HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-02-19, Page 44 • GREAT ECONOMIES iN WOMEN'S HiGH GRADE COATS, FURS AND WINTER WEARING APPAREL. Most of these garments give savings of very great dis- counts. All are of high claHs imported Cloakings, that will give great wear and satisfac- tion. Owing to the unusual mild weather, we find in many departments that the heavy goods have not been sold, and have decided to clear these at great sacrifice prices rather than carry them over. Extra, Extra! GREAT $5000 FUR SALE Commences this month. If you want to buy Furs, now is your chance. Come early ,and get first choice. Special Prices.—On .Men's and Ladies' Fur and Fur -lined. Coats. Your Account.—All accounts for the past year are now due, and an. early settlement is requested. KING BROS. Tamarack Commercially Extinct TRE WINGRAM ADVANCE The Height Of Folly. The Education That Is Needed Fish tlatt.heries aid Fish Food THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1914 PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 71 "The large latch eawily," ear the Dominion Entomologist, "bee de, stroyed between fifty and one buodred per cent. of the native larch, or tam- arack." Every farmer in Esstern Canada bas observed this mysterious killing off of the tamarack In the low- lying portions of ,his woodlot, Mr. J. B. Tyrrell, who recently explored the new District of Patricia for the Ontario Governmeat, reports on the large numbers of the tamarack in that region, but ear, "Unfortunately most of the trees are dead." Through the continued attacks of a single forest peat, whose ravages it is now impos- sible to control, one of the most val. uable timber trees of Eastern Canada is now in danger of extinction, In British Columbia, forest insects have destroyed in some please over twenty-five per cent, of the timber crop. Technical foresters in. the em- ploy of the Dominion Forestry Branch have noted similar depredations, when conducting forest eurveys in the Northwest. Similar conditions prevail in the United States, where on some of the National Forests the damage done by insects . last summer far ex- ceeded that done by fire. H. S. Graves, Chief Forester of the United States esys-"A few isolated trees attacked by insects may form the nucleus of a devastation quite as serious as that from forest fire." It is very likely that in Canada as much damage is done to the standing timber by forest pests as by forest fires. Fortunately the former are largely dependent for their existence on the latter, for fire furnishes the chief feeding and breeding grounds to the insect foes of the forest. Thus the Dominion Forestry Branch, by re- ducing the fire -burnt area on Domin. ton forest reserves last summer to lees than two one -hundredths of one per cent (0 02%) has succeeded in "killing two birds with the one stone." One of the foresters, describing how this is accomplished, says :-"Fire minimizes the vitality of the tree and climate takes advantage of the weakness, thereby creating a condition favotir- able to insects and fungi. 13y mini- mizing the damage done by flee and handling the various stands according to one of the silviculture' systems suitable to. that type the result can only be strong, vigorous trees better equipped to withstand all natural enemiee," l'auob bee been said from time to time regarding the q,ltalilacettone nrc' esary to become a licensed sanitary en- gineer, one whois granted authority to instal worke of x sanitary engine- ering nature in our homes and o• her buildings. Plumbers- Linense Dog License ... $2 00 Here is a case. Not long ago one ;4 the craft, who by the way has bnen in the business for quite a number of years, but who had to apply for a Beeps*, went to one of our Canadian City Halle and asked for a dog licence (this is a fact), The official who grant- ed such licensee looked the man up and down, then asked the applicant the following :-What breed of a dog is it ? How old is it? Has it ever bitten anyone ? etc., etc., and after being satisfied that the dog was o. k. said, "Alright $2' please." The plumber had Bowe away from home with no more than a dollar bili in hie pocket, and at once elated the fact. But says he, "I'll take a ptumh er's license." Was then asked for $1 and went on his way rejoicing. No question as to whether he wass qualified plumber was asked" He wasn't even aeked if he'd ever bitten anyone (and according to public opin- ion they feel they're often being bitten) this man wasn't even aeked if he was fond of children, No, he was able to get authority to instal work of the most vital importance, which, if not installed properly, would play worse havoc than all the doge that ever existed eould do, providing each had to bite one person and that parson went mad. Hence we feel it is a joke which is misleading the public in a serious manner, to allow anyone to get a plumber's license without any examination of any kind and for the small sum of $1. In Toronto, one dog �...a•.