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The Wingham Advance, 1914-02-05, Page 5
11.411141V4SDAtt IIURVARY 5, z9 t4 THE WIN AM A V NcB Le ving Tiwn. $7,000.00 Stock of Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass, Jewelry, Silver- ware, Leather Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Um- brellas, Wall Paper, Stationery, Window Shades, Fancy Goods, .etc., to be sold at and below Cost as owner is leaving town. Everything must me sold. Sale now on. PHONE 65 1 OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL sSMANIa* ,,. 1110.1,1161101 THE DOMINION BANK Proceedings of THE FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS, THXI FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE SHARE- HOLDERS QF Tina DOMINION BANK was held at the Banking I•Iouse of the Institution, Toronto, on Wednesday, 28th January, 1914, Among those present were noticed: G, N. Reynolds, 11. G, Berton, kion, I. J. Foy, M.L.A., James Watt, A. Foulds, W, C. Harvey, A, M. Nanton (Winni- peg), E. Burns, R. Wilkinson, James Matthew9, Chas. 33. I'owell, C. Walker, Sir E. B 9sl • er, MP., H. W. Hutchinson (Winnipeg), D'Arey Martin, i{.C„ P. E. Dingle, A, R, MacDonald (Epsom), Ii, B, :Playtner, F, Boehmer, Chas E. Lee, j, J, Cook, E. Koch, J, Harwood, 3, Gordon Jones, F, LeM, Grasett, M,I3., F, H. Goetrlt, 1', S, Wilson, J. D. Wavle, C. P, Wooler, A. E. Gibson, R. B. Morley, W. MpAdle (Oshawa), Dr, Chas. O'Reilly, Thos, 1' Nivin, J. E. Finkle, P. Schoelet•, James Scott, W. J. Waugh (Hamilton), A, McPherson (Longford), Judge Mc- Intyre c- Int re (Whitby), Ii xis Wlnt H. H A.o y . W. AFoster,Cassels, C Snider, S. ( ),vi , G. Ca 1 V. n d r W. Kerman, S, Cy Halligan, Wm. Ince, II. 3. Bthune, W. Mulock, Jr., Rev,` T. W. Paterson, Capt. D. F. Jessopp, Percy Leadlay, S. Jeffrey (Port Perry), J. It, Niven, G. E. Gross, E. T. Fisher, A, B. Fisher, M. S, Bogert, F. L, Patton, E. H, Osler, R, J. Christie, F. C. Taylor (Lindsay), 4'. L. i'owlte (Oshawa), J. C. Eaton, L. H, Baldwin, W. B. BrpFk, 11, M. Gray, R. Mulholland, A. It. I3osweil, ►+ U .q. bLangley, i6,G„ J, i$ z I i8, W. Snaith (Whitby), WilliamRoss,17W. L e ( h Y), W 1 g Y, 3, G. Ramsey, E. `C. Burton, G. McDonald, 3. Carruthers, E. , Hamber (Van- couver), F, J. Harris (Hamilton), W. D. Matthews, H. B. Hodgins, Dr. A. J. Harrington, S. S. Wilcox (Hamilton), Richard Brown, W C. Crowther, W. Cecil Lee, Stephen Noxon, F. F. Miller (Napenee), W, E. Carswell, H, Crowe, Jas. Wood, W. T. Kernahan, 3, I•I, Paterson, F. D. Brown, Alfred Haywood, N. F. Davidson, A. A. Atkinson, H. Gordon MacKeneio, It was moved by Mr. E. W. Hamber, seeencleil by Mr, R. 3, Christie, that ,Sir ;Comut#d B; 4:!,41 r, iyf,#t,, do talie the 00'4 and that Mr. C. A. Bogert do act as Pee€etery. Mews, A, B. Boswell, IE.C„ and W. Gibson Cassels, were appointed scrutin- eers. The Secretary read the Report of the Directors to the Shareholders, and submitted the Annual Statement of the affairs of the Bank, which is as follows: TO THE SHAREHOLDERS:— The Directors beg to present the following statement of the result of the business of the 13a114 far the year ended 31st December, 1913:-- algnpe g2 i,'rgfit and Loss Aoeount, 31st December, 1912 provision for bad and doubtful debts $ 688,109.01 et profits for the yeltr, after deducting all charges and making full 960,402.78 Premium received on new Capital Stock....: 811,344.80 Making a total o! $2,949;860.69 Which has been disposed of as follows: Dividends (quarterly) at Twelve per cent per annfim..$649,646.77 Bonus, Two per cent , . 