HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-02-26, Page 2ge•••••••,./e
Weak, Tired Folks
aiven New Vidor
Exhatietion and Bodily Tiretineaa EV-
ery Lay Being Turned la.o Viotti*
and Ambition by Ors Hamiltem'a
Fawn Olieboque Pt., N. S., comes
the, following from. Mrs. W, A. Itcy-
nolder "A year ago my health began
to fail, I loot appetrtet liming nervous
and sleepless. Me, Seeiglit ran dein, I
became thin, hollow-cheeketh anti had
black rine under my eye; really felt :
aa if the charm. of life liad left me
and when epring time arriwed I was
the 'Intim' 7 read of Dr. Hamilton%
Pens awl got five boxes at once.
"Within a month my appetite and ;
color were good. I gained etrength
and felt' like a new woman. New life
and, vigor returned, and my friends
scarcely knew nie. .A. medicine that
will do this ehould be in every home!'
Good health meane much to you. '
Success and happinees depend upon it,
The maintenance and source of health
is found in Dr. Hamilton% Pill; 25c per
box, or five boxes for $1, at all drug -
gide end atorekeepere, or by mail from
the Catarthozone Co., Buffizio, N. Y..
and Kingston, Canada.
Are They Common Acres,
or Dairy Acres?
While glancing over the results of the
dairy herd competition given'at the re-
cent dairy convention, ono could not
help beiug struck by the yields --7,317
pounds of milk, 9,14 pounds of lat pc,
During the seam seesion a chart wee
displayed indiceting that some dairy
farms are producing very little milk;
one was listed giving a yield of only
125 pounds of milk per acre.
With a dairy farm growing.corn, oats,
clover and alfalfa, and having pretty
good pasture, it should not be yery dif-
ficult to produce 2,000 pounds ot utak
per acre, ems at the same time increase
the fertility of the son. This system
should eaeld an income of "over thirty
dollant per acre. instead of the insigni-
emit average of five dolhers and sevenho
nine cents, which was the aversoze yield
per acre cultivated., including pasture,
given officially as the average aeturn
from five thousand cows in Ontano. The
acres need not be idle more than the
. cows; are yours just common acres, or
dairy cows?
The herd. win average up better if
the poor cows are weeded out. Do you
know for certain which they are? You
can easily detect them if you keep re.
cords on forms supplied free by the
dairy division, Ottawa. State in your
letter if you want forms for weighine
every day, or only on three days per
month. Is there any good reason why
your cows should not averitee at hetet
six thousand pounds of. milk', Many
men are getting this, and more, but
they don't do it until they keep records
and know which cows should. be kept
and which should not. —Dominion De-
partment of .Agriculture, dairy branch.
e •
Need the Rich, Red Blood Dr.
William' Pink Pik Aclually
Thin -blooded people do not remain so
from choice, but from indifference; in
some cases from deepen, People who
aro pale, languid, with ateipitation. of the
°On deck!" retinue that worthy, clnee
"Here it is—I have made one end fast
to the bed," vays McLane, quietly,
"Bright boy! be bade presently,
Keep a good watch, and let no harm be.
falt—Mies Dorothy," with watich reenarit
Sam. having turned around in, the receas
of the window, owe more etarts on bat
journey along the ledge.
It is pretty severe on the knew of lila
trousers, he imegines, but after al it la
in o good cense he works. There aro
Wore along the Corso Who. will be glad
to sell a note Snit so long es he has
plenty ot lire awl Napeleens.
On the way Sain has a little scare—
the rope dangling at Ills sole eatches on
something below, Ana although the
Minot< is slight it almoet throwe the Ana
erican from his /twit. Ile feels his been
intim nearly Into his throat, but at the
• store time rnecheuically flattens his
form out upon the ebelf, thus preventiug
whilt• threatened to be a *meter.
After title eeare Sam is a little care.
fal, and manages to emelt hie destine -
Won in good order. The rope is appar-
ently quite long enough, provided he can
eiscover soma means of securing, it. This
engages his attention now; WaePa6
• around indnetrionsly. and at last finds
the very thine no Feels% r t
some sort projeets froni the wall—it is
in the rialit iiatee, and it is firm, two
very eesentiot points., to be considered.
Qelekly Sam draws the rope taut, and
fastens the end te the brecket, Thus a
bend -rail extentle along the fece of the
piazze, but three feet above the ledge,
f ls that at ia,st another step
lute been taken toward attaining their
tud. thole it easy enough gain&
btelc;with a grip upon that Tope no one
ean fall =lase an attack a byeteries
comes on at the wrong period, Seen hat
Miss Dorothy in nand. at the time.
"Pll fix her: be mutters, switehing
the piece of rope he has cut away front
the end,. and is carrying back over the
He &tome upon them with his theory,
"Everything natty, friends," and never
bye illay been more pleased to henr the
sound of his voice.
Who goes first? Aileen bravely reaches
the window and prepares to melee the
' "Will you deeert rae, dearl" wails Miss
"Not fee- worlds. You oan go first, if
you wieby itimty.' •
, "I would rather you tested the rope,"
returns tho spinster, falling back.
"Very good."
So Aileen vanielies. Sam has sprung
after her, determined to see that she
reaches the other window in safety.
'No one notices lleatrix. In the dark -
nee sometbing shinoe in her hand; it is
a little toy of a dagger she has drawn
from its slieath in the bosoni of her
dress. Tbe rope is faetened juet beside
her—one pressure of the keen blade up-
on it would cause tbo cord to part, and
in all probability Aileen, her euccessfui
rival, latest be plenged down into the
Corso, to meet death or mainiiiig.
It is the arch -fiend laineelf that thus'
tempts the beautiful girl; • she
has been nurturea in a land where re-
venge is recognized ae factor in the af-
fairs of men.
