HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-01-29, Page 2THE
rantford Hydro Worhers
Are -Out Strike.
1 Nelacdonald Man. Dir.
federation Life.
Mother EarlSeOurt,
e SW: family was. at
• was struele in sufficient
'eat Augeortineee Semite
elmans a pioneer settler
died at Guelph, at the
qtrs. • -
-McLean, one of Walkerton's
ten and lougeet iesidents, is 'haul
e age of 89.
remarkable operation for the cure
veneer was conducted in a hospital
et Hertford, Coup.
Fire did /WIN worth of damage to A,
UM sTrebileoele's jewelry store, liti Dun-
dee street, London,- Ont.
x;Mayor J. A. Ellis, 141.P.P. for
t Ott!' see. was elected Alderman
entral Ward.
ickmakers prediet a live yehr for
uilding traaes, lased upon order
acts now on, hand.
Campbell, a roomer ai 24 Ross
tre Toronto, was found dead in
er m with the gas on hill.
Geo e James, a Bedford Park fish
t mere t, was kilted by a Metropolis
tan ea at York Mills.
Twe -sir new detachments of the
Reyal Nerthweeteen Mounted Police
were aadell to the force last year.
con:ract has been let for the
! new Metheagist Book Room building
at Queen atil John streets. Toronto?
Conutilman A. G. Watson, jun., of
Cornwall, dropped (leen' after coining in-
to hie home froa lilOregular Sunday al-
' ternoon walk,
For the thirtletime in five weeks Chick-
. en thieve(' entered the premises of Or-
. ville Dunlop, in Chatham township, awl
irgtoi,, teenty chickens.
7 The body of Theodere Mann was found
hangine to a rafter in the barn of Mr.
dolin Traielaw, in the Paisley block, about
six miles le om Guelph.'
• Tits Royal Highness the Duke of Con-
beneught, fiecompanied by •Chaplain Buller,
es A. 1). C., left Ottawa for Quebec, where
: he will• spend two days.
• After living foe over a year with a
broken barek; Lewis Pizzo:into, an Ital-
ian. (lied at St, elieliaeles Hospital, .To-
• lento. on Saturday night.
The. leilroad strike, whieli began ,Tan.
'• 14 •.in Portugel, was clechiree ended. The
,--elageovees return to work withoue bay-
ing elide in ed , any advanaiges.
- John Henay Freclesiek Bacon, A. 13, Ars
is dead in Loudon, Engs Ire was born in
1865. He painted the Coetinatioe Of
. King George and Queen 'shrine,.
• a Mr. Robert Brown, a young farmer,
iuici Flesberton, was struck onthe bard
. lew a falling tree while at work in the
bush and. sue:embed to his injuries.
Mr. John Hedging, fifty years old, ono
of the best-known residents of Aurore,
was instantly' killed on Prides -sr by a
heave; limb of it tree falling on his head..
- lifty men employed on outside work •
. . eneoln county and one of- the most
en Brautford's Hydro -Electric systeny
nre on strike for straight time payment,
• Ito docking for wet days,. and - higher
.'el.. W. C. Maedonald, for 27 years
eonneeted with the Co•nfeeeration Life
Assoeia•tion, has been apointed to the
position of managing 'director a tte
• cempany.
Mr. J. Loekie Wilson, speeking at
Stratfoo'daeexpreesed regret thet the
•• 'Tail deliverer had -destroyed one of
beet social features of country life,
eng for the emit."
Samuel L. Crewe, formerly Warden of
prominent farmers of the Niagara dia..?
triet, was found dead in bed, havieg re-
tired in apparently good health.
The Norevegien Employere' Asseciation
lins (teetered -it loelsout against the or -
r ganized laberers of Northern Norway.,
.. to take ' effect Fob. 7. unless -existing
- . : , bles ere settled within a week. -
' e persons are saki to have been}
'Ind a large number injured in a
- Jon. between a. freight train and A
Stssenger train on the Afichigan Central
failway, about five mike from Jackson,
William Willett. jen., former Denis.;
rattle member of Coneress, was cenvieto
1 el at, New York of hribery in ettereptei
hie to purchase n. Supreme Court nom -
elation in Brooklyn and Qiteen's county'
in MI I.
After severat hours of suffering three.
or- • Ntr-old- Entily.NEG, 4 Clialides avenue,
eereinto, died . in the Hospital for Sick ,
. ( bildren •Saterday evening, from buriii-
sustoined while playing with matches in,
her Immo Saturday afternoon.
Dr. ZI.Itrile., mayor .Of Tilbury. has.
resigned bis position as a result .of
a movement that was started to un-
seat him.
Mr. J. I). Enox, public school Prin-
cipal at Orillia for more than 25,
years, died unexpectedly of hemorr-.
haste of I' - lastin.
lie cutting timber in the bush
a, Joan Hodgins, 50 yearh
adly injured by the fall -
el tree that he died at
ri Au'rora.
ointment, of Mr. Emerson
1, K.C.„ of Toronto, to cute
ed .Tudge Morgan as one of the,
tinier Judges of York county, Is •
The provincial license authorities
are preparing to put up a warm fight
against the attempt to be made sin
the solute to null"'y the local, op-
tion by -lay passed by the eitizens of
Mettford several weeks ago.
Hy -diving head first through an
spat windomt on to the roof of a shed;
a daring young burglar, who for tlw
past week has been terrorizing the'
western section of Toronto, made his
ia, tscapa.
t'apadian Northern trains ire again
• running through from Kingston to
a ' Ottawa. the Milk hole at Lake Co-
l:a:sod whieli held up traffic for the
lnif't N.viwk havfag 'bees! made firm.
