The Wingham Advance, 1914-02-12, Page 3e
Asthma catarrh
R/TABLl4Hen: t are
A pimple, eats and effective treatment for bion.
chtal troubles, without dosing the stomach with
drugs. Used with success for thirty years.
Tho ale Carrying the aetiseptla woe. inspired
with every breath. makes breathing easy. soothes
the sore throat, and stops the Cough, assuring restful
nights. s. Cr• o
�s leap is invaluable tomothers with
young children and a BOON to euffcrerl from
Asthma. Send up postal for descriptive booklet.
TABLETS for the irritated
throat. They aro simple,
effective and antiseptic.
Of your druggist or from
us, lee. in Stamps.
Vapo Cresolone Co,
42 Cortlhadt St., N.Y.
Leeming Miles Building
Montreal, Can. 4
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y. M. C. A. BLDG.,
Students assisted to positions. College
in session front Sept. 2nd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
L W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal Chartered Accountant
17 Vice -Principal
Good . Salesman
Ft.r every town and district where
we Jtro not represented.
Fruit- are bringing high prices and
Nu y Stock is in demand.
41a:: big money this Fall and Winter
by t thing an agency.
Experience not necessary.
Free. equipment, exclusive territory.
highest commissions paid.
Write for full particulars.
Anyone sending a stretch and description mal
Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention IS probably patentable. Communion.
tlons strictly confidential. HANBBOOK on Patents
lent free. Oldest agency' for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special notice, without charge, in the
Scientific Marlon.
r " A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest clr-
cnlatlon of any scientific journal. • Terms for
Canada, $8.75 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by
all newtdeaiera
MUNN & Co36lBroadWay, New York
Branch Office. 628 F $t.. Washington, D.
Prompt Delivery. Phone 82.
Successor to W. J. Patterson
i Good Apple Butter at Go per
lb. in any quantity, while it
lasts. Call and get a sample ;
will deliver to any part of town.
FLOUR—Robin Hood, Milver-
ton, Maple Leaf, Five X.
Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Chop
Giain and all kinde of Cereals.
I Grain taken in exchange for
flew., bran, aborts and meals,
I When in need of anything in
this , line call or phone 84,
Wingham Chopping Mill
Quiet horses for lady
Drivers supplied.
Lavery Phone 2.
Residence Phone 133
Another car of )~r nttine Lehigh hard
coal frte from "DIRT",rand aeoordtng
to. State Autboritie'a, 5 to 0 per cent.
richer in fixed "CARBON" than any
1 will continue to ee11 the Fret
Bnrniug Anthracite to those who do -
ire it—the most economical fuel On
the market.
The following prices, for Chestnut
Coal, from surrounding towns com-
pared with Wiugham will be of in-
terest to those who burn coal:
Apr. & M sy Sep, to Deo
Brussels • - - $7.60 $8,40
Clinton • - • 7.60 8.00
Goderioh • - 7 60 8 00
Wipgham • • $0,75 to $7.40 to
$7.15 47.75
Why is Wingham from 250 to 750
lower ?
Wood and Kindling alwaye on
R. J. Cantelon
()S B7127
70 -
California, Florida and the
Sunny South
Leave Toronto 2 30 p m, DAILY
Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. DAILY
Compartment Library Observation Car,
Standard Sleeping Car, Tourist Bleeping
Car, Dining Car, First Class Coaches,
Colonist Oar on both Trains.
Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents
or write M. G. Murphy, D. Y. A., C. P. Ry.,
W 13. Willis, up town agenoy; phone 47.
J. II Beamer, station agent; phone 7.
A general change of time will be
made January 4th, 1914. Time
Tables containing full particulars
may be bad oh application to Grand
Trunk .Agents.
Low Rates to California,
Florida, and the Sunny
The Grand Trunk Railway is the
most direct route from all points
East through Canada via Chicago,
Detroit or Buffalo.