Does she press the blade against the
rope? Was that a cry from the Califoy-
nia girl as she topples from the ledge
through space?
It is a cry most certainly, but it pro-
ceede frern nearer home. -Beetrix herself
gives vent to the -utterance, as, recoiling
in horror, she hurriedly seeks to hide
the dagger. What has feightened her?
Perhaps she fears that ,the Canadian bas
had. an eye upon her—it may be con-
science has aroused her better nature.
Then again; there is a chance that she
has remembered semothing—Sam Bux-
ton went with Hid American girl, and
is no doubt holding on to the same rope.
If his support gives way, he, too, must
go plunging down to the .hard par -
heart, some difficulty in breathing anil ment of the Corso, where they will pick
tendeney to be easily tired, are suf. him up mangled or dead.
tering from thin blood. They need only No wonder, then, if this picture pre.
the resolution to take right treatment sents itself to her gaze, that sbe recoils
and stick to it until cured. The remedy in horror. She may hate the who
that eau be relied upon is Dr. William' has won his love, but she is certainly
Pink Pills for Pale People. With ever not ready to sacrifice Sam Buxton.
dose they make new blood, and new
3' Whatever motive influences her, Beatrix
blood means health and strength. The withholds her band.
red cheeks, good appetite, Ina Sant neakes his appearance again, and
weight and strength that follow the use
men announees that Aileen has eafely eon -
of these Pills prove their great value to eluded the hazardous jonrney. Who
eomes next? He turn.s to Kiss Dorothy,
but she drawe beck,
"Let Sionorina Paoli test it before I
my head, which gretv so bad that I had got' sne says, in a pitiful voice. If two
to call doctor, He told me that m pass along uninjured, there seems a bet -
blood had turned to water and that I
Y ter chance for her.
was in a serious condition. Tie treated Beattix, with it cry of scorn, mines
me four menthe, but still the pain re- awn the Window -still and is out upon
mained, and my conditien was growing the ledge almost before Sa,itt can corn -
pitiable. I lost me appetite, and was preliend the fact. He sees she means to
so weak and run down. that I could no , equal Aileen in her work, and admires
the spirit shown.
more than walk -across a room. I was miss Dorothy has no further reason'
as pale as a eorpse, and the doctor told ' for delay. She will find herself deserted
my friends he had but little hopes of my
getting better. A cousin who came to unless she now summons courage. It is
as bad as going into an icy bath, She
see nhe urged me to try Dr. Williams' shudders, mutters a low prayer, allows
Pink Pilie, and I sent and got a eupply.
. In about a month after beginning their . herself to be lifted to the sill, and
uee I had much relief, and by the tinie ghrasphsantldte guide rope that is thrust into
'Wait a minute," whispers Sam, who
has some fear lest this eccentrie creature
be seizea with a spasm in the midst of
the passage and drop into the street be-
lie now utilizes the bit of rope he car -
ties, passing it around Miss Dorothy's
welsh and then knotting the ends
around the guy. If she falls now, she
met be suspended from above.
"Now, allow me to pase—Dud, follow
in the rear."
She gurgles a Cry of alarm when he
swiogs his form in advanee of her, but
Sam has a firm hold of the rope, and
reaches his position in safety.
"Follow—walk, boldly—keep as elose
te the Wall as you can. Come, Mist Dot-
She obeyii with fear and trembling;
landley remains, not wiehieg to put too
thin.blooded people. Here is an example.
Mrs. R. Steele, Afton Dente, says:
"Following cbild-birth I took a pain in
Miss, Dorothy eits there, giving little
ehrieke that 4re not hear4 three feet
away, owing to the awful elamor in the
street below, Bellowing la her ear, Bar-
on Sent finally =kw her comprehend
-that elle Is far from being a dead wo-
man, and there is really no danger of
ber dropping below, wituni reaesuring in.
formation, roared atl her, gives the old
lady new courage,. ana in grim acepeir
ehe drage her armsed, lona erect.
There fa et littIe grit deep- down in
that veneraale heert, after elle the oc..
caelon is only needed to bring out the
spirit that animated her gra,ndfatehrat
uncle, old Israel Putnam, during rev°.
lutionary times, when he galloped at
full speed down the eteene eteps Of a
precipice with the British troopers send-
ing a shower of leaden inieelles after
The worst hi over, Sam atee reason te
believe; if he can only get them togethev
beyond, be believea Bollix, who ought
to know the paiazzo rect well, naving
been brought up in it, will be able to
lead them to some exit without trouble.
Tliey reaeh the window, to find it
closed, whiele immediately strikes Sam
aft singular, for it was oven when last
lie sallied forth. Dom this mean fiema
new and unexpected development in the
case, something of which, as yet, -they
have had no inIcling?
Like a bolt of lightnIng deseending
from the murky storra-clouds comes a
thought; it forces a cry from 'Sande lipe,
a cry that tells of eudden pain, of men.
tal anguish, Ile lute euddenly remember-
ed a certain fact that he would rather
forget, a farat that is far from pleaaant
to an honoreble man—the Italian girl
IC.018 A hot passion for a man about his
gee, which in the past he has charitably
marked as gratitude. His itoquaintance
with girle belonging to her hot-blooded
race has given him a pretty good idea
as to what to expect.
The thought that comes into his mind
is that Beatrix, inspired by jealousy,
may have decided to betray Aileen into
the hands of the count, and thus rid her
path oe a formidable rival.
It is an agonizing thought to him, but
goes almost as qui -Orly as it comes. Sev-
eral reasone 'combine to make him eliange
his mind. Beatrix lute inspired him with
the idea that ehe is no ordinary girl,
and he cannot believe she would thus
betray a sacred tyust, however strongly
tempted. Then again he has faith in All-
een—she is armed ana knotve pretty well
wto take care of herself.
