HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-01-29, Page 3THUBSDA'i'', JANUARY 29, 1914 Gond Salesman Waned,. Fee every town and district wInre we are blot represented. Fruits are bringing high prices and Nursery Stock is iu demand. Make big money this VAR 1 and Winter by taking au agrnay. Experie.lce net ne+'•easary, Free tquipinent, exeln,•ive territory, highest commissions paid. Write for full particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO .- ONTARIO OVER 85 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGN$ COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may Gnlekly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably Pattxttah1o. Communion - tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for eecurigpatouts. Patents taken through Slutta $ Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific .linerlcati A handsomely illustrated weekly, Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal, Terms for Canada, ¢9.75 a year, postage prepaid. sold by all nelvsdealors. MUNN & Co.scIBroadway, New Ynrk Branch OtUeo. 625 F St.. 'Washington, D. 1� THE DOMINION BANK SIR EDMUND O.461.!'R, M.P, PRE$IPENT, W. D. MATTHEW$. vamel ennoittr. C. A, BOGERT, General Manager,. Capital Paid Up . . $5.400,000.Q0 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits • 7,100,000.00 You Can Start a Savings Account with $1.00. It is not necessary for you to wait until you have a largo sum of money in order to atart A Savings Account with this Bank. An account can be opened with $1.00 and more on which Interest is compounded twice a year. WINGHAM BRANCH : N. EVANS, Manager. • 1• •• Be Particular ABOUT THE KIND OF SEEDS YOU SOW ! In Seeds—as in everything you buy—there are many grades. And since it is impossible to judge their quality by examining, you must trust en- tirely to your 'Seedsmen. You can depend on us absolutely! , We will send you, on request, our big 80 -page .(Catalogue—Free. ,> =' Valuable Premium--FREE...with each order. (See page -•`•- - ^ one of Catalogue for particulars.) Write for it Today. :_"'`:t`.'✓•'••'•'„'•''`"'”'"'"*•;i: DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO. LIMITED p 1272LONDON, ONTARIO is ._. .,.;.; ,.•.:».•�:»'»'w..j. Rox. � BIG DEMAND FOR Page ire este Direct (Freight Prepaid) These prices subject to advance without notice. PAGE HEAVY FENCE NA 0 PaID.181hroughout 1n 20, 30 and 40 resoar: ., Praght P018 Spacing of H.si enWs in laches 4 '30 22 10, 10, 10 5 37 22 8, 9, 10, 10 6 40 22 61/2, 7, 81/2, 9, 9 7 40 22 5,51/2,7,7,71/,8 7 48 22 5, 61/2, 71/2, 9, 10, 10 8 42 22 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 8 42 161/26, 6 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 8 47 22 4, 5, 5t/,7, 81/4. 9,9 8 47 161/ 4,. 5 51/2, 7, 81/, 9, 9 9 48 22 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,6 9 48 161/ 6, 6,6,G,6,6,6,a 9 51 22 4, 4, 5, 51/42, 7, 81/, 9, 9 9 51 ]61/ 4, 4, 5, 51/2, 7, 81/2, 9, 9 10 43 22 3, 3, 3, 4,51/,7,7,72,8 10 48 1611 3,3,3,4,51/,7,7,711,8 10 51 161/ 3, 3, 3, 4, 51/, 7, 8',4, 9, 9 10.51 22 3,3 3,4,51/ 7,8;!.,9,9 11 55 161/2 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 51/2, 7,814,9,9 MEDIUM WENT FENCE (Maritime Province prices cf 11;edlum Weight, also Special Poultry Ponces, Include painting.) Nn. 0 Top and Bottom, and No. 12 Htgh Carbon Horizontals between: No. 12 Upright:: No. 11 Lochs 5 3 r 161/ '8, 8, 10, 10 6 36 161/2 6, 7, 7, 8, 8... 6 42 161/ 7, 7 8. 10, 10 7 42 1512 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8 7 26 8 3, 3, 4, 5, 5,-6 8 48 161/44 5 6,7,8,9,9 9 36 12 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.6 9 50 161/z 5, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9 10 54 1614 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9 SPECIAL POULTRY FENCING No, 9 Top and Bottom. Intermediates. No. 12. Uprights c inches apnrt. 