116,176.70 Total distribution to SharL l,:llders- of Fourteen per cent for the year $765,. Contribution to Officers' Pension Fund $72655,b80203.0407 Transferred Transferred to Reserve Fund—Premium on New Stock,. 811,344.80 Transferred to Investment Accounts 200,000,00 $1,802,168.27 Balance of Profit and Loss parried forward $ 647,688.31 RESERVE FUND. Balance at credit of account, 31st December, 1912 $6,000,000.0( Transferred from Profit and Loss Account 811,344.80 $6,811 E. B. OSLER, President.,344,80 C. A. BOGERT, Gen. Manager. The year 1913 was ane of general financial and commercial depression throughout the world, which conditions became more accentuated during the closing months of that period. Your Directors, therefore, deemed it advisable to enforce a policy of conservatism without interfering with the requireinents of legitimate borrowers. The funds of the Bank were fully and profitably employed throughout the twelve months under review, resulting in a further increase in the net earnings, the disposition of which is dealt with in detail in the accompanying Report. A tonus of 2 per cent was again distributed, in addition to the regular dividend of t2 pPr cent. b'olipwing the announcement made in the last Annual Report, an issue pf 31,000,000 of now Capital Stock was made to Shareholders of record of the 15th of February, 1913. The whole of this issue was taken up, and although the final payments thereon are not due until June, 1914,—$811,344 of the amount had been paid up on the 31st of December last. The total Paid-up Capital of the Bank was, on that date, 35,811,344. To meet the requirements of Section 56, Subsection 6, of the new Bank Act, you are now asked to elect Auditors to serve until the next Annual General Meeting, and two written nominations have already been received in this con- nection. Tgli are also requested to sanction the passing of new By -Laws, necessitated by phapges in the Bank Act and the advisability of having them mope fu11y meet present olrcumstances. Branches were opened in 1913, as follows: New Westminster, B.C. Fairview, Vancouver, B.C. Fernwood, Victoria, B.C. Medicine Hat, Alta, Arlington Street, Winnipeg, Man, Walkerville, Ontario. Danforth Avenue, Toronto, and Eglintern Avenue, Toronto. The offices at North Vancouver, B.C„ and Guernsey, Bask,. were cloned, as existing conditions did not warrant their continuance, Very satisfactory progress 1s being made in the erection of the new Ilead. Office building at the corner of King and Tonga Streets', Toronto, and it i0. confidently expected that the premises will be ready for occupation before the end of this year. The customary thorough Inspections of the head Office and Branches have been made, including the verification by your Directors of the Balence Sheet now presented, 411 the Assets of the Bank have been carefully scrutinized fay the Directors and Officials, and its Investment Securities are carried on the Books at con- servative valines. E, 13. OSLER, President, Toronto, 28th January, 1914. The Report was adopted, In conformity with Section 66, Subsection 6, of the new Bank Act, Mestere. Geoffrey T. Clarkson and Robert 3, Dilworth were appointed Auditors for the current year. New I3y-Laws were submitted and passed by the Shareholders.