HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-03-05, Page 2Sergeant.Major Under General rrenc) — VETERAN OF THE 130ER WAR WHO LOST HEALTH ON THE VELDT TeLLe EXPERIENQE• good Advice for All 'Who, Have indi- gestion or Stomach Olgordere, biS Wine ttt Waldegrove, N. S„ 110 one better kttowit than kergL- Major Croese late of .the 4th QUeen's Own Huseare. Speaking of the ill-effects of a, campaige upon. a .luan's constitus lien,. the sergeantsuajor writee:. "I served =ler General French durine tee late Boer war in the capacity or sergeant - major. It wile perhaps owing tO a con- tinued. diet of belly beef, herd tack end had. weter, but at any rate my fltomuh entirely gave out. 1 wee in such a state that 1 could eet earthing without tie gteatest suffering. 'The army (looters did not help me much, and. since leaving .tbe service I here been very 'Mumble. Some few months ago a friend told me he had been a great eufferer front indi- gestion until lie tried Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they clued hint. I coerces it Was without mach faith 1 bought a box, but the first dose mede me feel better then I had been for a long time Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills vompletely cured, and now I ean eat everything awl anythieg, have reeommended es.te Otnerm, anti rA•11, tete'ressult has-been similar er.; mine." Quick, sure results attend. the use of Dr. Hemilton's Pills. They cure dis- orders of the stomach, correct indigos, tion, make yen feel uplifted and serengthened. To renew or maintain health, Dr. Hamiltones alweys oroVe a good preeeription. 25e, per box, five boxes for $1.00, dealers, or the Ca- tarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N, Y., and Kingston, Ont. • FEED AND PROFIT Dairy Records Only Means to Show Relation. We came across two records reeentlY that set us thinking. A Jersey cow, that gave a yield of 14,451) pounds of milk and 727 pounds of fat, consumed an av- erage of 12.4 pounds of meal per day all year. .An Ayrshire's record was al- most identical. 12.8 pounds of meet per days.Just what the average cow in Can- ada receivee as meal is uncertain, but this is certain, that vast numbers of them would do infinitely better if they got the opportunity, and were fed on the basis of one pound of grain for ev- ery three or four pounds of milk per day that they yield. Ae the average cow in Canada gives probably only About one hundred and forty pounds of fat per year, it is a question if she gets an average of three pounds 'of meal per day. The two cows noted abotee received four times this amount, and paid for it. More ,of our cows would pay, that is, pay a good profit ahoy,- the cost of feed, if they got the right feed. When we. find good dairymen willing to give seventy and eight dollars' worth of feed to a cow per year, it miens they not only have faith in their own judgment, and in the cow's produc-. tive ability, but beyond this, they. keep records both of milk and fat produced, and feed consumed, So as to he perfect- ly certain they don't wasteA good feed • on cows that don't prance. - • • -reed. recerd forms and a elerd. ideord book will be supplied free on applica- tion to the Dairy Division, Ottawa. Make eure eaciv cow pays a good pro- fit this year. ' • 0 sTRENUOUS WORK, SOON TELLS ON YOU Business Men and Breadwinners the -Victims of Nervous Exhaustion. When worry is selded to overwork men soon become the victims of ner- vous exhaustion — neurasthenia—the doctor calla it. Some have no reserve strength in their systems to bear the strain; othere overtax what strength they have. If you find that you are nervous and not eure of yourself, that you sleep badly, and wake up tired and aching, your nerves are out of or- der. Other sig,ns are inability to take proper interest in your work, your ap- petite ejs fickle, your back feels weak, and you etre greatly depressed in spir- its. One or more of these signs mean that you ehould take prompt steps to stop misehief by nourishing the nerves with the food they thieve on, namely, the rich, red blood made by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These Pills have •eured thousands of cases of ner- vous dieorders, including nervous pros- tration. neuralgia, St. Vitus danee and partial paralysis. Here is an example. Mr. Jas. A. McDonald, Sprin'ghill, N. S., says: "In the summer of 1912, as the re- sult, I think, of hard work, I was cone epletely run down and found it necessary to‘ quit work. I elept.poorly, end what eleep I did get did not event to rest me, as I was chnstnally tired. My appetite was poor and fickle, and my nerves un- strung. I had treatment from a doc- tor for some thne, but- it did not seem to help me, and having heard a greal deal about Dr. Vialliitenis' Pinpk Pille 't decided to by them In the course of 11, few weeke after beginning the Pine I picked up wonderfully, and was able to return to work feelifig like a new man, heve not had a day's sieknese eince, and naturally ant. now a firm be. Bever in Dr. WilliantsePink De, Williams' Pink Pills will work the seme beneficial reeulte in any other tired, worn-out worker if given 4 fair trial. If yott mullet obtain the Pille front your dealer they wilt be sent post nitid at 50 eente a 'box er six beeee for $2.50, by writing The The Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FATAL JAIL DELIVERY, (luayaquil, Erultdor. es PeleVen were killed and thirteen wounded in a sharp fight to -day be- teteeen the GovernMent troops and Prisoners attelupting to (seep° from the penitentiary. The coriviets killed their wardene arid dashed for the gates, cheering for Col. Carloe Concha, the rebel com- mander at Esineraldas. TrooPs wore ealled to the penitentiary froin tlie barracks in the vicinity And re-estab. niched Order after brielt /struggle, in the tOuree of Which Seven Prisoleers Were Pivot dead and AIX Wolinded. The/ 101dieris Met fear killed anti eiteren wounded. WOOED UNDER FIRE No she is %lees a ler ae