18 48 8 Close bars 20 60 8 Close bars PAGE "RAILROAD" GATES 4: 10.ft, opening 4: 12 -ft. opening 4; 13 -ft. opening . 4: 14 -ft, opening .. STAPLES 25.16. box, freight paid ..... BRACE WIRE; 25 -Ib rolls, freight pail; PRICES . ,r F a ° Cp a. oS zV 71S_ $0.16$0.18$0.19 .18 .20 .21 .21 .23 .24 .23 .25 .26 .23 .25 .26 .26 .28 .29 .28 .30 .31 .26 .28 .29 .29 .. .20 .31 .32 .31 .33 ... .29 .31 ... .31 .33 ... .33 ... .33 .31 .33 .33 .•• .18 .20 .20 .22 .23 ,26 .27 .2• .30 .42 .47 3 80 4 00 42 4..t .19 .21 .21 .24 .25 .28 .29 .36 .32 .44 49 .22 .24 .24 .27 .28 .31 .32 .33 .35 .40 .52 4.00 4.20 4.45 4.75 .800 .85 .70 .75 .80 STRETCHING TOOLS, Complete labor-saving outfit, ft. pdi 8.00 8.50 9.00 SALES of PAGE WIRE FENCE for the past 30 days have been amazing. The. enormous demand for QUALITY Fence means ,that no wise farmer will use other fence, when he can get PAGE QUALITY .FENCE at these remarkable prices. Quality Tells Try PAGE F EN C E yourself. See how big PAGE wire really is. See how it's woven into perfect fence. See how PAGE Fence, on nearby farms, after 20 years' service, is still good for 20 years more. Prices That Speak for Themselves Compare these low PAGE prices with the price of common fencing. After 22 years of leadership, PAGE Fence is still FIRST in quality and the lowest -priced high-grade fence. Competition can never lower PAGE QUALITY—nor reach the same high standard as PAGE. A Rare Opportunity To -day, you can get PAGE FENCE direct from its makers at the price of ordinary fence. You get quick shipments from a nearby PAGE ware- house—freight paid on 20 rods, 200 pounds or over. You get lc. per rod discount on carload lots. You can order through your dealer --we'll allow him lc. per rod. You can buy from PAGE the best fence at low cash prices. To save time and get quick delivery, send your order to the nearest PAGE Branch. 104 -PAGE CATALOG sent on request. PAGE WIRE FENCE Co. LIMITED 1240 King St W. - TORONTO MONTREAL ST. JOHN WALKERYILLL WINNIPEG "Page Fences Wear Best" 4 Electric Ice -Cream Freezer. An electric Ice-cream freezer has been devilled by,a London inventor. In the usual freezer tank, generally of larger size for wholesale manufac- ture, hotels, or the like, is mounted a tubular coil supplied ,from a carbonic acid machine which takes the place of ice and salt. The small machine is mounted on a wall frame together with a small electric motor which drives it by belt from above, so that the outfit takes up very little floor space. Cleanliness is secured by the entire absence of crushed ice and salt, and there are no wet floors. It 'z claimed that the electric device al- sO gives considerable economy in working, Another point is that where there are electric motors already in use for other purposes, the ice-cream machine can be driven from them without entailing the extra expense of a motor. Smartly Rebuked. It is not often miserliness gets such a straight -forward rebuke as is re- corded in this story. In the early days of Primitive Methodism there traveled in England an eccentric minister named Neale,. Who was famous for his plait), On one occasion he was preaching missionary sermons at a village so noted for its small collections that he determined to pass the plate him- self. On his round he came to a farmer whowas, as Mr. Neale well knew, the richest mg n in the place. This individual placed a penny in the plate, Mr. Neale stopped immediate- ly, and said in a loud voice:— "Take your penny out, man; Take it out! Don't you see you've covered up your laborer's sixpence?" The rebuke was effectual, and a much more valuable coin was placed on the plate. Guilty Anyhow. Daniel O'Connell was at one time defending a man accused of murder at Clonmel. The circumstantial evi- dence was so strong against the