• The thanks of the Shareholders were tendered to the President, "Vice - President and Directors for their nervices during the Year, and to the general Manager and other Officers of the Bank for the effieient performance of their res e pective duties. The following gentlemen wero duly elected Directors for the ensuing year: Messrs, A. W, Austin, W. R. Brock, Janes Carruthers, R. 3. Christie. J. C, Eaton, J. 3. Foy, K.C„ M.L.A•, W. D. Matthows, A. M. Nanton, E. W. Hamber, II. W. Hutchinson, and Sir Edmund 13, Osier, M.P. c meeting ofthe Directors,Sir s b e u nt ee Edmund Ata u a q p un B. Osler, M.P,, was elected President, and Mr. W. D. Matthews Vice -President, for the ensuing term. GENERAL STATEMENT • LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in.,- . ; 5,811,344,80 Reserve Fund , $ 6,811,34,80 Balance of Profits carried forward 647,688.32 171,393.08 1914116,176,70 1,310.70 Dividend No. 125, payable 2nd January, 1914 Bonus, Two per cent„ payable 2nd January, Former Dividends unclaimed 7,74`x,913.60 Total Liabilities to the Shareholders $13,569,268.40 Notes in Circulation $ 4,630,890.00 Deposits not bearing interest $ 8,604,347.66 Deposits bearing interest, including in - interest accrued to date 51,184,242.71 59,788,590.37 Balances due to other Banks in Canada 540,263.77 Balances due to Banks and 23anking Correspondents in the United Kingdom and foreign countries783,418.32 13111s Payable , . , , , ., . 184,747.44 Acceptances under Letters of Credit 931,914.76 Liabilities not included in the foregoing 87,378.99 Total Liabilities to the Public s. ASSETS. Gold and Silver Coln $ 1,609,657,87 Dominion Government Notes 8,524,405.25 Deposit in Central Gold Reserves 500,000,00 Notes of other Banks 674,007.12 Cheques on other Banks 3,048.680.85 - Balances due by Banks and Banking Correspondents . elsewhere than in Canada- 1,609,129.65 366,947,203.65 $80,506,462.05 16,965,880.74 Dominion and Provincial Government Securities, not exceeding market value 407,120.43 Canadian Municipal Securities and Britiph, Foreign, and Colonial Public Securities other than Can- adian, not exceeding market value 531,352.85 Railway and other Bonds, Debentures, and Stocks, not exceeding market value 5,299,059.57 Call and Short, (not exceeding thirty days) Loans In • Canada on Bonds, Debentures, and Stocks 4,651,964.71 Call and Short (not exceeding thirty days) Loans elsewhere than in Canada 247,498.10 Other Current Loans and Discounts in Canada (less rebate of interest) 4 48,495,567.06 Other Current Loans and Discounts elsewhere than in Canada (fess rebate of interest) 24,275,99 Liabilities of Customers, under Letters of Credit as 'per contra . 931,914.76 Real Estate, other than Bank Premises 16,569.56 Overdue Debts (estimated loss provided for) 146,132.38 Bank Premises, at not more than cost, less amounts written off , '•y 3,488,029.08 Deposit with the Minister of Finance for the pur- poses of the Circulation Fund 263,900.00 Mortgages on Real Estate sold 37,196.82 'Toronto, 31st December, 1.913. 27,102,876.40 53,403,585.65 $80,506,462.05 G. A. BOGERT, General Manager. r - Did you ever use • DyrKiss or Mary Garden Perfumes and Powders Once you try them you will use no other. Nothing surpasses them in de- licate odor They are the newest and the best. DAVIS' CORNER DRUG STORE Successor to A. L. HAMILTON 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••0•••NOSO♦N•••••••♦••00•• i o ADDRESS 1 of •your favorite candidate. •• With subscription to Wingbam Advance or Canadian Country • - man—good for GO votes. With subscriptions to both Advance and ♦ Canadian Countryman.—good for 110 votes—in addition to regular 2�^ Voting values. • ••011•••••♦00••••0••0•••0000♦!_100.00•♦•O•••••♦0.0000 BALL°OT In Advance $800.00 Voting Contest NAME • ♦ Good for 1E0 Votes In Favor of • • • _ • ♦ This Ballot is not good after Feb. 12 • Cut this out, send or mail to the Advance Offloe, made out in favor 2 ffoopooc0000000000000000000a © 00000000 m000000000000c0000p000000 om000mmoop00000000000000 oCof90000l3ClO0000030000©000e 0000000 0000000000000000ao 00000000000000000000000000 8 The -Sale You Have Been Waiting For==ISARD'S Tenth Serni=Annual 0 G 8��I, 0 S.