Sam, baying reeovered his presence Of
mind, pushes against the window, just
as the querulous voice of the alarmed
spinster sounds in his ear:
"Dear Nephew Sem,. what ie 'wrong
now? I do hope we will not have to
remain here long in this exposed posi-
tion, for thie night air, which feels like
the coking of the dreaded north wind,
is very hard upon ray pet bronchitis, you
"Hang your pet bronchitis," thinks'
Sam, but he is too shrewd and too
much of a gentleman to say it alouid. At
the same moment he pushes open the
window, and jumps into the opening,
hardly knowing meetly what to expect,
Yor he still has a vague idea that en-
emies' may be lying in wait to eeceive
an incomer.
Luckily no sun event happen; though
the .American is prepared for desperate
work, holding hie revolver ready in hie
hand. Instead he hears a . whisper:
"Who is it?"
"Baron Sam. Do I speak to Aileen?"
he replies.,
"Yes; we are here, Beatrix end I—
dear Beatrix, who is devoted to our ha
ROW the Italian girl, only so recently
terribly tempted, must slaver at these
words of praise falling from the lips
of the being she hnd almost sent to
death. •
"We both thank Heaven you. have
escaped unharmed. And bore is darling
a'unty," with which she tries to induce
Mee Dorothy to jump into her crms,
which the other refuses to de, for the
simple reason that she has a wonderful
attachment for the guy rope along the
ledge. It may be rememberea that Sam
made use of a short rope to tie her to
the taut line, and as he has forgotten
to unfasten this, of course the cpmster
is unable to leave the ledge.
'Buxton suddenly remembers the di-
lemma in which the is plaeed, and
hastening beside her he severe the rope
by the aid of a picket -knife. Then
Aileen helps Miss Dorothy down, •
All have now reached their temporary
haven,—at least with tho exception of
Dudley, and tomehow they do not seem
to fear for him. Sam learn why he
found the window closed. Tt seems that
he had only been gone a minute or are
after fleeing Beatrix eafely to the end
of the ledge, when voiees were heard
coming alone the corridor. Fearful lett
they might c'be discovered through the
fact of the window being open, Beatrix
was wise enough to close it, lind crouch-
ing down they were not seen by the pass-
ing parties.
By the time he hes heard this story,
Sam believe bis comrade should have
shown up, and wondering what can bo
keeping Dudley, he pokes his curious
head out of the window to aiecover
what he may. Nor is his quest in vain.
The aarkness is almost diseipeted by
the niftily lights along the wonderful
Corso below so that lie ia 'able to see
all the level'of the ledge with ammo,
'What he looks Amon certainly electri-
flea the man from across the big pond
—he expeete to sea his Canitaian friend
walking or ereeping along the Iedge, but,
iostead, two figures meet his view, two
forme that seent to be struggling -for
the mastery upon the narrow till.
Dudley hat niet an enemy, Had this
person followed lihre from the other room,
or dropped down from the Wiest This
latter thought is brenglit home to Sent
in a iiingdalr way, for Ilia .eyee being
-attracted by Some moving object in the
air over the !edge, he &flees up to
tee e, hunian figure dangling thete, sus -
hilted, no doubt, by a rope that has
teen thrown out from some open case-
*tient above.
Stint realizes that tide is an attack
of the foe, who hope to buret in at the
window and surprise them, never, &cant-
ing, in all probability, that out hien&
have made roe of the same idea in
effecting their eseape. The Wet' fellow
who drops upon the ledge heti elitite fete
to face with the agile Catiadien, and
doubtless there hie been a mutual atm.
prise, though Dilater is hardly the Man
to lat such thing keep- hint Item
SAM tee* the sianger to which his
friend is oepoted, with a tecond enemy
abeitt to attack hint in the
rear. Ile movie to have a hand
in that little Affair himself, arid
without logs of time Mee Mete*
he hapeli for tile Iast *rm.-starts out
I had taken six more boxes I was
fully cured atid felt ils well as ever I
did in in,y life. have never. had a
.twinge of the pain since, and feel that
oWe my life to Dr. Williams' Pink
Pitt; as they cured me after the doctor
had failed!'
Sold by all medicine dealers, or sent
by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for ea2.50 by The Dr. Williams' 'Medicine
Oo., Brockville, Ont.
Perlin Out., desratch: The Beata o'
Education. of this city is optiosed to
the fhtroduction of Militarism in con-
nection with semi stedies. A. peta
tion was presented from a tinge 'of
forty boys for permiesion to form
cadet corps under the direction of
the Stratlicona trust fund, but the
requeet Was refused. Another re. great a strain upon the rope. Besidee,
Oast from the Collegiate Institute it is just as well that there should be
students to be permitted to hold tar. a guard to watell the rear, lest the en.
ge practice was likewise treated, any take them unawares. Half of the
In order to provide additional journey is made in safety, when a band
school aecomodation the board pro. in the street below strikes up a national
posed erecting a, four -room addition air there is it midden. blate of tettnipets,
a rattle of drum; and genie firearms
are slitseharged. Snell a racket would
stare even a weli-betutved war..hotte,
.ashriodekit. given the old maid a tremendous
She emits .stuldeet shriek, end, re -
day in a Detroit roomnik house godless of eonsequencess drops. The
where, it is alleged, they had boon bitch in the rope saves her, and that is
together. The girl's parents all Sant feels a thrill biniself, int she
reside hi. Rodney, Ont., find recent- fiwaye over the cage, hut dem not toile
ly when they' received an anonymous his Arm grip on the rope, Ito is a little
letter which stated that the glri was angry, lint coneludes this is just what he
being aimed, her mother tante here. antielpated when lie made that bitch,
The couple aro charged with viola- and hence' the affair redounds to his upon the narrow ledge, hastening to bring you l.aek you some ed cot on
Hon of the United State. immigrit- Credit after all, showing grukt fort. Wild the fellow who is descending the rtiroproef, Ind you/ When bottola,
eon tat* Days interest,"—Waehington
to Victoria, Wool,
1 41,0*
. Winasor desoatelt. Clara *Veneer,
aged eixteen, and Joseph flowers,
twenty-two, were errested early to.
