The Wingham Advance, 1914-01-29, Page 6TIE WINGHAM ADVANCE WILL BE GIVEN AWAY FREE BY "T"-- M .1, va, TO THE RESIDENTS OF THIS DISTRICT FIRST Grand Capital Prize ---$375 Mozart Piano, sold by Heintzman Co. SECOND THIRD FOURTH 44 i6 it t6 izs --w$150 Columbia Grafonola. ---$110 Scholarship in. Wingham Business College (Commercial and Stenography) ---$70 Scholarship in Wingham Business College (Commercial or Stenography) owooneog000000m00000000c0000000000cn00000000mooeapocoocc000ci000000ecoce000cemeoecn00000000coc00000000c00000mec0000co cvoeoci0000p0000mooc000000 Complete with $30.00 in Records $150.00 Columbia Grafonola .w.W.W� \�£1�4w'Vtov 4a•.hV.A7t+�Qt.»W.0 3+CY: �v.�.vC�K. v +JCN`%Aw•N.v $375 Mozart Piano. 0040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000=m000000=000000000,000000,0000.00000000000000000000000000000000000,30000000000000 The Wingham Advance has completed arrangements with the Canadian Countryman to enter upon a great subscription campaign, whereby they can offer these two excellent journals for the price of one. The Canadian Countryman is a new illustrated home and farm weekly paper which entered the field about thirteen months ago', and is outstripping all other farm papers, is one of the best of its kind that has yet been published in Canada. The Advance needs no introduction. It is known far and wide as one of the beet local papers published in the country. Here is a great opportunity for the people of this district to secure two first class papers for lees than they ever will again. To all who enter the contest, we offer prizes worth working for. 9 LIQ 00000C3OOq i3000000©CQ©OeoOOOOOOOO .00000 00000 Sod The Advance has inaugurated the moat important voting contest ever known in the history of newspapers in this district, $890.00 in prizes will be distributed to the parties who engage in this big circulation campaign, and they will all be awarded on a basis of votes secured in return for subscriptions collected. Every one in. Wingham and district are invited to enter the oontebt and compete for the prizes, Votes will be allowed on all subscription pay ments according to the vote schedule appear- ing in this announcement, and candidates will ' ' be permitted to secure subsoriptions anywhere in Canada. Nomination Blank 100 Votes Nominate a Candidate ! $800 Prize Voting Contest Campaign Manager, The Wingham Advance: Dear Sir: Please enter name of M . • Address Nominated by Address as a candidate in the $800 Voting Contest Thiel blank is good for 100 votes to the Can- didate nominated herewith. Voting Power of Subscriptions The Wingham Advance ..1 yr..$1.. 200 votes 't " . 2 yrs.. 2.. 450 votes to " ..3 yrs. , 3.. 700 votes " ..4 yrs.. 4..1000 votes fe " .,5 yrs., 5,.1500 votes Canadian Countryman . 1 yr, .81.. 200 votes " " .. 2 yrs.. 2.. 450 votes .. 3 yrs.. 8.. 700 votes ,. 4 yrs.. 4..1000 votes ,. 5 yrs,. 5..1500 votes .10 yrs..10..4000 votes " 1, " S, " 1t ,f Combination Schedule When the Wingham Advance and the Canadian Countryman are ordered together, for the same name and address, votes will be allowed as follows: The Wingham Advanoe and The Canadian Countryman together: 1 year ......$1.50 2 years 8.00 8 years 4.50 4 years.. , 8.00 5 boars. 7.50......8000 votes Tho same number of votes are allowed for new eubsoriptions, renewals of old subsorip. tions, and for the payment of arrears. Contestants will note that the regular annual subeotiption price of the Canadian Countryman Is $1.50 but the Wingham Ad. - 400 votes 900'6otes 1500 votes 2000 votes opooc000000w000000d00000c000pop000n0000000c0000mococ000000ci00000000p00000poo vane has been given authority by the pub- lishers toofferit at $1.00 per year when sold singly, and $1 50 per year when sold in con- nection with the Wingham Advance, for the two. This means that an old subscribers of The Wingham Advance maysecure a full year's subscription to the Canadian Country- man by paying his renewal to The Wingham Advance and adding 50 cents. A new sub- scriber" may get a full year's subscription to the Wingham Advance and a full year's sub- soription to the Canadian Countryman, all for $1,50. Send all 1ubsoriptions and remittances to the Campaign Manager, "The Wingham Ad- vance" Wingham, Ont., and upon receipt of same, vote certificates will be issued, and re- turned or voted as requested by the candidate, according to the conditions of the campaign. All cheques, drafts, money orders, eta., are to be made payable to the Aeingbani Advance, Wingham, Ont. Candidate are requested to write plainly in filling oat the t;nbsoription