HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-02-19, Page 6'TUE WTNGHAM ADVANCE TUUBSEAV, FEBRUARY 19t X 91 OPENS Mc.:.NDAYi Contest Opens Monday Feb. 23 Rules of the Contest THE WINGHAM ADVANCE Voting Contest providing for the distribu- tion of prizes valued at $800.00 will be officially opened on Monday. These splendid prizes will be given to the people who secure the most votes, given in return for subscriptions collected for the "Advance" and the. "Canadian Ladies' Home Journal" during the next six weeks. Here is a chance to secure` a valuable prize for an effort. Contest is open to all respectable men and women, married or single, .of Wingham and district. Nothing is ever gained by standing back and allowing others to have the best things of life. Enter your name to -day. Any lady, married or single, whose residence is within the oiroula• Mon zone of THE ',ADVANCE" may enter the contest. No employee of ,THE "ADVANCE" is eligible. Contestants may nominate themselves or be nominated by a friend. Nominations may be made at any time. Contestants may secure subscriptions anyvbhere. Votes will be issued according to the advertised sohedules. Any payment may be made by a person now taking THE "AD- VANCE" which extends the subscription from the date to which the subscriber has paid. - THE "ADVANCE" reserves the right to alter any contest rale or condition, except that the-valae of the prizes shall not be reduced. Candidates mast turn in eubsoriptione as soon as received In entering the contest candidates signify their intention to be gov- erned .by the above rales. The Campaign System All of the splendid prizes listed in this announcement, and possibly others to be announced later, will be awarded on the basis .of votes secured in the contest. Votes will be awarded on all stibsoription pay- ments of $1,00 or more to THE "ADVANCE" and the Canadian Ladies)' Home Journal. A subscription reoord will be issued for eaoh payment made. Tbla record will sbow the name and address of the subscriber, the amount paid and what for, the number of votes issued and the con- testant's name. A duplicate will be kept on Sle at the Contest Offioe to be 'counted by the Judges at the •oloae of the contest. The Judging Committee will be composed of representative men The contest will be divided into two periods. Twenty per cent. more votes will be al- , lowed during the first period than the second period. EARLY WO KK COUNTS THE MOST VOTF-43. THE GRAND PRIZE • - $400.00 UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO. For the candidate who secures the most votes in the entire campaign. THE SECONE PRIZE A Beautiful Solitaire Diamond Ring. For the candidate highest number of votes. THE THIRD PRIZE $110 Scholarship at Wingham Business College. THE FOURTH PRIZE $70. Scholarship at Wingham Business College. FIVE GOLD WATCHES The' candidates standing fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth, will each receivi- an elegant Waltham gold watch. IO% CASH COMMISSION The candidates .who continue actively in the contest to the end and do not win a prize will be paid 10 per cent. cash commission. • who secures the second Nomination Blank 1000 Votes Nominate a Candidate! $80O PRIZE VOTING CONTEST Campaign Manager, The Wingham Advance: Dear Sir: -Please enter name of M Address . Nominated by. Address as a candidate in the $800 Voting Contest. This blank is good for 1000 votes to the can didate nominated herewith, ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. THE ADVANCE CONTEST MANAGER Phone 34. WiNGHAM, ONT. Box 476. Contest Closes Tuesd Mar. 31 The Vote Schedule First Period -February to March 14th, THE ADVANOE CANADIAN HOME JOURNAL One year. ..,.$1.00.... 1000 votes One year $1.00,,,. 1000 votes Two years .. , . 2 00.... 3000 votes Two years2.t'0 ... 3000 vot. s Thr:;o years. , . 3 00.... 7000 votes Three years. , 3.00 ... 7000 votes Four years.... 4 00....12000 votes Four years4 00... .12000 votes Five years..,. 5.00... .20000 votes Five yearsb 00,...20000 votes Twenty per cent. less votes in Second Period. Combination Schedule When the Advance and Canadian Ladies Home Journal are together ordered for the same name and address, votes will be allowed as follows: One year $2.00 3000 votes Two years 4,00 12000 votes Three years .... 