HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-02-05, Page 2MIME ANEI t
On Hands and Arms. Broke Out in
Fine Rash. Had to Give Up Work.
Gould Not Rest. Outioura Soap
and Ointment Cured.
Lonebardne Ont. -" I bail been sufferizio
for two years with -eczema on my bench; and
ormsA first ray hand brolm out in. a Ono
rash with a burning end
netting thee was. hard
to bears Wile Itching
and burning were so bad
1 had to scratch till nlY
hands and arms bled and
were so sore I could not
etand to put them in
water. I ttI$0 hut to
Otv0 work. Then It spread all over
my arms I could not rest at night es the
bedclothes would irritate the eruption every
thno1 would stir or move my bends gj
trie4 two treatments giving each a fair
trial but they failed to cure me. Thou I
saw the advertisement lu the imps. about
Cuticura soap and Olutment so I sent for
a sample and I began to use them withvery
littio lean, but to my elm -also I found
relief from the yery orst, I washed my
bends in evarm water with ()talcum soap
and dried there with a soft cloth. tion I put,
tbe 0uticura. Ointment on and bannagen
them with soft cloth, 1 used two boxes of
the Cuticura Ointment with tho Cutlet=
Soap and used them steady tor two months
and they entirely cured me.(Samoa)
Mrs Helena B. nicCael, May 17, 1913. ,
A.A. single cake of Cutieura Soap and box
of Cuticura. Ointment are often sufficient
when all else bas faijed. Sold by druggists
feed dealers everywhere. Liberal sample oi
each mailed free. with 32-p. Skin Book,
Address post -card Potter Drug 4- Mere
Corp„ Dept. D, Boston. V. S. A.
Western 1. armers Are Chas-
ing implement Men.
A despatch from Saskatoon of a recent
date has the following on the troubles
of cellectors for implement floss with
the western farmers:
So latter has the feeling become be-
tween the farmers in many parts of the
province and the collection companies
that the Attorney-Generel will in all
probaltility step in, as acts have been
performed in the last few days that
could be classed as little outside of sedi-
Aberdeen, a town thirty zoiles
from Sockatoon, the farmers have got
together and formed a fund to pay the
fines of any farmer in that dietriet found
guilty of assaulting the collectihn agent
of any implement company, and matters
have got to such a pass in that district
that several, of the agents have come in
from the district themselves and re-
fused. to go back, while other companies
when learning of the condition of leffairs
bave ,stimmoned their collectors back to
this city. In the last three days; tevo
assaults have. been 'made on collection
agents, and in each case aeline of $10
and caste was imposed. Each thne it is
stated the money was paid out of the
fund. •
The recent case of George Moore, a
thresherman of Alsask, done a lot
to feed the flexile. It appeare that Moore
had to hay all his season's earninga back
to the implement eompany, from whom
be had bought hie outfit, on a judgment
made against .hina, and when hie men
sued for their wages, he bad to go to
jail in default of payiog the men up
Several' citizens of Saskatoon offered to
come forward and put up the money in
order to allow Moore to spend, Christmas
At his Janne, but When the implement
-0011many saw the. tide of public opinion,
they paid up Moore's men, and he was
set free this week.
The blookade in grain hat prevented
the famines from getting their grain
out in a great many districts,' particu-
larly alohg the line of the C. N, R., ac-
cording to implement houses, send when
the 'machinery companies having branch
ethos here worry farmers with collect-
ing agents and ewitle threatening legal
action generally, the feeling has run
As tbe formation of a. "fine fund" is
really sedition, the matter has beeu
ows -"'""brought the attention of the Attor.
, neyeGenerat
The American knows not the evbite
feather -he has been in too many eerie
oils adventure during Iiiie life to quail
et a shadow. Besides, the affair le
partly of their own seeking --they coul&i
have avoidea it had they wished.
Now they 'step forward, and the house
is gained. Their guide awaits them -
she hag feared desertion on their part,
'We are in for it,' says Sam, as thev
step over the Oro -Mold and enter a
dark passage, with the ellarming Beat.
*ix gliding just ahead of thenn
Yes, the two comrades are certainly
'in. los It' whatever that May mean.
They have gooe too far to retreat now
Mainteao their self-respect. Their
surroundinhe speak of the mysterious
foul elermuef-etill it is beauty that
tends them on -a daughter of Eve onee
more tempting the modern Adam to
an puts up his band to remove his
mask, and then hesitates. Why alleuld
he reveal hie identity just yet? Thom
will be time enough presently to let
the lovely Beatrix see who this is, the
vietint she would sacrifice because of
her intense loyalty to the king. What
her feelings will be when she discovere
In this person. the man to whom she
owes so much, the hero whom she sec-
retly loves, time will tell. Evidently
them is a great surmise in awe for
Beatrix Paoli, the opera singer. Sam
really pities her, tor when she learns
the truth her misery Will be intense.
rhhe passage ends -they ae in a court
where bt the centreenteye a fotinteen-
flowers hien ..olle-aroupil, A fesv len.
ternselteng.here and there lend some
niettince in lighting up this court.
`b• m t dees It in . with a
glance, and then once more rivets
lis gaze upon the figure be has foliewed
thither. Beatrix hat removed the mask
oow, and he has a glimpse of her daz-
zling beauty.
Does a feeling of pity wine ever her
as she Surveys these two, whom •lie
believes to be conspirators 'against the
court, plotters who desire to take the
life of the good king, beloved by his
"Where is this woriderfal apartment
in which you read the future of those
who cross your palm with gout, lady?
We would have you setisfy our curx.
osity, and be gone," sap. Sam.