The National Rifle Association has
dsehisti to throw open the BisIey
ransee on Sunday. Title eouree has
1:444st stoutly advoeatert and IA is tout.
la sposseil for "„nany yearn pate
.T. It. Fairbanks. proprietor of Me
4fi t-ka'a Meet in Heine. eget eseit'ist
Nevertheless he mentions the name,
wbereat the other gives a. waling
"Juet where I gun stayieg; singuler
we have not met before, by Jove!" lie
ejaculates, but Sam (toes ilot think it so
strange, since- there ;nay have been a
reason for Sir Lionel not running acme»
hie path until the proper moment arriv-
ed -the moment when lie burst like a
flaming meteor upon Sain'e vision. pur-
sued by an iinaginary coterie of Roman
cut-throats. - •
"We ere going to get out just beyond,
Sir Lionel, to see the eights elong the
Corso et this perticalar thee?
"dove: len to nipted ta alight with
you," exelaints thi Englishman.
"You aro inclined to be reckless,"
hints Sam.
"Oh!" retinue Sir Lionel, with a slight
"we Pritons never ask mow
many,' but 'where are they?' I don't
allow a Spice of danger to interfere
with my phestire at any Lima If tho
fellows seek me again, they will Mid me.
Besides, you see I ain provided with a
black mask, and behind it Will doubtless
eseape reeegnition."
McLane's lip has curled at the boast-
ing tone of the other, and :t is evident
that Ito does not sympathiat with Sir
Lionel in what be eays. If there is
anybony Dudley Melane detests, it a
"Then, again, you have your revol-
ver," eays Sam, with an audible olincitle,
for he -knows perfectly well that et the
moment he speaks that eelf-same wea-
pon is lying back hi a Corner of the case
nage cuelnons, haviug slipped from the
poeket of the Englielunan as lie restlesss
ly moved back and forth.
Sam does not take it upon himself to
infoim the other. of this thing, for the
simple reeson that he counts him as
among Ids enemies, and this singular ac-
cident may in the near future be ot
value to liiin.
"Mat you say is true -armed with
that trusty friend, I have no fear. Do
we drop out here?" eve Sir Lionel, ty-
ine on the mask,
'"In one minute," as the vehicle stcpe
by the culib.
"Dudley, see what I have brought for
you," with whiell Sinn takes out from a
small package a couple of masks very
like the Briton's.
With some laughter these are fastened
"Suppose see are separated," says Mc-
"The old signal," returns Sam.
.As Sir Lionel knows nothing of this,
he has to feel that in a measure he is
counted out; but ib does not seem to
be policy with him to show any, resent-
ment just now. He leaves the carriage
with the others . Sam ie the last out -
he has been delayed just fivaseconds in
securing the revolver which the Briton
heti lost, which he manages to very dex-
trously hide in a pocket.
The driver is paid, he starts his
horses, and the trio of foreigners find
themselves stranded upon the sidewalk
of the Corso, now filled With gay revel-
ers, who joke and laugh and sing, every-
thing being given over to the madness of
the hour, •
It is natural for any one who has life
about him to feel an interest in these
strange scenes And both Sam 13uxton
aod his comradee .are, of course,'quite
taken with what they gaze upon. Per-
haps their blood has been quickened by
the music that throbs upon the night
air as gay processions pass by, repro -
swilling various scenes in the history of
ancient Rome. Caesar and Nero, to-
gether 'with -numerous famoue person-
ages, figure in the streets during the
Carnival time.
Everyone appears to be given up to
merriment, and it hardly seems possible
that under thig cloak of innocence dark -
schemes can he concocted; yet, in all
probability the evil men of Rome are
reaping a harvest while all good neigh-
bors give themselves up to the intoxica-
tion of the hour. s
Here some minstrels sing and perform
-yonder the gipsies of true Spanish
blood, under -a tent, give ono of their
weird dances, charging a few centimes to
witness it, Other eeenes are 'on the
tight and left. A stranger in Rome must
believe himself bewitched, since it can
rover be his fortune to gaze upon such
odd sights under any other sun than of
the Eternal City:
The three foreigners saunter along.
Now they stop to gaze upon some singe -
der spectacle that presents itself, and
Anon dodge hendfuls of rice showered
upon them by fun-lovingliedies from. cer-
tain balconies. It will be a rare feast
for the pigeonsithis Carnival season,
since tons of nee must be scattered
along the streets of Rome. Cue might
easily believe on the following morning
'that a tremendous wedding fever had
itruck the city, engulflpg moat of the
bachelors and maids in a ground race to
the altar,
These sights will pall upon the stroll -
ere as the hour grows later, and they
may be •glad to seek their hetet, to
.shut themselves in a close room, and
'keep out as much of the noise. poe.
Then agein, Sam is more than eager to
hear what his comrade has to tay-to
learn where Dudley picked up his infer-
mation With reepeet to the 13riton be-
ing concerned in the game against him.
He beeomes listless, and bis compan-
ions notice it. It is Dudley who sug-
gests that they head in the direction of
the hotel. Sir Lionel eeecinds the mo-
tion; at the sante time Sam believes he
sem the norse-roving Briton make a
signal with lifs arm, laddilig onowy
handkerchief in his hand at the thne..
Stun awaits Cresult-tneanwhile he taps
his pockets to make sure his weapon
and that of Sir Lionel are in place.
' "Ali! I am Imre that was a partieular
friend of mine who passed, one I bay°
endeavored to run acroes for three days
-the Duke of .Sutherland, traveling in-
cest. Gentlemen, you will excuee Me, I
am sure, if I leave you," says the Bri-
ton hastily.
They beg that lie wilt not worry lilin-
self---that under the circumetances he
is excusable, and sensitive man, leas
thiekaskinited than Sir Monet, might
feel offended hy the warmth with Which
'thee°, renitirke are made.
lie •gravely shakea hands with them
both, turns, and is lost to sight in the
Dudley McLane chuckles audibly.
