HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-01-29, Page 5Didyou ever use DyrMKiss or Mary Carden Perfurnes and Powders? Once you try them you will use no other. Nothing surpasses them in de- licate odor They are the newest and the best. DAVIS' CORNER DRUG STORE Successor to A. L. HAMILTON 11111.1111111111111111111- Ir THTJRs11AYa JANUARY 29, 1914 Jamestown.. (Too late for last week) Mr. Andrew Pollock conducted the services ill the hall Sunday night. Mr.and Mre. D.McDonald vi sit d .at Thos. Straohau's, jr., on Sunday. Mr. Strachan is not having very good health. We trust he will soon get better, • Rev. Mr. Lacklend of Wraxeter rate very near being frozen returning from Ethel last Tuesday. He and hie son called in at Will King's and he soon got all right again. He and the Rev, Mr. McKelvey had changed put - pits for the day. Harvey Bryan of near Brussels has bought the old Franck house from Walter Yuill and is moving it in sections to hie farm near town. Mr. Cole of Ethel rune the moving busi- oese, There wag a good attendance and good addresses both afternoon and night sessions at the Farmers' Iosti. tate meetings in the hall here on Jan. Oth. Mr. Robt. Hamilton of Bluevale is having a sale on Thursday of this week on the Geo. Coombe' farm, which be has had rented for the last 7 years. Mr. Lawrence Willie has the farm rented now. Mr. and Mrs. David Breckenridge visited friende at Zetland on Sunday last. Mr, and Mrs. John Robinson of Fordwieb visited at Mrs. Wrn. Hall's last week. Mr. 'Harvey Henderson visited at Mrs. B. King's on Sunday. COUGH TWO YEARS OLD Yields to Vinol. Read Why. Strong vigorous men and women hardly -ever catch cold; it's only when the system is run down and vitality low that colds and coughs get a foot- hold. Now isn't it reasonable that the right way to cure a cough 1e to build up your run down condition again? Mrs. D. A. McGee of Waycross, Ga.. pays: "I had a chronic cold and cough which kept me awake nights for two years and I felt tired all the time. Vinol cured my cough and I. feel stronger in every way." %ie reason Vinol la so efficacious in such cases is because it contains in a delicious concentrated form all the medicinal curative elemeatts of cod liver oil, with tonic, blood build- ing iron added. Chronic coughs and colds yield to Vinol because it builds up the weak- ened, run-down system. You can get your money, back any time if Vinol does not do all we say. J. Walton McKlbbon, Druggist, Wingbam ,THE WINGITAM A.DYT'A O Mies Elisa Willie visited friends near Midway last week. 1litss Mary Wallace of Wingham visited the parental roof on Sunday. Revs. Mr.. Mann and Mr. Wren of Brussels will speak in the hall here on Thursday on re a night traffic _._ the e li. uo q r , or the Canada Temperance Act. West Wawanosh. Council met Jan, 12, 1914, se per statute,.; members all present. Reeve Murray in the chair Membere having subscribed the neceseary qualification and declaration of office the minutes of Deo, 15, 1918, were read and passed on motion of Naylor and Purdon. The appointment of officers for 1914 resulted as follows -- Clerk, W. A. Wilson ; Treas., W, J, Thompson ; Assessor, Geo. Webb ; Collector, J, Boyle ; Caretaker, J. Cameron ; Audi- tors, C. Girvin, R. E. Anderson ; Road Commissioners, J. A. Mallough, A. E. Johnston in South, B. Naylor and J: Purdon in North, Boundary lines, Reeve Murray. Sheep inspec- tors—A. Anderson, Louis Grant in North, J. J. Washington, U. Thomp- son in South. Board of Health --M. 0. H., L. E. Case, John McLean. D. B. Murray. Health inspectors, Sub. Div. 1, S. Kerr ; Div, 2, Jas. Johnston ; Div. 3, P. Kearney ; Div. 4, Alex. Stuart; Div. 5, E. Gaynor. Printing, Lucknow Sentinel. By-law No. 1, 1914 was read three times and passed on motion of Naylor and Mallough confirming the above appointments to office for 1014. J. A. Mallough was appointed dele- gate to annual meeting of Dungannon Driving Park Association. Motion by Purdon and Mallough that the usual grants be given St. Helene, Dungannon, and Manchester Public Librarya—carried. Motion by Naylor and Johnston that W. Proud - foot be Tp. Solicitor—carried. Ac- counts to the amount of $118 were passed and paid on motion of Naylor and. Mallough. Council adjourned to meet Jan. 31st, at 11 o'clock when the Drain question will be taken pp. W.•A. Wilson, Clerk. $z,000 For Each Lost Sailor. Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 8—At a meeting to be held here late this afternoon, $220, 000 will be distributed among the surviving relatives of the 200 Great Lakes seamen who lost their lives on Nov. 9th, when the Great Lakes ex- perienced, the most severe gale known in their history. Eight men, four Oen adieus and four Amario.tne, will decide ho v to disburse the fund. Veesel owner, on both aides of the border have been geueron3 in their con- tributions to the fu ad, ani the Can id- ian Govern uent gave $25,000, Turnberry. Wednesday evening of last week about 75 friends and neighbors gather- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mitchell to spend a social evening previous to their removal to Wing•. ham, where they purpose residing owing to Mr. Mitchell'e poor health, A programme was rendered, Mr. Bing acting as chairman, coneieting of violin selections by Mr. John Mo-- Corrnick, chorus by a number of the ladies, violin selectione by Misses Nettie Bryce and Leah. McCormick, speech by Mr. 8. Burchill, Song by Mr. Bryce, violin eei"ectione by Mr. Wrn. Jenkins, reading by Mr. J. Link - later, after which the ladies took possession and hastily prepared a dainty luncheon, served in their usual good style. The evenings entertain, went was brought to a close by sing- ing "God be with you till we meet again." The most important event of the evening was the presentation of a gold headed umbrella to Mr. Mitchell, a case of silverware to 1drs. Mitchell and a purse to little Alfred, On ac- count of Mr. Mitchell's poor health Mre. Mitchell rept feelingly, thank- ing their friends and neighbors for their appreoiaeion. The following ad- dress wait regd by Mrs. W. J. Link• later, an t-Tpe presentation made by Mr. and Mre. D. McCormick: — To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and family Dear friende :—Your many friends and neighbors amongst whom you have resided far over forty yeare, have learned with sincere regret that you are about to depart from this locality, to make your home else- where, take this opportunity before your departure of conveying to you an expression of our esteemed regard. During the long period of your re- sidence amongst us, you have at all times been a kind, agreeable and obliging neighbor, ever ready to assist and lend a helping hand when re- quired. By your exemplary conduct and high moral ideals of life, your influence has always been a benefit to the community. We are extremely sorry that enfeebled strength and lessened activity make it necessary for you to change your vocation and we sincerely trust that such change may be beneficial and that you may he spared many years of usefulness. We are pleased to know that though re- moved from this community, we will still have the pleasure of continuing that intimacy and pleasant relation- ship that have for so many years existed between us. As a slight token of remembrance we would ask you, Mr. Mitchell, to accept from ue this umbrella, and you, Mrs. Mitchell, this case of table silverware, and to Al- fred this pdree of money. We trust that when you have occasion to use them you may have pleasant remem- brance of your many friends in this vicinity, And now wishing you health, com- fort and happiness in your new home, we bid you an affectionate farewell. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighborrt, Mre. Wm. Chandler Mrs. D. McCormick Mrs. R. Dickson Turnberry, Jan. 21st 1914. 11. v.v:........................... BALLOT In Advance $800.00 Voting Contest Good for I0 votes In Favor of NAME 2 ADDRESS This Ballot is not good after Jan. 29 Cut this out, send or mail to the Advance Office, made out in favor of your favorite candidate: With subscription to Wingham Advance or Canadian Country- man—good for 60 votes, Witti subscriptions to both Advance and Canadian Countryman—good for 110 votes—in addition to regular Zvoting values. 00014000000000000000000000000010000N000000®00000N0 r000000000000000000000000c 30000000300000000000000000 30000000000000000000000000 The Sale 0000000m00000000000000tno Of! 00000000 pooc00000000000000coop0000 0000cc000000000000000000po You Have Been Waiting Form=ISAKD'S Barr ins in Groceries Art Baking Powder with premiums of Graniteware, Kettlee, Steam Boilers. Large Pane, Pails, etc., regular value 75; sale price.. 50e Canada Laundry Starch 070 Pearl Pot Barley . ,,... '.... .... • ... 03e Fresh Cooking Figs .. , , . Ooo 851 Japan, Black or Green Tea 25c 7 Bars Laundry Seep .,. 250 7 Bars Olive 0,1 Toilet Soap 25e 3 Us, Raisins for 25c 8 Lbs. Currante for 25c Large battle Extract for . 08: Maple Leaf Salmon '20c First q'iality can Tomatoes l0a Cr to and Peals, 3 cans for ................ 25c Bottle of Pickles r 10,% Fresh bates per lb, ,... 08e 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar. „ r, ..f,,,,,,, •• ,.•r,.. ,.r$1 00 Table Linens 3 pieces Bleached Table Linen (pore linen) value at 90a and 95c, sale price ....... Dollar quality Tabie.,Linen for.. , , . , , r Fine quality fiery wt'e J iner+, $1 25 for , . , . 50c line of Table Lint,, rpt , ... , , ... , r . wide, good ,. 483 80e .....,.. ,e51,00 ,„ , , ,,. HaJd Laces arta Embroideries Big $argaine in Laces, Insertions and Embrolderiee. Lot No. 1—Potton Torchon Lace, d yards for, , .. . , , 5c Lot No. 2—Linen Torobon Lace per yard. , , , , ..... , . tae Lot No. 3--10 endo Embroideries per yard .. , , , ... , ,,, 5c Lot No. 4-12 ends I4mbroidery per yard,,,,.,,,,..,., llc Hosiery ti dos. heavy All -AO d Hoser ,lisregular c quality, sale, Woof Blankets Extra fine quality Wool Blankets to clear at greatly byre- duced prieee, 10 pair to clear atr, „x,,,.,.,1,...,5(1305, 8 pair to clear at ,,....,,.,....r.. 87fi All first quality goods, 00000000000300000000000000 Tenth Semi=Annual 0- , .. oono wpoboonouno..tai3;rmonoc to g. welt.,1W.t1.L Lnnw,. .0.000 , riinrr441 ,..