HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-02-19, Page 3SEVERE BRONCHIAL CONN Doctors Feared Lung Trouble; Restored to Health by Vinol. The medical profession does not bel• Neve that lung troubles are inherited, but a person may inherit a weakness or tendency to them. Mrs. Kate Heckman, Springfield, Ohio, says: "A few years ago I was in a very bad run-down.condition, and the physician told me I had consump- tion. I tried another physician, and he told me I had ulcers on my right lung I quit the physicians and started on 'Vinol.' Today t am perfectly healthy, and that is why I recommend 'Vinol." Vinol soothes and heals the inflam- ed surfaces and allays the cough, Vinol creates an appetite, strengthens the digestive organs and gives the patient strength. to throw off in- cipient pulmonary diseases. Try abottle of Vinol with the un- derstanding that your money will be returned . if it does not help you. J Walton McKibbon, Druggist, Wingham SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter - section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan dr Alberta. The appli- cant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the d!etriot. Katy by proxy may be made at tho office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub. agouti on certain conditions, Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of throe years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- quired in every caseexcept when residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good stand ing may pre-ompt a quarter -section along- side his homestead. Price $3 per acro, Ditties Six months' residence in each of six years from dato of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 aor's extra cultivation. The area of culti- vation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrubby or stony land after report by Home- stead Inspector on application for patent. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased , homested in certain districts. Price $3 00 per acre. Duties.—Must reside six menthe in eaoh of throe years. culti- vate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. W. w'. COIN, 'Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.—Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not he paid for. both producer and consupeer could ahaveneverf' obtain that which they y t h*•1—•Pair treatment—was unquestion- ably a consideration for the experience and initiative of business men, However, the advent of more nor - Mal oinditions in all urban activi':iee has ushered in an era of thoughtful. uese. And it le not narrow, but a wide thoughtfulness which seeks the bei tit of the country tie a wboln• Nowadays, the word " I conornles" I e r gontluually repeated at every pithier - tug, financial, commercial, industrial and agricultural, The relation of the elty to the country, andthat the in. terests of the two are one and losepar- able is now, for the first time, grasped in its vital significance. Thoughtful people believe that there could be no mere desirable circumstance in the ex- perience of any purely agricultural country. Yesterday, the city man and the farmer looked askance at one another. To day, they, are walking haod-in-hand, No far as this city and district are concerned. The city man has cheerfully and energetically assure ed responsibility for the institution of permanent, adequate market chart note. In the Haar future+, the farmer will he freer for a fuller study of agriculture, not in the role of a mere laborer but as one upon whose simplest effort the fight of scien3a steels its iilumiaating ray,—[Financial Post. Stones in Load of Hay. The majority of the farmers in the vicinity of Guelph are generally con- sidered to be honest, but once in a while human nature crops out in an endeavor to put something over on the unsophistical city man. He usually gets caught at it, however, and in the instance following he was nipped pro- perly, One day last week a well known citizen went down to the market to purchase a load of hay for his horse. There were several loads on hand. and he picked out what he thought looked to he ennd bay, and it was gond hay, too. The price was $10.50 per ton, a pretty stiff price, by the way. The farmer drove on the scales and weigh- ed the load, after which he started off fnirthe purchaser's barn to unload- it. The latter thought he would assist in the operation, and followed it up with his horse and cutter. He had not gone far hefore he noticed a big stone com- ing from the top of the load. He got nut and picked it up, and for the next 200 yards be was the husiest man on the road, except the man on top of the load, of hay, who kept throwing off he stones, while he picked them up, and put them in the cutter. He had a cutter load when he got them all, and when they were weighed were found to weigh .over 300 pounds. What fol- lows between the two men is only heresay, but the matter was Pat.isfac- orily adjusted.