HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-02-12, Page 2PATRIOT SVEDES
1 to the King I'0?` Ir.,.
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AEI Over Country.
Stoekhoiin, Sweden, l'eb, 0,--- Srttl-
ing eueeees, both spectacular and
material attended the i ouster dein.
onstration to•tbty in favor of the in-
crease of Swedish armamentfl. The
30,0UO partieipante were toll by King
Gustave that the problem of Swedieli
defence roust be settled without loss
of time,
The army of patriotic petitioners,
Ulrich had waited on tiie outskirts of
the Srvtdiish capitol since yesterday,
wee greeted with euthusia uu by the
entire population of Stockholm as it
rnarched• through the streets to tate
palace where King Gustave was wait-
ing to receive it.
The proecesion was a very pietur-
esque one, composed of small land own-
ers and fanners from every part of
the kingdom,. all of them dressed in
holiday attire and wearing emblems
representative of the districts from
which they eaute. Sonie of than had
traveled 700 to 800 miles in order to
take part in the gigautie , demon-
The i±earauts • were warmly wel-
comed by the King, who stood on the
portico. of the palace, In reply to
their petition, which stated that they
were ready to make all the necessary
sacrifices for the defence of -their
eometry and to assure its Indepen-
dence, and demanded that the platter
should be Taken in hand forthwith,
the King said he heartily reciprocated
the desire of the Pilgrims and shared
their opinion that The problem was
one which must be solved without
Ices of time, He added:
"On that point.?", -ani -determined hat
to yield: • -The fleet of Sweden nutst
also be strengthened,"
Each of the men who =relied in
the procession was presented with a
small portrait of Ms Majesty, and as
the demonstrators left the precincts
of „the palace they were again loudly
cheered by the populace.
Entertainments on. an immense scale
have been prepared for the manifest -
ants by clubs, gymnastic societies, edu-
cational institutions and patriotic bod-
Liner Sunk Last Week
Cannot, Be Saved.
'Norfolk, Z *a. Feg. 9. --Export divers,
who leave thoroughly examined the wreck
of the Old Dominion steamer Monroe,
sunk in collision with the Nantucket, ex-
press the belief to -day while the bodies
of the forty-one victims, as well as the
cargo, can be saved, the vessel itself will
he a total loss. They declare that the
reason none of the bodies of the dead
has cane to the surface or been rescued
is du.. to the terrific force of the collis-
ion, which jammed the timbers and
doors of the starboard saloons and ,state-
• roma, practically • and eifeetetally seal-
- Int; then, from the action of the sea.
Divers have found it Impossible to open
these doors, even with the aid of heavy
,axes, and say that explosives must be
used to liberate the dead.
Examination of the exterior by the div-
ers disclosed the fact that near the bridge
on the starboard side, below the water-
line and extending ;through the hull to
the keel, there is a ragged hole; large
- enough to permit the passage of a laalf
a dozen men abreast. •
Chatbarn, Feb. 7. --Henry Dart,
alias Parker, alias George Grantaalias
George Graham, was to -day sentenced
to one year; less one day, on each of
the two charges against him here,
sentences to run consecutively. This
. will give him two years, lees two days,
itt the Central Prison. Dart pleaded
guilty When he appeared in the police
court here last Monday on a allergia
of 'Issuing cheques when he knew that
he had no funds In the bank. He ad-
• mite that he is wanted in Toronto for'
jumping bail aod also in London for
issuing bad paper to the .Andrews Tog-
gery Company. He claims to have a
wife and three children.
Cumbre, Chicuahuaa Mexico, Feb. 9.
—Notaing but charred bones and but-
tons were found by the rescuing...Party,
which, with the aid bf oxygen helmets
and pulmotors succeeded in peoetraa
Mg the Cumbrs tunnel yesterday from
the south portal as far as the locemo-
Hoe and first two cars of the passenger
train. These are supposed to be the
remains of the engineer and fireman of
the ill-fated passenger train. They
were killed when their engine crashed
Intl, the burniog freight train pushed
into the tunnel by CaStillo's bandits.
Berlin, Ont., Feb. 9.—EX-Bandmaster
Noah Zeller, of the 29th. Regiment
band, thie city, died at his home here
on Sunday, in Ids 63rd year. Born
near Breslau, he took up music as
profession. In 1878 he became diree-
tor ot the 29th Regiment band until
1882, when he took charge Of the
Waterloo band, which he_led for 18
years. In 1900 he returned to Berlin,
end was leader of Berlin's famous
band until sixteen Menthe ago, when
lie suffered a paralytie stroke. He is
survived by a widow and seven child-
Ottawa, Deb. 8—The appeal of the
the judgment of the Railway Com-
mission la reepect to the location Of
the station at Fort George, 13.ra, was
deeded by the Cabinet Cot:ilea on
Saturday. The decision is against
the eomaallY.
The 4;eoute Memo as to whether
the Maims -amid be built at the or-
taet, in another village, favored by
is final, ends a cage Of long standing
itt whir an array of legal talent has
been retained.
Pert Colborne, Ont., /kb: a. --The
new Grand Trunk tower station of the
recently installed interlocking system,
was totally destroyed by fire at an
early bour this morning. Tile loss will
be several thousand dollars, The ef.
fitient *OA of the Port Colborne
hose 44:nnpany wed the adjoining
lora, Diavolo gazes at her in ediairea
Hon- he believes that her allegiance to
the king liar rieeu superior to the love
she bears Sana, for the remarkable epis-
ode in her history has not been un-
known to others.
