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The Wingham Advance, 1914-02-12, Page 5
THHURSDAY, FEBRUARY I2, 1914 WIN iT .M '''ADVANCE CHILDREN'S HAIR Keep It Glean and Free Froni Moe ease by Using Patella In Sage, If you want your children to grow upvetch Mtroa , beautiful and vi oroue hir, teach them to use, Parisian Sage —the world renowned Heir Tonic. Pointer* Sage is guaranteed by 3. W. McKibben to cure dandruff and. .top. falling hair in two woeke. Ic grove new hair quickly in cases where he hair ie tbinnueg out. It ieosittvel the most delightful. P y invigorating hair dreasing on the ;Parket for family uta, It is not atioky hr greasy and will make your hair soft, lustrous and luxuriant. It puts life and beauty into dull faded .hair, Get a large bottle from J. W. Me Gibbon, and watch its rapid. action,. Regular price 50 cents,. weeseesieeleteseetesee 'qui going to have my boy begin at the bottom and work up," said the millionaire. "I presume you intend to start him in as an office boy, then $ '"Exactly;' • "Shall I put him on the pay -roll at the regular office boy's 'salary ? " "No, I wouldn't do that. You'd better start him at about one hundred dollars ai week. The boy's simply got to hays a little pocket money,"—I De- troit Free Press. • An American motoring through a ,mall Scotch town was pulled up for excessive speed. "Didn't you see that notice, 'Dead Slow'?" inquired the policeman. "Course I did," retuned the Yankee, "but I thought it referred to your durned little town!" WHY DOCTORS PRESCRiB.E 108 Nox A Co1dl Beoanse it is not a patent medicine but a prescription of a very em anent doctor. 108 Nox a Cold in one day. 25o and 50o per bottle at all drag stores. Mr. ' Geo. Moir Wishes to announce to the citizens of Wingham that he is in the old staud to stay. . Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, etc. Give us a call. Seven Years For Constable. Winnipeg, den. 29 --Constable Joe Reid of the city police force was given at seven years' eentance iu she peniten fiery by Magistrate I4icdonald fur participating in the escape of Kraf- ohencko, the Plum Coulee bandit. Reid is a native of Lucknow, Ont., and for a &bort time was on the Toronto police force, Rome From California,. Mr, John Joynt with hie wife .and daughter ari ed o efrom Cadifornin recent wellt long ail after he 1 ng trip. Few men are more keen to observe. what le about them than Mr, Joynt. Thosedaye he is busy relating to friends hie impreeetou of the land of oranges, sunshine end — real estate. From a chat with him that was all too brief, we gathered that his im- pressions of the great fruit state were not particularly favorable. In fact he has come back like many otherii who have visited tbo "green gelds far away," thinking more highly than ever of hie home county and province. It is now "Canada for me."—Luoknow Sentinel,. Bow The Paper Loves Him. How dear to my heart is the steady Subscriber, Who pays in advance at the birth of each year, Who .lays down the money, and does it quite gladly, And caste round the office a halo of cheer, He never says "Stop it, I cannot afford it, I'm getting more papers now than I can read." But always says, "Send it; the family likes it— In fact, we all think it a real house- hold need." How welcome he is when he steps in our eanctum, How he makes our heart throb ; how he makes our heart dance. We outwardly thank him ; we inward- ly bless him, The steady Subscriber who pays in advance. Mrs. Pankhurst, sailing from New York, talked to a reporter about the comparative deceitfulness of men and women. "Women," said the reporter, "are the more deceitful." "No," said Mrs. Pankhurst, "men are worse. Look at the way they de- ceive their wives." "Do you claim," the reporter asked, "that men should never deceive their wives ? Mre. Pankhurst smiled and tossed her head. "Oh, nor she said. "How could the average man ever get a wife if he didn't deceive her?" 1Neliington tis a Shot. „Tho hero of Waterloo," says Lade Frunees Shelley in her "Diary," "was a very wild shot," and goes on to tell what hellpetled once at elarestleld, where bo wee visiting' her: "After wending n retriever early In he t. dayandlater ra e ae •1 n t h n the pl►i s keeper's, gaiters he inadvertently sprite klee the bare arms of an old woman who chanced to be washing clothes at her cottage window, "1 was attracted by her screams, • * took In the situation at a .glance and went. to the cottage door. "len m wounded, nay Y @ cried. lady!' sh c d. "My good woman,' said, 1, "this ought to be the proudest moment of your litel You have had the distinct tion of being shot by the great duke." Ma Wes Different. A boy wrote a composition on the subject oe the Quakers, whom he de scribed as a sect who never quarreled, never got into a tight, never clawed. eaeb other and never jawed back. The production contained a postscript in these words: '"Pa's a Quaker, but •ma isn't."