` "nt ,i,i.n.nn noes,.,M N,is, Z!c .,, u a ', 0 COMMENCING SATURDAY, JAN. 3Ist at 9 a.ni. and ending on Feb. 14th, 1914. Every artiste in our gigantic stock of up to.date Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, C1,tth"ng, Boots and Shoes,- Furs, Fur Coats, Ladies' M inter Coats and Suits. Carpets, Linoleums and Rugs, at prices that must move it out within the next two weeks. ' M e don't care where you go or what bargains you getelsewhere, we know we can give you much more for your money. All goods will be marked at prices which must appeal to your sense cf economy. MAKE BIG SAVINGS BY BUYING HERE NOW. Come early for best choice. Bargains in Staples 400 yards striped Fiannelette, very wide, pink and blue stripe,, good value at 121c. sale price 100 80 inch Cambric, 121c quality for..... 100 Heavy Crash Towelling, cut price 90 Two -yard wide Sheeting, 30e quality 25e 5 pieces Flannelette to clear out 8c 10 plenty; light and dark print, sale price ... 8e Floe English Cambric, 15e quality for.., ... .... 121 8 nieces fine Wrapperette, 121c value for 10e 25: Window Curtaining, very wide, sale . 18a Heavy Sheeting, 17c and 185 values for 15o Gray Flannel, Wide, 300 quality ... 253 Dress Goods , Buy your new Dress now and save money in order to reduce our large stock, We will give 20 per cent. off regular prices. Bargains In Silk .A large etook of Silk to be sold at sweeping reductione, 27 -inch japan Taffeta Silk, ova line for r .. , . , . r . , , .. 40c Fancy colored yard wide Silks $1.25 for $1.00 Ooe•piere Black Paitette Silk, yard wide, regular $1115 value for.,,. -„,,..,,..,..,,.4 „ 93o g0 per cent, off prices of narrovt Silks, Ready -to -Wear Special Bargains in Ladies' Skirts. 15 Skirte to clear, regular prices are $1 00, $1 50, $5.00, and $(1,00 Sale . $2.05 Lidiee' Winter Coats roust be sold at some price. "Take a bink ” Lot 1-10 Coate, 'your pick for $ 5 00 *" 2-8 Coats en sale at 7 75 " 3-12 Coats, great soap, sale $ 9 90 " 4-9 Coats to clear at 12 00 " 5-5 Fur Collared Coate, $25, for 10 50 " 6-2 Fur Liners Coats, sale price 32 50 " 7-1 Black Astrachan Fur Coate, sale ... , .... , 10 00 Ribbons Large stock of all kinds of Ribbon at greatly •reduced pi ices 15 p'tces new Ribbons, very wide, all colors, regular value 15e, sale ;vire 1.00 20c Plain Rrbhone, Bole price 15e 25e Plain or Fancy Ribbon, sale price . 20, Prints I'Lots.of the hest Prints here to choose from. Crum'e 1 oglish Printe, light or dark colors, your pick of the 121c quality for r,,,,,,,,,,, ,,r. .•.r...... 100 NOTICE. Your account is dues We will appreciate a prompt remittance by cash or note. TERMS OF SALE. Spot cash or produce, E. ISARD & GO. # b# 4 a** 4 b** b b b 4 A a b b b** b#000000000000000000000006000000000006000000000000000* 00000000000000000000w0000 000000000000000000000000(x) WIG A Corsets We carry the largest ,tock of Comte. You can get your choice of three of the beet makes. A lot of odd lines to clear 60c Boots and Shoes Big cut in prices of all lines of Boots and Shoes for Men, Women, Boys' and Gluts' wear. Men's strong wearing Bo, dw $3. sale price .... Boys,' heavy School Boole, $1.75, sale price Girls' strong School Boots, $2, sale paice Women's Rubbers to clear Men's Rubbers to clear ...$2 50 1 50 1 65 Men's Wear Store. 65 You are entitled to the most for your mon ey-- be sure you get it. You `will get it and at the same time you'll get the most satisfactory clothing obtainable if you take advantage of this raid winter Sale, I0 Men's Faney Tweed Suite, stylieh, well made, regu- lar $10 $11, $12 values, sale price to clear at....$7 05 Youths' Suite, fancy patterns, sale price., , , 4 75 Men's fanny striped Pants, regular $2 50 for . , .. 1 00 Men's strong Overalls, sale price . .75c, 85c, 1. i;0 Men's heavy Overcoats, special to clear 8 50 Men's Inc collared Overcoats, special to clear 12 00 Men's fancy worsted Suits, sale price....... , ....„ 11 05 Boys' Suite,.amall sizes, Sale price ..., ...... ... 1 50 Fur Coats Big bargains in Men's For Ooate, price must sell them ,,,,,,,,,,, ,, 1$10 50, $17 50, $19 00, $20 00 Gents' Furnishings Men's heavy wool ribbed Underwear. Shirte and Drawers to clear at , , ..... 