As for Tivoli, he is already bending
aver the apparently insensible Sam Bux-
ton, '.?'lie smaller a man's nature is the
more his meanness crops out.
None but a coward would descend to
venting Ills spleen upon a foe powerless
to retaliate; but this fellow cannot re-
frein from giving Sam several vicious
thouelt perlutes not painful kicks, while
in Italian he declares his 'hatred,
1''ach time that pointed boot comes
in contact with his person Sam Buxton
grits his teeth and silently registers a
vow to pay back the debt with all ne-
cessary interest; while Dudley, guess-
ing what is taking_ place, can hardly re-
frain front springing to his feet and
sending that mighty fist of his against
the brute's head in a way to teach hint
Fortunately, indeed, for Antonio the
count, be does not carry this further
than a few mila appiicattons of shoe -
leather, else had there been s sanguin-
ary scene on the spot.
"Come, take hold of these men --carry
them off, They will plot no more against
our king!" ho cries aloud.
Four others are on hand—two bend
over each of the recumbent foreigners
and raise their limp forms, although.
those who seize upon the Canadian ath-
lete puff and groan with the exertion.
Beatrix does not forget that she ht's
a part to play stili—alio turns upon her
"Uncle Antonia, what fate will come
upon these unfortunate men?" she asks.
"I do not know," ho replica grimly,
"but the chances• for their prompt exe-
cution are remarkably good, since there
is not it shadow . of doubt as to their.
She utters a half -shriek and clasps her
handle, as if about to make some appeal
for mercy, but the savoge count rudely
turns his back on her.
"Away with them! --the foreign doge
who have dared eroes the path of an
-Italian nobleman! Away to the den I
have prepared for ,them, where their
bones may rot and rats may be their
He waves his despotic hand—again
come the grunts and groans, tie the
men move away, bearing their burdens.
A singular spectacle, truly—one man
has hold of Sam's feet, grasping then
under either arm, while the second
clutches the American as wellunder the
arras as he can—the seemingly „sense
less man has his arum crossed, and does
not look as uncomfortable as Dudley,
who, to carry out the idea of helpless-
ness more, has allowed his long arms to
trail upon the floor.
The count follows, and Frit Diavolo
brings up the rear.. All of them, have
apparently forgotten Beatrix, who is
left alone in the strange compartment
that has been decorated for the ' ery
purpose it has just served. •
When the men have departed she
seems to throw off the cloak of dceep-
tion she has worn—she flies to the door
they passed through, and stands ,there
etraiping her ears to catch the sounds
that come along the corridor, all the
while whispering to herself, in a bait
fierce way:
"They will not hurt a hair of his
head! Let them attempt it if they dare.
He saved my life, and it belongs to
hien, Beatrix Paoli will even dio to
defend Baron Sam! Let my uncle be-
ware—he deceived me and caused me to
lead this brave American into the trap;
it niay yet turn and rend hint. I have
heard who has been thus brought to
justice. Alt! at last they reach the
den he spoke of, the key to which lies
in nay pocket, though my precious unelt
suspects it not. Listen to him swear—
the saints 'preserve us, his profanity is
shocking, and may bring down the judg-
ment of •TTeaven upon this house. They
eaunot enter. What will they do now?
Seek to place the prisoners in another
room? or, merciful Heaven, murder
them in cold blood. I did not think of
that. They shall not harm brave Baron
Sant ns long as my weak arm may come
So whispering, this beautiful Italian
flies along the passage; but ere sato has
run a dozen paces she realizes that
those ahead having the prisanere in
charge have not gone to extreme areas-
urea. They are evidently placing Sam
and Dudley in some other apartment,
since the one which the count has pro-
vided cannot be made available.
She bids in a recess until. she hears
a key turned in a lock, and then mon
troop by. When they aro gone, and
silence comes upon this part of the
house. that has once been a ducal palace,
the Italiali maid creeps forward.
She reaches the door opposite that
Which could not be, opened o:t aceouat of
the key being lost—the, key Beatrix
deelaree is in her pocket. Iter cut-
stretched ]land is on the knob, site
means to try and see if it is fastened
securely, though not doubting the to.
cult, When front beyond a vele° comes to
her ears—a voice that tl rills her, low its
Is may be, for it is Bailin Sana who
speaks, ana she eaiterly planets her ear
to the keyhole to listen.
"I say, Duct," sings out the Atnericen,
softly. -
A pruttt comes in reply.
"Iii, there, old man, wake up;" pursues
"C,an't—I'm dead."
'Well, this is resnrreetion day; yolt'il
Itertr old Gabriel blow hie horn sown.
How did you enjoy your free ride,'old
chap's' laughing,.
"T hope those fellows will ire bung for
it; they stepped ole my f!ngyers, p.nd
bumped m° against every projection we
come to,besides dropping pia Wee
Mehl" groans the giant, rubbing his
"Never mind, Dud, were Iters, and my
object Lae been attained. i have neve
to tell ;poo now. Vol wonder why 1' al-
lowed myself to be kicked, 'when every
fibre in my botly was itching to chat:*
that In aeralile hound. 1 w;Ii tell yen,
my dear boy. tauter this roof, M this
moment, is one whom I have sworn to
protect, whom T leve with every breath
I draw. To: salve her 1 have entered this
pian trap and sttfferel'ndigniticsl"
"What! Beatrix?" gasps poor ihtdley
+chane, shamed.