—[Guelph Herald, WHEN YOU'RE SICK YOUR WAGES STOP You know you can't afford to get sick. Keeping in good health means food and clothing• for you and your family. It is up to you to take care of yourself. It is up to you whenever you don't feel right, to take something to make you right, to strengthen you, i,uild you np, ward off worse sickness —protect you and your Homily. That thing we have in R-ixall Olive Oil Etnuteion. In offering it to you. we protect you against money -risk, by personally promising you that, if it does not restore your health, we will give back your money without word or question. We believe itis the beat builder of health, energy and strength von can get. It is helping many of your neighbours, If it don't help you, we will give hack your money. Reza!! Olive Oil Emulsion is compos- ed principally of pure Olive Oil and the Hypophoephites. Each has long been endorsed by successful physicians, Here they are for the first time com- bined. The result is a remarkable nerve, blood and strength -building remedy that is both food and medicine. For all who are nervous, run-down and debilitated—no matter what the cause ; for old people : for convaleecente ; for puny children, we know of nothing that will give health and strength as quickly as Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion. it is a real builder of good blood, strong rnbscles, good digestion. Florae - tort to lake, it contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs• 1f you don't feel welt, *womanize both money and strength by beginning to -day to take Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion, Sold only at the Rexall Stoles, and in this town only ny us. 51.00. J. W. McKibben, druggist,' Wingham. .may.. - .. . .,MSPP.,. ...`•,.•...,....„.....,.OI .,, ..w...., �..,.4.., ...���..:+iii .: i •:+. f :1:44.:.04...., • ereat!��. Be Particular .+ ABOUT THE KIND OF SEEDS YOU SOW I ._. In Seeds—as in everything you buy—there are e '' many grades. And since it is impossible to judge e. : their quality by examining, you. must trust en- �_• •,,,,e . • tirely to your 'Seedsmen. �,.; }" a.ww You can depend on us absolutely! :L• `L i "' C�,a.�„Lig:, We will send you, on request, our big 80 -page •:' 'e; ” -. Catalogue --Free. to '., '- Valuable Premium--FREE-•-with each order. (See pato •_• .='•--• one of Catalogue for particulars.) Write for it Today. «1` :' +14444444'2 DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO. LIMITED :_: 4. See. Bost lis' f LONDON, ONTARIO is t• i 4S' t teeetatat :etatet tetet :e.:+ tete:se :+ piet •e C+•Y •y:+eteate et .uses.: se wet .eeee:LetMp e. se 41110110101111116 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1914 a HIE WINGRAM- ADVANCE. A REPORT OF INVESTIGATION high Cost of Living Solved. Dear Agriculturist : We have found a system of doing a produce busi- ness which we believe will be very profitable to you. It raises the price to the producer and lowers it to the consumer. We pay you cash at your door for strictly fresh eggs and send them -direct to the consumer. Your cream is weighed at your door, tested and paid for in Wingham and shipped to Silverwood's large Creamery in London. For full particulars, call or write A. H. 7ViRfoxd k?Vbgha Office 174, Residence 108. CREAM WANTED NOW. :�t1!!lt111111t111tltiltlltllttitil4ll!!!1lltll!!Illlitlt!!!!ltllti!!!!t!!� e'r'g 0 ir-•- ..M �tiltilftlljiliULU11it11illi11t11i11t11111tttitltl!ltltttiliiltititiltil Eat More Bread Eat Carter's famous Home-made Bread. What does the doctor say to eat when yon are sick. He says, "Lote of Bread—toasted." Why not eat lots of bread, then you will never be sick but be sure you get our good home made, it being the purest and most wholesome food yon can eat. Give us a trial. Carter's Bakery Phone No. 132 we real M a --r :woe woe wave tome 1 0 Bargains! r Ci �a� CANNED GOODS 8 8 00000 o t,0oo0o o -tzorn00000000000000000ccoo Tomatoes 10c. Corn Maple Leaf Salmon..... .... 20c Derby Salmon 16c Simcoe Baked Beans 8c Quaker Baked Beans... 7c * * * 9c. Peas 8c BREAKFAST FOODS Peerless Oats, 25e .for 22c Puffed Wheat for....,. 