'Turn to the right, cross this way -
She throws open a door; bey.ona is a
bright light, and. they can see AU ecta-
genet-shaped room, quaintly decorated
in a way that might do credit to an
old seeress among the Spanish gypsies
-varioue kinds of odd and even hor-
rible hangings can be taken in at a
glence, and Sam Buxton is free to con-
fess he never saw so weird an eyrie in
all his ttavels, which is saying a great
deal, for this man hes been all over the
evorld, and alwaye made it a point to
see what was out of the general run.
"'Will you walk into my leerier?'
Said the spider to the fly;
Such a cunning little parlor
You never yet did.spy."
In this ease the spider is a charming
creature, and, strange to relate, holds
the respect of the two intended victims,
who believe she is influenced by the
ti, ev n while vol.
Indigestion Can Be Cured by the
Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
If your digestion is Weak you can:
not derive proper nourishment from
your food. The pain and distress you
after le a protest fvom your stomach
that it is unable to do ite work. It is
then that you lose all appetite, have
dull headaches, stelae pains in the ebest
and ahdoraen, heartburn and other die-
treesing server toms.
You, cannot ore indigeetion by the
use of laxatives, and pre•digeeted foods
only make the stomach more eluggash.
Indigeestion can ,only be cured by giv-
ing tone to and strengthening the
nerveis that centre' the stomitcb. Dr.
Willignie' Pink Mlle have eured indiges-
tion tones without number,, bemuse
theY purify and enrich the blood. In this Of course her words are law, and
way they innirote the appetite, diepel there is no other COUree but to obey.
the torments of ihdigestion aid enable edewene stripe hie mask from Ws place
yen to derive benefit from the food you ia a hurry; but Deakin knows Avg° he
The following is proof of these state- isei she has seen bim on the train. Just
. now she hardly voncbsafes him a glance
ments. 'Alm George Brien, Great She- much to the cbagria of the Caratdian
mogue, says: "A few years ago lover, who is ready to worship the very
was taken down with a fever which hronod she an eroodly treads
tunable. Then it eeems to vanieh, itt
though the blood were recalled to her
heart,. that fountain whence it. flowed,
Beatrix Paoli *stands revealed. Eve n the
pitiful ery, accompanying her Oa-
culation of "Baron Sam/ tell sthe otory.
lie an readily understand the awful
situation Ole patriotie Italian Maid
!Mule herself. in -she luta been led to be.
lieve that foreign conepiratore are plot-
ting against the life of the king she
reveres and to whom ehe hate even given
her services in order that they 6411
be brought to Pudica. Beheld!. to her
coneternation, after having inveigled
them Into the net, she diecovers in the
one eupposed to be the chief conspira-
tor, man she ardently loves, a Man
who onee gaved her life arid earned her
eternal gratitude --a man she has be-
lieved, though stnall in stature, to be
head and sheuldere above his fellows
when it eame to manly qualities, brav-
ery, devotion, to duty, keenness of in-
No wonder she stands there Bret with
a Buell as of ehione on her cheeks, and
then turning pale as she realizes What
hats been done-liosy basely she hoe re-
turnea his favors,
and Sam Buxton believes lie has never
before seen .1Ieatrix half so lovely as
At this moment, when she shows the
signs of distreee her face. But for
he memory of Aileen, lie could not help
feeling some devotion for her. Really,
ghieribiane inticsovelriieb.een so near loving the
She spealce at last, Mods her voice act
though through ie ouprerne effort. It
faitOre end eels her reaolution carries
her through, this girl Of sunny Italy,
who has long been aectietorned to seeing
warelihmers at her feet, for her voice le
thoeuneclit.arro that hats an audience spell -
"This is indeed terrible! Oh, that it
cwirinelsa.ny one but Baron Saint" she ex -
Why o-ean I not hear my fortune
as well as another, and is it not that
which brought tie here?" says the Ann
erican, seith plasmas in view.
and wrings her pretty
"You do not know -you cannot Limey
wlust is before you, And. I have
brought you here -I, Beatrix Paoli,
whose life you saved!"
"Alei signorina; do not worry - per-
haps eve know more than you think,"
Sian Teems% , quietly.
Her face lights up suddenly with eag-
"Can it be possible? Oh, Baron Sam,
pity me, forgive mei They swore you,
were engaged in a conspiracy against
the king -they oiled upon 131Y hIttriet-
isin to foil the scheme, and I was ready
to oven risk my life, for I am loyal to
my sovereign -that is well known. I
have tempted you here; led you into a
trap. Ohl mio cam, evhatecan I no to
help you -how may I save Baron Sam,
my hero?"
She hides her face with her hands at
though in despair -then another mood
sweeps over this girl of deep emotions,
and she once more faces them, with an
inspiration e:hining in the depths om her
wonr oil black eyes.
'It was Beatrix who led you here -it
will be Beatrix who must save
and while he thus speaks she draws
her slender but shapely form up to its
full height, until she appears almost re-
gal in her poise, 1101 IS it IL stage atth
tude, for just now this woman, who is
accustomed to acting parts before the
applauding poblic, feels in every fibre of
her being the tremendous force of cir-
cumstances that drive her on.
Although, admiring, the two men are
not up to the point of depending upon
a woman's aid. . They have something
more ehbelantial with which to meet
the attack -of the foe.