pris- oner that the jury had already de- termined upon their verdict of guilty when the man supposed to be murder- ed was brought into court alive and unhurt. The jury were desired to re- turn their verdict at once, and they did so, but it was one of "Guilty." "What does this mean?" said the judge. "If the man has not been murdered how can the prisoner be guilty?" "Please, yer honor," said the foreman, "he's guilty. He stole my bay mare three years ago." Sheer Waste. Robert Lowe, afterwards Lord Sherbrooke, once saw a deaf member of Parliament trying his best to catch with his ear -trumpet the words of an extremely dull speech. "Just look at that foolish man," said Lowe, "throwing away his nat- ural advantages." Metaphors Rather Mixed. Lord Curzon recently achieved a wonderfully mixed metaphor in con- nection with the phrase. "The ship of state," as have many politicians be- fore him. Sir George Balfour used to mix his figures very well and his ut- terances Sir Mountstuart Grant Duff recorder: with delight. It was he who described a $10,000,000 loan to India as "a flea bite in the ocean," and de- clared that "the pale face of the Brit- ish soldier was the backbone of the Indian army." Nox A Cold 108 IN ONE DAY The best • Cough Medicine for child. ren. 25c per bottle, at all drug stores. r--- . RA PIA RA PA RA IN RA PIA PA RA RA RA PARA lUt RA RA PA PUM RAMM RAM PA 141Ulf VW WV,+fli 11 ttlidlfN NV illi Mk 1utM Idll Id11 WW IA4 NV WVMM VIII W Hit VW wild WV i4 N k W VW 4 N 1/Il H d lfld it M lilt Mit M tt ta'Sd 1�fi! M"M too tfit'bfl! via t 1..too WW tot 1(M &ill 1fM H14 Cb 42nd Annual Statement BANK of HAMILTON As submitted to the Shareholders at the, Annual Meeting held at the Head Office of the Bank, et Hamilton, Monday, January 19th, 1914, BOARD OF DIRECTORS .T10 v. U',T1• C111320N, President, .i, TURVDUX,L,, Vlee.Presirlettt and General Manager. C. A. 731110.0 Q. C. EAi•Tb1V 1',=COIF. I'IIE MOE, J, $. xivivDRII'r, C.V.Q. OM. nrnwEitFQRD W..4.. WWI/ Prof t amid Loss Account Balance et Credit of 1'roet #nd 1,0% Account, 30111 Nov tinter, 1912 251,1$7,86 Profits for year ended 29th Novena her, 1913, after deducting charges; of management, interest accrued on deposits rebate. on current dis. counts And making provision for bad and doubtful aCb • ,.,., .. ...,. 498,273.40 1 Made Appropriated as follows', Four quatterly dividends is all 12% ,,,,., • •,300,000,00 Carried to Reserve Fund f ., rom Profits 100,030.00 Carried 10 Depreciation of Securities....••••+,• 100,000.00 Carried to Pension Pond ,, 34,529,51 Allowance to former President (to lSer,teinber Mat, 1913) atlthcrised by iiharehoiders...., 0,750,00 Balance of Profit and US$ carried forward r . . • . $181,131.78 $ 598,279.x1 Liabilities To the Public: Notes of the Bank in circulation !i Deposits not bearing interest t1 6,425,819,36 Deposits bearing interest, including interest accrued to date of statement 29,492,352,03 Balances due to other Banks in Canada Balances due to Banks and Banking Correspondents in the United Kingdon, and Foreign Countries Acceptances under betters of Credit To the Shareholders: Capital Stock paid in Reserve Fund Balance of profits carried forward 3,269,820.00 85.908,171.39 7,135.99 212,542.99 98,331.89 • 39,480,002.26 $ 8,000,000.00 $ 3.600.000.00 151,131.75 $ 3,751,131.75 Dividend No.98. payable ist December, 1913' 90,000.00 ' Former Dividends unclaimed 354.00 3 6,841,485.75 Current Coin .... Dominion Government Notes Notes of other Banks . Che4ues on other Banks Balances due by other Banks in Canada'.. Balances due by Banks and Banking Correspondents else- where than in Canada ' Dominion end Provincial Governinent securities. not exceeding market value Cstindian municipal Securities, and British, Foreign, and Colonial Public Seem Lacs, other than Caaadien , • • Railway and other bonds, lit:hentpres and stock!, not exceeding ,market value Call and Short (not exceeding thirty days) loeus 111 Catlada On Bonds, Debentures and Stock! Deposit with the Dominion GovelOnlent to Secure Batik Note Cireuletiou 355,000,60 Other Current T,aasts 11114 Mounts In Canada (less rebate Rem(); of intetcst)„••,.,•.,,.,,n........