850 A lot of 'Men's Braces on aalp at , 1Oc Men's lined Kid Moves, $125 for,.,,..,... . $1 00 Men's lined Kid Gloves, $1 00 for 75e Men's Leather Mitt to clear 30o Men's Cloth Caps to clear at 50 .1 Heavy working Shirts for men, sale price .. ,. Fancy Paint Shirts, Sale price Y Men's and Boys' Sweater ''oats reduced to1 00 rT Lucknotir ¥101 Troubts. John Krefobenko. alleged and bed man, was arrested 1n peg in an apartment block, °nip by a badly strained leg, be at effort ►s at r e i fence and Johnt living It Westlake, l , i i it wl h bira the small suite in which he was tsklia was arrested on a cherge of “aldtlefla abetting and comforting," The wale rants agalnst Reid, Hegel and paw* are for complicity in Krafohenko's as. cape, but Reld's position is the tooth sere icue, he bean m ofthe• g a member police force. Reid was a native srf Lucknow, Ont., and was on the Tor- onto police force in 1808.10, Beware of Shillings. Following the report that bow ver half dollars were being Ontario police have beee,nottt silver-plated or washed En h nies are now being shoved. „?'he are dated 1897. It is the bike 'sou and bears the head of tbelate Queen Victoria. In size they are' identical with the regulation silver half dollar and when, silver-plated or washed are bard to detect from a genuine half dol- lar, Citizens are warned to be on the watch for them as it is said many are in circulation.—Goderich Star. Solution Was Clear. "Now, my friends,” said the oandi" date, making another effort to arouse enthusiasm in het :tearer%, "what do We need in order to carry this con- stituency by the biggest majority in ite history?" The response was immediate and en- thusiastic. "Another candidate 1" yelled the audience. or ire az! r En A. judge gave a man a divorce be- cause his wife failed to take carbolic acid after telegraphing her husband she was going to. Cruelty, the judge said. Few men travel over the road to success without an occasional punc- ture Paraguay has valuable forest resour- ces, the most important of which is quebracho, particularly rich in tannin. Much of the cork used througout the world comes from Portugal, which harvests about 60, 000 tons a year. "My wife is always complaining she has nothing to wear." "Great Scott, fellow ! What on earth is she kicking about P Get to her quick and tell her she's right in style and doesn't know it." VANISHED MOUNT MAZAMA. It Was One of the Loftiest Peaks In the United States. The highest mountain in Oregon is Mount flood, 11,2.'.74 feet above the sea level. Compared with Mount Whit- ney, to the south in California, and Mount laainicr, to the north in Wash- ington, each rising well above 14,000 feet, Mount hood does not appear as a skyscraper. However, according to the geologists of the United States geological survey and other authori- ties, Oregon had at one time, proba bly before the dawn of life upon the earth, a great volcano which towered, as far above Mount f=lood as does Mount Minter, possibly even several thousand feet higher. This was the great Mount Manama. But thousands of years ago the mountain disappear- ed into the bowels of the earth, and all that is left today is the huge rift? around Crater lake. Crater lake is the caldera of this ex - duct and collapsed volcano and is nearly six miles in diameter. The in- side walls of the rim of the ancient mountain are in places nearly 4.000 feet high and almost perpendicular. The lake itself is in places 2,000 feet deep, and parts of the wall rise above its water another 2,000 feet.. res- toration of the mountain in fun ; "e. ing as n basis the angles of the lowee-- slopes, which still remain, shows that the apex could not have been far from 15,000 feet in height, so that Mount Mazama was one of the most lofty and • -_ majestic peaks in the United States.— United States Geological Survey. MARKS ON THE BAGGAGE. They Tell Waiters Abroad the Kind of Man the Owner Is: Much traveled persons who careful- ly examine their trunks will find there- on a number of enbalistic marks which they probably .put down to the weal and tear imposed on the baggage. As a matter of fact, the signs come. not of chance. They are placed there by the waiters at the various hotels whereat the traveler has stayed and have a direct meaning, A sort of freemasonry exists among waiters at European hotels. They have a systeln of marking baggage so,., as to tell other waiters the' milliner of `- man that the traveler is as regards tipping, The traveler who arrives at a hotel with his baggage marked With 'a straight upright line on either side of the locks is sure of good attention. He is classified es "very liberal." A horizontal straight mark in the upper- right pperright hand corner of a trunk Meana that the owner is no good at all, while if this mark Is aceompanled by a V mark it signifies to the waiting tra. ternity that the traveler is the limit entirely hopeless. A eross mark on the lower right hand corner conveys the intelligence that the owner of the trunk is rather eccentric, but worth paying attention to. A. diagonal mark itt the lower left hand eorner speaks of n person who is eccentric Without being liberal. -,Lore don Answers, Demand Pee bust Perot* Cattle. Duni purpose breeds of tattle are being advocated more 10 ret't'nt :rears than formeriy beets Ise of the demand for bear nodthe ready and saii4ree- tory Attie of (*Alves Out Wanted at fire*vtlrrt. .Most any animal that wili mase trete will be reattHti solei • ; Leaving $7,000.00 