FuJi particulars at Grand Trunk Tioket
Offices, or write C, E. Horning, D.P.A..
Toronto, Ont,
FI. B. Elliott, Town Passenger and Tioket
Agent ; phone 4. W. F. Burgman, Station
Ticket agent ; phone SO.
Two Most World -Famed Tonics
Combined itt Vinol, -.
Cad Liver Ail and Iron have proved
to be the two most successful tonics
the world has ever known --iron for
the blood and the medicinal curative
elements of cod liver oil as a strength
and tissue builder for body and
nerves, and for the successful treat,
meat of throat and lung troubles.
Two eminent French chemists dis'
covered a method of separating the
curative medicinal elements of the
cods' livers from the 011 or grease
which is thrown away , but to these
nledioinni elements tonic Iron is now
added, thus combining in Vinol the
two most world famed tonics.
As a body-builder and strength ere•
ator for weak, run-down people, for
feeble old people, delicate children,
to restore strength after sickness;
and for chronic coughs, colds, bron-
chitis or pulmonary troubles we ask
You to try Vinol with the understand-
ing that your money will be returned
if it does not help you.
1 Walton McKibben, Druggist, Wingham
rift Or
Buy Your Seeds
From a House
There's a big difference be-
tween seed a bought from
estabtished. reliable Seedmet
and those bought from a
house of no particular pres-
Soww o 1Use u t o rour
tested seeds. Write for
handsome illustrated Cata-
logue. A post card brings
it by return mail.
Valuable Premiuni Free
With your first order we
send you. absolutely free. an
attractive p r e to l u m. See
page one of our catalogue
Duch & Hdater Seed Co.
Box 1272 Ltd.
London, Ont. Canada
CENTflAI � i
Canada's best practical training
fschool. Three department—Coms
mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy.
Courses are thorough and practi-
cal. Individual instruction . is
givf-n by a strong, experienced
stab, Oar graduates succeed.
Students may enter at any time.
Get our free atalogue and see what
we can do for you.
D. A. McLACHLAN.. - Principal
The Ladies in this Town are Simply Going Wild
over Harmony Hair Beautifier. And no wonder, because to make
the hair lustrous, soft and silky we believe there's nothing else
and we sell about all the various hair preparations made—that any-
where near comes up to Harmony Hair Beautifier.
Ask any one of the many women in this town who use it—
tshe'll tell you she "loves" it. Just look at her hair, and you'll come
to us and get some yourself.
Is just what its'name implies.—Just to make the hair glossy, lustrous, more
beautiful.—Just to snake it easier to dress, and more natural to fall easily and
gracefully into the wavy lines and folds of the coiffure.
It leaves a delightful fresh and cool effect, and a lingering, delicate perfume.
Will not change or darken the color. Contains no oil; therefore doesn't leave the
hair sticky or stringy. Simply sprinkle a little on your hair each time before
brushing it. But first, make sure that your hair and scalp are clean, by using
Harmony Shampoo
—A liquid shampoo to keep the hair clean, soft, smooth and beautiful. It gives
ant instantaneous, rich, foaming lather, penetrating to every part athe hair and
scalp. It is washed off just as quickly, the entire operation taking only a few
moments, It leattes no lumps or stickiness.—Just a refreshing sense of cool, sweet
cleanliness. --Just a dainty, pleasant and clean fragrance.
—Both in odd -shaped ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops.
Harmony Flair Beautifier, $1.00. Harmony Shampoo, 500.
Both are guaranteed to please you, or your money back.
These Stage Beauties Endorse Them
There is no class of womett who know better how to discriminate in the use of things to make
them more beautiful than actresses. Among the many celebrated stage beauties' who use and
enthusiastically praise both harmony Bair Beautifier and harmony Shampoo are:
Star in "Peg o' My heart," Cort Theater, New
Star iii "Adele," Longacre Theater, New York.