9c Flake.d Rice lOc Flaked Barley Inc Luster's Half -minute Pudding 90 Maple Syrup, pure mixture, in quart bottle for 220 M. GRISDALE * .),,,;,,e** 41)******* 41)**41).00000 Q m r n ' p' V 4 0 Q�+ CA atm Pace eveloping Is Our Business The Reliance Investment and Developing Company, Limited, are not trying simply to unload their lots on the public, and when this is done leave their customers to get out the best way they can. Oar object is to develop our property by treeing (3500 trees set out last year), grading streets, getting Municipal Improvements and building hones on the property, and in every wav to add value not only to our own buildings, but to that of our cuetnm*re as well. At present our Manager is in Winnipeg negotiating as to the car line along McPhillip street, and the main sewer along Polson street to the property. The water main land paver line are already along McPhill$ street past the pro- pel We have made definite arrangements with Mr. Walter N, Hutchinson for the erection of ten houses, and he expects to build twenty houses on the property this yeear. We are also negotiating for fifteen more. Do you want a good investment with eribstantial security ourOur riare right behind it ? Then buysome oflots less 1 h K p being $22500 a lot and up wording to location. Our loca- tion is right, being along the Sharp boalevar:i and avenues each side, the most rapidly, growing district is Winn ipeg. Inquire as to our guarantee with every tot dold. THE RELIANCE INVESTMENT & DEVELOPING CO. Lid. MAD OFFICE—HANOVER, ONT. Aut1torized Capitalizaation, $500,000 Pal Up Capital, 002,000. W. J. Currie, R. R. No. 3, AGENT . W#nghatm. A Desirable Trend. In one of its offleiel documents the Saskatoon Board of Trade makes it quite clear that bleeiaeea men of that sot' have maimed ed now that the future elf their city depends.more upon the development of agriculture than real estate speculation. If every city of the West would make keel( an agri- cultural centre and lend the business• ability ilt centree there t o the t y the nt es direction of more intelligent agricul- ture and stock -raising, the direct re suit would soon accrue to the form oe more suooeesful farming and shortly following that the form of larger cities. To indicate the nature of the change of heart that is belting place we publish the following from the weekly news letter of the Saskatoon Board of Trade :-- Until within the past year, a phenomcial real estate activity iuflu-re- I•ed a sympathetic activity in practi- cally every other line of business, and absorbed the whole attention of city tarn. They had problems of their own to solve, problems precipitated by the inar•vel„ue development which has charem seized the West of recent years. Therefore, they were content to leave the farmer to unravel as best he could all difficulties affecting the welfare of his vocation. That the prosperity of the city depended in the plainest way possible upon that of the country, the city man had never realized in an ac- .ual, practical sense. To him, the truth in queetioa was tittle more than a mere phrase or an idle platitude so obviouq that its,utterance suggested a feeble intellect. He did not actually grasp thi fast that in raising products the funotion of the farmer was largely fulfilled. It never occurred to him the creation of permanent market channels through the medium of which �ttltltltltltt!!ttltt�t�lttstttttztt!!!t!!lt�z!!!!!!t!!t�lttlt�ltlir!!l��t E Fit Clothes ' WE MAKE THE SUIT TO FIT THE MAN. Our expert cutter and designer, Mr. A. E. Lewis, has had wide experience, cost. sequently we can guarantee fit and work• manship. .640 d b our pressing Old clothestae new m land Cleaning process. Ladies` tailoring a specialty. Give us a trial. • ALFRED TAYlL O.R Tits TAILOR ' it1'tiliiiiii1iiiti11i iilttiitttlliiitiitliiliitltliiiilliU110111LUU1tli .;. eta , By CLARISSA MACKIIE Waving. aside an obsequious attend- ant Pauline retie passed between rows of glass luelosed desks to her father's o is . S o private n he e ., tapped before pen - Ing the heavy door and found Mm sit- ting In grave meditation before a wood (ire on the hearth. lle turned his head as his youngest •!ungliter entered and sat down In the •,(sponte chair, "I've dune It at last, father," she said, alter breathlessly. "hone what?" he asked in a startled tone. "Broken my engagement to Roger." "My dear!" Ile jumped up and pac- ed the floor thoughtfully, now abtd then WHAT PAULIN[ IIARN[D She Was an Apt Pupil E vOwEl) ItEVENOE m'UEe sun SHIOULD 1)1(0058 1118 COUNTESS. .is keen 'eyes searching her young ace "Are you wise?" "it is hest." "1 thought you were fond of Roger- oved hits, in fact." "1— 1 did " She was speaking nerv- •nsiy now "lint you know he is in to prisitIon to mom* now; the doctor .