Watches, Glass, ware, Ladies' brellas, Stationery, .Shades, Etc., below is leaving Everything Sale . of Cut arid • tr+.T Q1 , , ,71ki 111,' —W q lam ,., Town Stock Clocks, Jewelry, Silver- Leather Goods, and Gents' Um- Wall Paper, Window Fancy Goods, to_ be sold at Cost as owner town. must me sold. now on. M. Knox A.M. • PHONE 65 OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL �rrr Jamestown.. (Too late for last week) Mr. Andrew Pollock conducted the services ill the hall Sunday night. Mr.and Mre. D.McDonald vi sit d .at Thos. Straohau's, jr., on Sunday. Mr. Strachan is not having very good health. We trust he will soon get better, • Rev. Mr. Lacklend of Wraxeter rate very near being frozen returning from Ethel last Tuesday. He and hie son called in at Will King's and he soon got all right again. He and the Rev, Mr. McKelvey had changed put - pits for the day. Harvey Bryan of near Brussels has bought the old Franck house from Walter Yuill and is moving it in sections to hie farm near town. Mr. Cole of Ethel rune the moving busi- oese, There wag a good attendance and good addresses both afternoon and night sessions at the Farmers' Iosti. tate meetings in the hall here on Jan. Oth. Mr. Robt. Hamilton of Bluevale is having a sale on Thursday of this week on the Geo. Coombe' farm, which be has had rented for the last 7 years. Mr. Lawrence Willie has the farm rented now. Mr. and Mrs. David Breckenridge visited friende at Zetland on Sunday last. Mr, and Mrs. John Robinson of Fordwieb visited at Mrs. Wrn. Hall's last week. Mr. 'Harvey Henderson visited at Mrs. B. King's on Sunday. COUGH TWO YEARS OLD Yields to Vinol. Read Why. Strong vigorous men and women hardly -ever catch cold; it's only when the system is run down and vitality low that colds and coughs get a foot- hold. Now isn't it reasonable that the right way to cure a cough 1e to build up your run down condition again? Mrs. D. A. McGee of Waycross, Ga.. pays: "I had a chronic cold and cough which kept me awake nights for two years and I felt tired all the time. Vinol cured my cough and I. feel stronger in every way." %ie reason Vinol la so efficacious in such cases is because it contains in a delicious concentrated form all the medicinal curative elemeatts of cod liver oil, with tonic, blood build- ing iron added. Chronic coughs and colds yield to Vinol because it builds up the weak- ened, run-down system. You can get your money, back any time if Vinol does not do all we say. J. Walton McKlbbon, Druggist, Wingbam ,THE WINGITAM A.DYT'A O Mies Elisa Willie visited friends near Midway last week. 1litss Mary Wallace of Wingham visited the parental roof on Sunday. Revs. Mr.. Mann and Mr. Wren of Brussels will speak in the hall here on Thursday on re a night traffic _._ the e li. uo q r , or the Canada Temperance Act. West Wawanosh. Council met Jan, 12, 1914, se per statute,.; members all present. Reeve Murray in the chair Membere having subscribed the neceseary qualification and declaration of office the minutes of Deo, 15, 1918, were read and passed on motion of Naylor and Purdon. The appointment of officers for 1914 resulted as follows -- Clerk, W. A. Wilson ; Treas., W, J, Thompson ; Assessor, Geo. Webb ; Collector, J, Boyle ; Caretaker, J. Cameron ; Audi- tors, C. Girvin, R. E. Anderson ; Road Commissioners, J. A. Mallough, A. E. Johnston in South, B. Naylor and J: Purdon in North, Boundary lines, Reeve Murray. Sheep inspec- tors—A. Anderson, Louis Grant in North, J. J. Washington, U. Thomp- son in South. Board of Health --M. 0. H., L. E. Case, John McLean. D. B. Murray. Health inspectors, Sub. Div. 1, S. Kerr ; Div, 2, Jas. Johnston ; Div. 3, P. Kearney ; Div. 4, Alex. Stuart; Div. 5, E. Gaynor. Printing, Lucknow Sentinel. By-law No. 1, 1914 was read three times and passed on motion of Naylor and Mallough confirming the above appointments to office for 1014. J. A. Mallough was appointed dele- gate to annual meeting of Dungannon Driving Park Association. Motion by Purdon and Mallough that the usual grants be given St. Helene, Dungannon, and Manchester Public Librarya—carried. Motion by Naylor and Johnston that W. Proud - foot be Tp. Solicitor—carried. Ac- counts to the amount of $118 were passed and paid on motion of Naylor and. Mallough. Council adjourned to meet Jan. 31st, at 11 o'clock when the Drain question will be taken pp. W.•A. Wilson, Clerk. $z,000 For Each Lost Sailor. Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 8—At a meeting to be held here late this afternoon, $220, 000 will be distributed among the surviving relatives of the 200 Great Lakes seamen who lost their lives on Nov. 9th, when the Great Lakes ex- perienced, the most severe gale known in their history. Eight men, four Oen adieus and four Amario.tne, will decide ho v to disburse the fund. Veesel owner, on both aides of the border have been geueron3 in their con- tributions to the fu ad, ani the Can id- ian Govern uent gave $25,000, Turnberry. Wednesday evening of last week about 75 friends and neighbors gather- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mitchell to spend a social evening previous to their removal to Wing•. ham, where they purpose residing owing to Mr. Mitchell'e poor health, A programme was rendered, Mr. Bing acting as chairman, coneieting of violin selections by Mr. John Mo-- Corrnick, chorus by a number of the ladies, violin selectione by Misses Nettie Bryce and Leah. McCormick, speech by Mr. 8. Burchill, Song by Mr. Bryce, violin eei"ectione by Mr. Wrn. Jenkins, reading by Mr. J. Link - later, after which the ladies took possession and hastily prepared a dainty luncheon, served in their usual good style. The evenings entertain, went was brought to a close by sing- ing "God be with you till we meet again." The most important event of the evening was the presentation of a gold headed umbrella to Mr. Mitchell, a case of silverware to 1drs. Mitchell and a purse to little Alfred, On ac- count of Mr. Mitchell's poor health Mre. Mitchell rept feelingly, thank- ing their friends and neighbors for their appreoiaeion. The following ad- dress wait regd by Mrs. W. J. Link• later, an t-Tpe presentation made by Mr. and Mre. D. McCormick: — To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and family Dear friende :—Your many friends and neighbors amongst whom you have resided far over forty yeare, have learned with sincere regret that you are about to depart from this locality, to make your home else- where, take this opportunity before your departure of conveying to you an expression of our esteemed regard. During the long period of your re- sidence amongst us, you have at all times been a kind, agreeable and obliging neighbor, ever ready to assist and lend a helping hand when re- quired. By your exemplary conduct and high moral ideals of life, your influence has always been a benefit to the community. We are extremely sorry that enfeebled strength and lessened activity make it necessary for you to change your vocation and we sincerely trust that such change may be beneficial and that you may he spared many years of usefulness. We are pleased to know that though re- moved from this community, we will still have the pleasure of continuing that intimacy and pleasant relation- ship that have for so many years existed between us. As a slight token of remembrance we would ask you, Mr. Mitchell, to accept from ue this umbrella, and you, Mrs. Mitchell, this case of table silverware, and to Al- fred this pdree of money. We trust that when you have occasion to use them you may have pleasant remem- brance of your many friends in this vicinity, And now wishing you health, com- fort and happiness in your new home, we bid you an affectionate farewell. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighborrt, Mre. Wm. Chandler Mrs. D. McCormick Mrs. R. Dickson Turnberry, Jan. 21st 1914. 11. v.v:........................... BALLOT In Advance $800.00 Voting Contest Good for I0 votes In Favor of NAME 2 ADDRESS This Ballot is not good after Jan. 29 Cut this out, send or mail to the Advance Office, made out in favor of your favorite candidate: With subscription to Wingham Advance or Canadian Country- man—good for 60 votes, Witti subscriptions to both Advance and Canadian Countryman—good for 110 votes—in addition to regular Zvoting values. 00014000000000000000000000000010000N000000®00000N0 r000000000000000000000000c 30000000300000000000000000 30000000000000000000000000 The Sale 0000000m00000000000000tno Of! 00000000 pooc00000000000000coop0000 0000cc000000000000000000po You Have Been Waiting Form=ISAKD'S Barr ins in Groceries Art Baking Powder with premiums of Graniteware, Kettlee, Steam Boilers. Large Pane, Pails, etc., regular value 75; sale price.. 50e Canada Laundry Starch 070 Pearl Pot Barley . ,,... '.... .... • ... 03e Fresh Cooking Figs .. , , . Ooo 851 Japan, Black or Green Tea 25c 7 Bars Laundry Seep .,. 250 7 Bars Olive 0,1 Toilet Soap 25e 3 Us, Raisins for 25c 8 Lbs. Currante for 25c Large battle Extract for . 08: Maple Leaf Salmon '20c First q'iality can Tomatoes l0a Cr to and Peals, 3 cans for ................ 25c Bottle of Pickles r 10,% Fresh bates per lb, ,... 08e 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar. „ r, ..f,,,,,,, •• ,.•r,.. ,.r$1 00 Table Linens 3 pieces Bleached Table Linen (pore linen) value at 90a and 95c, sale price ....... Dollar quality Tabie.,Linen for.. , , . , , r Fine quality fiery wt'e J iner+, $1 25 for , . , . 50c line of Table Lint,, rpt , ... , , ... , r . wide, good ,. 483 80e .....,.. ,e51,00 ,„ , , ,,. HaJd Laces arta Embroideries Big $argaine in Laces, Insertions and Embrolderiee. Lot No. 1—Potton Torchon Lace, d yards for, , .. . , , 5c Lot No. 2—Linen Torobon Lace per yard. , , , , ..... , . tae Lot No. 3--10 endo Embroideries per yard .. , , , ... , ,,, 5c Lot No. 4-12 ends I4mbroidery per yard,,,,.,,,,..,., llc Hosiery ti dos. heavy All -AO d Hoser ,lisregular c quality, sale, Woof Blankets Extra fine quality Wool Blankets to clear at greatly byre- duced prieee, 10 pair to clear atr, „x,,,.,.,1,...,5(1305, 8 pair to clear at ,,....,,.,....r.. 87fi All first quality goods, 00000000000300000000000000 Tenth Semi=Annual 0- , .. oono wpoboonouno..tai3;rmonoc to g. welt.,1W.t1.L Lnnw,. .0.000 , riinrr441 ,..