+o- Stop That Itch Stop that itch in two seconds with D.D.D. No remedy that I have ever sold for Eczema, Psoriasis, and all other dis- eases of the skin has given more thor- ough satisfaction than the D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION J. J. Davis, Druggist, Wingham. 0000000000 0 O a 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 O O O 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c .... 00)*q 0000000 0 00 00 00 000000000000.00 00000000000000000.0000.' Annual Sale of Winter Goods On account of the extreme cold of last week our sale will continue till Feb. 28. 1 Coon Coat price $140; sale price - - - - 1 << I 90, - -40 - 8 Men's China Dog Coats price $25, sale price 4 Russian Calf Coats, price $30, sale price. - 40 pair of Lumbermen's heavy Rubbers, sale 25 << $100.00 60.00 18.00 18.00 2.50 2.25 Two thousand yards of Crum's English Print, reg. 122c per yard for 10c. Dress Goods and Silks, our entire stock, at greatly re- duced prices. GROCERIES. Robin Hood Porridge Oats, try one of these, they are extra nice, reg. 25c for 20c Maple Leaf Salmon, per tin 20e Tomatoes, per tin, 10c Corn, 3 cans, 20e Eggo Baking Powder, reg. 25c per tin, 15e 20 lb. sack pure Cane Sugar, 95c No goods will be charged at these prices. Must be cash or trade. Your last year's account is past due, kindly call and settle as we are in. need, of the cash. Car of Cane Sugar just arrived ; $4.55 per cwt. J. A. Phone 89 ...). ....Y -•.. ILLS Wi11gha1Y1 • .j a, Y - Y. 3' . -. •a 4. 4.. I. 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 O 0 0 0 O O O O O O O 0 O 0 0 O 0 O 0 O O O 0 O Humane education is as wide as hu►nau life. It, wane fair play, the spirit, of hro"herhond between mat end rn'an, no Iraq Chest that, treat men of all amend itfe which springs from. the nigh..., I"t jeweler, toefi kind - f••• Th.. In i'0T'' t'1 wen and tie+ton* i>• capfuls beteg taker" beside the stand and which deauande. that charaeree khan be as gentle an it is srrong, al' mighty to love as it is powerful to think and do, Cruelty, like a hundred artier evil things, le the child of darkness nour- iehed by the foster -mother ignorance,. The night dieappeare when the day arrives, We accept .the words of 'V'ict'or Hugo : ""The true human divi- sion is this, the luminous and the shady. To diminish the number of the ehady and increase that of the luminous, that is the object. Viet is why we cry. -"Education ! Koow- ledge 1" To learn to read is to light the fire; every syllable spelled out is a sow k." . This is as true in the morel world as .in the intellectual. Cruelty, indifference to the claims of man or beaet, strikee back upon the cruel and the Indifferent. Prolong the life of the average working horse of the United States a single year by feeding and caring for him humanely and you add more than a billion dol- lars tq the nation's wealth. Do the same by the cattle of theland and again the returns mount up into mil- lions. The destruction of our birds is costing us the appalling loss of sonic thing like eight hundred millions an- nually. From every point of view humane education demands our at - tent ion.. When the principles of this educa- tion are masters of the Soule -of men, the day of violence, strife, class hatred, race prejudice, and war, is done, and governments and social institutions` will have b'en established on founda- tions that will abide. No more sacred trust is committed to the teachers in our public schools than this. When the fair fruitage of this work issues in that better day that is before us, ,to them, snore than to any others, will be due the gold in crown of praise. 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 license : two plumbers' licenses. Mothers should not fail to teaoh their daughters how to keep house. They and their husbands will bless you for it a thousand timeswhen they have homes of their own. How many girls 1 have known who had no more' idea of good housekeeping or homemaking than a girl of twelve years old should have; yet they were obliged to do their own work. These were the excuses; "I was always studying, going to echool or teaching before I was marri- ed," or "I always' did the family sew- ing for I was not strong." Would it not have been much better if the mother. had interspersed some other work for her own good as well as the daughter'. ? It is very unhealthful for a girl to sit and sew all day or study too constantly. Of course, every one is supposed to know that; but there are many who do not heed. Beside., there is the lose of that beautiful com- panionship between mother and daugh- ter that is so deeply mourned in after years. 