forms, which will be supplied each candidate, which is to , be seat to the Campaign Department of "The Wingham Advance." Votes will not be allowed for aubeoriptione not accompanied by a remittance If there is anything you. do not under- stand, ask for inforihation—tile Campaign Manger will be pleased to assist yeti. How the Prizes Are Distributed (1). The candidate securing the largest -num- ber of votes in the entire contest will be awarded a $375 Mozart Piano made by Heintzman Co. (2). The candidate securing the largest num- ber of votes after the $875 Piano has been awarded, will be awarded a $150 Columbia Grafonola. The candidate securing the largest num- ber of votes after the Piano and Grafon- ola have been awarded, will be awarded a 8110 Scholarship in the Wingham Business College (Commercial and Ston- ography). (4). The candidate securing the largest num- ber of .votes after the Piano, Grafonola and $110 Scholarship have been awarded, wilt bo awarded a $70 Scholarship in the Wingham Business College (Com- mercial or Stenography). Prize Guaranteed Every Candidate (3). "The Wingham Advance" does not ask the residents of this diatriot to Canvass for snb'oriptions and then take chanbee en getting a reward for their efforts. The Wingham Advance agrees to give every candidate who secnree 1000 votes (excepting those Who won one of the Grand Prizes) the choice of a seleotien of useful articles which will be made known later, all of which will repay each candidate for the work done Oandidates in "The Wingham Advanoe" 8800 Prize Ciron- lation Campaign are not entering a game of Chance, for they are all rewarded. ¥* *+t ax vxa>fa>fvrrr 4 4,41 ***************;r**;r***** 0000000000000000000 YOU CAN NOMINATE YOURSELF 01? FRIEND ADDRESS s Contest Manager: Wingham Advance, Wingham, Ont, 1 TIIURI;.DAY, JANUARY 29, I94 RUPTURE (sus Dims a ax sax el>s) Truss Torture Onne Thought Necessary, but Now Your Searoh for Relief Is Ended. Wonderful Method Retains Rupture Without Knife, Delmar or Pero. J. Y, EOAN, Specialist of Toronto Old-fashioned truss torture is no longer neces- sary. Galling, slipping trusses and arbarous methods of tl•eann rupture are done away with lay the wonderfnk invention of a specialist who has devoted fifty years to this one afflic- tion. The marvelous new BqEGAN UReAsIt security here pallleothersafall eliIt stoopsaaall irritation and restores every part to its o - twat position as soon es It Is used and tor alt time and old style trusses are thrown away. "EGAN'S CRAMS" eures are absolutely with- out operation and the cost Is small. Multitudes of cured men, maroon and children testify. Also endorsed by many physicians. Where others fall is where 1 have my greatest success. Nothing complicated, no pain or irri- tation, but just a natural retentive method. immediate relief guaranteed. No fakes or lies —just straight business. Do not lay this aside, or delay, but tear oft free coupon now. Freo Consultation Coupon. This coupon, upon presentation to J. T. Egan rupture specialist, (ofiice,No. 200, 14 East King Street, Toronto) who will visit the towns on dates mentioned below, wilt entitle bearer to free consultation and examination of samples. .Ask at hotel office for number of my room. Note dates.. Wingham; Queen's Hotel Saturday afternoon and night, Sunday all day and night. 1i days only, February 14 and 15. Kincardine, Royal Hotel, Feb, 16 and 17. Listowel, Arlington Hato), Feb. 18, and other Western towns -see local papers. FATTENING BEEF CATTLE CHEAPLY, ARE YOUR F8NC8$ ALL OP? in order to produce cattle that will yield a (•144'0033 of beef of high quality without being made excess11'ely fat, It is necessary t'.+ use animals that are bred for the purpose, that will dis- tribute the fat evenly and equally over the entire Carcass without piling an. excess of it at any point. that will dis- tribute the fat with the lean making a ellt of beef which Is well_marbled and yet not awerdune. '1'lais Is where the thief advantage of tite use Of' beef i breeding 1111 i 1U11 Is tomes to the farmers of the Central west in that he can matte Itis rattle attruttiwe from the st114411u(tiof the matt•het wit1101/t mal:- ing 1littu excessively fat hi order to simply increase the dressing percent- age.