There veil be little deitht Of PUdittra
ability to make wey with the Men he
bee upon his hands, but two are mete
than mid bergained for. lilteuld
the second fellow come up behind the
Canadian he might find himself in dia.
Sant reeches the apot the man on
the rope le about to plant bia feet on
the ledge. The A.niericana mum the spur
of the moment, pushes bun off, and he
goes dawn below the ledge, altleough
lucidly still Maintaining his hold upon
the rope, which eeeme ta extend 401:110
distance. Sara grasps the line and givea
sevoral liard jerks thet scare the
wretch half to death, can be heard
aheuting ae he continuea to lower Itim.
self, perhaps in the hope of getting
closer to terra firma before the final
drop comes, it may be with the expee.
-tation of reaching another ledge run,
ning aloog the face of the oecond. fitory
of the piazze.
Sara knows he is out Of the Way, and
that le really all he cares ebont, since
it ielar from his desire to seek a Inan'a
He turns towara the ethers, te see
whether be may offer his comrade WI
assietance, but Dudley does not appear
to be in need of it just now, At the
very moment Buxton wheels around,
while OM Oinking vigorously et the
rope, he sees Dudley hold the squirming
bandit out, with one streng hanat over
the abysa below. The fellow hue in his
hand a gleaming stiletto, with which he
has in all prohability meant to cut tne
Canadietn—perhape Dudley has received
a Mash, which may aceount for ais ac-
For about three seconds is the shout -
Mg and twisting Ithlian—no light
weight, eithee—held out At arm's leneth,
his frantic cries unheeded by the crowd
below, intent upon their own business,
and making quite enough racket to
drown any ordinary noise. Then some-
thing drops—it is the rascal who has
given McLane such a, tremendoue tusset
iipon the narrow ledge, For just about
two seconds lie eau be seena with arms
and legs flyine in all directions, shoot -
ince downward.; then he comes in col-
. 9
lision with another chap who is doing
his beet to elember upon another shelf
half -way down to the street.
Sam feels the rope slacken instantly',
and knows that both of the Italians are
now on their way clown to the street,
where their arrival is apt to create
quite a furor.
They strike ahnost instantly, falling
into the thick of the crowd that pushes
along. Great confueion immediately en-
sues, for although the Boman populace
can. stand being pelted with Tice and
flowers during the carnival time, the
people draw a line when it comes to
tossing human beings upon them.
The last Sant and Dudley see of the
affair there is a confused jumble below,
the t'wo men bave gained their feet,
(way bruised, but appear to be in danger
of personal violence from those who
have ben knocked down by their fall,
As the way is clear, our friends can
see no reason why they should not ad -
Tame at once. Sam casts a wary eye
up to the spot from whence dangles the
rope that has keen the cause of all this
confusion. He would not be surprised
to see another fellow ia the aca of de.
seending, but the rope appears to be
clear. Either there are no more of
thes rascals above, or else the
fate of their comrades deters
them from making a further attempt.
Sam leads the way—they reach the win-
doeaf', and enter, For the first Vine Sani
Buxton notices that Me cornpaffion has.
not spoken.
"'What's wrong, Dud, old fellow?" Ile
asks; but it is Beatrix who answers,
Beatrix who eurpriaes them.
"Your friend is wounded— I have
felt a drop of blood on my hand, A light,
Baron Sam, in the name of Heaven!"
The sudden worde of the Italian maid
Neryiline Ends Neuralgia
Brings Belief instantly
electrify them all.
Sam, muttering somethino under his ini5secrtc:ri.;itenttriarhenZs-
breath about the rascally ehrtp who used of the delinquents are themseivee vie -
hie stiletto, and with a chilly feeling of inns of eircuznstaneea, of social, coonom.
NQ Remedy Like Old "Nervillno"
Plire Pala or Somme,
Tbat terrible ache—.bow you, faitly
reel with it ---that stabbing, ',turning
neuralgia what IniEietY it ealiscot
$ever yent don't teaati to =trig
—MO Nerrilitter We a aura Duo, liot
an experiment, bemuse nearly forty
ycars of wonderful succese has made
a name fur Nerviline, among the pee -
pie of ineny different flattens. "There
is nothing speedier to end Netirale0
hope/echo than old-time
writes Mr, G. C. Dalaleish, frame Ellen
store "It is so posverfel anti pene-
trating that seem to eat up any
pain in a minute, My family couldn't
get along without Nerviline. We al-
ways keep the 50e, family aim bottle
handy on. the shelf, and nee it to end.
chest colds, sore throat, coughs, ear.
aphe, toothaehe. and pain in the back.
hly wife swears by Nerviline. aaar
crenms its effect is astonliehin,g and
we believe it ie better and speedier
than any other household family rem -
There is a 1. ee in the Lan.
)1:11,1,itmtbo aagjo0.1
cot, ae might be expected. A corms -
pendent tells of a Man who. when he
Went to a "mock" awl eomplained of
a sharp pain ill the lions after sitting
ow danip grass for several hours, during .
which he frequently sucked the pint '
of the lea(' pencil with wide% let was
writing, was told that he was suffer-
ing front "plumbism," and given some
The next day be returned, to the
"quitelt" and snide "Von told me I had
'plurnbisma which is lead poisoning, and
I now find there is no lead in lead,pen-
61`46114,1')Ir'epgliieldPlittltiee 411'4% "dla
I say phoubisin is the cause of your
lumbism? I meant to have said plum-
bago is the cause of your lumbago."