—St. Louis globe -Democrat. His. Ambition. "To think," said the prison visiitor. "that you will have to go through ilfe an ex-copvicti" "Well, miss," replied Crowbar Claude, "to tell yon the truth, just et present there ain't nothing I'd like more to be." —Exchange. Carelessness And Co-operation. Mr, R. R, Campbell, Director of the Dominion Forestry Branch, says : "Carelessness was undoubtedly the chief cause of forest fires in 1013." The best remedy is indicated by a recent. statement of Mr. E. T. Allen, Forester for the Western Forestry and Conser• vation Aesooiation, who says : •'The beet single result of the 1913 fire season is to prove that systematized cooper- ative effort at a insignificant cost per acre or per thousand, can reduce our forest losses of an average year from four or five million dollars to about as many thousands." If, on the twenty million ares of timber lands controll- ed by the lumbernien forming this association, the fire loss can be so enor- mously reduced by co-operation, the saving which Canadian citizens could effect by co-operative effort on the 500,- 000,000 acres of forest land in Canada, is almost incalculable. The functions of the Government in this respect are well understood, and a great deal has been done, especially by the field officers of the Dominion For- estry Branch, to promote the cooper- ative spirit in the matter of fire pro- tection. But only recently has the in- itiative been taken to private aemocia• tions in co operative fire protection, yet there are now thirty timber -own- er's associations in the Units(' States, the members of which have got togeth- er to adequately protect from fire their combined holdings, which now total. about 25. 000,000 acres, In Canadathere is but one associa- tion of able kind, but it compares favorably with any in the United State development States. The of this co, operative movement, which culminat- ed in Canada in the $t, Maurice Fire Protective Association, is described in. detail by a bulletin now being issued by the Forestry Branch, Ottawa. The Quebec limit -holders cot4tprising this association have by a self -Imposed tax of one quarter cent per acre installed a fire protective system on their 7,000,000 acres of holdinge second to nous in Canada. In 1013 over 275 forest fires eextinguished w re with practically no danger, proving, in the worde of one of the members, that "The success of co-operative forest fire protection has been established without a doubt." res._ Tree Our life is just as narrow as we let it be. If we live in a lonely country place miles from a railway, we can. study the plants and animals about us until we Dome to understand some- thing of the secrets of the universe,. If our lot is in the great city we have opportunities of studying human nature --seeing with our own eyes the development of charaetare as strange as ever noveliet put into his bookie; Multitudes of men walked the same street with Dickens without seeing a hundredth part of what he eaw. It is the power to see and not the object to be Been, that we lack, and this power may' be,' to acertain extent, cultivated by practice, STOMACH HEALTH OR NO COST TO YOU, Very likely others have advised you to use Rexall Dispepia Tablets, because scores of people in this community be- lieve them to be the best remedy ever made for Dispepsia and Indigestion. That is what we think, to, because we know what they have done for others and what they are made of. We have so much faith in them that we urge you to try them at our risk, If they don't help you, they won,t coat you a cent. If they don't do all that you want them to do—if they don't restore your stomach to health and make your digestion easy—just tell us and we will give back your money without a word or question. Containing Pepsin and Bismuth, two of the greatest digestive aide known to medical science, they soothe the in- flamed stomach lining, help in the se- cretion of gastric juice, check heart- burn and distreee, promote regular bowel action, and make it possible for you to eat whatever you like when - v when- everlike,'t youwith the comfortingas- surace thathere will be no bad effects. We believe them to be the best remedy made for dyspepsia and indigestion. Sold only at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores and in this town only at our store. Three sizes, 25c., 503. and $1.00. L 1111111111101111111111111 cw Pid you ever use Dyr.Kiss or Mary Garden Perfumesa _.d n A Powders Once you try them you will use • no other. Nothing surpasses them in de- licate odor They are the newest and the best. DAVIS' CORNER DRUG STORE Successor to A. L. HAMILTON OOONN"iN0000000000000000000000000000000•4OOOOOOONO s BALLOT In Advance $800.00 Voting Contest Good for Io Votes In Favor of NAME ADDRESS This Ballot is not good after Feb. 19 Cut this out send or mail to the Advance Office, made out in favor of your favorite candidate. With subscription to Wingham Advance or Canadian Country- man—good for 00 votes, . With subscriptions to both Advance and Canadian Countryman—good for 110 votes—in addition to regular voting values, • • • • O v • A • • 000.000000000OOOOi000000000 et o•OktOONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONO 00000 00000000000000000000000000 The Sale You 00000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000e 0000c 00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 © Have Been Waiting For==ISARD'S Tenth Semi=Annual t3 .T�1lw.l ogfl. oo43 ,o 000, . oo OnTitirap poor, p, u) Dot SA Bargains in Groceries Art Baking Powder with premiums of Graniteware, Kettles, Steam Boilers. Large Pana, Palle, etc„ regular value 75c, sale price.. 50c Canada L'ru'dty Starch 07c Pearl Pot II ti ley - 03e Fresh Cnokine Figs .., . . ... ..... ... 05c 35e Japan, 131,,rk or Green Tea 25c 7 Bars Leundev Seep ..... ... • • • .., 25c 7 Bars Oliva 0.1 Teliet Soap .... r , , .. , . • „ 250 3 Lbs. Raisins for . . . . ..... . ... 25c 3 Lbs, Currants for 25e Large bottle Extract for ......... , , 08e Maple Leaf Salmon 20c First quality can Tomatoes 10e Corn and Peas, 3 cans for .... , r .......... ...... 25e Bottle of Pickles ., 10e Fresh Dates per lb , 08e 20 lbs. Granulated sugar...... , ..... . , 4 . $100 Table Linens 3 pieces Bleaaahed Table Linen (pure linen) wide, good value at OOc and 65e, sale price ..... , .. ,° ......... 48e Dollar quality Table Linen for 80a Fine quality very wide Linen, $1 25 for $1.00 500 line of Table Linen for ..... ...,...,,. .. 30e Laces and Embroideries Big Bargains in Laces, Insertione and Embrolderles, Lot No. 1—Cotton Torchon Lace, 2 yards for......... to Let No. 2—Linen Torcbon Lace per yard r .... , 50 Lot No, 3-10 ands Etnbrolderiee per yard ............ Ge Lot No, 4-12 ends Embroidery per yard,..,,.,,,,,,,.. So Hosiery O doz. heavy All•wool Hose, regular 50t quality, eale,.33e All Other lines reduced. Wool Blankets Etrtra fine quality Wool Blankets to clear st greatly re. deiced prises. 10 pair to clear at $3 05 8 pair to clear et ... , _ , 3 75 All Aust quality' goede. D 6000 pM. .... OAK, Ca .M .)TtbQj H...tI [! .ups.. K.fY. <rO oua Ot»o n tiTTOrt.0011(i0,,,Spp, COMMENCING SATURDAY, JAN. 3Ist and continuing until Saturday. Feb. 21st Every article in our gigantic stock of up to -date Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Furs, Fur Coats, Ladies' Winter Coats and Suits, Carpets, Linoleums and Rugs, at prices that must move it out within the next .two weeks. We don't care where you go or what bargains you get elsewhere, we know we can give you much more for your money. All goods will be marked at prices which must appeal to your sense of economy. MAKE BiG SAVINGS BY BUYING HERE NOW. Come early for best choice. Bargains in Staples 400 yards striped Flannelette, very wide, pink and blue stripes, good vatue at 124e, sale prim...—. ...... 10e 30 inch Cambric,12&c quality for........ ... ..... 10e Heavy Crash Towelling, cut price 9e Two -yard wide Sheeting, 30e quality ... 25c 5 pieces Flannelette to clear out. ..................... 8e 10 pieces light and dark print, pale price .... 8c Fine English :Cambric, 15rt quality for....,124 8 pieces fine Wrapperette, l2ec value for 10e 251 Window Curtaining, very wide, sale 18.3 Heavy Sheeting, llc and 18: values for 15e Gray Flannel, wide, 30e quality 25: Dress Goods Buy your new Dress now and Save money in order to reduce our large stock. We will give 20 per cent. off regular prices. Bargains In Silk A large Stock of Silk to be sold at sweeping reductions. 27•inch Japan 'Taffeta Silk, 50e line for .............. 40e Fancy coloredand wide Stlke $1.25 for .....,.."..,$1.00 One••piere Black Follette Silk, yard wide, `regular $125 value for.,,..,a.,..,................. ",.,, OSc 20 per cent. off prices of narrow Silks, Ready -to -Wear Special Bargains in Ladies' Skirts. 