Baron Sem realizes that Beatrix, dis-
covering herself deceived, wishes to undo
tbe mischief just as far as she can. For
that he admires her, for that he re-
spects her mere than ever. Me remem-
bers the timl when she lay bedraggled
and probably lifeless in his arms -
crazy gondolier had run into her
boat and sunk it, leaving the pride of
the opera to drown, which she most
surely have done only for the timely
leap of the Anieriean, whom fortune
brought upon the scene at such it criti-
cal moment. It flashes before Sonds
111111(1 just now, as it must ;deo appear
to Beatrix-he can see the peculiar
lemons of Venice, wIth their stone or
etuccoed fronts, and evert remembers the
intense look those beautiful eyes gave
him, when the. opera singer ettine to her
saernmsse.s and found herself held in his
Gratitude, and probably something
else, urges Beatrix on now. Perhaps
even these might find a stubborn foe in
her loyalty, did she still believe in the
miserable story which her uncle has
poured into her ears to enlist her aid
and sympathy; but with tbe disovery
that the man she has led into this trap
is Baron Sam. has come a positive con-
viction that the finely spun romance
must be a base fabrication. Hence, she
changes front with the full belief that
Sane is in the right.
"We thank you, Signorine, for your
regard, but do not think We have enter-
ed here with our eyes shut, nor dhfense-
less. You see," with which lie &splays
onple of revolves -"this is my own,
and the other belongs to Sir Liheel
Grant, evItich he carelessly left in our
ifitlYkolytt, know he is against you?"
"Most certainly. Make up your mind,
ray heel. Beatrix-this conspiracy is all
a sham, a fraud with which to deceive
you. We respect your king, and wish
bins no harm. Knowing what Was before
us, I have coMe hoe with a purpose in
view --n purpose that I will strain every
nerve to accomplish. It concerns the
welfare of one whom respect as a fel-
lowecountryworhan-Aileen Winehester."
loftiest of motives, an o
untaaily running their neelcs into' the
noose, do not condemn the beauty who
has lid them into the snare. •
"Yes, after you, eenorita," says Sane,
politely, yet with a firinnese, that cone
She laughs softly, and glides into the
fortune-teller's quaitit don; it has prob-
ably been fitted up with the idea, of
reaping money; she has said it is for a
charitable purpose, and they are bound
to believe one who has enchanted them.
Dudley cannot tear his gaze frone that
face but looks in a hungry fashion that
makes Sam smile, wondering if he had
that yearning, agilely expression. imon
his countenance when gazing upon Al.
"I hope someone will take . a club and
kindly knock me on the head if it es
so," be thinks.
"Signors, ,you are gentlemen, and yet
you forget: says the Italian girl, with
a bewildering glance that almost causes
Dudley to drop on his knees in humble
"Forget: Pray, tell heowhat it is we
have neglected?" cries Sam, who realizes
that this girl is fa,r beyond the ordinary,
both as regarde beauty and sensibility;
besides, ehe secretly adores a sort=
individnal known as Baron Samh
This last consideration has tensest
at present he believes; it may be of great
:tie:, some uneasiness before now; just
"You see I em no longer =eked,
;signor. If yon would have inc tell your
fertuue, it wonld be beet to let me see
your face," she morMurs.
Of couree, this seeress business is all
humbug-Beatrix Paoli is not gifted
that way, and the cloak has Iseeii as-
sumed for a certain purpose. That ed,
the drawing of the foolish fly into the
web, has been accomplished, since he
openly, toed knowing the true eiretim-
ttances of the case: has nared to follow
tide charmer hither.
Ilebelieves the Itallea maia to
have been kept in blank ignorance of
the identity of the man whom
she had been engaged to betray -there.
fore, the exposure of hie face is apt to
cause a shock.
This is one- reason why Sam has kept
the black mask on until now-. lie de-
Esired to witnees the result hisneeIC
left me suffering from rierVOile stmt.
OA trouble, 1 apparently got over it,
but the trouble conia not have been
wholly eradiated, •as during the summer
of 1012 I woe taken dowe with it again.
I took many medieinee, and was attend-
ed by two different doctore, but insteed
of gettiug well teemed to be growing
worse. I could not ett without enffer. he velem his band deliberately and bele
for the rubber band that keeps bis
ing the most intenae pains; even A drink osition. With the tittneet now
of milk teemed to upeet Me. / slert mask In P
pearly and itt laet dreaded to cee nig it chalance he finally distovers thie band
come. Isitthie condition I SAW ill a news- and draws it up over his Bead; he
paper tit story of it woman who had touid. remove the mask as Dudley bad
A dttile 3, with a daesh of the hand, but pre-
toiltiagth1741iTi if:ereMof Dra„tiWit ilTirms' l)(111'ntsl,' fer'' to go about it with extreme do-
nne, ildeoltied to try the Pills And liberation,
Suddenly it drop e to the float.
found ly, the Hine I haa taken three A low thehmahan is heard, milling
li"es ti*t thy
1APInft Inc. 1 "n. from the Italian maid, who stands there
tinned using the Pills until I had taken w .itynixze.
eight boxes, when the trouble bed ilia- ort
appeered, and I Wive to thank Dr. Wil- "Baron Saner elle bits cried; it is all
after I had. praetically „given up hoe
time' Pink Pille for restoring my health I eat.
ter Niel ,can utter, for the /surprise is
gr'The Arneriemi has bent his gaze upon
Of ever being well lignite
Dr. Williams' Pink Pine are . Sui .1.
`1,f-' 7.114 tool oudeovors to dieeover ber Age*
ret' It is written .e, t .iiittly as language
lit ell inehleine ilealere or Will lie. . d ra_ftt ow,
. e neck, Ana cheek, end
11 at a* (Witte a lishe 'or coul i ,
It is upon Sam the Italian maid
bends her regarde-Sant who eoneumes
Iter interest. Has she a suspicion? It
may be poeesibIe-e, dozen small *Inge
may have arisen to have causal it. At
any rate, she is deeply intereeted.
The Ameriegn le provokingly slow;
"Ws fmtgist a• duel Switseriand, On
the Alps, end -I wounded him."
At Ole. elm emilee and node her head.