•.uo...•-00T xVUO oo. a .. no �rts•sMnnonou ,>00.,,, „ .0dl, , ,,, •t04, 11,3,W ! stub. i 0000 • 1017004 Kt< M<N1ll.L, ,f,• Qt f <Nltlt.f,f, h„tl.ltltl <MR>ff(, tl,l(ID Bargains in Groceries Art Baking Powder with prefniums of Graniteware, Kettles, Steam Bailers. Large Pans, Pails, etc., regular value 750, sale price.. 50e Canada Laundry Starch 07c P••arl Pot Barley (tae Fresh Cooking Figs ,. ,.. 050 35- Japan, Black or Green Tea 25c 7 Bare Laundry Soap 25c 7 Bars Olive 0.1 Toilet Soap 25e 3 Lbs. Raisins for 25c 3 Lbs, Currants for 25e Large bottle Extract for . . 082 Maple Leaf Salmon 20e First quality can Tomatoes 10c Corn and Peas, 3 cans for 25e Bottle of Pickles 10: Fresh Dates per lb. 08c. 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar..... ..... $l 00 Table Linens 3 pieces Bleached Table Liven (pure linen) wide, good value at OOc and 05c, sate price . , ... ,• . , , , . 483 Dollar quality Table Linen for ...... .,,... 8Oc Fine quality very wide Linen, $1 25 for $L00 50c line of Table Linen for 80 Laces and Embroideries Big Bargains in Laces, Insertions and Embroideries. Lot No. 1—Cotton Torchon Lace, 2 yards for, , , . , , 5c Lot No. 2—Linen 'Torchon Lace per yard,, , , , , , , , , , , , , 5c Lot No, 3-10 ends Embroideries per yard 5o Lot No. 4-12 ends Embroidery per yard...,....„ 8c Hosiery 0 doz, heavy All -wool Hose, regular 50c quality, Bale, ,85o A11 other lines reduced, Wool Blankets T';xtra fine quality Wool Blankets to clear at greatly re• ducted prieee, I.0 pair to clear at .., ,.,•. ,.,,i69 95 8 pair to clear at.,,,,• ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, s 75 All first quality goods, COMMENCING SATURDAY, JAN. 3Ist at 9 a.m. and ending on Feb. 14th, 1914. 6 Every article in our gigantic stock of up to•date Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Furs, Fur Coats, Ladies' Winter Coats and Suits, Carpets, Linoleums and Rugs, at prices that must move it out within the next two weeks. We don't care where you go or what bargains you get elsewhere, • we know we can give you much more for your money. All goods will be marked at prices which must appeal to your sense of economy. MAKE BIU SAVINGS BY BUYING HERE NOW. Come early for best choice. Bargains in Staples 400 yards striped Flannelette, very wide, pink and blue stripes, good value at 120, sale price 30 inch Cambric, 121c quality for Heavy Crash Towelling, cut price Two -yard wide Sheeting, 39; quality .... 5 pieces Flannelette to clear out 10 pier. s light and dark print, Hale price Pine Eoglish Cambric, 150 quality for 8 pieces fine Wr•apperetre, 121e value for 25: Window Curtaining. very wide, sale Heavy Sheeting, 17e and 18: values for Gray Flannel, wide, 30c quality Dress Goods 10c 10c 90 25c 8R 80 12 100 18: 153 253 Buy your new Dress now and save money in order to reduce our large stock. We will give 2+) per cent. off regular prices. Bargains In Silk A large stock of Silk to be sold at sweeping reductions. 27 -inch Japan Taffeta Silk. 500 line for 40c Fancy colored yard wide Silks $1.25 for $1.00 One•piere Black Pailette Silk, yard wide, regular $1.25 value for 980 20 per cent, off prices of narrow Silks. Ready -to -Wear Special Bargains in Ladies' Skirts. 15 Skirts to clear, regular prices are $4 00, $1 50, $5.00, and $0,00—Sale $2,95 Ladies' Winter Coate must be sold at some price. "Take a look " Lot 1-10 Coats, your pick for $ 5 00 " 2-8 Coats on sale nt ' 7 75 3-12 Coate, great snap, sale $ 9 00 " 4-0 Coats to clear at 12 00 " 5-5 Fur Collared Coats, $23, for 10 50 " 0-2 Fur Lined Coats, sale price 32 50 7-1 Black Astrachan Fur Coats, sale 1000 - Ribbons Large stock of all kinds of Ribbon at greatly reduced pr ices 15 pis ces new Ribbons, very Wide, all colors. regular value 153, sale price ... • . .. 