15 Skirts to clear, regular prices are $4 00, $150, $5.00. • and $0,00—Safe. . , $2.95 Ladies' Winter Coats tnust be sold at some price. "Take a look." Lot 1=10 Coate your pick for " 2-8 Coats ien sale at .......... . .. .. 5 7 75 " 3-12 Coats, great snap, Bale $ 9 90 . " 4-6 Coatis to clear at .... ............... 12 00 " 5-5 Fur Collared Cqate, $25, for 10 50 " 6-2 Fur Lined Coate, sale price.... • . ..., . 32 50 " 7--4 Black Astrachan Fur Coate, sale ... , 10 00 Ribbons Large stock of all kinds of Ribbon at greatly reduced prices 15 pit ces new Ribbons, very wide, all colors, regular value 153, sale price .. .................. <...... Do 20e Plain Ribbons{, sale price ............... ....,.,,.,, 15e 25c Plain or Fancy Ribbon, sale price . .... 20o Prints Lotti of the heat Prints here to choose from. Crum'a English Prints, light or dark colors, your pick of the 120 quality for ................,..,,. lOe NOTICE. Your account is due. We will appreciate a • remittance b cash or note prompt y TERMS OF SALE., Spot Cash or produce. ISARD G WINGHAM 00000000000000000000000000 M. • Corsets We carry the largest stock of Corsets. You can get your choice of three of the best makes. A lot of odd linea to clear 090 Boots and Shoes Big cut in prices of all lines of Boots and Shoes for Men, Women, Boys' and Girls' wear. Men's strong wearing Boots. 33, sale price .......,$2 50 Boys' heavy School Boots, $1,75, sale price 1 50 Girls' strong School Boots, $2, &ale paice . ,.. 1 65 Women's Rubbers to clear 50 Men's Rubbers to clear— . ....... .. ....... .. . ... 05 Men's Wear Store. . ;You are entitled to the most for your money-•- be sure your get it. You will get it and at the same time you'll get the most satisfactory clothing obtainable if you take advantage of this Midwinter Sale, 10 Men's Fancy Tweed Suite, stylish, well made, regu. lar $10. $11, $12 values, sale price to clear at,...$7 95 Youths' Suits, fancy patterns, sale price...........,.. 4 75 Men's fancy striped Pants, regular $2 50 for .... .... 1 90 Men's strong Overalls, sale price 75e, 85e, 8 (0 Men's heavy Overcoats, special to clear........ Men's fur collared Overcoats, special to clear 12 00 Men's fancy Worsted Suite, sale price.. ...... . 11 93 Boys' Suits, small sizes, sale price .. 1 50 Fur Coats Big bargains in Men's Fur Coats, price must sell them ,..,r.r..310 50, 317 50, 310 00, $20 00 Gents' Furnishings Men's heavy wool ribbed Underwear. Shirts and Drawers to clear at............. .., t, 85o A lot of Men's Braces clrn We at..... 10o Mee's lined Kid (nevelt, '$125 for, ..... $1 00 Mena lifted Kid (iloveli, $100 for., .<.,,.,. roc Men's Leather "Mitts to clear ......,... 30e Mety'e Cloth (jape to ,leer at .......... dile I•leavy Working Shirts for Men, sale price 50c 'Pitney Print Shirts, sale price..... . .... 85e. Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats reduced to .. 11,0 00000006000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 The Collecting Schoolboy. Every English schoolboy is, by na- ture, a collector, and no matte: whether he confines his attention to the collection of birds' eggs, butter- flies, and moths, or objects of a like t.ature, his collection is bound to be a source of eddcation to him. Most of the information obtained by a schoolboy in the pursuit of his hobby will be retained by him when he has outgrown his boyish craze for collect- inc, or his business or professicn makes its further continuance imp- •- sable. It always ... peared to me, says a writer in "Country Life," that the t3 boys who took a keen interest in r.4tural history at school almost in- variably developed into men with good, wholsesome, sporting tempera- ments and ideas. 1 , • 4' Fr 4' } Her Only Mood. Inquisitive irriend—Don't yon find that your wife Is very subject to• moods? Enpeclt—No; she has only one mood. the imperative, and I'm the one that's subject to that —Jttdge. $14.1;,. • Capltat Petri Up $3,000,000. Reserve $3,750,000. Total Assets Over $45,000,000. at Planning Your Future THE young man"who ex. pests to make a enooese of Ms businese lite must save a part of his wages. The owner of a bank fie - count is looked up to and reepeoted by his follow then, and is fled in a posi- tion to grasp many oppor- tunities that are denied to the man who has nothing. Aequire the saving habit, and yeti have taken the first step__toward future success. ou can open tip an aoeonnt in this bank with One dollar, and inter- est at the highest current rate will be credited every six months, C. Pr SMITH AGENT . WINGI4AM Leaving $7,000.00 Watches, Glass, ware, Ladies' brellas, Stationery, Shades, Esc., below is leaving Everything Sale if)fi)� a", , ei� .tr 1 a r .s -7:N , l' • Stock of Clocks, Cut Silver- Leaf.her Goods, and Gents' Um- Wall Paper, Window Fancy Goods, be sold at and Cost as owner town. must me sold. on. Town Jewelry, to now noxo ..® OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL PHONE 6.5 CHILDREN'S HAIR Keep It Glean and Free Froni Moe ease by Using Patella In Sage, If you want your children to grow upvetch Mtroa , beautiful and vi oroue hir, teach them to use, Parisian Sage —the world renowned Heir Tonic. Pointer* Sage is guaranteed by 3. W. McKibben to cure dandruff and. .top. falling hair in two woeke. Ic grove new hair quickly in cases where he hair ie tbinnueg out. It ieosittvel the most delightful. P y invigorating hair dreasing on the ;Parket for family uta, It is not atioky hr greasy and will make your hair soft, lustrous and luxuriant. It puts life and beauty into dull faded .hair, Get a large bottle from J. W. Me Gibbon, and watch its rapid. action,. Regular price 50 cents,. weeseesieeleteseetesee 'qui going to have my boy begin at the bottom and work up," said the millionaire. "I presume you intend to start him in as an office boy, then $ '"Exactly;' • "Shall I put him on the pay -roll at the regular office boy's 'salary ? " "No, I wouldn't do that. You'd better start him at about one hundred dollars ai week. The boy's simply got to hays a little pocket money,"—I De- troit Free Press. • An American motoring through a ,mall Scotch town was pulled up for excessive speed. "Didn't you see that notice, 'Dead Slow'?" inquired the policeman. "Course I did," retuned the Yankee, "but I thought it referred to your durned little town!" WHY DOCTORS PRESCRiB.E 108 Nox A Co1dl Beoanse it is not a patent medicine but a prescription of a very em anent doctor. 108 Nox a Cold in one day. 25o and 50o per bottle at all drag stores. Mr. ' Geo. Moir Wishes to announce to the citizens of Wingham that he is in the old staud to stay. . Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, etc. Give us a call. Seven Years For Constable. Winnipeg, den. 29 --Constable Joe Reid of the city police force was given at seven years' eentance iu she peniten fiery by Magistrate I4icdonald fur participating in the escape of Kraf- ohencko, the Plum Coulee bandit. Reid is a native of Lucknow, Ont., and for a &bort time was on the Toronto police force, Rome From California,. Mr, John Joynt with hie wife .and daughter ari ed o efrom Cadifornin recent wellt long ail after he 1 ng trip. Few men are more keen to observe. what le about them than Mr, Joynt. Thosedaye he is busy relating to friends hie impreeetou of the land of oranges, sunshine end — real estate. From a chat with him that was all too brief, we gathered that his im- pressions of the great fruit state were not particularly favorable. In fact he has come back like many otherii who have visited tbo "green gelds far away," thinking more highly than ever of hie home county and province. It is now "Canada for me."—Luoknow Sentinel,. Bow The Paper Loves Him. How dear to my heart is the steady Subscriber, Who pays in advance at the birth of each year, Who .lays down the money, and does it quite gladly, And caste round the office a halo of cheer, He never says "Stop it, I cannot afford it, I'm getting more papers now than I can read." But always says, "Send it; the family likes it— In fact, we all think it a real house- hold need." How welcome he is when he steps in our eanctum, How he makes our heart throb ; how he makes our heart dance. We outwardly thank him ; we inward- ly bless him, The steady Subscriber who pays in advance. Mrs. Pankhurst, sailing from New York, talked to a reporter about the comparative deceitfulness of men and women. "Women," said the reporter, "are the more deceitful." "No," said Mrs. Pankhurst, "men are worse. Look at the way they de- ceive their wives." "Do you claim," the reporter asked, "that men should never deceive their wives ? Mre. Pankhurst smiled and tossed her head. "Oh, nor she said. "How could the average man ever get a wife if he didn't deceive her?" 1Neliington tis a Shot. „Tho hero of Waterloo," says Lade Frunees Shelley in her "Diary," "was a very wild shot," and goes on to tell what hellpetled once at elarestleld, where bo wee visiting' her: "After wending n retriever early In he t. dayandlater ra e ae •1 n t h n the pl►i s keeper's, gaiters he inadvertently sprite klee the bare arms of an old woman who chanced to be washing clothes at her cottage window, "1 was attracted by her screams, • * took In the situation at a .glance and went. to the cottage door. "len m wounded, nay Y @ cried. lady!' sh c d. "My good woman,' said, 1, "this ought to be the proudest moment of your litel You have had the distinct tion of being shot by the great duke." Ma Wes Different. A boy wrote a composition on the subject oe the Quakers, whom he de scribed as a sect who never quarreled, never got into a tight, never clawed. eaeb other and never jawed back. The production contained a postscript in these words: '"Pa's a Quaker, but •ma isn't."—St. Louis globe -Democrat. His. Ambition. "To think," said the prison visiitor. "that you will have to go through ilfe an ex-copvicti" "Well, miss," replied Crowbar Claude, "to tell yon the truth, just et present there ain't nothing I'd like more to be." —Exchange. Carelessness And Co-operation. Mr, R. R, Campbell, Director of the Dominion Forestry Branch, says : "Carelessness was undoubtedly the chief cause of forest fires in 1013." The best remedy is indicated by a recent. statement of Mr. E. T. Allen, Forester for the Western Forestry and Conser• vation Aesooiation, who says : •'The beet single result of the 1913 fire season is to prove that systematized cooper- ative effort at a insignificant cost per acre or per thousand, can reduce our forest losses of an average year from four or five million dollars to about as many thousands." If, on the twenty million ares of timber lands controll- ed by the lumbernien forming this association, the fire loss can be so enor- mously reduced by co-operation, the saving which Canadian citizens could effect by co-operative effort on the 500,- 000,000 acres of forest land in Canada, is almost incalculable. The functions of the Government in this respect are well understood, and a great deal has been done, especially by the field officers of the Dominion For- estry Branch, to promote the cooper- ative spirit in the matter of fire pro- tection. But only recently has the in- itiative been taken to private aemocia• tions in co operative fire protection, yet there are now thirty timber -own- er's associations in the Units(' States, the members of which have got togeth- er to adequately protect from fire their combined holdings, which now total. about 25. 000,000 acres, In Canadathere is but one associa- tion of able kind, but it compares favorably with any in the United State development States. The of this co, operative movement, which culminat- ed in Canada in the $t, Maurice Fire Protective Association, is described in. detail by a bulletin now being issued by the Forestry Branch, Ottawa. The Quebec limit -holders cot4tprising this association have by a self -Imposed tax of one quarter cent per acre installed a fire protective system on their 7,000,000 acres of holdinge second to nous in Canada. In 1013 over 275 forest fires eextinguished w re with practically no danger, proving, in the worde of one of the members, that "The success of co-operative forest fire protection has been established without a doubt." res._ Tree Our life is just as narrow as we let it be. If we live in a lonely country place miles from a railway, we can. study the plants and animals about us until we Dome to understand some- thing of the secrets of the universe,. If our lot is in the great city we have opportunities of studying human nature --seeing with our own eyes the development of charaetare as strange as ever noveliet put into his bookie; Multitudes of men walked the same street with Dickens without seeing a hundredth part of what he eaw. It is the power to see and not the object to be Been, that we lack, and this power may' be,' to acertain extent, cultivated by practice, STOMACH HEALTH OR NO COST TO YOU, Very likely others have advised you to use Rexall Dispepia Tablets, because scores of people in this community be- lieve them to be the best remedy ever made for Dispepsia and Indigestion. That is what we think, to, because we know what they have done for others and what they are made of. We have so much faith in them that we urge you to try them at our risk, If they don't help you, they won,t coat you a cent. If they don't do all that you want them to do—if they don't restore your stomach to health and make your digestion easy—just tell us and we will give back your money without a word or question. Containing Pepsin and Bismuth, two of the greatest digestive aide known to medical science, they soothe the in- flamed stomach lining, help in the se- cretion of gastric juice, check heart- burn and distreee, promote regular bowel action, and make it possible for you to eat whatever you like when - v when- everlike,'t youwith the comfortingas- surace thathere will be no bad