"L underattind. He told me he had
been, caught in an avananche, hl e arm
we* badly bruised, but he considered
himself lucky in being able to get away
with hie life."
uttet.h. men bare *melon to grin it
"I think the count was onite right -
he was Welty to get off with hie life,
for Sam could. have ended him lied he
pleased," says Dudley, who bas only
been Awaiting o.n opportunity to join in.
thus boldly.
Beatrix gives him one look--perhapsi
she eonselone that this comrade of tbe
American is a, very haodsome young
giant -any girl could be pardoned for
admiring hire; but there is only one
Baron- Sam in the world, and, it was he
who saved- her from the cruel wtetere of
the Adriatic. So she turns again to
that worthy, who wondera why they
do oot see soraething of the enemies
wbose piens havo worked so well. He
Mentions his thought to Beatrix,
"They are waitiog," elm says, calmly.
"For what?"
"My signal. Ton see this taseel-it•
is connected witit..a. ord, and at the oth.
er end of that is a hell, which I am to
"Weil, we have entered 'the trap -
how comes. it you have net given the
signal?" he continues, determined. to
know all.
"Wis. not time, Baron •Sanl."
".Ah! Yon were expected to do more
--you net only tell fortunes, but yea
inaSghheetbituesivieisetaimgasir end hesitates.
"Look, my Wendt You see title bot-
tle -with its content's I - ant to
pledge you, and gentlemen cannot
refuse. I take a glass -there are two
left, one for each. Examine them -ap-
parently both are clean, and yet this
wine poured into them releaees a subtle
agent with which their interior is coat-
Sam gives a low whistle while holding
lup to the light -he is deeply
"Pray proceed, dear lady," aye.
"We are already under heavy oblige.
tions," remarks 'Dudley, boldly pushing
to he front again.
"Yon drink -you fail asleep. Then
theeo devoted followers of the kinghave
you filet, They say you will never again
conspire to injure the beloved ruler of
Italy. Of towns since zny eyes have been
opened ,the game ends here.'
'"Ilardly, Beotrix," murmurs
"The door of the trap is open -you
eau depart."
, "Can, but will not," with a smile that
alarms thd lovely _Italian.
"Baron Sam, you are a brave men, but
flight under such circumstances would
only be policy," ehe exclaims, with some
"Pardon, signorina; we object to leav-
ing your company. Yoa have controted
to put us in the hands of the king's
faithful adherents -we desire that you
tarry out the programme."
"Bleesed Virgin, he has .gone mad!"
she murmurs, looking at hini in alarm,
but Sam never appeared more composed.
than at the moment he utters these
"Not so, my lovely Beatrix-the only
thin . you do not grasp my idea. See
Wth the words he seizes the bottle
of wine and begins to pour sonie into
one of the glaesee which the other has
declared are already doctored. She
watohes him in a puzzled manner.
"You would not drink! No, no, Baron
Saml It might be death•to yowl"
He turna,. and tosses the coietents of
the goblet into a corner. Then the se-
cond glass is treated in the same man-
ner, by which time the Italian girl be-
gins to grasp his meaning.
"You would, turn the tables upon them
-play the•same game," she breathes.
ewe other words, fight fire with fire.
I have an object in this, You will know
in time Signorina. Are you. with us?" he
suddedy aeks.
"Yee -you are my friend -you saved
my life. It is time, you can count upon
Beatrix Paoli to the uttermost. She
is loyal to her king, but at the seine
time that doee not prevent her front
serving one to Whoni she owes much -
Baron Sam."
"It is well. Dud, you understand our
"I believd to," replies the other„ etead.-
ily-he does not utter- a complaint be-
cause Sam draws him into danger in
order to further' some plan which lie
has not as yet condescended to explain.
"Play 'poseum, Remember our code of
signals. I am not doing this for love of
adventure, I fissure you, my dear boy.
The result will, I believe, justify me."
"You can depend on me, Sam."
"Now eignorina, I trust you will en -
deriver to appear natural when.our en-
seinignieaguruush in. We are ready -give the
As Sam Inixton speaks be grope one
of the marked gobleto and drops it to
the floor, n -here it is shivered into 'frag-
ments, Quickly throws himself down,
leaning bis back against -the wall. Ills
appearithee would indicate that sudden
sleep had overpowered him, and that
Le had sunk into a heap there.
Dudley Mclathe is a trifle more fas-
tidious but at the same time shows
great shrewdness He has snatched hp'
the remaining goblet, and with this
clenched tightly in his fist, he throws
himself betel: upon a lounge that °co-
pies one corner.
Sant squints One eye at hie comrades
and mutters below his breath his appro-
"Signorine!" he whispers, hoarsely,
"Yes, yes," comee a reply,.
"The signal -pull the bell!"
She stifles a groan -these Italian
maids are sometimes made of stern ma*
terial-and obeys.
Instantly a bustle is heard elSewhere
in the house, as though mot who have
beeu held in the leash now rush madly
to 1 Ntehonfr:.nt, It approaches, increasing
From two separate entrances, -which
have been concealed by curtains, men
appear. Foremost of all is Count An.
topio Tivoli his face flushed with eager
expectation; histeyes dancing madly as
he glares about lzim for tbe foe he
hates. And who is now in ids elitteht..
Among the others is ono whom Aunt
Dorothy might roognize As the ()Wile
of Castle Itubini, but the /wino has at.
tered his appearano to sante extent,
/lino he is enacting a different charac-
ter from that which engaged his atten.
Hon ori the night the train was wreeked
in the valley, and looks more like Col-
onel Marched than any one else.
