HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-01-29, Page 8,)WARY fig,, 1914
Alex. M Dougal wee engaged savelmg waM on this litre last week.
Mr. end Aim Maxwell Abram spent
Sunday at Mr. Wm. Abre►nu's and W.
tiasetnoxe'a of Salem.
Some At the young folks around
hears attended the ball in Biuevale
Feidey uigbt and report a good time.
Minutes of ineeting held in the Coun-
cil that on Thursday, Jan 15 h. 1914.
After membere took the obligation of
otlice Reeve took .the chair and the
following officer() were anteointed fur
the current year;—.Q. McEwen, Olin k,
salary $200; Rieherd J.tlanstnn and
Pater MoNab, Auditore, at $10 Barb ;
Thos. Miller, Assetesar, salary. $8J;
Richard Procter. Collector, salary,
$125 ; Henry John=ton, metpber of tie
Board of Reset h,
.4. grant ole $3 was mild to the Sick
Children's Hospital,
W, H. Kerr was given contract for
doing printing for township at
eeseVollowinge accounts were Paid ;—R
Priem', salmi, Collector, $135: Alex.
Meal? I. Poll Clerk, No. 4, division, $2;
Jame Jackson, gravel Taylnr'e bridge=,
$7; • tees timber, $31.5; Wm, Find -
later, repairs at Goiley'e culvert, $2 -
25; Gen, Pierce. work on ditch across
road. $6 ; Jno. McGill, D. R. 0 No. 8,
34; R. Procter,, rent of school, N. 5,
$3; Gen. Mason, stationery, 60e; Ray-
nerd Elliott. 1.00 yards stone, Prairie
road, $40 ; Wm Fergueon, inspecting,
$8; Wnt. Ferguson, Poll Clerk, N.a. 3,
$2; Municipal World, Election papere,
$7.20; Chas. Forrest, refund taxes.
$4.50 ; John Johtieton, road share of
tile, $1.7 00; Geo, Peacock, road altars
of tile, $11 30 ; James Peacock, road
share of tile, $1.80; Ob ►s. Rintoul, re-
fund taxes, 44c; A 2ticEwen, express
election, postage, $23.69; W. H. Kerr.
printing ballots, $3; Wingham Ad-
vance Publishing Co•, advertising
Prairie road. $11.40 Geo. Mason,
stationery, $2 40 ; John Mete were
Poll Clerk, $2; echonl rent, $3; John
Brown, D. R O., $1; Robt. Newcombe,
Poll Olerk, $2; Jae. Scott, school rent,
$3; Geo. McCall, D. R 0., $4; Tho',.
Meet!), Poll Clerk, $2; school rent,
$3; Obas. Forrest, D. R 0., 84;
school home, $3; Neil. Robb, Pell
Clerk, $2; Robert Garnise, D. R. 0.,
"$4 ; school house, $3 ; Neil Robb, Poll
Clerk, $2 ; Robert Garnier, D. R. O ,
34: August Guhr, Blyth Creek Drain,
Next meeting wilt be held on Feb,
9th. A. MAoEwi;N, Clerk.
Mrs. Will Jacklin was the guest of
Mrs, Johnson on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Burke were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. L King
The Missed McDonald spent Tues.
day last with their friends the Misses
Miss Kate Scott was an over Sunday
guest at the home of Mre. Benson
Wheels r.
Mr. Andrews of Brussele is the guest
of bis daughter, Mrs. Will Hamilton.
of the god.
Mr. and Mre. Ed. Bryans were week
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Bryans of Brussels,
Miss Olive Lake returned home on
Saturday after having spent a week
with Wingham friends.
Jamestown people are going to go
"60,000 strong" in favor of the C made.
Temperance Act on the 29th.
Mrs. MacDonald of Kincardine who
has been visiting friedns in this vicini-
ty returned home on Saturday. •
Mr. Hugh McDonald and niece, Miss
Jennie McDonald spent Thursday with
Mr, and Mrs, Tom Smith of Morris,
Mr. Edward Bryans accompanied by
his son, John, attended the tenant.' of
the late Wm. McKercner at Wroxeter
on Wednesday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Raynard enter•
tained a number of the young people
of the 3rd line on Wednesday evening
last, All report a merry time.