Star iii "Pine Feathers," noir totfrlua the United
Star in"Tante;' Empire Theater, Now York,
Star in "A Strange Woman," .Lyceum, New
Star in "Potash and Perlmutter," 0. M. Cohan
Theater, NeW York.
Sold only at the More than 7000 aisith Stores.
Ours It the :mai Store In this Towit
Fox :Paroling in Yukon
The enthusiasm concerning fox
welling and farming in Yukon ha4
sterielly waned during the past few
'ueeke, owing to faot that the price of
foxes has decreased nearly 60 per cent
since last summer and that hundreds
of foxes held in captivity have died
troth some unknown cause, Many of
these foxes were bleak, and, in some
cases, as high as $1,600- to $2,000 had
been paid for them, Oue dealer who,
it is said, could have sold his stook of
foxes in July for $65,000, sold two
weeks ago for less than $85,000, the
latter price being, to some extent,
due to the decline in prioes, but, also
to the fact that many of the animals
had died in the meantime, Oats young
black fox, for which $1,600 had been
paid, died five days after being placed
in the corral.
Owing to the decline in price, fully
150 young foxes, all of the red variety,
held in captivity in southern Yukon,
have been turned out to return to their
native haunts in the wilds. Previous
to sickness developing among foxes in
captivity here, upwards of 200 young
()nee had been. shipped from White-
horse alone, to fox rani -thee in New
Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and
to dealers near Boston, Mass. At
present there are not over 50 held in
this locality.
A. number are experimenting with
mink farming, but great difficulty is
experienced in keeping them, wire cor-
rals offering little resistance when they
seek their freedom,
Owners of black and silver gray
foxes are not discouraged over the
slump in prices, but contend that they
will be more valuable than ever with-
in a few months.
Forestry Facts
To Southern Nigeria, on the- weet
coast of Africa, the British Govern-
ment has done much to encourage the
practice of forestry, and eight hundred
villages now have communal planta-
tions of rubber treee. The natives
supply the labour, the native chiefs
supply the land and the- Forestry De-
partment supplies the seeds, technical
knowledge' and tapping appliances.
The profits are divided equally among
the three co-operating parties.
The largest lake on the east elope of
the Rocky Mountains lies at the head.
waters of the Maligne river, a tribut
cry of the Athabaska. It is twenty-
two miles long and from one to three
miles wide, and is surrounded by lofty
'nountaine which make it one of the
moat• beautiful spots in the Rooky
%fountain region. Yet this lake was
practically unknown until a forest
Murvey was made of this region last
Hummer by the Dominion Forestry
Branch. Unfortunately, there are no
fish in this lake, owing probably to the
fact that the Maligne river flows
underground for several miles, after
leaving the lake.
The revenue frotn the forests of
Beitish India' administrated by the
Indian Forest Service last year a-
mounted to over $14.000,000. The total
cost of fire -protection, tree -planting
and administration generally, was $8,-
000,000, leaving a net annual revenue
of $6,000,000, which the forests are able
to produce continuously, without de-
The 'Great Divide' is sometimes a
very small affair in the Rocky Moun-
tains of Alberta and British Columbia.
This summer a forest survey party
sent out by the Dominion Forestry
Branch, found that the. head -waters
of the Athabaska river in Alberta
were separated only by a narrow strip
of lowlying land from the waters of a
lake in British Columbia which drains
into the Columbia river, Where the
outlet of this lake blocked and a shal.
low trench dug for a couple of hundred
yards, its waters could be made to fl �w
east iirptead of west. A somewhat.
similiar ease is seen where the hard -
waters of the Smoky and Fraser rivers,
though flowing in opposite directions,
have their common source at the hn•r
of a groat glacier on Mount R•nbeon,
which guards the hound4l'.v between
Alberta and Bluish Columbia.
a.a . w--' t. .