• The tendency during recent years lues been to eliminate the extremely heavy cattle from the general 41)8I'ket, and we are today consuming beef that is equally as valuable from the stand - !mint °film nititlate consumer without so bulb waste. This leutle'ney will he even more maricell if) the futllre Among the beef breeds of cattle ilerefords occupy a prominent place. They are second to none as rustlers, and no healthier breed of cattle is known Oalelnl reports of government and state veterinari- ans, both in England and the Unit- ed States. show that for the past ten Sears but 4 per cent of Here- fords responded to the tuberculin test, while other beef breeds had a much higher peck entage. This breed is noted for its early maturity and for its ability to put on flesh under adverse circumstances. They are unexcelled in beef type, putting on flesh where it is most desired, because of the fact that the larger proportion of the fat that Is now placed upon beef cattle Is made through the (1Se of cont which could be con- sumed in Its original form without be- ing converted into meat. .Cllr problem hi the future will be very largely a study of how to make beef from feeds that are not to such condition they eau be consumed by the hutnun family, but roust be converted into n more concentrated product. This will necessitate the use of larger quantities or roughage And smaller quantities of grain In staking tluilnalle that will be acceptable from the hutch. ers standpoint. It also means that our cattle toast be bred In such man- ner that they will bene Inrge eapncity for feed and that they will mature for market without the excessively long feeding period, As an leteeration of this, we find Om the average cost of it po)!nd of ;rnln un StOelter salves fed at the Agri. cultural renege latyt whiter on feeds welt as silage and alfalfa hate was 1lhoat 3 '?-3 realty pet' pound, This gain represented to a very large extent en increase in the pradnetlon of lean meat rather than tin lnerense In pare fat. While the salves et the close of the feeding e.kl)ertnent wore not In the most desirable (oladitio0 for elangh'ter, "hbey were in atutost ideal Ships to go un to the grn#s and to ten - thew to make cheap nett rapid gains from reeds that would otherwise have 1111le eon:met•a•ial value.—Professor 'V. . r~trtllrt, littneae Agricultural College. ,A. farmer with a held of wheat would see that fie bad a good fence tau tact1 side of it. Some men only protect one, two or three {aides of what is mora valuable than the farmer's field of wheat. Study diagram below and see tilat 1 b fence is in repair on all four sides. Health Insurance Vire Insurance Your own and your family's interests Life Insurance Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO, Established 1840, Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on alt classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre, mium note system. GEO. SLEEMAN, JOHN DAVIDSON Presideut. Secretary. RITCHIE ire COSENS, Agents, Wingham, Ont DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham. R. VANS T ONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. WINGHAM. RTRUR J. IRWT ,• A.D.S., L.D.13. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, —Office in Macdonald Block— G. II. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. flottor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Snrgeoes of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER R. E. ISARD & CC'S. STORE DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B 01, F.S.D. OSTEOPATHIC PNYSICIAN EYE SPECIALIST FOOD SCIENTIST Acute and Chronic Diseases treated. Glasses Scientifically fitted. Tuesday 11.30 a.m, to Wednesday 10.30 a.m Main St. (over Christie's Store.) W. R. NAMBLV, B.Sc., N.D., C.M. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. AU business given careful attention. Phone 54. • P. O. Box 118 DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OFFIoss—Corner Patrick and Centre eireets PIIONEs— Oifices 4a Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr, Calder 101 Dr, Kennedy specializes In Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad. nate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCS • DR. ROBT. G. REDMOND M. R. 0. 8. (Eng.) L. 11:. 0. P. (bend./ Physician and Surgeon. tbr. ChIsholni'e old stand) W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFION or LATH DR. WILSON. itESinENOE—COR PATRIOif rb ritANOIt Mee Phone 179. Residence Phone 182. Elk Gov. 'rot. Instleotor. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT /saner of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. WINO HAM General liospitat. (Under Gtovernmex.l Intnootton.) Pleasantly sittuuatt(erdy. Beautifully furnished. ,larly licensed physicians. Open — 4 patients $16 00 per week, mrd g nttrMnggt to low= of loom. For farther worm. ► 14 UeTIMAb leuestintorlaset, 111{1{, Wl tact at tial: