard wood $4.00 cord the employ of the tyflve years he worked in their shops at Wingham 'III London. and then re- nt tired. In t eligion he WAS a Preshv tette», and fn politics a liberal, He leaves a vvidow, three sons and two daughters. the province. Muss Pearl Henderson, *holm tom- pleted the Stenographic course at the Wingham Business College, returned to her home ireAmberley on Saturday last. Mr, J. P. Groves, our town clerk,sessimemmessionimeeserarressestere M. Knox's. Cleating eat° at Knox's, Every. g y thing toner b0 sold ae owner is leaving tot°»' First class baled hay and straw al- ways on hand.•-Tipliug & itlills, J• A. McLean Lumber Coal and Wood r .- _ s ,, left on Saturday to visit his sister, Bracelet A-Vatohes from $3 to $00 at Patterson's Jewelers Store. ...,.,.....................,.......,.aa Mrs. Mowat of Acton and on Tuesday 'Local items will proceed to Guelph to attend the meeting of the Ovange Grand Lodge Large crock of Pearl Goods and Pendant Necklets Knox's for Wettetn (Ontario. at clearingeastosemesttEM411tlll. 1111111111. �� . Go ads?' now. Sure, and rife yin. silt thus n invotted to a "'I" Irleh (Ion- cert and Sot;hul tbl t Prisbayterrans d° be hent» on Sr,, l wtttck a3ntght• Mr. A. 1, Beadwin of the Goderich Signal called on the Advance on Mon- da 0f this week. lis had been spends y p ing the week•snd with hie parents, Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Bradwin, Sbuter We are prepared to pay the highest price for all kinds of grain delivered at T our warehouse at. Geoid trunk Ste. tion.-- Tipiing and MiiIN. _ JOHNSTON'S PRESSING PARLORS Pressing, Dry ly act ng anti Oa lei May of last week Provincial Se, and 1•+, we ate pleesed to repot t, Altering r g p omptlq attended to (Meer I'hippsn recnive•d from the lieonae depetement the aanalysi:r upn•a well eget» after, his long illness, "s"�"'"'.-�+ stead our list of Dollar Day leargatns 1 StiIT5 CALLED FOR AND RETURNED the liquor, which he Weed on his eecOnal raid ar, Teeswater souse days ago, showing that the lamer which be tetrad in the hotel of .lost h Uldheiser, P was a larger percentage +tru:lgc r than the law allowit, •-•s- "• ••+•^--^°°» .. "Air :% t going to the Irish Concert and 80M111l thfut PrisIa,avt niche sin Fre After Navin' on kir, Patricke night ' "14ure Moike.' gherr on last a e. p = WILLIS 6 CC). � � �Iota Shop one door north of Patterson's jewelry stere , We dont experiment t we know to then, std tilti1111Mhi1�i11 ■reit U b a fin e a