-`78,605,003,68 Real;:state othcr'than Bank rrentlac1 359,095,57 Overdue Debts, estimated loss provided for 107,t)i36,44 Bank Premises at riot more than cost, toss amounte written off • , 2,000.845,01 Mortgages on Real )?slate sold by the Bank ., r..+ 76,031,03 Other Assets not included in the foregoing ...,.,. 265,412.58.. .. ..- r ... ._.: .. 631,419,334.29 Liabilities of Customers under setters of Credit as per contra,,,r,•..............•r•,.?..,....... 98.331.89 48,325 488,01' Assets $ 751,493.74 $ 46.327,488.01 5,704,250.00 6,455,743,74 338,210.00 1,736,833.85 305,057.87 656,0.62.12 286,153.01 2,890,548.39 610,000,45 1,378,242.33 Ramatorl, November 291A.191. (ION. WM, GIBSON President 3, TU1.NBULL Vice -lies. and General Manager Mr. Geo. Moir Wishesto announce to the Citizens of Wingbaul that he is in the old stand to stay. Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, etc. Give us a, call, Farm For Sale 200 acres of lend, close to the tea, of S,Vinghatn. Good stock and 1't'air farm, Will sell all or sub divide and sell in part, 18•tf J. S DIICKETT. 6 ---Sale .of Shorthorn Brills-- 6 Broadview Shorthorns'- tierd Headed by "Favorite Character.” (Imp. ) For sale ii're six hulls, eight to twelve mnttiha old. These are choice young hulls with thtt best of breed irig and-tvill be 1.014 reasonably. if you need any- thing write nue Or give ur a call, J G•. FYFE, Winghem, Ont. Farm 1.4 (uilea south of Wingbtztn.) BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y. M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept, 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartered Accountant 17 Vice-Princlpal • MAIL CONTRACT. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Otta- wa until Noon, on Friday, tho 20th day o1 February,- 1914, for the conveyance of H.s Majesty's Nails on a proposed eontract for four years, six times per week each way. be- weon Goderioh and Luoknow, from the 1,t .01 April next. Printed notices containing fur- ther information as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of Ten- der may be obtained at the Post Office of Goderioh and Lucknow. and other routo ()M- ess, and at the office of the Post Office Inspec- tor at London G. C. ANDERSON, Superintende- t. Post Office Department, Mail Service Branch, Otte, a, 9.h January, 1914. 1921. MM LEHIGH COAD 3 Another car of gsnnl,on Lehigh hard Coal free from "DIRT" aa.d according to State Authorities, 5 to 6 per cent. richer in fixed "CARBON" than any other.. I wi 1 continue to sell the Free Buroiug Anthracite to those:who:de• sire it—the most economical fuel on the market. The following prices, for Chestnut Coal, from surrounding towns coin. pared with Wingham will be of in. terest to those who;bnrn coal;— - • Apr: &-May Sep. to Dee Brussels - $7.60 $8.00 Clinton ':l . - - 7.60 8.00 Qoderich - - - 7 60 8 00 Wingham - - $6.75 to $7.40 to $7.15 $7.75 • Why is Wingham from 250 to 75e lower ? Wood and Kindling always on hand. R. J. Cantelon Box 127 WINTER TOURS — TO — California, Florida and the Sunny South RETURN TICKETS AT LOW RATES LOGIOATA ROUTE TO THE WEST For WINNIPEG Leave Toronto 2 30 p m. DAILY For VANCOUVER Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. DAILY Compartment Library Observation Car, Standard Sleeping Car, Tourist Sleeping Car, Dining Car. First Masi Coaches, Colonist Car ou both Trains. Particulate from Canadian Paoiflo Agents or write M. G. Murphy, D. P, A., (3. P. Ry., Toronto, W 11. Willis, up