"Exit the second villein. Down drops
the curtain upon Aet One. When it
rises again a neW Cliftraeter Will step up -
On the atage, one `who puzzles me, be-
wilderes dazzles- • -"
"Hold on, for the toes olf misery. Duel.
lay -one vreuld libirotet- imagine you had
'open bewitched," breake in Sam, as-
tonished at' hie comratie's fervor.
"Perhaps I have," returrte Dndley,
*reedit , "it Inv rote, I am ander a
meat widely k Itto,k4 roe% seatell. at erre beauty dazzled rao.
ihp p.r„, /new, diputf # hardly kaaw nhat to think of heed'
"She must have been on the train?"
venturee Sam, wondering if Dudley's
time lute reelly come.
"Of course, that's where I.beard the
talk, by the Mould itseident in the
worlds ---the partition between (our coin-
Paetments was broken. I knew an Ent
Hellman rimed Sir Lionel Grant would.
be with you when you met me in the de-
pot. The man appeared to be giviug the
girl instruction% There were times whorl
I believed they were (leceiving her -
that her eines seemed to be inspired by
oome lofty patriotieni. In a word, elle
believes the lifo of the king is M danger,
and that A foreign ellotio has formed a
a conspiraoy against him, and all her
loyitIty to the court has becaplayed ups
on in order to 'make her join m the
"I see -she is in truth a heroine, even
while taking part in the plot againet
Our • lives?" pursues Sam.
"That's the idea l'm laboring under,"
exclaims the Canadian, - eagerly, as
though thankful that Sam has helped
him out,
"How about Mies Winehester?" -the
other cannot help giving him -this one
"You know I'm off with that love,
1 old fellow -gave sup all hope when you
entered the game, became I had no
show at all."
e'You fickle bean Of St. ,Tames street,"
"Don't, old fellow. I'm not built that
Way -never cared for a girl -until I
met Aileen, and yon squelched me be-
fore I had mock show there. It may be
I shall meet my fiste under this Italieu
sleye-if .only to keep your misery com-
"Bithi that's A poor excuse. But see
here! the hotel isn't more Vitro a block
or two away; emus to me Must if this
inittsatoorrattai oafideerotueree—n heor that_ 1 sim.
ply said she was a beauty, ana had at-
tracted me, I believe her to bg a ladY,
belongieg to a good family, influenced
by- some lofty idea, of serving her sw-
an," declares Dudley, earnestly.
"Beg pardon, Dud -no offence meant.
What 1 want to see now is the curtain
rise on act two."
"Wel], you hear the ting -a -ling of
the sto.ge hell. It rises -don't look aroupa
but my charmer of the train is here, al-
most at your elbow, Sarni"
Sam Buxton does not turn his head,
but' appears to be decidedly interested
in a baud of Spanish students passing
by who play upon mandolins and guitars
and sing college songs. They have
been, travelling, and change to be in
Rome at the time of the carnival sea-
soHn.e feels
a touch upon his tLrm-a heft
voice sounds in his ear.
"The signor mighe like to hear his
ietaittuape know what fortune holds for
Then Sam turns around; be beholds
a girlish figure, not unlike numberous
others with whom he has flirted on the
streets of Rome on this night. A mask
conceals her face, but he believes it
must be oiie to attraet attention. In
the first place, her figure le such as
to give him that impression, and then
again lie has Dudley's word for it --
Dudley, who hes looked upon. the risen's
countenance through the split in the
division wali of the compartment of a
railway carriage.
"Ahl a fortune-tellerl You can de-•
clare whet the future has in store for
us?" he asks,
"Si, signor, for a consideration, which
is to be Overt to the poor of Rome,"
she repliege
"It would have to .be a...princely 'sum
to give every beggar a eentimee'laughs
Sam, while poor stricken Dudley watts
in feverish anxiety the autconze of this
strange adventure.
"You must not be . so severe on our
greet eitys--London has its thousands of
poor -I have seen your Whitechapel,
"Ali! elle tekes me for a John Bull,"
thinks Sam; but lie does nothing•to cor-
rect the error.
'This is a poor ;place in which to tell
fortunes, signoria,' he says, es the bois-
terous crowd jostle them rudely, with-
out meaning anything, .
At the same moraent he believes he
has a glimpse of Count Tivoli standing
on some steps -back of them -the figure
seems very fainiliar, although a mask
hides the face.
"Would the sighor step down the
block lialfsway to the room that ,has
beers fitted up for the purpou? It is
for a good cause." .
She Scents to falter in asking the
question; as though -not accustomed to
such subterfuges, and yet Sant canerace
eagerness in her voice; he sees her look
down the Corso with alarm as loud
cheers burst upon the ear, something
more stupendous than usual occurring
in that quareet, while he catchea the
words she utters almost beneath her
"The king! My soul! doee he tome
so soon? Then all is iodeed lostt"
Sam jumps at coaclusions, guesses the
teal status of affairs, and knows how
they have basely .deceived, this Orl,
playing upon 'ter loyalty to the reign-
ing monarch, no admires her alreadY,
and thinke none., the fess of one who
could sink her own feelizigs in doing
what she believes is for the good of
her country.
"On one condition, signorina, I will go
--that is, you shall allow illy compan-
ion to accompany me -to tell his for-
tune also," says Seen.
"Surely, two rows of lire Are better'
than one, Ile shell etane and welcome."
"Thanks," Dudley has the temerity to
mutter, but his charmer steins to pay
no attention to him, keeping tip the eon -
venation with Sam..
"Why do you linger, signor? I am
ready to teed. the way. The fortune
teller's parlor will surprise you. Comet"
as a freeh burst of shouts and music
sounds down the thoroughfare, where
the populace seems to be tremendoutly
excited over something.