•Is ordered him to go west and live in he 1110•u fur live years, otherwise he ccdtcts n total nervous breakdown, 1 .11 a note from him this. morning. He is sold his sent on the exchange and going to buy a ranch in ,lontana. Ie wanted me to marry him at once lta go with Ilius." "And you have seen hint?" went to itis office. i told him hot you said•- that if Ire must give up using,, .why, you would hack hitu rlt! 1 i Il0llle r } t) :rut• 1'511'11t Hud when :'"• were married we could live in the :1011' style to which 1 ala accustomed. could go wis0 the sante people and •Iles the satin` nnnis(mmnts of my set simply couldn't give )1p all those ••oc;s and sort of grab along, now, .11.1 1. father?" lie frowned thoughtfully. '1 Ihonght you could. Polly, bat it •1)18 1 111.1 mistaken Roger Hale .,mt into %Vali street when lie was •:1:10tecn Per fifteen yea's he has ori:c(1 like_ a 8100111 engine, but the omglne hos born orersvork(cl: it is n iir.1' piece of 11)4'chnn1su1.- and If It con I11)1108 0) work without resit and repair, Thy, 11 will go snail some tiny 011(1 one •tf 100 cleanest and squ:aest mete I e'now Will spend (110 rclnniuder of his 'lays in the madhouse." :111: 'Chat is the plain truth 1 111111 ;tiger here 'yesterday and offered In 10 anything for hint that money ma! ,ienrlatfp can do; he was engaged to my (laughter and 1 wanted to (felt) 0!!:! for that 1•(1480)1.:Is weil ns 0118/180 I admire his pluck Ile refused point hlnnlc to accept any help :;Hid the sale of his exelintlge stent would set hies up on a paying sheep ranch in the west, find he also declared that he had an old fashioned notion that he waited to provide 11 0001e for his wife with his own hands." Pontine was 511eitt for 11 moment tier ch(e►:s were burning 1108. "Birt 11101hor would be broken heart t'dl If 1 Married Roger 11otr and %vent on to a ranch it is 11 primitive life 8l the best, and 1 would be 811111 oat of the society of my friends, and the 0111 er girls would he so mortified. '1'lu'.y' have metaled So well, you It now Mother never did IIMINA'S of my eu• gogement to huger," she explained hurriedly. ". it 01)111,04'0 i F it" hr \ not "NO, shedid returned coldly "Your mother tend I began fife humbly: your tuothor work ed in millinery StOED n t t ttl " hat) a pair Of kid gloves urtit she itC t,l:u• tied. Now She has married three 01 her datigltters to penniless 11u1 Mice t'artiguet:s, Iititl the fourth sb,• 1101(04 front :Irl 11"1 -!10110 noble two ,n lin ohs - quite enough glory for one 'at m y Ito 1n (tacquire awll I. .site all 1 ettn ut'I'oril," be added grimly. '1 ihuugbt you'd be rather glad," I Paullnt' uneoslly us she arose to "Under the t•ircutnstanc'es, 1 won - `r If you Bare if 1 go abroad with duet as you finalise, folly;" he said Idly "All 1 live for to to make you nrpity „ 11'bee be was ,lone John Fenn. drew tis elude to the health and gurt.d long into the lite of spills tree wood. A 'lose observer might hove noticed ,shit iulueth!ng very like tears glittered in Ids Zine blue eyes. • • • • • • $ Six tnoiiths afterward Pauline Fenn stood on the steamer nt Southampton and watched tho passengers coming aboard forIIer. e ahe homew rd voyage. t. a yg lovely face was a trine thinner and there was an air of restlessness about her that disconcerted the dark little nwulceyIlke man"whostood at her el bow, chattering. " lladctnoiselle, ab, yes, tees n gay scene --like Cherbourg—but England ees what you call tame, deadl" "Do you think so, count?" murmured Pauline indili'ereutly. "Iia! There is no country like i''rance, uo city like Parisi" "You have never seen America or New York," said Pauline over ber shoulder. "I go the happiest of men now to Interview mademoiselle's paper".grin- tied the count delightedly, for it was quite true thitt • Pauline's sister, the Countess de Leon, had arranged a match between her beautiful sister and u money hunting little patrician, Count Servan Lagres.. Helen was accom- panying her sister to New York, and Lagres had taken passage on the same steamer" She tried not to regret the step she had taken in breaking her engagement, but every hour of her stay abroad had been spent to the accompaniment of burning remorse and useless regret. She had not given her promise to La- gres. She had not even 'encouraged him, but Helen was pushing the affair in her high handed way, and Pauline was meekly being led. She blushed when„she thought of what her ,fattier would say when he saw this fourth foreigner presented