0 0 O 0 0 0 ,0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 4 0 0 0 f} 0 0 O 0 p O O CHECK CHRONIC RHEUMATISM NOW Rheuma Thoroughly Drives out Deep -Seated Uric Acid Poison There is only one way to be free from Rheumatism -the accumulated im- purities caused by an excess of Uric Acid poison must be expelled from the body. That is what Rheuma will do and do it thoroughly. If you suffer from any form of Rheumatism -M- etiers. Inflamatory, Arthritis, Muscu- lar, Lumbago or Gout -get a bottle of RIiIIEUMA from J, W. McKibbon for 60 cents -it is guaranteed. "For years I euffered with Rheuma- tism in my arms and shoulders. My kidneys and bladder were affected, and I rapidly lost flesh. After five weeks' use of RHEU MA I was a well man." -William Fry, Fort Erie, Ont. Costly Sequel to Typhoid Epidemic Some people have the idea that I.l1. that fishes require Is water °teen 14. pond of lake or stream, alt the* is • ►1Fcessary is to put in Il few le helmeted ogee or fry and a hrnrfoieor rPrl,vi dance will ace omplish the rest. But Cao inreliig.ot Termer w•atid $. w Qn''.ini pot noe':Lintl,g 'he pt'an 1. ►'enas5ry to 141,1 ow t b and fe uit tett Sitnllerly, to Annelle) b0(0e'$5 in the in troduotiou of fish fry, they mu•lt het in trodu:ed auto waters in which it in known that food of the right, kind and in sufficient .quantity is present. Of this food, insect life forme, in fresh waters, the preponderating element. Fora number of year. the Depart- ment of Marine and Fisheries has been carrying on the work of re -stocking and of introducing new species, on a large Beale. The fish fry distributed in 1011 consisted (exclusive of satin )n) of various species of trout and also of white -fish and pickerel. Altogether 332.278,000 fry of these species were dietributed. In view of what we know as to the requirements of fishes• in the way of food, the queaion emu,. ally arises whether, in- this distrIbu• tion, the available insect food was suf- ficient and of the right kind Are we certain that the species of trout placed in a certain lake would find the right kind of food there and sufficient quan- tity of that food ? It the farmer, wishing to sow bis seed finds the eoil poor in nitrogen or t• some other necessary plant food, what does he do2 Everyone knows be sows a crop such as clover, that will give the soil the necessary . nitrogen, or, by many of the known fertilizers he sup plies the deficteny, whatever it may be. In fresh -water fishery work, the same methods should be followed. Associated with the fish hatchery there should be, if it ie found neceeeary. an ' insect hatchery. .When in fishery work, a stage of advancement equiva- lent to the present stage of advance- ment in agriculture is reached, we shall have the cultivation of the food of Hebei carried on in conjunction with the hatching and introduction of the fry. -[Selected from an address by Dr. 0. Gordon Hewitt, printed in the Fourth Annual Report of the Commis- sion of Conservation. • eta To Bee a man walking homewarde hugging a big bottle of water under hie arm, or, perchance, drawing it be- hind him In a child's *agon, is the cur- ious eight that meets the stranger's gaze in a city of Eastern Ontario. When he seeks to learn the reason. he discovers that this is an aftermath of a typhoid epideinic that occurred two yeare ago. There is plenty of water for household purposes, but drinking water costs 10,:. a gallon, It le bougbt and sold like any other bevetage. 01. a pause stores whew the window-dress- er has exercised his art in arranging water -bottles artistically, Advertis- menta recommending this or that kind - of water ara displayed upon the bill- boards and on the screens at the melt, tug. picture thaws. Hotels and res.. temente specify on the menu the var iety of water supplied to their patrons. The situation above-described May be ix:detesting, but it never should heve arisen. When we reflect on the addition to the already high coat of liv- ing, the added experitle to which the city must sooner or later be driven to provide a 'Mee water supply, the 110- ancial loas it has already suffered in prOVIding medical attendance and hos- pital accommodation during the epi- dsmic, and, above all, the lives lost and the hoinee outdated during that outbreak, the importance of jealoualy guarding a public water works quern from Contamination le bOrne in upOn us. Let other chide take warning, fat la to other department of civic gov arnmeat will Carelessness or patin- a'? tool a. More EMI at more ter mutharant than in thatooffhlola Met Death In Blizzard. • A sad tragedy occurred on Wednee day, Jan. 28, near Holmfield, Man., when Muriel, aged 17, daughter of Jno. S. and Mrs. McKelvey, was lost in a blizzard and frozen to death. Her brother, Fred, aged 