As these men tome tumblieig eagerly
into the apartineht, half it dentit of
them in all, the girl trips not a word,
but, pointing dramatically to the nio.
tionleist figureet of the Ameriten and his
alum, turns her head ethic. Her acting
is superb, nor is it all Asstimed, mince
the dentition Offers intensely to tee
the Man the lova in the power of her
untie, whose malignant disposition elte
must have long ago gauged.
TO be tiontlinied.)- .
tent never ran tell. Ilieny 'tale*
is it dead en* long before the day of
the, ihttiellels
Notice the exceeding shrewdoess of
this young Man -suppose he had ettid,
that the California cousin wee one who
%VAS yell, deal' to hitn, was it net likely
that this Italian maid, jealous by reason
of the maim given lier in birth, would
immediately guess the true statue of af-
fairs, and potato' refuse to assist
The Arneriean has travelled far and
wide, and. has 'come in ontiot with
malty people, and he knows orriething
About the neeullar ways of all Women in.
general, and those brought up under
sunny skies in partieular.
As it is, Deottlx shoote him a hasty
glance, tee* nothing in his well•drilled
face to tam alarm, and becomes in it
measure reassured,
"It is Aileen Winehester you have
ante to terve-you know the lady,
then?" she asks.
Seventh Annual
Union Stock
Feb, otb and loth, 1014
'Write..for full .information.
ntriei..close January 25041914
'Lett Handers Are Few. *
Why not make More use of yollr lefk
'tend? '
It has been estimated that in per cent,
of English-speaking people are right-
handed alter they grow up.
Only seventeen out of every hundred
persons are born riglit-handeO. The re;
mining $3 per cont. aro born without
any inclination to vie one hand more
than the other: ProPerly trained, they
should be ablis to nee both hands-
• Dering early childhood lortuences are
brought to hear to make ehildren rights.
handed. Throngh.a. mererspherstitien iv
considered wrong fir it phittl to..,be left-
handed, -so-he is tritigleCto nOgleet his
left hand. The sauscles do not develop
properly. The left hand becomes less
edextrolls. The boy has beeu deprived
of the full WM of oue of hie iiMbs
throngh Improper training.
It is impossible to calculate how much
men lose because they have not cultivat-
ed their left hands. In trimitive times
every one wits ambidextrous
5115 iJy *IX boxes for $2,50 by writing tlie• •brow ruellte a tidal wave of crimson; "She is my eousin,
lir. William& Meilleilie Cre, ,nrockvilIft, 'this seen under th0 41ftlitate olive skin, "AhI that explains much. I wondered
Ont, gives her th6 most charming appears:ties wly Ilia010, Antonio bitted you."
Baby's Own Tablets Are the only
medicine for little ones that are
Sold ruder a guarautee to he perfect-
ly safe, These Tablets are leaciced by
the guarantee of government on-
alyet to be strictly free from °pu-
nted, woo -tees and other Imeneful
drugs. The mother may rest aesured
neev-born babe with perfect safety.
Thousands of motbere me no other
medicine foe their little ones, and from
aetuel experioree they all say noth-
ing con equal the Tablets in be/netting
'childhood ailments. The Tablets, are
old by Irv:beim dealers or by mall
at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wit -
limns' Medicine Co,,•Brockville, Ont,
• s so
(Philadelphia Itecord)
Oa *he can lieve thein to even the
A most interesting departure in prison
discipline was inaugurated when 49 con-
victl of the Auburn penitentiary were in-
stalled as members of the Board of Dele-
gates of the Muthal Welfare League.
whose MO members are. convicts pledg-
ed to observe good conduct, avail them-
selves of all opportunitiee for eelf-im-
vement, aid in maintaining discipline,
and co,operate with the prison officials
In promoting reformation as a substitute
for punishment. Thia association brings
the convicts and the officiate closer to-
gether and affords the former a chance
ta resent their grievances to tho latter,
and it encourages all in mates of the
prison to make their penalties of some
use to themselves. Miss Doty, one of
three persons who recently- became von
uetary prisoners in order to get the
convicts' view of prison life, reports a
genet change in the disPosition of tbe
convicts; "Where. was suppression,. crush -
int; Of individuality and sullen obedience
of human autematons, there is now a
spirit of hope, service. and genuine de-
sire to reform."
yet 6
With your Kidneys do not feel blue.
Visit the nearest Drug Store and get
a bottle of •
ik NI CO L.
(Montreal Moll)
Later life la largely the working mit
of the Mose Which QOM to wi In youth.
Youth is not only the beginning, but
the perennial siirIng of all the faeulties.
Whether the mg stretches et
life under the beat of the NUR the
burden of the (lay shall be a monotonous
and barren plan, or continually freshen-
ed and fertilized by the overflow of liv-
ing waters, dependa upon the depth and
VOlutne at them ming* that rise on the
table land* or youth. Tho real teat of
the man Is not how Much skill has he,
but how much youth, abides in his out?
When wearlizee touches the spirit good
work is at an end. There aro Men of
few yearn, but of great age. We have
ail Seen them -these old men of front
twenty to tbrity, who have foundled
a few vices with the ends of their fin -
Sere and imagine they are worn out
men ow the world, Who have exhausted
its resources end for whom life holde
nothing but continual recurrence of merle -
tem' and. wearinese. And we have eon
thoie ether men on Whoa(' strong ahould-
ers rests the burden of seven, eight and
onietimes Mee decades full of the un-
wastea power of the linnet, that strength
'which comes :reel freehnese, from joy itt
the work clone and the vision fulfilled. •
Ufa Is measured not by ita years, but
by its enthusiasm. While the vision
Marva and life Is young. When the
vision fade, the lite is done.