"No, but Aileen SVineheeter, my corn
There ie at gurgling try, met the Italian
girl has sunk into a shivering heap jest
beyond the door.
Neither of the mien inside uttdevetftnd
What Icer I'appened, nithonelt ;Stn be,
Heves he heard sem sound at the door.
They Batch for a =lento, brat all is
Then. in a toffee even leaver Una
tefo e, Sant lltu tan prOceedS explein
tt±atain tn'ittd'ri albeit area mystery to
the Canadian.
When this bast been slant they pr'
begat to examine flair ai5►irtitttmt, theft'
prison lodge. ?scat has tuatehee, and it
will not take long to show them what
difficulties they must surmount ere
breaking louse from their confinement..
Utile do they 'inspect the terrible
struggle that is going on in a,hunuan
mind just outside their prison door,
'where a beautiful woman grhvels upon.
the floor and fights the battle of her
life. Her nature and training are on one
Oslde, and what she knows to bo right
on tate ether. She writhes there, utter-
ing feeble wawa she *trachea her arms
out. In the direction of the door, calling
in a whisper upon Baron Sam's name;
rate troches her :;mall lientls wad the
pinlc nails make cruel merles in her
flesh, as his words flash before her,.
written upon her briiin in letters of fire.
Te loves anotlier•e-this prince among
wren, woo navel hat from the cruel wa-
ters, to whom her whole soil has gone
out. Better, far better, had he left her
to meet that fate than to place anotier
itt his bear abovt her.
d'hits Beatrice Paoli fights her battle
alone, with none to witness but the
Great Captain above. She expends the
violence of her emotions, and finally
arises, once more in control of herself..
Which has triumphed': -
The future will tell; but it bas been
a bitter struggle, end will doubtless
mark her whole future life.
Meanwhile, during these minutes, the
two comrades on the other side of that
door have not been idle.. Determined to
escape first of all from this roo;n, where
they have been confined, their attention
has naturally been bent upon the boot*
as the readiest means of breaking out.
Had they been placed in the den which
Tivoli so carefully prepared for their re-
ception, the chances are they would ex.
perience double the amount Of difficulty
in getting free, They can thank Bea-
trix, for this, although, as yet, uncon-
scious of this fact.
Sam, over fertile in resources, lute
come prepared and equipped for such
work as this, and proceeds to pick the
lock of the, door with the sang froid of a
veteran cracksman.
His euceese isnot as flattering as his
assurance would seem to promise; the
task promises to be a long one, but 'Sana
is game to the backbone. He has Dud-
ley hold the candle while he works the
piece of wire; several times he almost
succeeds, and. it spurs hint on 'to new
When lie has just missed it for the
seventh time, Sant withdraws the wire
to give another twist to the bent por-
tion. As he endeavors to insert it again
he finds tate key -holo filled up.--
ba"cByk, J'ovel" he ejaculates, starting
"What's wrong?"demands his torch-
bearer, at once groping for the pocket
holding Itis revolver.
"There's a key in the lock!" says
"And. ,there it turns, sure as fate!"
echoes the Canadian, as a sharp click is
They have mechanically stepped back
a pace, as though fearful left the door
in flying open may come in contact with
their bodies. Sam sees the revolver in
the hand of McLane, and with a great
chuckle goes him one better.
Thus the door, already trembling in
the act of being opened, is covered by.
three terrible weapons, and woe to the
daring foe who attempts to rush in.
Now it gathers in inomentum, perhars
from its own weight, and moved quickly
A moment, during which the two men
hold their breath in anticipation of
what is to come, then Baron Sam utters
an exclamation:
"It is Beretrixl"
The girl stands just beyond the portal,
stands Iike a statue in her regal beauty.
One could never tell from her face that
sae had just fought the most tremend-
ous battle of her.life—it has become na-
tural again, but whether the calmness of
despair or resignation, time will show. •
"I have saved you some trouble, Baron
Sam. The key that belongs to the den
he arranged for you fits tale door, al-
though he knew it not. You are free to
go again, if you desire," sale says, but
Sam shakes his Bead soberly,
"For this kindness ewe thank you. It
bas, as you say, saved us some troubles
though," he continues, with a man'e
belief in his own powers, "I was getting
there, and would have soon succeeded;
but we cannot leave this house. I came
here with a distinct purpose, Miss Win-
chester" --she shudders at mention of'the
name—"Is under this toot, and under
extraordinary circumstances. I cannot
go until she.aecompanies me,"
His manner is that of a man positive
in his convictions, and who cannot be
changed, Beatrix looks at him with
deepest admiration, even while, her poor
heart is racked by pain. There is no
comparison between these two men in
appearance; one is insignificant at first
sight, until his 'magnetic individuality
is made manifest, the other majestic;
but Beatrix estimates the worth of the
man by what he can do, and in this re-
spect Baron Sam towers far above his
"If I eau Assist you, command me,"
she says, allotting her eyes to drop
again, for .both men are watching the
treacherous play of emotion upon her
Mee, one of then' fairly devouring her
with bis fervid ga.ze.
"Aileen is here, am I correct in my
She feels the agony of jealousy again
as she notes bow pat lie hae that naive
Qtr his tong'-te Aileen; a singular tattle,
tom, and which Hurst become very dear
to a man who madly worships the own-
"Yes, Miss Winebester is here. In
fluted leave also been tirade an tinsus-
peeting tool by my desighin untie," tree
atimite with charming frattkness,
"Ilave you, then, made her acquaint-
anee?" •
"Yes. TIow it all came about does
not mutter now. She is here—she be -
Heves herself to be my guest—that this
house is the ancient home of my faintly,
the palace of the Paolis, ivhielt is exact-
ly the truth."
Sam draws out a tote book and
searches it. Ire dieeovers the addrese
Miss Dorothy gave hint, and reads it
''That is this house—where did
you get it?"
"From Miss Dorothy, My anat. I saw
her on the Corso. Heavens! how strange
that it should be the sant, and yet I
had my euspieions, I had my sus ,,idions,"
lie mutters, more to Iiinrself than 'tor
the benefit of those standing near.
"]-Tory Is it bliss 'Winchester might
escape being alarmed by any noise... the
report of firearms or ehoute of battle,
'duel as alight be apt to omeur in beak-
ing our eapture?" Medley asks.
lleatrix give!' Hint a cleixeling *mile
seen the palace where the Paelisonce
reigned. in Route It is very immense
in size; the castle of the count beyond
'puriri cannot compare. with it. Much
could go on at this end, and those at
the ether extremity be left in what:yen
call ignoranee," site maces reply, in
very fair English, for .one whose mother
tongue is Italian—her soft liquid velce
adds to the effect, especially with Dud-
ley, who believes it to be the most Mel•
odious on earth,
He nods dds head in approval of what
sate says, and gives way to Sam, whose
questions are more to the point,
"Aileen, Mies'Winchester, has not
been lammed, 1 trustt" be says, anxi-
, no. I left her 'in her room in
company with the elder lady --grey.
were looking from the windows upon the
strange sights below, which no doubt
are never seen in her native land;'
"Bless me,, very seldom, indeed, sig-
norina. .At this trine of year half our
country is frozen up. Only in New Or-
leans tams Mardi Gras meet with any
success in drawing rho people,, the City
whose climate is More like. Rothe
than any other an sal the
States. They have their cold winds just
as we do hers, Many of your fellow=
citizene have found a home there. But
let us speak to the point. Ilaw can I
see Aileen
"I will take you to her," quickly.
"Alta but I desire to see without being
discovered. Briefly, then, it is my de-
sire to assist my cousin to escape from
the clutches of your uncle, for he has
deep designs upon her. Tell me," as a
new thought flashes into being, "have
yon Tivoli noti" been warned against letting her
know you are any relation to Count
"It is true, Baron Sam."
"Ile put the seal of silence on your
"Yes, for political reasons. Do ndt.
laugh at me, my friend—1 myself see
how foolish I have been to believe it all,
but sty eyes were blinded: by my allegi-
ance to the king, I did not question
ho"is mydo suncole, and
Ionger?" :'
I trusted him:'.
"1 know liim for%;rat he is, .a plotter
against the life of the ratan who took
Beatrix Paoli front the waters of the
Adriatic --I shall never believe Mini
again. Thank Heaven, lie is not a
Paoli—he comes from my mother's side."
"Not having suspected that he meant
evil against these ladies,, it is strange
how you could agree to engage. against
them; but I lay it all to your desire to
serve your king. Let us forget it"
"And let me in the future prove hotw
much I regret what has happened. I
myself will give you positive assurance
thhatarmed. " Miss Winchester will not be
Ile believes alio means all she says,
but doubts her ability to carry it out.
Count Tivoli is not the man to be trifled
with, and he plays the game of his life
when he is determined to gain posses-
sion of Aileen Winehester and Iter mit•
There has been time since the parting
in Turin to arrange very elaborate plans.
and doubtless this eottditiott of affairs
marks the outcome.
Lot.."us be in action, lead us from this
gloomy spot. I am sure every foot of
to y
spac`eoin this building must be familiar
" Yes,uI 'rave spent many years here.
Do not hesitate ,to follow me," she re-
plies, steadily.
The light in the hall is all we have,
for Dudley, careful, :prudent Dudley, has
extinguished his candle lest it be ex-
hausted, and they will need, its assst-
ance later.
Beatrix moves forward, and the two
men follow her. There is certainly a
spice of romance in the atmosphere, and
they can look far adventure to overtake
them at any moment.
The end of the corridor is reached—
they have a distinct recollection of being
carried down a flight. of stairs, and these
now appear in front, .As'.,they are in an
enemy's house, Sant and his friend think
it only prudent to be ready for eines.
geodes, so that each of them carries a
revolver ready for immediate nae. This
old Italian palace of the Paoli family
will soon be aroused if these two ad;
venturous spirits Prem :across the sea
find that things do not suit then',
At the head of than -Lairs Beatrix
pauses, and holds sus a hand warningly.
"Listen!" ;ler Iles seem to frame—
the prettiest lips on earth, one man is
bound to believe, lips that have charm-
ed multitudes on account of the won-
derful melody that springs front their
All listen with great earnestness —
whatever occurred to arouse the.suepic-
ions of the young girl, it does not hap-
pen again.
"A false alarm?" suggests Sam, softly.
Poseibly so, but I know there are
many under this roof who would see you
die sooner than let -you escape, Baron.