1.4, bad hie feet and knees severely frozen. They were returning from school, which i'• About 3 miles from their home. It was .beginning to storm when they eft for borne and developed into a roaring bbzzerd before they had gone more than half way. An uncle, who had been to town for chop, came over the same road shortly after. He found the horse and cutter, but could find no trace of the lost ones. The father and neighbors took -great risks in trying to locate them, hut all to no avail. Next morning about 8 o'clock, Fred strug- gled up to his uncle's house, which was on the adjoining farm to his fathex's. He and bis sister bud strug• gled along on foot together, after the horse and cutter bad become hopelessly stuck in a snowbank. At last Muriel could go no further but Fred hoping to get help back to his sister in time to rave her, bustled•on until he was too exhausted and frozen to go on fartlier. Fortunately be &tumbled against a straw stack, which proved later to be on his uncle's fano, about 400 yards from the house, and crawling in felt asleep. In the morn- ing be crawled out and bravely facing the blizzard and cold, dragged himself to the house. Shortly after one of the hunting parties found Muriel on the, prairie, lying face downward, frozen to death. The victim of this sad tragedy is a niece of Rev. A. I. McKelvey of Ethel. her father being a brother of the reverend gentleman. Mise Muriel was in her 17th year and was expecting to attend the Model School next summer. Cousins of hers who were also at school, reached home after a hard fight through the storm. They had a team in their cutter. DON'T GROW BALD If your hair is getting thin, losing int natural color, or has that matted lifeless and scraggy appeatance, the reason is evident -dandruff and failure to keep the hair roots properly nour- ish ed. Parisian Sage applied. daily for a I week and then oacatoonally is all that is needed.. It remnves dandruff with one application ; altno4t immediately stops falling hair and itching head ; invigorates the scalp end mikes dull, stringy hair sat. ahuedant and ad- ia,nt with life. Equally good for men, women or children -every one nee& A large bottle of thie delightful hair tonie can be had from J. W McKibhnn or any drug counter for 50 cents. You will surely like Parisian Sage There is no other "Just-ategood'-Try it now. TWO HOME WOMEN TALKED ABOUT HAIR Two home women met in our store tbe Other day, when one of them meld : "lily, how pretty your hair looke What heels you being doing to it ?" “Why, I have been using Harmony Hair Beautifier for the past two weeks," was the reply. • "Why, indeed I" replied the first woman, "that fa jun what I am uenat. Iert.t it great, end don't you think my hair showe a lot of improvement ?" Harmony Etair-fleaurifier become tog all the rage among both men to d vvornen who are particular in the os re of their hair. It le just what kW nem. ed -a hair beautifier. It ettenit to pol- ish and burnieh the hair, making it glosey. silky %oft, and more easy o put up in graceful, wavy folds that "stay put." Contains no oil, and will not change color of hair nor darken it SiMply sprinkle a little on yeur hair eseh time before bruehing it. To keep your heir and scalp dandruff, free and clean, use Harmony Shampoo. taneous rich, foaming lather that im- Mediately penetrates to every part of the hair and scalp, insuring a quick anti thorough cleanaing. Mr Washed off just as quickly; the entire Operation taking only a few momenta. away flair Beantiftee. $.100. Her mOny Shampoo, 50e. Both Forums - teed to epttisfy yon in every way, or your money htek. Sold only at the mote than 7 000 ft ten Stereo, and in taWILIVALtrr_ant-I,-W -*Alba Leaving Tow $7,000.00 Stock of Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass, Jewelry, Silver- ware, Leather Good: Ladies' and Gents' Um. brellas, Wall Paper, Stationery, Window Shades, Fancy Goods, Etc., to' be sold at an* below Cost as owLer . is leaving tow:-:. Everything nauist me sold: Sale now on. 0 PHONE 6z5 0 OPPOSI EE NATIONAL HOTEL • ADVERTISE IN 'THE ADVANCE , IT HAS THE CIRCULATION The Irwin Sale Has been a great success. So much so that we have decided to continue the Sale another 30 days. New goods coming in dai:y, -Tet Sale goes on. $$ Count Every time you spend a $ with us you save a half. Our stock is heavy and well ascord, and he Cut. Prices prevail throughout the whc.7.1z Cc. -A -e fc: another month. Take advantage of the low prices : 3 plugs McDonald's Tobacco 250 M 1 pie told Salmon 20e 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar for $1.0i) We are *giving -you from 25 to 50 per cent. discount on Dinner Sets and all China, HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM PRODUCE The Merchants' Brokerage Company BREARERS 011 PRICES