ell • leivie her snowy lerehlel meet tee wound ne longer bleed:ng; that l:ce OIL which. has perltepe wiped. :twee. r tem bre iuse Peron Sam leves her tise nsw pee to hind the let of ;metier. ell I :0, seething elle runs the chance of giving itim worse wound then the one she uow tries to hail. The operation is speedily accomplish- ed, for ste is Soft ith her lingers, and, as she says. same experience amens mines. lentunetely, they are not disturbea while it is being clone, Stun stande enard, toil it is not the first tines that ne los done so with hie eontrade. for they have bon on many a hunting trip where dmger threatened from wild. beasts, or still wilder melt, so, that one must \retell while the other elqt. Ile has erept to the end of the side passag,e. and cronehre there with a re- volver held in readiness, listening and %Melling. Signs of greiat contusion aro to be heara in the house, aa though their fees have learned tla,,,t ,--o="titing is wrong7.. VstrhsisS th'e encounter ou the l‘dee wee witnessed from. above, or one of the braised unfortunates may have made his way into the boese, la version of tue pcculier affair that has he pp ened. At any momtut Eam expects itn at- tack, and he knowe the powerful ele- inents that are pitted against them. It is presumed that the count is here, select leis friend, Colonel Marchesi alias Prince Milani, alias the notoriqus 'Fra Diavolo, and also the English: plunger, Sir Lionet Grand, 'who was used as a decoy duck by the others to Wee Sam into A trap m case of a failure of their plan with re- gard. to Beatrix. Still, he does not attempt to hurry the others, though counting the precioto seconds as they fly, and inwardly chef- ' ing at the delay. Finally the others advanced to his side. "Very sory this wait has been, on my account, but you would have it," whis- Pere Dudley, who, it strikes Sam in- stantly, is in a much more cheerful frame of Wed than heretofore. The candle has been extinguished, and snugly reposes in elcLane's pocket, ready for another occasion, so that Sam =not eee is face, bet guesses the condi- tion of affairs from his manner, and whet hos passed, lie chuckles at the thought of what havoc a couple ot dainty hands can make with- a fellow% heart, even while tying up a wound in his arm. "Don't mention it—let me have that extra revolver, since I have two good hnnds and you only one. Now we are ready to move forward, in spite of all obstacles.' The tone in which Sam Buxton says this might give a stranger to under- stand his peculiar disposition. He means to advance—if anythine bars their way, so much the woree forr.that obstacle, lu case it is of flesh and blood, He has come here to once mare rescue ceitaie girl from the toils Acheming men have thrown around her, and Is de- termined to aceomplish it, at all risks. • "Oomel" That magnetic voice encourages them, and they move forward. Sounds' . are heard around, and at any moment they may expect to find themselves face. to faee with the enemy. What Sam seeks is a stairway by means pf which they may descend to a lower floor. Thise after a few minutes' Search, he is tenable to find; thefefore he has no hesitation in appealing to Beatrix. "Signorina, we look to you for help. Show me the staire, that we may des- cend," he says, turning to the girl, who is near by. Beatrix has been waiting for this,aind evidently expected the time to dome when Sam must appeal to her for assistance. She gives a glad cry gejoichig in the thought of being able to. help .hine and geine hie side. "Willingly, Baron Sam. This way, all." -Under her guidance they soon reach the stairs one- proceed to pees down. All the while. they can hear loud voices shouting Italian phrases in various quar- ters, and drawing nearer; Evidently the conflict is inevitable, and cannot much longer be delayed. They start down, and alien half -way to -the bottom, a shrill whistle sounds. Then comes a rush of feet, above, be- low! "Ready!" says Sam, watching for the first sign of a man at whom he • may discharge his revolver, anit the result can never he in doubt a secend. "Steady!" echoes Dudley, twisting his head in order to look back, for he brings up the rear. Beatrix arid Sans are in the van, while the girl of the Sierras and her maiden aunt come in the eentre, Aileen with an arm thrown ahout.her relative in a protecting way, murmuring words of good cheer and courage, whieh are eadly needed by Miss Dorothy, who, as ehe descends the stales bemoans the cruel fate that caused 'her to leave her beloved Boston and endure such great hardshipe in foreign lands. Each step counts now, end Sant breathes etuder with every . stair, they descend. Ito knows the odds against them and yet believes that their geed angel' will continue to watch over their fortunee. At length they reach the bottom of the etairs end hardly lute Dudley placed foot ueon the eloor than he hears his compamon'e voiee: "Look Outl----liere they tome!" A signal must have been given by tome one, for the rush ie simultaneous, above and below. A ewarm of villain- oas looking fellows heave in sight — loud voices are heard, and as they come these bravo weve above their heads all sorte of weapons: ,knives, cudgels:, arid the like. "Engage those above, Dud, attend to the ones in front." Sam's penetrating yoke 13 heard to exclaim ,above the up- roar Nor has he forgott'en the three Wo- men who are in their charge. Portune favors them in one way—there is 'quite a niche inet at the point where they are standing, Asa in smirk succession Sam huetlee the ladies into it. "Crouse' down, beg," he says, haste ily. Aileen looks et him, wondering who' ther this mart has ever felt fear hi his life; he eeems so realm, SO brave, even in the awe of the most feayful danger. There is liardly room for the ladies— certainly none for the two men; but they have not the least intention of treeing to sbield theweelvee. Ilusineee keeps thenv outeide, serious: leusine-il, indeed. They Intuit stop the