This Is a positive cure for Gall Stones;
lai.ney Stones. Kidney and Bladder
trouble. Gravel, Rheumatic Pains, ail,
ments of uric acid origin,. Endorsed by
PhYsichtns and Surgeons. Price SIM
Per bottle. leading Druggists. Corres-
pondence invited. Free literature and.
testimonials from the
• - •
Cornmeal Griddle Cakes.
Put one ctip Of cornmeal into mixing
bowl. Turn over it two cups of boiling
milk. Stir Into a smooth mush, adding
one tablespoen of butter, one teaspoon
of salt. Allot*" to cool. Sift three tea-
spoons of baking powder with one clip
of Boum Beat into mush. Add enough
cold milk to make- a thin batter. Beat
until full of bubbles, then bake on a hot
Fine served 'With honey.
• -
Kidney Trouble
Is Hereditary?
But Dodd' s Kidney Pills Always
Cure It.
is a
call Use
The GotitairlaKntieneddliOONf E for
Clean. Simple, No Ghenee of Mistakes. TRY
1T t Send for Free Color Cord sod llooklet.
ThoJelayoutpRlottordson Go.f.isalted, Montreal
Plowers as Food.
It is not a matter of common know-
ledge that in a great many countries
nearly ail the flowers are used AS mai.
cies of food. We sointimes uso na-
sturtiums in salads, Mit we would hard-
ly think of growing Mies for the mere
purpose of boiling them down to make EL
dish resembling spinach.
In Roumania. Mae flowers and roses
are chieftly used for the flavoring of
Jams and -Jellies, with violets form an
agreeable addition to their sherbet.
The Chinese are known to eat candled
jasmine and to drink a cool and delight-
fully refreshing preparation made from
the common lily, the taste and smell of
which are said closely to resemble
• -*
The Modern Drama.
Police Raid.
-Detroit News.
Dresden Man, Who Inherited Troub-
le, Finds Speedy Relief and Per-
manent Cure in Dodd's. Kidney Pilla
Dresden, Ont., Feb. 2. -(Special) --
Whether Kidney disease is hereditary or
not is a matter of opinion. Mr. Samuel
Burkett, a well-known resident of this
place, is onvinced that he inherited his
from his parertte. Ile knOws that Dodd's
Itlidoey Pills cured it.
"I inherited my Kidney Disease from
my parents," lir. Burkett states. "I
was treated by a, doctor and tried vari-
ous medicines, but it was not till about
.eighteeie months ago when I started to.
use Dodats Itidney Pills that I got any
permanent relief,
"Sitio then, I have not felt any effect
of my oldd trouble, and I feel that any-
body troubled with Itiditey Disease will
be benefitted by the Ilse of Dodats Kid-
ney Pills of they folio* the directions
hI hope that others lusty be helped. by
Doddhs Kidney rine. I am Well known
bac, add anybody who wishes more pat.
titulars of my cure an have them by
writing me and enclosing stamps for
Dodd's Kidney Bilis never fail to clire
any fora of Matey Dieease.
• (no johfl, te W., Telegraph)
'Mr. Janus 11. Brown Is right the
*Volt populittleti 'tit the world, approxl.
ileseittily 100,000,000 people. could be set
down in the etate of Texas and there
*old Mill be only ten Versant to the
-acre. 33rltlh Columble, would Word
eitett 1110P6 -elbow room. And vet laud
is *come ;ma dear.
Mtnattll tiltilmatIt Cure*. 4010., Rte.
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
are not a new and untried remedy -
our grandfathers used them. Half a
century ago, before Confederation,
they were on sale in nearly every drug
or general store in the Canada of that
day, and were the recognized cure in
thousands of homes for Constipation,
Indigestion, Biliousness, Rheuniatism
and Kidney and Liver Troubles. To-
day they are just as effective, just as
reliable as ever, and nothing better
has yet ban devised to
Cure Common Ills
• . •
(Rochester Herald.)
This system of learning everything poor-
ly instead of a little well, is pervading
the whole social fabric, unfOrtunatelY,
afid is the catiee of the vociferous com-
plaints going up on every hand about
the American public schools. It Is an
unfortunate system, too, and carries its
own punishment.
• •
(Buffalo News.)
• It has been long' considered In this
cot nty that the iron and steel trade 18
the beat business barometer that we have
and If we find It rising toward fair
weather we all must rejoice togot;ner.T110
oldest inhabitant cannot remember a
tinie when there was such 'a dispusltion
in all directions to cheer up and be
brave, to go forward with confidence as
5005 55 possible.
°Int DISTEMPER Eirkai,
Moo cure and pos:tIve preventive, no matter bow horse*
.it PAY ago are Infected or "optimal." Diouf& given en the
tongue, tate on thsfileeagnd (116o06„ espela too polsonoue
tow from th0 hialY. Cures Distemper In Dogs and *beep
and Cholera In l'oultry. I4trgait Melling live stook reroadV.
Cures La .Cfrtppe along human being* arid 10 14- 1150
remedy. Cut this Ont. Keep it. Show 11 10 your druggist, w
will get itdor you. rm. Booklet. "PlItItilltp$4 CRUM on
SPORN 14KIMCAL, CO., Cronniets end Bectsrloto
.$200.00 IN COLD .0111EN AWAY FREE
Can you Amoco the %bore tots of Jumbled letters Into the no:neon( eight welt knows% rad% If Ph TOO Call
SHARE IN 1110,1)15TEIBUTI0N TIM ARovE pEI2N, It J.: 110 easy Pa -k. lint by patleoce and Pek
leroreato YOU On Probably make out s or 6 of theta. To the p0000 8(0 cao melte out the largest number wit situ
ree the emu of Ono mond Elam, To the potion making Out Elm second hugest 0011101 the ooto of Pitty
llara, To the person making the thltd lateen number the /Pim Omer Poling. To the Immo Making the
Quads lamest numbA:he aurp of Twenty Dollars, Should MA persona mod answer* equally currect. the flma
Viz" '0.11 Lo dIvid bOtwecil thmt leach receiving 174.aa,• Onould threo sand lo equally comma ansirentalle.