A Large audience gathered in Victor-
ia Hall, Jamestown on Thurs lay even-
ing and listened to two able adleees
es on the Canada Temperance Act
from Rev. Mr. Wren and Rev. Mr.
Mann,both of Brussels.
The annual congregational meeting
of St. Andrew's Church was held Mon-
- -
Mr. Jai'ites McElroy is here from the
West and is visiting his brother, Mr.
Jobs -McElroy of Morris and W. H.
and Thomas of town.
The congregation decided to adopt
the duplex envelope and hold a Men's
Banquet in the near future. The Min-
isters stipend was increased $100.
There will be a moving exhibition of
the Provincial Board of Health, held
in the Induetry Hall, Tuesday after-
noon. AU school children are specially
invited to attend.
Mr. Wesley Bentley of Oyen, Alta,
paid a visit to his parents, Mr. and
Mre. Jas. Bentley. Mr. Bentley was a
delegate from the Grain Growers' As-
' sedation to the Convention at Ottawa.
Reeve Milne is in attendance at the
County Council meeting at Goderieb
this week. Rev. Mr, Jewitt was at
Benmiller Monday evening speaking
in the interests of the Canada Temper -
mace Act.
The reports from the various organ•
izations of the church were highly satis-
factory and the church finances are in
good shape. $700 were paid out for
missions and benevolent purposes by
ail societies.
Mies GerlieBush visited friends near
Teeswater last week.
Mise Pearl Merkley of Winghatn
called on friends around here laic
Me, Jas, Wylie will hold an auetion
sale of farts stook and implements on
Feb. 4th.
Me. Robert McMichael and Me. Ed
Bennett visited friends near Orange
11i111att Sunday,
Mr. Wm. Abram and his two eleters
of Morrie spent last Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Woe. Abram.
There wvill be no service in the
church here ext Sunday. Sacrament
Will be held in Delmore at 11 a.m,
Mrs. O. ° A. Warder end daughter,
Gladys, Mre. C. J. Sash and daughter,
Ethyl, Mott Hooey and Mee Dun-
niead of Nie ars Palle, Oat , are
vests of Mrs. J. T. 'Wylie.
The Debate :—Resolved that Na
p�aleon was a greater man than 'Wel-
lington which wit held last Thursday
night was a dftided. enccese. The s .
Mite wean ssphekl by D. L. ''W'af,
Barry Dt*b and the nega,ttive by
ter. A, lli 1 tend Stanley Elliott.
d rel OOS Vinever to the negative.
fris filled and *Verve
litOisrWAI Ossaml yrk,ls stat int.
- l
Qwtng to the ball being engaged on
the .regular nights the meetings for
the next two weeks will be held on
Monday evenings, Feb. 2 and Feb 0
Next week five girls and fiveboys
will debate the question "Resolved
that* girl has more fun than a boy."
Toa boys taking the afirrtnative, Mise
Helen. Black and Mr. Wilfrid McEwen
will be the leaders, The "Literary
Digest' is being resumed with a larger
tend stronger stall then last year and
other pl±ansAre being formed to melee
the Literary Society of greater interest
and value to the community than over
The W, M, S. Missionary Tea on
Tuesday evening Jan. 20th, watt a de .
ceded Nacelle. In spite of the stormy
evening a good crowd gathered from
all the appointments. A. good pro
gram watt carried out by talent from
each appointment. In the absence of
the pastor, Mr, A. Shaw trade a splen-
did, chalrtn:,n. Mrs. Johnston from
Gordo, the District Organizer, was
,present, and gave a good address on
"Some reasons why Christian Women
should belong to the ]Missionary So-
ciety." The ladies of the circuit are Le
coming more interested in the Society
and new•membsrs are being added to
the list.
