HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-03-05, Page 3wt
High Cost of Living
Dear Agriculturist:
We have found a system of doing a produce busi-
ness which we believe will be very profitableto you.
It raises the price to the producer and lowers it to
the consumer.
We pay you cash at your door for strictly fresh
eggs and send them direct to the consumer.
Your cream is weighed at your door, tested and
paid for in Wingham and shipped to Silverwood's large
Creamery in London.
For full particulars, call or write
A. H. Wilford
Of fice 174, Residence 108.
Your dreams of hearing the music you want
when you want it have been realized by the
Edison Phonograph
When a few friends drop in and conversation lags, you
need Edison Music. When you are alone you want Edison
music. When you desire a particular piece played or sung
by a particular artist you can have it, at once, on the Edison.
The strong, steady motor of the ought to hear them today at your Ed-
Edison is always dependable. The ison dealer.. The tons is constant
diamond reproducing point enhances its quality.
the wonders cd the thousands of beau.
tiful selections. The new types ofhornl\TRADe`MARK7
a in ographs do Amderolu Qe E *mom
—are phonographs do luxe and you
Edison Phonographs and Records are sold by
Hanover Place
Developing Is Our Business
Theeliance Investment nvesttnent and Developing Companyt
Limited, are not trying simply to unload their lots on the
public, and when this ie done leave their customers to get out
the best way they can.
Our obj-ct is to develop our property by treeing (8500
trees set out last year), grading streets, getting Municipal
Improvements and building homes on the property, and in
every way to add value not only to our own buildings, but
to that of our customers as well.
At present our Manager is in Winnipeg negotiating as
to the ear line along MoPhillip street, and the main sewer
along Poison street to the property. The water main and
power line are already along McPhillip street past the pros
We have made definite arrangements with Mr. Walter
N. Hutchinson for the erection of ten houses, and he expects
to build twenty houses on the property this year. We are
also negotiating for fifteen more.
I)o you want a good invebtment with substantial security
behind it? Then buy sotne of our lots. Our prices are right
being $225.00 a lot and up according to location. Our loca-
tion is right, being along the Sharp boulevard and avenues
each side, the most rapidly growing district in Winnipeg.
Inquire as to our guarantee with every lot sold.
Authorizes) Capitalization, 5500,000
Paid Up Capital, $102,000.
W. J. Currie, R. R. N0.30
AGENT Wiittghasm.
aa. 4• n etCs al.S d. AA.,aJ G..•�. @.fi+^. -t �.!• �.
Prof Budlong was Quickly Relieved
of Both afflictions by tieing Rheu-
If you Nutter rr'otu any form of Rhos.
mxrietn, remember that RHEUM A
goss to work quickly to remove the
cause, not sitnpiy to relieve the die -
tress. Many years use has demon-
strated that it goes to the seat of the
disease and expels the poisonous mat.,
ter through the natural channels—the
kidney's, bowels, liver and skin.
"For many years I was troubled
with Rheumatism. also with LOW*
Disease of the Kidneys, I suffered"
awfully. Tried many advertised reuse.
diets. After using your truly remark.
able preparation, RBEUMA. I was
fully eared." -.Prof. O. J. Budlong,.
Sound View, Donn.
RUEUMA is guaranteed by T. W.
McKibbon, who sells itfor 50 cents a
Ben Nevis.
Ben Nevis the highest mountain in
Scotland, was for many years the site
of one of the moat famous meteoro-
logical observatories in the world, and
the discontinuance of this institution,
as a result of the withdrawal of gov-
ernment support wasregarded by me-
teorologists .ae a serious calamity.
Now it is reported that the site of the
observatory is to be occupied by a
tourist hotel, connected with the base
of the mountain by a railway. Ben
Nevis Is climbed by some fifteen thous-
and people every year, it is safe to may
that the commercial undertaking will
be more prosperous than was the
scientific one,
Committed Suicide,
After brooding over the death of.hie
wife who was hurried on Saturday
last, Ww. Bray, of Usborne Town-
ship, hanged himself in a barn on hie
farm, between bedtime and dawn next
morning. Tuesday night Bray retired
to rest in usual health, but very down
hearted' over the death of his wife.