6.00 30000 votes How to Enter the Campaign SPRING IS IN THE AIR Nominate yourself or a friend to -day -THIS MINUTE. Call up on the telephone No. 34, or drop a card to the Contest Manager, and von will be supplied with the necessary information and stationery (der your Mende and acquaintances who are not taking THE -ADVANCE" to subsrxib 1f they are already subscribers, get them to pay all past due end than ..tib-ertnr for a year or more in advance. See everybody -it makt-s ne difference " nese they live. You will receive votes for all the money turned in for er by -tem. Write to your friends -all of them. Early energy spells success. Six ..hurt weeks of -hustling will make you the winner of a prize thet would . rdi>•arily take you several years to secure. Your friends will sabeoribe for the ad- vance and they will be pleated to help you. Give them the opportunity. Clip out the nomination blank and send or bring it to the Contest office. Everything will be made plain to you. Yon can win the Capital Prize if you make up your mind to do so. Enter your narp.e to -day. Get a receipt book. Win a prize. 1 CENTRAL ATAAT� NT Canada's best practical training school. Three department --Com. menial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Courses are thorough and practi- cal. Individual • instruction is given by a strong, experienced staff. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get our free otalogne and see what we can do for yon. D. A. ¥oLACHLAN - Principal FOR SALE Good Apple Butter at 60 per lb. in any quantity, while it lasts. Call and get a sample ; will deliver to any part of town. FLOUR -Robin Hood, Milver- ton, Maple Leaf, Five X. Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Chop Grain and all kinds of Cereals. Grain taken in exchange for flour, bran, shorts and meals. When in need of anything in this line call or phone 84. Wingham Chopping Mill EZRA 1VIERKLEY. BELL'S GROCERY Vegetables Fresh Groceries Flour and .Feed Prompt Delivery. Phone 82. BELL'S GROCERY Successor to W. J. Patterson LEHIGH COAL' Another oar of gamine Lehigh hard coal free from °DIRT" and according to State Authorities, 6 to 6 per cent. richer in fixed "CARBON" than any other. l will continue to sell the Free Burning Anthracite to those who do - sire it -the moat economical feel on the market. The following prices, for Chestnut Coal, from surrounding towns own - pared with Wingham will be of in- terest to those who burn coal: - Apr. & May Sep. to Dee • • $7.50 28.00 - 7.60 8.00 - • 7,50 800 - $6.75 to $7.40 to , $7.15 $7.75 Why is Wingham frons 26o to 750 lower ? Wood and Kindling always on hand. Brussels - Clinton Goderioh - Wingham ............. Re J. Cantelon Box 129 •1,4•0441.440V444,440.440,444440 44.44\60%W.M4.444%. , ANADlAN r WINTER TOURS ----- To California and the South RTITURN TICKET a A'1' LOW RATES WEIR "LOG ICI A.TA ROUTE" WESTERN CANADA For WINNIPEG and YAMMER Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. Daily. :1ompartment Library Observation Car, Standard Sleeping rare, Tourist Sleeping Cara, Dining Car, Vint Class Coaches Anda Colonist Cara. Particulars regarding RAL. or 00EANN ticket- from any Canadian Paoiflo Agent or Write M. O.IdURPHY", D.P. L. C.P.Rq.,TorOntb J. H• Beamer, Station agent; phone 7. GRMNU•• 1 RUNtK SYS & Low Rates to California, Florida, and the Sunny South NOW IN EFFECT The Grand Trunk Railway is the most direct route from all points East through Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Bnifale. Pull particulars at Grand 'Trunk Ticket Offices, or write C, E. horning, D.P.A.. Toronto, Ont, H.13. Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent ; tihone 4. W. F. Burgman, Station Ticket Agent ; phone 50. OVER ee YEARS. EXPERIENCE ATENTS times IUTA,nl$ DROWNS COPYRIGHTS etc,. Anyone sending 'sketch and desorlpnoet mal Qn,ekl; Moerteln onrnop!nInI ((ria et fr act til 1CCohnd�tentfeL p'tppp OnVe tent# Isla trot. nta tat Idea throughos sumo 441c gymCa ti ma spi t *Ma, without ohs e n1 . intim �ic m lean.. lnWe:Weekly. d rrn1st45 lomat. ° _ l04 posses ;msg. sod by Coaessmidwrtr Ynr o., +la r tn•.w ti. No Friends Like The Old Friends ► From girlhood through middle life and right along to old age Chamberlain'ablets are woman's best friend --+'Beed the nerves, aid digestion, stop headaches, keep the blood rich and assure good health generally. Try them, 25c. a bottle - Druggictsasd Dealer* Or by mail. Ci mhrhlaPilkieeCO., haat-, .rill. AM•I TA' EMAINS S- A Side.Light On Mexico. A prominent attorney with ..fomes in Mexico City, who arrived in New York recently, is quoted as saying; : "Money conditions are bad, but people seem to get money somewhere to at- tend the bull -fights. Before I left Mexico City one bull -fight in which a prominent Spanish matador participat- ed, was witnessed by a howling mob of 40,000 people, and tickets were sold as high as $10 Mexican money. Huer- ta was there -and unattended at that, When the bull was killed by what