"Ob." said the man "but anyhow,
your pills aro may brene." •
"01 course," replied the "quack,"
"don't you know that bread is tbe „old-
est and finest thing to remove pencil
Marks with't You didn't want .ine to,
give you India rubber pills, did you?"—
T. Vs. Weekly.
,Z4SSS...1; ,•••ea,
In Centro of Shopping
and, Business Distriet.
250 ROOSIO-100 with Private Baths
C A la Carte Restaurant
, (Chicago Tribune)
. Tho father of the girl who goes wrong,
of the boy whp is delinquent, inay be
at fault in a good many caeca. he Maar
not hare given his children tho attention,
interest, and companionship whin even
with his limited means he could ha.vo
alarm aboot the region of hie heart, aCloVrier8"tig alert lira
feels for a match; and with trembling le ey can 'do nior th'eir •.childnraeene.
fingers, as he finds one, proceeds to light burden or father—and oven more of moth-
er—in our tenement population aro be-
the bit of candle he helms from his poc-
.Aileen exprease-s toncern, and as for
the spinster her lamentations make Ohe
believe 0. "death in the family is very im.
minent. As for Dudley, he .proteste in
low but virsoroue tones ;mullet all this
fuss over a mere scratch.
When the light of the candle le
brought to bear upon the ecene, Dudley
endeavors to hold beak.
"It's nothing, I assure you—a small
affair. that bleede a little. No use run-
ning Jilts risk about it. Douse that
glim, Sam.
"I will hot. You need atteotion.
Como! off with that oat at once, manl"
for as he Wheels Dudley around, . lie
sees the blood trickling down the left
hand the Canadian athlete tries to hide.
There as little use trying to disobey
Sam Buxton, -lie Dudley knows of old.
.With an exclamation of diegust
obeys, and removes his coat.
His &Art -sleeve is found. to be soaked
with blood, and the ladiee utter cries
-of alarm, but McLane still huge(/' that
it is a trifle, and growhe et Baton Sam.
for making such an ado aboot nothing.
Sant hands Aileen the bit bf candle,
and in a trice has the eleeve rolled up,
oleo that beneath it. Then they discov-
ei tbe cut, for the blooa is oozing out
of it just below the elbow,
A. ripping eeund etrikes on Sam's ears,
he turne and fieee Beatrix tearing into
etrips a handkerchief taken from hie
coat-potket, where it lute been in plain
'view. She smiles and nods,
"I know something about wounds,
Baron Sam—I have been in hospital,
a nurse. \Vat& me knot these— then
I will so arrange it that once ot the
knots vines hist upon the artety in.
side the elbow. You 'shall help me draw
it tight, Theres now we will stop the
bleediog, and cart bind up the wound ita
sett. See, I bare my own kerchief— it
shall gO upon the arm of this brave
merit' with a tenderness in her voice
that quite overcomer; poor Medlar.
"Heaaen bless you, signoritia,a ho
say; taroestly.
His heart is speaking from hie eeyee,
and it 'would be dente° indeed if any
woman could remain ineeneible to the
devotion ana love thet are to be seen
in those orbs.
The Italian girl begins to awaken to
tins fact that Dudley 'McLane is It fine
theehrien of a Mit, IsOve often nrouses
0, , kindred feeling in the heart
that ie totlehed with admira-
tion, and evlio tan tell whet
may yet be the entconnit -She Will find
in the Certadien one fully 11:? brave aft
liaron Sant, awl a unfelt more haniesolne
matt. hf lie does lack Sorne of the Amer-
ican's insAtaiy quelitits, and is entent
to 'follow instead of leading, \viva oi
thrill Few neat stand On the tame
plane with Sam Buxton,
(To be continued.)
"Ms de tame umbrella 'I lent
yott,u taid 'Mete Doherty. "CO60 it
replied Vt. Ereethe Pinkley.
"a,Vif Cern good intibtellae to plek
l'irt, you ti'dn' s'pose were g'itietet
coming heavier than can be borne, -save
by most unusual strength of character
and bodily resistance.
Iiireights and Measures.
uvery 2Q years gel/eminent °mews
compare the current weights and roes,.
sures with the etandarOra which are
sealed up in the staircane of the noose
of Common.% There ore only two
standards, the pound weight and the
yord measure. The standard pound is
of patinum, which deopite Ito weight
ia no larger than a .cubic Inch, and
0M411 40 it lo, the metal of which it
to compared to worth 440. The stand
ard is a bar of bronze 38 inches long,
on which a yard has been marked off
in 38 divisions of an inch. The great-
est possible care hi taken 13! these twO
Important articleo.
When a comparison is being =tie
they aro handled with tongs. The
pound weight is weighed in the most
delicate of chemical balances, and the
yard is measured with a micrometer.
When they are done wIth thoepound
it is wrapped in a special soft -paper
and laid in, silver gilt ease, which to
Placed in a bronze case, thin being put
111. a wooden box, afterward ecrewed
(loam and sealed by soldering, The
packing is not yet finished, however,
for the lead case Is plaeed in a strong
oak box. When this is screwed down
it is plaeed in the hole In the wall.
The wall is built up by a mason, and
the standards can only be obtained
by demolishing it once more.—Lendon
1f your baby is sickly, if tis :ittle
stomach is out of order, or hie lelweis
need regulating, Ile other medicine wilI
have emit prompt or beneficial effect
as Baby's Own Titalete. Thoesanas of
other mothers use no other metlicine for
tbeir little• ones. Cceicerning them. Mrs.