` "nt ,i,i.n.nn noes,.,M N,is, Z!c .,, u a ', 0 COMMENCING SATURDAY, JAN. 3Ist at 9 a.ni. and ending on Feb. 14th, 1914. Every artiste in our gigantic stock of up to.date Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, C1,tth"ng, Boots and Shoes,- Furs, Fur Coats, Ladies' M inter Coats and Suits. Carpets, Linoleums and Rugs, at prices that must move it out within the next two weeks. ' M e don't care where you go or what bargains you getelsewhere, we know we can give you much more for your money. All goods will be marked at prices which must appeal to your sense cf economy. MAKE BIG SAVINGS BY BUYING HERE NOW. Come early for best choice. Bargains in Staples 400 yards striped Fiannelette, very wide, pink and blue stripe,, good value at 121c. sale price 100 80 inch Cambric, 121c quality for..... 100 Heavy Crash Towelling, cut price 90 Two -yard wide Sheeting, 30e quality 25e 5 pieces Flannelette to clear out 8c 10 plenty; light and dark print, sale price ... 8e Floe English Cambric, 15e quality for.., ... .... 121 8 nieces fine Wrapperette, 121c value for 10e 25: Window Curtaining, very wide, sale . 18a Heavy Sheeting, 17c and 185 values for 15o Gray Flannel, Wide, 300 quality ... 253 Dress Goods , Buy your new Dress now and save money in order to reduce our large stock, We will give 20 per cent. off regular prices. Bargains In Silk .A large etook of Silk to be sold at sweeping reductione, 27 -inch japan Taffeta Silk, ova line for r .. , . , . r . , , .. 40c Fancy colored yard wide Silks $1.25 for $1.00 Ooe•piere Black Paitette Silk, yard wide, regular $1115 value for.,,. -„,,..,,..,..,,.4 „ 93o g0 per cent, off prices of narrovt Silks, Ready -to -Wear Special Bargains in Ladies' Skirts. 15 Skirte to clear, regular prices are $1 00, $1 50, $5.00, and $(1,00 Sale . $2.05 Lidiee' Winter Coats roust be sold at some price. "Take a bink ” Lot 1-10 Coate, 'your pick for $ 5 00 *" 2-8 Coats en sale at 7 75 " 3-12 Coats, great soap, sale $ 9 90 " 4-9 Coats to clear at 12 00 " 5-5 Fur Collared Coate, $25, for 10 50 " 6-2 Fur Liners Coats, sale price 32 50 " 7-1 Black Astrachan Fur Coate, sale ... , .... , 10 00 Ribbons Large stock of all kinds of Ribbon at greatly •reduced pi ices 15 p'tces new Ribbons, very wide, all colors, regular value 15e, sale ;vire 1.00 20c Plain Rrbhone, Bole price 15e 25e Plain or Fancy Ribbon, sale price . 20, Prints I'Lots.of the hest Prints here to choose from. Crum'e 1 oglish Printe, light or dark colors, your pick of the 121c quality for r,,,,,,,,,,, ,,r. .•.r...... 100 NOTICE. Your account is dues We will appreciate a prompt remittance by cash or note. TERMS OF SALE. Spot cash or produce, E. ISARD & GO. # b# 4 a** 4 b** b b b 4 A a b b b** b#000000000000000000000006000000000006000000000000000* 00000000000000000000w0000 000000000000000000000000(x) WIG A Corsets We carry the largest ,tock of Comte. You can get your choice of three of the beet makes. A lot of odd lines to clear 60c Boots and Shoes Big cut in prices of all lines of Boots and Shoes for Men, Women, Boys' and Gluts' wear. Men's strong wearing Bo, dw $3. sale price .... Boys,' heavy School Boole, $1.75, sale price Girls' strong School Boots, $2, sale paice Women's Rubbers to clear Men's Rubbers to clear ...$2 50 1 50 1 65 Men's Wear Store. 65 You are entitled to the most for your mon ey-- be sure you get it. You `will get it and at the same time you'll get the most satisfactory clothing obtainable if you take advantage of this raid winter Sale, I0 Men's Faney Tweed Suite, stylieh, well made, regu- lar $10 $11, $12 values, sale price to clear at....$7 05 Youths' Suite, fancy patterns, sale price., , , 4 75 Men's fanny striped Pants, regular $2 50 for . , .. 1 00 Men's strong Overalls, sale price . .75c, 85c, 1. i;0 Men's heavy Overcoats, special to clear 8 50 Men's Inc collared Overcoats, special to clear 12 00 Men's fancy worsted Suits, sale price....... , ....„ 11 05 Boys' Suite,.amall sizes, Sale price ..., ...... ... 1 50 Fur Coats Big bargains in Men's For Ooate, price must sell them ,,,,,,,,,,, ,, 1$10 50, $17 50, $19 00, $20 00 Gents' Furnishings Men's heavy wool ribbed Underwear. Shirte and Drawers to clear at , , ..... 