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'n the Baltic
Acithor of
"The Triumphs of Eugene Valmont,' "Takia," "In the Midst of
Alarms," "Speculations of John Steele," "The Victors; Etc.
Copyright. uteri, by k.obert Bsrr.
By Arranttement with The Authors and :Yewspapers Association of New York.
wit Th lice iniiidai &in iiic'o of clew- ,
tion, by which her lover, warning in
vain the stolid Englishman, had at last
been involved In the ruin that Ilrunl-
mond's stubboruness had brought upon
them both and unjustly implic•atecl the
quiet woman by her side to the re.
.sponsallity of this sacrifice. Once or
twice she spoke with angry impatience
sof Drummond and his stupidity, but
Dorothy neither defended nor excused,
• ..cannot
.and so no open rupture occurred be-
'tween -the two friends, for a quarrel
u s!
c, t be one sided.
But with a woman of Katherine's
temperament the final outburst had to
••come, and It came on the day that the
• first flurry of snow fell through the
still air, capering in large flakes past
the windows of the flat down to the
muddy street fur below. Katherine
was standing by the window, with her
forehead leaning against. the plate
glass, in exactly the attitude that had
been her habit in the sewing room at
Bar harbor, but now the staccato of
her fingers ou the sill seemed to drum
.a dead march of despair. The falling
'MOW had darkened the room, and one
-electric light was aglow over the dain-
ty Chippendale desk at which Dorothy
•sat writing a letter. The smooth, regu-
lar flow of the pen over the paper
roused Katherine to a frenzy of exas-
peration. Suddenly she brought her
clinched fist down on the sill where
her fingers had been drumming.
"My GodI" she cried. "How can you
-sit there like an automaton with the
snow falling?"
Dorothy put down her pen.
"The snow falling?" she echoed, "1
•don't understand."
"Of course you don't. You don't
think of the drifts In Siberia and the
two men you have known, whose bands
.you have clasped, manacled, driven
through it with the lash of a Cossack's
Dorothy rose quietly and put her
']rands on the shoulders of the girl, feel-
ing her frame tremble underneath her
"Katherine," she said quietly, but
Katherine, with a nervous twitch of
her shoulders, flung off the friendly
"Don't touch me!" she cried. "Go
back to your letter writing. You and
the Englishman are exactly alike—un-
feeling, heartless. He with his selfish
-stubbornness has involved an innocent
`.*' roan in the calamity his own stupidity
dime brought about."
"Katherine, sit down. I want to
Ik calmly with you."
"Calmly! Calmly! Yes, that 1s the
word. It is easy for you to be calm
when you don't care. But I care, and
3 cannot be calm."
"What do you wish to do, Kather-
"What can I do? I am a pauper
sand a dependent, but one thing I am
determined to do, and that is to go
_and live In my father's house."
"If you were in my place, what
'Would you do, Katherine?"
"I would go to Russia."
"What would you do when you ar-
',rived there?"
"If I had wealth I would use It in
.•such a campaign of bribery and cor-
mtption in that country of tyrants that
I sllould release two innocent men. I'd
first find where they were; then I'd
use all the influence I possessed with
the American ambassador to get them
set free."
. "The American ambassador, Bate,
-cannot move to release either an Eng-
rlishman or a Russian."
"I'd do it somehow. I wouldn't sit
here like a stick or a stone, writing
[letters to my architect."
"Would you go to Russia alone?"
"No; I should take my father with
"That is an excellent idea, Kate, I
.advise you to go north by tonight's
train, if you like, and see or telegraph
to him to come and see us."
Kate Sat down, and Dorothy drew
the curtains across the window pane
and snapped on the central cluster of
• electric lamps.
"Will you come with me if I go
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north Y" asked Butte in a milder tone
than she had hitherto used.
"I cannot. I am making an appoint-
ment with a man in this room tomor-
"The architect, I suppose," criers
Kate, with scorn.
"No, with a man who may or may
not give me information of Lamont or
• Katherine,stared at her open eyed,
.Citesort have been dons some-
"I have been trying, but it is difficult
to know what to do. I have received
push Vii,
"Katherine," site said quyotly.
information that the house in which
Mr. Lamont and Mr. Drummond lived
is now deserted and no one knows any-
thing of its former occupants. That
information comes to me semiofficially,
but It does not lead far. I have started
inquiry through more questionable
channels. In other words, I have in-
voked the aid of a nihilist society and,
although I am quite. determined to go
to Russia with you, do not be surprised
if I am arrested the moment I set foot
in St. Petersburg,"
"Dorothy, why did you not let me
"I was anxious to get some good
news to give you, but it has not come
"Oh, Dorothy," moaned Katherine,
struggling to keep back the tears that
would flow in spite of her.. Dorothy
patted her on the shoulder.