effects. We believe them to be the best remedy made for dyspepsia and indigestion. Sold only at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores and in this town only at our store. Three sizes, 25c., 503. and $1.00. L 1111111111101111111111111 cw Pid you ever use Dyr.Kiss or Mary Garden Perfumesa _.d n A Powders Once you try them you will use • no other. Nothing surpasses them in de- licate odor They are the newest and the best. DAVIS' CORNER DRUG STORE Successor to A. L. HAMILTON OOONN"iN0000000000000000000000000000000•4OOOOOOONO s BALLOT In Advance $800.00 Voting Contest Good for Io Votes In Favor of NAME ADDRESS This Ballot is not good after Feb. 19 Cut this out send or mail to the Advance Office, made out in favor of your favorite candidate. With subscription to Wingham Advance or Canadian Country- man—good for 00 votes, . With subscriptions to both Advance and Canadian Countryman—good for 110 votes—in addition to regular voting values, • • • • O v • A • • 000.000000000OOOOi000000000 et o•OktOONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONO 00000 00000000000000000000000000 The Sale You 00000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000e 0000c 00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 © Have Been Waiting For==ISARD'S Tenth Semi=Annual t3 .T�1lw.l ogfl. oo43 ,o 000, . oo OnTitirap poor, p, u) Dot SA Bargains in Groceries Art Baking Powder with premiums of Graniteware, Kettles, Steam Boilers. Large Pana, Palle, etc„ regular value 75c, sale price.. 50c Canada L'ru'dty Starch 07c Pearl Pot II ti ley - 03e Fresh Cnokine Figs .., . . ... ..... ... 05c 35e Japan, 131,,rk or Green Tea 25c 7 Bars Leundev Seep ..... ... • • • .., 25c 7 Bars Oliva 0.1 Teliet Soap .... r , , .. , . • „ 250 3 Lbs. Raisins for . . . . ..... . ... 25c 3 Lbs, Currants for 25e Large bottle Extract for ......... , , 08e Maple Leaf Salmon 20c First quality can Tomatoes 10e Corn and Peas, 3 cans for .... , r .......... ...... 25e Bottle of Pickles ., 10e Fresh Dates per lb , 08e 20 lbs. Granulated sugar...... , ..... . , 4 . $100 Table Linens 3 pieces Bleaaahed Table Linen (pure linen) wide, good value at OOc and 65e, sale price ..... , .. ,° ......... 48e Dollar quality Table Linen for 80a Fine quality very wide Linen, $1 25 for $1.00 500 line of Table Linen for ..... ...,...,,. .. 30e Laces and Embroideries Big Bargains in Laces, Insertione and Embrolderles, Lot No. 1—Cotton Torchon Lace, 2 yards for......... to Let No. 2—Linen Torcbon Lace per yard r .... , 50 Lot No, 3-10 ands Etnbrolderiee per yard ............ Ge Lot No, 4-12 ends Embroidery per yard,..,,.,,,,,,,.. So Hosiery O doz. heavy All•wool Hose, regular 50t quality, eale,.33e All Other lines reduced. Wool Blankets Etrtra fine quality Wool Blankets to clear st greatly re. deiced prises. 10 pair to clear at $3 05 8 pair to clear et ... , _ , 3 75 All Aust quality' goede. D 6000 pM. .... OAK, Ca .M .)TtbQj H...tI [! .ups.. K.fY. <rO oua Ot»o n tiTTOrt.0011(i0,,,Spp, COMMENCING SATURDAY, JAN. 3Ist and continuing until Saturday. Feb. 21st Every article in our gigantic stock of up to -date Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Furs, Fur Coats, Ladies' Winter Coats and Suits, Carpets, Linoleums and Rugs, at prices that must move it out within the next .two weeks. We don't care where you go or what bargains you get elsewhere, we know we can give you much more for your money. All goods will be marked at prices which must appeal to your sense of economy. MAKE BiG SAVINGS BY BUYING HERE NOW. Come early for best choice. Bargains in Staples 400 yards striped Flannelette, very wide, pink and blue stripes, good vatue at 124e, sale prim...—. ...... 10e 30 inch Cambric,12&c quality for........ ... ..... 10e Heavy Crash Towelling, cut price 9e Two -yard wide Sheeting, 30e quality ... 25c 5 pieces Flannelette to clear out. ..................... 8e 10 pieces light and dark print, pale price .... 8c Fine English :Cambric, 15rt quality for....,124 8 pieces fine Wrapperette, l2ec value for 10e 251 Window Curtaining, very wide, sale 18.3 Heavy Sheeting, llc and 18: values for 15e Gray Flannel, wide, 30e quality 25: Dress Goods Buy your new Dress now and Save money in order to reduce our large stock. We will give 20 per cent. off regular prices. Bargains In Silk A large Stock of Silk to be sold at sweeping reductions. 27•inch Japan 'Taffeta Silk, 50e line for .............. 40e Fancy coloredand wide Stlke $1.25 for .....,.."..,$1.00 One••piere Black Follette Silk, yard wide, `regular $125 value for.,,..,a.,..,................. ",.,, OSc 20 per cent. off prices of narrow Silks, Ready -to -Wear Special Bargains in Ladies' Skirts. 