An interesting debate was held at
the meeting of the Literary Society
last week on the subject, "Revolved
that life today is preferable to life
forty years ago", The affirmative
side consisted of Mr. Gordon Rintoul,
Miss C. M. Messer and Mr. Ernest
Shaw, Their opponents being Mr. W,
ff. Haney, Miss Mary King and Mr. R
Shaw, While the judges, Miss Maud
Fryfogle, Mr. Joe. Smith and Mr. R.
N. Duff decided by a majority in favour
of the negative, the speakers on botb
sides were heartily congratulated for
the excellent way in which they band-
ied the subject. Mr. A. L. Posliif,
principal of Wingham Public School
retains his interest in the Literary
Society and occupied the chair. The
numbers on the program were all ap-
propriate to the subject of the evening
One very pleasing feature was a ladies'
chorus which sang old songs such as
"Nellie Grey" and "Goodnight Ladies".
Other old songs eung during the even-
ing, some of them in costume were
"Three Q:d Maids of Lee", "Sweet
Genevieve" and "When you and 1
were young Maggie", by the Misses
Diamond, Mr. 1'. D. King and others,
Readings were given by Mr. Hugh
Cinnamon and Miss M. Duff and in-
strumentals by Messrs Spiers and
Kearney, Mr. Wilfrid MacEwen and
the school boys' band.
Miss Oro McIntosh spent the week-
end at Mr, Robt. Earl's,
Mr. Milton White of Wingham
spent Sunday with his parents.
A load of young people came from
Wroxeter on Saturday evening to
Mr, E. Heibitie of Guelph visited
east week with his brother, Mr. O.,
and Mrs. Heibine.
Mise G. White of Mount Forest
spent Sunday with her,parents, Mr,
and Mre. R. F. White,
Mre. W. J. Gamble and Mr, John
Sardine attended the funeral of their
aunt at Eldereley one day last week.
The Foedwioh Dramatic Club are
putting on the play "Willowdale" in
the Town Hall on Friday evening,
the 30th, under the auspices of the
Orange Lodge.
Mre. R. F. .White and Miss Ger-
trude were hostesses at a tea at their
home on Saturday in honor of Mies
Wilson of London, who le Mre.
Roberts' sister and guest.
Mr, John Waters had the mibfor-
fortune to have his residence and al-
most alt the contents destroyed by
fire on Thuraday night last. The lose
was partially covered by insurance.
f. Aldrich Baxter. who was adver-
tised to give a lecture against the C.
T. A. in the Town Hall last Friday
found when he arrived in the town
that ne one had engaged the hall, con-
sequently no meeting was held.
The members of the Public Library
Board met at Dr, J. Armstrong's on
Monday evening to windup the year's
work and arrange for the annual
public meeting which will be held
on Friday, Jen, 30th, in the Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Peskin have had a son
visiting them from t ho West.
Sandy Stewart has returned from
Visiting friends near Woodstock.
Itobt Evee of Calgary is here attend.
ing the funeral of his aunt, MIs, I.
• Wheeler,
Me. and Mre. Thos. Hill are moving
to London this week, where Mr. Hill
has purchased the Pack house.
Ree. Kilpattick and Boyle preached
good sermons on Sunday in favor of
the Scott Act,
The Women's Inetitute of Belgrave
are 'giving an At -Rome to the mem•
bars of the Partner's flub on Tuesday
evening, Feb, 10th,, at 1 80 p. ire.
Rev. Mr. Pith addressed a large
meeting on Monday night in the hall.
reeling with the Protestant Situation
to the homes and itchools of Ontario,
The liquor party had a mase meeting
In the Forester's Hall on Friday night
at which Mr. Baxter champtorred their
cause and Mr. Cameron of Lucknow
the opposition.
The remains of Mre, L Wheeler.
were laid to relit on Snnaky from the
lfagtisla ()buret*. A. splendid sermon
wit preached by Reef. Ida, Farr cvf
Mytb. fides highly esteemed by
friends efed naghboure .and will b.+
greatly mint its the et Just
sowers mouths ale, Ida, pit+ esti
lata lit.