"Don't you think, my dear lady, It
would. be common eourtesy for you to
let us see the face of our guide? We
do not suspect evil, it is trite, but it
would remove all doubts."
Sam is tattiog advantage of her ner-
vous baste -he knows What she fear%
and, sly dog that he ise seems, deterniho
ed, ere going a step, to look upon the
beauty over which Dudley *I raved.
She 'wavers -the Omuta Increase in
/bully the king malt be eoming; what
else could MUSS tacit a clamor among
his subjects?' The woman who delitaav-
s.tes is lost, they say.
"Creel man, but what does matter?
Look for youreelf and be ettitfied."
A small hand draws the mask aside
for just a &ten Dermas, and Sam sees
the lovely faee that has oreatea nth a
fever in Ore heart of hie conipanion Duds
ley -who goze5 estrarietwd, as though Ise
Meld there all nig/et and driug In
the beauty of thie Hebb.
As tor Sam, he gives a dart awl an
ejeculetiOn. expreseive. Of iatenee intr-
"Goo4 heaerenal call it be goesiblel
And yet why liot? Strange I never
thought of it before."
She cannot but notice hie Agitation.,
aud, yet may attribute it to the disclos-
ure of her feateres-one pommeling so
lovely A fete must many a time have
seen men start and stare when their
eyea beheld her;
"Comte -you proneleed-for the oaks
of the poor, eignore, come," else Quietens,
"We will-hinclly lead. on," Sank re.
-Apparently the girl. does not doubt
them-slie walks on and without even
looking to flee that they follow, The
truthfulness of some men impressee
every ene With whom they have con-
tact, and Sane is one of this- kind, Even
masked as he is there seems to be some-
thing about him to inspire confidence.
They move along through the crowd;
that Idle the thoroughfare. at this hour,
giving a poer ehow for missies vehicles
-the few that make their Appearance
are taken posseesiog of by gnome's and
clowns,. who deuce upon the oarriage
roofs, bestride the home, awl play all
eorts or tricks • io order to make the
spectators laugh.
"It is not far " floate back to their
ears, •and they 'know their guide has
"What care I though et be miles? I
would willingly follow,' Sam hears his
comrade say, as if speaking' to himself.
He squeezes Dudley's arna-a signal
the other anewers by bringing his head
nearer that of Buxton.
"'What is it?" -
"My dear fellow, I, too, have made a
startling discoyery. L don't know how
it may affect our future welfare, but
it is best you shoule share it,"
"Jupiter Pluviusi what can it be? See
here, Sam, does it have anything to de
"Everything. When she disclosed her
fate I was really ete.ggered, not alone
by her beauty-"
"You 'lave aerie air before?" quickly.
"You know her?" suspielonsly.
"I have in the past,' says Sam, with
a hesitatiou that fires his conerade's
imagination as, a match might a mass
of shavings,
"Bf- St. Andrew! and, you never told
me about this darling— What ails
.yous man?"
"Ohl you'ra wrong; I've spoken of
her frequently."
Dudley bas a sudden inspiration,
"Sam Buxton, do you mean to tell
me this" lady cen be—"
"Lovely BeatriX Paoli, the opera.
singer, over whom all Italy has gone
evild," says Sam, almost in the other's
ear, for the racket is tremendous just
at this quareer of the thorougnfare-
men and boys are exploding fireernek-
ea, . shouts and laus,rhter, song e nd just,
fill the 'air with a confusion of molds, -
even as the street itself is crammed
with briught costumes from curb to
"And the girl who fell in love with
one Sam Buxton because he was a lucky
dog and rendered her a service," groane
Dudley, for thia is the hist stra.w on
sthe camel's back -twice has the sante
thing occurred -he cannot shout much
"NO; no, don't say that -I never made
such a rema
re -you drew conclusione
from what I did tell you. She thought
something of me -it wag natural Ghee
my taking a ducking 111 the Adriatic to
pull her ashore when hew gondola. cap-
"And you could have lied her if you
."I never said so," resolutely.
"I believe so, at any rate. Never
mind, I've get you now, &smile'. This
isn't ITtab," triumphantly,
. "No."
"Yoe can't marry both those girls."
"Heaven deliver me, Dud!"
"Then you shall choose, and I -I will
be quite content with the: other" coin--
placently cries the eithlete Ills ear,
at which Sam grins maliciously.
"You seem' to be quite indifferent as
to -the one that may fall to your shares
my dear boy."
"Not so -I have already endured the
. . . .
path. of giving up 'Mee Aileen -hence
you see in what line the queition lies
at present," admits Dudley.
"Take her, niy boy, and Heaven bless
you." -
"Hold on -you are too fast. Wait
and see what time brings. It. strikes
Me that the love affairs of both are
pretty much confused just mow.. Say
no more, Sam. I have simply admired
this girl,. and believe her to be a -pure
and honorable character, yet deceieied
by those she has. trusted!'
"And I am ready to (swear to it,"
breathes Sam, earnestly. "Her uncle,
Count Tivoll—s"
"I forgot -he is her uncle. Now I can
read between the lines and knoev how it
comes that she has given herself to
aiding them. The mystery is• opening
up. We may soon baffle theee eon-
"In the meentime, my dear boy, don't
forget to have your weapon bandy, for
we are about to enter the spider's web,
where the lies in wait for ut,
ready to do murder meet fent. ALI
here sve are. Noy cool, Dude and listen
for the signal."
There is little heed tO warn the
Canadian, who /eller, reelizes the depth
of danger they are facing. He has, like
Baron Sam, a liking for adventure,
and sees in this affair of the Carnival
tight in Rome an opportunity whieh
would be folly not to improve, especi-
ally Once the girl who has in manlier
bewitched him has become corinected
'With the businees. •
Their guide,' the black-eyed hour', has
turned now for tbe first thne. as if to
make sure Ora they follow. They have
gene Some little distance in all, since
le:while the point of meeting, and Be-
atrix Paoli stands before a sombre -
looking building that might have been
erected tenturies before -its architec-
tural design smacks of Ihe antique and
She raises her arni and InalteS a grace-
ful gesture, indicating that they are to
"Biees my soul! it's like going into a
deelares San in tng11611.
"Would you baeltioutr almest sneers
the Canadian, who has a deeper motive'
than mere euriosity for desiring to see
the end of the adventure.
Sam Buxton gives a tervous little
"Well, if I did, it would not he from
cowardice, my dear fellow; you nave
seen enough of tie to know that," with
reprotteh in his tones.
- "Forgive me, Sam,"
tidily, but I have no ipteatiet
sh ng, There is a motive
ing me of which yoh know noth
I am in this hostile* heart anal*"
ne eyes 1 tie .
'gm str e e apt wt. lore
you gee yOur informettan 10VAIM be
hard to say. I trust filet°. Ylka, The
signorina grove impatient Oat en
ens -see har wave her hhata
Coma say your mayors, liam,
on, old mem,"
STo tatatiatinetia
Doesn't Matter Where the Cold clears out phlegm, dope diseharge, en-
able* you to breathe freely,
is Catarrhozone Will Cure It.
Don't saiffle and sneeze with a nasty
cold -you On kill it in a jiffy by breath -
lag in the healing vapor of Clatarrho-
sone. It is the quicicest, eurest thing
for colde ever known-414ply knocks
them right out. No medicine to take
wben you use OatarrhOzene----yott jut
inhale the ;richest of healing piney es-
seneele through a specially devised in-
haler-thie medicated vapor is death to
tho MIAs of sold or catarrh. It heals
aucl soothes the 114104110 air paseages,
Catarrhozone bracee up the throat --
"levee • et strength -stops the }melting
cough, gives the lungs a chance. In ten
minutes you have wonderful relief.
In an hour you feel like a new being.
Colds or eouglis simply can't (=let if Ca-
tarrhozone le used.
No treatment so direct-Catarthozone
goes right to the spot ---acts mtickly, and
thoroughly Imre(' coughs and Odds brow
chitis, catarrh tow irritable throait. No
failure, success every. tiine. Complete
outfit $1.00; medium eize, 50o; small
(trial size only) 25c. Sold by ee'alers
Want' Simple English.
"Yes," maid the earnest profeesor,
"what we want in literature te direet
and simple English." ,
The listenens gravely nodded. -
"Direct and simple," they echoed.
"Thdee conglomerated effeelons of va-
pid intellects,' the professor went on,
"which peed in. lamentable attituees ass
the enaotional and intellectual Ingres
dients of fictional realism fall far short
of the obvioue requireraents of Contain.
porary denland$ and violate the tra-
ditional models of the tranecendant
minds" of tho Elizabethan era of glor-
ious memory. Plain end simple English
ie the deznitud of the hour."
Whereupon everybody applauded and
went home, --Cleveland Plain Dealer.
F REMEDY, the werla-famoud
cure for Epilepsy and Fits -
Simple„ home treatment,
13Ztliettlifagree ,Tok,;giegAccfn
CuRED 24,4,,,,,z_ces:iirplili
in one Year.
410 St. James' Chambers, Toronto, Can.
Seaweed as a Food.
Seaweed Is eaten as food in Scot-
laiAldi this time of the year lasVer is in
seamen among the Scottish fisher fOlk,
Laver is an edible deaweed. It is
easily prepared for food...It Is first
dried and pounded. Then it is stew-
ed with salt, pepper and vinegar. On-
ions or leeks are frequeotly added to
this dish of laver, which hag a flavor
tailslhoefripitesn.own .and much liked by the
In Ireland a similar seaweed is call;
ed "stoke." It Is frequently boiled
with milk into a sort of salty blanc-
mange, or custard. Another way to
prepare stoke is to roll it quickly
backwards and forwards several tittles
axound a heated•poker. Grilled in his
primitiVe fashion, it Is geld to be
quite toothsome,
"Dulse" is the local name for still
another species of edible seaweed that'
is mixed with barley meal and made
into bread in the westeru highlands
a fourth kind of seaweed
is first dried_oend pounded and then
mixed with ordinary flour. Then it
is made loth smell flat cakes,• called
"Bowie bread," and friend.' Itsis said
to be nutritious and has the value of
linby's Own Tablets 'are • a Safe and
Intdiebie for little owe. They
never Alit to replete the boweie,
sweeten the stomach and • enre ell the
Minor ills. of babyhood and child-
hood, Concereing them Moe Duman
doy, Vancouver, 13. C., writes: "I al-
ways keep Baby's Own Tablets the
honse, and give „them to my little
ono whenever - needed as I think
them the sa feet end surest remedy a
mother ems veva her .clildrea. The.
Tablets' are by medieme dealers
ter by inail at 25 rents a box from
The, Dr. WilliaMS' Medicine Go., Brock-
ville.. Ont
4 -
(Netv York Sun)
la tO be prefer:hi to coal,
beeatlee in a blockade, also in 'the pre
limInary stages of a sea fight, ships
would have to leave the line to coal nod
would return to it with. the men .21 to
coLdition to handle tho guns. Internal
emr,busion engines aesuming that they
con be perfected, would take tip much
less room than steam engines the liquid
fuel scald ..ite passed into resero1rs
through a hose with conparatively little.
tabor; 'funnels and uptakes would be elim
-nated; the personnel could be reduced
from fiftY to seventy per cent.; and to
refuel no ship Would have to leave the
battle line, Ielving conditions would be
immensely improved, and England could
have the servites of all tiler fighting en
Men that were needed.
Price nc.
Each aux/
Postage 2c.
- -11M
Write for our complete catalogue of Harness and
Horst Goods. should be in the hands of every bone and
Stock owner, Sent free on request. Write today,
Successors to Mail Order Business of
. Stanley Milli colnetanl,
s (Philadelphia Record.)
The admonition, "Go thou and do
likewise," is instantly suggested by the
story front Chicago of a woman who
eatiteled her orders for a largo and eost.
ly social function and sent the sum she
would haye spent upon it to the 'United
Charities. Ider guests will not he in a
position to reciptecate, and therefore
her treasure wilt be laitl up in Ileaven.
4 •
Mittard's Liniment Cures Garget In
(Niagara Palls, N*. Y., Gazette)
/vies. Thomas I3ennett, of EeneIngton,
N. Y., who is 102, offers this recipe for
lorgevity: "Live out of doors as melt
as possible, breathe plenty of pure air,
eat three, square Meals a day, laugh of -
tee and heaftily, and be sociable." /1
wilt be difficult for the life connorvas
tionists to frame a better formula.
As thou host done, it shall be &me
unto thee; they reward shall return
upon ththe Own head.-Obacl. 15,
She plays a splendid game of bridge and
she's a fine aebater;
She always uses French when she is
Epeaking to a waiter;
Political affairs she knowa almost from
But ehe has never found- put how to
drew:. a turkey's gizzard.
She's In a drama, league, and she hid
studied pax hYgiene:
With -skill she operates her own six -
cylinder machine;
A. dozen clubs have ;indeed her for the
papees she has read,
But she never could broil a 'steak or
toast a, piece 01 bread.
She works In settlements and atrives:
to help to save the drama;
'The name of her sorority is Beta Some-
'ShethhienlgpsGtaornmniattli1e all
fairer women es exalted
as they can bo.
But she would throw a fit if she were
asked to bathe a, baby.
She's deeply interested in political. at -
She wins much admiration for the Mete-
ful clothes she wears;
'Tia most delightful to sit near and over.
hear her chat,
But she would be In trouble Is she had
to trim a hat.
-Chleaco Record -I -feral&
The completion of the 0, P. It. to
the eoterst made the development of
rtritir",41 Columbla poeseblee In Lendon
now the agent' of the' tri tat imevince
can prow* boast that i.3rIbisli Colum-
bia has 250,000,000 acres of public
Lamle. Of this only two peT cent..has
been &old, lt bas aa,000,000 acres re-
served for homestead's, of svhich al-
most 2,000,000‘ have been surveyed and
are ready for settlers, and the nettlem
are coining fast =jug to the. nplendei
propaganda of the province to the bet-
ter cease of T3ritisbere-people with a
little moeese • who would Mel in tie.
Pacific province, the conditions which
they had left, conditione ntimiek
the eustonte and nilagtv and climate and
emery of the Mothew Country. -
Of mole, the British Columbia. gave
eminent leis been active (luring the
fleet live years, but I he O. P: inade
t .firet impreesio w th i ts axle bite,
itn lecturee, ite speeinwnh of serowths
and minerals, ail,' ,,,peeinlly WW1 its
tempting storks of possibility eir the
middle olive of Britiehers, who wonet
be asked olgy to ininele with those on
a soeial parity with them.
Be good to them..
They are our beet servants. '
They iire also our moot -abused ones.
Many never thiek te rest their poor
One should- novel read by flickering,
Positively never rub your eyes when
they are tired.
Tired eyee should invariably be at-
tended to immediately,
At the very least you should stop us-
ing them at the time.
Bathe them gently with hot water
and spray them with cold.
Gentle massage ie good thing if the
fingere are not von over the eyeballs.
A good eyawnah is Made of a ten-
spoonfui of powdered boric acid and 15
drops of spirits of camphor (rubbed to
a smooth paste); pour over it two-
thirds of a eup-of water.
We publish simple, straight testimon-
ials, not press agents' interviews, from
well-known people.
From all over America they testify to
the merits of MINARD'S LINIMENT,
the best of Houeehold Remedies.
1•11•0111•11••••" ...•••••••
Tactful Joems.
Sunday passed, Tuesday rolled aroUnd,
and still his tall form did not looM in
tee vestibule when the cuckoo clock was
sounding, 8. Thursday he came, and the
beautiful girl was burning with wrath.
"So this is the way you neglect time'
she hissed. "What have you to say for
yourself? Why didn't you come?"
"I couldn't," faltered the yoang man.
"I had dyspepsia and the doetor adViii-
ed me not to come'
"What! The doctor told yoti net to
come to see me because you had dys-
"Well, betold me to keep away from
all sweets,"
And the parlor sofa was tenanted.
That is LAXATIVE )3110M0 latI/NTINE,
Look for the signature of B. W. GROVE.
Cures a Cold in One Day, Cures Grip in
Two Days. 23e.
e t • b.
' ISt. aolin X. B., Telegraph.)
Wti are burdened,* to-dity with' good
intentions is the instruction of the
young, but it is epee to doubt if in every
ens° there good intentions are governed
by intelligenee,
• • •
Wilnard's Lleiment Cures Distemper.
(Montreal Herald)
The 2aborn incident Chi more to stir
tip hatred of Germany In one day flon
those working. for international gocd
will betWeen that nation aria Prance ao-
complished in a generation.
*Tit Tat F. DALLIIIY 01 era. I No MAT
Not what wro Moat.
A certain doctor who on his own
frank admixiion, "the ugliest Mall 311
four vountlee," has a keen leave of
humor avitielt eueldee hint to eujoy
many real and uneouscious reflections
upon Ida facial deficiencies.
Once, after lie had arrived, too late
to succor a poor woman wile had been
killea. In a factory, the local newspaper
published an ambiguous account of the
ease, which the doctor, with grins ap-
preciation- preserved.
Ifitving 'first deeeribed how the wom-
an bad, come by her iiljuriee, the para-
graph went en to say:
"Strong hopes were entertained of
saying her life until Dr; I"- arrived,
but these hopes wifortunately proved
ill-founded, for the moment the doctor
ehowed his. face within the door the
poor woman fell back with a gesp and
expired." -Philadelphia, Ledger.
Stock. Yards
Largest Canadian
For Reef and Feeder
Cattle, Calves, HOW'.
Sheep and Horses
(New York Herald.)
Japan proudly refers to her "elder.
statesman," but it le in the vaunting
spirit -of new political youth that she
falls into boastful error. The rest of
theeworld knews that when eider states-
men realy are in question, it is the
Canadian Senate to which reference is
made. Selection to the body of spright-
ly pundits and prankish serious Who or-
nament the Parliathent House at Ot-
tawa imams a deep draught from the
spring which Ponee de "Leon advertised
lint never found,
The Duke of Connaught, not being a
Canadiare does not understand that
Consequeutly his speech from the throne
must have brought wrinkles of merri-
ment around the base of every blue nose
north of the 'Et. Lawrence. The Gov-
ernor General remarked that the Gov-
ernment had decided to withhold the
naval amt highway aid bills until
"through the invitees of tithe or other-
wise" the Senate had been reformed.
Could anything have been more deli-
cately phrased? Hardly. But the Duke
need not have picked his •words in sug-
gesting a eourge. in nature common to
all humanito-exeept Canadian Sen-
ators. They smile at the thought' ••
The naval and highway .811 bills can
be considered as indefinitely postponed
unless the reform comes "otherwise."
The Senatore are appointed for life.
A Woman's Message to
. Worren
If you are troubled Nvit,l-t weak, tirpd
feelings. headache, backache, bearing
down sensations, bladder weakness, eons-
tipution, catarrhal c:ontlitions, pain In the
ski is regularly or irregularly, bloating
or unnatural enlargements, intestelnlasie
ur inispiacoment of
gum, nervousness.'desire to cry, palpita-
tion, 1.ut flashes, dark rrngs under the
eyes. or a loss of interest in. life, .I !n-
em, you to write and psi( for my simple
method of home teatment, with ten days'
trial entirely free and pustpuld, also ref-
teereoncielsowtothCeaynattilltive,t lia,edgiaesineidvho
strength and, happiness ,by this method.
Write to -day. Address, Mrs.• IL Sum-
mers, Box 8, Windsor. Ortt.
• SP
(Chicago Tribune)
• 11 the officers had been puhished they
wculd have been within tile regions of a
eon .p rehending sympathy. They are
protlueta of a sastem which. projects from
wholesome background of German
vulture and civilisation inach as a gar-
goyle grInnaig from a modern structure.
Teey are true, logical products of a
medieval system which, having trained
them, showed a clipositIon to discipline.
them as fruit too near perfection, They
were too inueh what they were expected
to' be.
Not only In Alsare, where the people to
scale degree still regard themselves as
sibject, but elsewhere in Germany, a
disposition 'to revolt against militarism
has been observed by the imperial au-
thorities who Brd not Without concern.
The remedy wee not in punishing officers
who had obeyed their code, but will be
amending th3 code.
Eldneys and Bladder trouble, Gravel
Rheumatic pains are quickly and posi-
tively cueed with the ceiebrated reMedY.
In Watley diseases some of the sYM-
toms which are pain In the back, or loins,
nurnbnes.s of the thighs, deposits in the
urine. ete, the SANOL treatment works
wonders, Cleaning the Eidneys of all the
impurities. arid keeping* theni healthY and
acting properly,
Price, MA per bottle,
For gale tit leading Druggists.
Free literature from the
mottoes, man.
(Ottawa Citizen)
The activity of agriculturalists In de-
veloping the idea of co-operation is One
of the Most promising signs of the times.
It will yet supply one of the chief ele-
ments in spitting the problem of high
cests not onlY for theinSelves, but for
Others as well.-
- •4.•
Minard's Liniment Cures Diptherte.
• •
Thank God for the Postman.
(By Margaret 11. SangStor, .tr.)
Ile trudges along through the snow and
the sleet,
With a pack that is heavy to bear;
The slush of the roadway has hantpered
his feet
And the whiftness has powdered his
But he stands by the gate with a smile
on his face
And, his whistle is cheery and gaY;
0h, people who live in a far -away place,
Thank God for the postman to-dayi
Ile cerries a message that conies from
the heart
Of a boy who has gone from Ms home,
Ana sometimes a letter te make the teats
Fron. a sout that is sad and alone,
ileWh of a world that Is far from our
Is stored In his ulagleal pack,
Anil he mingles the aorrow with words
of delight
Poe he tarries' a world on his back.
Thrsugh city and reentry, through by-
way and street
Ite comes to the home great and small;
we wait for his tenting; he brialgs
suelt treat,
inosage of elleer to us all,
And ea in thts messon or harvest and joy,
WI:C11 tho crops have been. Attired Safe
We ratite to the heaven, our liumbeest
Pierer, • si
"weenie ,Goil far the postman toAayi"
--Vain the ehrlitlitn
ISSUE NO. 15 193
Y SIMI light *Wing at home, whole
or *pare thrall, good pity; work *Tut nay
dietanee, charges paid; mend. starnp fur
Varticulare, Netional Manufacturing
Co., Montreal.