"You have been a little unjust," she
said, "and I am going to prove that to
you, so that in trying to make amends
you may perhaps stop brooding over
this crisis that faces two poor lone wo-
men. You wrong the Englishman, as
you call hien. Jack was arrested at
least two days before he was. Nihilist
spies say that both of them were ar-
rested, the prince first, and the Eng-
lishman Several days later. I had a
letter from Mr. Drummond a short
time after you received yours from Mr.
Lamont. I never showed it to you, but
now things are so bad that they cannot
he worse and you are at liberty to rend
the letter if you wish. to do so. It tells
of Jack's .disappearance and of Drum-
moud's agony of mind and helplessness
in St, Petersburg, Since lie has never
written again, I nm sure he was ar-
rested later. 1 don't know which of the
ttvo was most at fault for what you
call stubbornness, but I believe the ex-
plosion had more to do with the (W-
rests than :my action of theirs."
• And I was the cense of that," wall-
ed Katherine.
"No, no. my dear girl. No one is to
blame but tine tyrant of Russia. Now
the nihilists Insist that neither of these
men has been sent to Siberia. They
think they are in the prison of St. Pe-
ter and St. Paul. That information came
to me today in the letter 1 was just
now answering. So, Katherine, I think
you hate been unjust to the English-
man. If he hnd been arrested first,
there might be some grounds for what
you charge, but they evidently gave
hits a chance to escape. IIe had his
warning in the disappearance of his
friend, orad he had several days in
which to get out of St. Petersburg,
but he stood his ground."
"I'm sorry, Dorothy. I'm a silly fool,
and today when I saw the snow—
Well, 1 got all wrought up."
"1 think neither of the men is in
to going to say
h sIa
the hew. And now t; g
esen d
of the subject again. You say I didn't
care, and of course you are quite right,
for 1 confessed to you that 1 didn't.
Tint just imagine—imagine—that I
cared, The Russian government can
let the prince go at nny moment, and
there's nothing more to be sand. He
Ms no redress and must take the eon-
segnencets Of his nationnlity, Ilut if
the Russian government have nrrested.
the Englishman. it they have pot hint
in the prison of St. Peter and St. Paul,
they dare not release him unless they
are willing to face rear, The Russian
government can do nothinghis case
l±o in c
bet deny, demand proof and obitternte
all chanee of the truth ever bcThg
known. Alan 1)rmnntond is doolled.
They dare not release him. Now,
think for a moment how tnneb worse
my ease would be than yours If—W—
het roue qulvcPcd and broke for the
moment; ales, with tightly clinched
Ifists, she recovered control of heri4rilt
end fin1Nhed--"It I Cored." -
"Ola, Dorothy, Dorothy, Dorothy!"
gasped Katherine, springing to her
"No, no, don't jump at tiny false eon -
elusion. We are both nervous wrecks
this afternoon. Don't misunderstand
me. 1 don't care --I don't care. except
that I hate tyranny and am sorry for
the vietlms of it."
"Dorothy, Dorothy!"
"We need a sane man in the house,
Katte. Telegraph for your father to
conte down and talk to us both, i
must finish my letter to the uthilist,"
"Dorothy!" said Katherine, kissing
III? nihilist was shown into the
dainty drawing roost of the
flat and found Dorothy Am-
hurst alone, ns he had stipulat-
ed. walling for hint. Ile was diseased
n a sort of naval uniform and held a
le;t)ted cap In his hand, standing awk-
wardly there as one unused to luxuri-
me surroui t11ngs, Itis face was broil*
eel with exposure to sun and storm.
and, although he appeared to he little
more e than thirty years of la
closely cropped hair was white. Ills
eyes were light blue. and if ever the
expression of a main's countenance be-
tokened stalwart honesty it was the
flare of this sailor. Be was net in the
least Dorothy's idea of a dangerous
"Sit clown," she said, and he did so
like a man ill at ease.
"I suppose Johnson is not your real
name," she began.
"It Is the name 1 bear in America,
"Do you mind my asking you some
"No, madam, but if you ask me any-
thing I am not allowed to answer I
shall nut reply."