Nis; Anuie Menzies Suudayed in Brus-
Mies Mina. McRae of Armow is visiting
friends in this vicinity.
Hartley Menzies and Roy Turvey at.
teuded the "At Home" in the Normal
School, Stratford,. on Friday evening.
The choir gallery in the Knox Church
has been changed from the centre of the
church to the north corner end makes a
great improvement,
hlr. and Mre, John Templeton and
son H. of Moose Jaw, Sask. Bpd Mr.
Fred McGlynn of Ashfield visited at
Mr. Jae. McGlynu's on the boundary
for a few dayr. Ura. Templeton was
formerly Sarah McGlynn of Ashfield,
Miss Stella Gift a ie in Toronto.
Mrs. (Orel Rambly is visiting in
Mrs. S. McGee went to Sarnia op
Mr.. Cross of Listowel spent Sunday
iq town.
Miss FloraJarvis spent last week to
Mies Lucy Bowers spent Sunday in
Mayor Spotton of Rarrieton was in
town on Friday.
Mies Jean Webb of Se. Helens was
14 town last week.
Mr, Robt. Brooks returned from
Toronto on Friday.
Miss Margaret Steele spent Sunday
at her home in Teeswater.
Mrs. J. 0, Linklater of Teeswater,
spent Saturday in Wingham.
Miss Viola Sturdy of Lucknow was
in town for a few days last week.
Mr. Chas. Deane, Detroit Mich, -was
in town for a few days this week.
Mise Mabel Thompson of Mitchell is
visiting at the home of Mr. D. Bell.
Miss White of Gorrie visited at Mrs.
Halliday's for a few days last week.
Mr. Percy Roulston of Ripley is a
visitor with his sister, Mrs. Solomon.
Mrs, Richard Vanatone visited her
sister, Mre. Chisholm of Oakville, last
Dr. J. F. McCracken of Sudbury
spent the weekend with friends in
Mr. Sheldon Hern of Toronto is a
visitor with his uncle, Mr. A, K.
Miss Lydia, 1Krotz of Listowel spent
Sunday with her sister, Mise Be.rtha
Mrs. Button and Mrs. Dr. Spence of
Lucknow visited Mrs. A. Covens yes-
R -eve McKibbon is in Godetich at-
tending the meeting of Huron County
Mre. Hemphill and Mrs, Dr. Jackson
of Wroxeter were in town on Tuesday
of this week.
Mr, and Mrs. John Miller and two
children of Toronto are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Fella.
Miss Bertie Haines, North Bay, is
spending a week 'with her parents,
Mr. and Mre. Arthur Haines.
Mr. and Mrs, Foulston of Riding
Mountain, Man. are visiting at the
home of the letters brother, Mr, Wm.
Anderson, town.
Miesee Tena and Lula and Mr.
Dougald Brotchie of Ripley visited
friends in Eaet Wawanosh and Turn -
berry last week.
Mr. Thos. Bell and son, Mr. H. O.,
of Southampton were in town last
week attcteliog the 11111041 of the
tore ev e brother, the late Juba Bell,
Mr. Milton White went home to
Corrie on 8atettlay to attend a t,kat-
ing petty given in honor of Mies
Wilson of Landon,who is vielelog her
,sister, Mrs. Roberts, at the rectory,
Mre. Elizabeth. Bloomfield, who a
short time ago Bold herresidenee here
and moved to Olinton, bas returned
to town and purchased a house, on
Scott St. Mrs. Bloomfield says Wing -
ham for hers.
Mr. and Aire. William Elliott of
Glenannen left for Toronto on. Monday
where Mrs, Feltott wilt visit her cousin,
Airs, Johq Levach and other friends
and Mr. Elliott will attend the Brick-
rnaker'e convention,
VanNorinan--At Brandon, Jan. 18th.
Virginia Margnnrite, infant dangh-
tar of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. K. Van -
Norman aged eight days.