No one in the house noticed anything
strange during the night but when his
eon John went out to do the chores in
the morning he missed his father. He
noticed that their dog was over at an-
other barn where hay was stored, and
that it was barking loudly, so he went
over. There he was shocked to find
his father hanging by the neck to a
rope tied around the beam. With the
assistance of a neighbour, Archie
Campbell whom he had called over, he
cut the body down but found it cold.
Farm Notes.
It Is sometimes desirable on thin Boil
land to turn the sod under aud seed
with ploughing only once. This gives
the clover a chance to root in the sod
and insures a more profitable pasture
than when the laud is s lowed two or
three timer. One objection to this is
the moot of famers prefer to raise
more than one crop before seeding. I
have known of rough land being sown
with buckwheat and rye at the same
time. The rye will spread over the
ground and is somewhat beneficial to
the buckwheat by shading the ground
and keeping it cool. The ground can
be seeded in the spring and the rye
harvested the next season after the
buckwheat is harvested. if the rye
makes ton rank a growth it can be fed
off some in the fall by pasturing calves
on it, Some of the beet crops of rye
and the best seeding I ever knew of on
rough thin soil land were obtained by
this method. If the eoil is rich I
would not advise sowing rye without
buckwheat, as a season favorable for a
heavy growth of buckwheat might
smother the rye. Fifty years ago it
was customary to leave a hill of corn
In the stouts when cutting corn to sup-,
port the stout and keep it from toppl-
ing over. I have found that when Get
around a hill the outside of a stout is
lower than the centre and the corn is
apt to slip away and fall down. When
all ie cut and the stout commenced be-
tween the rows the centre of the stout
is the lowest and corn settles together
and stands much better than when set
around a hill.
rr r
Manners often make fortunes.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Never put off till to -morrow what
you can and ought to do to -day.
Never trouble another to do for you
what you can do for yourself.
People who live in glees houses
should not throw atones. .
A Simple Remedy Which Favors
You act as though you just won•
dared how you are going to get
through this trying season feud do
your work.'
'You may be overworked or halve
had .a bad cold which hal left you
'without strength, ambitlon or much
interest in life; in fact you are e11
tet ue tell you that Vino1, our deli.
sue cod liver and iron tonic, is just
the remedy you need to rebuild waste
Ina tissues sled replace weakneet
with strength.
A prominent Boston lawyer eayl:
"My Mother, who is 76 yetire of age,
o•wtie her good health to 'Vivol as
since taking it She can walk farther
and do mors than elle has for yeare.
coneider it a wonderful blood
Malting end strength creating tonic."
We have dutch faith In 'Vivol that
1f it dobe not quloltly build you up,
resterb your strength and make you
filet 1411 again, We will rtturtt your
mono. ri'ry "Vinol on our guarataw.
But Will She De Them ?
Here is a certified recipe that insures
all the beneficent and beautifying re•
suite specified, if the girls will only
buckle up to the program ;
In order to gain vigour, strength,
celerit y, and accuracy of movement a
girl e<bould take the Matelot possible
variety of exercise. Thisle the only
way to develop the body symmetrieal-
ly. A girl can get all ki>ada of exercise
at a gymnasium, but so she can at
home. Running upstairs in a hurry 18
nowadays called first -claws exercise,
and running downataire is almost as
good, Throw open the windows and
'shutters in the morning, and breathe
enough fresh air to keep you amiable.
and good-natured all day. With plenty
of pureair in the lungs there is not
only an improvement of the looks, but
a brightening of the spirits.
After breakfast wash the dishes.
Arne, fingers, and wrists will be more
supple by this means, Scrubbing is
also a fine arm and wrist developer,
although, like some games—lawn ten-
nis, for example—it is rather violent,
and at first almost as severe on the
lower limbs as rowing. Bed -making
cannot be too highly recommended.
With the folding of every counterpane,
blanket, and sheet the arms are
stretched as far as' they will go. Then,
"tending perfectly erect, the chest is
thrown out, the handy are quickly
brought together again, and the sheet
is folded double. Incidently, the fore-
arms get a little valuable exercise.
Lives Of Great 'Men.
Ten yaon once arrived at Haslemere
statioli carrying a heavy parcel of
books : and ashis own carriage had
not arrived to meet him, he was glad
to accept the offer of a lift home.
Going up the steep hills to Black-
down, Tennyson, with his characteris-
tic consideration for animals, suggest-
ed that they and the books were too
heavy for the pony to drag.