10o 20o Plain Rtbhons, sale price .. , ... , 151 25e Plain or Fancy Ribbon, sale price 203 Prints Lots of the hest Prints here to choose from, Crnn►'a English Prints, light or dark colors, your pick of the 1210 quality for 10c NOTICE. Your account is due. We will appreciate a prompt remittance by cash or note. TERMS OF SALE. Spot cash or produce. H. E. ISARD � 0.000000000000000(30000006641 WINGHAM G Corsets We carry the largr st stock of Corsets. You can get your choice of three of the best makes, A lot of odd lines to clear OOc Boots and Shoes Big cut in prices of all lines of Boots and Shoes for Men, Women, Boys' and Girls' wear. Men's strong wearing Boots, $3, sale price ..... $2 50 Boys' heavy School Boots, $1.75, sale price 1 50 Girls' strong School Boots, $2, sale paice , 1 05 Women's Rubbers to clear 50 Men's Rubbers to clear 65 Men's Wear Store. You are entitled to the rnost for your morey— be sure your get it, You will get it and at the same time you'll get the most satisfactory clothing obtainable if you take advantage of this Midwinter Sale. I0 Mrs'a Palley Tweed Suits, Htylisb, well made. reign - lar $10. $11, 518 values, sale price to clear at....$7 95 Youths' Snits, fancy patterns, sale price 4 75 Men's fancy striped Pants, regular $2 50 for I 90 Men's strong Overalls, sale price . , , .........75c, 85c, 1 l,0 Men's heavy Overcoats, special to clear 8 50 Men's fur collared Overcoats, special to clear 12 00 Men's fancy worsted Suite, sale price 11 93 00 Boys' Suite, small sizes, sale price 1 Fur Coats Big bargains in Men's Fur Coate, price must sell them $10 50, $17 50, $10 00, $20 00 Gents' Furnishings Men's heavy wool ribbed Underwear, Shirts and Drawer btoclear at ........ ............. 8.ie A lot of Men'e Braves on pale at... ' 190 Men's lined laid Gloves, $1 25 for,... $1 CO Mrn'1a lined Kid (loves, $l, 00 for 75c Men's Leather Mitts to clear 30a Metes Cloth Caps to clear at • 505 Heavy working Shirts for men, sale piles , 500 Pansy' Print Shirts, pale price....... 85c Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats reduced toy .. 1 CO "What's the baby crying for now?" asked the bead of the house from tb.e depth of hie paper. "He wants his own way," answered the mother. "Well, if it's hie," said the absent- minded man, "why don't you let him have it ?" A medical professor wrote on the • blackboard in his laborator y. 1 "Professor Wilson informs his etu- dents that be has this day been ap pointed honorary physician to hie• majesty the king." In the course of the morning he had 8: occasion to•leave the room, and found on his return that some wag had added to the annonncement the words "God save the king 1" a< a< a< a< 4, 4. a< t 4, a 4, 4, a< 4, a< a< a< a< Capital Paid Up 33,000,000. Reserve 33,750,000, Total Assets Over 346,000,000. Planning Your Future THE young man who ex- peote to make a success of his business life must save a part of his wages. The owner of a bank ac- count is looked up to and respected by his fellow men, and is also in a posi- tion to grasp many oppor• tnnities that are denied to the man who has nothing. Acquire the saving habit, and yon,;, have taken the first step toward future succeed. You can open rip an account in thin bank with one dollar, and inter• est at the highest current rate will be credited every sit months. C. P. SMITH AGENT . WINGHAI 1