Sain, and T fear lest they attempt your
lestruction. My uncle is terrible when
he hates." .
"So am 1," remarks Dudley, "hut for
tunately I'in not readily aroused that
way --any feelings are easier touched in
the other extreme, You might not be-
lieve it, but I could play it lovely Romeo
to your Juliet"
. Beatrix agasn gives him e. ensile that
is dazzling; evidentLy the Canadian giant
has found a place in her regard, and
but for the prier claim of Baron Sam,
Dudley would have little trouble in
winning her affection. He is encouraged,
and determined to keep up with -the' pro-
Ceeeion, ready to catch a heart on the
Again they move on; the passages lead•
thein to the court, through winch she
guides the two who are undaunted by
the danger surrounding them on all
sides, grimly determinedto raise the
roof from this old palace, if neeessiiry,
rather then 'fail hi accomplishing the
object that brings then .there. Baron
Sam and his shadow thus march upon
The enemy,ready to forte the fight.
Ptay Heaven nothing may have hap.
pened already to harm the California
girl•'•• -thus Sam thinks as he pushes for.
Seo is in hit mind all the while now.
Strange horn emelt he caree.for her, This
continual element et danger Mingo pees.
pie as close together as years of ordin-
ary intercourse might do,
.As for McLane, be leas it iteW objemt
in view, and finds life north living.
When he looks, upon teatrix Paoli he
wonders how under the suit he ever
Cance to admire a girl of the fair-haired
etppeciee; like Aileen Whtehester. Why,
these two are not to be compared; one
fa like rich amber wine, while tine other
is a pale liquor, sweet enough, per-
haps, for Settle tastes, but laekrng the
wonderful bouquet that distinguieltee the
first. Lucky indeed that philosophical
Dudley Melanie can look at matters alt
this Way, It is not every disappointed
lover *lto earn find consolation so easily,
but Dudley be a good-natured, easy -go.
lea 'fellow, well liked by all, and Cer
tartly tleeerves tweets. Sant wishes him
joy •(Te be tldiitfnusd.j
lIbat--'jlia,'t ;fcilat..:,
Skin= Oat:xi
Ott Staggers the poor fellow* terribly. ,Tou-4low 4of Hoax—Heal generally
'Tea do not know, you, have TitiVat under a eland.
urns Back Strengthened,
Stiffness Taker Right Out
Was Relieved int an dour,, and.
Cured Over Night,.
A lame back? ftuite unueeessary.
All you have to tlo is to nib on Nerve,
fine, It's simply a wonder for bitek-
nche-.—'ellleves after one rubbing. "Nottt-
ing possibly eould cure an €telling aaok
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thur 1 char, of Lower Chelsea, N, S, "1
caught cold and was sa prostrated with
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this grand Haiment. At once the pain
departed. The lameness; was rapidly re-
ducer and in an hour 1 was Mete to be
Omit my housework, 1 iw,ao rnbbea
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There is no sort of muscular pain
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Dimi anile swear by it for rheumatism,
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sinks to the core of the pabn•-tight
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Ment can'go and invariagly cures quiek-
Iy If you have an ache or a pain any-
where—me0 Neryiline—it will cure you.
Family size bottle, very large, 50e; trial
eine 26e, at all dealers. •
Fair Algeriennes..
In Algiers, and indeed in all Mo.
hammedan cities, says the National
Magazine. the "Hagar Society" ladles of
the harem never go outside the harem
wells, save veiled in eloped carriage,
and attended by trusty servants. It Is '
the middle class and the serving peo-
ple one meets on the streets, and in
the shops and cemeteries,
The Mohammedan men are intensely
jealous and .auspicious of women.
Keeping them in utter ignorance as
they do, they know that the women
have no guiding principles t'b save
them from being foolish and indis-
creet; and the men know, too, . that .
their women ,ire governed by their
appetites; vanities and passions, and
so they keep them as wholly as• pos-
sible from temptation. Yet these temp-
tations reach them, now and then, and
the women who are allowed to go out
alone, or even in twos or threes, how -
the toliewina letter nom a men Wis-
"'1:4tale4o:tietnelia-Tou letter asking me te
in replying to abelit one-tenth of tne
quteouns yeti have esked
'a have never died before, so fel. as 1
sswaataltfaitelotahta, t in the previous existence
"I•have all at the symptom* Oust yott
mention end vonfeas that I must bete
about 00 per cent. of the cliseanee you
"ate streat-granetether old not die of
mire it was pot apeendicitle. They eid
nut heve aPPentlicitis then.
"1 have a full set of teeth. They
don't 111, but the mall order lame sent
Ine the wrong sat anti promisee to rec.
ate the miStalte.
.1 de not drive an mitonumne, work in
nooldlotemivlyt.e factory or go out gathering
"1 (10 not even spray potato bugs with
Parts green. "We have no gas baater
oNNur(er'Ashh:ItlySietea.ve never died before, cannot
"No, ma wife does not do the cooking,
an excellent cook.
Answer the questiona as to how many
times I have died and whether it le an
acquired or a hereditary habit,
47 do not practice on the cornet or
sing or speak Pieces In public, so the dan-
ger to life and ilmb from teoee eourees
are eliminated.
"I hey° no desire te travel in Mastico,
rilllso:key with gasoline stoves, go over
Niagara Palle In a barrel, pick up- live
Kentucky. So we think I ant a fair
trolley wires or chase moonshlriers In
"exy wife does not swat flies with a
baeeball bat.