J, McKague, representing Stewart
eo Walker, Real Estate and Financial
Agents, Sterling Bank building. Win-
nipeg, is visiting friends in Wingham
and vicinity. Mr.,McKague has ,some
real good revenue bearing proposition
backed by good securities and will be
glad to discuss the question with any
who may avail themselves of the op-
20 21, J. McKAGIJE, Wingham.
Farm for Sale or Rent.
The undersigned offers for sale his
farm, E. half lot 88, con, 6 East Wawa-
nosh consisting of 100 acres more or
less, on the premises are a good bank
barn with outer buildings, good frame
house with telephone and mail delivery,
8 acres good orchard This farm is
well fenced with wire fencing' 35 acres
ploughed ready for spring crop, 8 acres
fall wheat. This farm mast be sold or
ranted as the prop. is giving up farming.
For full particulars apply to—
R. R. -No. 8 Blyth
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Store opens 7 a. m. Closes 7 p. m.
That is what WE SELL. It comes
to us direst from the factory. It
is free from everything objectiona-
ble. It is -
By purchasing good, clean, honest
Oat Meal in BULK FORM you more
than save the price of Chinaware
when otherwise bought. Thus,
you do trot accumulate China for
which _you have no use, but can
buy what China you want with
Try us for your next Oat
Meal order.
Pure , Cream and Rainbow
High Cost of Living
Dear Agriculturist
• We have found a system of doing a produce busi.
ness which we believe will be very profitable to you.
It raises the price to the producer and lowers it to
the consumer.
We pay you cash at your door for strictly fresh
eggs and send them direct to the consumer.
Your cream is - weighed at your door, tested and
paid for in Wingham and shipped ' to Silverwood's targe
Creamery in London.
For full particulars, call or write
A. H. Wilford
Office 174, Residence 108.
A — . rr. - 111
The Event
of the Month
Men's Suits
`Boys' Suits
Men's Overcoats
Boy's Overcoats
The prices will surprise you,
Come and see for yourself.
The Clothier
MacDonald Block. Opp. Bank of Commerce.
Look ! Look !
We offer for sale for one week
only our entire stock of Ladies',
Men's, Boys' and Children's
Fur collared Coats, and Mink
collared Coats, with quilted lin-
ings, at the reduced price of
twenty five per cent off.
We have a big stock to show
you of up-to-date Coats., in all
Do not miss this chance as we
know we can suit you.
Mr. C,owle, of the House of Hob-
berlin, will be here January four-
teenth and fifteenth to take Special
Orders for Suits and Overcoats for
Winter and Spring.
1•11101101111•P 4101.1.1111
Phone 70:
Exactly "10 More Days and Our Shoe Sale
Will be a thing of the past.
Saturday, Feb. 7th (inclusive) is the last day and until that time we
will continue to offer
Also dertain lines of LEATHER BOOTS and SHOES
consisting of Remnants, etc., at Prices far below their actual cost to us.
We wish again to state that we are not offering all the goods in
our store at reduced prices. We stated this plainly at the begin-
ning of the sale and once more wish to impress on the public that
the lines of Boots •and Shoes we are offering at such low prices
are not the newest we have but consists of "odds and ends." In
some lines two pairs of a kind—in other kinds three pairs of a
kind, etc., etc.
We still have some exceptional bargains in Men's Shoes.
A. number of $4.00 to $5.00 Shoes
For $2.37 per pair
Take a look at these in our south window.
on FRIDAY (this week) we will offer the biggest Bargain
have yet offered, namely,
72 pairs Women's Shoes regular $2.50 to $3.00 lines
For $1.37 per pair.
Remember the date—Friday (this week) Jan. 30th.
None of these sold before 10 a.m. and if not all sold on Friday they
will be on sale until Saturday, Feb, 7th.
All sizes in the lot for Women, 2i to 7.
Also bargains in Leather Boots and Shoes for Boys, Girls and Children,
Our stock is too large and we must reduce it.
W. H. WILLIS & co.