forwsee! tetah 'of a ecore deetteredoee, who, SPUrred On by the, Weser mottoes of their liaturee, lore of Mere and revenge, eceve to the !reef. 1 eelley siready tionlittenefd operations. ter the teen are beainning eirtrin down the/ stars, end need attention. The report, of itle revolver sonnts Ain't) ;Ma -Clear upon tile ail', and a man plunges forward (lawn the staire a little faster than he 11;18 intended, nor :a he in the -habit ot aecomplishine tivie feat while 'Alamein; upon. his "Good bo,v1" rears Buren Sam, dart - big out et this juncture, reedy for the fray, 'let them. have it, Dial:" In a /second, as it were, it minieture battle is liv progrees, with one Singular feature—the firing is pvetty muelt cons fined to ono side. Before the effair has started, the count, fearing lest the precious Amer'. eau heiress might be insured, has given enters that his men must not use a firearm—their deadly work shall be Re. con plished with billet ana knife. ane who under the sun knowe how to man. age a stiletto better than the vagabond under Italia's Wei? Now that the women folks are (vppar. ently c,ut of eange, this order may be rescinded, but Abe clipper ie so great that the men do not hatr, and certainly fail to mulerxtand what the count Shrieks at the .top Of his voice. Less stupid fellows would be able to grasp the situation, end act from -their own judgment, but these mon are like eattie, end once stampeded, Will follow a .lead- er, even though he plunge Over a prod - pica. They are animated by a spirit of. fury —they do not forget, these lazerone that from these sante foreigners they received a costly lesson at the castle among' the hills. Some of them Weee not yet recovered from the wounds re- ceived upon that =lesion, and theathe epirit that moves' them is it fierce MA, mdeed. Sam opens his batteries, and the ,crash of detonating revolvers echoes through the dim corridors of the Pahizzo Paoli, This chi building has. doubtless seen ionnev,aeteenge, sights „but certain never it more singular nettire than the present, wbere two foreigners hold at bay a swernt of wigged. eascals intent upon their destruction. The rattle of fire-arme.seems like old- time mu.sie to the comrades. Dudley forgets all about his womitled arm in his endeavor to bring down a certain tall fellow who is in the ven of those attempting the descent of the stair - ease. Twice he lute fired at the MLR, and on each occasion the ether has cleverly dodged or leaped aside, so that the bul- let intended for him found more ignoblt game in one of his followers. This sort of work is exciting, and it also brings alrni to the object of Dud- ley's maekmanship, who evidently real: izes that it is only a questinn of time when the man who fires will succeed in bis mission. Alarmed for his personal safety, the scamp turns stud endeavors ter get be- hind some of his fellows, but Dudley plants a bullet in his hip, and hears bull -like roars of pain proceed from the spot, showing that he haa am- ceeded in his aim. The rush down the stairs bas been thus brought to a lutlt—with the ae. treat of their all leader the Italians discover that they do not desire 1 evenge just 11ONV so much as personal safety. While thus bunched, the Oanedtati again uses Ills revolver, aiming.to wound rather than do more eerioaa work. He sighs for a twelve -bore shot4 gun, and a,couple of shot cart- eartridges—how he would set thie 'squad of men to dancing and howling like eastern dervishes. And Sam? Well, that worthy is equal to the task of holding his own. A$ *soon es he. leaves -the ladies and leaps upon the scene he throws the revolver in his right hand forward with a jerk, fire% then draws back the hammer witlt his thumb, while emptying a chamber in the other weapon,. making a rotary motion, and appearing more like a me - chine ehan human being to the Amazed beggars, who, hearing the men drop shrieks of terror, scampering bodily from the scene, and leaving the foreign7 ers niasters of the situation. CHAPTER XXVIII. "Victoryl" shouts the Canadian, when he realizes that the coast is clear. Sam soon has the three ladies out of their niche aid hurrying along. After eonsiderable trouble, they reach the .door, which is found to be locked. Dudley's .strength is here called into play, and in a few moment a emelt is heard. "Jove! the lock is smashed. Hur- rah!" cries Sam Buxton. The door is flung wide open, and, passing under the gloomy arch, the little party of hunted foreigners find themselves upon the crowded Corso. They have escaped, but the danger may mit yet be over. Upon the croWded Corso it is poesible for many a dark deed to be done, and certainly this is no place for ladies, except screened be- hind the ntask. Ahl a bright idea comes to Baron Sam, He remembers that lie mechan- ically thrust his mask into his pocket when dropping it front his face after reaching the deeorated room where the amateur fortune-teller, Beatrix. had led them, He instantly snatches it out. "Pardon," he says, even while he places his arms above Aileen's head and adjusts the black mask over her fate, "es it necessary?" she asks, in dismay, 'Positively. A vision such as you two mean. three ladies—walking along the Corso at this time of night, and an such st night in particular, would totonish the natives. It is beet." Aileen sees thee Beatrix is already adjnsting a similar beauty coneealer, ahd that Miss Dorothy, who dees not wish to be left in the lurch, is looking appealingly toward Dudley, who fishes in his pockets in a south for the article he Ilea worn. "I submit," she gays, in reeignation, 13y chance Sam's hand conies in cOn. tact- with that of Aileen. Ily deep de - tip he hastily rakes it to his lips, The notion is teen by only ote pair of eyes, and licatrix turns her back eil them Thank Heaven, Sant thinks, the hot. blooded Italian beauty is already eeeing that othere elm be brave in time of danger besides Sam Buxton. When she \cropped her delicate kerchief ardund the arm of