John G. 'Crockett, Glenberrie, N. S.,
writes; "I have used Baby's OWn Taldets
for stoma& trouble, vomiting, and con-
stipation, and in every induce they
have proved sueeeasful. I would uee no
other medielne. for My 01118." The
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers.
or by mail at 25 cents a box from The
ponateeriniams, Medicine Cm, Brockville,
(Detroit Free Press)
The militants., have become a pitiable
spectacle. Deserted bY the leaders who
tempted them into wrong-heacted ways.
and who now shrink buck Man the temp-
est they have raised, they are test Milking
to the level of the viragos of the French
revolution, tsf use in tile world only be-
cause they may •be held up as horrible
warnings to the women of other coun-
• • •
Druggists reftind money if PAZO DINT-
111Elaar fails to cure lathing, 1111nd, Bleed.
ing or Protruding Piles, First applica-
tion glace relief. ale.
hipping Fever
It.n.guattnz."?..P.Lnet eqVuerei de, Paiznar 4oltitt:ruer tio aMtnd ttileir1 hrielt0 ;1.1
posed," kept from having any of thee, diefatese wan
often cure a ease. One 50 f0-eent bottle guaranteed. to eto so.
Best ler brood Mares. Acts on the blood. Druaiill
and harnesa shove Dietributors — ALL WITOIstraMe
SPOHN mgnigp,t, co., Caen:date, Goeh
orh. Indlank
ISSUE NO. 9, 1914
.1. hospital. Corry, Pit., 11. S. A. AP*
MY to the Superintendent.
11..4 or I return your money. Thle is
neeltivelY genuine. Sena stamp at once
for free eample. Jules; Vermin, hair
Specialist, Port Cretin, Ont.
Stock Yards
Largest Canadian
For Beef and Feeder
Cettle, Ceiveso Bogs.
Sheep and Horses
121r.:7. von EVIDILMit_
(Toronto Star)
Whether capital punisbment be remitted
or not, there should he ono law Tor all.
Tiler° is one law for the I:derailed:a and
the other for the Inuit who has plenty of
friends. The procedure by whieh a popu-
lar criminal escapes the gallows is not
unlike that bY whielt a popular fellow gets
ameen°ti.nrt)rtable office under the Govern -
True the conviction is also reviewed at
Ottawa in a more regular and decent
way, A hard-woticing °trivial In the
Department of Justice reads the evidenee
at the trial, and makes it repuit upon it.
But however cempetent he may be, Iasi
opportunity of nitwit.; rightly is far In-
ferior to that of the judge and jury at
the trial, but observed the demeanor of
prisoner and witnesses.
The remedy seems to be to leave a.
larger discretion to the Juiare and jury.
If a man »RS elain another: if his offence
is too greet to he ranked as amansleughter
and yet does not deserve death. let the
judge and jury say eta Why should
discretionary power be refused to the
judge and jury, and granted to an oftle-
ial at Ottawa, whose opportunitiem for
judgment aro far inferior to theirs? Ahovo
all, why should cream! creel the gallows
depend _upon personal favor, popularitY,
and influence?
• (emcee* Tribune)
At the opening of parliament It is indi-
cated that the government will not yield
to, and cannot be forced to comply with
hie amend that the question of Irish
home rule go to tho iscople. The Lib-
erals rest content with their assertion
that they have a mandate tor the bill.
They polled a rnajOalty of seventy.eight
against the Unionist amendment to the
epeech from the throne declaring "that
it weal. be dietistrolis for the house
to proceed further with the government
for Irelahd bill until the Measure had
been submitted to the judgment of the
If Ulster's Cate be one demanding dese
perate tesistance against all odds. and it
a nubile parliament be the lest thing M-
ater win aecept, It le difficult tO See how -
refeeeildurii, if it suppertea the bill,
would outege the mster omit troth one
of Met diteh resistance to ono of submis-
sion althea changing any of the tondl-
Worts- ageirist Which . the Taletermen pro -
!;:o I L.,
You will find relief In Zam.13uk I
ft eases the burning, stinging
pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zani.
pions tom Why not prove
, 414 brugoide an4 Otoriss..
S kV bad.
Read What Mrs. Harris Says About
Them.. -
Mre, arriN, 01 TYne:11110, Ont.,
knows all about GIN PILLS. "'I 'am
now taking nay third box et GIN PILLS"
she writes. "rhe pain across my hack
and kidneys hose almost entirely gone.
Was a great eufferer from Rheumatism
hut it has all left me. 1 strongly advise
all women. who suffer from Pain In tbe
Back and Weak laidneye, to try GIN
50c a Boa, 5 for $2.50. Sample tree it
you write National Drug & Chemical
Co. ot Canada. Limited, Toronto.
Too Much..
b On a eeleese ef 32 it; .A.idowed
the death of a 00 -year-old
leaving h, $20,000,000 eetate, ought her
grief to be made knoWn by the ringing
of a chime of nine two -ton belle on a
MO tower every 13 minittee, caliSing
neighbors to complain?
/Could not the. grief proper in
lealler1011 he 11Sill.111ed Wahl/lit having'
it dinned into the tars of the neighbor -
hone ill Otineterone !ewe?
dereey justice, . famed as swift mitt
sure, is mow wreetling with thie pro!).
km -and its verdiet will be tavaited with
Women these Jays are showing many
unique. forms of initiative. compelling
much revision of ancient stendards.
But in the lane:Iwo of the late A,
Ward. this semi in be a ease of "too.
ton mutch."