as a possible son - w. "Mademoiselle is weary. Come and sit down and i will send a cup of ten," twittered the count at her elbow. "Please go away!" cried Pauftne crossly. Pauline moved slowly along the rail me 11 she could look clown upon n little group of.sec"oud cabin passengers. Two were separated from the others, a pale, anaemic looking 10an and n lit Ile pink :and white roly poly woman The woman was speaking despair 1ngly "George, I don't know 'ow it 'appen ed; I Sul the purse sewed tight in my skirt and now it's gone, every Shillin' that I've scraped' and saved for this oin'!" Her voice broke suddenly and the faun's titin hand gripped her shout fifer. "Cheer up, Sally, old girl; maybe Joe II 'elp ns out; 'e promised to meet us ren know." One day during the voyage Pauline found theta out and heard their story It was a simple one. They had been engaged for many years. George Mars 'ton was butler and Sally was upper housemaid in the same noble family George's health tend deserted hint, and a brother in Canada had offered him land on which to build a home and plenty of work If he would come to the northwest: When 'Pauline left tliem they were riotously happy. Her generous otq pock etbook had replaced the contents of Sally's wallet, and they were to repay her when they could. They were in dependent. The remainder of the voyage Pauline went about with shining eyes. Helen could not understand the new mood, and the count broke through his con- ventionality and proposed outright and was refused. IIe proposed again and was refused, and yet again with kindly but monoto- nous regularity. When they reached quarantine he borrowed funds from tielen and • morosely decided to take the next boat home without that im- portant interview with John Fenn. * * • * • • • Roger Gale stood on the veranda of his ranch house and looked away over • the slopes where his sheep were crowd- ed, huddled flocks of dusty gray against the green grass. From the flocks and the rippling !lilts his eyes turned to the winding trail that led from town. A light buckboard was approaching the ranch, and he saw that while the outfit was his own and one of his then was driving there were two passen• gers in the rear sent. One was n citi- fied looking man; the other was a girl dressed in blue. Now, Roger Hale was nut in the habit of receiving girl vis- Itet•s, and his'lnterest was quickened at the sight of the newcomers, He. stepped into the house to rnnke anxious Inquiries of the Chinese cook. When he passed through his sifting tensa to the front porch Pauline Fenn tt'a;m standing thet•o looking at him with act, wistful eyes, "Polly!" he cried" with unbelieving eyes. She nodded. "Roger, I have come. Father ('sate with Inc. I cannot b0 happy without you. I want to be a rancher's wife"-- She Bever (1111s1)ed her c'oasfeasinn, for .^lager's amts were •Iround her Hud his bronzed cheek ,ens :1aoinsl hogs. "Von an' sere, sie you won't regret y � • over end over again. nt i he a. 1.(d e t 1 d t 11, And ('null e clung (loser to Klin and 'tf,ta t•etl softly what (yeorge and Sal. Itweitened 1n her boom. ' est lIar(t latyt11111g so long as t her," she field" Crows like rooster. barks like dog. Kingston, Feb. 13 -Rtrh ard Hen.. - dmon. the cave man, is in the hands of the authorities at Invary. Dr. Freeman, lybo was called upon to take an examination of him, crawled into the cave and fopnd Hendeteon hudd• led its a Corner, half :bleep. finow had drifted Several fret into the ca,we, where thin half wild marl hag rltivelt for some time Hie hair bangs ever hie shoulders and hire heard le very long. Ile crows like a r• ter and barks like a'dog, 0 6 --Sale of Shorthorn Bulls.- 6 Broadview Shorthorns—Herd Headed by "Favorite Character," (imp.) Pot sale are SIX hullo, eight to twelve months old. These are tholes young hulls with the beet of breeecding and will be sold reasonably. 1f you need any. thing write me or giete ne a tall. J, tt, It"YI1`le, Wingham, Oaf. `'arm 11 miles mouth of Wingham.) 'elII111iltlilntl,unNII liiiit111111illesuaaarlllmrltiiainituii untinewN6111h1 Illllt,itlllnihhii - ; _. Trust Funds Should Be Deposited _ In a Savings Account in The Dominion Bank. Such funds are safely protected, and eirn interest at highest current rates. , . 