Dudley McLane she began to entertitin \vernier feeling for the valiant hero whoee blood etailled the dainty cobweb—this kingly looking Can- adian giant who betrayti hie pitesien for her in every look, everraction. They ere new ready for the business in bend. Their aeley has been of shot thiretioa, And none of their enemies he %Ade' an Repo:ranee, So they begin to make their way eke* the Corso, ftlid lit abont this or- der. Sara Wetting Aileen and her aunt, while Dudley sr/Weevily offers hie Well aria to Bentrlia litho cannot Tefttee. gate me of his men lee tielieves brim/leg these teas Beatrig %vitt be over her infatuation fOr him the sooner, if be Oen get her inters eated him menly chuen, At the UMW thne he thinks the two, will Make a noble eouple. Soon it becomes evident Abet their enemies are hero and there among the „crowd, invitieg the indignation of the populace agemst the masked fugitives, The crowa preasee on all fildee, seine 01 the mob apparently trying to eepar. ate the ladies from. their protectore, For A few momeuts Baron Sant' IS perplexed.. It emus impossible for aim and hie friende to make the least head, way in the direction of their hotel. A beppy thought comes to him. He gathers ell the levee change in las poehet, tend taking perhaps a dozen coins in his hand at a time, he whirls them in a semi -circle among the crewd. The avaricious mole serambles madly for the coins, and thus a clear space for a few yards is made, Three or four times this scheme le repeated, ana with such emcees that Baron Sam is encouraged. There are a few vehielee to be eeen along the Corso, ana fortupe decrees that one of these ehall be near at hand. It is A closed carriage, very sim- ilar to the hooka with which Xellc York- ers are familiar. Towards this Stun heads—he fights his way, and hesitates not to deal those who would bleck his progress tremen. doles whacks upon the head. He clears ft space for the ladies, be guards the 11411105 of the little column, he seems to be here,. there, and everywhere at the same time. ,Ajleen cannot but notice, Aileenmust feel proud to kuow that this ie her hero who performs suCh prodigies. of valor. She feels tliat he belongs to leer, since he has 80 deelared it. ' Thd velviele is near—it lingers, not that the driver pays any attention to them, but a block causes him. to rein in his steeds. As they draw. nearer Sam's eagner- nese increases, tor he sees that their enemies • are again fairly swarming around, and knows the end is near when they must resort to violence. • just as Sam comes up, the vehicle clears the jam, the driver elevatee his arne to lay the whip upon Itie steeds. It does not fall, for something bounds like a rubber ball up onto the box, something that is full of life and elae- ticitY, and. seizes the driver's arm xith a grip of steel, In the ear of the Italian is lettered a single word in his own language: "Stop!" Baron Sam does not rely upon the power of thetorie alone—he lute no time to waste in experiments concerning the force of the human eye, and what direct influence one mind can have on another. leehat he most desires is in- stant obedience. • And he has it. The cold muzzle of a revolver sud- denly pressed agaidet the side of one's head is not conductive to comfort tee a peaceful frame of mind, and esnecially is this true when the said weapon, a gentle pereuader in itself, is backed up by a fierce c.oun. tena,nee upon which appear determina- tion and desperation. The vehicle does not move. By this time the others have also come up, and Dudley, grasping the idea that has appeared ho like a beacon onat desol- ate to Me comrade, proceeds to carry out the details left to Win. Ile tears open the door of the vehicle —nothing in the ordinary run . of things could stand up before this athletic Cana- dian now, even if he is crippled in one arm. The deer of the vehicle gives way. ."Enter, ladioe and be quick," he calla, and then turns to keep back the fore- most of the' pushing crowd. The ladies proceed. to carry out his wishes with all the speed possible. Miss Dorothy is assisted in first, with many. groans and much sighing and panting, for the run has made her very short of breath, and her pet bronchitis has hold of her again. Then the °thin follow, while Dudley fights back the surging crowd as best lie may. Ms one well arm throws the fel- lows this way and that as though they were ten -pins and he a large swiftly- thtown ball dashing in among them. °Of course all this is only temporary; with each passing second Dudley will find his arm growing weaker, while the new foes pushing up make a more deter- mined front. This is easier said than done, for. in the vigor of his work he has pushed away from the vehicle and tbere are see- eral enemies between. Dudley is equal to the occasian; how- ever and turns upon these fellows with the 'fury of a young cyclone rushing through the maples of his native coun- try. Canada brawn triumphs over Ital- ian cowardice, for these knaves in the mob do not represent the true element of Roman menhood. Dudley breaks a passage to the car. riage door. It is still open, and a face peers out aa thoegh anxiously watching his peogress. It is Beatrix who thus looks upon his wonderful work, and in her estimation Signor Dudley goes a notch higher. The Canadian almost tumbles faith the ladies' lapse The door cloaes with a bang, for Beat= has retained her hold upon it. Baron Sam seated upoa the box' ,elongside the 'driver, has kept track of all this, and knows the time has come for a midden move. Re no imiger holds a revolver to the head of the John, but he has the man tinder full subjection, and when he Wichita,. "Move on with all speed," the driver cut his horses say- agely .with the whip he holds. CHAPTER XXIX. They are offl The street by a rare chanee is some - What open at this point, and' the homes, iiiiregitaedwaoyn by the driver's whip, make When the excited erowd realizes thee those who have been scattering showers