"Sincerely 'Yours,"
Stock Yards
Largeit Canadian
For Beet and Feeder
Cattle, Calves, Hogs, -
Sheep and Horses
g PINIt EYE Araqk
OA pormito
Cures! the :sick and eats as 11. preventstive for others.
Liquid elven on the tentage Role tor breed maree and oh
others. nest kidney remedy, lane by all tiniegatte end
SPOHN MEDICAL CO.,Chonniste, Goshen, indt, U. IN A.
EE ! $200000
lei Prize, 350.00 in Cash. 3rd Prize, 1030.00 in Cash.
2nd Prize, 540,00 in Cash. 4th Prize, 028.00 in Cteith.
tith to Oth Prize*, *soh 510.00 in Cash,
Below will be found six eeta of mixed or jimibled letters. Can you
arrange theSe six seta of letters in sucle order that each set will spell
the name of a well known vegetable. By sending a propee arrange -
anent Yon IlaVe aPParaulliaY aa winning a cash prize. Write these
six words plainly and neatly on a slip of paper, as in the case of ties,
both writing and neatness will be consid,ered fsetors iu this contest.
Send trout answer at once; we Will realy by Return Mail telliag you
wbetber your analver is correct or not, ana we will send you a come
plete Prize List, together with the mimes and addresses of. persona
wlaohave recently received Two Thousend dollars in Cash Prizes from
aod full particulars of a sirople condition to be fulfilled,
Tins condition does not involve the spending of any of your money,
Send your reply dIreol se
Growth of Gre.at -Bstatei.
The fortune left by Jobn Jacob Astor,
who periehed in the Titanic wreca, has
been finally fixed at $97,1318,791,05. It is
called tbe largeea estate apprised tinder
state tax laws in the United States. Yet
its pronOrtion to the wealth, population
end imams of the city it does not
acompare with the fortune left by the
original Jan Jacob Agtor, who Meta
March 20, 1848.
Stephen Girard. was the riebeet man
hi America whee he died in 1831. wav-
ing $7,500,000, aohn .astor suc-
ceeded in the primady and left au Wale
Verbeps overestimated ot 830.000,000.
New Yerlawas then a city 'Of ti0O,000 in-
habitants, with but one.twentitth part
of ite present wealth.
The legal rate of interest in New 'lank
long remained at seVan per eent. if the
original Astor's productive fortune bo
reekoned at only *20,000,000 it would
amount te.day, at five per cent, cam -
Mind semi-annually, to nearly $50a,-
000,000.—New York World.
ISSUE NO. 7, 1914
Spc:oSd?N__LAn(FINT:Tn.1:‘DTJ.AsT CAO.R4R0Y_
In Centre of Shopping
and Business District.
250 000A13—t00 with Private Baths
• Vicarious Burial.
A good woraan's husband was dis-
membered and -eaten by an African
tribe. Sha desirous of giving him
Christian burial, was left no other al.
ternetive.' but that oi exterminating,
with the aseietanee of certain aecommo-
dating frlends alined with the destruc-
tive weapons of our .advaneed civiliza-
tion, the -tribe in question; which had
shown such a receptive attitude toward
her husband. The bodies of savages
w6re brought hack to civilization by the
avenging expedition and were platea
a grave, surmounted by a modest slab
placed there by the widow, and bear-
ing the following inscription: "The re-
mains of the Rev. --, beloved husband
Kidneys and Bladder trouble, Gravel
Rheumatic pains are quickly and posi-
tively cured with the celebrated remedy.
In Kidney diseases some of the sym-
toms which are pain In the back, or loins,
nun•bness of the thighs, deposits In the
urine*: etc., the SANatt, treatment works
wonders, cleaning the Kidneys of alI the
impurities. and keeping them healthy and
acting properly.
Price, $1.50 per bottle,
For sale at leading Drugglits.
Free literature from the
Winnipeg, Man.
Mederich Sigma)
Even the murderer has a soul and al-
though we believe he is branded for-
ever, lel. us show the forgiving spirit s,nd
although we may keep hint safely cottfin-
ed in jail why not give him a chance to
We are tot justifying mueder or crime
of anY kind, but we Mil to seo that capi..
it is a relic of the barbaric, dark ages
and we say there Is some other means of
treating the criminal besides shooting
him into eternity.
To get the aenuine, call for full name,
for signature of E. W. GBOVE. Cures
a Cold in One Day. 25c.
it -to
(Ottawa Citizen)
it is not generally Itnewn that it was
Lord Strathcoe. whose generous contribu-
tion at the very outset made the organi-
zation arid develOptnent of the toy
Scouts possible In Great Britairt. Omer -
al alteensPowell was enabled te realize
his Idea cOncerning boy developnlent
bY reason of help given by him.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
New tort Saha
wietten, is the exception, hot the Pule,
even in temples ot learning higher than
the grade and high 8411601s, The twat
of the precept 01 the eonseleritious and
talented Instructor In languages is not
Infrequently destroyed by the mats -roma
English of his dolieagne in physieti. The
associate profeesor and 11IN superior have
their Da AIDS. The slang of the street
is heard the lecture room, neatness
mess stealing with tolleget Could tell
"trims taloa If ,thg Ironic!.