91 When payments are made, particulars of each transaction may be noted ori the cheque issued, which in turn becomes a receipt or voucher when cancelled by the bank. OM p ; J ' I ffrA, 11.11,‘-`' o E Edison's s Latest Wonder TheBlueAmber 1 c© o Re xd is so faithful and lifelike in its tone reproduction, so fine and broad in the scope of its selections, so high in its plane of artists, that you cam almost see the stage setting. Formore than fourminutes, thou- giye you a concert free. Speci. sands of times, the Blue Amberol fy the Blue Amberol always. unwinds to you the most luxuri- ons entertainment you ever knew. It never wears out and won't .TRADE MARK break. Drop in on your Edison t.4"�� dealer today. He'll be glad to ' Edison Phonographs and Records aro ,old by DAVID BELL -•. —, = a - g. - E. lillnlllifoIN 1 ONIIIth111UI11111111I11aha111itinnlli Iltinlllllini111 11g_ WINGHAM BRANCH : N. EVANS, Manager. trs11•11 EUMATIS1Vi We don't ask you to take our word for the remarkable curative power of SOLACE in cases of rheumatism, neural- gia, headaches or other Uric Acid troubles, or the word of more than ten thousand people SOLACE has restored to health, or the word of eighty-one doctors using SOLACE exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FREE BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists and In- dividuals. Also SOLACE remedy for CONSTIPATION (A LAXATIVE AND TONIC CONBINED) Does the work surely but pleasantly—Nature's way. No distress —no gripeing—no sick stomach—no weakening. The TWO rem- edies are all we make, but they are the greatest known to the medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful drugs. Neither affects the heart or stomach—but helps them. To prove the wonderful curative power of SOLACE remedies write for FREE BOXES. State if one or both are wanted. SOLACE CO., Battle Creek, Mich., U. S. A. ' il f: °.. r;IlllliVlll illl9i3• n . m 10. Imll .i. i nil to I. •.It 4i 0 [ID ' laws iheProptielaryar Paatteent MedicineAct. AVegetable Preparation forAs•• similating lheFoodand Reggulai•, ;ling lheStomachsand Bowelsof INFANTS 'CHILDREN , Promotes Digestion Clteeifid- nessandRest.Contalnsnelthtr; 2,1ppiu u.Morphiae norMiaeral NOT NAttC OTIC. i .teeof0%1ti.. 1fJE& Iif1At Afraid # lif siSrtd- d arzil Aperfect Remedy forOMStita- lion, SourSlolnath,Diarrheea, Worms Convulsions.Feverish• nese and LOSS oFS1•l;ER t'acSimile Signatureof COMPANY: Ilse CENTAUR MONTRfALatNI1W YORK Atb-mouths old . 35 D 05E45 `"'! 5 CENTS, Rxact Copy►o1' W"rap CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature O � of IN llse dor Over Ti hart Years CASTORIA TWta OR44'Auir OOMMPANV. ,ik*/ YQI`K Yi•rY. THE DOMINION BANK DIN EDMUND B. 051.58 M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VIDE -PRESIDENT. 0. A. BOGERT, General Manager. , Trust Funds Should Be Deposited In a Savings Account in The Dominion Bank. Such funds are safely protected, and eirn interest at highest current rates. When payments are made, particulars of each transaction may be noted ori the cheque issued, which in turn becomes a receipt or voucher when cancelled by the bank. OM WINGHAM BRANCH : N. EVANS, Manager. trs11•11 EUMATIS1Vi We don't ask you to take our word for the remarkable curative power of SOLACE in cases of rheumatism, neural- gia, headaches or other Uric Acid troubles, or the word of more than ten thousand people SOLACE has restored to health, or the word of eighty-one doctors using SOLACE exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FREE BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists and In- dividuals. Also SOLACE remedy for CONSTIPATION (A LAXATIVE AND TONIC CONBINED) Does the work surely but pleasantly—Nature's way. No distress —no gripeing—no sick stomach—no weakening. The TWO rem- edies are all we make, but they are the greatest known to the medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful drugs. Neither affects the heart or stomach—but helps them. To prove the wonderful curative power of SOLACE remedies write for FREE BOXES. State if one or both are wanted. SOLACE CO., Battle Creek, Mich., U. S. A. ' il f: °.. r;IlllliVlll illl9i3• n . m 10. Imll .i. i nil to I. •.It 4i 0 [ID ' laws iheProptielaryar Paatteent MedicineAct. AVegetable Preparation forAs•• similating lheFoodand Reggulai•, ;ling lheStomachsand Bowelsof INFANTS 'CHILDREN , Promotes Digestion Clteeifid- nessandRest.Contalnsnelthtr; 2,1ppiu u.Morphiae norMiaeral NOT NAttC OTIC. i .teeof0%1ti.. 1fJE& Iif1At Afraid # lif siSrtd- d arzil Aperfect Remedy forOMStita- lion, SourSlolnath,Diarrheea, Worms Convulsions.Feverish• nese and LOSS oFS1•l;ER t'acSimile Signatureof COMPANY: Ilse CENTAUR MONTRfALatNI1W YORK Atb-mouths old . 35 D 05E45 `"'! 5 CENTS, Rxact Copy►o1' W"rap CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature O � of IN llse dor Over Ti hart Years CASTORIA TWta OR44'Auir OOMMPANV. ,ik*/ YQI`K Yi•rY.