of cedes among them are now apparent- ly in danger of slippieg trona their grasp, theft is a great hoWl. Some shout froin motives . of cupidity, others throtigh spirit Of revenge, for the men in the serviee of the mint are present in numbers, ready and eager to accoMplishe their purpose. A movement is made, the rusk is like that of wolves swarming forward to seize upon their prey. Will they over- take the carriage, dose in on it, and tear the inmates from its. interior? It :melee an open chance. One there is who Isola and wenderS, who holds revolver in each hand and Chore the aeaaly weapon RS though ready to let Imo. the doge of war at arty moment. Of tourse this it Sant, Ito sits there beside the driver, and Iteept las eyes well about hint. Not only does lie look for &mem, bye seeks a chance te effcet att cleape, It is hardly poesible that thev earl Make euffielent headway to get beyond the clutehts of the furious mob. Sam studies the situation, 1/e desires to be reedy for Vie elitleal Mordent...4o be *hie to meet the cries when it smuts. era hi Galititstiset), Sciatica Vanishes Instantly Nerviline Is Used CAN YOU BEAT THIS CASE? Sciatica. Nothing but the most power- ordinalar liniment will even, relieve ful kind of a remedy can penetrate through the timeless end finally reaelt the Maths Nerve. You, can elways depend on the old-time "Nerviline." Nothing made to -day is as good for Sciatieit as Nerviline was when first produeed, about forty years ago, All tide time the mac) oia "Nerviline' bas been curing Selatica, •Lumihago, Rheumatism, and is conslclered to be without an equal in relieving pain or serenest/ anywhere. "'Nerviline, couldn't be mule etronger or better*" wriiee James E. Edwards, "The way ia cures Sciatica is to me simply a miraele. For yeare I suffered frightfully. I ruined my stomach with internal dosing, I rubbed in gallons of oils and liniments —eone were strong enough. One good rubbing with Nerviline relieved. I kept on rubbing and shortly was cured, iery father cured rheumatissu. in his right arm and shoulder with Nerviline, and my mother eared hereelf of chronic Ittm- bego with Merviline. Our family einiply swears by Nerviline, and, we are never withont a 50e. family size bottle' in our home. We find that for external pain, tor coughs, colds, earache, such minor ills, it is a 'veritable family physician." et** , The Problem Solved. :wsahyitw,siwu.;roin'xigl, A..eadraInsdna, tryra."arried life running smooth and placid," • "Oh, that's all right! Nell is the sweetest thing ever; but you know her mother is living with us, and I'll be doggoned if I know what to call her. I don't like to call her 'Mother-in-law' benavuse of all the mother-in-law Jokes." "Why not eall'ner 'Mother'?" "That's all right, but YOU know, Will that my own mother is living, and there is a sacredness about the name which makes it hard for me to use it with another," "I'll tell you." "What is it?" "The first year We were married I addressed my wife's mother as 'Say!' After that my wife and both called her 'Orandmae " , , THOUSANDS a* of farmers and horsemen havi saved money by using liendall's Spa- vin Cure for Spavins, Curb, Ringbone. Splint, Bony Growths and Lameness front many other causes. It keeps horses working. A $1 bottle may save a horse for you. Get a bottle the next time you are in town. Sold by druggists everywhere, $1 a bottle, 6 for $5, else ask for a copy of our book "ATreatise on the Horse"--orwrite to Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY Enoslaurg Falls, Vermont 86 MUST LIVE UP TO PROFESSIONS (Philadelphia Record) ' Perhaps we have a. right to remit tolls on costwise shipping, but even If this were so, we can hardly afford te pursue a course that ail the rest of the world looks upon, not unreasonably, as an act of bad faith and the violatlon • of D. treaty agreement. We begin our nation- al existeuce with a profession of "a de- cent respect for the opinions of mankind," 'and we are bound not to throw that ewer. • • * "MODERN', FICTION. (Detroit 'Free Press) One of the most objectional features of the fiction of the hour is that . which writers most pique themselves imon as "truth to nature—that unidealized view of human soelety we call realism. It serves es an excuse for presenting the worst phrases of eocial life, the conunon, the sordid, vulgar and impure. These ere only tolerable when haodied by gen- ius; otherwise they are revolting. It is not so much that the themes aid vulgar or common, but that the treatment' la vulgar or common. HEN IN TROUBLE With your Kidneys do not feel bine'. Visit the nearest Drug Store and get a bottle of AM L. KIDNEY REMEDY This Is a Positive cure for Gall Stones; Kit.ney Stones, Kidney and Bladder treuble, Gravel. Rheumatic Pains, ali- ments of uric acid origin. Endorsed by physicians and Surgeons. Price $1.50 Per 'bottle, leading DruggiSts. Corres, Pondence Invited, Free literature and testi:imitate from the SANOL MANUFACTURING CO., LTD., WINNIPEG, MAN, • • • OUR SUPER BOLIMATE. (Buffer° Courier) Speaking of healthY regione, how. can Canada be beaten? It has. developed that of 28,000 Men who served to repel Fenian raids in 1866 end 1870 applications for bounties' tinder recent legisiatioh al- ready number' 30,000! Minard's Lininient Relieves Neuralgia FASHION'S BUSY VOTARIES. (Montreal Stet) Blahoo Farthing eondenine the action of wont.en 'eh°, lei pursuit or fashion risk their lives; but the pity is that the pursuit of fashion -will not allow such women any time in which to read what the Bishop said. *- • FOR WOMEN'S AILMENTS OR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS have been, the standard for 21 years, and for 40 years preseribed And re- conimended by Phygielans, Aceept other. At all druggists. 