"flow long have you been in the
United States?"
"Only n few months, madam."
"flow come you to speak English so
"In my young days I shipped aboard
a bark plying between Ilelsingfors and :
New York."
"You are a Russian?"
"I am a Finlander, madam"
"Have you been a sailor all your
"Yes, tandem. For a time I was an
unimportant officer on board a battle-
ship 9n the Russian navy until I was
discovered to he a nihilist, when I was
cast into prison. I escaped last May
and came to New York."
"What have you been doing since you
arrived here?"
"I was so fortunate as to become
mate on the turbine yacht the Walrus,
owned by Mr. Stockwell."
"Ola, that's the multimillionaire whose
bank failed a month ago."
"Yes. madam."
"But does he still keep a yacht?"
"No, madam. I think he has never
been aboard this one, although it is
probably the most expensive boat in
these waters. I am told it cost any-
where from half a million to a million.
She was built by Thornycroft like a
cruiser, with Parson's turbine eugines
in her. After the failure captain and
crew were discharged, and I am on
board as a sort of watchman until she
is sold, but there is not a large market
for a boat like the Walrus, and I am
told they will take the fittings out of
her and sell her as a cruiser to one of
the South American republics."
"Well, Mr. Johnson, you ought to be
it reliable man if the court has put
you in charge of so valuable a prop-
"I believe I am considered houest,
'lien why do you come to me ask -
Ing $10,000 for a letter which you say
was written to me and which naturally
belongs to me?"
The man's face deepened into a ma-
hogany brown, and he shifted his cap
uneasily in bis hands.
"Madam, I am not acting for myself.
I am secretary of the Russian Libera-
tion society. They, through their
branch at St. Petersburg, have con-
ducted some investigations on your be-
"Yes, for which I paid them very
Johnson bowed.
"Our object, madam, is the repres-
sion of tyranny. For that we are in
continual need of money. It Is the
poor anal not the millionaires who sub-
scribe to our fund. It has been dis-
covered that you are a rich woman,
who will never miss the money asked,
and so the demand was made. Believe
ate, madam, I am acting by the com-
mand of my comrades. 1 tried to per-
suade them to leave compensation to
your own generosity, but they refused.
If you consider their demand unrea-
sonable, you have but to say so, and 1
will return and tell them your deci-
"]lave you brought the letter with
"Yes, madam."
"Have you read it?'
"Yes, madam."
"Do you think it worth $10.000?"
'The sailor lonkdt1 up at the decorated
ceiling for several moments before he
"Tint is a question 1 --cannot an-
swer." he said at last. "it all depends
on what you think of the writer."
"Answer one more question. By
whom is the letter signed?"
"There is no signature. madam. It
was found in the house where the two
young men lived, Our people searched
the ]louse from top to bottom surrepti-
1lomsly, and they think the writer was
arrested before he had finished the let-
ter. There is no address and nothing
to show for whom it is intended ex -
sept the phrase beginning 'My dearest
The girl leaned back in bar chair
and drew a tong breath. "It Is not for
me," she Pahl bastey. Then, bending
forward. she cried suddenly:
"I (gree to your terinti, Give it to
And the TRUTH Is Told—
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ing columns.
The plan tie Rated. fumbling in his
inside pocket.
"I was to get your promise In writ -
Ing," he demurred.
"Give it to tae, give it to 1110," she
lelilnI id, "I do not break my word."
IIe handed her the letter.
"My dearest Dorothy" she rend in
writing well known to her, "yeti may
judge my exalted state o1' mind when
you see that I dare venture on ruch n
beginning. I have been worrying my
self and other people all to no purpose.
[ have reeived n letter from ,lack this
morning, and so suspicious had 1
grown that for a few moments I sus-
pected Mie writing was but nn imitation
of his. He is a very impulsive fellow
and can think of only one thing nt a
time, which accounts for his snceess
in the line of invention. Ile was te!e-
gtaphed `to that his sister was PI anal
. • Nttrr�
"Do von think it worth sioe1)r'
'eft nt once to see her. I had allowed
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my mired tto Lceolao so tt, lsted by my
tears for his safety that, as I tell you,
I susi:ecled the letter to be counterfeit
'at first,
"I tclegrupiieJ to his estate and rc•
:Ave.] a prompt reply saying that his
:sister was much butter ani that no
was already ou hie way back and
would reach me at 11 tonight. So
that's what happens when a grown
it.an gets a fit of nerves, 1 drew the
'Lust g.lout y coaeh•111'aus from the fact
that I had been refused adtias•:elon 1•
the ft:.ei:_u len •e and t:it' ale i •:a'ty
Y,t:lertltty that was all eaplaine,1 tura;
'1'Iu' bl:sign-:• at last c•onclated. an •
I was sh0,\t'ti Doilies of 111:• tette:
n'LJcb ha' e 114.1:-e-;r•lt' 1 to t:
own chiefs at home Nt tri n:: 0:'. 1 I '
a•n:'P !:. . •' •s• .1
•1.1' 1 w1:1 hr n . c,• 1;•,. .