The two men therefore got out and
walked for some distance in front of
the trap, until they discovered that the
books had dropped out.
The owner of the pony asked Tenny-
son to etand at the animal's head
while be went back for the books.
These he found 100 yards or more
down the hill, and on his return he
found the pony had been restive, but
had quickly become quiet.
Knowing that it disliked strangers.
he wondered how Mr. Tennyson bad
kept it quiet. What was his surprise
to learn that the poet had manag, d
the r.ff.,ir by holding a watch close to
the animate ear.
Do you wish the world were better ?
Let me telt me what to do.
Set a watch upon your actions,
Keep them always straight and
true ;
Rid your mind of seliizh motives,
Let your thoughts be clear and
high :
You can make a little Is den
Of the sphere you occupy.
Do you wish the world were
Then remember day by day
Just to scatter•eeeds of kindness
As you pass along the way ;
For the pleasures of the many
May be oftimes traced to one,
As the hand that planta the acorn
Shelters armies from the sun.
New Law in Michigan.
Ae the result of the law passed in
Michigan through the effects of our
American Humane Education Society
last winter, every school in the State
is required to arrange its curriculum to
include such humane education as the
kind and just treatment of horses, doge,
cats and other animals and also the
important part they fulfil in the econo-
eny of nature.
Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion, Fred L. Keeler, saysit_ ifs the pur-
poeie of the law not only to hhaave kind-
nese iuculca• ed in the minds fif the chil-
dren, but also to have then' appreciate
the worth of birds and carious ani-
mal' an :dollars and cents. In order to
aid the teachers in this work the de-
partment of public instruction has
available for distribution a bulletin
concerning the common birds of Michi-
s• -.#.+mar
Order is Heaven's first Iaw.
Procrastination is the thief' of time.
Quarrels ate easily begun, but with
difficulty ended,
Resist temptation till you conquer it.
Rule the appetite and temper the
Short reckonings make long friends.
Speak well of your friends, of your
.enemies say nothing.
Strike while the iron is hot.
Take care of the pence and the
pounds will take Care of themselves..
The way to be truly honored is to be
truly good.
The injustice We have moat to fear.
is from ourselvsr.
The path of virtue is the path o!
p =acs,
The memory should be d store-
house, not It lumber room.
To see what to right and not do it,
shown a want of culture.
To err le human, to forgive divine.
Valor without •discretion is wortb
but little.
1 Where the will is ready, the feet are
Where there is. a will there is a way.
Write injuries in dust, but kifidnes-
eee in marble.
Zeal without knowledge is like Ate
tat lir tat.
Rich Indian teas
blended with flavory Ceylensn
ed `lose
"is gooci.tea0
We don't ask you to take our word for the remarkable
curative power of SOLACE in cases of rheumatism, neural-
gia, headaches or other Uric Acid ' troubles, or the word
of more than ten thousand people SOLACE has restored to
health, or the word of eighty-one doctors using SOLACE
exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FREE
BOX and testimonials from Doctors,. Druggists and In-
dividuals, Also SOLACE remedy for
Does the work surely but pleasantly,. Nature's way. No distress
—no gripeing—no sick stomach—no weakening. The TWO rem-
edies are all we make, but they are the greatest known -to the
medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful
drugs. Neither affects the heart or stomach—liat:helpsthem.
To prove the wonderful Curative power of SOLACE remedies wrzte
for FREE BOXES. State if one or both are •wanted.
SOLACE CO., Battle Creek, ..Mich.; U. S. A.
ta�-s� ai
0. A. BOGERT, General Manager.
This Bank Offers Farmers
a complete andsatisfactory banking service.
Sales Notes collected on favorable terms, and advances made
on such notes at reasonable rates.
The Savings Department is a safe and convenient depository
for your money. Interest at current rates is paid on deposits of
one dollar and upwards.
One dollar opens an account in the Savings Department.
of ReLEdfordR, WayneFRM CountyGao, Michigan, B, shows
how well satisfied the farmers of that section art with#on-
cretainWroaayneds:County, Nearly one hundred stiles have been built
"Mr, Edward N. Hines,
Board of County Road Commissioners,
Dear Sir; ---
Wayne County, Detroit, Mich.
Our concrete roads are far ahead of the ex-
pectations of the majority of us farmers. Where
we used to be two days marketing fifty bushels
of produce, we now market twiceas much in one
day, and can go to the city anytime we want to.