Speaking does not etwe ehfidren .01`
cants for this trouble. Mrs, It. Summers,
Dot W, Windsor, Ont., will send foe
to- any Mother her sueetsaful home
treatment, with full instruttiona Sonde^
trieney, hut Write Ler te-da,y it .,101ir
thildrett trouble you in this way. Don't
blame the ehila, the Omuta are it taabt
help it. This treatment else total Idults
ot *pi Swigs troubled with wins dif.
that* by day er
' Noncommittal George.
George was caught nappiag,
A pair of Soft little hands covered
his eyes and a sweet voice oommarals
Nothing very dreadful, for George in
this, you think; but, then, you don't
know that George has two swetheartat
and for or life of blin he couldn't do-
eide whoae, voice it was which made
it a very "embarrassing situation for
him. A WrOng guess would lead to
complications awful to think of. Put
a happy thought inspired George aua
be announced: eaIt's the dearest,
sweetest ltttle girl in all the werlda'
"Oh, you lovely boy!" gurgled the
satisfied one as she ramovea het
ha julndsd.
nOW George thinks of aPillYing.
for a diplomatic post, feeling that hie
talents would be wasted ia auy other
Mothers wanting a ear° and sure
remedy tor their little ants can de-
pend, upon Baby's Owo Tablets, They
are absolutely guaranteed by a gov-
ernment analyst to ,eontain neither
opiates, narcotics or other injurious
draw. -Concerning them alre. G. L. Bon-
ham, St. George, Ont., says: "1 ean re-
eozinnend -Baby's Own. Tablets, as a safe
and eure medicine for little otos. I
have tamed four babies with their aid
end would not ae without them." Tale
lees are sold by ntediaine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents it box froM The Dr.
William's :Medicine Ca, BroeltviIle, (bit,
(Buffalo News.1
The hundred years' war hetweeo fangs.
land. and France IS ono of tife Coranion-
the trail of disaster and blood, the waste
of treasure, the 'damage to industry, In
a word, the measureless amount of' tetroe
and of suffering that attendee it. With
the hundred years' peace between Rritaln
and tbe United States, with the maw.
alleled progress, the unrivaled happiness
and comfort that have attended the /lie
of the peoples composing those nations
during this last century, and it seems as
11 the most hardened and Implabable
advocate of war must be shaken in some
degree in his opinion of the necessity of
occasional bloodshed for the welfare of
*on accepted as if It bad some merit in It
Foie— s 0u Pa
We want to cure every' sufferer.
We bast sufficient confidence 10 our
remedy to send it Bret. Physiciahs
be Druggists you must pay, but with
us you pay -only one dollar if cured,
otherwise not a cent. A simple ex-
ternal remedy sent to you post pald.
Send your name and address only.
Elmira Cream Nut Fudge.
2 Cups of Granulated Sugar, 1-2 Cup of
Milk, 1 Cup of chopped Nut Meats, I3ut-
ter size of a Walnut, 'Vanilla to. Taste.
"Boll the sugar and milk together until
the mixture barons in cold water. Re -
'move from the tire and add the butter,
vanilla and nuts. I3eat until creamy;
then pour into butter plates,—Pletortai
Ctire for Hay Fever.
Dr. Walter Peet, of New Yak, offers
helpful suggestions to the sufferere from
hay fever who Mika remain at holte in
advising them to use two remedies—
pineohuna and the alkaline antieeptic
solution. He statee lie has seen many
cures effected by these two. The nos-
trile and throat shoula be sprayea by
these alternetely several times a day.
Two atomizers; :should be wed. Pineo-
le= is kept in bulk at all drug Mores,
and the other remedy Is easily prepared,
TO prepare it, get a battle of alkaline
antiseptic tablete and emelt to a ,p0Wder
fond of them; put this powder tato a
new eight-ounet bottle and fill with
tbioloon:ithn;:s.: This will ntake supply
that wili Mat for eome time. tree OM
Is elle atomizer and the pineolemn
exercise in the open tar
and cam baths are alto recommended.
Dr. Cobb, of Chicago, also advocates
painting the inside of the ileatl With
tincture of iodine diluted with aieohol.
It is elttimed that where this home
treatment does not avail there mists
ohdfit should then 1.1e eonsulted.
is a
' that
Tho Guaranteed "ONE DYE for
Ali Kinds of Cloth,
Venn, Simple, No Chrinco of l'41.,take/$. TRY
The Sollasou-alchardaoR Co. Limited, lkiloctreal
It Happened in the Sul4uripS.
She was running aerosslots ta gateh the
1.25 o'clock train fut New York. . It was
precisely 1.24 1-2 and the 11am already was
panting into the station. At her heels
was a youngster melting as good time as
he could, anti he was ming. By the time
she reached the station steps she was a
good 100 yeards ahead of the little boy.
but he kept at it, crying louder and
louder. The connector was bowing the
tr-aazinlad.Qaimae'l'eale the canductor, as she
"I didn't have tinte-tu 'Ifira hint geed-
• "Well.. au ge-t right off this train MA
kite II) al. We coil waft better -man he
The condttetor steed with his harid on
the signal, curd while the operation WaS
Performed, end then the train went off,
leaving the youngster happy and sinilim;.
—New York Smt.
Sante time a.e.e bad a bad attack of
Quinsy, which laid me up for two weeks,
and coot me a lot of money.