town agency; phono 47. J.16 Reenter, station agent; phone 7, UEAND RUN. R.AI�a TIME TABLE L CHANGES A general change of time will be made January 4th, 1914. Time Tables containing full particulars may be had 011 application to Grand Trunk Agents. Low Rates to California, Florida, and the Sunny South NOW IN EFFECT The Grand Trunk Railway is the Meat direct route from all points East through Cat1ads via Chicago, Detroit or Eu Palo. FOm, es for writeaC, Grand orn g,7D.._Ticket Toronto, Oat, IT. I3. %1iio t, Town lya4taenter and_ Ttaket g A e.,t; phone 4. W. F. Bergmann, tatlen Ticket A gent ; phent a0. Wil oop:0g Cough SPASMODIC CROUP ASTIIS7A COUGi4S ' BRONCHITIS CATARRII COLDS k*TA3L16HED 1878. A almpto, safe and effective treatment for broil. chiautroubles, avoiding drugs,. VaporizedCresoieno stops the paro$ysnK of whooping Ceughand relieves Spasmodic. Croup at once. it is a BOON to sufferers front Asthma, Tho alt. carrying tbeAntiseptic vnpor, 4th; '-edwith every breath, snakes breathing easy; soothes the sore throat and stops81180004 ,.Assuring restful nights. 11 Is levantablo to mothers with young children. Send postal for descriptive boeklet. ALI. DRUGGIOTlt, Try 0R1iSOLF,NF. ANTISEPTIC 31IBOAT TABLETS forthe Irritated throat. They aro simple, effective and antiseptlo. Of your druggist or front 05, No, in stamps. Vapo Cresolene Co. 4062 Cortiaedi St., N.Y. Leeming Miles Building Montreal, Can. 3 J CENTRAL ,1101/S STRATFORD. ONT.: Canada'sbest i rartical training Thr. hr e tl'•p-tt t+ens— Com, mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy, Courses are thorough and 1ractl- cal. Individual instruction ie given by a strong, experienced staff. Oar - graduates succeed.. Students may enter at any time. Get cur free ctalogue and see what we can do for you. D. A. hlcLACHLAN - Principal BELL'S GROCERY Vegetables Fresh . Groceries Flour and Feed Prompt Delivery. Phone 82. BELL'S GROCERY Successor to W. J. Patterson _ sa�awh�aaavm,ass,wwCtaar.•a�aaaah�,ltaa�t� NIGH CLASS LIVERY GOOD HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady, drivers. Drivers supplied. BEATTIE'S LIVERY DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 as_1a�alt..laaar..o.w a FOR SALE Good Apple Butter at Go per lb. in any gnantity, while it lasts. Call and get a sample ; will deliver to any part of town FLOUR -Robin :Hod, Mil ver - ton, Maple.Leaf, Five X. ' Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Chop Grain and -all kinds of Cereals. Grain taken in exchange for flour,' bran, shorts and meals. 1 When in need of anything in this line call or phone 84. Wingham Chopping Mill EZRA MERKLEY. raastwisa. J SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIOiNS main sole head of afamily, crany Male over .L. 18 years old may homestead a giiartor. section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan Or Alberta. The appli- cant must, appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at the Mee of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub- agenton certain conditions Duties. --Six months' residence npon end cul- tivation of the land in each of three years. A. homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead On a farm of at least 80 acres on certain conditions A habitable house is re. 'seertertnedin the viei except when residoneo In certain districts a homesteader in ggood standing may pro-omlptaquarter.section alona- Aide hia7iomentead', pPriee;S per acre. Duties —Six weighs' residence in each of six years. from date of homestead entry (including the time Sorra required to cultivation. Thedareateotteult(- nation is snbjeot to reduotion in oa8e of rough, *nubby Or stony land after report by Rome. stead Inspector on application for patent. A horuestoader who has exhausted his home- stead right end cannot Obtain a pre-emption may lake a purchased homeated in Oa titin dietriets. Prion $8 00 per sora nutlet -must reside six menthe In each of three yeaes, culti- vate fifty kettle and ereot a house worth $800, W. W. CORY, DOM/ Of the tartlet* Of the Interior. N.13.