'last dime prima will mat to bedlrioed, (each rarefying SOLO0). Should fou; persona lend eguallY corms; attattgli
the whole sum of Smuts will boo:luau/ slirldod (oath teteiriar Isom), owl to 911 MO PloPoltiolbito'
thoy comply with.," okapis condition ttut which we will write es soon AZ onswen ore aticeive Was arru ZiOu
out enythtng llko a complete list. smite us at truce enclosing octet, stemp fof tosy. ny'r Pak*:,
wAltr A canT Oft yOun, 1440130Y IN11EN YOU ANSWIM Tina AINNETISEIIENT. Itypucaraptp_
WRITE AT ONCE., AddrOoll. %Nola =main CO., Rot. 21,, MONTREAL, QM
Especially "Obey."
"To oppose the new woman is like
opposing the tide with a broom. Bet-
ter still, it's like coma Clay,"
The Speaker was Dr. HMCO C.
NeWte, of Denver, who has been for
a long tinae •cliamploning the slashed
skirt on the ground that it makes for
hardiness and prevents Cold.
"Calhoun Ola:," he resumed, "was
getting married. Little and lean, he
atoOd at the altar beside a tall and
robust bride el 180 pounds or more.
The ceremony proceeded regularly
until, in the bride'a reply, the words
'to love, honor and obey' were pro-
nounced, .
"At this Juncture Bridegroom Cal-
houn Clay held up his right band. A
pause ensued. In the silence Calhoun
%sense me, pahstm, but all would
have us wait a moment and let de full
solemnity o' de words sink in -es-
pecially de las' two, 1.1a's been mar-
ried befo',' "-
Not to the man who line, to movg
about, but a, slight applietition of "Put-
nam's" softensthe thickest tissue and
cures the bunion quickly. just as good
for warts, ;lamps and callouses is Put-
nam's Painlees Corn Extractor, Use no
other; 25c. at all. dealers.
Scheme, by Well He Swindled
the Confiding Clerk,
A story detailing how relentlessly
the detective department of the Amer-
ican Hotel Protective ease/elation trails
bad, debts wase told recently by a Cin-
cinnati hotel man.
It appears that a nian who register-
ed tie "aohn B. Smith, New York,"
failed to pay a bill of $50. As the
Smiths of New York are alrhoet as
tottritleett as the sands of the beach,
the finding of the particular "John B."
wanted. woe looked upon as a hercu-
lean task: However, the signature wan
traced on paper and sent to various
eities, Finally the owner of that par-
tular signature registered at a hotel
in the north. He was promptly made
to pay the bill.
A hotel "beat" used thit business letter
scheme to ewindle hotel keepers. Ilia
trlek was to open a letter in front of
the clerk, take out a cheque and then
allow the clerk to read the leiter. The
missive, presumably from a, big busi-
ness house, gave the recipient a re
bilks for not turning in Mere order&
"Now what do yon think of that " the
swindler would sty, simulating anger.
Theo he woula have the eheque milted
without question, The manager of the
hotel, however reealled.getting Vara.
ing ebout the letter ewindle and coused
the ;meet of the guest after the money
had been torted over to him. 11 develop.,
ta that the man bed forged and passed
eixty•six theeks with great profit to
Iiimeelf. was toneleted.-Cincinnati
'times -star.
(eforarcal Daily Mall)
British law saye, "ratty, but ineatte,"
American law says, "Not guilty, because
Meant." That Is the Tint* ease ex-
Planathat in twe 4:virtue/I.
"X than levet you all my days," be
exclaimed passionately. "Oh, that's all
right about the days," replied the prac-
tical young woman, "but what are you
goins to do with yeur nights'!"
friure agurgt
In Centre of Shopping
. and Business District,
260 ROOMS -100 with Private oaths
A la Carte Restaurant t
SAM. H. Tio:SdpSON, "nom
(Chleago Tribune) •
An ounce or fact is worth a pend of
theory. Since the Ford Automobile coni-
OanY of Detroit annbunced that in the
ftrture all of its employes will receive
a minimum wage of ;5 a day, and that
their Jobs inlil be reasonably secure, be-
tween 75 and HO couples have taken out
icenses to xuarry.
This Is a practical contribution to the
diactesion of why we have so many un-
married men and women. It suggests
pointedly that no a. tax cm the unmarried,
no the fining of bachelors, but increas-
el *ages and betters prospects will make
benedichs of them.
The rush to the license burerui In De-
troit emphasizes the fact that it Is not
from choice, but necessity, that many
men of marriageable age stay single;
trat the greatest foe of marriage is an
insufficient income ant uncertainty of
Fairville, Sept. 30,1002, -
Minard's Liniment Co.,,Limiteaz
Deer Sirs, -We wish to inform you
that we consider yonr 11P.WARD'S LINI-
MENT A very superior artiele, and we
use it as a sum relief for sore throne,
and elteet. Men I telt you would not
be without it if the price svas one dollar
a bottle, I mean it.
Yurs truly,
(Rochester Post-wxpross)
A man maY be a Peramuulating en-
cyclopaedia of book lore and yet be good
,a problem until he solves it -fixed un -
examinations. But the boy who has been
trained to hold his mind centered upon
watoringly upon a subject untir he mas-
ters it -has made a superior thinking ma -
athlete who can deduce his own mice
for ,mything except to pass civil service
chine of himself, has become a rnental
and meet selt reliantly the trying con -
Wiens of life.