We do not have to wait till this roads are good
so wo can go, Also, our horses and waggons
will last twice as long. •
Hoping you will keep right on building
these roads, and that the county will stand bac
. of this movement, I remain,
Yours truly, ,
Redford, Wayne County, Mich. Qao, W. Burt
Concrete Roads
are the best, cheapest and most .satiefaotory roads that can be hitt.
Best, because they permit bigger loads, increase land values and he/.
prove conditions generally. Cheapest ecause they are permanspt
and require practically no rapaire, which permits road taxes tq les
spent in building more good roads, Most satisfactory, because they
are open to traffic every day in the year, lower cost of metketing and
cost of living and increase the !armee profits.
Good Roads literature telling all about concrete roads will be sent,
free, to everyone interested, Write to
Concrtte Roads Department
Canada Cement Company Limited
804 Herald Building, Montreal
Great Bargains!
Tomatoes 10c. Corn . 9c. Peas 8c
Maple Leaf Salmon 20c Derby Salmon 16c
Simcoe Baked Beans ........ 9c Quaker Baked Beans7c
Peerless Oats, 25o for......22c Puffed Wheat for 9c
Flaked Rice 10c Flaked Barley. l0c
Lister's Half -minute Pudding 90
Maple Syrup, pure mixture, in quart bottle for 22c.
Read Our
Money -Back
You Can
Try This
At Our Risk•
YOTJ know_what that beans—Misery— � f� orry —B i Bills—Debts! You know you can't afford to get sick.
Keeping in good health means food and clothing for you and your family. It's up to you to take care
of yourself. It's up to you, whenever you don't feel xi;':Ili, to take. Sollletl mg to sake you right, to strengthen
you, build you up, ward off worse sickness, protect ycu and your family! That thing we have, and in
offering it to you we protect you against; money risk, by perNouall;, promising you that ifit doesn't protect
you against sickness, we'll give you back yeur money without a word or question. It is ---
It is the 'Best Remedy
When you are run-down, no matter what the cause.
It doesn't merely stimulate you and make you feel good for few
hours,normal but takcondities hold of the weakness, and builds you up to a health„
bloodIt , is astrong reaml neruscles, ve-foogood d todigenic, ri3tionrea.l builder of healthy nerves, rich
It contains the Ilypophospltites, to tone the nerves and give esters y,
andand gpuivree viOlitalivetyO, rengtto nourishand h thheealth. nves, the blood, the entire Nesters,
removIt ieds pleasant to take, the greasy flavor of the Olive Oil ha�c ini; been
For you who are tired out, nervous, run -donne debilitated, w. n'::,
emaciated—for convalescents --for old peoples: -
for puny children ---we recommend Itct a1l Olive
Oil Emulsion as the best medicine we know cf to
Make and keep you well and strong.
Greatest Drug
Sold in t ii
-- eelke Our Living
out of the drug bueine: s right here in your town. It is our duty to give
you the hest remedy we can for whatever ailment you may have, and
bn,:inc sense demands that we reroromend nothing unless we know We
We I now rteentit Olive 011 1'r:eh:ion is good. Wo believe it is the
best buil& r of heal enemy nn -1 e+tr.•ngth there is made. We know it is
,;te•atiy hdl.iee many et' yunr ne•igl.bors. We believe tltltt it will make
yon well and etrot.g again. end eeve you stoney and Worry in the end.
We Peel it is good business for us to recommend Re all Olive Oil
l:tnu; ion and get you 1 a pee it, lee nuee we know you'll thank us -after+
weed for n::sling our confidence itt it so plain that yon didn't hesitate
to take us at our wotti. We atao feel stat that once
y=ntnave used it, ou'llbeasettthusiastieaboutitte
°<sfe Shores- tttc%Peeled's y
: ,s � ,are and will recommend it to your friends. ,head
Stoves -41A brittle
s town .;ttiy l.y 113our money—back guarantee' and get aliens to*,-.
- . • r;hievo and Satisf You...4w -. .
We Guarantee this Remedy to � � Y u r31 foul* Money Back
We don't want your money unless Re::all Olive Oil. Emulsion really hdps and satisfies you.
If it doesn't, come back and toll us, and Well give back your money. We believe it will pro-
tect your health—it it doesn't, the money is yours, and we want you to have it.
f+bi' te in this Mu'"?