4 • Ought to Work. vitt afraid these boilea egg; ain't very flesh." "Willie the Milne 'Genevieve' on one of them," suggested the head welter. "Mr. Wopsey is temAntie, end that will dig - trivet bis attentiort if the eggs are not so goodP—Xmisae City .Tournal. Minsir0 Llninient for gale every. where. . The Great 'White Shark. the Man eating' fish par excellent is the great White shark. It is otherWise IMOWn. by the name of Man tater. sOes occasionally epeeiments are seen on both emote of the Vetted states, thetigh its More custontety habitat is in tropical Watera, This frightful creature (Attalla a length of netely forty feet, and It ta able to swallotst Irian whole. Thia feet is preVed by Art .experintent evhich siallere are found to mike when such a shark is tooted. The skull being presented they Otranto thentseivee by drawling one after another threugh the distented jaws It would be unsafe to do title, however, when the head has been freshIg eut oft b tree under siselt Condition* the JaWs nap totother ftereely tee tionte time este if itaything isr nlinetel %tem* rs well to Remember, ma in canning and preserving fruits And vegetables it la always most *eon- omical to ehoose the best and. the fresh- est. That rubber rings for fruit firs when stiffened may be restored to a certain extent of soaking them, in water to which ammonia lute been Added, but it is safest and beat to provide new rings each year if they are At all doubtful. - That many physicians regard coffee without milk or cream as a beneficial drink. With lemon added It will often cure a nervous headache. That the ternishea gilding on *tare frames may be restored by gently washing it with waren water in which an onion hae been boiled. That every kitchen should, have a high stool on which one can sit when ironing ana aoiug all such work, as washing dishes, etc. That if an iron is once allowed to be- come red hot it will never retain the beat so well again. These old friends are often badly abused by being allowed to stand day after day on the range and in a duety piste°. They should. be put away to cool off as MU As the ironing hi doue, and then placed in a clean, cool place away from the dust .until again required for use, That good literature should be pro- vided for the boy, and if this is done many evenings will be pletteantly spent at hone with his books rather than in the streets with tough companions. THE BEST HEALTH BUILDER Thirty-three years of successful use has proven the value of Dr•11. • Bornside's Fs 14 Eitt I Ce 0 • It hag brought health to thou- sands and will help you. Purifico works with nature's curative forces for !the eliminetion of dis- 0=0, Purifico Is not a cure-all but a. Powerful compound of proven value in the trea.tment of all blood dis- • eaeee, We have hundreds of freely given testimonials which prove what Purifico can On. Our book- let "Evidence," contairditg some of these letters and other valuable . facts, is free. 'Write for it to- day. Address, Mr. Cara Diffin, Gen, Mgr. The Purifico Co., of Canada, Limited Bridgebure, Ont. • CURBING UNEMPLOYMENT. (Chicago Tribune) Employers of the country will in the near future have to begin to regulate their business so as to prevent as much as possible a total ;stopped of industry at any one time, and more especially during the winter months. ' A number of industrial concerns in the United States are already doing so. The International lierveeter company le one of these con- cerns. The Vero Motor company an- other, The Rarvester concern avoids total stoppage of inaustry and wholesale unemployment among its workers by ex- tending its markets in foreign coun- tries. One Ford company plans to have its slack season fail In the sum- mer instead of in the winter, figuring that in the sunimer months a man may easly find 'work in the harvest fields to fide him over los unemployment period. Tho next step in enrhing unemployment lies in effective municipal, state, and even national labor exchanges—exchanges that will have the labor inarket of the nation at their fingers' ends,. as it were, and will be able to place the men thrown out of 'employment in one industry In a temporary job elsewhere. The nation- wide investigation of unemployment which he the federal commission on in- dustrial relations has launched no doubt dcs much toward placing the subject of involuntary idlenesa before the public in ite proper light and significance. • • • YO.UR BABY' A•GOOD BABY? 11.fothers, ask yourself the nine:410U: Is your baby e Rood baby? If eot lie is not well, tor it is the nature of all babies to be goods -only the elekly baby is cross and hard to mime 11 baby is eross and eries coatinually plea him Baby's Own Tablets Rua Ire wilt woo be balmy again. The Tablets 'act as a gentle laxative, reeulate the bowels, sweeten the stomaeli and. cure all the minor ills of little ones. Centerline!' them 'Mrs. .T. P.. Richard, St. Nothert, nee, writes: "1 have found lenity's Own Tableta all that is claimed kir them: My babv euffered from his stonmeh aua bowele and the Tablete Cured him." They .are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail ea cents a box from the Dr, Williams' Medic:ale Coa Brockville, Ont. e • liUMBL,E FIEROE.Ss , (New Toles stifle et is not pleasant to have backs bruis- ed and heads cut by' the heels: wonien Jumping from the third flOor of a burning budding, but the men and boys Who bent their backs and bunched themselves to- gether, thus forming: a human cushion to break the fall of seven women who had to Jump from the windows of the ohl building on Park Row that wits burned out on Monday night, strolled quietly off after the events, most of them refusing to give their names. They appeared itno tricie- gard what they had done •its ail clays' work, or idleness. Those wso sav- ed the WOMOD from possible death and certain serious injury are described as. 