Take LAXA.TIVB BROM() Quinine
Tablets. Druggists refund ineney if It
fails, to cure. E. W GROVE'S signa-
ture is on each box. 260.
(Toronto Star)
viutenepinePolpoiyentsoenetomise too
Methods of prontating immigration.
ha T theta remedyeaer
with empleyment those who do tome.
Canada, and more determined to provide
We need to enmioy more scientific
Loose talk of "plenty of work for every-
body" is misleading. Farmers probably
want all the help they are likely to get.
tut don't tell a grinder of lenses for op-
ticians that there Is plenty Of work -with-
out tenIng him what you mean -that
there Is plenty or work on farnts.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diptheria.
,- * • * '
(Pittsburg Ga.zette-Tlines)
12.01. A, nt., end In IndlanapOlis an order
Of a husband te be hoine at or before
The Judge of . Chicago's dornestie rem.
tions court has ruled that it Is the duty
has been trailed that persons found roam-
ing the streets After midnight will be
looked upon with 'suspicion, escorted to
the calaboose and internee there mitt
the police cOurt •can Took them over.
It Is just 0110 thlkkg after anethe to keep
reonle in the straight and narrow way,
stwee, auth measures
Tr they won't be good without the use of
will ,he natal to make them ea as if they
eillaelplInarY mea
were good. By keeping thorn practic-
ing long enough at It they niay learn.
to like it and become reetliy exemplary
ISSUE NO, 6, 1914
It May cost you money. Memory_ can
be perfected by my simple florae meth.,
ods.ENEDdi:aotwionTnoot necessary. Easy VS
master. Sent prepaid for ro cents.
196 Charlton Ave. East Hamilton, OM*
14 or return your money. This is
positively genuine. Send stamp at *nee
for free sample. Jules 'Vernon, Ileir
Specialist, Port credit, Ont.
The 0. P. IL is co-operating with Masa.
dopaid College in the desire of the latter
to improve the status of agriculture in
the province. :Meetings liove been ar-
rouged at Showville, Lachute, Hunting.
don, Cowansville, Waterloo and Cook -
shire. The meetines will give an
opportunity for fro: discussion in re-
solleneeth ttobe ttlite
P. R, is deOp]y intcveeted.
-how to improve soil management and
production. Every farmer in the neigh-
borhood will haste an opportunity to
discuss- and unfold hie own and hie
neighbors' problems withal view to find
ultimate solntions. Many %mere and
farmers' sons have not the time to take
a regular eourse, lasting two years or
more; but at this sleek time of the
year it ie expected that many will
avail themeelves of the opportunity of
taking short courses, in stoek-raising,
poultry, horticulture ana kindred mat-
teThe couree hi live stock, dairy cattle
and iebeep will form the priucipal at-
traction. One particular feature is the
idea. and all empt to get at the younger
generation. Speciell provigion made
aecordingly at the various points for
talks on the ereation of school gardens
-gardens in whieb the young people will
have a ispetial ownerehip, with free seeds
and prizes for certain kinds nod quelitioe
of gal:Art.1i. The C. P. R, 1,; interested in
helping this movement along, as it is
in line with the work evilicb it lias done
and is' doing In the 'Northwest -work
which includes betterment in every
relation of fawn life. This is probably
enlightened selfishness; for the better and
more intelligent and intensive farmiog
means to tlee company better business
in every way and a degree of efficiency
new 511(1 ill ih1C11thtl. character for itR.
Which. Will, in glee the. country.
farming perlection.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Englih 4 I
A man does not leave off loving a wo-
man without a reason, and if the rea-
ntl.snt good she le probably prettY.
Insure against hell wth sznau weekly
in8tr.linents In the collection bag,
very own, but they don't want a wife of
and white -dreams' are the color supple -
their very own.
Plenty of men want a girl to be their
Seine people seem te think they can
The book of life Is Illustrated in black
Most women start a love affair bY hav-
ing a secret with a man and end by hav-
ing secrete from him.
For social career a decree nisi Is a
mach higher recommendation than any
echolastic degree.
It 1s a woman's lot to pretend to care
less than she does while a man has to
pretend to care more than he does. They
both leave off pretending about the same
:Men and books enotyurage women to
be sirens and vampires and suffragettes,
when heaps of them who try to fill these
roles are really only fitted to be wives
and mothers and cooke.-London Tattler.
. .
Book Free. A simple
Home treatment removed
lump from this lady's breast
Old sores, ulcers and
growths cured. Describe
your trouble; we will send book and testimoelals.
4 1.4-
(ItIngston Whig.)
Why should a Judge's Income, paid by
a federal government, be exempt front
taXetion any more than the Income of
the official or business men? The origin
of the stipend should not count for any-
thing. There Is a principle at stake.
Minard's Liniment Cures Garget In
(Buffalo News)
The old theory that nobody cares what
haponea to long As there wile open corn..
petition and that men might be encourag-
ed to ruin themselves by that method, le
out of date. Itis not good for business
teen or good for the people to have the
kind of competition that results In dis-
aster to competitors, so that finally one
or two etuerge in control of market and
recoup themselves In quick time.
Your druggist Will refund money if
PAZO OINTMENT tette to turd any case
of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud-
ing Pilot in re to 14 days. Oa
(Dundee Banner)
Apart. !rent itt inoral aspect, the Intl&
Oen of the death penalty et a preventa-
tive of murder hats proven useless in these
countries and etates where It has been
retained, while its abolition In othera
has generally been aecompanted by a crease In murders. US uselessness to
;society, therefore, has been eleatla
enough Droved.
C014111/XXON Or THE ItAXOtr.
1/.46,Tit I THE F F Ltyst ixo.ilift ROST