Sterilizing Milk By Electricity
Dr. E. W. Hope. Medical Health
Officer, Liverpool, England, states
t tat. for the past two yearn, careful
researches have horn carried on at the
University of Liverpool by Professor
Beattie and others, with the •01 j ,cr, if
possible, of lessening the cost of steril-
izing milk. As a result, it has been
demonstrated that all extraneous or.
ganisma n milk can he tff •ctually de-
stroy. d by electricity without chang-
Ing the fl wour or chemical composition
in any way.
The process is said to be very m eh
cheaper than the ordinary pteteuriz
ation by heat, Dr. hope Is also ati•
thority for the Statement that, the ene-
orttion of Liverpool has authtiria.d
the installation of the electrical niers
od at one of thMir depots for the supply
of milk for infante,
The innkeeper and his wife were
discuseiug bushiest.
"Now lookee," Bald he, "when a rum
bloke takes a pony o' brandy. I adds a
pony o' water, an' I chalks 'ine up on
the elate wi' two ponies, an' yet we
ain't maktn' Oar wait. What in blaeo
Is wrong wi' this Inn anyway ?"
Tae mlesus rennet her taco on bar, and ext i.nrnerred in thou*, t
'Ain'enry i" she euddetwly tried taut,
"I have it 1 Y have it! You ain't *del..
in' no matter to the -entre vales who
fro,i chalks up."
Fog Horn at Godoricb.
The marine department at Ottawa
has decided to install at the port of
Ooderieh one of the most powerful el.
ctrieally operated fog borne in Cana.
da, li:ngineers were here recently and
looked over the situation, The horn
will be placed on the north outer
breakwater, and will be operated from
chore. During the diaastroue storms
of last November the fact the old fog
horn was too email and was not in con,
Stant operation was one of the con-
tributory causesto the great lose of
Ex -Mayor Deed.
Johrl' Butler, ex -mayor, ox-oouoillor
and late Police Magistrate of the town
of Goderioh and formerly one of the
most prominent merchants of the
town, is dead, His death mitred very
suddenly on Monday morning and
friends discovered him dead in hie
house on Montreal street, His funer-
al took place on Wednesday afternoon
from the Masonic Temple and there
was a large turnout of the "fraternity,
of whioh he was a member. The fun-
eral was largely attended and the cor-
tege was a long one. The town coun-
cil turned out in a body as alto Malt -
land lodge A. F. and A. M and follow-
ed the remains of the old pioneer to
the grave, Rev. Geo. E. Rose con•
ducted the funeral and the bearers
were ; Alex Robinson, David Marwick,
E. Downing, A. S. Chrystal and Capt.
Alex Lawson,—[Uoderleh Signal.
The man of great financial promi
nonce had met with an accident.
"We'll have to probe," said the
Just at that moment the man re-
covered consciousness and exclaimed :
"If it's a surgical operation go ahead,
but if it's another investigation, give
me an anesthetic,"—Washington Star.
(By William Young MoLeissh)
1'0 mighty cataract tumbling fast
O'er jaggy rock. and water -polished
Would that thy majesty and awful
Were mine alone."
Thus epake. Ambition ; then a Voice
he heard—
"Fret not thy tiny soul with vain de-
sire ; -
Go do thy little work here set for thee
And then look higher."
Ambition 'paused : ''Must I through all
my days
Be herded with the common band of
Is honor, wealth, and power to me
denied ?
What were life then ?
"In youth I worked with strenuous
zeal ;
' The highest flights I ever sought to
How bitter must my life for ever be—
These hopes denied !
The mighty cataract tumbling fast
Breathed out to him the story of its
course :
"I am a whole composed of many
parts, ,w
Each part a force.
"Thou art a force ; a minute part ;
Yet thou canst help to make a roar-
ing flood.
Go, do thy share, and, if need should
E'en shed thy blood.
' So shalt thou then attain those
To which in fondest youth thou
thought'et to rise,
And thoushalt, like these drops, at
journey'e end
Mount to the skies."
Have You
Chamberlain Tablets keep
the liver right up to nor-
mal all the time—and ' •
that's why they are so effective
in cure of Stomach Disorders,
Fermentation, Indigestion, and
all ailments which are the fore-
runners of biliousness. Try
them. 25c. a bottle Druggists
and Dealers or by Mail.
Chamberlain Medicine' Co.
Toronto 7.
Worthy of the world's
best music
To most of us the chance to hear human playing
of good music comes infrequently. uentl. Only in the
great cities are the appetites of the music -hungry
satisfied. Even then one can hear but a small
part of, all the worth while concerts..
Fcirtunately for those who love the masters of the past, and who
havf the judgment to - recognize in present day composers the
masters of the future, there is the Edison
Phonograph. It is worthy of Wagner, of
Bach, of Puccini. The clear, sweet tone,
remarkable in its purity, is simply a transla-
tion of human music into your own home.
Unless you have heard the newest Edisons,
you have no conception of their wonderful
mellow quality. You never realized that
such beauty could be applied to sound.
Ask your Edison dealer to play one of
the Blue Amberol Records—thenyotrwill
know that the whole world of good music
—past and present—is open to you. •
Has Diamond -Point Repro-
ducer. double spring motor.
worm gear drive and auto.
made stop. Beautifully de-
signed in mahogaey,Circaaian
walnut and oak,
A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at
We don't ask you to take our word for the remarkable
curative power of SOLACE in cases.of rheumatism, neural-
gia, headaches or other Uric Acid troubles, or the word
of more than ten thousand people SOLACE has restored to
health, or the word of eighty-one doctors using SOLACE
exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FREE
BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists and In-
dividuals. Also SOLACE remedy for
Does the work surely but pleasautly—Nature's way. No distress
—no gripeing—no sick stomach—no weakening. The TWO rem-
edies are all we make, but they are .the greatest known to the
medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful
drugs. Neither affects the heart or stomach—but helps them.
To prove the wonderful curative power of SOLACE remedies write
for FREE BOXES. State if one or both are wanted.
SOLACE CO., Battle Creek, Mich., U. S. A.
'1 •..•'•'„1111,,,,. i�
THE sole head of eternity. or any male over
18' years old. may homestead a quarter.
mention at available Iiominion land in Mani-
toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, The apppli-
annt must appear in Pettier' at the Dominion
Lands Agency or Sub Agency for the district.,
(entry by proxy may he main at the ofileo of .
any Loeal Agent. of 1inminlon Lands (nut sub-
agent) On certain conditions,
Duties.. --Six months' rettdenoo upon and Cut-
tivation of the land In each of three years A
homesteader may Nva within tune miles of his
homestead on a farm of at least gtt acres on
certain eohditions A habitable house 14 re-
quired in every care, etteepl v lion r• eidutrce
is performed in the vicinity.
In certain districts a homesteader int good
standing may pre-orrtptwqueirter-section along
side his hemeatead. Price $3 per acre. Duties
Six months'reaidenee in each of pix years
from date of homestead entry tinelnding the
time required to earn ham. stead paten') and
50 titre* antra cultivation. The area of Multi-
vation is subject to reduction in eastrof rough,
scrubbt or stony land atter report by. Hume-
atead /hotpeotor on application for patent.
A homeeteador who has sxhaust ed his home•
Stead right and Cannot obtain a pre-emption
maty take a pnrehaet'd len
districts, Prion 83 Oa p a're. nut ee-ahirtet
rdalde tdieriba be eats of three yearn mitt•
vale iltty at stn4 er of 0 Notes v ortt+ isae.
w. w. cetor.
reyeaty ol; the Mtnitrtar el the Interior.
ase. of .tide .,ea.
Concrete walks
need no repairs
THEY are not only best at first but
are cheaper in the end than any
other kind of walk. They are clean,
permanent and safe. There is no-
thing to become loose nor are they slip-
pery. They improve the general ap-
pearance of a house and are a source of
great satisfaction to every housewife be-
cause they keep children out of the
thud, prevent colds from wet feet and prevent dirt
from being "tracked in” on floors and carpets.
Equally important is the fact that they never wear
out and never need repairs. -
This free book "What the Farmer can do with
Concrete" tells alf about concrete walks and how
to build them, and a score of other things needed
on every farm. Write for it to -day.
Farmer's Information &trea d
Canada Cement Company Limited
521 Herald Building
66 Your
If you live at a
Deposits may be
Business may be
made a special trip
A Savings Account
—man and wife,
can deposit and
' W. D.
Manager. ,
Banking By Mail
distance from a branch of The Dominion Bank.
made—cash withdrawn—or any other Banking
transacted by mail, lust as easily as though one
to .town for the purpose. '
may be opened in the name of two persons
or two members of a family--so.that either one
withdraw money from the same account.
We don't ask you to take our word for the remarkable
curative power of SOLACE in cases.of rheumatism, neural-
gia, headaches or other Uric Acid troubles, or the word
of more than ten thousand people SOLACE has restored to
health, or the word of eighty-one doctors using SOLACE
exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FREE
BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists and In-
dividuals. Also SOLACE remedy for
Does the work surely but pleasautly—Nature's way. No distress
—no gripeing—no sick stomach—no weakening. The TWO rem-
edies are all we make, but they are .the greatest known to the
medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful
drugs. Neither affects the heart or stomach—but helps them.
To prove the wonderful curative power of SOLACE remedies write
for FREE BOXES. State if one or both are wanted.
SOLACE CO., Battle Creek, Mich., U. S. A.
'1 •..•'•'„1111,,,,. i�
THE sole head of eternity. or any male over
18' years old. may homestead a quarter.
mention at available Iiominion land in Mani-
toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, The apppli-
annt must appear in Pettier' at the Dominion
Lands Agency or Sub Agency for the district.,
(entry by proxy may he main at the ofileo of .
any Loeal Agent. of 1inminlon Lands (nut sub-
agent) On certain conditions,
Duties.. --Six months' rettdenoo upon and Cut-
tivation of the land In each of three years A
homesteader may Nva within tune miles of his
homestead on a farm of at least gtt acres on
certain eohditions A habitable house 14 re-
quired in every care, etteepl v lion r• eidutrce
is performed in the vicinity.
In certain districts a homesteader int good
standing may pre-orrtptwqueirter-section along
side his hemeatead. Price $3 per acre. Duties
Six months'reaidenee in each of pix years
from date of homestead entry tinelnding the
time required to earn ham. stead paten') and
50 titre* antra cultivation. The area of Multi-
vation is subject to reduction in eastrof rough,
scrubbt or stony land atter report by. Hume-
atead /hotpeotor on application for patent.
A homeeteador who has sxhaust ed his home•
Stead right and Cannot obtain a pre-emption
maty take a pnrehaet'd len
districts, Prion 83 Oa p a're. nut ee-ahirtet
rdalde tdieriba be eats of three yearn mitt•
vale iltty at stn4 er of 0 Notes v ortt+ isae.
w. w. cetor.
reyeaty ol; the Mtnitrtar el the Interior.
ase. of .tide .,ea.
Concrete walks
need no repairs
THEY are not only best at first but
are cheaper in the end than any
other kind of walk. They are clean,
permanent and safe. There is no-
thing to become loose nor are they slip-
pery. They improve the general ap-
pearance of a house and are a source of
great satisfaction to every housewife be-
cause they keep children out of the
thud, prevent colds from wet feet and prevent dirt
from being "tracked in” on floors and carpets.
Equally important is the fact that they never wear
out and never need repairs. -
This free book "What the Farmer can do with
Concrete" tells alf about concrete walks and how
to build them, and a score of other things needed
on every farm. Write for it to -day.
Farmer's Information &trea d
Canada Cement Company Limited
521 Herald Building