i 11
111 811118 of yo;m little fortune of Bar
1ia'ri,ur you arts rot a rich woman. s.,
we stand on am equality in that, even
though you are so much my superior in
everything else. I have EMU a year,
which is something less than $2.500.
icft me by my father, Tits is hide
;'endent of my profession. 1 am very
rtrtain i will succeed in the navy now
that the Russian government has sent
those letters, so the moment I was ne-
u'ed of that I determined to write
and ask yon to he my wife, Will you
forgive my impatienee and pander to
it by cabling to me at the Ilhtewater
dub, Pall Mad, the word 'Yes' or the
word 'Undecided?' i shall not allow
you the privilege of cabling 'No.' And
please give me a chance 01 pleading
my ease in person if you use the ion
•-yr word. Ali, 1 hear :leek's step ot:
Ila, stair. Very stealthily he Is rom
inv. to surprise me, but I'll surprise"-
IIerc the writing ended. She folded
''le letter and placed it 1n her desk.
sitting down before it.
"Shall I make the check payable to
you or to the society?"
"To the society. if you please, uta -
"I shall write It for double the
amount asked. I also am a believer
In liberty."
"Oh, madam. that is a generosity I
feel we do not deserve. I should like
to have given you the letter after all
yon have done for us, with no condi-
tions attached."
"I nm quite sore of that," said Doro-
thy, bending over her writing. She
handed hhn the check. and he rose to
"Sit down again, if you please. 1
wish to talk further with you. Your
people in St. Petersburg think my
friends have not been sent to Siberia.
Are they sure of that?"
"Well. madam, they have means of
knowing those who are transported.
and they are certain the two young
men were not among the recent gitng>
sent. They suppose them to be in the
fortress of St. Peter and St. Pant; at
least, that's what they say."
"You speak as if you doubted it."
"I do doubt it."
"They have been sent to Siberia. aft.
er nil?"
"Ab, madam, there nre worst places
than Siberia. In Siberia there is n
chance. In the dreadful Trogzmon•
doff there is none."
"What is the Trogzmondoff?"
"A. bleak rock in the Baltic, madam,
the prison in which death is the only
goal that releases the victim."
Dorothy rose trembling, staring at
hire, her lips white.
"A rock in the Baltic! Is that n
prison and not a fortress, then?"
"It is both prison and fortress, mad-
am. If Russia ever takes the risit of
arresting a foreigner, it is to the'1'reg,-
mondoff he is sent. They drown the
victitns there—drown them in their
evils. There is a spring in the rook. 10111
tln•ongh the line of cells it runs like i
bountiful rivulet, but the pulling of a
ie et outside stops the exit of the wa-
ter and drowns every prisoner within
The bodies are plaeed one by one on it
smooth inclined chute of polished sand-
stone. down which this t'It'nlet rums,
so they glide out into space and drop
"110 feet Into the ]]nide sea. No mat-
ter in what condition such a bode' is
found or how recent luny
have been
the execution. it is but a drowned 1111111
in the Baltic. There are no marks of
bullet or strangniation, and the cur-
rents bear them swiftly away from
the rode"
"How come you to know all this
which seems( to have been cotleealed
from the rest of the world?"
"1 know it, madam, for the .best of
reasons, i -•114 sentenced this very
year to rogzncondot#. [n my 7011111
trading between iielshi ]'ors and New
York I took out uaturai:zation papists
in New York, beeanse 1 was one of
the crew on an Amerh'ln ship. Wheii
they illegally ioupreeetel me at iI"Isi•tg•
fors 1111:1 forged nae to tele the ItIN'iinn
tttivy. 1 11111.10 111e 1 etl et a hall 1.,h
stain steel. bein : 1111 expel': sal' > 111 1.1 es,
ac• ,oul
air, I.