'a crowd of Park Row tinniest flotsam and jetsam." Human nature Is not so bad after alt. . Marion Bridge, C.I3-, May 30, '02- I have hamlled MUSTARD'S LINI- MENT during the past year. It is al- ways the first Liniment asked for here and ungtieetionably the best seller of all the different Much; of Liniment I handle. NEIL FERGUSON. . THE POOR CONSUMER, (TOronto Star) In the packing industry eXtraordinary efficiency has been Shown in Canada and in the 'Clotted States. Parts of the anircial that used to be thrown away or sold for a trifle noW comthand a good Web as articles of fetid, or aro matins faetured in other trains. But the con- sumer has received no benefit. He finds meat grOwing dearer and dettrer, and the ee-ealled sirloin used` to cost in the old 44'1%4' CU E DAY. A Coo -e.•--1.33 Tette LAXATIVE DROMO QUININE Tablete, Druggists refund money if it falls to cure. E. W. anovErs sigma, ture io on each boX. 21e. Stole the Kaiser's silver. Fritz Oacbeleve watehman at the Itarlshorst racetrack near Berlin, has 'been /sentenced to two yers Rat for stealing the Emperor's gold spoons. ataes thivelerrlae%Vaewkitallgallgsr ollteitesiddeog guriervtielsd, tante under suspicion of making away With sortie .te,ble linen and a feW bottles of brandy froni the testaurant on thts grounds, 'hut a seareb of his reeldence brought to light more than two wagon lottde of stolen goods. Including in the loot were sereVal gold slishee and. A Marn- bee of gold spoone. Welt had beett miss- ing ranee the date of the Melly Steeple - Chase for officer riders, when the Umper.. or entertained his wink friends in a mpitiVolatielodriserLeeintelitd eatittthceurtaite: torJ:tl)td.ruff, -011***,',,f1 Don't trin your trouhlm, as MAO% stf preventing some other fellow 11•10111 htsh 5 Per Cent. Solution Of This Compound WWI of DISTCMPIM 1%1111 uerms PINK CY{ cato.rrhat rover and Influenza, under 4 TO 0 Po. let1:1ZOICIerTwIsCo GlYeit on the Horse's Tongue, it unites with the flutdief the alimentary canal, thrown hite the Mooch paws through the Glands and eXpels the Germ; of Disease. AbeolutelY safe and sure for Brbod Mare!. Baby COlts and all °there. Do not depend on any powder in this clase of Oleo it to brooa mare? In times of Distemper, Booklet, "Distemper, Causee, Cure and PreYention,' free. Drugalota men Spohn'e Cure, epoHN mEolom, Q0., Chemists, Goshen, Indians, ••••••••.•••••,•••••••••,....•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FASHION'S -CRITICS, ISSUE NO 10 1914 1 , (Montreal Daily Mall) WANTED, AX7 ANTED—MI:IR V011. BLANKET Tv. Xill; must be expert in piece dyes ing. Apply to P. 0. JR% Gch }Tamilton, Ont, - DUPIX, NURSES WANTED AT CORRY J. Hospital, Corry, Pa,, tr, .Ap- PIY to the Superintendent. The Hills. New men there be that love the plain, With Yellow eorniand dressed, And others love the sieenY valeg Where lazy cattle rest; 13to: 'scene men love the ancient hills. And these have chosen best. • Fer In the hills a man may go Poi -ever as lie Ilse And see .a net ef distant worlds - 'Where streams and valleys twist A league below. and seen to hold The whole earth in his fist. Or If he tread the dales beneath A new delight Is his, For every crest's a kingdom -edge Whose conqueror he Is, Arid every fell the frontier Of unguessed emneries. And when the clouds are on the land A,Tina levhaetletheraahoewninithve The rain so marchibnmeg:isbtyy,4lens Along the silent flanks of: fells Whose needs are in tile skY And in the bills are crystal tarns As deen as maiden's eyes. Altout whose edge at middle -noon The heavo sunshine lies, ..1 (leen therein th troll -folk dwell, Can make men wondroua wise, gwoarsrerioorfs einntlig.igoldis: like a host And summer heathers like a eloalc, Or purple on the weld, While autumn's russet bracken is IS,Onk's livery of old.- -N. W. Hodgson. The Dye that colors ANY KIND of Cloth Perfectly, with the SAME DYE, No Chance of Mistakes, aeon end Simple. Ask your Drukett or Dealer. Send for Booklet. The Johnson -Richardson Co. Limited, 5101111C21 THE CHURCH'S TROUBLE tRoeneeter Herald) The tiouble with the churches seems to be, then, that the fires of faith are no longer burning very brightly. The aver- age man' of tosdaY Is concerned' nitwit more with stoek and bcinds, with real estate and money, than he le over any- thing -that may exist on the' other side of the grave. A great many folks who used to worry lest they soled lase their minister unless they could raise hia sal- ary itre now found worrying, not over the keeping of their minister, but over the keeping of their automobiles. The more aeroplanes that fly through the air, the lees people think of mansions In the -sky. Nobody thinks of persecuting a man now because he does not believe in God or e future life, for the averege person does not care grately whether Ms neighbor believes in God • or a future life. The main topice fair conversation to -day 10 sex problems. and attention at the Pres- ent time is directed toward the bolder - minded speculators upon these sehjeete. Dr. Morse's India4 Root Pills cure many common ailments which are very different, but which all arise from the same cause—a syitem clogged with impurities. The Pills e.auee the bowels to move regularly; strengthen and stimulate thekidneys and open up the .pores of the skin. These organs immediately throw off the accumulated impurities, and Dili, Dueness, I ndigestion, Liver Complaint, Kidney Troables, Headaches, Rheum, atiem and similar ailments vanish. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills Save Doctors' Bills Short Directions for Busy People, To find a needle in a haystack— sit down 'on it. - • To. remove stains from a character —marry meney, To enjoy yottrself at your wtfe's din- ner—stay away. • - To hold a book properly—consult a bookmaker, To keep creases M troasers—remove the girl front your lap. To plant a garden—hire a planter, To rest quietly in a strange bed - 010e0 all, the windows and tern on the gas. TO cure e colds -Make an applica- tion of about 14 days. If cold con- tinues, double the dose.