the Mexicans regarded as a very clever thrust, Huerta threw all the money he had in his possession and his diamond scarf -pin into the arena, much to the elation of the sudcessful matador." Big Butinesdt Shall Capital, Doing big buafneee upon small eapi• tal is demonetrated in the right way by the Scotsburn Creamery Co. Ltd' Last year this Co•operatide company did a, bedtime, worth $70,000 on a capi- tal of $1,200, which, of course, repro- Bente only part of the value of the buildings and plant. This is one of the farmers' Co-operative Creameries that are being established throughout Nova Scotia. and which are proving highly successful Farmers Soured of a ready sale for their milk are encour- aged to go in for dairying and raise dairy cattle of a good elaee. This, of course, means the improvement of the land and more advanced farming con- ditions generally. A neer Creamery ie being erected at .Baddeck N. ei , and there will be one at Stellarton. Decd gra fruit l words lire but boom Rewarded His Horses. A Haverhill, Massachusetts, corres- pondent calls attention to a pleasing incident in that pity ; A pair of horsee were making every effort to haul a heavy load of coal up from one of the alleys onto Merrimack street. The driver elicited attention from the very first, for instead of applying the whip, he urged them to their beat by kind words and by standing at their side in- stead of berating them from the seat as so many drivers are apt to do. Fin- ally the heavy load was pulled over the crossing, and before he resumed his seat to proceed down the street, he draw an apple from his pocket and di- vided it among the patient animals. • Fordyce. What happened to our Fordyce Scribe Last week; guess he was frozen up. The Clover Threshers were at Fran- cis Doyle's last week and it appears aN though the clover seed is turning out well this year as they tares ll�ed in the neighbourhood of 0 bushels in a very short time. Although very cold it was agood time to thresh. They mov- ed next to Elliott Taylors. Mise Clara Mason, we are Iliad to hear, is able to be around again. Maxims And Proverbs. The following maxims and proverbs should have a place in the memory of all. Teachers wiII do weil to make them subjects for conversation and ex- pansion occasionally. A bad workman quarrels with his tools, A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A. burden which one chooses is not felt. A. clear conscience fears no accusa- tion. A contented mind is a continual feast. A fault confessed is half redressed. A fool and his money are soon part- ed. A. place for everything, and every- thing in its place. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A good word is as coon said as an ill one. A drowning- man will catch at a straw. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. A little leak will sink a great ship. An honest man's word is 'as good as his bond. A penny saved is a penny earned. A rolling stone gathers no noose. A stitch in time saves nine. As you sow, so shall you reap. A tree is known by ite fruit. A willing mind makes a light foot. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of pule. Better to suffer without cause than to have cause for suffering. Be more ready to forgive than to re- turn an injury. Be slow to promise and quick to per` form. Bettor iate than never, but, better still, never late. Better be atone than in bad company. Birds of a feather it ick together. Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance. Cut your coat according to your cloth. Wellington Nixobt is away to visit hie father at St. Marys, who has taken a relapse and ist bedfast at the time of writing. Mr. Taylor of the N'orth'est it visit- ing at John Martin's. Welter Tisdale happened with an accident while cutting apple trees. He cut his knee with the ate which re- quired hint to get a couple of stitches In it. This will lay him up for a while but we hope he nay' soon be around again. The cold has been pretty severe itt our locality registering 22 below zero but the farmers have not t+ery much to do only sit around the stove and *Writ in the Wood.. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught � thr expert instructo Y. M. O. A.1308.. . LONDON, O T. Students assisted to positions. College in session front Sept. 2nd. catalogue free. Enter any blue. J.W. Westervelt J. W.Wostervelt, Jr. 1'rltlClpal n Cti'a1°,r'ti Good Salesman Wanted. For every town and district where we are not represented. Fruits are bringing high prices and Nursery Stock is in demand. Make big money this Fall and Winter by taking an agency. Experience not necessary. Free equipment, exclusive territory. highest commissions paid. Write for full particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO ONTARIO a�era�w..r�7s1.4�e' HIGH CLASS LIVERY GOOD HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady drivers. Drivers supplied. BEATTIE'S LIVERY DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 CIAMMINSMIONSIMINCIeraminnmierammirmlio The winter is nearly over and Real Estate Sales have already started, Don't be afraid to invent in your own town. There is no better. Be a booster, Don't knock, If you have no pro- perty, buy some, and if lou have some, bny more. We have a number of fine properties onour list, which we would be glad to show in- tending purctaeers, We are also quite willing to give ad- vice, free of charge, to people wishing to buy t'''nrs'tties not on our lists. We' ' Lues. It will pay you to e Ritchie . JOE. eLARK, who lives on an improved road in Lauderdale County, Mississippi, makes the follow- ing convincing statement: "I live four miles from the city and two tulles from the school. This has been the worst Whiter 1 have ever seen, but there hasn't been a single day that my children havin't walked to school, and not a single day have they come home with wet feet, and to think, they walked down the middle of the road. Not one of them has been sick with a cold even, while heretofore my doctor bills have been more than my road tax. Talk to me about paying taxes to build roads. I ata willing to pay taxes on my pack of fox hounds, my bird dogs, my chickens, my horses, and, if necessary, my wife and children, if they will use it in extending roads like this all over the country. I would rather have my house and ten acres of land on this road like it is now than have my whole farm on the old road like it was before improvement.'" A Concrete Road . ull road is the most satisfactory and economical that can be built. It requires practically no expenditure for upkeep, and enables road taxes to be intwrcd in more good roads instead of being spmDlt in filling thud holes and ruts. It is permanent, safe, dean and passable d. i orthe comyearpleterouninformation about Concrete Roads, :.ply tend a post card to Concrete Re■cabspott rent Limited Canadaanada, Cement Company y #ill t 802 Herald Building, Montreal - REAL ESTATE AID I:; it MW WELLINGTON ; I, FIRE ANTS. i : • Established v'e Head O41toe GUELPH. .)1 L. Risks taken on all elasies of in. sut'able property nn the cash pr pre- mium note system. GEo.41 [ 7.:•r,%;i, JOli l r v' e9ON; Pro:, "..., .• t., it r L' is i ''. tf Cr' ` • .. yy.i 1~.S srariitg6r, Solicitor, etc. �)iliee: Meyer Houck. Wiugham, R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates, WINGHAM. ARTITITR J.-IRWIN D.D.S., L.D.B. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Office in Macdonald Elook- G, B. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Honor Graduate of the Royal Oolinge of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER H. E. ISMRD & CO's. STORE DR. R. .P. PARKER, D.B O,g., F.S.D. OSTEOPATHIC PNYSICIAN EYE SPECIALIST FOOD SCIENTIST Acute and. Chronic Diseases treated. (Russet! Scientifically fitted. Tuesday 11,30 a.m, to Wednesday 10.30 a.m Main St. (over Christie's Store.) W. R. IIAMBLY, B.Sc., ALL, C.ffi, Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the' Kerr +•e+:+aanoe, be- tween she Queen's T4 .t 1 t'•rl the Baptist t)► time. A11 business given c+rre•p- a'::- +tion. Phone 54. P. O Box 118 DRS. KORA & v 1L; Ela OFFICES -Corner Patrick- and Centro streets PHnHE9- Ofiices 13 Residence, Dr. Ke .••«i• 14+ Residence, Dr. Cal.. Dr. Kennedy specialist : - 1 .1 .r5. . Dr. Calder devotes spa, • -. i.r1:.o to Diseases of the Eye, Ear. No... ••u ",coat. Eyes thoroughly tested. (il,. -. - uroueriy fitted. DR. 1-l. J. ADAMS Late. tnetnhF.r House tatsff T.•r- olt(W) (3►n,,. rt 4 efeepica,( r 'e'' •1 'Uete lar'• ii+,,, 4,rttl f)lth: tr. Dr. 1N • 0' 0N.110 • tD. isi1MOND E'.411!' t1. to �h� n .) b 41. a 1', (Lend.) Physician and Surgeon. (br. Chisholm's old stand) W. J. MOON VETERINARY St7.RGBON OFFICE OF LAT$ DR WIteok. RB*IDENoa--00R PATRICE & FRANCIS Office Phone 175. Residence Phone 182. Ex Gori. VOL. Inspector. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, plate et • and Weather Insurance, coupled Money h a Real Es to with to and Mo y Loaning 'business, WIN(IHAN1 General Hospital. tUndor Gcvernm et.. ltntpeobten.) Pleasantly eituete& heaut3fiitly fnrnisteta. Open to all regularly Bonged physicians. ibians. Rams#orat! rs Ivheb include )bard and uursing)-44 90 to •15.00 per week, aeoording to looatien of root°, roe farther informs,. "411.1411 litwri1avre tolerd"a%