It may 4ost You money. Memery can
be perfectea by my simple Home Meth-
od. Bducation not neceseary. Boy tO
inaeter, Sent prepakl for te cents,
198 Chariton Ave. Cast Hamilton, Ont.
Le or return your money. This le
positively genuine. Send stamp at once
for tree sample. juke Vernon, Hair
Specialist, Port Credit, Ont.
As a matteasTr eowt Yfa°,:t.kthgteullS400lallsts are
the only politielane or whom we have
knewledge who run their polities as a
hhill:1AI: or Yhoeuhl.4"nio1111V501CCOnlenightiblfr ptartyys
mantigernnt. The propaganda is con-
ductea 'in the 'same Yity a patent medi-
cine vendor introduces a new cure-all or
sustains an old favorite. The other
parties waste their -money. A good part
of the corruption their raimagess have
beast guilty of -has been booties's. They
delight to buy men not worth owning,
and subeldize publications that have no
influence. 1VItich of the cash that is
supposed to buy votes sticks to the fin-
gere of the agents who are selected to
do the dirty work. An efficiency engl-
nee- turned loose in the ordinary party
headquarters would either go mad or else
buil 1 for himself an immortal name.
- The saving quality of the campaign
fund evil is the extravagance, reckless.,
tnoesbee.and utter stupidity with. which the
nitney le anent. Most of that which is
intended to corrupt the c•lectorate new:
gets to the voters. Thus virtue is bat-
treesed and defended and the elections
are as clean 09 anything human is likely
Chest Colds and Hoarseness
Quickly'llubbed Away
9ierviline" Gives. Speedy Relief and
Cures Over tailhf.
ITytoaule, °NTICe rupy-is your chest con-
gested or sore?
If so, you are: the very person that
Neeviline cure in a jiffy. •
Nemiline is strong ond penetrating. It
sinks right into the tissues, takes out
inflammation and soreness,' destroys
colds in a truly wonderful way. Rub
.Nerviline over the chest -rub on lots of
its alai watch bet tightness disappear.
Nervilint -won't blister, it sinks in too
faet-doeen't simply *stay ou the sure'
face like a thiek, •oily liniment would.
lf the throat is raspy and sore; rub it
wells outside with Nerviline as a -gargle
diluted with warm water, Just one or
two treatments like this and your voice
and throat will be quite normal again.
Just think of it. ---,for forty years the
largest used family medicine en this
country-Nerviline must be good, Muet
quickly rellei'e and cure aehundeed
tharbefall every family. Try it for
earache, toethache, 'coughs, colds, sore
ehest, boarseneeseand muscular pains hi
every part of the body. Logo family
salezelheottle, 50e; trial size, 25e, at all
* • so- .
(Toronto Star.) '
The doctor thinks all school children
ought to be regularly examined as to
health. The dentist thinks the law
-should require all school children's teeth
to be fixed, The Board of Health thinks
ali school children ought to be moire
ated, The Toronto Swimming Club
thinks all school children ought to be
made learn to swim. The musician
thinks they should be taught to sing,
the artist would ask that the refining
influence Of art be exercised on their
plaetic minde. In the same way Gen.
Otter is euite sure that his specialty is
the best and that compulsory inilitaxy
training in the seta:01s and colleges ia
the very thing needed.
%Mal) 40 MRS
With Kidney Trouble, Cured
By Gin Pills.
Mr. Daniel F. Fraser, of Bridgetalle,
N. S., says about GIN PILLS: -For
twenty years I have been troubled with
Kidney and Bladder Disease, and have
been treated by many doctors, but found
little relief. I had given up all hope of .,
getting cured when I trled GIN PILLSi-- --
Now I dan say with a happy heart, that
I run cured after using only four boxes
of GIN PILLS." 60 cents a box, 6 for
62.50. Sample tree, it you write National
Drug St Chemical Co., of Canada, Lim-
ited, Toronto,
(New York Sun)
have of late boon concentratihg their
The reason why the English militants
energies on attacking the "cat and
mouse" act becomes plainly apparent in
view of the official figures dealing wan
tnllitancy for the nine month during
-which the 'act has been In operation.
The success of the measure Is shown bY
the fact that In those nine months only
forty-eight militants have been imprisoft-
ed, while in 1912.the number of militant
prisoners was 290 and the high rate of
convictions was continued up to the time
of the passing of the act in April. An
even tnore striking tribute to the efficacy
of the act is the fact that thirty-seven
•out of the forty-eight prisoners have ab-
sconded when temporarily released rattler
thaa return to prison, seven of them be-
ing known to have gone abroad.
• - •
Your druggist will refund money if
PAZO OINTMENT faila to cure any case
ef Itching, Illind, Bleeding or Protrud-
ing Piles in 6 to 14 days. 60e.
WO the era of
competition. We shalt not tor inane
years. We have checked the formatien
of great combinations and are beginning
to see their resolution Into their com-
ponent parts. More powerful, probab-
ly, than the law is a constantly operating
commercial force. Capital is accurnulat-
Ing every year. Tts ovvners are not go-
iehrgnittoentletboitn& 14allreitohe tbit:erygrIZowinth(1°ovi
population and capital, business oppur-
tutatles increase from year to year, and
the older independents will grow strang-
er and new ones will enter the field.
Are Your Peet Calloused ?
Easy to remove lump* by applying
Putnam's Corn and 'Wart Extractor.
This Purely vegetable remedy geta
painlessly and is guaranteed. Insist
on "Putriam'a" only, 25e per bottle.
((tan Reporter)
In order that lie might escape the death
Imealtsre Thaw wits deciared insane, Now,
that lie nifty be freed under bond, he is
deelared Mentally round, It looks as
if in America -jurisprudence, circumstan-
tial alter cases.
Lthiltient Curet Colds, Ste.
The kingdom of God is not in Words
but Osr., iv. 20.