—Life. 4 4* HOW TO POP CORN It is (Ione in different wane, but the mast approved method is to imp your corns with Indium's Corn lextraetor -- eons pop out for fair, and stay out, too, when removed by "Putivanee." Try this painless remedy yourself, 2,,le et all balm. to • e. MAKE WORK ATTRACTIVE (Pittsburg Gazette-'Tlines) When supply le utiequal to &quaint there is reaeon. Tito known reason for shortage of supply in domestic ser- vlee and agricultute is the comparative tiriattractivettees of the work. The re, medy—and it ia Well approved in the eh- Straet—is to Make the work ot. the life as- seciated with the work attractiVe. Tito Problem la as much a social as Mt eco- nomic one, or more the tattler than the latter, and it has hot been found pos. eibl to Intateo the Solution which will be reached, doubtless, in the tourse of hu- man eventa. piLet CURED IN TO 14 DAvs, Druggiste refund Morel' if PAZO OINT- MENT falls eure Itching, Illind, Ilieeil- ing oe Protruding Piles.. First appliea. ilea glitee relief. Net SCIENCE'S OPPORTUNITY. (Toronto Star) M it too melt to hope that all tlibr progrees in phYsies1 fleteliOet foreehs.dows a scientific teeetrisent of state SOeittl and Politleal prOblente. IS it toe rnuele to hope that memo future ticientlet tvill draw hurnifiltra Vast reecielreek of kind - rem, and herelern and justite, and open the channels between thesis and the nil*. *ries and itifirmitte* of the vote There are men. here and there who have Presumed to say that woman's fashions to -day are unseemly. Such erten are not to be trusted. They aro either hypochon- driacs or misanthropes!. Women never yet through all the ages wore anything unseemingly, and the deasiliest day Man ever sees will be the day which oome- times we aro threatened with when wo- men takes eeriously the statement of that. foolish pereon who pretended to believe that beauty unadorned wail beauty at ite beat, UNION Stock Yards TORONTO Largest Canadian Market For Beef and Feeder Cattle, Calves, Hogs, Sheep and Horses TERM FOR INFORMATION .•••••., THE PENALTY OF DECEIT. (New York Sun) What is the situation? All England. believes and many Americans, in, fact most Americans who have studied tho question, also believe that free tolls Tor American coastwise shipping would be a 'violation of the Ilay-Paunceforte treaty. The world generally smalls:en England's interpretation of Section 3, Article 11X., and suspects the United States of bad faith. To stand against the world for the right though the heav- ens fails would be. admirable hut to stand out for the wrong would be ig- noble; the 'United States would pay the renalty in the deserved antipathy of tho world. Giant Power Plant. 0 • • 'What will be the largest hydreseleetrie power station in Canada is now rapidly approaching completion at Cedar Rapicial in the St. Lawrence Myer, near Montreal. When this chall be first thrown into oper- talon it will have a rating of moan horsepower, which will be clearly doubled subsequently. It will ultiniteeiy have r. capacity of 160,000 horeepower. Contracte for 80,000 -horsepower where made before NmV OaTiliCyar(1)stitcelltIsIg thlaled leiecieunipcnoligtenrwleili resemble that of the Keolculc Pam, on the Mississippi, whieli was recently com- pleted. The turbinee, with a, rating of 10,800 -horsepower, are said to be. the :erg. est ever built. 4 - FILES CUBED AT HOME BY NEW. ABSORPTION METHOD If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding piles, send mo your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from yeur own locality if requested. Immedia.to relief and per- manent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write 'to- day to Mrs. M. Summers, box P 8, Wind- sor, Ont. Germany's Aviation Plans. The National ,Sviation Committee pur- poses to spend near a million dollars in the encouragement of aviation in Ger- many during^ 1914, according to mans re- cently aunounced. This is more than double the amount expended last year when a total of $420,000 was appropriated. The committee has already committed iteelf to spend $$700,000 and further ap- proportions of about e300,000 are proposed. Large sums are set aside for insteuction for evietors, for irisurance, for prizes. for awarding the inventors of the best motors for aviation purposes, for promot- ing aviation in the German cote/ilea, for establishieg hydroaerplane stations along the sea coast and for aviation schools at Johitimisthal and 'Munich. In VIOW of the advances in aviation the committee has decided that. it 'will no lonp,er pay premiums for flights of one hour but will place the low limit for endurance flighte at two hours. sele- 1 —"—tssts,"••-•••••• Asoothleg, cooling lotion—the very best thing you can use for the chafed skin. chapped bands and cracked Tips whith raw gold weather brings. eoe 2$0. a battle, at your Druggist's. NATIONAL DRUG 5110 CHEMICAL CO. WWI '" OF CANADA, LIMITED, MORTREAL •••••••••••1•••. LA - GET THe WORKERS ON THE LAND (Ottawa Citizen) If tvorkers can be induced to Nee an I work on the land, a big step will ha taken in helping to solve the, vexed food question of to -day. It must, of 00111•Ae. bo reCOgritZtsd that the conditions both of production and of sale must be improv- ed and that prefit Of production will not tO Ott land -owner or the middleinau. but to the agricultural worker. CANCER Tiolak rreat A slamte Koine Irestimeat removed lump from this lady's becost Old sores, ulcer* en.) trowtbs cured. Deserifia your trouble we will ;teed book end testimonials. 1-tig CANADA CANDER 1NSTITUVE, Limace eisuiteHist, Ave.. TORONTO • mirieement That 'Will Keep. To make a mincemeat that will keen for 12 months, take ono pound each of applet, suet, ealeins. eultanas and cur- rants, also a half a pound of figs, Chois them all fine or pass through a Mincer. 'Then add ono pound Of granulated su- gar, the juice and grated rind Of two or- anges, nue grated nutmeg and one tea-. epoonful allspiee. If liked, one tea- cupful of brandy/I may be added. Mix van together, then put In pot and tie down tight. Minardat Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. You never eat tell. The pink of propriety iaret theays exemplified by a autidost's 1.1*1-111114141.1.1.1...41111. •