F-end fot!Irle:es Book giving full
T 7irgliZT thV wcTritniTgl
cure for Epilepsy and Fits—
CURDEli nr, le ,.,J) e!nut e etsrse re t m een a
] i,.,1;..illivsw,fripp ger pTtri
410 St. James' Chatnbera, Toronto, Can.
0 • 4,,
(Coderich Signal)
Murder is an awful crime and terrible
in ally its phriteee. The assassin as well
as the victini and their families, no mat-
ter haw low they ino.y have. sunk. suffer
for years afterwards. We believe that
prevention ia better than 'cure and 0110
allele 18 education or a lasit spent in
teaching the child not to do wrong is far
better than ten spent to punish or re-
claim him after the wrong or crime has
Patient, with weary faeea,
Behind the dimity shade,
Making delicate Meet!
They sit, lao longer afreta.
Theo are so tired or waiting
Behind the window glass;
Tired ,of parsen's prating
And. tho mile of parson's lass.
When they were young and Mowing
And piled their bobbifia and laughed,
'rhea sat in the windows oewing.
Where they could sco the shaft;
Then death roared in tho darkness
And ravened after Ms prize,
And there came on them strength and
• And fear in their aglng eyes.
Toll. of their sons and brothers
The mine took, year by year,
And they were afraid for the others—
They are so tired of fear.
All day at perilous labor
Toilet/ their sons and their men,
Until death fell like a saber—
There was no more svaiting then,
been &me.
Miriard's Liniment Cures Garget In
(Lentil%) Opinion)
MiStress (tingling visitor in the kiteh-
en)—Who Is this, Mary?
Mary (eolifused)—My brother, M'm.
MI:Areas (suspiciouely)--YOU're Mit
Much alike-.
Mary (stammering apologetically)—We
were, trem, but he's just had bis heard
shaved aft, and that rnakee his look Mt -
Mitten:Ps Liniment Cutes Distemper*
(philadelphia Recora)
The evidenee or the existence ot an in;
ternattenal non-competitive undefatima-
Ing among the makers of armor -plate Is
eonclusive. It the, tietioos are
to go on in their idiotic pcdica eXhatts-
tIve outlaY to conipel tut arrned peace
they should take itnmedlitte Joint action
to Abelian armor -plate monopoly. But
dbes not the establishment of such a
Menopoly furnish a last and eonciusive
argument against the further destrac-
'aye Waite involVed 'hi the Mad race for
gunpowder predominance? Peace that
is mote costly than war Is net worth
the pUrthase money. Better arbitrate.
"A bride never seems to be able to
pith a winner." "What makes you
astr, elle never gsts tbe
beet atlent."—Ihritimore American,
They knew it was surely coming,
It Ming by a hair or a thread:
A crash and a stir and a humming,
And then the roll of the dead.
Still while the twilight lingera
They sit in the window piece.
Playing with crooked flrigera
The bobbins, weaving their lace.
'Women the mines tinplate&
With faces wrinkled and era;
All their livee their have waited,
As they are waiting yet.
—F,thel Talbot Scheffatter, in London
is a
The Guaranteed asOPaR Dirm for
Ail Kinds. of Cloth.
Clean, Sin:MN No Chance of 1`.11,1alms. TRY
IT I Send tor ree Color C.nol end 13oolact.
Mew Yorn Suite
So Sylvia Ilea withdrawn from the Wo•
men's Social and Political Union and set
up in businesa for herself with the "Vain
London Vederatlon of Sliffragettes,"
Olivia is not se clever e.a either her
mother or her sister. bet ehe le more hon-,
est than elther for oho is frankly identi-
fying the militant with the anarchist
inoveleent, The education to which 'Mrs.
Pankhurst initiated tier fleteenasear-ael
ehild is complete. Sylvia has graduated,
and it io conceivable that her mother 13
at the present time nearer to a genuine
eanerience of martyrdom than 8110 has
ever been in her life before.
t the present time pceeibly no other
subject is receiving quite en iuutat at -
Wake' in Canada its, ties one. it .vill
be a eiiimrise to tined rcoodere to know
that during the Valli. ;ear a Weil ended
31areit 31st, 1.313, Canada paid,
Oc:001:1111107 on feud, :Intl all of this lavga
suet is virtually aireet tax the
themeelves litately ta bianie wily
imtaneN, tor there are articnie of. forte
pre deceit in Canat that are eailal in
every reavet to time! ma le in ally
country ill the worla.
in the pewter line alone there
and thiS 1110.11H the eon:gluier mad in
(t)11117e")tj'sn ($-g(t159:,01(01•01'.
There are no better goods in the world
in thite line than maga b eking powler,
en I it 14 made in a male( eamtnry up -
to dute fulory, eitit :in ee (lured in
fe (it artieles 114 re isine, ferrenta and
many other thine, withal. do not grow
in Canada. or are u•tt produeo I here.
Imre of ureeasity ta be imputed,. :ma
the atity
. lf the coliseum,: wont! devote a little
theught and nitentitin to thee sitbject
a la rge e e 11/1i Mt 1» (II le y 9111f I UM
would be sal-ed.—Can:01ln Ileum Jour-
(London Morning Advertiser)
There should be a greater public senti-
ment in favor of clean living, and there
phould he more Individual help in secur-
ing the punishment f crime. If a per-
son charges that hotels are violating the
license law, ha ought to report the case
to the police. He should not. make the
charge without knoiving its truth, and if
he knows its lauth he must Lave been a
witness to the offence. Ile should be
ready to aid the authorities by reporting
ta them what he knows, and giving bis
evidence in .court. And so with :Social
vice. If a man knows, and does
not siMply ruspect, his duty is not done
by making a public declaration without
giving particulars of the case, and aid-
ing to secure its punishment. Even if
he is the official of an organization mak-
ing inquiry into roeial conditions lie is
not relieved from this duty which devol-
ves upon all citizens,.