850 A lot of 'Men's Braces on aalp at , 1Oc Men's lined Kid Moves, $125 for,.,,..,... . $1 00 Men's lined Kid Gloves, $1 00 for 75e Men's Leather Mitt to clear 30o Men's Cloth Caps to clear at 50 .1 Heavy working Shirts for men, sale price .. ,. Fancy Paint Shirts, Sale price Y Men's and Boys' Sweater ''oats reduced to1 00 rT Lucknotir ¥101 Troubts. John Krefobenko. alleged and bed man, was arrested 1n peg in an apartment block, °nip by a badly strained leg, be at effort ►s at r e i fence and Johnt living It Westlake, l , i i it wl h bira the small suite in which he was tsklia was arrested on a cherge of “aldtlefla abetting and comforting," The wale rants agalnst Reid, Hegel and paw* are for complicity in Krafohenko's as. cape, but Reld's position is the tooth sere icue, he bean m ofthe• g a member police force. Reid was a native srf Lucknow, Ont., and was on the Tor- onto police force in 1808.10, Beware of Shillings. Following the report that bow ver half dollars were being Ontario police have beee,nottt silver-plated or washed En h nies are now being shoved. „?'he are dated 1897. It is the bike 'sou and bears the head of tbelate Queen Victoria. In size they are' identical with the regulation silver half dollar and when, silver-plated or washed are bard to detect from a genuine half dol- lar, Citizens are warned to be on the watch for them as it is said many are in circulation.—Goderich Star. Solution Was Clear. "Now, my friends,” said the oandi" date, making another effort to arouse enthusiasm in het :tearer%, "what do We need in order to carry this con- stituency by the biggest majority in ite history?" The response was immediate and en- thusiastic. "Another candidate 1" yelled the audience. or ire az! r En A. judge gave a man a divorce be- cause his wife failed to take carbolic acid after telegraphing her husband she was going to. Cruelty, the judge said. Few men travel over the road to success without an occasional punc- ture Paraguay has valuable forest resour- ces, the most important of which is quebracho, particularly rich in tannin. Much of the cork used througout the world comes from Portugal, which harvests about 60, 000 tons a year. "My wife is always complaining she has nothing to wear." "Great Scott, fellow ! What on earth is she kicking about P Get to her quick and tell her she's right in style and doesn't know it." VANISHED MOUNT MAZAMA. It Was One of the Loftiest Peaks In the United States. The highest mountain in Oregon is Mount flood, 11,2.'.74 feet above the sea level. Compared with Mount Whit- ney, to the south in California, and Mount laainicr, to the north in Wash- ington, each rising well above 14,000 feet, Mount hood does not appear as a skyscraper. However, according to the geologists of the United States geological survey and other authori- ties, Oregon had at one time, proba bly before the dawn of life upon the earth, a great volcano which towered, as far above Mount f=lood as does Mount Minter, possibly even several thousand feet higher. This was the great Mount Manama. But thousands of years ago the mountain disappear- ed into the bowels of the earth, and all that is left today is the huge rift? around Crater lake. Crater lake is the caldera of this ex - duct and collapsed volcano and is nearly six miles in diameter. The in- side walls of the rim of the ancient mountain are in places nearly 4.000 feet high and almost perpendicular. The lake itself is in places 2,000 feet deep, and parts of the wall rise above its water another 2,000 feet.. res- toration of the mountain in fun ; "e. ing as n basis the angles of the lowee-- slopes, which still remain, shows that the apex could not have been far from 15,000 feet in height, so that Mount Mazama was one of the most lofty and • -_ majestic peaks in the United States.— United States Geological Survey. MARKS ON THE BAGGAGE. They Tell Waiters Abroad the Kind of Man the Owner Is: Much traveled persons who careful- ly examine their trunks will find there- on a number of enbalistic marks which they probably .put down to the weal and tear imposed on the baggage. As a matter of fact, the signs come. not of chance. They are placed there by the waiters at the various hotels whereat the traveler has stayed and have a direct meaning, A sort of freemasonry exists among waiters at European hotels. They have a systeln of marking baggage so,., as to tell other waiters the' milliner of `- man that the traveler is as regards tipping, The traveler who arrives at a hotel with his baggage marked With 'a straight upright line on either side of the locks is sure of good attention. He is classified es "very liberal." A horizontal straight mark in the upper- right pperright hand corner of a trunk Meana that the owner is no good at all, while if this mark Is aceompanled by a V mark it signifies to the waiting tra. ternity that the traveler is the limit entirely hopeless. A eross mark on the lower right hand corner conveys the intelligence that the owner of the trunk is rather eccentric, but worth paying attention to. A. diagonal mark itt the lower left hand eorner speaks of n person who is eccentric Without being liberal. -,Lore don Answers, Demand Pee bust Perot* Cattle. Duni purpose breeds of tattle are being advocated more 10 ret't'nt :rears than formeriy beets Ise of the demand for bear nodthe ready and saii4ree- tory Attie of (*Alves Out Wanted at fire*vtlrrt. .Most any animal that wili mase trete will be reattHti solei