. Finally,- the hunp again forming in my
throat, f bathed freely with MINA.R1Yet
LINIMENT, ana saturating a cloth with
the lieiment left it on all night.
Next morning the swelling was goee
and I attributed the wardiug off of an
aft:wit of Quinsy to the fres tzee of .a1I.Na
at. aohn.
(Detroit Free lass)
. The idea that P. chile ought to be under
unceasing tutelage if he is to grow up
properly ie pure nonsense. It is when
be is left to his own devices ana Permitted
to nut free that the youth develoos In-
eividviaity and strength of character.
Whether it is worth while to tnake a
him from "the coutainination of the
i.zt all dolma.
IVIinard's Liniment Curet Diptheria.
cure them with Putnane'e Coro leatrae-
hotirs. For corns, warts and callouses
the may thieg is "Putnamisa; try it; taie
Men Swear—Women Complain
tor; it nets painlessly in, twenty-four
alost of the boys are willing to watt
sierable debate. Instead of shutting up
the cane, why not cleanse the streets?
"kissing the girl babies." All right -
until they grow up a bit.
Graft has been discovered in the Uttpalt-
A Medical magazine warns against
Just bemuse their come tithe—easy to
(Guelph afercury).
";:tio)brIga SlelenvIstag
firm. White, we do not upprove of gratt,
the ,Tripan have been held up to us as so
blamed virtuous that the story brings a
feeling almost as pletteure.
It may cost you money. Memory can
be perfected by mY simple Horne Mete -
al. Education not necessary. Easy to
master. Sent prepaid for 50 eeets.
198 Charlton Ave, East Hamilton, Ont.
L.r or return your money. This is
positivelY genuine. Send stamp at °nee
for free sample. .Tule,s Vernon, Hair
Specialist, Port Credit, Ont.
Fashion Wants Ferociotta Pets.
Dogs ae pets are gOing out of fashion.
Cats as pets are passe. The latest pet
fad is to own a wild animal.
The women of faehion in foreign cities
are edopting the wild animal fad, and
malty strange pets aro seen -upon the
staeetsa • The fad startea 111 Berlin sev-
eral mouths ago, and has epread to,
many other catch-. Posas, are 'popular tit
Berlin. Hundreds of them aro being
pureitaseS for pets. On a nice day ono
luey observe prominent women taking
their foxes for a promenade,. each fox
A Parisian actrces has a panther for
it pet, mei although it is much feared
imr friends and admirers., she always
has it with her, eveu taking it to the
theatre, where she lute a cage for it near
her dressing room.
Paris; has purcluesed a young tiger cub
she ie gulag to raise as a pet AC
kitten. Whether it will retain its
peaceful proclivities after it has become
older ie uot known.but the princess now
is the envy of all her iaienas as the
°weer of the "Meet" wild animal.
Gin Pills Wye Prompt Relief By
Curing The Kidneys,
Mr. Samuel Longsmore, of Montreal,
says, "Just a word of praise fur GIN
PILLS. About fifteen months ago
could not walk across my room, suffer-
ing severely wtlit rheumatism. I took
GIN PNI-ILS and became quite wen.
Two months ago, I had rheumatic pains
with neuralgia. I resorted to GIN plLLS
again for one week and became quite
50c a Ilex, for $2.30, Sample freo
if you write National Drug & Chemical
Co. of Canada, Limited, .Toronto.
Mocha Layer Cake.
34ggs, cup or sugar, 1 Teaspoon of
Hakim; Powder, 1-4 Teaspoon of Salt.
1 Cup of Flour, 3 Tablespoons of Strong
Coffee, "Beat the yoke of the eggs 'un-
til thick and add the sugar. Seat again
thoroughly. Sift the flour with the bak-
ing powder and salt at least three times
to mix thoroughly and add to the egg and
sugar, with the hot coffee. Fold In the
ibteateviemrt,. whites of the eggs."—Pictorlal
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc.
aver voe ft eci 7eyEas ).t
to be freed from each other or from the
rept:mints of married Ole. Society con-
dones, or this could not be. It speaks
ef lowerleg tone of society that it
should be es it ls In numerous locali-
Sena for Free Book giving full
particulars Of TRENCH'S
ItrojEDY, the world-famous
cure for Epilepsy and Fits --
Simple home treatment,
C . .7111'1OirOs iToerft"t1 PIT'ttt;
. of the World; over 1,000
in ems year.
410 se .Taines' Chantbers, Toronto, Can.
*nit ClUITTER.
(Philadelphia Record)
Whatever influences may tempt a
aetng man to throw away Me me he
mast -understand that las memory will be
utiltss diseased and defeated, who have
been 'worn out through long years by
the "cling and arrows of outrageous for-
taite," nowhere Is there any indiagence
for the young man who, in sporting
slang, proves a "quitter."
Druggists refund money if PAZO °INT -
:VENT fells to cure Itehing Mind, meat-
er Protruding Plies. 'First alit/aces
unit givee relief. 30e.
(Detroit Free. Press)
Cures for: baldness were in Use in Cleo.
Parcels day, says an Egyptologist. Whielt
Proves that Men have Always been hard
losers, to far as bair Is concerned.
the Wise Guy. "Yes, but it ale° helps
a man to get on his feet agaan," addea
the Simple Mug.
Stack Knight
Stove Polish
AND 14.4130110 LIGHTER,
.4 PAsitant blot ItP.DAtto01 No Dust