—tJnaitthbr1aod publio,tion of this ad- Vettdeetnaktt win not be pen ler. Children Cry for !etcher's The Bind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over ao years, has borne the signature of and bas been made under bis per* k�Q supervision since its infancy.. conal Allow no one to deco ve you in,hiss All Counterfeits, Imitations. and ;4 Just-as.good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the beaitlx et Infants and Children :.Experience against Experiment* What is CASTO Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor - on, bra.,, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleas t. .., contains neither Opium, Morphine nor othero reotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it isas been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -The Mother's + rlend P GENUINE CASTOR iA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Ing Use For Over 30 Years • The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CLNTAM% COMPANY, NCW vetoers CITY. s. • / f I/i,CJ"' xv iti•,6�J.iT�r'M». �,� 4 S r r r -RI' •' 4( 141 1 •rs u• i::..) .. Concrete Hog Houses Ute . . .47 and Feeding Floors },, Enable you to raise bigger hogs and ' r better pork without heavier feeding. A concrete feeding Boor permits the ani - *i mals to clean up all the feed without waste, and r° eliminates the possibility of your hogs contracting disease. To you they Mean Bigger Profits Hog houses of concrete are sanitary, easily cleaned, maintain an even temperature and give plenty of light and air, which tend to better the quality of ',`'<xa. pork. Concrete will .not rust or rot. Never needs repairs or painting. It will outwear any other material for farm structures. Writc for this beautifully illustrated free hook "What the Fanner can do with Concrete." It shows how ;4. to build Hog Houses, Feeding Floors and many other ve.r things the farmer needs. kasli Farmer's Information Bureau vwtis Canada Cement Company Limited 52o Herald Building, Montreal tet) M 1fka , Ncur.r.fir 1,4, x '.i)rr . s • 0 at• rr%�'rny: +1-1-1-14+4-1-1-144-1-1-1-1-144-14 Hanover Place, Winnipeg Past, Present and Future. PAST Previous to the year 1911, the north end of Winnipeg was practically cut off from the main portion of the city by the • C. P. R. Terminal Yards. In 1911 and 1913 this ob€taele was overcome by the 1blcPhillip Street Pub -way and the over -head bridge on Arlington St. Immediately development began in this part of Winnipeg. PRESENT The north end of Winnipeg, West of Main, particularly between Mountain and Lansdowne Avenues, is the most rapidly g awing residential portion of Winnipeg. Between these Ave- nues and Hearn and Main St. a person might pick at random a lot or more and make,a profitable investment. The best how- ever, is lots along the Sharp Boulevard and the Avenues on each side. FUTURE The profit making possibilities are brightest along the Sharp Boulevard and the Avenues on eaeh side, as prices will continue to show a steady advance for many years to come. Land on the Boulevard that two years ago sold at $22.00 a foot is now selling at $60 00 a foot. Two more years will show equal if not better conditions on Manover Place as by that time the Street Oar line will doubtless be along the Boulevard. The time to invest is now. Prices of lots, 8225.00 eaell and np according to location. Write the - •i• a Reliance Investment and Developing Company, Ltd. Head Office --Hanover, Oat. Branch Office- ' John Haffner, 273?[ Portage Aver Winnipeg, Malt. Agents wanted in unrepresented distrlets, W. J. CURRIE, l ►ca.1 Agent.