The pula r o f the best formers'
paper in the Maritime Provices in writ -
/1 y states:
"1 wonld any that I do not know of a
medicine that lute stood tile te.,,t or time
like lif,NARD'S LINIMENT. It Nee
bon rut unfailing remedy in our house-
hold ever since I can remember, nod has
outlived Mune of would-be competitere
and imitators."
(Pittsburg Gasette-Titnes)
Expert.1 at the department of agrioul-
tura show a steady diminishing supply
of cattle, as well as sheep and swine.
Their figures point to a shortage alnico
the census of 1.010 of nearly nine beef
cattle, seven sheep and more than three
hogs for each 100 of the population. Tbey
key that to equalize the supply with the
of four years ago, it would take 18,250,00
more beet cattle, sheep aod swine. Be-
cause of tile decrease in numbers there is
an accompanying increase of money val-
ue, the present smaller supply being
worth to the ownere 5400,000.000 more than
the 'rimer one. a
The figures Carry their own 'menace—
that of the .510 81100 and other things.
Guilty of Assassination.
luan. razor in hand. waS taught by
his wife neettesinating not an enemy, but
corneewhat be needed nas Putnam's
Corn Extractor; itai safe, painless and
• Sure. Try "Piantun's"----ciires eo fait,
25c. tit all dealere.
(Peteroboro Examiner)
alio lash is the true. penis:intent for
nate-I:eaters and raviehein—ilaz it taste of
Vocal, own inedielne whiell must needs
be very bitter and stands to, prove more
of e. deterrent—which Is the meln point
—then 'LlitY other form of Cleaning de-
Minard's Liniment Curet Colds, Etc.
Oh 1 That's the nneptiou.
"I tell you," the orator cael
"and the eaperienee of tt lifetime. ton-
tirmw my stetement—that if you wain a
thine well done yen must do it Your-
"IOW about getting yout hair cola"
asked his friend.
sookrokiritantspoomossioidesiiirakidwaliisketessiimicww.....4-wwwilowslite.seRowoolioon....ws rstit,,Aiww.witdirm
. , „ .
• (Ifontreo.1 Deny isnot)
Tim Jones, mechanic and W. DroWn
amine man about town, face a magis-
trate. Both have drunk too much and
been disorderly the night before. Both
arc fined 510 sl.nd costs. Smith, who
drinks too much, altogether too much,
fishes out a wed of bills that would
choke A, horso and nonchalantly pays lifs
fine. Jones, who has fallen off the wa-
ter wagon for the fleet time in a year,
hasn't a cent, Therefore he gets ten
Smith's long-suffering folic might like
nothing better than to see the family so
put away for a month or two OP get tho
alcohol out of his system. Jones bas a
wife and tinee cbildeen dependent upon
111111. Just the same, uniees he is able
to get the maglatrate to believe his story
and sympathize with him. he will go "UP
the river." Doesn't seem quite fa:r, does
(Philadelphia Record)
The fiee-to-coastere provision of the
Panama Canal act is in violation not
only of our pledged word, but of 101 OS..
tabliebed reencipte of International law
respecting inter -ocean canals.
Kidneye anti Elarlaer trouble. Gravel
Rheumatic pains are quickly and posi-
tively cured with the celebrated remedY.
414, cfM t; O.,
In mance, diseases some of the sym.
terns which are pain in the back, or loins,
numbness of the thighs. deposits In the
urine. etc.. the SANOL treatment works
wontiets. elettning the Kidneys of eh the
impurities, and keeping them healthy and
acting properly.
' Price, S1.50 per bottle.
For seta at leading Druggists.
Free literature from the •
Winnipeg, Man.
(London Morning Advertiser)
New York paper says there are 750.070
men in that city who are single because
tally cannot rind o. place ta "spoon".
'Palmy, a man who ean't find a place to
"spoon" doesn't deryorve a wife.
Minard's Liniment Oures Diptheria.
It may be worth will° to note in the
passing news of the day that the ap-
peal of the decision of the court In the
case of the 'Mantic la alrea.dY reached
and decided.
Such an action brought in tbe courts
of this country would probably be any-
where from tive to ton years in getting
a hearing in an opined court. But in
less than two years the ease is taken
through the various stages and paned
upon by. the court at appeal In England.
o I gt.
Spanking sloce not cure children of
bed-wetting. There is a constitutional
clause for this trouble, Mrs; M. Summers,
Box W. 8 Windsor, Ont., wilt send free
to any mother lier successful home
treatment, with hill instructions. Send no
money, but write her to -day if your
aildren trouble you in this way. Don't
blame the child, the chaneee are it can't
help it. This.treatment Mao turas adults
and aged people troubled with urine ilia
ficulties by day o4r,.n...ight.
(Montreal Daily Mail)
Men, whom tbe laws have treated as
Voting animate by nature, are disposed
to regard registiatton and primaries as
an affliction. They have to be drilled
every year by tremendous efforts in tho
duties of citizenship. In Chicago the
new voters among the women were quite
abut to take care of their own forces
without ou_tside pvattasion,
''f:ArX171‘e.ITriatVhtterlliregiloniftuile:\1.1'6Wc.alteelleNf'kiEl.13.'11 IC1141111'
ctiVICE011551:AOLnoZE112T3e, 'TESTIMONY,
(rtoehester eterald)
Though it is now the rule that judges
are histructing Juriee that the testimenY
of the expert may be ignored, the farce
gees en, and the medical Men continuo
to diactetlit the hrofession for pay. The
Ils.:vIti,oliaelykineillt is uilIceirtilytan wttreoesttilgtiertititilif%
only way out or the unsavorlyrliastnwpcone.ys,atna:fir
the court to appoint a medietil expert
tve have heretofore pointed out. le tor
according to hie
the same from the estate.