15 Skirts to clear, regular prices are $4 00, $150, $5.00. • and $0,00—Safe. . , $2.95 Ladies' Winter Coats tnust be sold at some price. "Take a look." Lot 1=10 Coate your pick for " 2-8 Coats ien sale at .......... . .. .. 5 7 75 " 3-12 Coats, great snap, Bale $ 9 90 . " 4-6 Coatis to clear at .... ............... 12 00 " 5-5 Fur Collared Cqate, $25, for 10 50 " 6-2 Fur Lined Coate, sale price.... • . ..., . 32 50 " 7--4 Black Astrachan Fur Coate, sale ... , 10 00 Ribbons Large stock of all kinds of Ribbon at greatly reduced prices 15 pit ces new Ribbons, very wide, all colors, regular value 153, sale price .. .................. <...... Do 20e Plain Ribbons{, sale price ............... ....,.,,.,, 15e 25c Plain or Fancy Ribbon, sale price . .... 20o Prints Lotti of the heat Prints here to choose from. Crum'a English Prints, light or dark colors, your pick of the 120 quality for ................,..,,. lOe NOTICE. Your account is due. We will appreciate a • remittance b cash or note prompt y TERMS OF SALE., Spot Cash or produce. ISARD G WINGHAM 00000000000000000000000000 M. • Corsets We carry the largest stock of Corsets. You can get your choice of three of the best makes. A lot of odd linea to clear 090 Boots and Shoes Big cut in prices of all lines of Boots and Shoes for Men, Women, Boys' and Girls' wear. Men's strong wearing Boots. 33, sale price .......,$2 50 Boys' heavy School Boots, $1,75, sale price 1 50 Girls' strong School Boots, $2, &ale paice . ,.. 1 65 Women's Rubbers to clear 50 Men's Rubbers to clear— . ....... .. ....... .. . ... 05 Men's Wear Store. . ;You are entitled to the most for your money-•- be sure your get it. You will get it and at the same time you'll get the most satisfactory clothing obtainable if you take advantage of this Midwinter Sale, 10 Men's Fancy Tweed Suite, stylish, well made, regu. lar $10. $11, $12 values, sale price to clear at,...$7 95 Youths' Suits, fancy patterns, sale price...........,.. 4 75 Men's fancy striped Pants, regular $2 50 for .... .... 1 90 Men's strong Overalls, sale price 75e, 85e, 8 (0 Men's heavy Overcoats, special to clear........ Men's fur collared Overcoats, special to clear 12 00 Men's fancy Worsted Suite, sale price.. ...... . 11 93 Boys' Suits, small sizes, sale price .. 1 50 Fur Coats Big bargains in Men's Fur Coats, price must sell them ,..,r.r..310 50, 317 50, 310 00, $20 00 Gents' Furnishings Men's heavy wool ribbed Underwear. Shirts and Drawers to clear at............. .., t, 85o A lot of Men's Braces clrn We at..... 10o Mee's lined Kid (nevelt, '$125 for, ..... $1 00 Mena lifted Kid (iloveli, $100 for., .<.,,.,. roc Men's Leather "Mitts to clear ......,... 30e Mety'e Cloth (jape to ,leer at .......... dile I•leavy Working Shirts for Men, sale price 50c 'Pitney Print Shirts, sale price..... . .... 85e. Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats reduced to .. 11,0 00000006000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 The Collecting Schoolboy. Every English schoolboy is, by na- ture, a collector, and no matte: whether he confines his attention to the collection of birds' eggs, butter- flies, and moths, or objects of a like t.ature, his collection is bound to be a source of eddcation to him. Most of the information obtained by a schoolboy in the pursuit of his hobby will be retained by him when he has outgrown his boyish craze for collect- inc, or his business or professicn makes its further continuance imp- •- sable. It always ... peared to me, says a writer in "Country Life," that the t3 boys who took a keen interest in r.4tural history at school almost in- variably developed into men with good, wholsesome, sporting tempera- ments and ideas. 1 , • 4' Fr 4' } Her Only Mood. Inquisitive irriend—Don't yon find that your wife Is very subject to• moods? Enpeclt—No; she has only one mood. the imperative, and I'm the one that's subject to that —Jttdge. $14.1;,. • Capltat Petri Up $3,000,000. Reserve $3,750,000. Total Assets Over $45,000,000. at Planning Your Future THE young man"who ex. pests to make a enooese of Ms businese lite must save a part of his wages. The owner of a bank fie - count is looked up to and reepeoted by his follow then, and is fled in a posi- tion to grasp many oppor- tunities that are denied to the man who has nothing. Aequire the saving habit, and yeti have taken the first step__toward future success. ou can open tip an aoeonnt in this bank with One dollar, and inter- est at the highest current rate will be credited every six months, C. Pr SMITH AGENT . WINGI4AM