,v P•i ria I 1
a,1 Il ,tit 1
tea t ,r
1)+:t al( 111}a 111:"7 (11•...).8.1.0 1 \`. i,.••
otro. I,on.ie"r • 1\ 1111 11 11I,111141 14.'0 14
11) Ln 1,1"11. and 1011(.11 1 0. •Is 1111.• o+'d
1 e:l•lrinule 1 the Fichte 111' :111 Amor.
Hol riii',en. 't!'ait dt,'.,hed hit• 1
witieint trial. to the fro ti
'er.'i ,c.'f In .\prif „f thin .\rriv-
in' wa•a foolish em111111 11
111re:tt•'n and say 1117 comrades 1111.1
n•ea)s of letting the ]'tilted ,tine.(
::overnment know anti that a mime.
..111;) would teach the jailers of the
rock better minium:.
"The yells hewn in the rock are
completely datrk. so 1 lost till el atnt of
time. 1111 might t t
r igh think we would know
night from nay by the brineine In of
our meals. but such wars not the
The jailer brought in large loaf of
hlaek bread and Paid it was to serve
loaf the
me for four Clays. lie placed the
on a ledge of rook about three feet
from the floor which served as both
table and bed. In excavating the Pell
this ledge had been left intae•t, with a
hoist of 'Stone. rltlltag flout the :foot
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opposite: Indeed so ingenious had been
the workmen who hewed out this
room that they carved a rounded stone
pillow at one end of the shelf.
"I do not know how many days I
had been in prison when the explosion
occurred. It made the whole rock
quiver, and I wondered what had hap-
pened. Almost immediately afterward
there seemed to be another explosion,
not nearly so harsh, which I thought
was perhaps an echo of the first.
.]bout tin hour later my cell door was
unlocked, and the jailer. with an-
other man holding a lantern, Fame in.
My third loaf of black bream was part-
ly consumed, so I must have been In
prison nine or ten days. The jailer
Inok the loaf 01111140, and when lie re-
turned i asked hint what had happen -
'd IIe answered in a smey fashion
'int my Anleriran warship trail fired
+t the rock and that the rock had struck
back, whereupon she stilled away,
Dorothy, wlto had been 115tenlug In-
tently to this discourse, here interrupt-
ed wiiia:
"It was an English warship that tired
the shell. :nal the Russian shot dial not
come within halt' at stile of hes.."
The sailor stared at her in wide eyed
"You see. i have been making in-
quiries." she explained. -Please go
"1 never heard that it was an Eng-
nalish ship. 'l'he ,jailer sneered at rue
and said he was going to send me after
the American vessel, as I suppose he
thought it was. 1 feared by his taking
sway of the bread that it was intend-
ed 10 starve alt" to death anal was sorry
[ had not cause more at 017 last steal.
1 lay doom ou the shelf of rock and
soon fell nsiCtp. 1 was awakened by
the water L•tppiugtitntnd ate. The cell
was intensely still. 1'p to this I had
141011ee enjoyed the company of a little
brook that reit salsas, the side of the
cell farthest tines tee door. its innsi0
had now cc'alse,l, and when I sprang up
1 found myself' to the waist in very
cold venter. 1 guessed at oncO the 1140
of the levers outside the cell in the
passage which 1 1111(1 noticed in the
light of the lantern on the day 1 en-
tered the pinee, and I knew now why It
was that the prison door was net plert'-
ed by one of those grating.; witit•lt en-
able the jailer in the passage to Icx,I.
Jut° the cell any time of night or day.
Prisoners have told ate that the un-
certainty of an inmate who neVer
knew when he might be slued u;+oaa
tlddt'd to the horror of the situation.
but the watertight doors of the Troga.
mendoli' are free from this feature and
fora very sinister reason.
"The channel in the floor throrgh
which the water tuns when the cell is
empty and the tunnel at the ceiling
through which the water flows when
the tell is fullt
�c plenty
tion, no matter hew tightly the door
may be closed. The water rose very
gradually until it reached the top 0111-
let, 111(.11 its level remained stationary.
I floated on the top quite easily, with
! as little exertion as was necessary to
keep unc In that position. If I raised
my head, my brow struck the (yelling.
I The next cell to untie, lower down,
I was possibly empty. 1 heard the we -
tee pour into it like a little catarnet.
'I'tu" next eel] above and indeed tai the
` cells itt that direction were flooded like
• illy own.
f course it was no rnubld; for ale
to hoop p afloat My oul} danger web
1 that the Intense eohhlest( of the water
would numb My burly be, and recovery.
Still 1 had been accustomed to hard-
ships of that kind betore now fu the
frozen north. At bast the ;gentle roar
of the waterfall ceased, and 1 realized
1 1uy cell was emptying itself. When 1
reau•hed my shelf again. I stretched fey
drabs heel rind tortb,,as,,strenuousiy
ez : could and as silently, for 1 'v:s ae.i
no sound to give any hint that 1 was
still alive, if, indeed, sound could pen-
etrate to the passage, which is unlike-
ly. Even before the last of the water
had run away from the cell I lay
stretched out at full length on the
floor, hoping I might have steadiness
enough to remain death quiet when
the men came in with the lantern. I
need have had no fear. me door was
opened, one of the men picked me up
By the heels and, using my legs as if
they were the shafts of a wheelbar-
row, dragged sue down the passage to
the place where the stream emerged
feom the last veil, and into this tor-
rent he clung me. There was one swift,
brief moment of d;u'kues,, then I shot,
feet first, into space and dropped dowu,
down, down through the air like a
plummet into the arms of my mother."
"Irate what?" cried Dorothy, white
and breathless. thinking the re'•ital of
these agonies had turned the man's
"The Baltic, madam. is the 1'h1and-
er's mother. It feeds ]aim In life, car-
ries him whither he wishes to go. and
every true Finlander hopes to die in
her arms. The Baltic seemed almost
warm after what I had been through,
and the taste of the salt ou my lips
was goad. It was a beautiful ttn•]ight
night in May, and I floated urot4nd the
roc•It, for I knew that in tt cove on the
easteru side, concealed from tt11 view
of the sea, lay a Finland fishing boat,
a craft that will weather any storm,
and here in the water was a man who
knew how to handle it. Prisoners are
lauded on the eastern side, and such
advantage is taken of the natural con-
formation of this precipitous reek that
a man climbing the steep zigzag stair-
way which leads to the inhabited por-
tion is hidden from sight of any craft
upon the water even 400 or SOO yards
away. Nothing seen from the outside
gives any token of habitation,
"The fishing boat, I suppose, is kept
for cases of emergency, that the gov-
ernor may communicate with the shore
if necessary. I feared it might be
moored so securely that I could not un-
fasten it. Security had made them
careless, and the boat was tied merely
by lines to rings in the rock, the object
being to keep her from bruising her
sides against the stone rather than to
prevent any one taking her away. I
pushed her out into the open, got quiet-
ly inside and floated with the swift
tide, not caring to raise a sell until I
was well out of gunshot distance.
Once clear of the rock I spread canvas
and by daybreak was long out of sight
of land. I made for Stockholm, and
there beim; no mark or name on the
boat to denote haat it belongs(' to the
Russian government I had little diffi-
culty in selling it. I told the authori-
ties what was perfectly true—that I
was a Finland sailor escaping from
thetyrant my country and au -ions
t nt of c aux
get to America.
to As such event:I are
nine tin:; practically every et eel: along
the Swedish coast I was not inter-
fered with and got enough nuney from
the sale of the boat to muni le rase to
dress iugselt weli and take paage: ee to
England, and from there first 11=s$
New York on a regular liner.
"Of 'course I ca,nid hat, sir, tc.•i ti•t
a sailor from Ste( kll:dtn easy • 1 ...• h,
but I was tired of bein:. a •. tu.rt'tt
sailor and expt•t•led, if I flus u• t -'• is
bly eluthed, to ret a1 4a'Ilea' ;+ 1 I 'P.M
i titan would u1a'tti i.e b.' tl .• • ;t :••.
'.Chis pl'e\Ncd tees. for a r-,•-'nt: reit.
1 t- a \ :t A 1•
wean 1 b0ra^.euue et c..ha . i I .
Stocicf e"ll, anal he claw. ''("1 tt't• 4,1 um,
or his yacht. 'heart's how 1 1•'. at „•1
front the Y'ro;;ztno,t.1nrr, 11,10,1 le, ;,.ad
I think nn 1.144' b.,t a Fim.atid+., • •.e. 1
Inafe clone it."
"1 unite agree with yen:" N91) 1'•a..
thy. "You think thew• twit m•at 1 e1.'
ban;; i111nty 111?1 t11 ,• 1-.drr
senteen t°tu1ki410 Trogznttondo1:41,ff" I
('To be Continued)